Interesting borrowed words in Russian. Words that came into the Russian language from foreign languages ​​and their meaning

Words name objects, phenomena, signs and actions of the surrounding world. How more people cognizes the world (including himself), the more he discovers new things in it, and accordingly calls everything new in words. The entire known world is thus reflected in the vocabulary of the language. The Russian language is one of the richest in the world in terms of vocabulary. “For everything,” wrote K. Paustovsky, “the Russian language has a great many good words.”

However, any language develops in interaction with other languages. Since ancient times, the Russian people have entered into cultural, trade, military, and political ties with other states, which could not but lead to language borrowing. Gradually, the borrowed words were assimilated (from the Latin assimilare - to assimilate, to liken) by the borrowing language and were no longer perceived as foreign.

Borrowed words – These are foreign words that have completely entered the lexical system of the Russian language. They acquired lexical meaning, phonetic design, grammatical features characteristic of the Russian language, are used in various styles, and are written in letters of the Russian alphabet.

Reasons for borrowing

In different historical periods, borrowings from other languages ​​intensified both under the influence of external (non-linguistic) and internal (linguistic) reasons.

External reasons This various connections between peoples. So, in the 10th century. Kievan Rus accepted Christianity from the Greeks. In this regard, many Greek words entered the Old Russian language, along with borrowed religious ideas and objects of church worship, for example: altar, patriarch, demon, icon, cell, monk, lamp, metropolitan etc. Scientific terms, names of objects of Greek culture, names of plants, months, etc. were also borrowed, for example: mathematics, history, philosophy, grammar, syntax, idea, theater, stage, museum, comedy, tragedy, alphabet, planet, climate, doll, poppy, cucumber, beets, January, February, December and etc.

From the XIII to the XV centuries. Ancient Rus' was under the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Words from Turkic languages ​​appeared: barn, cart, quiver, lasso, shoe, felt, armyak, sash, sheepskin coat, heel, trousers, noodles, khan, sundress, pencil, barn, chest, trestle bed, label.

During the period of transformations of Peter I, especially many words came into the Russian language from Dutch, German, English, and French. This:

military vocabulary: recruit, camp, watch, parade ground, uniform, corporal, order, soldier, officer, company, assault, harbor, fairway, bay, flag, cabin, sailor, boat, dugout, sapper, landing, squadron, artillery;

art terms: easel, landscape, stroke, leitmotif, highlight, full house, flute, dance, choreographer(from German); stalls, play, actor, prompter, intermission, plot, ballet, genre(from French);bass, tenor, aria, bravo, box, opera(from Italian); names of new household items, clothing: kitchen, sandwich, waffle, minced meat, tie, cap (and from the German language); muffler, suit, vest, coat, bracelet, veil, necklace, fashion designer, furniture, chest of drawers, buffet, chandelier, lampshade, cream, marmalade(from French).

Internal reasons – These are the needs for the development of the lexical system of a language, which are as follows:

1. The need to eliminate the ambiguity of the original Russian word, to simplify its semantic structure. This is how the words appeared import Export instead of polysemantic native Russians import, export. Words import Export began to mean “import”, “export” associated with international trade.

Instead of a descriptive name ( sniper - accurate shooter; motel – hotel for motor tourists; sprint – sprinting; hit - fashionable song; killer - hitman).

Similarly, the words arose tour, cruise. This process is also supported by the tendency to create international terms. For example, football commentators call foreign players on domestic teams legionnaires.

2. The desire to clarify or detail the relevant concepts of language, to distinguish between its semantic shades. So, briefing – not just any meeting, casting – not just any competition, but primarily in the field of show business. For example, in Russian the word jam It is called both liquid and thick jam. To distinguish thick jam from fruits or berries, which is a homogeneous mass, from liquid jam, in which whole berries could be preserved, thick jam began to be called English word jam. The words also arose reportage(with native Russian story), total(with native Russian general), hobby ( with native Russian hobby), comfort - convenience: service - service; local– local; creative– creative ; charm – charm, charm; relaxation – rest ; extreme- dangerous ; positive– optimism. Thus, a word already existing in a language and a newly borrowed one share spheres of semantic influence. These areas may overlap, but will never completely coincide.

Linguistic features of borrowed words

Among the phonetic characteristics of borrowed words the following can be distinguished:

1. Unlike native Russians, they never begin with a sound A(which would contradict the phonetic laws of the Russian language), borrowed words have an initial a: profile, abbot, paragraph, aria, attack, lampshade, arba, angel, anathema.

2. The initial e distinguishes mainly Greek and Latinisms (Russian words never begin with this sound): era, era, ethics, exam, execution, effect, floor.

3. The letter f also indicates a non-Russian source of the sound f and the corresponding graphic sign was used only to designate it in borrowed words: forum, fact, lantern, film, sofa, scam, aphorism, broadcast, profile and so on.

4. A special phonetic feature of Turkic origin is the harmony of identical vowels: ataman, caravan, pencil, sundress, drum, chest, mosque.

5. The combination of two or more vowels in a word was unacceptable according to the laws of Russian phonetics, so borrowed words are easily distinguished by this feature: poet, theater, veil, cocoa, radio, punctuation.

Among the morphological features of borrowed words, the most characteristic is their immutability. Thus, some foreign language nouns do not change by case and do not have correlative singular and plural forms: coat, radio, cinema, metro, cocoa, beige, mini, maxi, blinds and etc.

Borrowing end XX – beginning XXI century.

Scope of use

We can distinguish two main types of borrowed words of our time. The first type is relatively old borrowings, updated in last years due to changes in political and economic system Russia (for example, the word the president, borrowed during the Soviet era, became relevant in the 80s).

The second type is new borrowing. They are especially numerous.

In the 90s the influx of borrowings into the Russian language increased greatly, which was associated with changes in the sphere political life, economics, culture and moral orientation of society.

Borrowings take leading positions in the political life of the country: president, parliament, inauguration, summit, speaker, impeachment, electorate, consensus etc.

in the most advanced branches of science and technology: computer, display, file, monitoring, player, pager, fax, modem, portal, processor, and also in financial and commercial activities:auditor, barter, broker, dealer, investment, conversion, sponsor, trust, holding, supermarket, manager, default etc.

Into the cultural sphere invade bestsellers, westerns, thrillers, hits, showmen, digests, casting and so on.

Noteworthy is the fact that the rapidly growing number of new names of persons in the Russian language is caused not only by the emergence of new professions - to a greater extent this is due to the fact that new subcultures are being identified, classified by way of life, by profession, by cultural affiliation. The bulk of these words are borrowed from English. In modern Russian, this group of new names for persons can be considered still developing and constantly growing:

blogger – a person who, on a professional or amateur basis, is engaged in maintaining and maintaining a blog; game designer - a person who develops the rules of computer games; downshifter – a person who voluntarily gave up a high position and income for the sake of a simple and leisurely life with his family, for the sake of spiritual self-improvement, and travel; skater – man riding a skateboard; trapper – fur-bearing animal hunter; thrasher – young man with a non-standard appearance(plenty of piercings and tattoos, outrageous clothes), etc.

Attitude towards borrowing

Foreign words in the Russian language have always been the subject of close attention and discussion by scientists, public figures, writers, and lovers of the Russian language. Scientists were interested in what place borrowed words occupy in the vocabulary of the Russian language, from which languages ​​the most words are borrowed, what is the reason for borrowing, and whether foreign words will clog up the native language. Repeated attempts were made to replace words that came from other languages ​​with Russian ones (Peter I).

Borrowing is a completely natural way to enrich any language. Foreign words replenish the vocabulary of the language. This is their positive role. However, excessive and unnecessary consumption foreign words makes communication difficult and leads to the formation of ridiculous phrases:

The students of grade 3 “B” made an identical decision.

Masha confidentially told her friend about this incident.

Until what time is the buffet open?

We wish consensus in the family!

Errors in the use of borrowed words lead to the formation of tautological combinations: leading leader, young prodigy, free vacancy, your own autograph, old veteran, forecast for the future, etc. On the other hand, reasonable borrowings enrich speech and give it greater accuracy.

Nowadays, the question of the appropriateness of using borrowings is associated with the assignment of lexical means to certain functional styles of speech (for example, in scientific speech, preference is given to a foreign language synonym - integration, not a union; flexion, not the ending). Foreign terminological vocabulary is an indispensable means of concise and accurate transmission of information in texts intended for specialists.

In our time, the creation of international terminology, common names for concepts, phenomena of modern science and production is also taken into account, which also contributes to the consolidation of borrowed words that have acquired an international character (medical, space terminology). For example: car, spaceport, democracy, republic, telegraph, dictatorship, philosophy.

Processes of vocabulary enrichment through borrowings occur today in all modern languages. However, how this will change the face of the Russian language, whether it will enrich it or “spoil” it, time will tell. It will also determine the fate of borrowings, which will ultimately be approved or rejected by the linguistic taste of the era.


2. Modern Russian language, edited by M., 1976

3. Brief etymological dictionary Russian language M., 1971

4. Dictionary of foreign words M: “Russian language”, 1988

5. Romanov and Americanisms in the Russian language and attitude towards them. St. Petersburg, 2000

Foreign words in modern Russian language.

Subject of research are borrowed words, mainly anglicisms, functioning in the modern Russian language. To solve the problems, a research method was determined.

The purpose of my work : find out whether borrowed words are replacing the originality of the Russian language; do they complement the speech and culture of conversation in Russian; Are we for or against the use of borrowed words in modern speech?


find out the reasons for borrowing words in modern Russian;

select examples of unjustified borrowing of foreign words;

show the diversity of the Russian language;

find out whether we are for or against the use of borrowed words in modern speech.

Practical value my work is that research into justified and unjustified borrowings contributes to:

correct use of “foreign” words in the language;

development of linguistic culture, which isthe key to successful studies and future professional activitiesь interest in learning and preserving the Russian language.

Take care of the purity of your language like a shrine! Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us. — Aphorism by I. S. Turgenev

“You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift; everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself, and, truly, another name is even more precious than the thing itself.”
N.V. Gogol

“There is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, would burst out from under the very heart, would boil and vibrate so much as a well-spoken Russian word.”
N.V. Gogol

“...The main character of our language lies in the extreme ease with which everything is expressed in it - abstract thoughts, internal lyrical feelings, sparkling pranks and amazing passion.”
A.I. Herzen

More than one and a half centuries have passed. What is the state of the Russian language today? Do we, compatriots, justify N.V. Gogol, his hopes? Alas! The integrity and purity of literary norms of written and oral speech are being destroyed.

One of the current topics of our time is the borrowing of words in the Russian language, of which there are more and more.

Foreign words overwhelm Russian speech, pushing aside the initial Russian words. Is this good or bad for the native language? Are these words necessary or not? Can we manage without them?

Russian speech has recently been replenished and continues to be replenished with many foreign words. For example, recent, but no longer the most recent and relevantconsensus, stagnation, destructive, barter, image. Or more recent economic borrowings:tender(formal offer to fulfill an obligation),tranche(financial part, series),transfer(financial transfer),offer(formal offer to conclude a deal). From other subject areas:gender; Alas,kidnapping, killer. And many others.

The use of foreign words in modern Russian life absolutely natural and associated with progress. But not every meaning of the foreign words used is clear, especially for mass perception. First of all, this applies to narrowly professional words. However, words that are politically and economically intended for active use among the widest layers sometimes turn out to be unclear.

Main reason for borrowing foreign language vocabulary the absence of a corresponding concept in the cognitive base of the receptor language is recognized .

Other reasons: the need to express ambiguous Russian concepts using a borrowed word, to replenish means of expression language, etc.

Every language has its own distinctive features, thanks to which you can find out where the “alien” came from.So, YII - XI centuries. - this is a time of active contacts with Byzantium. During this period, through the Old Church Slavonic language, many words related to the church and religious sphere penetrated into Russian (angel, apostle, Bible, Gospel, icon),as well as everyday vocabulary (sail, certificate). New influxGreekisms in Russian it dates back to the 19th century. These are terms of science, culture, art, proper names (lexicon, organ, verse, chronology, Alexander, Vasily, Nikolai, Evgeniy, Georgy, Elena, Anastasia, Ksenia, Zoya, Irina). During this period, the borrowing of Greek was carried out indirectly - through Western European languages.

Characteristics Greekisms are: sound [f] (philosophy, anathema), initial vowel [e] (ethics, epigraph); root morphemesauto-, aero-, anthropo-, bio-, geo-, helio-, logos-, thermo-, tele-, photo-, phono-, phylo-;consolesa-, anti-, pan-( biology, phylogeny, agnosticism, antibiotic, pantheon).

Latinisms (words that came from the Latin language) penetrated into the Russian language through Greek (X-XY centuries), Polish (XYI - XYII centuries), French and German languages(XYIII century). This is scientific terminology, vocabulary associated with the learning process, with art, administrative activities, names of months, proper names (audience, dean, republic, secretary, January, July, August, Roman, Victor, Vitaly, Pavel, Julia, Marina, Valentina, Natalia). Phonetic features of Latinisms - initial [ts], [e] (compass, electorate); final -us, -um (sine, minimum); prefixes re-, inter-, ultra-, ex-, extra-, counter-, de-; suffixes -ent, -ant, -tor, -ar (reinfection, internationalize, ultraviolet, bookplate, extrapolation, rear admiral, degradation, inspector, student, consultant).

The time of the most active contacts between the Russian language and French was the 13th - 19th centuries. The Russian language borrowed from French terminology of a socio-political and military nature, vocabulary from the field of art and everyday life. FeaturesGallicisms - stress on the last syllable (boa, marmalade, shop); final -i, -o, -e in indeclinable nouns (blinds, manteau, muffler),combinations ua, byu, ryu, vu, nu, fu (veil, bureau, music stand, engraving);combinations he, an, en, am (control, intermission,refrain); final -er, -azh, -ans, -ant (fuselage, trainee, decadence, contestant)

Anglicisms began to penetrate into the Russian language in the Petrine era, but it is most actively borrowed English vocabulary in the XIX - XX centuries. It includes many technical, socio-political terms, sports and everyday vocabulary, words related to navigation (station, trolleybus, combine harvester, parliament, rally, rating, champion, sport, coach, finish, schooner, yacht, trawler, jumper, plaid, roast beef). Anglicisms are characterized by combinations tch, j, va, vi, ve, final -ing, -men, -er (scotch tape, cottage, Whatman paper, whiskey, corduroy, briefing, bartender, timer).

Marine terminology was also actively borrowed fromDutch language:pilot, harbour, shipyard, drift. Most of these words came to us in the era of Peter I.

Vocabulary associated with art mostly comes fromItalian language(aria, bravo, piano, tenor, baroque, opera, studio), as well as from Spanish (guitar, castanets, serenade, tango, pop).In addition, Italian served as a source of vocabulary from the sphere financial relations (credit, currency, cash desk, collector). Words of Italian origin are characterized by final unstressed -o, -io, -e:gross, libretto, solfeggio, andante

« Fake memes"

There are borrowed words, the use of which is worth writing in more detail (see paragraphs “What is...” below). About others there is not much to say, except for an explanation of their meanings (see the list on the left).
Sometimes there is the use of foreign words that do not fit into the article, and there is nothing to explain them, just translate them into Russian. These are rather examples of a trend (trend, I translate for those “advanced from Russian to English”): littering the language with foreign words, examples of crowding out Russian words.
I have collected these examples here.

“Dialogue should take place with legally elected representatives of Donbass. After all, now these people (the leadership of the DPR and LPR - ed.) do not represent Donbass. They appeared as a result of “fake” [false] elections..." Poroshenko said. Apostrophe

Well-known representatives of the Ukrainian public addressed Verkhovna Rada Ukraine with a demand to adopt a resolution that should evaluate the anti-Ukrainian resolutions of the Polish parliament and recognize criminal actions Polish side on Ukrainian autochthonous (ethnic) territories before, during and after the Second World War. Island

Did you watch “Vampire Academy” as a guest, omitting all the swearing and facepalming? [in the language of Internet idioms (“memes”): cover your face with your hand out of embarrassment].

I want to ask - who forced the director to make a film based on the script for the season of the series

“But adding lists of active people to the blacklist [blacklist] for visiting Olympic stadiums is what kind of practice?!” Echo of Moscow

Speaker [rapporteur] "DPR" demands that BRICS impose sanctions against Ukraine

"Donetsk News Agency"

“A skydiver [it could have just been a skydiver or an acrobat, it’s unclear] died trying to set a record”

The Ukrainian policeman who took a selfie (photo of himself) with a bloodied man in Donbass will be punished, the patrol police departments of Kramatorsk and Slavyansk reported. "Severe Cats of Donbass"

Main square Donetsk - Lenin Square - has become a real dance floor. Today, the first large-scale flash mob took place here (a pre-planned mass action in which a large group of people (mobbers) suddenly appears in a public place) as part of the unique dance event “Republican Round Dance”, which takes place in all cities of the Donetsk People’s Republic. "News of the Donetsk People's Republic"

Volunteers from all over Russia are collecting humanitarian aid for the residents of Donbass. "Self-defense of Gorlovka"

The DPR supports the proposal on the need to develop a “road map” (a plan on how to move forward) for a settlement in Donbass, said Denis Pushilin, the republic’s plenipotentiary representative at the negotiations in Minsk. "News of the Donetsk People's Republic"

Journalists from Ukrainian military television talked about how second-hand (used clothes) from NATO countries helped “resist Russia.” "Self-defense of Gorlovka"

The main political mainstream (main direction) in Ukraine remains the same - the course towards continuing the war in Donbass. “Gorlovka. Today"

Ombudsman (a person entrusted with the functions of monitoring compliance with the legal rights and interests of citizens) of the Donetsk People's Republic Daria Morozova on the air of the “60 Minutes” program. Broadcast on March 3, 2017 “Russia 1”. "News of the Donetsk People's Republic"

Blogger Ivan. He engages in online trolling and considers it a profitable startup(a newly created company building its business on the basis of innovation). In parallel with this, he works in the “state structure of the DPR”. He earns 500-600 rubles a day. "Severe Cats of Donbass"

One of the Ukrainian chains of electronics stores sold GPS trackers (tracking sensors) with built-in wiretapping devices. "Burning Hearts of Donbass"

Retailers of the DPR will cooperate with Russia. "Russian Spring"

Putin set a deadline (the deadline by which the task must be completed) - to complete the formalities for the introduction of the “LPR-DPR” into Ukraine by mid-August. "Self-defense of Gorlovka"

Yesterday in Ukraine people were most interested in what “Default” (non-payment) is and whether it finally came or not, because people fell into panic. "Self-defense of Gorlovka"

Head of the DPRAlexander Zakharchenko predicts an intensive influx of investments into the economy of the Republic after the end of hostilities. "Self-defense of Gorlovka"

“The actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ukrainian President are a well-orchestrated action designed to draw the world’s attention to Ukraine. Essentially, this is PR (public relations) in blood,” explained Denis Pushilin. "Russian Spring"

The "DPR" intends to announce the creation of the so-called "state holding (ownership) "Metenergo", which will include the "nationalized" enterprises of Rinat Akhmetov. "Russian Spring"

The mayor of Gorlovka, Ivan Prikhodko, spoke on the talk show “60 Minutes” in support of the residents of Donbass. "Russian Spring"

Language is the spiritual heritage of the people

Unfortunately, and due to our misunderstanding, the Russian language is not perceived by us as a national treasure.
But the culture of language is component national culture. In its highest manifestations, language is a spiritual heritage, a shrine of the people. The speech of Russian classics in its lofty examples and liturgical speech represent the peaks of the value spiritual hierarchy of self-expression and expression of the people; they are essentially the objective embodiment of the highest spiritual values, without which a person (and the people!) loses his face, and when they are violated, the people experience damage to their dignity and spiritual independence, is pushed aside, becomes spiritually powerless, vulnerable.

Conclusion : the Russian language is rich in its culture and verbosity, so we can safely say that we are AGAINST the use of borrowed words in modern Russian speech. We are FOR the purity of our Russian language without any borrowings. We are for preserving the purity and inviolability of the Russian language, because the Russian language is powerful, so let's keep its power intact.


"Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia"

website "News of the Donetsk People's Republic"

book "Quotations and Aphorisms" great people»,

« Dictionary Russian language".

National education in English, basically ended in the so-called Early New English period - approximately until the middle of the 17th century. During this time, the national English language, in general, acquired its modern character. The vocabulary was enriched by a huge number of words borrowed from Latin, which reflected the development of scientific thought during the Renaissance.

At the same time, old borrowings from French (of Latin origin) were in many cases subjected to Latinization in this era. Rapid development trade, economic and cultural relations with various countries during the New England period and, in particular, the English colonization of overseas lands in the 18th-19th centuries introduced into the English language a greater or lesser number of words from a wide variety of languages ​​of the world. IN modern times The international lexical element in the English language has grown significantly, mainly scientific, technical and socio-political terms.

The English vocabulary contains a significant number of words borrowed from the Russian language, which will require special consideration.

Since regular trade and economic relations between the two states were established quite late, only by the 16th century, and were initially limited, borrowings from the Russian language are not as numerous as, for example, from French, Italian or German. However, in the extant English descriptions Moscow state there are a number of Russian words from the sphere of everyday life, government system, public relations, systems of measures, monetary units, etc.

The earliest borrowing from the Russian language is the word sable (sable), which is not surprising, since Russian furs of exceptional quality, and especially sable, were highly valued in Europe. In English dictionaries this word was recorded already in the 14th century, and, in addition to the meaning of the noun “sable”, it is also given in the meaning of the adjective “black”.

A larger number of Russian borrowings in English appear in the 16th century, after the establishment of more regular economic and political ties between Russia and England. The Russian words that penetrated into the English language at that time in their meaning are various kinds of names of trade items, names of ruling, class, officials and subordinates, institutions, names of household items and geographical names. During this period and somewhat later, such Russian words as boyar (boyar), Cossack (Cossack), voivoda (voivode), tsar (king), ztarosta (elder), muzhik (man), beluga (beluga), starlet (sterlet) were borrowed ), rouble (ruble), altyn (Altyn), copeck (penny), pood (pood), kvass (kvass), shuba (fur coat), vodka (vodka), samovar (samovar), troika (troika), babushka (grandmother ), pirozhki (pies), verst (verst), telega (cart) and many others.

Some special terms also penetrate into the English language. For example: siberite - special kind ruby, uralite - asbestos slate. Many of these words have entered the English vocabulary and are used by English writers.

In the 19th century, with the growth of the people's democratic liberation movement in Russia, words reflecting this socio-political movement appeared in the English language. For example, decembrist (Decembrist), nihilist (nihilist), nihilism (nihilism), narodnik (populist), intelligentsia (intelligentsia). By the way, the last word was borrowed from Russian not directly, but through the Polish language. Of course, the roots of such words as nihilist, decembrist, intelligentsia are Latin. However, these words are borrowings from the Russian language, since they arose in Russia, in connection with certain phenomena of Russian reality.

In addition to the above-mentioned words, other Russian words also penetrated into the English language in the 18th-19th centuries. Many of them, such as ispravnik (police officer), miroed (world eater), obrok (tire), barshina (corvee) and others, are currently historical terms in Russian, and in English they are found only in historical descriptions or in historical novels.

One of the most interesting Russian borrowings, which has become widespread in modern English, is the word mammoth (mammoth). This word was borrowed in the 18th century, and should have entered the vocabulary as mamont, but in the process of borrowing it “lost” the letter n. Moreover, according to the rules, the sound [t] is indicated in writing by the combination th. After all the changes, the word mammoth appeared in the vocabulary in the form mammoth (this word was first included in Ludolf’s “Russian Grammar”).

It is also necessary to note a special group of borrowings called Sovietisms - these are borrowings from the Russian language of the post-October period, reflecting the influence of the new social system and the new ideology of our country, for example, soviet (Soviet), bolshevik (Bolshevik), udarnik (drummer), kolkhoz (collective farm) ), sovkhoz (state farm), komsomol (Komsomol), activist (activist). There are many cripples among Sovietisms, for example, five-year plan, palace of culture, hero of labor.

Let us give more examples of the most famous (and used in modern English) borrowings from the Russian language, as well as kalek (the most recent ones are marked with an asterisk): balalaika (balalaika), bortsch (borscht), borzoi (greyhound), byelorussian* (Belarusian), crash (collapse), dacha* (dacha), glastnost* (glasnost), kalashnikov* (Kalashnikov), karakul (astrakhan fur), KGB* (KGB), Kremlin (Kremlin), Molotov (cocktail)* (Molotov cocktail ), perestroyka* (perestroika), pogrom (pogrom), russian roulette (Russian roulette), russian salad (vinaigrette, Russian salad), samizdat* (samizdat), Samoyed (samoyed), shaman (shaman), sputnik* (satellite) , stakhanovit (Stakhanovite), tass* (TASS).

Russian borrowings that have penetrated into the vocabulary of the English language, like any other borrowings, are transformed in their sound appearance and grammatical structure, obeying the internal laws of the development of the English language. This can be clearly seen in the example of such words as copeck (penny), knout (whip, pronounced like), starlet (sterlet) and others, the sound appearance of which is transformed according to the laws English pronunciation. The plural of most nouns borrowed from the Russian language is formalized in English according to the grammatical norms of the English language - steppes (steppes), sables (sable) and the like. Many borrowed Russian words form derivatives based on word-formation models of the English language - narodism (populism), nihilistic (nihilistic), to knout - to beat with a whip, sable (as an adjective) and so on.

However, it should also be noted that borrowings from the Russian language that entered the English language in various periods and have survived to this day constitute an insignificant share, since most of the borrowed words reflected rather specific features and realities of life of the Russian people, many of which have disappeared.

    Examples of borrowed words: guest worker, motel, confetti, Olivier, jam, latte, bulldozer. For more examples, see L.P.’s dictionaries of foreign words. Krysina, N.G. Komleva.

    Borrowing words

    The reasons for borrowing words from other languages ​​are related to technical and technological progress - the emergence in the world of new technologies, inventions, objects, concepts for which there are no words in the Russian language.

    When borrowing, foreign words undergo phonetic, morphological, morphemic and semantic changes. This is due to the “adjustment” of borrowing words to the established features and rules in the Russian language. Some authors of school textbooks on the Russian language share the concepts of borrowed and foreign words. If a borrowed word comes into the vocabulary of the Russian language with changes, then the foreign word undergoes almost no changes, retaining its original phonetic, morphological and other features.

    There are a lot of borrowed words in the modern Russian language. Most of them are strongly rooted in the Russian language, and for modern native speakers the words are perceived as originally Russian. Their real origin is revealed by etymological analysis.

    The process of borrowing words began in the Old Russian language and is currently happening. Words were borrowed from Latin, Finno-Ugric, Greek, Turkic, Polish, Dutch, German, French, and English. The names of people, geographical names, names of months, and church terms were borrowed. Some borrowed words have become obsolete: blubber, berkovets, tiun, grid, golbets and others.

    Borrowing morphemes

    Not only whole words are borrowed into the Russian language, but also parts of words (morphemes), which influence word formation and give birth to new words. Let's list some foreign prefixes and foreign suffixes, and give examples of words for each item.

    Borrowing consoles

  • a- - immoral, amorphous, apolitical, arrhythmia, anonymous, apathy, atheist.
  • anti- - antiworld, anticyclone, antithesis.
  • arch- - arch-important, arch-millionaire, archbishop.
  • pan-pan-American, pan-Slavism, pan-epidemic.
  • de- - degerization, degradation, decomposition, dismantling, demobilization, demotivation.
  • disinfection, disorientation, disorganization.
  • dis- - disharmony, disqualification, disproportion, dysfunction.
  • dis- - disassociation, disjunction.
  • counter-counterattack, countermarch, counteroffensive, counterrevolution, counterattack.
  • trans- - transatlantic, trans-European, trans-regional.
  • ultra- - ultrasonic, ultrashort, ultra-left, ultra-right, ultra-fashionable.
  • and others...

Borrowing suffixes

  • -ism - anarchism, collectivism, communism.
  • East - scuba diver, careerist, machinist, parachutist.
  • -izir- - militarize, mechanize, fantasize.
  • -er- - poacher, gentleman, trainee, suitor.
  • and others...

Borrowing foreign words contributes to the development of the language. Borrowing is associated with close communication between the peoples of the world, a developed communication system, the presence of international professional communities, etc.