Septic tank for a home with permanent and non-permanent residence: what is the difference and how to choose? Modern septic tanks for a summer residence: which is better, market overview, professional recommendations, reviews from owners Which septic tank is better to install in the house

There are two types of septic tanks. A “regular” septic tank is a simple one storage device, which works primarily as a sump. Plus - absolute simplicity, but its degree of purification is low. Therefore, the discharged wastewater must either be additionally filtered, or the sewer trucks must be regularly called with their tank, and each call costs money.

Therefore, more complex septic tanks are much more profitable in the long term ( autonomous sewage systems), producing activated sludge and water with a fairly high degree of purification - almost one hundred percent. In such septic tanks, aerobic bacteria usually do their work, assisted by an aerator that forcibly blows air into the tank. Almost like in an aquarium, only the “fish” there are microscopic and the food is completely tasteless. The same aeration plants, only much more powerful, are also used at Vodokanals as the main stage of operation of sewage treatment plants. At the same time, anaerobic bacteria also “work” in septic tanks, which do not even need to be populated - they get there straight from you. Therefore, a large primary settling tank is useful for more than just mechanical cleaning.

But you can do without aeration, at the same time getting rid of the compressor: it’s cheaper and more reliable, at first glance. Can be used biofilter- this is either a mesh or a cassette with porous granules. Here the sludge is sifted out and bacteria “live” at the same time. One pass of the drain through the filter is not particularly effective, so recirculation with a special pump is used. Even if you accidentally pour something nuclear-chemical into the sewer and arrange a total Holocaust for microscopic coprofilers, at least mechanical cleaning will remain. A septic tank with a biofilter can be made quite compact. The disadvantage is obvious - the filter inevitably becomes dirty and requires maintenance, while it is enough to pump out sludge from the aerator from time to time. Without additional air saturation, only anaerobic bacteria will be able to “work” normally in the biofilter.

The most effective way, of course, is septic tanks, where purification occurs through biofilters, and aeration of accumulated wastewater occurs. But such a septic tank will simultaneously combine the disadvantages of both systems.

As for performance characteristics, the first thing that is taken into account is waste volume- It is generally accepted that one person pours up to 200 liters of water into the sewer per day. That is, in theory, a family of 4 people needs a septic tank that can “digest” up to 0.8 cubic meters per day. But in practice, of course, smaller models, up to 600 liters, also work great. Don't forget to take into account such a parameter as maximum salvo release volume- this is the volume of liquid that can be “absorbed” by the septic tank in one “sip” without disruption.

Selecting a septic tank for country house and trying to determine which one is better? We compared the price of non-volatile septic tanks 17 various types and did short description their features.

In this comparison we limited ourselves to only non-volatile septic tanks volume of three or less cubic meters, which are designed to serve a house with permanent residence up to five people. In total, the sample included 58 of the most popular models on the market.

Brief information:
Non-volatile septic tanks
– containers with one, two or more chambers, where wastewater is purified due to the active activity of anaerobic bacteria (without the participation of oxygen). Bacteria decompose organic waste producing gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen and others), water and mineral sediment.
: low price.
Disadvantages of non-volatile septic tanks: average degree purification (50-80%), slow purification, the need for soil post-treatment of wastewater, the formation of a large amount of sludge and the need for its periodic pumping.

Local treatment facilities (volatile septic tanks) – septic tanks, where the main work is performed by more active aerobic bacteria, which require oxygen to function. It is delivered using small electric air pumps (aerators), while simultaneously mixing the activated sludge.
Advantages of non-volatile septic tanks: high degree of purification (up to 98%), faster wastewater treatment, extremely low sludge formation, no need for soil treatment.
Disadvantages of volatile septic tanks: high price, need to connect to the power grid and pay for energy consumption (50-250 rubles/month), periodic maintenance.

How do non-volatile septic tanks differ from each other?

Number of cameras

For septic tanks with a volume of less than 5 m3, SNiP allows only one chamber, but the best option is considered to have two or more chambers. Due to this, the quality of cleaning is partially improved.

Availability of biofilters

Biofilters mean special devices with a developed surface, where microorganisms are fixed, increasing the degree and speed of waste processing. Usually, brush loading is used as biofilters (brushes made from synthetic materials) or various synthetic fabrics. Expanded clay backfill can also be used, through which the purified water flows by gravity.

Opportunities for modernization

Some models can be combined into chains, thereby increasing the volume of processed waste and increasing the degree of purification.
Some models have the potential for installing aeration units, which will make it possible to later turn them into treatment plants with a high degree of purification (up to 98%), which do not require periodic pumping.

How big should a septic tank be?

Calculating the volume of a septic tank is a separate task. What matters here is the temperature of the water in the septic tank, the concentration of suspended solids, the volume of wastewater and volley discharges, the processing speed and much more. It is generally accepted, including based on SNiP, that the average volume of daily water disposal per person is 200 liters. In this case, the wastewater must remain in the septic tank for at least three days. Therefore, the volume of the septic tank should be taken at a rate of at least 600 liters (0.6 m3) per permanent resident. And the more, the better.

Table of non-volatile septic tanks

We collected data on 58 popular septic tank models and placed them in one table, indicating the main characteristics and the price set by the manufacturer. Since septic tanks have a number of significant differences, below we have added a brief description of their main features so that everyone can choose the model that suits them best.

In short, it is better to take the septic tank that has more chambers, more filters and a larger volume, and at the same time has a minimum price. And it is by this that the table is sorted. The final choice is yours.

model sections volume production, l./day* (person) biofilter manufacturer's price, rub.
Microbe 450 2 450 150 (0-n.d.) No 9700
Microbe 600 2 600 200 (1-n.d.) No 12200
Microbe 750 2 750 250 (1-n.d.) No 13700
Microbe 900 2 900 300 (1-n.d.) No 14200
Microbe 1200 2 1200 450 (2-n.d.) No 16900
Tank-1 2 1200 600 (2-3) 1 19600
Tank Universal-1 n.d. 1000 400 (1-2) 1 19700
Microbe 1800 2 1800 800 (3-n.d.) No 19900
Ball 1100 1 1100 350 (1-2) 1 20280
Termit-Profi 1.2F 2 1200 400 (2-2) 1 22000
Tank Universal-1.5 n.d. 1500 600 (2-3) 1 23700
Triton-T 1 3 1000 n.d. (1-2) 1 24500
"Mole" horizontal 1.2 1 1170 n.d. (2-n.d.) 1 25000
Microbe 2400 2 2400 1000 (4-n.d.) No 26400
Tank-2 3 2000 800 (3-4) 1 26700
Termit-Standard 2F 2 2000 700 (3-4) 1 26700
Rostock Mini 2 1000 300 (1-2) 1 26800
Tank Universal-2 (2015) 3 2200 800 (3-6) 1 29700
Triton-ED 1800 2 1800 600 (3-3) No 29900
Triton-T 1.5 3 1500 n.d. (2-3) 1 30000
Termit-Standard 2.5F 2 2500 1000 (4-5) 1 30400
Termite-Transformer 1.5 4 1500 550 (2-3) 2 30500
Termit-Profi 2F 2 2000 700 (3-4) 1 31400
Triton-ED 2000 2 2000 700 (3-4) No 31500
Tank-2.5 3 2500 1000 (4-5) 1 31700
Purges 1800 2 1800 650 (3-4) 2 33490
Rostock Dachny 2 1500 450 (2-3) 1 33800
Purges 2000 2 2000 700 (3-4) 2 34280
Termit-Standard 3F 3 3000 1400 (5-6) 1 34900
Termit-Profi 2.5F 2 2500 1000 (4-5) 1 36400
Tank-3 3 3000 1200 (5-6) 1 36700
Cleanings 2500 2 2500 850 (4-5) 2 36840
Termite-Transformer 2.5 4 2500 1000 (4-5) 2 38000
Tank Universal-3 (2015) 3 3000 1200 (5-10) 1 38700
Triton-T 2 3 2000 n.d. (3-4) 1 39000
Clean B-5 3 1500 700 (2-4) 2 42000
Termit-Profi 3F 3 3000 1400 (5-6) 1 42100
Bioton B 2 3 2000 n.d. (3-4) 1 43000
Triton-ED 3500 2 3500 1200 (5-6) No 43500
"Mole" vertical 1.8 1 1800 n.d. (3-n.d.) 1 45000
Cleanings 3000 2 3000 1000 (5-6) 2 45400
Triton-T 2.5 3 2500 n.d. (4-5) 1 48000
Bioton B 2.5 3 2500 n.d. (4-6) 1 48500
Rostock Countryside 2 2400 880 (4-5) 1 49800
"Mole" vertical 1.8 2 1800 n.d. (3-n.d.) 1 50000
"Mole" vertical 2.4 1 2400 n.d. (4-n.d.) 1 53000
Bioton B 2 3 3000 n.d. (5-6) 1 53500
Flotenk-STA-1.5 2 1500 n.d. (2-n.d.) No 54900
FloTenk-YES 3 2 2800 n.d. (4-5) No 54900
"Mole" vertical 2.4 2 2400 n.d. (4-n.d.) 1 58000
Rostock Cottage 2 3000 1150 (5-6) 1 58800
Flotenk-STA-2 2 2000 n.d. (3-n.d.) No 59900
"Mole" vertical 3 1 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) 1 62000
"Mole" vertical 2.4 3 2400 n.d. (4-n.d.) 1 63000
Clean B-7 3 2500 n.d. (4-6) 2 63700
"Mole" vertical 3 2 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) 1 67000
Flotenk-STA-3 2 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) No 69900
"Mole" vertical 3 3 3000 n.d. (5-n.d.) 1 72000

* - declared cleaning performance of liters per day. The first number in brackets indicates the maximum number of permanent residents served, calculated using a method close to SNiP. The second number is the maximum number of people declared by the manufacturer.

Comparative description of septic tank models

Septic tank "Tank"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. Classic version septic tank made of polypropylene. At the outlet there is a biofilter with floating loading. The younger model is two-chamber. The rest are three-chamber.

Septic tank "Tank Universal"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. A modification of the previous septic tank, the volume of which can be increased by installing additional modules.

Septic tank "Microbe"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. An inexpensive series of compact two-chamber septic tanks with a relatively low degree of purification.

Septic tank "Triton-ED"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. The simplest vertical two-chamber septic tank with the ability to combine two modules to increase the volume and quality of cleaning.

Septic tank "Triton-T"

Manufacturer: Triton-Plastic. Three-chamber model with built-in biofilter.

Septic tank "Flotenk-STA"

Manufacturer: "Flotenk". The simplest fiberglass two-chamber septic tank. Increased strength.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a septic tank for arranging an autonomous sewer system for a country house, it is necessary to approach the issue comprehensively. It is not enough to focus only on the cost of the product and the beliefs of the sales consultant.

For example, for a permanent residence and a summer residence, completely different septic tanks are needed. It is necessary to take into account other nuances - the number of people permanently living in the house, the type and composition of the soil, the groundwater level.

On all these points you can find a lot of scattered information on the Internet. But, unfortunately, most sources provide the user with unsubstantiated data, which is not clear how to navigate. Moreover, information is often twisted and presented in the wrong place (or vice versa - to models from a specific manufacturer), which further confuses the user.

The purpose of this material is to give the reader the most complete understanding of the principles by which a septic tank is selected for a private home with permanent and temporary residence, taking into account a number of important factors.

Differences between a septic tank for a house with permanent and temporary residence

At the very beginning, you should understand how the sewage system of a country house in which they live permanently differs fundamentally from dacha option. This will make the information provided below much easier to understand.

Autonomous sewerage system (septic tank) for a permanent residence:

  • Receives and processes household waste continuously.
  • It must have a volume with some reserve.
  • It has a capacity sufficient to process constantly discharged wastewater.
  • It can be connected to a stable power supply without any problems.
  • For obvious reasons, it is serviced more often.
  • Directly affects the comfort of residents (should not be a source of unpleasant odors in the area).
  • Open all year round, including winter period with negative temperatures.

Autonomous sewerage system (septic tank) of a country house or temporary country house:

  • Receives and processes household waste infrequently.
  • Has a small volume.
  • Doesn't have high performance.
  • If there are no residents, there may be no power supply.
  • Rarely serviced.
  • Doesn't really affect comfort.
  • It works mainly in the summer, while in the winter it is preserved.

Focusing on these points, you can roughly imagine what kind of septic tank is needed for a permanent home and a temporary cottage.

Criteria for choosing a septic tank for a country house

Regardless different conditions and situations, as well as manufacturers, brands, models and modifications, all septic tanks have a number fundamental differences, which should be criteria for the user when choosing. Knowing these features, and being in certain conditions, you can already hope that the choice in favor of any product will turn out to be correct.

General criteria for choosing a septic tank:

  1. Case material.
  2. Volume of the receiving chamber.
  3. Performance.
  4. Energy dependence.
  5. Layout.

Each of the listed selection criteria is discussed in detail below.

Choosing the type of septic tank

All furnishing products autonomous sewers at country houses are divided into three large categories. They differ from each other in design, principle of operation, size, frequency of maintenance and, of course, price.

Types of septic tanks:

  • Storage tank.
  • Septic tank with soil treatment.
  • Biological treatment station.

Storage tank is a modern alternative to previously used cesspools. It is a sealed container sufficiently large sizes. It does not have any built-in equipment or division into compartments. Resetable wastewater does not recycle, but simply accumulates.

It is beneficial only due to its relatively low cost. The rest is nothing but shortcomings. However, this option is great for rarely visited country houses.. Again, it is completely non-volatile (unless a fill sensor is used). In the case of a permanent residence, the storage tank will take up a lot of space, require frequent pumping, and may smell unpleasant.

Septic tank with soil treatment- this is a container divided into several (at least two) compartments, and supplemented with a system soil filtration. The operating principle is as follows. The wastewater from the house is discharged into a storage compartment, where it is separated into solid fractions (precipitates) and liquid. As the wastewater is filled, it flows through the bypass collector into the next compartment, where it is partially clarified due to the activity of anaerobic bacteria (which do not require oxygen).

As a result of such processing, household wastewater is purified by only 45-55%. Therefore, from the septic tank they must be discharged onto the filtration field or into drainage well. From there, the liquid gradually goes into the soil, is filtered, and ends up in groundwater. Alternatively, partially clarified wastewater can be pumped out using sewage disposal equipment.

A septic tank with soil post-treatment is quite suitable for use as a sewer system for a house, both permanent and temporary.accommodation.

There is only one significant nuance. Soil purification is possible only in cases where the site has the appropriate soil composition and groundwater level. If the liquid cannot go into the soil (hard clay, high groundwater level), then the sewer will only have to be pumped out.

Biological treatment station– comprehensive equipment for receiving, processing and recycling wastewater. In the classic version, it is a small (comparatively) sized container, divided into four compartments connected to each other by overflow pipes in a certain sequence. Equipped with a compressor for supplying atmospheric air.

The operating principle is as follows. The wastewater enters the receiving chamber, where large fractions are crushed and the contents are separated into liquid and insoluble sediment. In most models, forced saturation of the content occurs already at this stage atmospheric air, which promotes the reproduction and activity of aerobic bacteria.

In automatic mode, wastewater from the receiving chamber is pumped to the next compartment, where it is also saturated with oxygen and clarified. The remaining two compartments are one for insoluble sludge, the other is a settling tank. The accumulated sludge is removed manually when after-sales service stations. In the settling tank, the wastewater is finally clarified to 90-95%, from where it can be discharged into drainage ditch or used for watering agricultural plants.

Biological treatment station is not suitable for temporary residences. Firstly, its performance will not be justified. Secondly, it's expensive. Thirdly, its operation requires uninterrupted electrification, which cannot be achieved without the presence of residents.

For a permanent home, this is the most modern and profitable option. It takes up little space, purifies wastewater almost to the state of pure water, does not smell, and does not require the services of sewage disposal equipment.

Depending on the composition of the soil and groundwater level, the required productivity and layout, the appropriate modification can be selected from almost any manufacturer.

Septic tank body material

No type of material from which septic tanks are made can be called bad. So let's talk about this briefly. There are septic tanks:

  • Fiberglass - durable, but expensive.
  • Polypropylene - lightweight, inexpensive, but fragile (requires careful installation).
  • Polyethylene - light, inexpensive and elastic (the wall thickness must be correctly selected).
  • Concrete is durable and resistant to seasonal soil movements, difficult to install, and over time, cracks and leaks at the seams may appear.

In the context of the topic under consideration, this parameter plays practically no role. important role, therefore, when choosing, you can only focus on price.

Septic tank volume and performance

Autonomous sewerage based on storage tanks should have such a volume that it does not have to be pumped out unreasonably often. As for biological treatment stations, their volume and productivity can be easily selected according to the number of people permanently residing in the house. The corresponding figure is often indicated directly in the model names.

If this is not enough, then you can focus on the average daily water consumption of one person permanently living in the house. It is 200 liters or 0.2 m3. To calculate the required volume or productivity, this figure is multiplied by the number of people permanently living in the house. It would also be a good idea to take into account a possible increase in the load on the sewer system in the future - for example, if guests arrive or a bathhouse is built on the site.

When they see the figure of 200 liters per day, many users (usually men) are perplexed, since such consumption seems too exaggerated. However, this is an average norm with some margin. Today you only washed your hands a couple of times and took a shower. And tomorrow the dishes will be washed, and the house will be wet cleaned, and washing machine works, and the guests have arrived.

Volatility dependence of the septic tank

This issue has already been partially touched upon, so let’s just summarize:

  • For a home with permanent residence, you can choose an energy-dependent septic tank.
  • For a temporary home or cottage, it is recommended to give preference to energy-independent options.

In some cases, a permanent home is located in areas where there are regular power outages. If these interruptions last no longer than 3-4 hours on average, then there is nothing to worry about (aerobic bacteria will not die during this time). If the outages are longer, then you need to take care of either a generator or opt for non-volatile models.

Septic tank layout

In this regard, attention should be paid to two criteria. Firstly, this is the height of groundwater. If in spring the water in the soil rises above two meters, then septic tanks with horizontal arrangement, allowing you to avoid digging a deep pit for installation. You should also pay attention to the clarified wastewater disposal system. At high GWL, a pump may be required for forced pumping.

Secondly, the distance of the septic tank from the house. The greater this distance, the lower the central sewage pipe. Accordingly, the inlet pipe must be at a suitable height.

Having familiarized yourself with the information provided, you can now choose with greater confidence a septic tank for a country house, both with permanent residence and temporary residence. Other parameters and characteristics cleaning equipment, available on the market, are minor, and the result will not be affected as significantly as described above.

Building Vacation home or a dacha, everyone strives to make them as comfortable as possible. Therefore, suburban housing is equipped with sanitary and household appliances which must be connected to the sewer. But wastewater must be discharged somewhere, provided that, as a rule, there is no central sewerage system outside the city. Therefore, the question of which septic tank is better for a summer house or private cottage is relevant.

Holidays outside the city attract many people. However, the lack of necessary amenities can greatly overshadow suburban life. Indeed, few people will like the need to wash in a basin and visit the toilet located at the far end of the site.

In order not to sacrifice comfort, many undertake to equip their country houses and dachas with local sewage systems. And at the same time, the need arises to select and install a septic tank - which one is best suited in each specific case? Every developer must resolve this issue in advance.

Selection by operating principle

First of all, let's figure out what septic tanks are based on the type of work. In principle, three types of treatment plants are used today:

  • Storage;
  • Settling tanks with anaerobic biological treatment;
  • Deep cleaning systems based on aerobic processes.


If you are choosing equipment for a small country house in which you do not plan to live permanently, then the storage septic tank will be the most practical option. Such installations do not process wastewater, but only accumulate it. As the container accumulates, it is cleaned using sewer equipment. Advantages of the option:

  • Cheap and easy to install;
  • Complete environmental safety.

Disadvantages of this solution:

  • The need to pump out waste as the tank fills;
  • Presence unpleasant odor at the time of pumping.

Advice! A storage tank is a good option for a septic tank for a summer residence with low water consumption. If people do not live in the house permanently, and water is used sparingly, then pumping will have to be done once a month or even once during the entire summer season (the frequency of pumping depends on the volume of the storage tank).

Sedimentation tanks with anaerobic type of wastewater treatment

When considering the types of septic tanks, it should be noted that settling tanks with anaerobic treatment processes are a practical option for arranging a local sewage system for a private cottage. In such septic tanks, two types of natural cleaning are used:

  • Mechanical settling, which makes it possible to separate undissolved inclusions that have a density different from water;
  • Anaerobic biological decomposition of organic matter produced under the influence of microorganisms.

In such septic tanks, only primary clarification of water occurs; it is purified by approximately 60%. Therefore, it is necessary to build installations for soil purification - aeration fields, filtration trenches and wells. The advantages of this option:

  • Ease of use. A septic tank that is put into operation does not require constant attention;
  • Low operating costs. Maintenance and pumping of sediment from the septic tank is carried out no more than once a year;
  • Multiple options. Ready-to-install models available industrial production, or you can build septic tank chambers yourself, for example, from iron concrete rings;
  • Full autonomy. Septic tanks do not require power supply.

Advice! The question may arise, which is better - reinforced concrete rings for self-assembly chambers or a ready-made septic tank? Here the choice depends on the budget allocated for the construction of the sewerage system and the planned labor costs. If your budget allows, then it is easier to order the installation of a ready-made septic tank. The option of self-construction will be cheaper, but will require more labor.

Disadvantages of septic tanks:

  • The operation of a septic tank of this type greatly depends on geological conditions - the ability of the soil to absorb water, the level to which soil water rises. For example, if groundwater on a private property plot rises high, the likelihood of flooding of the septic tank increases when its chambers are not airtight enough (lined with bricks or made of rings). And if the site has clay soil, additional difficulties arise with the installation of soil treatment.

Aerobic cleaning systems

Choosing the best option septic tank for a private cottage, many opt for modern local bio-treatment stations. In such stations it is carried out full cycle water processing.

At the exit from the installation it turns out technically pure water, which can be dumped into a ditch or sent to a storage well for further use in economic purposes(watering, washing paths, etc.). The advantages of this option:

  • High purification efficiency, which makes it possible to avoid the construction of soil treatment plants;
  • No smell or noise during operation;
  • Possibility of installation under any geological conditions.
  • High cost of stations;
  • The need to connect power supply;
  • Higher chance of failure. In simple settling tanks there are simply no parts that could break, and biorefinery stations are equipped with compressors, airlifts, and automation systems, so they are more likely to fail.

Selection by performance

Even the best septic tank option for a private home will not work effectively if the installation capacity is chosen incorrectly. The performance and volume of the septic tank chambers depend on the water consumption in the house. The more equipment in the house connected to the sewer and the people who use it, the more productive the model is needed for the construction of the sewer.

If purchased finished model, then the passport, as a rule, indicates how many people the model is designed to serve. During construction homemade installations You'll have to do a simple calculation.

It is necessary that the wastewater remains in the septic tank for at least three days, otherwise the liquid will not have time to settle well and the quality of cleaning will decrease. Thus, it is necessary to select the volume of the sump chambers so that they can accommodate the amount of waste generated in the house over three days.

It is not difficult to calculate three-day water consumption. If the house has a standard set of plumbing (as in a city apartment), then for each person living there is approximately 200 liters of water per day and, accordingly, 600 liters in three days.

Advice! If a bathhouse with a swimming pool is being built in the house, or it is planned to install several Jacuzzis, then the water consumption will naturally be greater.

To determine the volume of the chambers, it is enough to multiply the number of people living in the house by 600 and add 10-15% of the reserve for unforeseen cases such as the arrival of guests.

Selection of septic tank material

If you plan to purchase a ready-made septic tank, then its body will most likely be made of polypropylene or other polymer material. When constructing cameras yourself, variations are possible. Let's consider homemade septic tanks– what are the options for materials for construction:

  • Metal containers. This is the most impractical option. The fact is that the metal is quickly destroyed by wastewater, and the installation becomes unusable;
  • Concrete structures. When choosing this option, two solutions are possible - building a prefabricated structure from rings or building monolithic septic tank. The first option is easier to implement if lifting equipment is used, but is not airtight enough. With highly located soil waters, such a septic tank is very unreliable. Monolithic structures completely sealed, but their construction requires time and serious labor;

Advice! To extend the service life of a metal container, it is necessary to treat it inside and outside with anti-corrosion compounds. However, even in this case, the installation will last no longer than 5-6 years.

  • Fiberglass and plastic. These materials are best suited for constructing a septic tank. They are durable and lightweight, do not corrode, so they last a long time. For self-construction For a septic tank, you will need to purchase ready-made containers of the required volume, for example, Eurocubes are often used.

Choice by cost

  • Almost free septic tanks. These are structures built independently from scrap materials, for example, old tires or plastic barrels. This option may be suitable for small country houses, in which water consumption is minimal or for baths. Such septic tanks have low productivity, and when constructing chambers from tires, they also have insufficient tightness;
  • Cheap septic tanks. These are installations made of brick or reinforced concrete. Low-capacity industrial production plants are also relatively inexpensive;
  • Septic tanks manufactured by industry with a capacity of more than a cubic meter of wastewater per day have an average price;
  • The most expensive systems are complete biotreatment systems.

So, when choosing treatment plant it is necessary to take into account local conditions: water consumption, geological conditions, financial capabilities of the owners. They will help you decide which septic tank is best for a country house from reviews of installation owners who, through their own experience, have found out all the disadvantages and advantages of the models used.