Basic functions and responsibilities of a cashier. Job description of a bank teller-operator, job responsibilities of a bank teller-operator, sample job description of a bank teller-operator

IN job description The cashier-operator is given a list of the duties assigned to the employee and the rights granted to him. The document describes the subordination structure, the replacement procedure, and outlines the qualification requirements for candidates for a specific position. Let’s consider what points and how should be written down in the personnel document in order to clearly indicate the employee’s functionality.

Structure of a specialist's job description

All job descriptions within the same company must have the same structure. This approach to creating personnel documents eliminates the possibility of duplicating functions, skipping important points, errors in understanding and interpretation of the described responsibilities and powers.

A job description written for a specific cash desk employee must include the following provisions:

  • introductory part with general provisions;
  • list of duties performed;
  • basic powers;
  • measures of applicable liability.

Using a standard job description model, which includes four required parts, simplifies the process of writing personnel documents. Each item is filled in with provisions reflecting the functionality of a specific employee of a specific company. As a basis when writing a paper, you can use the norms of the current Qualification Handbook vacancies: it includes the position of “cash specialist”.

The first section of the personnel document

In the first part of the instructions for the cash register employee, you need to write down general provisions, describing the position occupied by the specialist as a whole. The following is usually indicated:

  • full name of the position, its characteristics as a position of a technical performer;
  • the procedure for employing a cash officer and dismissal (based on an order signed by the head of the company);
  • chain of command (who is the employee’s immediate supervisor, for example, the head of a department);
  • replacement procedure - who performs the functions of a cashier during the period of vacation or illness;
  • documents regulating the activities of a specialist (laws, instructions of the Central Bank, internal acts of a financial organization, instructions and orders general director and immediate supervisor, etc.).

Qualification requirements are often specified in the general section of the job description. It is indicated that persons with higher education and work experience or, conversely, employees with at least secondary education who have completed specialized courses. PC proficiency at user level is required.

Responsibilities of a cashier-operator

The employee's job responsibilities include the following:

The final list of responsibilities of a specialist depends on the scale and areas of activity of the financial organization in which he is employed. If the functionality differs from the standard one, the list of areas of responsibility can be changed and supplemented.

Powers of the cash desk employee

To cope with official responsibilities, a cash specialist must be endowed with rights that allow him to act quickly and efficiently. They are prescribed in a separate part of the job description. These include:

  • the right to contact other company employees to obtain the necessary information;
  • the opportunity to promptly learn about management decisions, including those regulating the activities of the cashier;
  • the opportunity to take advanced training courses and attend training seminars at the expense of the organization;
  • social package – provision of additional guarantees from the employer.

The specific list of rights may vary depending on the list of responsibilities and design features labor process in a financial institution.

Responsibility measures

If a cashier-operator improperly performs his duties or commits offenses, the company can and should hold him accountable. Its types are prescribed in the job description:

  • disciplinary – for non-compliance with the rules internal regulations companies, improper performance of labor functions;
  • administrative – for non-compliance with the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses;
  • criminal - for criminal acts;
  • material – for causing monetary damage to the employing organization.

The provisions of the job description of a cash desk specialist are formulated taking into account the specifics of the activities of the financial company in which the specialist is employed. The scope of activities of employees in different organizations and the areas of responsibility delegated to them may differ significantly.

When writing personnel document recommended to use standard plan, consisting of four mandatory points. It will help you not to miss important details and do not duplicate information. Be sure to specify the responsibilities assigned to a particular specialist and the list of rights necessary for their effective implementation.


A cashier-operator in a store has more than enough responsibilities. But it doesn't have to be that way. Or should it? What does a cashier-operator do and how does he manage everything? Let's find out.

Let's look at the work and responsibilities of a cashier-operator, taking into account the characteristics of his work and the basic skills that he must have in order to work, on the one hand, efficiently, and on the other, to manage everything he needs to do.

Often the cashier must be an accountant, controller, or bank employee. The requirements for them are different. It is important to note that a cashier-operator is required not only in stores, but also in banks, in government institutions, commercial organizations. Now we will talk about store workers.

Responsibilities of a cashier-operator in a store

This job is suitable for those who need it urgently, because in order to perform the duties of a cashier-operator in a store, you do not need special education, diplomas, recommendations, and often work experience. Most stores conduct a “young warrior course” for cashiers to teach new employees the basic intricacies of the job.

It is believed that a cashier is a female profession, is this true? Everyone who goes to stores (and that’s practically everyone) can remember who they saw most often at the checkout. Yes, it’s safe to say that the cashier profession is considered a job for women. This is largely due to the fact that the duties of a cashier-operator were written for women; this work is quite monotonous, requires perseverance, does not require special skills or the use of physical strength and, at the same time, is not very highly paid.

But, you can get a job as a cashier in a store right next to your home, fortunately, retail chains are now quite developed. Working close to home is very convenient for women who have small children. In addition, the cashier is, one might say, the face of the company, and many employers prefer to see women and girls in this capacity. As you know, women are more patient and sociable, they manage to be friendly and, in addition, they seem to support a certain stereotype. We come to the store to do our shopping, and a friendly girl greets us as the “hostess of the house.”

Functional responsibilities of a cashier-operator

Be that as it may, anyone who has a pleasant appearance and certain skills, whether female or male. The main thing is to be sociable, perform your duties well and be satisfied with your work.

What's included functional responsibilities cashier-operator? First of all, the work of a cashier can be described in a few words as working with money - cash and plastic bank cards.

It is not difficult to guess that this work involves financial responsibility. Therefore, the first thing that a future cashier will greatly need are qualities such as attentiveness and the ability to concentrate. It’s good to have some mathematical skills, because, despite the fact that the cashier does not have to calculate the amount of the purchase himself - the cash register does it for him, if any error occurs, the seller must understand it in time.

What does a cashier-operator do?

As a rule, the responsibilities of a cashier-operator in a store include some of the functions of a salesperson. The cashier must be able to operate a cash register and know specialized software, which he may need for work, for example, the 1C program, the procedure for preparing cash documents, and maintaining cash discipline. Skills to work with cash register will count as a plus when applying for a job.

The list of what a cashier-operator does includes:

  • reception Money from buyers (not only cash, but also non-cash, by bank cards) for purchases made;
  • ensuring the storage and accounting of money in the cash register;
  • filling out the cash book;
  • checking the authenticity of banknotes, including using special equipment;
  • transfer of funds to the senior cashier or collector;
  • maintaining cash records.

As you can see, the duties of a cashier-operator are not very complicated, but they require particularly careful and thorough performance, because he works with money.

There is also an opportunity for the cashier career growth. In large stores, where there are a lot of cashiers, there is a position of “senior cashier”; he organizes and controls the work of the remaining cashiers. As a rule, the senior cashier is selected from among the best ordinary employees. If you receive an appropriate financial education, you can eventually move to work in other departments and eventually rise to high positions. So, don’t think that the cashier is a small fry and can’t achieve anything. If you have a desire to develop, then you will succeed in any profession. And the profession of a cashier is not the worst option for starting.

This instruction has been automatically translated. Please note that automatic translation is not 100% accurate, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Instructions for the position " Cashier", presented on the website, meets the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY qualification characteristics workers' professions. Issue 71. Finance, credit, insurance and pension provision. (Taking into account the additions approved: by the resolution of the board of Oschadbank of Ukraine on April 29, 1999, by the resolution of the board of OJSC Oschadbank in August 2005, by the decision State Commission on securities and the stock market 07/28/2004 N 323, by the President of the Union of Tax Consultants of Ukraine 02/11/2004, decision of the State Commission on Securities and Stock Market 03/18/2002 N 7)", which was approved by the Ministry of Labor and social policy Ukraine 10/23/1998
The document status is "valid".


0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic check of this document carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Cashier" belongs to the category "Technical employees".

1.2. Qualification requirements- senior cashier. Complete general secondary education and vocational education or complete general secondary education and professional training in production. Work experience as a cashier - at least 1 year. Cashier. Complete general secondary education and vocational education or complete general secondary education and vocational training in production. No work experience requirements.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- normative and methodological materials on conducting cash transactions;
- forms of cash and bank documents;
- rules for receiving, issuing, accounting and storage sums of money And valuable papers;
- the procedure for processing incoming and outgoing documents;
- limits on cash balances in the cash register, rules for ensuring their safety;
- procedure for drawing up cash reports;
- a list of information that constitutes an official secret or is of a confidential nature;
- official language;
- basics of labor psychology;
- rules for the operation of computer, computing and organizational equipment;
- basics of labor legislation;
- rules and regulations of work safety and fire protection.

1.4. The cashier is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The cashier reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The cashier supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During absence, the cashier is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Performs receiving operations, determining authenticity and payment, transferring, accounting, sorting, storing, issuing cash and other valuables in accordance with regulatory and methodological documents.

2.2. Sorts banknotes and coins by denomination, as well as into those suitable and unsuitable for circulation, detects counterfeit, old, damaged banknotes and coins.

2.3. Forms, packs, issues cash tickets and coins in accordance with the instructions for issuing and cash register work.

2.4. Exchanges damaged currency notes and coins.

2.5. Prepares cash reports.

2.6. Maintains information that constitutes an official secret or is of a confidential nature.

2.7. Complies with labor safety and fire protection rules and regulations.

2.8. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.9. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environment, complies with the standards, methods and techniques of safe work performance.

3. Rights

3.1. The Cashier has the right to take action to prevent and correct any irregularities or discrepancies.

3.2. The cashier has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The cashier has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights.

3.4. The cashier has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The cashier has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The cashier has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to perform his job duties and management orders.

3.7. The cashier has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The cashier has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The cashier has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The cashier is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) failure to use the granted rights.

4.2. The cashier is responsible for failure to comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The cashier is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The cashier is responsible for failure to comply or improper execution internal requirements regulatory documents organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The cashier is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The cashier is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The cashier is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

The cashier operator of a banking institution is a specialist in servicing customer flow. It carries out transactions with funds of individuals and legal entities. The work is more technical than intellectual, and requires great care, perseverance and accurate knowledge of job descriptions and regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The list of functions of a cashier-operator in a bank has long gone beyond the scope of “issuing and receiving money.” Now he must monitor the status of clients’ bank accounts, communicate with visitors, carry out various transactions in different currencies, check the authenticity of signatures and the correctness of orders and other payment documents, transfer funds in cash and non-cash methods, open, replenish, close deposits, accept, issue or exchange currency. The cashier operator is required to report on all financial transactions, hand over accepted cash to the cash desk, and draw up the appropriate cash documents.

Salary of a cashier at a bank.

The average salary is about 30,000 rubles. Most high level payments in megacities: from 40,000 rubles. In the regions, tellers receive from 12,000 rubles. Income consists of:

  • Salary. This is a fixed fee, paid every month. They will not pay less than this established amount.
  • Bonus payments. This is a variable reward amount. It is paid through fixed period(per month or quarter). The bonus depends on the fulfillment of the set plans for the entire office, since clerks usually do not have individual plans. It is paid at the discretion of management.

Requirements for a bank teller:

  • Higher education. This mandatory item to get a job at a bank. The specialty should preferably be a specialized one: economics or accounting.
  • Experience. Work experience may be required, but sometimes they can hire you without work experience in a similar position with mandatory training at the bank. Training may be paid, or it may be free.
  • Knowledge foreign languages. If the bank serves foreign clients, then knowledge of languages ​​will be a mandatory requirement so that the specialist can freely express himself and understand what the client wants. In ordinary banks, this quality is optional, but encouraged.
  • Knowledge of Central Bank regulations and cash management rules. Since the operator works with cash, knowledge of all provisions and instructions is necessary. The bank cashier also services bank accounts, monitors the movements of funds on them, and this is all based on the provisions of the Central Bank.
  • Confident PC user. Knowledge of standard Office programs, including word and excel, will aid in rapid maintenance and reporting. Typing speed and literacy are also needed, because you will have to fill out a lot of documents and check them.
  • Cash handling skills. Working with money is one of the most difficult because you need to clearly distinguish between real and counterfeit bills. Sometimes you have to work with large sums, so a quick count and instant identification of authenticity will come in handy.
  • Availability of currency certificates. The bank can accept certificates issued by other banks and allow a specialist to work with foreign currency. But most often, the cashier operator must confirm his knowledge and receive a certificate from the bank in which he works.

Responsibilities of the cashier:

  • Customer service. The operator conducts all financial transactions and advises clients. Service should be polite and competent, because this creates an impression of the bank.
  • Opening and servicing of accounts and deposits. The operator is responsible for opening current accounts for individuals and current accounts for entrepreneurs. He is also involved in the opening and further servicing of deposits.
  • Carrying out incoming and outgoing transactions. The cashier-operator prepares cash documents for depositing and withdrawing funds. All operations must be carried out in accordance with established rules bank and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Conducting money transfers. Money transfers are carried out through payment services. The operator must accurately fill out all documents so that the payment arrives without problems.
  • Counseling clients. The cashier operator must be able to advise clients on almost all types of products. To do this, you need to know the main aspects of each service. If the product is too complex, or the client requires explanation of the subtleties, then he should be politely redirected to the appropriate specialists.
  • Cross-selling. All bank products are connected. Cross-selling involves offering additional products to the main product. For example, if a client opens a deposit, he can be offered to issue a bank card in order to transfer interest there.
  • Working with currency. The operator must be able to recognize the authenticity of banknotes and conduct currency transactions in accordance with the rules.
  • Acceptance and issue of cash. Clients carry out various operations: deposit cash into accounts, withdraw money, open and close deposits, so the operator must count quickly and correctly so as not to make mistakes. He bears financial responsibility for all shortages and excesses.
  • Card transactions. The operator issues new cards, closes them at the request of clients, makes statements on cards and other operations.
  • Cash balance at the end of the day, collection of funds. All cash collected during the day is subject to recalculation, collection from the machine and transfer to the main cash desk of the bank. All funds must correspond to the documents of receipt and expenditure.

Man at the cash register: we'll tell you what's included job responsibilities cashier - a financially responsible employee who deals with a lot of money.

From the article you will learn:

Cashier is a responsible position associated with the receipt, issuance and storage of funds. There is a need for staff servicing cash registers almost everywhere: in retail establishments, in banks and currency exchange offices, in catering establishments (cafes, bars, restaurants). Often, cashier duties are performed by accountants, bartenders, administrators or sales consultants who combine positions. The range of job responsibilities and powers of a cashier largely depends on the specifics of the activity. specific enterprise, therefore, work at a ticket office, for example, will be significantly different from the labor functions of an accountant-cashier who issues salaries.

Job responsibilities of a cashier in a store

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A cashier can be found in almost any retail outlet - a kiosk, supermarket or small shop. Large stores usually have a clear division of staff serving customers in trading floor, into two groups (sales consultants and cashiers). The former help to select goods and provide information support, while the latter work with the cash register.

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The job responsibilities of a cashier at a small retail outlet are, as a rule, more varied: he has to simultaneously work with the cash register, perform the functions of a consultant and merchandiser, administrator and merchandiser. The responsibilities of the cashier salesperson include:

  • reception and placement of goods;
  • customer consultation;
  • maintaining and recording cash documents;
  • accepting cash and non-cash means of payment;
  • registration and issuance of checks;
  • formation of collection bags;
  • inventory control;
  • control over the placement and availability of price tags;
  • reconciliation of cash in the cash register;
  • accounting of expenditure and receipt orders.

Not every person will be able to effectively perform the diverse and not always simple duties of a cashier. Therefore, the requirements for the applicant applying for this position are serious: resistance to stress, emotional stability, readiness for learning and development, experience practical work and merchandising skills.

Cashier job description: structure and content

Important: if the functions of a cashier are performed Chief Accountant organization, agreement on financial liability there is no need to conclude - the employee already belongs to the category responsible for the damage caused to the employer in full.

Order assigning cashier duties: sample 2017

If it is not possible to provide for staffing table a separate cashier position, you can assign the duties of servicing the cash register to another official (for example, a company accountant) or establish a dual position that is not in the tariff and qualification directory (“accountant-cashier”).

Since the work functions of an accountant differ in many ways from the duties of a cashier, the first option is preferable from the point of view of the law and is more profitable for the employee. Read about the nuances of the procedure in the article “ . What are the restrictions?" Expert opinion on dual positions and useful tips employer you will find in the article “How to properly in order to avoid GIT claims.”

If an employee agrees to perform work in an additional position, the employer simply issues an order to combine professions (positions) according to the standard model:

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The administrative part of the order specifies two positions: the current one (“accountant”) and the one held part-time. The conditions for combining and the amount of additional payment are also stated here. The order is certified in the usual manner and handed over to the employee for review against signature.