Development of the grouping of Russian armed forces in Crimea. Crimean group of the Russian Armed Forces

On Tuesday, November 7, a meeting of the board of the Russian Ministry of Defense was held, during which all the activities of the Russian Armed Forces to increase the combat power of the army and navy, carried out over the past five years, were discussed.

According to the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov, one of priority tasks began the formation of self-sufficient troop groups in strategic directions.

Such a group appeared in Crimea.

“A self-sufficient group of troops (forces) has been created in Crimea, including a naval base, an army corps, an aviation division and an air defense division,” RIA Novosti quotes Gerasimov.

The Black Sea Fleet has also been replenished with six submarines, the frigates Admiral Grigorovich and Admiral Essen and three divisions of the Bal and Bastion coastal missile systems, the Chief of the General Staff said.

He noted that over five years in the Southern Military District, a combined arms army, two motorized rifle divisions, a missile brigade and an army aviation brigade were formed. In addition, the Air Force and Air Defense Forces received 226 new and modernized combat aircraft and helicopters.

  • Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Valery Gerasimov
  • Russian Defense Ministry

Restoring presence in the Arctic

A large group of troops was also created in the Arctic, which made it possible to restore Russia’s presence in strategically important areas of the Arctic Ocean.

“The creation of a group of troops in the Arctic made it possible to restore the presence of the Russian Federation in strategically important areas of the Arctic Ocean and ensure the security of economic activity in the region,” Gerasimov said.

He recalled that in 2014, a joint strategic command of the Northern Fleet was created, an air force and air defense army and an army corps were formed within the fleet, and an Arctic motorized rifle brigade was also organized, trained to carry out combat missions in harsh climatic conditions.

  • Vladislav Kadyshev

Over five years, the Northern Fleet received about 23 sea vessels, including the strategic missile submarine Yuri Dolgoruky and the multi-purpose nuclear submarine Severodvinsk.

Also in the Arctic region, the construction and reconstruction of military airfields is underway on the Franz Josef Land archipelago, the New Siberian Islands, Cape Schmidt and in the area of ​​​​the city of Anadyr.

Space group

Over five years, Russia has launched 55 military spacecraft, strengthening control over the launch areas of American ballistic missiles, the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces said.

He noted that during this period spacecraft were launched by the United space system, which made it possible to “strengthen control over ballistic missile launch areas on the North American mainland and foreign submarine patrol areas.”

According to Gerasimov, “over a five-year period, the expansion of the orbital constellation was ensured, 55 military spacecraft were launched, and a new space rocket complex “Angara” was created.

“Further development of the system will allow for global continuous monitoring of ballistic missile launch areas,” the General Staff emphasized.

According to Gerasimov, the created group of spacecraft makes it possible to quickly provide communications, intelligence, navigation and other information to the country’s military-political structures.

Military buildup

In addition, over the past five years, Russia's military presence in strategic areas of the world has grown significantly.

“The growth in the combat capabilities of the Armed Forces over the past five years has made it possible to significantly expand the scale of the Russian military presence in strategically important areas of the world,” said the head of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

Over the course of five years, long-range aviation carried out 178 flights as part of patrolling the waters of the Norwegian, North, Black, Japanese and Yellow Seas, as well as the western part of the Pacific, northeastern part Atlantic Oceans and the Arctic.

Thus, Russia managed to increase the intensity of strategic aviation flights to the level of the USSR.

“If we compare the achieved indicators with similar times Soviet Union, then the intensity of long-range aviation flights is maintained at the same level. At the same time, the raid on the crew strategic missile carriers Tu-160 and Tu-95MS grew by 10% per year,” Gerasimov said.

The intensity of voyages of ships and vessels of the Navy in important areas World ocean.

Over five years, Russian sea vessels carried out 672 trips, including 36 to the Arctic zone and 22 for combat service in areas where pirates operate. In particular, in 2017, 139 sea voyages were made.

“The number of submarines going to sea performing combat training and combat service tasks has increased significantly. Due to the restoration of technical readiness and the construction of new boats, this figure has increased four to five times,” noted the Chief of the General Staff.

  • Large reconnaissance ship of the 1st rank of project 18280 (new special communications vessel) "Yuri Ivanov", which arrived at its permanent base in Severomorsk.
  • RIA News

The measures taken, in his assessment, “significantly increased the level of preparedness of the crews of warships and aircraft, contributed to the growth of the international authority of the RF Armed Forces, demonstrated high efficiency and the reliability of domestic weapons and equipment.”

The Russian army is capable of solving combat missions in all strategic directions, the department emphasized.

“In each strategic direction, self-sufficient interspecific groupings of general-purpose troops (forces) have been formed that are capable of successfully solving problems in predicted armed conflicts,” said the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

He is confident that strategic deterrence forces can prevent the outbreak of aggression against Russia and its allies.

Syrian experience

In addition, as the General Staff recalled, all commanders of the military districts of the Russian army acquired combat experience in Syria. In particular, commanders received combat practice in command and control of troops, organizing interspecific interaction, as well as the integrated use of reconnaissance, command and control and fire weapons.

  • Su-25 attack aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces take off from the Khmeimim airbase in Syria
  • RIA News

Gerasimov noted that the Russian military in Syria had to face a prepared enemy: the terrorists were well equipped with weapons and military equipment. They had about 1,500 tanks and armored vehicles, over 1,200 guns and mortars captured from government forces in Syria and Iraq. In addition, there was a constant replenishment of military equipment from abroad. Many commanders of terrorist groups were trained by Western instructors.

“Their command staff was trained in special camps under the guidance of Western instructors, they were accompanied by military advisers from the countries of the Middle East, Western Europe and America. In a number of cases, officers of the special forces of these countries directly led illegal armed groups,” said the Chief of the General Staff.

Over the two years of the Russian Aerospace Forces’ operation in Syria, about 54,000 militants were killed, over 1,000 settlements managed to be released.

Strengthening the defense capability of Crimea began literally immediately after the news of the unconstitutional change of power in Ukraine. The situation in Kyiv greatly alarmed the leadership of the republic and local residents. In the chaos of the political struggle, the most unpredictable decisions could be expected from the new regime.

In particular, the large group of Ukrainian Armed Forces stationed on the peninsula caused serious concern. As of February 2014, there were about 30 thousand Ukrainian military personnel in Crimea (one sixth of the total number of the Ukrainian Armed Forces).

The post-Maidan authorities in Kyiv did not give consent to the free expression of the inhabitants of the peninsula, and the leadership of the Russian Federation acted proactively. Moscow decided to block all military installations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as take airports and key administrative buildings under guard.

This work was brilliantly performed by well-equipped military personnel without insignia. They were called "polite people." The blockade of Ukrainian Armed Forces facilities and the neutrality of the police allowed pro-Russian activists to seize the political initiative.

Full control

On February 27, 2014, the leader of the Russian Unity party, Sergei Aksyonov, was appointed chairman of the Crimean government. On March 1, he reassigned all the power structures of the autonomous republic to himself, and Ukrainian troops began to go over to the side of the people.

Russia, focusing on expectations local population, regained full control over Crimea and gained the opportunity to strengthen its military presence there, taking into account its own national interests.

However, a huge amount of work lay ahead: mainland Russia and Crimea do not have land connections. This circumstance objectively complicated the large-scale transfer of personnel and military equipment. In such a situation, the Ministry of Defense used the resources of the fleet and transport aviation.

In addition, the Russian group received reinforcements in the form of Ukrainian military personnel who swore allegiance to the people. In particular, the head of the Ukrainian Navy, Rear Admiral Denis Berezovsky, went over to the side of the citizens. Together with the rear admiral, sailors from 25 ships took a new oath auxiliary fleet and six warships.

In total, more than 9 thousand Ukrainian military personnel and 7 thousand civilian personnel joined the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Only 2 thousand people who served in the Armed Forces of Ukraine left for Ukraine.

  • Reuters

In the spring of 2014, Kyiv ignored the facts of the transfer of Ukrainian military personnel and, oddly enough, underestimated the number of Russian troops.

March 16, the day of the referendum on joining the Russian Federation, and. O. Ukrainian Defense Minister Igor Tenyuk said that since the end of February, Moscow has increased the military contingent in Crimea from 12.5 thousand to 22 thousand people.

He accused Russia of violating the established limit for 2014 of 12.5 thousand military personnel. Although, according to the agreement in force at that time, the Russian Ministry of Defense could station up to 26 thousand soldiers and sailors in the republic.

Priority tasks

The process of integration of Crimea into the Russian Federation was accompanied by important events from a security point of view.

First of all, it was necessary to strengthen the border with Ukraine, identify and neutralize potential pockets of armed resistance, recruit officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies, establish coastal patrols and establish control over airspace.

The explosive situation in Ukraine prompted intensive action in the field of security. Kyiv promised to return the peninsula, and radical groups received firearms and carte blanche for violence against citizens who did not recognize the results of the coup.

April 13, 2014 and. O. Ukrainian President Alexander Turchynov ordered the start of an “anti-terrorist operation” in the east of the country. For several months, the authorities and radicals were distracted from solving the “Crimean problem.”

On September 5, the Minsk agreements were signed, which provided for a truce between the conflicting parties in the Donbass.

Later Crimea was included in the Southern Federal District. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced the need to strengthen the defense capability of the peninsula due to the ongoing Ukrainian crisis and an increase in foreign military presence near Crimea.

  • RIA News

“One of the priority tasks was the deployment of a full-fledged and self-sufficient group of troops in the Crimean direction,” Shoigu emphasized.

Naval defense

From open data it follows that the Ministry of Defense has devoted significant resources to strengthening security coastline and air defense (air defense) systems. In the fall of 2014, the Black Sea Fleet received two new anti-sabotage boats of the Grachonok project, and border patrol boats appeared in Balaklava Bay.

The Crimean coastal defense units were supplied with the latest long-range anti-ship systems “Bal” and “Bastion” and unmanned vehicles for collecting intelligence data. In 2014-2015, the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) included a mountain battalion of the coast guard, a separate regiment of radiation, chemical and biological defense troops and an artillery regiment.

In the Black Sea Fleet, a division of surface ships was recreated based on a brigade of anti-submarine ships and a brigade of frigates. In 2014-2016, the Black Sea Fleet received stealth submarines of Project 636 “Varshavyanka”, small missile ships of Project 21631 “Buyan-M”, which are armed with missiles of the “Caliber” family.

“At the end of 2015 alone, the Black Sea Fleet received more than 200 units of new types of weapons and military equipment, about 40 different ships and vessels<...>, two small missile ships, 10 combat boats, 20 ships and auxiliary fleet boats, more than 30 aircraft, including modern multifunctional Su-30SM fighters and sets of drones,” Black Sea Fleet commander Alexander Vitko reported in January 2016.

  • Long-range anti-ship system "Bastion"
  • RIA News

Especially for the Black Sea Fleet, the Kaliningrad shipyard "Yantar" is working on project 11356 "Burevestnik". In March 2016, the lead patrol ship of the Admiral Grigorovich project went on combat duty. In June 2016, another ship, the Admiral Essen, was put into operation, and in 2017 the Black Sea Fleet will be replenished with the frigate Admiral Makarov.

The sky is locked

The situation with the creation of an air defense system was somewhat more complicated. Before the collapse of the USSR, the 1st Air Defense Division was responsible for the skies over Crimea.

In the 1990s, the Ukrainian authorities virtually eliminated the air defense system.

Only the Osa small-radius anti-aircraft missile systems (SAMs) remain in service with the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Fighter aviation was in unsatisfactory condition.

After the annexation of Crimea, the Russian Ministry of Defense deployed the S-300PMU long-range air defense system and the Pantsir short-range anti-aircraft missile and gun system on the peninsula. In November 2014, 14 new fighters were transferred to Belbek airport: 10 Su-27SM and 4 Su-30. In February 2015, a military aerospace defense unit was created on the basis of the Center for Long-Range Space Communications in Evpatoria.

On January 14, 2017, the 18th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Sevastopol-Feodosia Regiment took up combat duty in Crimea, receiving a command post and an S-400 Triumph battalion.

This air defense system is capable of protecting the peninsula from almost all types of aircraft, cruise and short- and medium-range ballistic missiles flying at speeds of up to 4.8 km/sec.

The need to strengthen the air defense system in Crimea is confirmed by the growing military activity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the neighboring Kherson region.

At the beginning of December 2016, Ukrainian troops conducted firing from the S-300 air defense system and other missile systems inherited from the USSR.

Similar exercises near Crimea took place in mid-January 2017. On February 10, a representative of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Dmitry Gutsulyak, warned about planned firing from the Buk-M1 air defense system at the Yagorlyk training ground in the Kherson region.

Military analysts are confident that Russia has sufficiently reliably strengthened the Crimean air defense system and nothing threatens the peninsula. Besides land means Air defense and anti-missile systems are installed on Black Sea Fleet ships. However, Ukrainian troops may target aircraft in international waters, and not only military ones.

NATO reconnaissance flights pose a danger to the peninsula, or rather its military infrastructure. During the Caucasus-2016 exercises, held in August-September in southern Russia, the Crimean air defense system several times detected the approach of a US Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft and a P-8A Poseidon anti-submarine patrol aircraft.

Ukrainian view

The Russian Ministry of Defense paid great attention to strengthening the ground forces in Crimea. An army corps and two motorized rifle divisions were formed in the republic, 70% staffed by contract soldiers.

Over three years, a huge amount of work has been done to strengthen the military potential of Crimea.

According to the Ministry of Defense, a “full-fledged, self-sufficient group of troops” was created back in March 2015, that is, a year after the peninsula became part of Russia. Already at that time, 7 new formations and 9 military units for various purposes had emerged.

Ukrainian intelligence also recorded a significant increase in the military power of the Russian Federation in Crimea. “We know that the militarization of occupied Crimea is being carried out at a rapid pace, where Russian Federation has created a fairly powerful group of troops,” said Alexander Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on August 5, 2016.

Vadim Skibitsky, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, believes that, in addition to ground divisions, the Russian command is engaged in the formation of territorial defense units (apparently, this refers to events related to the development of the Russian Guard).

Skibitsky claims that nuclear weapons delivery vehicles are allegedly stationed in Crimea: long-range bombers, warships and submarines. According to him, nuclear warheads are located on the territory of the Southern Military District, but “if necessary” they can be delivered to the peninsula.

“By 2020, they (Russians. —RT) plan to reach the same level of potential as it was in the Soviet Union - this is the first thing. And the second - there (to Crimea. —RT) now new types of modern weapons, military equipment and weapons are being imported very actively, which could not be imported before the annexation of Crimea,” Skibitsky said in May last year.

According to the Main Intelligence Directorate, Russia has “pulled up” the combat readiness of its aviation, naval and underwater components. As of May 2016, there were 24 thousand military personnel, 613 tanks and armored personnel carriers, 162 artillery systems, about 100 combat aircraft, 56 helicopters, 16 coastal complexes, 34 warships and four submarines in Crimea.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, after the referendum (March 16, 2014), Russia did not strengthen its military presence in Crimea by transferring personnel. The emphasis was on technical support troops. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine predicts that the number of military personnel and weapons stationed in Crimea will be increased by 1.5-2 times by 2020-2025.

Under the wing

A member of the expert advisory council under the head of the Republic of Crimea, Igor Ryabov, believes that the military strengthening of Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet is caused, among other things, by the operation in Syria. “Crimea and the naval base in Novorossiysk have actually become a springboard for a peacekeeping mission in the Arab Republic,” Ryabov told RT.

“Contrary to rumors existing in Ukraine, there is no discontent in Crimea regarding the so-called militarization by Kyiv politicians. Everyone who was not satisfied with the new order left long ago. Thanks to the presence of the Russian army, whose contingent has significantly increased, Crimea has received a cap of reliability, and every person in Crimea feels this,” the expert believes.

  • RIA News

As Ryabov noted, the presence of military personnel inspires Crimeans with confidence in a safe future. According to him, in Crimea there are still memories of the events of three years ago, which could plunge the peaceful life of the peninsula into chaos.

“For Crimeans and Sevastopol residents, the appearance of “polite people” is clearly perceived as salvation. Because Maidan activists at the end of February threatened people, went door to door, and staged various provocations. Anxiety settled in the hearts of citizens. Nobody wanted bloodshed. And, of course, everyone was glad that Russia took Crimea under its mighty wing,” Ryabov added.

Writer Platon Besedin, who lives in Sevastopol, stated in a commentary for RT that the overwhelming majority of residents of the peninsula were in favor of unification with Russia and therefore support the security measures taken by the Ministry of Defense.

“Crimea and Sevastopol historically, for centuries, have always been the stronghold and abutting stone of the Russian army and Russian fleet. Therefore, such a region needs constant strengthening. The military and geopolitical potential of Crimea must be used, and Crimeans have a positive attitude towards this. They are pleased to feel like an organic part of Russia and its military power,” Besedin emphasized.

The silent fighters who appeared on the Crimean streets ten days ago, nicknamed “polite people” by journalists for their gallantry, do not have any insignia and have not yet been officially identified. Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a press conference on March 4: “These were local self-defense forces. We did not take part in their preparation.” The Crimean Self-Defense Forces, whose fighters are nicknamed “polite people” by local residents, are much better equipped and armed than the regular Ukrainian army. Their uniforms in some places resemble their NATO counterparts. However, the weapons and military equipment at the disposal of these “forces” often have a very clear nationality. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu denied the version that Ukrainian facilities in Crimea are blocked by the Russian military. Putin suggested that similar uniforms could be bought in any store, and Shoigu called photos and videos of soldiers from Crimea “nonsense and provocation.” With the help of military experts who spoke on condition of anonymity, we decided to study the weapons and uniforms of the “polite people.” At our request, photographs from Crimea were analyzed by military experts who asked not to use their names.

Kalashnikov assault rifles

In the photo on the left is the hundredth series of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, the AK 101-105 family. This is a development from 1994, the most famous and widespread variant of automatic weapons today. Made of glass-filled polyamide, the bases of the front sight and sight are made by precision casting. Until recently, such weapons were produced exclusively in Russia and were not officially supplied to Ukrainians. In 2006, the right to licensed assembly was sold to Venezuela, in addition, the governments of India and Indonesia acquired licenses to rearm their armies. Although it cannot be ruled out that these Kalash rifles could have entered Ukraine illegally. Among other things, in this photo, despite the absence of chevrons and shoulder straps, the officer looking into the frame (to the right of the other military men) clearly stands out - he can be identified by the pistol on his hip and the radio on his shoulder.

On the right are Kalashnikov assault rifles of the 100th series, although on the left, judging by the high-quality contours of the body, there is a more modern model. The person on the right has a night vision device PNV-93.2 Russian production, which is not included in the list of standard weapons and is used relatively rarely in the Russian army - mainly by special units.

These two photos are of the traditional Kalashnikov model known as the AK-74 5.45mm. The direct shot range is 440 meters at the chest target. Now these samples are on relatively free sale, so this model can be used by both the Russian military and the Ukrainians.

Mounted on the armored vehicle and on the soldier opposite the entrance to the bank is a regular PKM - a modernized Kalashnikov machine gun. caliber 7.62, weight 7.5 kg. It was adopted into service in the USSR in 1969 to replace the old Kalashnikov machine gun, from which it differs in lighter weight and better technical characteristics. Perhaps we are seeing a modification of the PKMB - a machine gun with a mount for armored vehicles. PKM was produced in the USSR, and is still being produced, and in different countries world, including in Ukraine, at the Mayak plant.

The fighter is wearing a Kevlar helmet with “ears.” This is a relatively modern helmet, similar to the helmets of NATO troops. IN Russian troops Such helmets began to arrive en masse under Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. Russian Kevlar helmets 6b7, 6b26, 6b27, 6b28 began to be produced in the first half of the 2000s, now they are supplied to the Airborne Forces, Ground Forces, motorized rifle forces of Russia, as well as the armed forces of the CSTO countries. Perhaps this is one of these models. The uniform, helmet cover, and balaclava are made of digital camouflage, which is also actively used in the armed forces of the CSTO countries.

Before us is a sniper rifle, which at first glance can be confused with the Yugoslav Zastava. However, in the fighter’s hands is a 7.62-mm Dragunov folding sniper rifle (SVD-S). This is a modification of the well-known SVD (Dragunov sniper rifle) with an air butt. It began to be supplied to the Russian army in the mid-1990s, mainly to the Airborne Forces. Used in the second Chechen campaign and the Ossetian conflict in 2008. It is in service in the armies of Russia and Armenia. The rifle allows you to hit a running person with the first shot at a distance of 800 meters. It is also interesting that these “polite people” carry weapons not according to Russian rules, but rather according to NATO standards. For example, the weapon is pointed with the barrel down, and the man in the background has the barrel on his elbow, which is primarily typical for the American and European armies. According to a gun expert, this is the result of the introduction of new Western techniques in certain Russian special forces.


The soldier in the center of the photo has a VSS (Vintorez) sniper rifle. This 9mm silent rifle was developed at TsNIITochmash in Klimovsk in the early 1980s, intended for special forces units. It was used in both Chechen campaigns, as well as in the war with Georgia, by both sides of the conflict. The rifle is officially exported to the Middle East and South America, as well as in the USA.

The equipment of the military “Crimean self-defense forces” is the most interesting subject for analysis. According to Forbes experts, in various photographs one can find elements of the latest Russian development - the “Ratnik” equipment, which was supposed to begin arriving in Russian troops in the first quarter of 2014. It is also called the “future soldier kit.” "Ratnik" was developed on the basis of the "Barmitsa" equipment.

The Ratnik includes various life support systems, several types of small arms with mounted systems, and energy supply equipment. In total, “Ratnik” includes about 10 subsystems. The equipment can protect up to 90% of a fighter’s body. Ratnik body armor is 70% more effective than its predecessors. The life support system is supplemented with safety glasses, a hearing protection headset, a set of protection for knee and elbow joints, an individual filter for water purification, a kit autonomous sources heat and other elements.

The Ratnik control system was called “Sagittarius”. It consists of means of communication, identification, processing and display of information, orientation, and navigation. A communicator is placed on the soldier’s equipment, which determines the soldier’s coordinates using GPS and GLONASS systems. In this case, the location of the serviceman on the battlefield can be automatically transmitted to the command post. The equipment includes active headphones that allow you to communicate during combat.

Ratnik's know-how includes several video modules for shooting from cover, several types of thermal imaging sights, the Krechet collimator sight and other devices.

Safety glasses can withstand hits from 6 mm fragments flying at a speed of 350 m/s.

In total, the “Warrior” includes about 40 elements - weapons, clothing, personal protective equipment, protection from the damaging factors of weapons mass destruction and non-lethal weapons.

The Ratnik also includes a special multi-layer helmet and body armor with ceramic armor plates that can stop bullets from Kalashnikovs and sniper rifles.

All elements of the kit can be combined to suit your needs, just like in a construction set. Total weight the standard version of overalls and body armor of the 5th protection class - about 10 kilograms, the maximum - with a helmet, assault body armor of the 6th protection class, armor plates for the shoulders and hips - about 20 kg.

"Ratnik", machine guns "Pecheneg" and PKM

The clothing elements of the “Ratnik” set have Velcro for chevrons and shoulder straps. Therefore, removing any identification marks is a matter of one minute.

The Ratnik life support system also includes: a universal backpack (volume 50 l), a raid backpack (volume up to 10 l), camouflage kits, removable insulation for use in the cold season, a ventilated T-shirt, a vest with compartments for ammunition, communication systems and other elements, a folding heat-insulating pad, a special rug, a raincoat, a hat, a balaclava and even a mosquito net.

“Ratnik” is equipped with elements of protection against non-lethal weapons (sonic, tear gas, thermal, etc.) and against poisonous weapons. In the photo the fighters have bags with gas masks.

The “breathable” design of the “Warrior” allows you to continuously wear it for at least 48 hours. The fabric is impregnated special composition, which allows air to pass through but retains moisture. Also designed winter option"Ratnik", which provides elements of insulation and heat supply.

The armored suit blocks radiation in the ultraviolet and infrared spectra, which makes the fighter invisible in a thermal imaging sight. If necessary, the entire set of equipment can be reset in a few seconds.

The Ratnik's weapon system consists of a Kalashnikov assault rifle equipped with an under-barrel grenade launcher, a night vision sight, and a thermal imaging targeting system, which has no analogues in the world, say the designers. For the first time, the “Ratnik” equipment was presented at the MAKS-2011 air show, and in the fall of 2012, military tests began.

7.62 mm machine gun "Pecheneg". A Russian machine gun that was developed on the basis of the Kalashnikov machine gun, modernized by the same manufacturer. Lighter and more modern. It is in service in Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

GAZ-2330 "Tiger"

GAZ-2330 "Tiger" is a Russian all-terrain armored SUV. Produced by the GAZ Group at the Gorky and Arzamas machine-building plants. Has many targeted modifications. Supplied into service in countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the CIS, but not Ukraine. The owners of the unarmored version of the Tiger were Nikita Mikhalkov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Valery Shantsev.

Another, according to the expert, proof of the Russian affiliation of the “polite people”: on the “Tiger” on the right you can see the badge of the guards division, which they probably forgot to camouflage. The Tiger itself is a new model, first shown to the public at the anniversary parade on May 9, 2005.

Russian army number on the Tiger. “For “black numbers,” the numbers on the right do not indicate the region code, but the branch of service or military district,” explains the Forbes expert. - Now the media have started writing a lot that these 21st numbers mean belonging to the North Caucasus Military District. But the North Caucasus Military District no longer exists for several years - in 2010 it was reorganized into the Southern Military District, which includes the Black Sea Fleet with its base in Sevastopol.”

The Mi-17 helicopter is a modification of the Mi-8, the most popular twin-engine helicopter in the world. Can belong to anyone.


RPG-18 "Mukha" - Soviet rocket-propelled anti-tank grenade. Officially it is in service in the armies of all former republics of the USSR and Afghanistan. Unofficially, it can be found anywhere in the world, including among criminal gangs.


BTR-80 - Soviet armored personnel carrier. It is in service with about three dozen countries around the world. It is possible that the photo shows armored personnel carriers of the Black Sea Fleet, which were deployed to strengthen the security of Russian military facilities in Crimea.

A truck and soldiers block the road leading to Belbek airport on the territory of Sevastopol, which is occupied by Russian troops in Crimea on March 2, 2014, Ukraine. Ukraine's new government has asked the United Nations Security Council for help against growing Russian interference in Crimea.

The grouping of the Russian Armed Forces in Crimea is being deployed at an accelerated pace

The division of surface ships reduced under Serdyukov is being recreated in Crimea

Over the past six months, the grouping of the Russian Armed Forces in Crimea has been reinforced with S-300 PMU complexes, anti-ship complexes "Bal" and "Bastion", Su-27 and Su-30 fighters, and other types of weapons and military equipment, RIA Novosti writes with reference to source in security forces Crimea.

In the next few years, a full-fledged military group will be formed in Crimea, consisting of modern ships, submarines, aviation, coastal troops and air defense. The Crimean naval base has already been formed on the basis of the Black Sea Fleet, captain of the first rank Yuri Zemsky has been appointed its commander. In addition to the main fleet base - Sevastopol - the fleet will now use bases in Donuzlav and Feodosia.

During 2015-2016, six new frigates of Project 11356.3 and six submarines of Project 636 will arrive at the Black Sea Fleet. Reduced to one brigade under former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, the 30th division of surface ships was recreated on December 1 of this year, the interlocutor recalled. Its commander was captain of the first rank Oleg Krivorog.

In addition, from 2015, the Black Sea Fleet is also expected to receive Project 21631 Buyan-M small missile ships with the Caliber missile system.

For now, the Black Sea Fleet has only one Project 877 submarine (under repair) and five surface ships of rank 1-2.

In addition, in August 2014, an artillery regiment was formed at the Black Sea Fleet.

Reportedly, the approaches to military bases are covered by medium- and short-range complexes, new electronic warfare stations have been deployed at Cape Fiolent (Sevastopol), and the ground group has received modernized T-72B tanks. The Black Sea Fleet Marine Corps expects to receive the Ratnik combat equipment, as well as BTR-82 armored personnel carriers.

For several decades, Russia has repeatedly raised the issue of replacing the aviation component of the Black Sea Fleet, but Ukraine has ignored these requests. In November of this year, the first 14 Su-27 SM and Su-30 multirole fighters landed at the Belbek airfield. “In the near future, the air group in Crimea will be replenished with 10 more aircraft of this type,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

Combat dolphins will also help ensure the safety of Black Sea Fleet ships. In November, the Black Sea Fleet conducted the first exercise with combat dolphins since the transfer of the Sevastopol Oceanarium to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.

According to the source, after testing the animals, training is now being carried out with seven bottlenose dolphins out of ten. “In fact, we have to repeat previously studied material and re-teach amphibians to search for objects under water, because this work was practically not carried out in the Ukrainian Navy,” said a source in the Crimean law enforcement agencies.

He also said that the combat and special equipment produced for dolphins in the 80s, under the USSR, is outdated, so the Navy is expected to modern means, including observing animals underwater. “Today, the priority is to train dolphins to find and identify weapons and military equipment under water, as well as to detect combat swimmers,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

Igor Korotchenko, a member of the public council under the Russian Ministry of Defense, emphasized that the Russian military department in a very short time fulfilled the president’s instructions to create the appropriate military infrastructure after Crimea joined Russia.

According to him, the deployed group of forces and assets plays a key role not only in ensuring the security of Crimea, but also in general significantly strengthens the security of Russia’s southern borders.

Immediately after the reunification of Crimea with Russia, the process of military integration of the peninsula into the country began.

On May 28, 2017, the agreement between Ukraine and Russia on the division of the Black Sea Fleet and the principles of its basing on the territory of Crimea expired. The document also regulated the ship's composition. Restrictions were introduced on the number of combat aircraft, large artillery pieces, and armored combat vehicles. Limits on the number of Black Sea Fleet personnel, including marines, were established. Our fleet could not have coastal missile and artillery systems and an air defense system on the territory of Crimea.

There were no major investments in the infrastructure of the base system in Sevastopol. The ships were repaired at SRZ-13 in Sevastopol and at factories in the Krasnodar Territory. The largest Sevmorzavod in the USSR was virtually destroyed during its stay in the possession of Ukraine.

In 2010, the Kharkov agreements were concluded, according to which the Black Sea Fleet could be based in Crimea until 2042, but the Ukrainian authorities sabotaged the renewal of equipment of the Russian fleet. Russia has stepped up the construction of facilities in Novorossiysk. In fact, the new infrastructure made it possible to accommodate the entire Black Sea Fleet there.

After the “Crimean Spring”, the agreement on the division of the Black Sea Fleet was unilaterally denounced by the Russian Federation. Accordingly, all restrictions on the activities of the fleet disappeared. The fate of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units, their weapons and infrastructure also had to be decided. It’s difficult to say why, but Russia returned most of the equipment to Ukraine. When it started there civil war this was not the best decision.

However, the equipment was transferred according to the “worst first” principle, and at the time the return ceased in the summer of 2014, everything combat-ready and valuable - ships and aircraft - remained in Crimea and is in storage. The floating assets of the Ukrainian Naval Forces have been consolidated into a separate division and are quietly rotting in the bays of Sevastopol.

By 2014, the RF Ministry of Defense had accumulated solid experience in creating diverse groups under naval control at locations remote from Mainland territories such as the Baltic Fleet in Kaliningrad or OKVS in Kamchatka. However, in Crimea, the formations of the Aerospace Forces were not part of the Black Sea Fleet, but were subordinate to the command of the 4th Air Army of the Southern Military District.

The saboteur will not swim through

Already in 2014, new warships and auxiliary vessels. Over the next two years, the submarines Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don and Stary Oskol, as well as the frigate Admiral Grigorovich, were transferred to the fleet. Two more frigates and three diesel-electric submarines will arrive in 2017. In addition to them, the fleet was replenished with a large number of combat boats and auxiliary vessels.

Thanks to the arrival of new combat units in the Black Sea Fleet, new formations also appeared. Warships of the 1st and 2nd ranks of the Black Sea Fleet became part of the 30th division. The Crimean naval base has been recreated to conduct operations in the western and central regions of the Black Sea. The Novorossiysk naval base is responsible for the eastern part of the water area. The 4th brigade of submarines was formed, Novorossiysk was determined to be its base, but in fact the submarines are mostly located in Sevastopol.

The Sevastopol anti-PDSS detachment received anti-sabotage and assault boats, it was reorganized into a special forces detachment. Naval special forces were relocated from Tuapse to Sevastopol. The Black Sea Fleet returned to Lake Donuzlav, where in the mid-70s the 2nd largest base was created. According to available information, a division of reconnaissance ships, which were located there during Soviet times, will return to Donuzlav. It will include the Ivan Khurs, which is currently under construction.

In the coming years, the Black Sea Fleet will be replenished with the minesweeper "Georgy Kurbatov" and six patrol ships project 22160. Small missile ships are being built for the Black Sea Fleet. The Navy command believes that the renewal of the fleet is proceeding successfully, so two small missile ships, Zeleny Dol and Serpukhov, which became part of the Black Sea Fleet in the fall of 2016, were transferred to the Baltic Fleet.

The fly won't fly by

The pace of production of new aircraft and helicopters in Russia made it possible to form a new 27th mixed air division in the summer-autumn of 2014. It consists of three air regiments: the 37th mixed (a squadron of Su-27SM and attack aircraft), the 38th fighter (two squadrons, one of which is Su-27SM3) and the 39th helicopter regiment (a squadron of Mi-28 and one). The 37th regiment is based in Gvardeyskoye, the 38th in Belbek, and the 39th in Dzhankoy. There are no analogues of such a division within the Russian Aerospace Forces. It is especially worth noting that the units were formed on the basis of squadrons of Su-27SM3 fighters from the 22nd Guards Regiment (Vladivostok), Su-24M bombers from the 559th Regiment (Morozovsk), Su-25SM attack aircraft from the 960th Regiment (Primorsk-Akhtarsk ) and Ka-52 from the Korenovsky 55th Helicopter Regiment.

In the naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet - the 43rd naval assault and 318th mixed air regiments, based at the airfields of Saki and Kacha. The 43rd in 2016 finished operating “pure” Su-24 attack aircraft. Now one squadron in it is completely re-equipped with Su-24M and Su-24MR reconnaissance aircraft. The 318th regiment consists of An-26 and Be-12, Mi-8, Ka-27 and Ka-29 helicopters. Aircraft repairs have been established at factories in Sevastopol and Evpatoria.

These five airfields, as well as GANITS in Primorskoye, are the only ones that survived in the post-Soviet era. On two more – in Donuzlav and on Cape Khersones there are air commandant’s offices. The rest, including such famous ones as Veseloye or Oktyabrskoye, not to mention Bagerovo, are abandoned, and there is no question of their restoration. There are also no plans to deploy missile carriers in Crimea, about which various “experts” wrote a lot at one time. The authorities of Sevastopol plan to create a joint air harbor at the Belbek airfield and, in the future, develop a civilian terminal there.

The basis of the Crimean air defense system is the 31st Air Defense Division. It was formed on the basis of air defense units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which have Soviet roots. The old equipment was put into storage, the new regiments (12th in Sevastopol and 18th in Feodosia) received S-300 complexes. The 18th air defense missile system was re-equipped with . Radio technical control of the situation over the peninsula is under the jurisdiction of the 3rd Radio Engineering Regiment. In addition to powerful air defense systems, Crimea also has. In the near future, the 1096th air defense missile system of the Black Sea Fleet will be re-equipped with.

If necessary, the air defense system will be quickly strengthened by units from the Russian mainland. So, when in November 2016 Ukraine decided to fire missiles in the air zone of Crimea, the S-300VM complex was quickly transferred to the peninsula.

IN unified system The air defense of Crimea includes the ships of the Black Sea Fleet. In particular, the cruiser "Moskva" with the S-300F complex, the frigate "Grigorovich" with the Shtil complex.

The alien will not pass

The pearl of Soviet space was the center of long-distance space communications in Yevpatoria. It was named the 40th separate command-measuring complex as part of the Main Test Center of the VKS. Currently, VKS and Roscosmos are actively modernizing the facility and restoring unique antennas. The basis of the center is the RT-70 radio telescope; there are only two more of the same kind in the world - a twin on Far East and an analogue in Goldstone (USA).

Another important object was the radar of the Dnepr PRN system, located on the westernmost cape of Sevastopol. The Ministry of Defense has not yet decided what to do with it, since back in 2009 the radar was replaced with a new one - “Voronezh” in Armavir. Nevertheless, there are plans to develop equipment at Cape Chersonesus. Located between the radars in Baranovichi and Armavir, the Dnepr can view the southwestern strategic direction.

Model military registration and enlistment offices

The ground formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that were on the territory of Crimea have been reorganized, renamed (126th Coastal Defense Brigade, 8th Artillery Regiment and other units) and re-equipped. The level of their combat training has been brought to that of the mainland. Serious reconstruction of the deployment sites is being carried out. In December 2016, units of the Black Sea Fleet ground and coastal forces stationed in Crimea were united into the 22nd Army Corps. Thus, the Russian Navy continued the uncharacteristic practice of creating large army combined arms formations. Previously, the 11th AK was created in the Kaliningrad region.

The 22nd AK included brigades: 126th coastal defense and 127th reconnaissance, regiments: 8th artillery and 1096th anti-aircraft missile, and other units. The 126th brigade is a fairly powerful unit; it includes eight battalions (including tank and reconnaissance) and divisions. A reconnaissance battalion has been formed as part of the 810th Marine Brigade. In the north of Crimea, near Dzhankoy, there is an airborne troops base, airborne units are constantly stationed there and it is planned to form the 3rd regiment of the 7th Novorossiysk mountain air assault division.

A system of field fortifications has been created on the administrative border of Crimea and military units are constantly stationed there on rotation. The 68th Marine Engineering Regiment is deployed in Novozernoye (Lake Donuzlav), one of whose tasks is to clear the territory of Crimea from the remaining ammunition from the Great Patriotic War.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces' logistics support system was included in the naval logistics system. It is entrusted with providing support for all units stationed in Crimea. Taking into account the size of the peninsula, the Black Sea Fleet has created a mobile 133rd logistics brigade; the Black Sea Fleet is the only fleet that has such a formation.

In the spring of 2014, units of the coastal missile and artillery troops were returned to Crimea - the Rubezh and Redut DBK divisions. “Object 100” was restored relatively quickly, or rather, what survived the Ukrainian management. The “Bal” and “Bastion” divisions are mobile and constantly practice moving around the peninsula. Russia does not hesitate to fire missiles from BRAV units from the peninsula, as, for example, during the Caucasus-2016 exercises.

In recent years, the Russian Defense Ministry has been actively creating a system of mobilization resources, including territorial defense units that are to be deployed during a threatened period. In Crimea this is the 47th motorized rifle division. The network of military registration and enlistment offices has been restored, which, according to experts, are better equipped than on the mainland of the country. Military police and justice systems were created.

On the territory of Crimea, coastal electronic surveillance of the environment has been completely modernized and established in new areas.

Units of the Russian Guard, represented by the 112th Brigade, are also present in Crimea. A naval detachment is based in Sevastopol. Crimean Bridge will be guarded by a specially created unit, according to some sources - a brigade.

It is worth mentioning the deployment of the 561st emergency rescue center in Sevastopol, which will begin training special operations forces. In general, a good educational base has been created in Sevastopol. This is the recreated famous Black Sea Naval School named after P. S. Nakhimov, and a training center for military divers.

Much has been done, but more remains to be done

In the three years since the return of Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia, the peninsula has been seriously integrated into the defense space of the Russian Federation. A significant number of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been registered, placed on pay and retrained to meet the requirements of the Russian Armed Forces. A combined arms heterogeneous group of the Russian Armed Forces has been formed, capable of reliably protecting the peninsula from land, air and sea. It is considered sufficient; there are no plans to increase it significantly.

The airspace is covered in multi-layers. On the sea side, a coastal missile defense system has been created. However, there is still work to be done on the infrastructure of the basing system, which essentially has not changed since Soviet times.