Lobkov HIV infected. Journalist Pavel Lobkov said that he is HIV-infected. We've been through this. I know that. Why did you do this

The TV presenter, who told the world about a “non-healing wound,” compared himself to Gorbachev

The TV presenter, who told the world about a “non-healing wound,” compared himself to Gorbachev

Someone has to be first. He admitted it. The former host of “Plant Life” on NTV, now working on the Dozhd TV channel, announced that he is a carrier of HIV. Foreign media, in particular the English Daily Mail, immediately picked up the new martyr under their banners, seeing the machinations of homophobes in the stream of comments on the news. A special halo for our hero in the eyes of the West is added by his dismissal from NTV, which many associate with opposition protests. But if our Western colleagues knew a little more...

Let us remind you that the revelations of the 48-year-old Pavel Lobkova were voiced during a conversation with the head of the Federal Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS Vadim Pokrovsky. The journalist reported that in 2003 he was diagnosed with HIV.

After much persuasion, I asked to be tested for HIV and syphilis; the wound there did not heal for a long time. They told me to “go see an infectious disease specialist.” I went to see an infectious disease specialist. He had a plump folder crossed out with a red felt-tip pen - it said “HIV+,” Lobkov said. - A doctor with the face of a Soviet Buddha told me: “You are excluded from the voluntary health insurance program because you have been diagnosed with HIV infection, your case will be transferred to the Moscow Health Committee, where you will be registered. All the best, goodbye!”

It was the sixth floor, Grokholsky Lane, case management clinic, greetings to all doctors. There was an open window, very low,” the author continues, probably hinting at a desire to commit suicide.

A day later, responding to comments, full, by the way, of words of support and admiration for the TV presenter’s courage, Lobkov would write that a revolution had occurred in his life and “in the fight against the Middle Ages” he “started perestroika with himself, as he bequeathed M. S. Gorbachev».

Night call

This is not the first time for Pavel Albertovich to “start perestroika”. For example, many remember his endless comings and goings to NTV. Lobkov’s first separation from the TV channel happened in 2006. The journalist insisted: he was tired of leading a “Plant Life”. But people in the corridors of the television studio were whispering about something else. They say the presenter is fired because of his supposedly gay orientation, which everyone knows about. According to NTV employees, Pavel more than once found himself in piquant situations because of this.

Because of Pasha’s inherent femininity, the editors did not like him and called him insulting names behind his back, said one of the channel’s employees.

It was rumored that one day, late at night, a slightly tipsy Pavel called the general director of NTV on his mobile phone. Vladimir Kulistikov and began to complain that the work did not bring satisfaction. During the conversation, the TV presenter was extremely gentle and even called the boss “my baby.” But Kulistikov did not appreciate the affectionate impulse of the silver screen star. According to the telecast, he rudely interrupted the conversation and asked Pavel to come to his office the next day. Where Lobkov himself asked for dismissal.

In 2008, the journalist returned to NTV, only to say goodbye again in 2012: his contract was not renewed.

Kulistikov decided for me. U Pushkin there are wonderful lines: “I’m shedding these tears for the first time: it’s both painful and pleasant, as if I had done a heavy duty... As if a healing knife had cut off my suffering member!” So I told Vladimir Mikhailovich Kulistikov that he cut off the suffering member. The member no longer suffers,” Lobkov sneered at yet another dismissal.

HIV and AIDS: one infection

Immunologist Marina Belevskaya told how to live with a terrible disease:

* a few weeks after HIV infection, the temperature rises, the lymph nodes become enlarged, the throat hurts, and the skin becomes covered with red spots. Everything passes quickly, but therein lies the danger;

* the virus can live in the body for several years without manifesting itself, but all this time destroying the immune system. If you know you may have been infected, get your blood tested as soon as possible;

* AIDS is the final stage of HIV development;

* The average life expectancy of an HIV-infected person without treatment is 5 - 10 years. With continuous treatment - 20 years or more from the moment of infection.

Routes of transmission of the virus:

Sexual intercourse without a condom

Blood transfusion, injections

From a mother with HIV to a child

Using other people's razors or scissors

Tattoo and piercing

Sharing syringes

Infection does not occur:

When kissing

When using dishes

When sneezing and coughing

When shaking hands or hugging

Through insect bites

Treatment is free

HIV-infected people are provided with medications at the expense of the state through compulsory medical insurance. Those who want to be treated anonymously buy medications themselves. Prices start from 2.5 thousand rubles per package. The highly toxic drug stavudine, which causes severe side effects, is still widely used.


To prevent the development of infection, you need to eat well - focusing on protein, high-calorie foods. Alcohol in small doses is allowed. Smoking is harmful to health, but has no effect on HIV.


* According to the forecast of the Ministry of Health, by the end of 2015 the number of HIV-infected people in Russia will be 1 million. And over the next one or two years, their number will double. At the same time, the state has halved the cost of their treatment over the past five years.

Pavel Albertovich Lobkov. Born on September 21, 1967 in Sestroretsk (Leningrad). Russian journalist, TV presenter.

Pavel Lobkov was born on September 21, 1967 in the city of Sestroretsk (Sestroretsky district of Leningrad - now part of the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg).

In 1988 he graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Leningrad State University with a degree in botany. Studied at graduate school at Leningrad State University. He interned in Holland, but never defended his dissertation.

Since 1990, he worked as a correspondent for the information service of the Petersburg TV and Radio Broadcasting Company, including in the “Fifth Wheel” program.

Since October 1993 - director of the NTV representative office in St. Petersburg.

Since 1995 - correspondent for the NTV information service. He made stories for the news programs “Today”, “Namedni” and “Itogi”.

From 1995 to 1997, together with Evgeny Kiselyov and Leonid Parfenov, he hosted the “Hero of the Day” program. TEFI-1998 winner as the best reporter.

In April 2001, in light of the events surrounding the change of management and ownership of NTV, he briefly left with Evgeniy Kiselyov’s team for the TNT channel. However, a month later, in May of the same year, Lobkov decided to return to NTV and continue working on Channel 4 in the same capacity.

In 2003, Lobkov’s satirical story about his boss, the new general director of NTV, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolai Senkevich, aired on Leonid Parfenov’s “Namedni” program, caused a great public outcry. In the story, Lobkov provided evidence, citing Senkevich’s article “Advice to Voltaire,” that in his medical specialty, the new NTV chief is not so much a therapist, but rather a proctologist. A year after this scandalous program, Lobkov stopped making political stories.

Since August 2006, he has been the author of a number of documentary projects on the St. Petersburg - Channel 5 TV channel, author and presenter of the program “Progress with Pavel Lobkov.” He was also the chief editor of the Documentary Broadcasting Directorate of Channel Five and directed the information and analytical program “Week in a Big Country.”

In 2008, he returned to NTV, from where he was fired on January 16, 2012, before the end of the contract. Before this, Lobkov, in particular, worked on a series of scientific detective stories (“Genes Against Us”, “Dictatorship of the Brain”, “The Power of Sleep”), as well as on the programs “NTV People”, “Central Television” and “Profession - Reporter”.

Since February 2012 he has been working on the Dozhd TV channel. In February 2013, he recorded a video message for the “Be Stronger” project, aimed against homophobia. He is the host of the “Ride at Home” program on Dozhd, paired with Sasha Filipenko.

Pavel Lobkov: I was diagnosed with HIV

Personal life of Pavel Lobkov:

Not married and never have been. No children.

Although he did not publicly declare his gay orientation, he never denied it.

In February 2013, he prepared a video message for the “Be Stronger” project, in which he spoke out against homophobia and oppression of sexual minorities.

Filmography of Pavel Lobkov (documentary):

1999 - Mausoleum
2008 - Tulip, rose, orchid
2009 - Genes are against us
2009 - Dictatorship of the Brain
2009 - Contagion: the enemy within us
2010 - Pill for old age
2010 - Formula of Love
2010 - Living for food
2010 - The Power of Sleep
2010 - Life without pain
2011 - Gene of omnipotence
2011 - Strange gender
2011 - The Great Optical Deception
2011 - Empire of Feelings

Starred in the film "Amazons" (2011) - cameo.

compares himself to Mikhail Gorbachev and complains of bullying from homophobes.

Recently, the host of the Dozhd TV channel, 48-year-old Pavel Lobkov, admitted that he has been living with the human immunodeficiency virus since 2003. The confession was made on the evening show Hard Day’s Night on December 1, dedicated to World AIDS Day. The guest of that broadcast was also the journalist’s first attending physician, Vadim Pokrovsky.

The day after the revelation, Lobkov wrote on social networks that a revolution had occurred in his life and “in the fight against the Middle Ages” he “started perestroika with himself, as M. S. Gorbachev bequeathed.” “The Middle Ages” are those who allowed themselves critical attacks against the HIV-infected liberal presenter.

Journalists tried to find out how Pavel Lobkov became infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. And they came to the conclusion that, most likely, the journalist suffered because of his homosexual contacts.

In particular, Pavel Lobkov was fired from the NTV channel because of his non-traditional sexual orientation.

The first time Lobkov was asked from the TV channel was in 2006. He himself insisted that he was simply tired of leading a “Plant Life.” However, in the corridors of the television studio they were whispering about something else: the presenter was fired because of his non-traditional sexual orientation, “which everyone knows about.”

According to NTV employees, because of his homosexuality, Lobkov more than once found himself in piquant situations.

“Because of Pasha’s inherent femininity, the editors did not like him and called him insulting names behind his back,” said one of the channel’s employees.

In addition, NTV employees told how one night a drunk Pavel Lobkov called NTV General Director Vladimir Kulistikov on his mobile phone and began to complain that his work did not bring satisfaction. During the conversation, the TV presenter was extremely gentle and even called the boss “my baby.” However, Kulistikov did not appreciate the affectionate impulse of the silver screen star. According to the telecast, he rudely interrupted the conversation and asked Pavel to come to his office the next day - there Lobkov wrote his letter of resignation.

In 2008, Lobkov returned to NTV. But in 2012 they said goodbye to him again: the contract was not renewed.

“Kulistikov decided for me. Pushkin has wonderful lines: “I’m shedding these tears for the first time: it’s both painful and pleasant, as if I had committed a heavy duty... As if a healing knife had cut off my suffering member!” So I told Vladimir Mikhailovich Kulistikov that he cut off the suffering member. The member is no longer suffering,” Lobkov mocked his dismissal.

// Photo: Andrey Podolyakin/Starface.ru

Today's broadcast of the Hard Day's Night program on the Dozhd TV channel received an unexpected continuation. On the day of the fight against AIDS, one of the show's hosts, journalist Pavel Lobkov, made a sensational confession, which, according to him, was not easy for him. A former war correspondent said that is sick with HIV. According to the man, this was discovered in 2003, and from that moment his life completely changed.

The attending physician Pavel Lobkova appeared on the air of the program, with whom those gathered had to discuss the problems of HIV-infected people that they face at every stage of the fight against the disease. As it turned out, it was this doctor, who today became a guest of the program on Dozhd, that Lobkov turned to at one time. The journalist openly spoke about the injustice he encountered when turning to doctors on the insurance provided to him by the NTV channel, where he worked at that time.

“After much persuasion, I asked to be tested for HIV and syphilis, to which they told me: “Go to an infectious disease specialist,” recalls the 48-year-old journalist. - He had a plump folder, crossed out with a red marker, where it says HIV-plus. A doctor with the face of a Soviet Buddha told me: “You are excluded from the voluntary health insurance program because you have been diagnosed with HIV infection. Your case will be transferred to the Moscow Health Committee, where you will be registered. All the best. Goodbye". You see, now, in order to find a doctor from whom I could get dental implants, I spent a year... I sent him a bunch of links, American works, where they prove that there is no difference in the survival rate of implants for HIV-plus and HIV-minus" .

The journalist made a sensational confession on a TV show on the Dozhd channel. // Photo: Still from the Dozhd TV channel program

During the program, Pavel Lobkov also apologized to the audience for spending a lot of airtime talking about what he had to go through from the moment the doctors gave him a terrible diagnosis. The journalist explained this by saying that today he committed an important act in his life, which was not so easy for him. Lobkov spoke about how much courage is needed for those who are faced with this problem, because often doctors simply cannot properly prepare patients for disappointing test results.

According to the doctor invited to the studio, doctors really need to discuss the possibility of HIV infection with patients in advance in order to make it easier for them to accept this blow in the event that tests confirm the diagnosis.

Let us remind you that not long ago the world was shocked by the news that the famous actor Charlie Sheen had HIV. The artist himself hid this fact from the public for a long time and was even forced to pay those who knew about the terrible diagnosis for silence. By the way, this news seriously agitated the public. In a matter of days, several former lovers of the actor were discovered, who considered it necessary to accuse him of trying to hide the fact of having a serious illness. Many women with whom Charlie Sheen previously had relationships filed lawsuits.