I don't use hot water. Shouldn't we give up hot water in the apartment? Design options for autonomous hot water supply

How to avoid paying for hot water? Do I have to pay for hot water if I don't use it? Why do I receive hot water bills if I don't use water? These and many similar questions are asked by our visitors, we have prepared them for you ready-made solutions this problem, including the answer - how not to pay for hot water.

A typical situation is that one business person lives in an apartment, is at work day and night, washes his face in the morning - goes to work, has lunch and dinner in a cafe or restaurant, comes home, takes a light shower and goes to bed. As everybody business people he installed a hot water meter, or even a heat meter, in the apartment so as not to pay extra, because he practically does not use water. At the end of the month, the meter added 1.5 cubic meters of hot water.

In the apartment opposite, Grandma Dandelion, who has been saving for this apartment all her life, is alone, with a good pension, but out of old habit, she continues to save on everything. He heats the water on the stove and takes it from the radiators to wash the floors. At the end of the month, the meter added 0.5 cubic meters of hot water.

Nearby is a beloved grandmother, for her grandchildren and children, of course. The apartment is always full of people. They have breakfast at their mother's, the grandchildren and their grandchildren's friends have lunch and do homework at their grandmother's. Grandma cooks dinner for everyone and does laundry for everyone. She is used to living like this, take this away from her, and she will get sick without work and the usual noise. At the end of the month, the meter produced 15 cubic meters of hot water.

At the beginning of the month, all three received bills for hot water in proportion to consumption (1.5 0.5 and 15 m3) and an addition to them - exactly the same bill for some losses in heating hot water.

Where is the justice, what are the losses and why should I pay for them?

I won’t fool you with all sorts of diagrams, terms and definitions, but I’ll simply give the answer of one HOA chairman who came to see me. How does she answer this question to her residents?

You wanted to drink some tea, turned on the kettle, it warmed up, you drank a cup - 180 grams, and at least 3 liters of water in the kettles, you drank tea - you didn’t drink it, after 20 minutes the water cooled down, she doesn’t care. A neighbor came, you offered her tea, sat for a while, she changed her mind, the main thing for her was to find out the latest gossip from you. These losses are called “hot water heating losses.” And in the house, hot water should come from the tap constantly. Yes, you can turn off the circulation around the house, and seemingly eliminate losses, but how much will be lost? cold water, while it's hot? The meter will count all the drained water. And then you will argue with the house management that the water was lukewarm, we won’t pay for it.

As you can see, the chairman's answer is very accurate. I don’t even have anything to add to her words.

Well, now the answer to main question articles on how not to pay for hot water, more correctly for losses if your hot water meter does not count anything.

Hot water supply is a service that you order when living in a house with hot water. This means, from a legal point of view, if, for example, you are leaving for a long time on a business trip, you are obliged to refuse the hot water supply service in advance. As in the analogy with the kettle, do not turn it on and there will be no losses.

In other cases, you need to deal with losses collectively. Well, there is only one way - to insulate the pipes and supply risers in the basement, and not formally, as is our custom. Of course, it would also be a good idea to close the windows and cracks in the basements from drafts. Ask the designers to recalculate the recycling line, restore it where it was thrown away or does not work in order to save electricity. Install a general thermostat and regulators on the risers. Yes it's expensive. Yours financial expenses will pay for themselves in a standard four-entrance, five-story building in two years. But your health is more valuable, it’s not for nothing that people say, nerve cells are not restored. Finally, normal hot water will come out of the tap, bills for losses will be almost unnoticeable, you will stop being nervous and swearing, which means you will add another year to your life. It's worth thinking about.

For reference - in accordance with SP-41-1O1-95, losses in buildings with uninsulated hot water risers and heated towel rails after ITP (the interface between you and the heating networks) are 35% of the incoming amount of hot water, and with insulated ones only 15%!

You can determine the costs of installing DHW temperature regulators and weather-compensated automation by our company yourself by reading price list, or by calling us at our contact details.

Paramonov Yu.O. Rostov-on-Don. 2011-17 Exclusively for PC Energostrom LLC

Dear Igor! Hello! In your situation, you need to look at your documents with resource supply organizations, including how this issue is regulated. And, further, if, for example, according to the documents, hot water supply is consumed, then either by agreement of the parties or through the court, change the contract with the exception of hot water supply.

Thus, according to the provisions of Article 450-453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 450. Grounds for amendment and termination
1. Changes and termination of the contract are possible by agreement
parties, unless otherwise provided by this Code, other laws or agreement.
2. At the request of one of the parties, the contract may be changed or
terminated by court decision only:
1) in case of a significant violation of the contract, another
2) in other cases provided for by this Code, other laws or
A breach of contract by one of the parties is considered material,
which entails such damage for the other party that it is largely
is deprived of what she had the right to count on upon imprisonment
3. In case of unilateral refusal to fulfill the contract
in whole or in part, when such refusal is permitted by law or agreement
parties, the contract is considered accordingly terminated or
Article 451. Change and termination of the contract in connection with
significant change in circumstances
1. Significant change in circumstances from which the parties
were taken into account when concluding the contract, is the basis for changing it or
termination, unless otherwise provided by the contract or follows from it
A change in circumstances is considered significant when it
changed so much that, if the parties could have reasonably foreseen it, the contract
would not have been concluded by them at all or would have been concluded on significantly different
2. If the parties have not reached an agreement to bring the agreement into
compliance with significantly changed circumstances or its termination,
the contract may be terminated, and on the grounds provided for in paragraph 4 of this article,
changed by the court at the request of an interested party if there is simultaneously
following conditions:
1) at the time of concluding the contract, the parties proceeded from the fact that
no such change in circumstances will occur;
2) the change in circumstances is caused by reasons that
the interested party could not overcome after their occurrence in that
the degree of care and prudence required of her by nature
agreements and terms of turnover;
3) execution of the contract without changing its terms to the extent
would violate the relationship of property interests of the parties in accordance with the contract
and would result in such damage to the interested party that it is significantly
degree would have been deprived of what she had the right to count on upon conclusion
4) from business customs or the essence of the contract is not
it follows that the risk of changes in circumstances is borne by the interested
3. Upon termination of the contract due to significant changes
circumstances, the court, at the request of either party, determines the consequences
termination of the contract, based on the need for fair distribution between
the parties to the expenses incurred by them in connection with the execution of this
4. Amendment of the contract due to a significant change
circumstances is allowed by court decision in exceptional cases when
termination of the contract is contrary public interest or will entail for
parties damage that significantly exceeds the costs required for execution
agreement on terms amended by the court.
Article 452. Procedure for amendment and termination
1. Agreement to amend or terminate the contract
is made in the same form as the contract, if from the law, other
does not result from legal acts, agreements or business customs
2. A request for change or termination of the contract may be
declared by a party to the court only after receiving a refusal from the other party to
proposal to change or terminate the contract or failure to receive a response on time,
specified in the offer or established by law or contract, and if it
absence - within thirty days.
Article 453. Consequences of amendment and termination
1. When changing the contract, the obligations of the parties remain unchanged
modified form.
2. Upon termination of the contract, the obligations of the parties
3. In case of change or termination of the contract of obligation
are considered changed or terminated from the moment the agreement of the parties is concluded
on changes or termination of the contract, unless otherwise follows from the agreement or
the nature of the change in the contract, and when changing or terminating the contract in
judicial procedure - from the moment the court decision on
amendment or termination of the contract.
4. The parties do not have the right to demand the return of what was
fulfilled by them under the obligation until the change or termination of the contract,
unless otherwise provided by law or agreement
5. If the basis for changing or terminating the contract
caused a significant violation of the contract by one of the parties, the other party has the right
claim compensation for losses caused by change or termination

Was the amount of hot water you consumed zero? In this case, the average flow rate will not be applied. Already from the second bill received by Daugavpils residents for “summer heating”, some omissions were discovered in the methodology for calculating the circulation fee. Therefore, in the bills for July, the management of Daugavpils Siltumtīkli promises, some townspeople will notice certain innovations aimed at achieving the greatest possible fairness in the payment for circulation and delivery of hot water in the summer season.

As the newspaper “Now” has written more than once, the basis for calculating fees for circulation in our city was initially based on such a subjective and often unattainable component as the conscientiousness of residents. In order to calculate the fee for the delivery of hot water to apartments as honestly as possible, it is necessary that all residents of the building indicate how many cubic meters of hot water they used per month. And if someone does not indicate the consumption, the picture immediately changes in the entire house, and it turns out that more respectable residents pay for heating the water consumed by their secretive neighbors. Fair? - No. And moreover, as it turns out, it is beneficial for these “non-showers,” especially with a dead-end water supply system. Edgars Daugelis, a member of the board of the Daugavpils Siltumtikli enterprise, told the newspaper “Now” why this happened and how to correct the situation.


Taking into account the fact that neither for the organizations serving the housing stock, nor for the residents themselves, the installation of water meters with radio chips that centrally transmit readings to a common information collection point is not yet a priority task, calculations for water circulation have to be made on the basis of the data that gives the house heat meter is shown by the residents.

Let us remind you that if there is a circulation pump in the house, then a cube of hot water for everyone costs 3.05 lats according to the current tariff, and the heat spent on heating the rest of the water, not specified by the residents, in monetary terms falls on their shoulders in the form of a circulation fee . If the water supply system in the house is dead-end (when water needs to be spilled), each month is calculated new value cube of hot water based on the same data as in the first case. The difference is that if there is circulation pump Everyone pays for circulation, even those who left, forgot or simply did not indicate their hot water consumption. And if the system is a dead end, then since the tenant did not indicate the water consumption, he did not pay anything - the neighbors will do it for him.

People who hide their real hot water consumption, as is known, will sooner or later have to pay according to the meter readings, but simple mathematical calculations by the local government company’s specialists showed the following. Even if you pay for previously unspecified water later, it turns out that you pay less, since at one time you did not participate in paying for the heat used by the house on an equal basis with other residents. The “benefit” is especially noticeable with a dead-end water supply system: the neighbors paid for the “expensive” cubes instead of you, and then you came to your senses, but now pay for the “cheap” ones together with them.

To eradicate such practices, especially deliberate ones, the following decision was made at a meeting of workers of the heating network enterprise, housing and communal services and self-government: if a person for some reason does not indicate the consumption of hot water, then he will be billed for the average number of cubic meters for the last three months. By the way, PZHKH has been using this practice regarding cold water for a long time, and this procedure is regulated by law.

If a person indicated his hot water consumption, but it was 0, then the average consumption will not be applied to him: if he didn’t use it, then don’t pay. If residents, for example, leave their place of residence for a period of more than 3 months and do not want to be charged for hot water consumption according to their average consumption during their absence, the service organization should be informed about this. This innovation will be included in the invoices for July, which we will receive in early August.


E. Daugelis anticipates another wave of dissatisfaction from the population associated with this innovation, but advises treating this average fee as an advance (if the water was indeed not used at all for some reason) for the hot water they use in the future.

Nevertheless, let's return to the invoices we have already received for June. Residents of some houses are especially “distinguished” with circulation, but not because they hide the readings of their water meters, but on the contrary, they “redisplay” them. The current situation was tentatively described by Edgars Daugelis: “Let's say we know that to heat 20 m3 of hot water in a particular house we need to spend 5 megawatts of energy, and the residents indicate to us that they spent 40 m3 of water. The house meter showed the same 5 megawatts, and, accordingly, we issue an invoice to the residents of this house, according to which a cubic meter of hot water costs half the standard calculated tariff. In June, there were houses for which a cube of hot water cost not 3.05 lats, but, for example, 2.50 lats or less, even if there was a circulation pump in the house.”

This may indicate two things: either people quickly decided to pay off their past debts, or they are trying to pay for hot water in advance, at a low tariff (as you know, hot water will rise in price again in the fall). Nevertheless, the latter will have to be disappointed: they will have to pay for “cheap” water, and later they will not be able to use the “expensive” one.

Even if a particular house comes to the new heating season and the next increase in tariffs with a significant advance payment for hot water, that is, presumably, in winter residents will indicate much lower water consumption than in summer, then it will still not be possible to fool the heating network company. “The payment for the hot water that they will use in the winter, but for which they supposedly will already pay in the summer at a low tariff, will still be charged. The house heating unit cannot be fooled and you will have to pay for the consumed heat shown to them - even if not for hot water, but as for heating. That is, houses that are now “over-indicating” the consumption of hot water, which they have not actually used yet, will obviously have higher heating bills in the winter. Be that as it may, according to the readings of house heat meters, the heating networks will receive theirs. and according to the current tariff at that time,” said E. Daugelis.

The fact that in the last bills received, some did not have a “circulation” column at all (and in May there was one), suggests that their house was among such “advanced consumers” of hot water. In the future, in order to avoid misunderstandings, Daugavpils Siltumtikli will print the column “circulation and delivery of hot water” in all bills (in houses with circulation system water supply), where it is, even if the amount at the end of the next month is “0.00 lats”.


Another of the latest open shortcomings is the discrepancy between the information about the water supply system in the house, the heating networks available at the disposal, and the real state of affairs. So, in Lately about two dozen were identified apartment buildings, which were considered “dead-end” in Daugavpils Siltumtikli, but turned out to be “circulating”, and vice versa. As Edgars Daugelis assured our publication, recalculations will be made according to the discovered errors, but nevertheless, no matter what, the essence is the same: you will have to pay according to the readings of the house heat meter.

Calculation for heating according to the house heat meter, and now also a fee for circulating hot water in summer period, of course, are pilot projects for our city. “When introducing circulation fees, we learned from the mistakes of other local governments and are still inevitably learning from our omissions, but this work will allow us to create the most fair and accurate payment procedure for our services for citizens,” says E. Daugelis.

Here, by the way, it would not be amiss to mention the experience of the capital, where the circulation fee as such has existed for more than five years, but is taken as a constant value - 1.70 lats per apartment, and the cost of a cube for everyone is calculated every month in a new way, like us in a dead-end system. Now it was decided to double the circulation fee, but leave the payment procedure the same. However, according to E. Daugelis, as well as employees of the Public Services Regulator, this procedure is unfair to residents. It took the capital's utilities more than five years to realize that their charging practices were inaccurate and needed to change. Daugavpils enterprises try to eliminate shortcomings in their system immediately - as they are identified. Of course, this is associated with a certain dissatisfaction on the part of residents, but nevertheless it will allow us to arrive as quickly as possible, if not to a perfect, then to the most streamlined system of payment for utilities, including heating and hot water.

Tired of hot water being cut off every summer. Maybe give up central hot water supply altogether and switch to a water heater? Will this be more profitable?

The issue of refusing hot water supply is not regulated by law, so there are no instructions on how consumers can disconnect from water risers. At the same time, according to the “Sanitary Rules for the Construction and Operation of Centralized Hot Water Supply Systems,” hot water (as well as cold water and heating) must be supplied to the apartment, as required by sanitary standards for residential premises.

A specialist in the field of housing and communal services, the head of the ANO "" Andrey Vorobyov, advises those who do not want to use hot water supply and pay for this service to simply install an individual metering device at home (if, of course, it still does not exist yet - editor's note). If you do not open the hot tap, the meter will show zero consumption, which means you will not have any charges on your receipts.

Having abandoned the centralized hot water supply, you can use several options for heating cold water: a storage or instantaneous electric water heater, or gas water heater. Let's figure out how profitable it is to use these devices.

Storage water heater

You can calculate energy costs manually, knowing all the necessary data, using the formula T = 0.00116 * V (T2 –T1) / W. Where V is the capacity of the tank, T2 is the heating temperature, T1 is the cold water inlet temperature, W is the heater power .

But Andrey Vorobyov suggests taking advantage of the electricity consumption for heating water.

To calculate the electricity consumed, you need to indicate the temperature of cold and hot water, as well as its volume. It is also necessary to indicate the efficiency of the heating device. According to the calculator, for a water heater this figure is 95-99%. The higher the efficiency of the device, the cheaper it will cost you to heat water.

To calculate the full cost of heating water, you must enter your electricity tariff in rubles. And to estimate how long it takes to heat up, you need to indicate the power of the electrical appliance you use to heat the water, in kilowatts (kW). The power is often indicated on the body of the device, as well as in its operating instructions or passport.

Let's calculate the maximum possible cost of one trip to the shower. Let's say the volume of the water heater is 80 liters, the power is 2 kW. The temperature of cold water in the tap in winter can reach 5 degrees, and the standard temperature of hot water is 60 degrees. In Kirov, in an apartment with a gas stove, the electricity tariff from July 1, 2018 is 3.79 rubles. per kW. Let's say you want to have a good splash and use up the entire volume of water in the heater at one time. Based on these data and the water heater efficiency of 95%, as the calculator shows, one trip to the shower will cost you 20.42 rubles. In apartments with electric stoves, the electricity tariff is lower - 2.55 rubles per kWh. Accordingly, all other things being equal, the cost of washing will be lower - 13.74 rubles.

Using the calculator, you can also calculate the monthly costs of heating water using a water heater. According to the standard, one person spends an average of 5 cubic meters of water (5 thousand liters) per month. The amount comes out to 858 rubles per person in an apartment with an electric stove and 1,276 rubles in an apartment with a gas stove.

Now let's see how much this amount differs from what you would pay by simply turning on the hot tap.

To heat 5 cubic meters of water in central system A resident of Kirov spends 560.36 rubles per month for hot water supply, says Andrey Vorobyov. - This is one and a half to two times cheaper than using a storage water heater. Therefore, savings can only be achieved by reducing water volumes. The water heater has limitations on its capacity, and therefore people are forced to use water more economically, for example, they do not take a bath, but use a shower. This is very individual, so everyone needs to calculate costs based on their consumption,” comments Andrey Vorobyov.

Instantaneous water heater

The same Internet calculator can help calculate the electricity costs for this type of heater. You just need to take into account how much water per month you can run through it and what the power of the device is.

If you run through instantaneous water heater the same average volume consumed by a person per month - 5 cubic meters - then the cost of electricity will be about 700 rubles per month.

The peculiarity of a instantaneous water heater is that it has a fairly small degree of water heating. This indicator must be indicated in the documents. But on average, an instantaneous water heater heats the cold water available in the tap by 40 degrees. That is, if the water in the tap is very cold, for example, 5 degrees, which often happens in winter, then the instantaneous water heater will heat it to a maximum of 45 degrees. So most of these water heaters are more suitable for household needs than for full-fledged water procedures. For example, they are installed in the kitchen for washing dishes.

A gas boiler

You can heat water gas boiler. Since gas in Russia today remains one of the cheapest types of fuel, some Kirov residents prefer to heat water with a gas boiler. Thus, Olga, a Kirov resident, said that a gas boiler was installed in her apartment - it was originally provided for by the design of the house. In winter it heats the room, and in summer it is used only to heat water.

In June we did not use a gas boiler to heat the apartment, we only heated water with gas. During this time, our family of 4 people received a receipt for gas in the amount of 220 rubles. This is what we spend on hot water in the summer. In winter, of course, more, since the water at the inlet has a lower temperature, and we also heat the apartment with gas,” says Olga.

But installing a gas boiler is associated with certain difficulties. So, the room where a gas boiler is installed must comply with standards, including fire safety. For example, the room must have running water, gas, a window and an exhaust hood; in addition, the requirements for the area of ​​the room and the distance to walls and corners must be met. Therefore, the bathroom is usually not suitable for installing a gas boiler, since it does not have a window with natural light, and the corridor, as a rule, does not fit in size - it is not enough from the corners or to the opposite wall. Also, in hallways there is usually no ventilation or it is insufficiently equipped. There is the same problem with storage rooms - there is no ventilation and windows, there is not enough volume. That's why gas boilers Most often they are placed in the kitchen, and the equipment “eats up” a decent piece of usable space.

To all the costs of heating cold water, you must, of course, add the cost of the device itself. Thus, a instantaneous water heater in Kirov can be purchased at a price from 2,800 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the model. Storage water heaters will cost more, the price will depend not only on the manufacturer, but also on the volume. So, a 50-liter device can be found at a price of 3,800 rubles.

Gas boilers are even more expensive, prices for which start from 16 thousand rubles, and top bar reaches 80 thousand. In addition, the gas boiler must undergo annual maintenance. This service in Kirov costs about 2000-2500 rubles. So the cheapness of gas is compensated high costs for the purchase of the boiler itself and its annual maintenance.

In addition, do not forget that we will heat cold water, which means we will increase its consumption and our costs for this utility service. This amount is not as large as in the case of hot water: on average in Kirov, a cubic meter of cold water costs 25 rubles. However, these expenses need to be taken into account.

Based on our calculations, it turns out that central hot water supply is not the most expensive option for the consumer, and it is worth buying a water heater not so much for the sake of savings, but because of the opportunity not to depend on regular hot water outages and accept water treatments when you want.

And now briefly about the main thing:

1. If you live in an apartment without a gas stove (you use a preferential tariff for electricity), then for you water from an electric water heater will be, on average, 1.5 times more expensive than central hot water supply.

2. If you have in your apartment gas stove, then for you water from an electric water heater, on average, will be 2 times more expensive than central hot water supply.

3. The most cheap way to heat water - use a gas boiler. But the cost of the boiler itself and the requirements for its installation make the benefits not so obvious.

4. Any water heating device provides not so much benefit as the opportunity not to depend on regular shutdowns of the central hot water supply.

If you have questions that you can't find the answer to, send them to us and we'll try to answer them.

IN apartment buildings old buildings, in which hot water circulation is not provided, there is such a problem: since there is no return riser where the water would return, then in the absence of consumption it cools down. In order for the water to “heat up”, consumers have to drain cold water, and at the same time have to pay the hot water tariffs according to the meters.

Is it possible to help residents who are faced with a similar problem? Let's try to figure it out...

Regulation of the issue

According to Government Decree No. 354 and the Rules for the provision of utilities, temperature regime hot water in centralized heating systems should be within 60-75 degrees Celsius (no more, no less) with permissible deviations at certain daytime and night times of 3-5 degrees.

At the same time, the time for draining water until a constant temperature is established is no more than 10 minutes ( Guidelines Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" Rospotrebnadzor, paragraph 7).

Consequently, having measured the temperature of hot water at the entrance to the house and detected a deviation from the norms and requirements, we can talk about the provision of utility services of inadequate quality. In this case, residents have the right to file a claim with resource supply organization and ask for a recalculation for poor quality service.

How to fix the situation?

In our opinion, appeals and recalculations are not enough, because this will not eliminate the problem - we need to look for prompt solutions.

1. The problem can be completely resolved by replacing risers around the house. By ensuring circulation and “return” throughout the house, residents will be able to breathe easy - they will not have to drain useless water for a long time and at the same time pay for the resource. However, this method is not easy - it is too expensive, and in most cases you will have to pay from your own wallets.

2. Installing a meter that takes water into account by temperature is another solution to the problem. Let us repeat that, according to the Rules for the provision of public services, the temperature of hot water at the point of collection should not be less than 50 degrees Celsius (excluding permissible deviations at 3-5 degrees). At the same time, owners have the right to install meters that take into account only water of a certain temperature. Thus, for draining unnecessary water, the consumer will pay at cold water tariffs.

3. And finally, installing a water heater in the apartment will help solve the problem. To do this, the apartment owner needs to contact the resource supply organization and ask to turn off the hot water riser as unnecessary. The riser is welded by representatives management organization, and the owner can install the boiler. Now, in receipts for utility bills, the line “payment for hot water” will be absent, and the owner pays for the resource consumed according to the tariffs for cold water and electricity, taking into account meter readings.