Basic criteria for the performance and calculation of machine parts. Basic concepts about strength What stresses are called ultimate

Depending on the purpose of the structure and the conditions of its operation, requirements for certain properties are imposed on its material: corrosion, magnetic, heat-resistant, etc.

However, for almost all structures the most important requirement is strength.

What is meant by strength?

Strength in the broad (engineering) sense of the word is understood as the ability of a material or structural element to resist not only destruction, but also the onset of yield, loss of stability, crack propagation, etc.

In a narrower, scientific sense of the word, strength is understood not only as resistance to destruction.

In accordance with these two concepts, hypotheses are created that explain the occurrence of any limiting states of a metal or part.

There are currently many engineering theories of strength put forward (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th strength theories). For example, according to the 4th (energy) theory, “The plastic state (or destruction) occurs when specific energy changes in shape reaches a certain limiting value” (Huber-Mises-Genki hypothesis). Then the condition for the onset of yield will be

If we take the onset of yield as the limit state of any element, then the corresponding calculation formula it will look like this

Usually they don't take


According to almost all engineering theories of strength, the strength condition for a given type of loading will be written in the form

Does this mean that in the case of, for example

(i.e., in an engineering sense, a loss of strength has occurred) the structure collapses. Therefore, one should not equate the loss of strength in the engineering sense with the onset of destruction of the part.

Modern technical materials have a complex, heterogeneous structure. Materials are usually divided into ductile (or plastic) and brittle. Ductile fractures occur at large, and brittle fractures at relatively small deformations. Due to differences in material properties, we may receive different kinds destruction.


1. What is meant by strength?

2. What is hardness?

3. What is meant by sustainability?

4 What property of bodies is called elasticity?

5 What are the simplest types from the point of view of form? various elements designs?

6 What objects are called rods?

8. What objects are called plates and shells? What is the difference between plates and shells?

9. What bodies are called volumetric?

10. What are the main problems solved in the course on strength of materials?

11. List the basic assumptions about properties construction materials, which are taken into account the resistance of materials.

12. What does the property of homogeneity mean?

13. What is meant by continuity?

14. Why is wood considered an anisotropic material?

15. What is the principle of independence of the action of forces?

17. Which forces are called static and which dynamic?

18. What is volumetric force, its dimension? Give examples of body forces?

22. What systems are called statically indeterminate?

23. What systems are called statically determinate?

24. Support reactions – external or internal forces?

26. What method is used to determine internal forces?

27. How many internal forces arise in the cross sections of the rod in the general case of loading? Name them.

28. By what criteria are types of rod deformation classified?

29. What cases of simple deformation do you know?

30. What is called stress at a point and what is its dimension?

31. Which stress is called normal and which is tangential?

32. What voltages are called dangerous (ultimate)?

33. What is the safety factor?

34. How is the permissible stress determined?

35. What is deformation? What are the simplest deformations you know?

36. How are the concepts of “relative elongation” and “relative shift” introduced?

37. What is the calculation for rigidity?


38. What type of loading is called axial deformation?

39. What hypothesis underlies the theory of tension (compression) of straight rods and what law of stress distribution follows from it?

40. Write down the static equivalence condition for the normal force.

41. How are stresses calculated in the cross section of a rod during axial deformation?

42. How will the force in a statically determinate rod change under axial deformation if: a) the area is doubled cross section; b) replace the material from which the rod is made?

43. How will the stress in a statically determinate rod change during axial deformation if: a) the cross-sectional area is doubled; b) replace the material from which the rod is made?

44. In what parts of a stretched rod is the stress distribution not uniform?

45. What is stress concentration and how is it assessed in the elastic stage of the material?

46. ​​Does the distribution of stresses during axial deformation depend on the method of applying external forces?

47. What is the Saint-Venant principle?

48. How is the strength condition for axial deformation written? What problems can be solved using this condition?

49. How is the elongation of a rod calculated if the normal force is constant?

50. How is the elongation of a rod calculated if the normal force changes according to a linear law?

51. How many times will the absolute elongation of a round rod, stretched by a certain force, change if its length and diameter are halved?

52. How is Hooke’s law written for tension (compression)?

53. What is the physical meaning of Young's modulus?

54. What is Poisson's ratio? Within what limits does it vary for isotropic materials?

55. Which linear tensile strain is greater: longitudinal or transverse?

56. Which of the given values ​​of Poisson’s ratio (0.12; 0.00; 0.52; 0.35; 0.50) cannot be for an isotropic material?

57. Characteristics of what material properties are Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio?


75. What is the state of stress at a point and how is it quantified?

76. How many significantly different components does the stress tensor have?

77. Formulate the law of pairing of tangential stresses (verbally).

78. On the faces of an elementary parallelepiped parallel to the xOz plane, show the positive directions of the stresses acting on them.

79. What stresses are called the main ones?

80. At what sites are there no shear stresses?

82. How many main areas can be drawn through a point of a deformable body, how are they oriented in relation to each other?

84. At what sites do normal stresses reach extreme values?

85. What is the relationship between the principal stresses?

86. What quantities are called invariant?

87. What is the first invariant of the stress tensor?

88. What does the stress tensor look like if the coordinate axes coincide in direction with the principal stresses?

89. What is the maximum tangential stress at a point on the body and on what areas does it act?

90. Give a classification of stress states at a point on the body.

91. On which areas of a stretched rod do the largest normal stresses occur and on which areas do the largest tangential stresses occur?

92. What stress state is called pure shear? What are the main stresses in this case and how are the main areas oriented?

93. What is the deformed state at a point on the body and how is it quantified?

94. What axes are called the main axes of deformation?

95. What does the strain tensor look like if the coordinate axes coincide in direction with the main strain axes?

98. What quantities are related by Hooke’s generalized law?


99. Why are strength hypotheses (theories) needed?

100. What classical hypotheses of brittle fracture do you know (list)?

101. What classical hypotheses of plasticity do you know (list)?

102. What is equivalent (calculated) voltage?

103. What condition is considered dangerous according to the first strength hypothesis?

104. How is the equivalent (calculated) stress determined according to the first strength hypothesis?

105. Which condition is considered dangerous according to the II strength hypothesis?

106. How is the equivalent (calculated) stress determined according to the II strength hypothesis?

107. Which condition is considered dangerous according to the III strength hypothesis?

108. How is the equivalent (calculated) stress determined according to the III strength hypothesis?

109. Which condition is considered dangerous according to the IV strength hypothesis?

110. How is the equivalent (calculated) stress determined according to the IV strength hypothesis?


113. What type of deformation of a rod is called torsion?

114. What is called torque and how is its sign determined?

116. How is Hooke's law expressed during a shift?

117. What properties of a material are characterized by the shear modulus? What is the relationship between the elastic constants of an isotropic material?

118. According to what law are tangential stresses distributed in the cross sections of a round shaft in the region of elastic deformations?

119. How are the tangential stresses directed in relation to the vector connecting the center of gravity of the section and the point under consideration?

120. Write down the static equivalence condition for torque.

121. At what points of the cross section of a round shaft do the greatest tangential stresses occur and how are they determined?

122. What are the polar moment of inertia and the polar moment of resistance? How are they calculated and what is the dimension of these quantities?

123. How is the strength condition for a round shaft written and what problems does it allow to solve?

124. What benefits are achieved by using hollow shafts?

127. What formula is used to determine the angle of twist of a round shaft with a constant torque along the length and constant cross-sectional rigidity?

128. What value is called the torsional stiffness of the cross section and what is its dimension?

129. How is the torsional rigidity condition for a round shaft formulated?

130. What stress state occurs when a round shaft rotates? On which areas are the maximum tangential stresses and on which are the maximum normal stresses?


132. What is the static moment of a section about a certain axis and in what units is it measured?

133. Which axis is called the central one?

134. What is the static moment about the central axis?

135. How are the concepts of axial and centrifugal moment of inertia introduced for flat figure, their dimensions?

136. Let the moment of inertia of a figure with area A relative to the central axis x be known. How to determine the moment of inertia about an axis parallel to a given one?

137. Let the moment of inertia of a figure with area A relative to an arbitrary axis x be known. How to determine the moment of inertia about an axis parallel to a given one?

138. Relative to which of all possible parallel axes does the axial moment take on the smallest value?

139. How is the moment of inertia of a rectangle with base b and height h relative to the central axis parallel to the base calculated?

140. What is the moment of inertia of a circle with diameter D relative to the central axis?

142. How are polar and axial moments of inertia related?

143. Which axes are called the main axes of inertia?

144. Relative to which axes do axial moments reach extreme values?

145. In what case is it possible to determine the position of the main axes of inertia of a section without calculations?


147. What type of deformation of a rod is called bending?

148. What is a beam?

149. How is the load applied, under the influence of which the rod is in plane bending conditions?

150. What internal force factors arise in the cross sections of beams?

151. Which bend is called pure?

152. When does transverse bending occur?

153. What are the relationships between distributed load, shear force and bending moment?

154. Why are diagrams of shear forces and bending moments constructed?

155. Write down the conditions of static equivalence for the bending moment and shear force.

157. What is the neutral line of the cross section of a beam?

159. What value is called the cross-sectional stiffness of a beam?

160. How do normal stresses during bending change along the height of the cross section of a beam?

161. What quantity is called the moment of resistance of a section during bending and what is its dimension?

162. What is the axial moment of resistance for beams of rectangular and circular sections?

163. How is the normal stress strength condition written for beams made of plastic materials?

164. How are the normal stress strength conditions written for beams made of brittle materials?

166. Brittle material tested for compression and obtained the ultimate strength. Is this enough to calculate a bending structure, and why?

167. How many times will the stresses and deflections of the beam increase if the load is increased by 5 times?

168. How are normal stresses distributed across the width of the beam section?

170. How are shear stresses distributed along the height of a beam of rectangular cross-section?


171. What is deflection, angle of rotation?

172. How are deflection and rotation angle related to each other in any section of a beam?

173. What does approximate look like? differential equation beam bending?

174. What is the geometric meaning of the parameters v0, 0 in the universal equation of the curved axis of a beam (method of initial parameters)?

175. What are boundary conditions?

176. How are boundary conditions for a hinged support written?

177. How are boundary conditions for embedding written?

178. What technique is used to take into account a uniformly distributed load when writing the universal equation for the curved axis of a beam?


179. State Clapeyron’s theorem.

180. Why does the factor 0.5 appear in Clapeyron’s theorem?

181. What is generalized force?

182. What is generalized movement?

183. What concepts are related to generalized force and generalized displacement?

185. How are linear and angular displacements of beams determined by Mohr’s method?

187. What techniques (methods) for calculating the Mohr integral do you know?

188. What systems are called statically indeterminate? What is the degree of static indetermination?

191. What is meant by the main system?

192. What is the physical meaning of the canonical equations of the method of forces?

193. What are the coefficients of the canonical equations of the force method and how are they determined?

197. What is characteristic of diagrams of bending moments of statically indeterminate beams?


198. What is called complex resistance (complex deformation)?

199. Which bend is called spatial (complex)?

200. How are stresses during spatial bending calculated?

201. How are stresses distributed during spatial bending?

202. What is a neutral (zero line)?

203. Write down the strength condition for spatial bending of a rod of rectangular cross-section.

205. Under what conditions is oblique bending realized?

206. How are normal stresses distributed during oblique bending?

207. How does the neutral line go during an oblique bend?

208. What does it feel like mutual arrangement force and neutral lines during oblique bending?

209. Can a beam of circular cross-section experience oblique bending?

210. What is the normal stress at the center of gravity of the cross section during oblique bending?

211. At what points of the cross section do normal stresses during oblique bending reach their maximum values?

212. What form do the strength conditions for oblique bending have for a section of arbitrary shape?

213. What are the strength conditions for oblique bending for beams of rectangular cross-section?

214. How are displacements during oblique bending calculated?

215. What is the direction of the displacement vector during oblique bending?

216. What is the normal stress at the center of gravity of the cross section under eccentric tension (compression)?

217. How is the position of the neutral line determined during eccentric tension (compression)?

218. How does the neutral line pass if the force is applied at the boundary of the core of the section?

219. What type of section kernel does it have for a rectangle and a circle?

220. What points are dangerous under eccentric tension (compression) loading?

222. How is the condition for strength in bending with torsion of a round rod written according to the III strength hypothesis?

223. How is the condition for strength in bending with torsion of a round rod written according to the IV strength hypothesis?


224. What form of equilibrium of a structure is called stable?

225. What is critical force?

226. How is the critical force determined if the resulting stresses do not exceed the proportionality limit?

227. How will the critical force for a compressed strut change if the diameter of the strut is simultaneously increased by 2 times and the length of the strut by 4 times? Euler's formula is considered applicable.

228. How is the critical force determined if the resulting stresses go beyond the limit of proportionality?

229. What is the flexibility of a rod?

231. At what stresses do highly flexible rods lose stability? What formula is used to determine the critical force for them?

232. At what stresses do moderately flexible rods lose stability? What formula is used to determine the critical force for them?

233. Is it possible to use Euler’s formula beyond the proportionality limit of the material?

234. How is the stability condition for a compressed rod written and what problems does it allow to solve?


235. On what principle is the strength calculation of moving structural elements based?

236. What types of blows do you know?

237. What assumptions are made when calculating impact?

238. What is the dynamic coefficient for a longitudinal impact?

239. What is the value of the dynamic coefficient when a load falls from zero height?

240. How are stresses and displacements upon impact determined?


241. What is called fatigue?

242. What is called the endurance of a material?

243. What is a stress cycle?

244. List the main parameters of the cycle.

245. What is the cycle asymmetry coefficient?

246. Which cycle is called symmetrical (illustrate with a graph)?

247. Which cycle is called constant sign (illustrate with a graph)?

248. Which cycle is called alternating (illustrate with a graph)?

249. Which cycle is called zero (illustrate with a graph)?

252. What is a fatigue curve?

253. Draw a time diagram of a cycle with an asymmetry coefficient equal to -1.

255. What is called the endurance limit of a material?

256. Can the endurance limit be equal to the yield limit, the tensile strength?

257. What factors influence the value of the endurance limit?

258. How do the absolute dimensions of the cross-section of a part affect the value of the endurance limit?

259. How does the quality of surface treatment affect the fatigue limit of a part?

First task of strength of strength- this is the calculation of structural elements for. Violation of strength means not only the destruction of the structure, but also the occurrence of large plastic deformations in it. Speaking about sufficient strength of a structure, it is believed that strength will be ensured not only at a given value, but also with a slight increase in load, that is, the structure must have a certain margin of safety.

The second task of strength of materials

Second task of strength of strength began the calculation of structural elements for rigidity.

Stiffness is the ability of a structure (or material) to resist deformation. Sometimes a structure that meets the strength conditions may prevent its normal operation. In this case, they say that the structure has insufficient rigidity.

The third task of strength of materials

Third task of strength of strength is the calculation of the stability of structural elements.

Stability is the ability of a structure to maintain an equilibrium position corresponding to the force acting on it. The equilibrium position of a structure is stable if, having received a small deviation (perturbation) from this equilibrium position, the structure returns to it again.

The problem of stability arises, in particular, when calculating compressed columns. It may happen that under a critical load, a column corresponding to both , and , suddenly bends (loses stability). This can lead to the destruction of the entire structure.

Thus, strength of strength material is a discipline that provides the theoretical basis for calculating the simplest structural elements (usually rods) on strength, rigidity and stability.