Economic activity that does not have. Human economic activity

  • 1.3. Contents and objectives of the discipline “Economics”
  • 1.4. Methods for covering the real economy
  • 1.5. Organization of the educational process for studying the discipline "Economics"
  • Topic 2. Patterns of economic development
  • 2.1. Modern production and features of its structure.
  • 2.2. Circulation of economic goods and its phases
  • 2.3. Expansion and elevation of needs
  • 2.4. Factors of production growth and patterns of their development
  • Types of production factors (resources) and income
  • 2.5. Stages of development of social production. Characteristic features of the stages of production progress
  • First stage of production
  • Second stage of production
  • Third stage of production
  • Topic 3. System of economic relations
  • 3.1. Unity of the system of economic relations
  • 3.2. Socio-economic relations. Economic and legal content of property. Types and forms of ownership
  • 3.3. Economic and legal role of nationalization and privatization
  • Number of people employed in the national economy, 1985
  • 3.4. Civil Code of the Russian Federation on subjects, objects and property rights
  • 3.5. Modern property relations in Russia. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on types of crimes against property
  • Distribution of enterprises and organizations by type of ownership in 2009 (as a percentage of the total)
  • Number of registered crimes (thousands)
  • Section 2. Organization of economic activities
  • Topic 4. Enterprises and organizations in the economy
  • 4.1. Economic and legal characteristics of the enterprise
  • 4.2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation on commercial and non-profit organizations. The concept of “business” and its characteristic features
  • 4.4. Enterprise management. Functions and tasks of economic and legal services in developing decisions in the field of economic activity
  • Topic 5. Entrepreneurship
  • 5.1. Economic and legal foundations of entrepreneurial activity
  • 5.2. Small and medium business: its features and economic role. State support for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia
  • 5.3. Large corporations: features of the organization of economic activities and their role in the economy
  • 5.4. Comparative efficiency and profitability of different forms of business
  • 5.5. Planning in business activities. Contents and procedure for developing a business plan.
  • Topic 6. Features of the modern market
  • 6.1. Characteristic features of market relations in the middle of the XX-XXI centuries. Infrastructure of the modern market
  • 6.2. Modern monetary system. Inflation and deflation
  • 6.3. Features of a market dominated by large corporate capital
  • There are two types of exchange transactions:
  • What are derivative securities? These include:
  • 6.4. Competition and its role in the progressive development of the economy
  • World Competitiveness Ranking
  • 6.5. Monopoly: economic nature and organizational forms. Legislation on restriction of monopolistic activities and protection of competition
  • Section 3. National economy and the role of the state in coordinating the economic interests of society Topic 7. The system of economic interests of society
  • 7.1. Long-term and current interests of social development. Types of income of participants in economic activities
  • Structure of monetary income of the population (in percent)
  • A. Salary
  • B. Profit
  • B. Bank interest
  • Interest rates on loans and deposits in Russia (annual average)
  • Refinancing rates (at the end of the year, in percent)
  • D. Rent
  • 7.2. The place and role of the public sector in the national economy. Legal basis of public-private entrepreneurship
  • 7.3. Economic indicators of the development of the national economy. National accounts
  • 7.4. State budgetary regulation of the development of the national economy. Ensuring the economic security of the country
  • Structure of state budget revenues in 2007 (percentage)
  • Indicators of economic danger in Russia in the 1990s.
  • Topic 8. Reproduction in the national economy
  • 8.1. Economic growth in the national economy, its factors and types
  • 8.2. Economic policy of the state and legal measures to stimulate economic progress
  • 8.3. Modernization of the Russian economy as an important condition for the implementation of strategic interests of social development in the 21st century
  • 8.4. Equilibrium and instability of the national economy. Cyclicality of economic development
  • Dynamics of economic indicators in the phases of the economic cycle
  • 8.5. The current global financial and economic crisis. Economic and legal measures to overcome the global crisis, implement employment policies and regulate inflation
  • Share of unemployed in the economic population (percentage)
  • Topic 9. The role of economics in the development of social relations. The quality of life
  • 9.1. Interrelation of economic and social relations
  • 9.2. Reproduction of the country's population. Economic and legal measures to improve the demographic situation of the country
  • 9.3. State financial regulation of population income
  • Average annual number of people not employed in the economy in the total population, million people, 2007
  • 9.4. Accelerated development of the service sector. Economic and legal measures to reduce social stratification by standard of living. The quality of life
  • Sectoral structure of GDP in 2001-2006, % of the total
  • Sectoral structure of GDP in 2001-2006, % of the total
  • Fund ratio in different countries
  • Distribution of total monetary income of the population in Russia
  • Human Development Index, 2005
  • 9.5. Priority national projects of the socio-economic policy of the Russian state
  • Number of patients registered in medical institutions (per 100,000 population)
  • Number of sports facilities
  • Distribution of residential premises by number of rooms
  • Number of cattle (at the end of the year, million heads)
  • Consumption of meat and milk (per capita per year, kg)
  • Topic 10. Modern world economy
  • 10.1. Characteristic features of the modern world economy
  • 10.2. Internationalization of economic life and the world market. Features of economic specialization of Russia
  • Production of passenger cars in 2006, thousand units.
  • Commodity structure of exports in 2007, % of total
  • Main export goods in 2007, % of total exports
  • Main export and import products in 2007
  • 10.3. Modern currency relations
  • Dynamics of official exchange rates of foreign currencies against the Russian ruble (at the end of the year)
  • 10.4. Trends and contradictions in the globalization of the world economy
  • Gross domestic product of some countries in 2002
  • Share of the population below the poverty line
  • Dictionary
  • Basic economic concepts
  • And foreign words
  • Section 2. Organization economic activity

    This section of the textbook continues the study of the system economic relations. After considering the subsystem of socio-economic relations, we will now understand the subsystem of organizational and economic relations, without which economic activity cannot exist and develop. This will allow us to find out how production is organized, by whom it is controlled and in what organizational, economic and legal forms it achieves its intended goals.

    Topic 4. Enterprises and organizations in the economy

    4.1. Economic and legal characteristics of the enterprise

    The primary link in the system of social production is the enterprise (firm). Company - is an independent economic entity created to produce products, perform work and provide services in order to satisfy public needs and make a profit.

    A manufacturing enterprise is characterized by production, technical, organizational, economic and social unity.

    Production and technical unity is determined by a complex of means of production that have technological unity and the interconnection of individual stages production processes, as a result of which the raw materials and materials used at the enterprise are converted into finished products. They also allow you to provide services and perform certain work in order to make a profit.

    Organizational unity is determined by the presence of a single team and a single management, which is reflected in the general and organizational structure of the enterprise.

    Economic unity is determined by the generality of economic results of work - the volume of products sold, the level of profitability, the mass of profits, enterprise funds, etc., and, most importantly, making a profit acts as the main goal of the activity.

    However, an enterprise is, first of all, not a production, not an economic, but a social unit. An enterprise is a team of people of various qualifications, connected by certain socio-economic relations and interests, and making a profit serves as the basis for satisfying the needs (both material and spiritual) of the entire team. Therefore, the most important tasks of the enterprise are: socially fair payment to staff wages, which would ensure the reproduction of the labor force; creation of normal working and rest conditions, opportunities for professional growth, etc.

    An enterprise is not only an economic entity, but also entity . A legal entity is recognized as an organization that has separate property in ownership, economic management or operational management and is liable for its obligations with this property, can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court. Legal entities must have an independent balance sheet or estimate.

    A legal entity is subject to state registration and acts either on the basis of a charter, or a constituent agreement and charter, or only a constituent agreement.

    The charter reflects: the organizational and legal forms of the enterprise (firm); Name; mailing address; subject and purpose of the activity; authorized capital; profit distribution procedure; control bodies; list and location of structural units that make up the company; conditions of reorganization and liquidation.

    Firm - a legally independent business unit. She might be like large enterprise either an organization or a small company. A modern company usually includes several enterprises. If the company consists of one enterprise, both terms coincide. In this case, enterprise and firm denote the same object economic activity. The company, in relation to its constituent production units, is a body of entrepreneurial management. Usually it is the firm, and not the enterprise, that acts as an economic entity in the market, implements pricing policy, competes, participates in the distribution of profits, sets the pace and determines the directions of scientific and technological progress

    A wide variety of enterprises operate in the economy. They differ from each other in a number of ways: industry affiliation; sizes; degree of specialization and scale of production of similar products; methods of organizing production and the degree of its mechanization and automation; organizational and legal forms, etc.

    Signs industry affiliation enterprises serve: the nature of the raw materials consumed in the manufacture of products; purpose and nature of the finished product; technical and technological commonality of production; operating hours throughout the year. Thus, enterprises and organizations in our country are distributed in statistics, primarily into three groups of production sectors (parts of the national economy):



        distributing electricity, gas and water.

    The importance of these sectors can be judged by general economic indicators (number of organizations, volume of goods shipped and financial results) - Table 8.

    Table 8.

    1. Key performance indicators of mining, manufacturing and distribution of electricity, gas and water in 2007

    Number of operating organizations:

    Mining minerals

    Manufacturing industry

    Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water

    Volume of shipped goods of own production, performed works and services on our own, billion rubles:


    Manufacturing industries

    Production and distribution of electricity, gas, water

    Balanced financial results(profit minus losses),

    billion rubles

    2. Agriculture has the following structure (according to 2008 data, as a percentage of the total)

    Agricultural organizations


    Peasant (farm) farms

    3. In construction in 2008, the following were in effect:

    Construction organizations

    Volume of work performed (in actual prices of 1995, billion rubles)

    By purpose finished products All enterprises are divided into two large groups: those producing means of production and those producing consumer goods.

    Based on technological community There are enterprises with continuous and discrete production processes, with a predominance of mechanical and chemical production processes.

    By operating hours throughout the year There are year-round and seasonal enterprises.

    Based on enterprise size are divided into large (with more than 500 employees), medium (with 101 to 500 employees) and small with up to 100 employees). The main criterion for classifying an enterprise into one of these groups is not only the number of employees, but also the volume of permissible turnover Money.

    By specialization and scale of production enterprises of the same type are divided into specialized, diversified and combined.

    Enterprises can also be distinguished on other grounds. For example, depending on different types of economic and legal relations and the nature production activities For example, enterprises differ from each other:

      rental which produces products, performs work and provides services using property on the basis of a lease agreement (for a certain period);

      venture– a small enterprise in knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy, carrying out scientific research, engineering development and the introduction of risky innovations;

      closed(in some countries) in which there is an agreement that only union members or those wishing to join a union will be hired by the enterprise;

      open, which employs both union members and non-union members;

      collective, which was created either during the redemption state enterprise, or when acquiring the property of an enterprise by a labor collective.

    Classification of enterprises is important when developing standard documentation for homogeneous enterprises, applying standard design and technological solutions, production structure and other purposes.

    In accordance with the forms of ownership, enterprises can be state, municipal, private, and can also be owned by public organizations.

    Enterprise as object of rights recognized Property Complex, which is generally real estate. This complex includes all types of property intended for its activities, including: land plots; building; equipment; inventory; raw materials; products.

    In addition, this complex includes rights of claim, debts, as well as designations that individualize the enterprise, its products, works and services ( brand name, trademarks, service marks), and other exclusive rights.

    The company operates in industry, agriculture, construction, transport, communications and computer science, science and scientific services, trade, logistics, culture, education, services and other sectors of the national economy. An enterprise can conduct several types of economic activities simultaneously.

    Under economic activity The Economic Code refers to the activities of business entities in the field of social production, aimed at the manufacture and sale of products, performance of work or provision of services of a cost nature that have price certainty (Part 1 of Article 3 of the Criminal Code).
    ZU"O foreign economic activity» economic activity- this is any activity, including entrepreneurial activity, associated with the production and exchange of material and intangible goods in the form of goods.
    And the Law of Ukraine dated June 1, 2000 “On licensing of certain types of economic activities” under economic activity understands any, including entrepreneurial, legal entities, as well as individuals-subjects entrepreneurial activity related to the production (manufacturing) of products, trade, provision of services, performance of work.
    Based on the content of Art. 3, 42, 52 HC common varieties economic activities can be grouped in the following way:
    1) commercial economic activity(entrepreneurship) - economic activity carried out to achieve economic and social results and for the purpose of making a profit; Economic commercial activity(entrepreneurship) is carried out by an enterprise (entrepreneur) as an independent, proactive, systematic activity at its own risk with the aim of achieving economic and social results and making a profit (Article 42 of the Criminal Code).
    2) non-commercial economic activity- economic activity carried out without the purpose of making a profit; According to Part 1 of Art. 52 HC non-profit management is an independent systematic economic activity carried out by business entities aimed at achieving economic, social and other results without the goal of making a profit.
    3) economic support activities of non-economic entities- activities of non-economic entities aimed at creating and maintaining the necessary material and technical conditions for their functioning, which is carried out with or without the participation of the entities.
    It should be noted that an exhaustive list of types of economic activities subject to licensing (namely, 45 types of economic activities) is established by the Law of Ukraine “On licensing of certain types of economic activities” dated 06/01/2000.
    At the same time, according to Art. 259 of the Civil Code, a type of economic activity occurs in the case of combining resources (equipment, technological means, raw materials and supplies, labor) to create the production of certain products or provide services. A separate type of activity may consist of a single simple process or cover a number of processes, each of which falls into a corresponding classification category.
    Based on the provisions of Ch. 6, VII HC, the following types of economic activities can be distinguished:
    1. Economic and trading activities- activities carried out by business entities in the sphere of commodity circulation, aimed at selling industrial and technical products and consumer goods, as well as auxiliary activities that ensure their implementation by providing relevant services.
    Economic and trading activities are mediated by economic contracts for supply, contracting of agricultural products, energy supply, purchase and sale, rent, exchange (barter), leasing and other contracts.
    2. Agency activities- commercial intermediation, which consists in the provision by a commercial agent of services to business entities when they carry out economic activities through intermediation on behalf, in the interests, under the control and at the expense of the entity he represents. Commercial intermediation is a business activity.
    A commercial agent can be a business entity (citizen or legal entity) who, under the authority based on an agency agreement, carries out commercial intermediation.
    Entrepreneurs who act, although in the interests of others, but on their own behalf, are not commercial agents.
    3. Cargo transportation- economic activities related to the movement of industrial and technical products and consumer goods railways, highways, water and air routes, as well as transportation of products by pipelines.
    The subjects of cargo transportation relations are carriers, consignors and consignees.
    Cargo transportation is carried out by freight railway transport, road freight transport, sea freight transport and inland freight fleet, air freight transport, pipeline transport, space transport, other types of transport.
    4. Capital construction- construction of production and other facilities, preparation of construction sites, work on equipping buildings, work to complete construction, applied and experimental research and development, etc., which are carried out by business entities for other entities or on their order and are carried out on a contract basis .
    5. Innovation activity - activities of participants in economic relations, which are carried out on the basis of the implementation of investments in order to implement long-term scientific and technical programs with long periods cost recovery and the introduction of new scientific and technical achievements in production and other areas of public life.
    Financial activities includes monetary and other financial intermediation, insurance, as well as auxiliary activities in the field of finance and insurance.
    6. Financial intermediation- activities related to the receipt and redistribution of financial resources, except for cases provided for by law. Financial intermediation is carried out by banking institutions and other financial and credit organizations.
    Business insurance- this is an activity aimed at covering long-term and short-term risks of business entities using savings through the credit and financial system or without such use.
    Ancillary activities in the field of finance and insurance include non-state management of financial markets, exchange transactions with stock values, other activities (mediation in lending, financial advice, activities related to foreign currency, cargo insurance, assessment of insurance risk and losses, other types of ancillary activities ).
    7. Commercial concession- under contract commercial concession one party (the copyright holder) undertakes to provide the other party (the user), for a period or without specifying a period, the right to use in the user’s business activities a set of rights belonging to the copyright holder, and the user undertakes to comply with the terms of use of the rights granted to him and to pay the copyright holder the remuneration stipulated by the contract.
    A commercial concession agreement provides for the use of a set of rights granted to the user, business reputation and commercial experience of the copyright holder in full, with or without indicating the territory of use in relation to a certain area of ​​business activity.
    8. Foreign economic activity- economic activity, in the implementation of which property and / or work force cross customs border Ukraine.

    “economic activity” is revealed as a set of actions aimed, in particular, at replenishing the supply of material goods and ensuring the fullest possible satisfaction of the needs that they are intended to serve. For this purpose, existing goods are stored, new ones are mined and produced, they are moved in space and in exchange, and their consumption is also organized. The motive for economic activity is the desire of a person to satisfy his needs in material benefits

    . Economic activity thus represents the manifestation of an economic (economic, expedient) motive in human life..."

    Order of Rospatent dated July 25, 2011 N 87 “On the introduction into force of the Guidelines for the examination of applications for inventions”


    "GOST R 52104-2003. Russian Federation. . Terms and Definitions"

    (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 03.07.2-st)

    "...Economic activities: activities carried out in the course of production activities individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, regardless of the form of ownership and whether it is commercial or non-commercial in nature..."


    "GOST R 52104-2003. National of the Russian Federation. Resource conservation. Terms and definitions"

    (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2003 N 235-st)

    Official terminology.

      economic activity 2012. See what “Economic activity” is in other dictionaries:

      economic activity- Various human activities that affect the environment and global changes in nature...

      Dictionary of Geography- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Topics: energy in general EN economic activity ... Economic activity- X. human activity follows from his attitude to X. goods as utilities, the quantity of which is limited in comparison with the need for them. Realizing this limitation, a person takes actions aimed at replenishing the supply of such...

      economic activity encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

      - the totality of all labor actions directed by people to external nature in order to use and adapt it to meet their needs... Reference commercial dictionary BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION - “Economic activities carried out by an organization that is a legal entity under the laws of the Russian Federation, outside the Russian Federation through a representative office, branch or other structural unit that is not... ... Dictionary of concepts and terms formulated in

      regulatory documents Russian legislation economic activity on land- — EN land based activity Topics security environment

      EN land based activity DE terrestrische Aktivität FR activité… … Technical Translator's Guide Economic activities of the homeowners association- To achieve the goals provided for by the charter, the homeowners’ association has the right to engage in economic activities (Part 1 of Article 152 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). A homeowners association may engage in the following types

      administrative and economic activities (in sports)- administrative and economic activities of the FND The key functional task of the FND “Administrative and economic activities” during the Games is to ensure the operation of the office, both in Moscow and in Sochi. This process prep... ... environment

      Financial and economic activities- organizational and performing administrative activities command (chief, commander), control bodies, services and officials of the troops and bodies of the RF PS for managing the economy, including the relevant material and technical... ... Border Dictionary

      3. Ordinary business activities, as confirmed arbitrage practice(point 5 newsletter Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russia dated March 13, 2001 N 62), it is generally accepted to consider the implementation of transactions provided for by the charter of an economic entity, as well as... ... Official terminology


    • Economic activities of Metropolitan Platon, A.A. Belyaev. Reprinted edition using print-on-demand technology from the original of 1899. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1899 edition (publishing house 'University Printing House').…
    The activity of an enterprise is a process that includes not only the direct production of goods or the provision of services, but also financial and economic activities, supply, sales of products, use of labor and material resources, equipment and machinery. An enterprise is a structured and living organism.

    The structure of any enterprise includes an administrative and managerial apparatus, a production department, a financial and economic department, and a accounting and reporting. In addition, the structure may include other divisions whose tasks include ensuring a continuous process of production and manufacturing of products that would be competitive and meet market requirements in terms of quantity, quality and delivery time. At the same time, the main requirement and criterion for the efficiency of an enterprise is the minimization of production costs, i.e. reducing the cost of goods and services produced.

    Factors determining the production and economic activities of an enterprise

    The efficiency of the production and economic activities of an enterprise, first of all, depends on factors such as security production facilities, the state of the production and technical base, its technical and organizational level, the extent to which the organization of production and labor meets modern requirements of the conjuncture and market.

    Such a factor as financial and economic planning is also of great importance for the activities of an enterprise. This is not only the uninterrupted provision of the necessary resources, but also constant control over current activities enterprises, operational adjustment management decisions in order to achieve planned results.

    Control is carried out by analyzing the production and economic activities of the enterprise by comparing the main results of these activities with calculated and planned indicators. Such indicators characterizing the efficiency of an enterprise, for example, include:
    - profit from the sale of goods and services provided;
    - total production costs;
    - profitability;
    - level of remuneration of people working at the enterprise;
    - the amount of funds in the current accounts of the enterprise;
    - existing accounts payable and receivable.

    Types of economic activities

    There are several types of economic activities:

    • A household is a business run by a group of people living together.
    • A small business is economic unit, are engaged in the production of relatively small quantities of goods. The owner of such an enterprise can be one person or several. As a rule, the owner uses his own labor or employs a relatively small number of workers.
    • Large enterprises are enterprises that mass produce goods. As a rule, these enterprises are formed by combining the property of the owners. An example of which enterprise is a joint stock company.
    • The national economy is the unification of economic activities throughout the country. To a certain extent, this activity is directed by the state, which, in turn, tries to ensure sustainable growth of the country's economy and thereby increase the well-being of the entire population.
    • The world economy is economic system, in which there is a relationship various countries and peoples.

    Forms of economic activity

    Definition 1

    The form of economic activity is a system of norms that determines the internal relations of the partners of the enterprise, as well as the relationship of this enterprise with other counterparties and government bodies.

    There are several forms of economic activity:

    • Individual form;
    • Collective form;
    • Corporate form.

    Under individual form of economic activity refers to an enterprise whose owner is either an individual or a family. The functions of the owner and entrepreneurs are combined in one entity. He receives and distributes the income received, and also bears the risk of carrying out his business activities and has unlimited property liability to his creditors and third parties. As a rule, such enterprises are not legal entities. The owner of this enterprise can attract additional hired labor, but in a rather limited quantity (no more than 20 people).

    If speak about collective form of economic activity, then there are three types of them: business partnerships, business companies, joint-stock companies.

    Business partnerships can be in the form of: a general partnership and a limited partnership. A general partnership is an organization that is based on collective ownership. As a rule, it is an association of several individuals or legal entities. All participants in this type of partnership bear full, unlimited liability for all obligations of the partnership. The property of a general partnership is formed from the contributions of its participants and income received in the process of carrying out its activities. All property belongs to the participant of the general partnership on the basis of shared ownership.

    A limited partnership is an association where one or more of its owners bears full responsibility for all obligations of the partnership, the remaining investors are liable only to the extent of their capital.

    TO business companies include: limited liability company, additional liability company. Limited liability companies are enterprises that are created by combining the contributions of legal entities and individuals. At the same time, the number of participants in a limited liability company cannot exceed the established limit, otherwise within a year this company will be transformed into a joint stock company.

    Additional liability company is an organization that authorized capital is divided into shares, the size of which is determined in advance. This type society is formed by one or more persons. For all obligations of the company, all its founders bear subsidiary liability in an amount that is a multiple of the value of the contribution to the authorized capital.

    Joint-Stock Company represents a form of economic activity, all funds of which are formed by combining the capital of the founders, as well as the issue and placement of shares. Participants in a joint stock company are liable for all obligations of the company in an amount equal to contributions.

    In order to protect their commercial interests and increase the efficiency of use of the enterprise's capital, various organizational and legal forms can be combined into the so-called corporate forms of entrepreneurship. These include: concerns, consortium, intersectoral and regional unions.

    Concern is an association of organizations that carry out joint activities voluntarily. As a rule, concerts have scientific and technical functions, functions of production and social development, functions of foreign economic activity, etc.

    Consortium- an association of an organization to solve certain problems, created for a while. In our country, a consortium is created to implement government programs using organizations of any form of ownership.

    Industry and regional unions represent an association of organizations on contractual terms. These unions are created to carry out one or more production and economic functions.

    Organization of economic activities

    The organization of economic activity goes through three stages:

    1. Stage 1 - opportunity assessment. Initially, you should give an objective assessment of all resources needed for the production process. For these purposes, it is advisable to use scientific developments. The main advantage of this stage is that it helps to give a preliminary assessment of the potential for production of products precisely in those volumes and in those conditions that will be studied, and on the basis of which the decision to launch production of a particular product will be approved. After the production potential of the organization has been studied, the production line is launched within the framework of the formed plan.
    2. Stage 2 - launch of auxiliary production. The implementation of this stage takes place only if there is a need. Auxiliary production is a rather necessary activity, since it helps to develop new market segments and increase the chance of effective financial development of the organization. Servicing an organization can be carried out either in-house or through the involvement of third-party organizations and resources. At this stage, services are used that allow optimizing product production activities and assessing the potential costs of funds. At the next stage, work is carried out aimed at studying the sales market and the possibilities of selling products.
    3. Stage 3 - sales of products. All stages affecting the sale of products are monitored. At the same time, records are kept sold products, forecasts are compiled and researched to enable competent decisions to be made by the management of the organization. There are situations when it is necessary to develop a methodology for after-sales service. For example, when installing warranty period for your products.