Hallway opening 5. Open openings in chess. The hallway is divided into three parts: a wardrobe, a central compartment with a mirror and an open hanger

The oldest openings are open. Up to late XIX centuries they were the most frequently used principles. The intense combinational struggle inherent in these openings attracted chess players of that time.

An important principle in chess is the connection between the opening and the middlegame. One of the main problems in all openings is connecting heavy pieces. The opening stage can be considered complete when there is not a single piece, friendly or enemy, left between the rooks.

The position at the end of the opening must be assessed using several indicators:

  • material ratio;
  • type of advantage – positional or material;
  • position of kings;
  • the presence of open lines and diagonals, good and bad figures, weak points.

The correct plan for the further game is chosen taking into account these factors. With a material advantage, you can strive for simplifications; in the absence of it, on the contrary, you need to sharpen the game. If you have a positional advantage, you should accumulate an advantage rather than simplify your position. The position of the kings determines the plan: to attack or defend. The division of figures into good and bad is determined by the number of fields they control. good figure it is necessary to protect it from exchange, bad ones must be exchanged profitably.

Popular open openings

King's Gambit: 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. f2-f4.

Spicy and difficult start. White strives to achieve superiority in development with the help of sacrifices and clear lines for attack on the king's side as quickly as possible. The gambit was especially popular in the 19th century.

Bishop opening: 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Bf1-c4.

The oldest beginning. This is rare in modern tournament practice, since Black has enough opportunities to equalize the game.

Vienna game: 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Kb1-c3.

The opening was developed by Viennese chess players in the mid-19th century. White strengthens the e4 pawn, preventing the d7-d5 counterattack, and intends to attack the opponent with f2-f4. A certain delay in the dynamics of the game gives Black the opportunity to organize counter actions.

Italian game: 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Kg1-f3 Kb8-c6 3. Cf1-c4 Cf8-c5.

Analyzes of the beginnings of Italian masters appeared in the 16th century. White's goal is to create a strong pawn center and create threats to the weak f7 point. Found for blacks successful ways fight these plans.

Evans Gambit: 1. e2–e4 e7-e5 2. Kg1-f3 Kb8-c6 3. Cf1-c4 Cf8-c5 4. b2-b4.

The idea of ​​sacrificing a pawn to gain tempos in order to capture the center belongs to the English chess player D. Evans. Black's main method of fighting is to accept the gambit pawn in order to return it at the right moment to complete the development.

Defense of two knights: 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Kg1–f3 Kb8-c6 3. Bf1-c4 Kg8-f6.

An opening already known in the 16th century. Black tries to seize the initiative by attacking the e4 pawn, not stopping at sacrifices in many continuations.

Four Knights Opening: 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Kg1-f3 Kb8-c6 3. Kb1-c3 Kg8-f6.

An ancient opening, known since the 16th century. White continues to fight for the center, but does so less persistently than in the Spanish party. In some variants, quick simplifications of the game are possible.

Philidor Defense 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Kg1-f3 d7-d6.

Russian game: 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Kg1-f3 Kg8–f6.

The strategic idea of ​​the opening is that Black continues to develop without defending the attacked pawn e5. Symmetrical variations often arise with a slight positional advantage for White. Black's potential allows him to complicate the game with good counter chances.

Central opening 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. d2-d4 e5:d4 3. Qd1:d4.

The debut was quite popular in the 19th century. By moving the queen, White gives Black extra tempo by developing the knight on c6. However, Black must play carefully to prevent a possible attack in the center or on the kingside.

Northern Gambit: 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. d2-d4 e5:d4 3. c2-c3.

White, regardless of material losses, is trying to firmly seize the initiative. When trying to maintain a material advantage by any means, Black can easily fall under attack.

Scottish game: 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Kg1-f3 Kb8-c6 3. d2-d4.

The idea behind 3. d4 is to try to gain an advantage in the center. In the lively figure competition, blacks have equal opportunities.

Scottish Gambit: 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Kg1-f3 Kb8-c6 3. d2-d4 e5:d4 4. Bf1-c4.

Buy in 1 click

Found it cheaper? Let's reduce the price! *

If you do not want or cannot deliver your purchases yourself, we will help arrange delivery for a reasonable fee. Payment for delivery and assembly services is made when paying for furniture. The delivery order is placed during the checkout stage.

We will deliver goods in any quantity:

  • to an apartment or office– bringing goods into the apartment/office to the assembly site. The price does not depend on the number of floors, the availability of an elevator or the volume of the order. The method of lifting the goods to the buyer’s apartment/office is chosen by the Delivery Service.
  • to any city in Russia– ordering delivery of selected goods to any city in Russia. The price of delivery to your city consists of: the cost of delivering the goods to the transport company in Novosibirsk and the cost of services of the transport company itself. Product delivery services transport company to your city depends on the weight and volume of the selected goods, as well as the distance between your city and the transport company terminal in Novosibirsk.

Our manager will agree with you, and you confirm by email to the address [email protected] transport company and the need to lathe the cargo ( wooden frame, which guarantees the safety of the cargo), since you are a client of the transport company and the customer of transportation services, the consignee, as well as the payer of these services. The manager will inform you of the approximate dates and estimated cost delivery based on your order.

Pickup– carried out by prior agreement with the manager. Taking into account the operating hours of warehouse complexes.

Warehouse address for pickup: Novosibirsk, Zaeltsovsky district, st. Severnaya, 4 (Warehouse opening hours, check with consultants).

Delivery rates in Novosibirsk

Delivery area To the entrance

Oktyabrsky, Dzerzhinsky, Central, Zheleznodorozhny, Kalininsky, Zaeltsovsky, Leninsky, Kirovsky 690 a

Pervomaisky, Koltsovo, Mochishche, village. Razdolnoe, Pashino 800 a

Sovetsky, Krasnoobsk, Ob, Tolmachevo, Krivodanovka, Kudryashovsky 1000 a

Up to 30 km from the city of Novosibirsk, Berdsk 1500 a

Up to 50 km from the city of Novosibirsk 2000 a

Delivery area To the apartment

Oktyabrsky, Dzerzhinsky, Central, Zheleznodorozhny, Kalininsky, Zaeltsovsky, Leninsky, Kirovsky 900 a

Pervomaisky, Koltsovo, Mochishche, village. Razdolnoye, Pashino 1000 a

Sovetsky, Krasnoobsk, Ob, Tolmachevo, Krivodanovka, Kudryashovsky 1200 a

Up to 30 km from Novosibirsk, Berdsk 1700 a

Up to 50 km from Novosibirsk 2200 a

Most products are designed so that you can assemble them yourself. However, if you prefer to use the services of professionals, we will help you organize this. For a reasonable fee, your furniture will be assembled by specialists. Payment for assembly is made when paying for furniture. An assembly order is placed during the checkout stage.

The departure of the assemblers is coordinated with the manager. An hour before the collector arrives, the service department informs you that they are leaving for you. The room must be cleared of furniture, old plumbing fixtures, and construction debris that may interfere with assembly.

Furniture assembly takes place in the presence of the Buyer or an adult representative. At the time of kitchen installation, it is necessary to have an accurate wiring diagram, water and sewer pipes.

The specifics of logistics processes and assembly services are radically different in essence and in the time spent. At the same time, in practice, it turns out that many furniture buyers, when ordering delivery and assembly of furniture, expect that the purchased furniture will be assembled by our employees directly on the day of delivery. However, this option is not available, and assembly is carried out later.

Why do we think it's important to explain this to you?

Furniture delivery is carried out by employees of the logistics department, whose main competence is to quickly and efficiently deliver the goods to you at the place where the goods are received (office, entrance, apartment or Vacation home) and they lack furniture assembly skills. Furniture assembly is carried out by a specialist with skills quick assembly a “furniture designer” in accordance with the assembly diagram, who, in turn, does not have the skill of delivering furniture and bringing it into the apartment. And each of these specialists spends different times for his duties: forwarder - on average 10-12 clients per day (50 minutes per client with moving around the city), furniture assembler - on average 3-4 hours per assembly at the client’s apartment.

And therefore, we decided to divide these processes among ourselves - first, the goods are delivered to you, and only then the furniture is assembled - and this is done by different employees.

Assembly cost:

  • cabinet furniture10% from the cost of furniture, but not less than 950 rubles.
  • kitchens10% from the cost of furniture, including washing, but not less than 950 rubles. Hanging and screeding of cabinets, fixing the countertop, installing a sink is included in the price. (Connection household appliances and plumbing is not produced).

We provide free cleaning packaging material if there is a garbage container no further than 50 m from your home. If there is no container, packaging waste is stored in the room where the furniture was assembled.

Assembly and installation of furniture elements not purchased from the FURNITURE store is not carried out. The production of new parts from the material remaining after assembly is not carried out.

Price list for assemblers traveling to remote areas to perform work:

Within the city Free a

Up to 30 km. from the city500 a

Up to 50 km. from city1000 a


General rights

The warranty for the FURNITURE ONLINE STORE product gives the buyer specific rights. It in no way infringes on consumer rights defined by law.

What is covered by the warranty

The warranty is applicable in the event of a material or manufacturing defect. The warranty is only valid if household use product (unless the instructions for the product indicate otherwise).

Warranty period

The warranty is valid from the day the product is transferred to the consumer and is valid for the period specified by the manufacturer.

Warranty conditions

The warranty is valid from the day the product is delivered to the consumer. Please keep your original receipt as proof of purchase and to determine when your warranty will expire.


The warranty is not valid if the product was stored, assembled or installed incorrectly, was used in violation of operating rules/standards or for other purposes, as well as in case of violation of care instructions. The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, cuts and scratches, or damage resulting from impact or accident. The warranty does not cover indirect or incidental damages. The warranty does not apply if the product has been kept in outdoors or in damp room, for example, in the bathroom, as well as in cases of non-domestic use (unless the instructions for the product indicate otherwise).

What to do to exercise your right to warranty service

When applying for a warranty, you must make a written statement describing the defect and attach to it: a copy cash receipt(delivery note) and a photograph of the defect. This application must be sent to our email. box, or bring it to the nearest FURNITURE brand showroom.

If you have any difficulties during registration, please contact our managers at any phone number listed on the website.

Be sure to keep your receipt as proof of purchase. The guarantee is valid with a receipt.

Care instructions

The buyer has the right to claim warranty if he carefully followed all instructions for caring for the product. Instructions are located in the product passport (or reflected in the assembly instructions).

Important! Be sure to keep the packaging and labels from the furniture until the end of assembly. When receiving furniture at home or from a transport company, check the packaging. If there is damage, be sure to check the product in this package. In cases of delivery of furniture with manufacturing defects or defects that do not allow operation, replacement of the goods is carried out entirely at the expense of the seller. Replacement is carried out as soon as possible. Exact dates Replacements for defective products are determined on an individual basis.


In our online store you can purchase any product presented on the site on credit or in installments.

To purchase goods in installments using a Halva card, when placing an order, you must select the payment method “Online payment by bank card VISA, MasretCard, MIR, Halva.”


Conditions for lending to clients at JSC "ALFA-BANK"

1. Passport of the Russian Federation;
2. Permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
3. The second document is desirable, but not required: insurance certificate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, driver's license, medical insurance policy, Taxpayer Identification Number, foreign passport;
4. Down payment from 0%;
5. The minimum loan amount is RUB 10,000. maximum size loan - 300,000 rubles;
6. Duration from 6 to 12 months;
7. Annual interest rate - 27%;
8. Girls from 19 years old, men from 20 years old;
9. It is necessary to have a working landline telephone, work address, work experience last place at least 3 months;
10. Non-working pensioners are credited (if the age pension isf-55 years old, m-60 years old - a copy of the pension is not needed), as well as preferentialpensioners of any age (military personnel, firefighters, police officers,medical workers, workers in hazardous industries, other categories of citizens),but with a pension certificate (a copy is required!);
11. If the loan amount is more than 200,000 thousand rubles, the second document from the list is required:
- 2 personal income taxes
- Foreign passport with a travel stamp for the last 12 months
- Voluntary Medical Insurance Policy
- Vehicle registration certificate (The car must be no older than 5 years).

Installment plan for 4 months using the Halva card from Sovcombank

The Halva installment card is an opportunity to buy furniture and household goods in installments of up to 4 months without a down payment, commissions and overpayments.

You can apply for a card at any bank branch or order it online.

With Halva, you no longer have to put off shopping until payday or fill out a bunch of paperwork to receive consumer loan in the shop.

Halva is an approved and always available funds limit. The amount of your purchases is divided by the number of months in installments.

Apply for a map and get acquainted with detailed information you can read about it on the website

Payment Methods

You can choose a payment method at the stage of placing an order, after selecting a product and entering contact information.


You can pay to the Delivery Service employee or at the Warehouse upon receipt (valid for Novosibirsk and Berdsk).

Payment methods upon receipt:

  • cash

When paying for the goods, the Delivery Service employee issues a delivery note and a cash receipt.


Payment when placing an order (clause 2.7 of the Offer Agreement)

Payment Methods:

  • cash payment - payment in the company showroom
  • online payment visa, mastercard or MIR bank card (not accepted for payment) bank cards VISA, MasterCard or MIR without CVV2/CVC2 code)
  • bank transfer - through any bank operating in Russia. The approximate time frame for transferring money between banks is no more than 2-3 business days. When paying by bank transfer, a bank transfer fee is charged Money, which averages 2-3% of the translation cost. When placing an order, select Bank transfer, and the invoice will be sent to the e-mail you specified. You must print this invoice and present it to the bank when registering.


In our online store you can purchase any product presented on the website on credit.


  • cashless paymentsthe only way payment if the order is placed for a legal entity. When placing an order, select Bank transfer, and the invoice will be sent to the e-mail you specified. When receiving an order, you must have a power of attorney from the organization and an identity card. A delivery note is issued along with the order.

If you have any difficulties or questions regarding payment for orders, you can always contact our managers.

Materials for this section are being prepared.

How to buy in our online store?

Step one. Product selection

We have several ways to search and select products. If you already know what product you want to buy, enter its name in the search box in the top menu of the site. If you have not yet decided on a specific product, use our catalog and product comparison service. All products in our store are divided into categories; by moving along the top menu, select the section you need.

By selecting a section, you will see a catalog with products from this section.

To learn more about a product, click on the one you like and you will be taken to a card with a detailed description of the product. The product card contains information: price, warranty, manufacturer, photo of the product, description, and various characteristics(dimensions, material, weight, color). You can also look at product reviews and certificates for these products.

If the product consists of separate modules, then below you will find a description of each module and its characteristics, and at the top of the site is the set we offer. For each module or set you choose, select the desired color, quantity and click the “Buy” button, the product will automatically go to your cart.

Step two. Placing an order

If you have finished selecting products, proceed to placing your order.

After you have placed the item in your cart, you need to go to it by clicking on the cart icon located at the top of the site.

Check the contents of the cart, you can change the number of items in the cart, or delete individual items. If everything is correct, click the “Place an order” button.

After this, you can proceed to the next step of placing an order, where you will need to indicate the method of delivery and payment, and indicate whether you need assembly.

Hurray, your order is done! Now our Support Service specialists will contact you to confirm your order and clarify delivery and assembly times. A copy of the order will be sent to your e-mail specified when placing the order.

Attention! An incorrect telephone number, inaccurate or incomplete address may result in additional delays! Please carefully check your personal information when registering and placing an order.

Step three. Payment for goods

You can pay for purchases in the FURNITURE online store using cash or bank transfer, including plastic cards: online (directly on the website) or upon receipt of the goods. All products presented on the site can be purchased on credit. More details about all payment methods can be found in the corresponding section.

Step four. Delivery, receipt of goods, assembly

Products from the FURNITURE online store are delivered throughout Russia. More details about delivery methods and costs can be found in the corresponding section.

. Upon receipt of the goods, you need to inspect its appearance and check the contents and then sign the documents. Along with your order, you will receive a set of documents: for individuals – a delivery note and a cash receipt, for legal entities

- waybill.

Furniture assembly is carried out in all cities where there are FURNITURE branded showrooms. Within three days from the date of delivery of the goods, service staff will be sent to you to assemble the furniture.

After assembly, you must sign the work completion certificate. You can learn more about assembly rates in the corresponding section.


We wish you happy shopping!


You have the right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - within seven days, in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

All claims regarding color are accepted only in the presence of a Delivery Service employee.

Return of goods is carried out on the basis of a written application to the addresses specified in the "Contacts" section. Based on your wishes, "FURNITURE" can independently pick up the order, in which case you will bear the cost of transporting the returned goods. Return and exchange of goods of good quality Return of a product of proper quality is possible if its presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified product are preserved. The cost of previously provided delivery services is not refundable. Requests for the return of payment for goods

sum of money

are subject to satisfaction within 10 days from the date of return of the goods (Article 21 of the Government Decree of September 27, 2007 N 612 “On approval of the rules for the sale of goods remotely”).

Goods of good quality cannot be exchanged or returned.

If at the time of your request to exchange a product, a similar product is not on sale at www.mebel-store.com, you can refuse the product and demand a refund of its cost.

Possible reasons refusal to return goods:

  • Lack of original packaging
  • Presence of traces of assembly
  • The presentation has not been preserved
  • Lack of a cash receipt (delivery note)
  • Failure to pay Buyers transportation costs associated with the delivery of returned goods to our warehouse.
  • Discounted goods

Return and exchange of goods of inadequate quality

Appearance and the completeness of the goods, as well as the completeness of the entire order, must be checked by the recipient at the time of delivery of the order. At the time of delivery, you put your signature on the invoice, which confirms the delivery of the goods of proper quality. After receiving the order, claims regarding external defects of the goods, their quantity, completeness and presentation are not accepted.

If you were given a product of inadequate quality, and it was not agreed upon in advance by the seller, you have the right to take advantage of the provisions of Art. 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Due to the peculiarities of the remote sales method, replacement of goods can only be performed by returning goods of inadequate quality and placing a new order for a similar product, or any other product chosen by you.

Methods for returning goods

  • Departure by employees of the FURNITURE Delivery Service for the return.

The visit of the Delivery Service employees to pick up unsuitable goods is subject to a fee. The cost of visiting to return the goods corresponds to the cost of Delivering the goods to your area.

  • Self return

You can bring the unsuitable goods to our warehouse yourself. You must first call the contact numbers and check with the managers about the operating hours of the warehouse complex in your region.

  • Return by transport company

You can send the goods by a transport company if there are no FURNITURE representative offices in your city.

Refund methods

The method of refund is the same as the method of previously made payment. If the Buyer cannot collect the funds on his own, an authorized person can do so for him. In this case, a refund will be possible only upon presentation of a power of attorney and passport.

  • Cash

Possible upon return by employees of the Delivery Service or in the FURNITURE company showroom. Funds can be received only if you have an identification document (passport or a document replacing it) and an application.

  • Bank transaction

Bank transfer is possible if there are no FURNITURE branded representative offices in your city and you have previously made an ONLINE PAYMENT WITH A BANK CARD VIA THE INTERNET. The buyer independently pays all transportation costs associated with the return of unsuitable goods. Your application with the subject “Return, full name” and details for transfer must be sent by email. address: [email protected] Details must be in the name of the Buyer. The timing of crediting funds to the current account depends on internal regulations recipient bank. The estimated time frame for receipt of funds is 3-5 banking days.

Any of the listed requirements must be presented by you in writing by filling out an application (Application form for return/exchange of goods) sent to the email address: [email protected] or personally brought to any company salon "FURNITURE"

If you have any questions or problems regarding the return of goods, you can contact the nearest FURNITURE brand showroom or call our phones.

"FURNITURE" is a federal multi-brand online store of furniture and household goods.

We are constantly expanding the range of products and directions, and invite manufacturers of cabinet, soft, frameless, forged, office furniture, mattresses, as well as goods for the home and garden.

We offer new partners to join the ranks of the most famous brands that are already successfully sold in our online store.

Market expansion

In the near future, "FURNITURE" will enter the markets of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. As part of our activities in these countries, we will carry out full promotion of our partners’ products and provide a full range of services to customers.

Benefits of cooperation

  • We provide professional advertising support for products and brands.
  • We carry out online promotion of brands and destinations.
  • We regularly inform our customers about new arrivals.
  • We carry out advertising campaigns on the Internet, social networks and the press.
  • Opportunity to enter new regional markets.
  • We deliver goods throughout Russia, incl. to remote regions.
  • The number of our representative offices is constantly increasing.
  • Products become available to the maximum number of customers. Including in regions where there are no other opportunities to purchase products of this level ram.

Increasing brand loyalty

  • We are responsible to our customers for the quality of goods and personally control it.
  • A well-functioning logistics system allows you to deliver goods in the shortest possible time.
  • Our support and consultation service operates around the clock and is also free.
  • Thus, all products presented on the site are associated by customers with high-quality, friendly and responsible service.

Transparency and guarantees

  • We fulfill all obligations under the terms of orders, purchases and payments.
  • We adhere to the principles of transparency and honesty in partnership.
  • We are interested in long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.
  • We respect consumer rights, comply with product safety requirements and provide customers only with reliable information.

Conditions for consideration of commercial proposals for manufacturers from Russia

  • Only original certified products.
  • Information about the brand (catalogs with prices or link to the official website).
  • Information about the status of the company (official representative office in the Russian Federation, distributor or exclusive distributor in the Russian Federation).
  • Contact information for feedback(phone and email address).

Cooperation proposals

We invite everyone who shares our priorities to cooperate!

The main task of "FURNITURE" is the development of a resource that satisfies the needs of the most demanding customers. It is important for us to improve, participate in the growth of our partners and develop domestic business at the global level.


You, as the subject of personal data, hereby consent to MEGA LLC with its location at: 630112, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 1/1 of. 42A, OGRN: 1175476073398; INN/KPP: 5401976494, 540101001 website https://mebel-store.com including its subdomains, for the processing of your personal data, the list of which is specified in clause 4.3 of the Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation , storage, clarification (updating, changing), retrieval, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), including cross-border data transfer taking into account the current legislation of the Russian Federation, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, with and without the use of automation tools , for the purposes specified in clauses 4.1, 4.2 of the Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data. You agree that, in addition to MEGA LLC, third parties have access to your personal data in full accordance with Section 6 of the Regulations on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data. MEGA LLC guarantees compliance with your following rights: the right to receive information about which of your personal data is stored by MEGA LLC; the right to delete, clarify or correct your personal data stored by MEGA LLC; other rights established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The consent to the processing of your personal data provided by you in accordance with the Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data is valid until MEGA LLC achieves the corresponding purpose of their processing or until you withdraw this consent under the terms of clause 7.3 of the Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data.

The consent you provided to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Regulations on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data may be withdrawn by you at any time. In this case, MEGA LLC is obliged to stop processing your personal data or ensure the termination of such processing (if the processing of personal data is carried out by another person acting on behalf of MEGA LLC) and in the event that the preservation of personal data is no longer required for the purposes of processing personal data. data, destroy personal data or ensure their destruction (if the processing of personal data is carried out by another person acting on behalf of MEGA LLC) within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the agreement to which you are a party, beneficiary or guarantor, otherwise agreement between MEGA LLC and you, or if MEGA LLC does not have the right to process personal data without your consent on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

You can send to MEGA LLC in one of the following ways the withdrawal of your previously provided consent to the processing of your personal data:

By personally contacting MEGA LLC with a corresponding application;

By sending the corresponding application by mail to the address: 630112, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 1/1 of. 42A;

By sending a corresponding application by email [email protected].

In a number of cases provided for in paragraphs 2-11 of part 1 of article 6 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, MEGA LLC may continue processing your personal data after revoking your consent.

Buying furniture for your home is a big event for the family; you want to be sure that the product you purchased meets high quality criteria and will serve you until you get tired of it! This is why the online store “OLMEKO.RU” works with trusted furniture manufacturers, the main criteria for which are:Based on these criteria, we guarantee 100% quality and originality of the products presented.

Furniture warranty up to 24 months

  • Cabinet furniture – 24 months
  • Sofas and children's furniture – 18 months


Delivery and pickup of orders

Pickup in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Pickup in the Nizhny Novgorod region is free of charge at the address Balakhna. st. Chelyuskintsev, 27 (OLMECO furniture center)

Delivery in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Delivery to the cities listed below – 650 RUR.

  • Arzamas
  • Balakhna
  • Vyksa
  • Gorodets
  • Dzerzhinsk
  • Zavolzhye
  • Murom
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Sarov
Delivery to other cities in the Nizhny Novgorod region is calculated individually by our manager using the following formula: delivery to the city closest to you from the list above is taken, then the distance from the city border to your address is calculated and paid for each kilometer at the rate of 27 rubles/km.
Example: delivery to Volodarsk = 650 rubles (delivery to Dzerzhinsk) + 21 km (distance between Dzerzhinsk and Volodarsk)x27 rubles = 650+567 = 1217 rubles

How to save on shipping?

Take advantage of self-pickup at: Nizhny Novgorod Region, Balakhna. st. Chelyuskintsev, 27 (Olmeko furniture center) - it's free!

But don’t forget that some furniture sets weigh more than 140 kg and you may need help loading it! Therefore, sometimes ordering delivery to your doorstep is much more profitable and economical than doing it yourself. The choice, as always, is yours!

Furniture delivery to Moscow and throughout Russia

Delivery within Russia is carried out using transport companies, such as:
  • Business Line
  • ZhelDorExpedition
You can calculate the cost of delivery by a transport company yourself using the “delivery calculator” or ask the manager about it in the comments to the order. Delivery of the order to the transport company costs 650 rubles; the buyer pays for the services of the transport company independently upon receipt of the goods at the point of delivery. The transport company is responsible for the safety of the cargo, and also notifies the buyer about the arrival of the cargo at its destination by telephone.

Furniture assembly

Self-assembly of furniture

Furniture assembly by a master

The most convenient thing is to entrust the assembly of your furniture to a professional. We cooperate with experienced craftsmen, who have hundreds of completed orders behind them. Our managers, based on geography, will provide you with contacts of assemblers who are located in close proximity to you. You yourself will be able to agree with the assembler on the time and place of assembly of your order.

Buyer's attention!
The buyer must prepare the room for furniture assembly (free up space, cover floors, etc.). Work not related to furniture assembly (taking out garbage, rearranging furniture, beating baseboards, etc.) is not the responsibility of the assembler.

Assembly is paid upon completion of assembly to the assembler at the rate of:
  • Cabinet furniture - 15% of the total order cost, excluding discounts and bonuses
  • Cushioned furniture- 10% rub.


The cost of lifting goods to a floor using an elevator is calculated as loading goods on the first floor and unloading on the last, regardless of the number of floors. Cost of work: 400 rub.

In the absence of an elevator or if it is malfunctioning, lifting furniture is carried out for a fee at the rate of 200 rubles = 1 floor.


Payment for the order

The online store of furniture for home and office "OLMEKO.RU" offers the most convenient ways to pay for your purchases, namely:

Payment in cash to the courier

You can pay for your order in cash upon delivery to the delivery driver. You will be given a receipt to confirm payment. Cash payment is available to residents of Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Payment by credit card on the website

Paying with a plastic card on the store’s website is absolutely safe and very convenient way. Our partner is PJSC Sberbank of Russia, which provides a very convenient and fast service. Funds are credited instantly and without commission.

Payment by credit card is made immediately after placing an order in the online store. To pay for the purchase, you will be redirected to the payment gateway of Sberbank of Russia PJSC to enter your card details. Pay special attention correct filling details and indicate them exactly as they are indicated on the card.

Required details:
  • Plastic card number - numbers only.
  • The cardholder's name is written on the card (fill in as written).
  • The expiration date of the card is written on the card.
  • Code CVC2/CVV2 - indicated on back side cards, in the upper right corner immediately after the owner's signature.
IN currently For payment we accept cards from the world's leading payment systems: Visa, MasterCard and MIR.

Reasons why a bank may refuse to pay you:
  • There are not enough funds on the card to pay for the order;
  • The 20-minute waiting period for entering data has expired;
  • The entered data was not confirmed by the Buyer on the payment page, data format error, etc.
  • The Buyer's issuing bank has imposed a ban on online payments (some banks ban online payments for fear of fraud);
  • The Buyer's issuing bank does not support the secure payment processing technology 3D-Secure, which is mandatory international demands payment system VISA, Master Card;

Buying furniture in installments and credit

The Olmeko online store now offers the opportunity to buy furniture in installments and on credit without leaving home. In the shopping cart, when choosing a payment method, click “Purchase on credit”, submit the application and wait for a call from the bank.
  • We give away the goods without money! Like the furniture, but don’t have the money right now? No problem! Buying in installments does not even require a down payment.
  • Don't like to overpay? No need! The cost of your purchase is divided equally into the payment period. Fair installment plan.
  • 12 months

    Convenient installment repayment terms from 3 to 12 months. Do you want to pay off your debt earlier? choose a shorter period!

Terms of installment plan

  • Passport

    Citizenship of the Russian Federation;

  • Age

    Not younger than 21 years old and not older than 65 years old (for men) and 69 years old (for women);

  • Registration

    Availability of a permanent registration address and actual residence address in the region where the point of sale is located, or in any region where there is a regional branch of the bank;

  • Job

    It is mandatory to have an actual residence address and a place of work address in the same region.

partner banks

Made from laminated chipboard 16 mm thick, all parts are treated with PVC edges, which significantly extends the service life of the product.Handles and hooks for clothes are made of high-quality silver-colored metal. To protect the flooring, the hallway is installed on plastic bearings.

The hallway is divided into three parts: a wardrobe, a central compartment with a mirror and an open hanger.

On the left, behind the two hinged doors of the closet, there is a mezzanine shelf and a retractable metal rod for clothes.

In the central part behind the door with a mirror there is a compartment with three shelves. The mirror has a decorative sandblasted pattern, which adds special charm and originality to the entire product. Below is an open niche for small items and two drawers mounted on roller guides. Under the drawers there is an open niche for a pouf. The retractable soft pouf is organically built into one line with the facades and compactly solves the issue of seating in small hallway. Pouf dimensions (LxDxH): 350x350x445 mm.

The open hanger is equipped with a shelf for hats, two 3-arm hooks for clothes, a decorative vertical rod made of chromed metal and a cabinet with a hinged door, behind which there is a compartment without shelves.

The model is completed with a decorative cornice, which provides recessed lighting above the mirror with one halogen lamp, butit must be equipped with an additional electrical installation kit 07000000.

The "Debut-5" hallway is a high-quality, functional and affordable option that is suitable for families of any income, and will perfectly match the interior due to its elegance and modern colors.

Buy in 1 click

Found it cheaper? Let's reduce the price! *

If you do not want or cannot deliver your purchases yourself, we will help arrange delivery for a reasonable fee. Payment for delivery and assembly services is made when paying for furniture. The delivery order is placed during the checkout stage.

We will deliver goods in any quantity:

  • to an apartment or office– bringing goods into the apartment/office to the assembly site. The price does not depend on the number of floors, the availability of an elevator or the volume of the order. The method of lifting the goods to the buyer’s apartment/office is chosen by the Delivery Service.
  • to any city in Russia– ordering delivery of selected goods to any city in Russia. The price of delivery to your city consists of: the cost of delivering the goods to the transport company in Novosibirsk and the cost of services of the transport company itself. The delivery of goods by a transport company to your city depends on the weight and volume of the selected goods, as well as the distance between your city and the transport company’s terminal in Novosibirsk.

Our manager will agree with you, and you confirm by email to the address [email protected] transport company and the need to lath the cargo (a wooden frame that guarantees the safety of the cargo), since you are a client of the transport company and the customer of transportation services, the consignee, as well as the payer of these services. The manager will inform you about the estimated delivery time and cost, taking into account your order.

Pickup– carried out by prior agreement with the manager. Taking into account the operating hours of warehouse complexes.

Warehouse address for pickup: Novosibirsk, Zaeltsovsky district, st. Severnaya, 4 (Warehouse opening hours, check with consultants).

Delivery rates in Novosibirsk

Delivery area To the entrance

Oktyabrsky, Dzerzhinsky, Central, Zheleznodorozhny, Kalininsky, Zaeltsovsky, Leninsky, Kirovsky 690 a

Pervomaisky, Koltsovo, Mochishche, village. Razdolnoe, Pashino 800 a

Sovetsky, Krasnoobsk, Ob, Tolmachevo, Krivodanovka, Kudryashovsky 1000 a

Up to 30 km from the city of Novosibirsk, Berdsk 1500 a

Up to 50 km from the city of Novosibirsk 2000 a

Delivery area To the apartment

Oktyabrsky, Dzerzhinsky, Central, Zheleznodorozhny, Kalininsky, Zaeltsovsky, Leninsky, Kirovsky 900 a

Pervomaisky, Koltsovo, Mochishche, village. Razdolnoye, Pashino 1000 a

Sovetsky, Krasnoobsk, Ob, Tolmachevo, Krivodanovka, Kudryashovsky 1200 a

Up to 30 km from Novosibirsk, Berdsk 1700 a

Up to 50 km from Novosibirsk 2200 a

Most products are designed so that you can assemble them yourself. However, if you prefer to use the services of professionals, we will help you organize this. For a reasonable fee, your furniture will be assembled by specialists. Payment for assembly is made when paying for furniture. An assembly order is placed during the checkout stage.

The departure of the assemblers is coordinated with the manager. An hour before the collector arrives, the service department informs you that they are leaving for you. The room must be cleared of furniture, old plumbing fixtures, and construction debris that may interfere with assembly.

Furniture assembly takes place in the presence of the Buyer or an adult representative. At the time of kitchen installation, it is necessary to have an accurate wiring diagram, water and sewer pipes.

The specifics of logistics processes and assembly services are radically different in essence and in the time spent. At the same time, in practice, it turns out that many furniture buyers, when ordering delivery and assembly of furniture, expect that the purchased furniture will be assembled by our employees directly on the day of delivery. However, this option is not available, and assembly is carried out later.

Why do we think it's important to explain this to you?

Furniture delivery is carried out by employees of the logistics department, whose main competence is to quickly and efficiently deliver the goods to the place where the goods are received (office, entrance, apartment or country house) and they do not have the skill of assembling furniture. Furniture assembly is carried out by a specialist with the skills to quickly assemble a “furniture designer” in accordance with the assembly diagram, who, in turn, does not have the skill of delivering furniture and bringing it into the apartment. And each of these specialists spends different time on their duties: a freight forwarder - on average 10-12 clients per day (50 minutes per client with moving around the city), a furniture assembler - on average 3-4 hours per assembly in an apartment at the client's.

And therefore, we decided to divide these processes among ourselves - first, the goods are delivered to you, and only then the furniture is assembled - and this is done by different employees.

Assembly cost:

  • cabinet furniture10% from the cost of furniture, but not less than 950 rubles.
  • kitchens10% from the cost of furniture, including washing, but not less than 950 rubles. Hanging and screeding of cabinets, fixing the countertop, installing a sink is included in the price. (Connection of household appliances and plumbing is not carried out).

We carry out free cleaning of packaging material if there is a garbage container no further than 50 m from your home. If there is no container, packaging waste is stored in the room where the furniture was assembled.

Assembly and installation of furniture elements not purchased from the FURNITURE store is not carried out. The production of new parts from the material remaining after assembly is not carried out.

Price list for assemblers traveling to remote areas to perform work:

Within the city Free a

Up to 30 km. from the city500 a

Up to 50 km. from city1000 a


General rights

The warranty for the FURNITURE ONLINE STORE product gives the buyer specific rights. It in no way infringes on consumer rights defined by law.

What is covered by the warranty

The warranty is applicable in the event of a material or manufacturing defect. The warranty is valid only for domestic use of the product (unless otherwise stated in the product instructions).

Warranty period

The warranty is valid from the day the product is transferred to the consumer and is valid for the period specified by the manufacturer.

Warranty conditions

The warranty is valid from the day the product is delivered to the consumer. Please keep your original receipt as proof of purchase and to determine when your warranty will expire.


The warranty is not valid if the product was stored, assembled or installed incorrectly, was used in violation of operating rules/standards or for other purposes, as well as in case of violation of care instructions. The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, cuts and scratches, or damage resulting from impact or accident. The warranty does not cover indirect or incidental damages. The warranty does not apply if the product was kept outdoors or in a damp place, for example, in a bathroom, as well as in cases of non-domestic use (unless the instructions for the product indicate otherwise).

What to do to exercise your right to warranty service

When applying for a warranty, you must make a written statement describing the defect and attach to it: a copy of the sales receipt (delivery note) and a photograph of the defect. This application must be sent to our email. box, or bring it to the nearest FURNITURE brand showroom.

If you have any difficulties during registration, please contact our managers at any phone number listed on the website.

Be sure to keep your receipt as proof of purchase. The guarantee is valid with a receipt.

Care instructions

The buyer has the right to claim warranty if he carefully followed all instructions for caring for the product. Instructions are located in the product passport (or reflected in the assembly instructions).

Important! Be sure to keep the packaging and labels from the furniture until the end of assembly. When receiving furniture at home or from a transport company, check the packaging. If there is damage, be sure to check the product in this package. In cases of delivery of furniture with manufacturing defects or defects that do not allow operation, replacement of the goods is carried out entirely at the expense of the seller. Replacement is carried out as soon as possible. The exact timing of replacement of defective products is determined individually.


In our online store you can purchase any product presented on the site on credit or in installments.

To purchase goods in installments using a Halva card, when placing an order, you must select the payment method “Online payment by bank card VISA, MasretCard, MIR, Halva.”


Conditions for lending to clients at JSC "ALFA-BANK"

1. Passport of the Russian Federation;
2. Permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
3. The second document is desirable, but not required: insurance certificate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, driver's license, medical insurance policy, Taxpayer Identification Number, foreign passport;
4. Down payment from 0%;
5. The minimum loan amount is RUB 10,000. maximum loan size - RUB 300,000;
6. Duration from 6 to 12 months;
7. Annual interest rate - 27%;
8. Girls from 19 years old, men from 20 years old;
9. It is necessary to have a working landline telephone, work address, and at least 3 months of work experience in the last place;
10. Non-working pensioners are credited (if the age pension isf-55 years old, m-60 years old - a copy of the pension is not needed), as well as preferentialpensioners of any age (military personnel, firefighters, police officers,medical workers, workers in hazardous industries, other categories of citizens),but with a pension certificate (a copy is required!);
11. If the loan amount is more than 200,000 thousand rubles, the second document from the list is required:
- 2 personal income taxes
- Foreign passport with a travel stamp for the last 12 months
- Voluntary Medical Insurance Policy
- Vehicle registration certificate (The car must be no older than 5 years).

Installment plan for 4 months using the Halva card from Sovcombank

The Halva installment card is an opportunity to buy furniture and household goods in installments of up to 4 months without a down payment, commissions and overpayments.

You can apply for a card at any bank branch or order it online.

With Halva, you no longer have to put off shopping until payday or fill out a bunch of paperwork to get a consumer loan in a store.

Halva is an approved and always available funds limit. The amount of your purchases is divided by the number of months in installments.

You can apply for a card and get detailed information about it on the website

Payment Methods

You can choose a payment method at the stage of placing an order, after selecting a product and entering contact information.


You can pay to the Delivery Service employee or at the Warehouse upon receipt (valid for Novosibirsk and Berdsk).

Payment methods upon receipt:

  • cash

When paying for the goods, the Delivery Service employee issues a delivery note and a cash receipt.


Payment when placing an order (clause 2.7 of the Offer Agreement)

Payment Methods:

  • cash payment - payment in the company showroom
  • online payment by visa, mastercard or MIR bank card (bank cards are not accepted for payment VISA cards, MasterCard or MIR without CVV2/CVC2 code)
  • bank transfer - through any bank operating in Russia. The approximate time frame for transferring money between banks is no more than 2-3 business days. When paying by bank transfer, the bank's commission fee for transferring funds is charged, which averages 2-3% of the transfer cost. When placing an order, select Bank transfer, and the invoice will be sent to the e-mail you specified. You must print this invoice and present it to the bank when registering.


In our online store you can purchase any product presented on the website on credit.


  • cashless payments– the only payment method if the order is placed for a legal entity. When placing an order, select Bank transfer, and the invoice will be sent to the e-mail you specified. When receiving an order, you must have a power of attorney from the organization and an identity card. A delivery note is issued along with the order.

If you have any difficulties or questions regarding payment for orders, you can always contact our managers.

Materials for this section are being prepared.

How to buy in our online store?

Step one. Product selection

We have several ways to search and select products. If you already know what product you want to buy, enter its name in the search box in the top menu of the site. If you have not yet decided on a specific product, use our catalog and product comparison service. All products in our store are divided into categories; by moving along the top menu, select the section you need.

By selecting a section, you will see a catalog with products from this section.

To learn more about a product, click on the one you like and you will be taken to a card with a detailed description of the product. The product card contains information: price, warranty, manufacturer, photo of the product, description, and various characteristics (dimensions, material, weight, color). You can also look at product reviews and certificates for these products.

If the product consists of separate modules, then below you will find a description of each module and its characteristics, and at the top of the site is the set we offer. For each module or set you choose, select the desired color, quantity and click the “Buy” button, the product will automatically go to your cart.

Step two. Placing an order

If you have finished selecting products, proceed to placing your order.

After you have placed the item in your cart, you need to go to it by clicking on the cart icon located at the top of the site.

Check the contents of the cart, you can change the number of items in the cart, or delete individual items. If everything is correct, click the “Place an order” button.

After this, you can proceed to the next step of placing an order, where you will need to indicate the method of delivery and payment, and indicate whether you need assembly.

Hurray, your order is done! Now our Support Service specialists will contact you to confirm your order and clarify delivery and assembly times. A copy of the order will be sent to your e-mail specified when placing the order.

Attention! An incorrect telephone number, inaccurate or incomplete address may result in additional delays! Please carefully check your personal information when registering and placing an order.

Step three. Payment for goods

You can pay for purchases in the FURNITURE online store using cash or bank transfer, including plastic cards: online (directly on the website) or upon receipt of the goods. All products presented on the site can be purchased on credit. More details about all payment methods can be found in the corresponding section.

Step four. Delivery, receipt of goods, assembly

Products from the FURNITURE online store are delivered throughout Russia. More details about delivery methods and costs can be found in the corresponding section.


- waybill.

Furniture assembly is carried out in all cities where there are FURNITURE branded showrooms. Within three days from the date of delivery of the goods, service staff will be sent to you to assemble the furniture.

After assembly, you must sign the work completion certificate. You can learn more about assembly rates in the corresponding section.


We wish you happy shopping!


You have the right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - within seven days, in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

All claims regarding color are accepted only in the presence of a Delivery Service employee.

Upon receipt of the goods, you need to inspect its appearance and check the contents and then sign the documents. Along with the order, you will receive a set of documents: for individuals - a delivery note and a cash receipt, for legal entities - a delivery note.

sum of money

are subject to satisfaction within 10 days from the date of return of the goods (Article 21 of the Government Decree of September 27, 2007 N 612 “On approval of the rules for the sale of goods remotely”).

Goods of good quality cannot be exchanged or returned.

If at the time of your request to exchange a product, a similar product is not on sale at www.mebel-store.com, you can refuse the product and demand a refund of its cost.

Return of a product of proper quality is possible if its presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified product are preserved. The cost of previously provided delivery services is not refundable. Requests for the return of the amount of money paid for the goods must be satisfied within 10 days from the date of return of the goods (Article 21 of Government Resolution No. 612 of September 27, 2007 “On approval of the rules for the sale of goods remotely”).

  • Lack of original packaging
  • Presence of traces of assembly
  • The presentation has not been preserved
  • Lack of a cash receipt (delivery note)
  • Failure to pay Buyers transportation costs associated with the delivery of returned goods to our warehouse.
  • Discounted goods

Return and exchange of goods of inadequate quality

Possible reasons for refusal to return goods:

If you were given a product of inadequate quality, and it was not agreed upon in advance by the seller, you have the right to take advantage of the provisions of Art. 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Due to the peculiarities of the remote sales method, replacement of goods can only be performed by returning goods of inadequate quality and placing a new order for a similar product, or any other product chosen by you.

Methods for returning goods

  • Departure by employees of the FURNITURE Delivery Service for the return.

The visit of the Delivery Service employees to pick up unsuitable goods is subject to a fee. The cost of visiting to return the goods corresponds to the cost of Delivering the goods to your area.

  • Self return

You can bring the unsuitable goods to our warehouse yourself. You must first call the contact numbers and check with the managers about the operating hours of the warehouse complex in your region.

  • Return by transport company

You can send the goods by a transport company if there are no FURNITURE representative offices in your city.

Refund methods

The method of refund is the same as the method of previously made payment. If the Buyer cannot collect the funds on his own, an authorized person can do so for him. In this case, a refund will be possible only upon presentation of a power of attorney and passport.

  • Cash

Possible upon return by employees of the Delivery Service or in the FURNITURE company showroom. Funds can be received only if you have an identification document (passport or a document replacing it) and an application.

  • Bank transaction

Bank transfer is possible if there are no FURNITURE branded representative offices in your city and you have previously made an ONLINE PAYMENT WITH A BANK CARD VIA THE INTERNET. The buyer independently pays all transportation costs associated with the return of unsuitable goods. Your application with the subject “Return, full name” and details for transfer must be sent by email. address: [email protected] The appearance and completeness of the goods, as well as the completeness of the entire order, must be checked by the recipient at the time of delivery of the order. At the time of delivery, you put your signature on the invoice, which confirms the delivery of the goods of proper quality. After receiving the order, claims regarding external defects of the goods, their quantity, completeness and presentation are not accepted.

Any of the listed requirements must be presented by you in writing by filling out an application (Application form for return/exchange of goods) sent to the email address: [email protected] or personally brought to any company salon "FURNITURE"

If you have any questions or problems regarding the return of goods, you can contact the nearest FURNITURE brand showroom or call our phones.

"FURNITURE" is a federal multi-brand online store of furniture and household goods.

We are constantly expanding the range of products and directions, and invite manufacturers of cabinet, upholstered, frameless, forged, office furniture, mattresses, as well as goods for the home and garden to cooperate.

We offer new partners to join the ranks of the most famous brands that are already successfully sold in our online store.

Market expansion

In the near future, "FURNITURE" will enter the markets of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. As part of our activities in these countries, we will carry out full promotion of our partners’ products and provide a full range of services to customers.

Benefits of cooperation

  • We provide professional advertising support for products and brands.
  • We carry out online promotion of brands and destinations.
  • We regularly inform our customers about new arrivals.
  • We conduct advertising campaigns on the Internet, social networks and the press.
  • Opportunity to enter new regional markets.
  • We deliver goods throughout Russia, incl. to remote regions.
  • The number of our representative offices is constantly increasing.
  • Products become available to the maximum number of customers. Including in regions where there are no other opportunities to purchase products of this level ram.

Increasing brand loyalty

  • We are responsible to our customers for the quality of goods and personally control it.
  • A well-functioning logistics system allows you to deliver goods in the shortest possible time.
  • Our support and consultation service operates around the clock and is also free.
  • Thus, all products presented on the site are associated by customers with high-quality, friendly and responsible service.

Transparency and guarantees

  • We fulfill all obligations under the terms of orders, purchases and payments.
  • We adhere to the principles of transparency and honesty in partnership.
  • We are interested in long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.
  • We respect consumer rights, comply with product safety requirements and provide customers only with reliable information.

Conditions for consideration of commercial proposals for manufacturers from Russia

  • Only original certified products.
  • Information about the brand (catalogs with prices or link to the official website).
  • Information about the status of the company (official representative office in the Russian Federation, distributor or exclusive distributor in the Russian Federation).
  • Contact information for feedback (phone and email).

Cooperation proposals

We invite everyone who shares our priorities to cooperate!

The main task of "FURNITURE" is the development of a resource that satisfies the needs of the most demanding customers. It is important for us to improve, participate in the growth of our partners and develop domestic business at the global level.


You, as the subject of personal data, hereby give your consent to MEGA LLC with its location at the address: 630112, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 1/1 of. 42A, OGRN: 1175476073398; INN/KPP: 5401976494, 540101001 website https://mebel-store.com including its subdomains, for the processing of your personal data, the list of which is specified in clause 4.3 of the Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation , storage, clarification (updating, changing), retrieval, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), including cross-border data transfer taking into account the current legislation of the Russian Federation, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, with and without the use of automation tools , for the purposes specified in clauses 4.1, 4.2 of the Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data. You agree that, in addition to MEGA LLC, third parties have access to your personal data in full accordance with Section 6 of the Regulations on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data. MEGA LLC guarantees compliance with your following rights: the right to receive information about which of your personal data is stored by MEGA LLC; the right to delete, clarify or correct your personal data stored by MEGA LLC; other rights established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The consent to the processing of your personal data provided by you in accordance with the Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data is valid until MEGA LLC achieves the corresponding purpose of their processing or until you withdraw this consent under the terms of clause 7.3 of the Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data.

The consent you provided to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Regulations on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data may be withdrawn by you at any time. In this case, MEGA LLC is obliged to stop processing your personal data or ensure the termination of such processing (if the processing of personal data is carried out by another person acting on behalf of MEGA LLC) and in the event that the preservation of personal data is no longer required for the purposes of processing personal data. data, destroy personal data or ensure their destruction (if the processing of personal data is carried out by another person acting on behalf of MEGA LLC) within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the agreement to which you are a party, beneficiary or guarantor, otherwise agreement between MEGA LLC and you, or if MEGA LLC does not have the right to process personal data without your consent on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

You can send to MEGA LLC in one of the following ways the withdrawal of your previously provided consent to the processing of your personal data:

By personally contacting MEGA LLC with a corresponding application;

By sending the corresponding application by mail to the address: 630112, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 1/1 of. 42A;

By sending a corresponding application by email [email protected].

In a number of cases provided for in paragraphs 2-11 of part 1 of article 6 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, MEGA LLC may continue processing your personal data after revoking your consent.