Doors for bathrooms and toilets: which ones are better to choose? Which doors are best to install in the bathroom and toilet? What kind of doors are needed for a bathroom?

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 10 minutes

The operating conditions of the doors directly depend on the environment. In the bathroom, for example, even with a powerful ventilation system, the humidity level will be higher than the average for the house, or even “walk”, either rising to maximum values ​​or dropping below normal. It is this stereotype that people start from when choosing bathroom doors. In part, this is correct - after a couple of months, who wants to face the problem of a door that won’t lock or see telltale signs of rust on the gilded hinges.

On the other hand, manufacturers have long foreseen these issues and protected the products so that they function without failure in the most aggressive environments. True, this only applies to quality products. This means that buyers have the opportunity to install door structures with the same design throughout the entire apartment - solid or with glass, hinged or sliding, leading to all adjacent rooms, including the bathroom, toilet, dressing room, etc.
The separate status of bathroom doors still exists, but it concerns not design and price, but other factors. When choosing, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Dimensions: depend on the opening, which can be standard or non-standard;
  • Door covering;
  • Comfortable constipation;
  • The type of opening and how suitable it is for your room.

These questions, as well as how to choose a bathroom door based on material, will be covered in detail in the following paragraphs. Specialists from the online store “Into the House” took part in the writing of this article and will help you choose interior doors for any room.

How to order bathroom doors of the right size and not overpay?

How not to overpay for interior doors to the bathroom and toilet is one of the key issues, because these structures, or more precisely, the openings for them, do not always fit into standard dimensions.

So, let's take it in order - there are 2 options for the development of events:

  • Door openings correspond to common standard sizes;
  • The opening is too narrow and low.

Which opening is considered standard

It would be correct to consider standardization of the sizes of interior doors from two sides.

Firstly, the parameters given in regulatory documents - GOSTs - are taken into account.

Secondly, this is a ruler standard sizes installed at a specific manufacturer. When choosing doors, we are interested in precisely this point, because... if a certain size is considered non-standard at the factory, then when ordering doors of that size, the overpayment will be from 30 to 50%.

What GOSTs say

In regulatory documentation, standards for interior doors are conventionally divided into 2 categories:

  • For a height of 1900 mm - doors can be 550, 600 mm wide;
  • For a height of 2000 mm - 600-900 mm (in increments of 100 mm).

But at enterprises producing interior doors, the height is 1900 mm. in half of the cases it is considered non-standard and requires additional payment.

Attention! If overpaying is not part of your plans, look for the models you like from those manufacturers who make doors with a height of 1900 mm. no extra charges.

Majority modern apartments equipped with openings of the second standard size, leaving a height of 2 m.

The width of the doors is usually selected in accordance with the purpose of the room:

  • In rooms – 80 mm;
  • To the kitchen – 70 mm;
  • In the bathroom, toilet - 60 mm.

That is, for bathrooms and toilets in some types of standard houses a minimal opening is left. This option is no longer considered inconvenient for buyers today. Most manufacturers produce each series of interior doors in the entire existing line of sizes that fit within the standards. This means that you can order 3-4 or more doors at once, identical in design, in one place to install in the hallway at the exits to the bathroom, toilet, living room, kitchen and other rooms (in accordance with the layout).

Conclusion: you are lucky if all doorways, including for utility rooms, you have the same height and approximately the same width. In front of you - huge assortment models from all existing materials, at prices from 2 to 50 or more thousand rubles, of any color and style.

If the opening does not fit into the established standards, what should you do?

Bathroom doors in houses of the 137 series often do not fit into any standards at all. In special cases, the issue is such that it is no longer a matter of price. We need to find a factory that can generally make doors of this size.

Factories that produce panels that are too high (low) or wide (narrow) can be found on the Internet if you type in the search bar “custom-made interior doors in non-standard openings” and the city in which you live. Of course, such products are not mass-produced, they are not among ready-made designs, so be prepared for the following:

  • Doors will be made to order, from 2 weeks to 2 months;
  • The price for 1 position will increase by 30-50%;
  • Installation costs will also increase.

Production standard doors put into production at factories. Accordingly, the equipment is configured to a certain standard size. To obtain a design with larger or smaller parameters, you will have to change the machine settings, and possibly the technology, which will lead to even greater labor costs and increased costs.

What to do if the bathroom and toilet require doors of non-standard sizes, but there is no way to overpay?

  1. Look for manufacturers who produce models of the required sizes, and then, among the selected names, select factories where the price for non-standard sizes will be with a minimum overpayment.
  2. At the renovation stage, you can expand the opening if the project allows. This the best option, because it will solve the problem of choosing doors once and for all, will allow you to bring in large furniture and plumbing fixtures without any problems, and will provide a lot of options for choosing a design.
  3. Trim the door leaf to height. The method is not suitable for models with a film coating, but for solid wood doors it is considered a reasonable solution if the work is performed by a professional.

What materials can doors be installed in a bathroom, and which ones should not?

Why did we decide to highlight the problem of choosing bathroom doors? Of course, it’s not just a matter of a few drops of water that may accidentally fall on the canvas: the drip version just doesn’t cause as much harm as the cyclically changing atmosphere. Even with powerful supply and exhaust ventilation, it is almost impossible to maintain the humidity and temperature in the bathroom at the same level.

What kind of doors are installed in the bathroom?

In general, interior doors differ from each other in three key ways:

  • Base material;
  • Coated;
  • By design.

The moisture resistance of the fabric depends on each of them. That is, some models are strictly not recommended for installation in places with a changing atmosphere, while others, on the contrary, are able to withstand direct exposure to water and the constant presence of condensation for a long time.

Of the three listed factors, it is the base material that has the least effect on moisture resistance. The choice of coating is important - it creates protection and prevents moisture from penetrating into the inner layers. Also, a lot depends on the quality of the assembly and the type of construction, because if there is a microcrack at the junctions of the panels and the base or on the edges, it will become the same “moisture bridge” and, over time, small defect will turn into a huge gap in the form of a swollen, non-closing canvas.

However, the door to the bathroom is not always PVC or eco-veneer. Modern materials and processing technologies make it possible to use solid structures for these purposes. Which models are able to constantly withstand the onslaught of high humidity - let's discuss in detail:

Inexpensive film doors

  • Laminated with an inexpensive, smooth cellulose film with a wood pattern;
  • Covered with a thin eco-veneer 0.1-0.3 mm thick based on paper, imitating the texture and pattern of solid wood.

Their main advantage is low price. Still, if you have some cash reserves, we do not recommend installing such models in the bathroom, especially in a small one, where humidity manifests itself in two ways - in the form of steam and direct contact with drops. Even very high-quality protection weakens over time, the paper gets wet, moisture penetrates the MDF, which, although it is considered moisture resistant, will nevertheless begin to swell in a year or two. The door will change in size and you will have difficulty closing. Yes, and the model’s appearance will suffer. Therefore, if it’s laminate, then you should refuse, or it won’t last long.

Film doors in the middle price segment

  • High-quality, durable PVC films;
  • Polypropylene coatings, including high-class eco-veneer with a thickness of 0.4-0.5 mm.

Films protect the internal contents 100% if effective technologies were used during their application and there is not the slightest defect on the surface. Strength synthetic materials enough to repel blows and small scratches. And this is important, because in the case of interior doors made of PVC and eco-veneer, you should pay attention to the level of their performance. Water can hit them if there is a loophole for it.

Film doors are divided into 2 groups according to their design:

  • Panel boards - made of solid fabric, possibly with decorative application by milling;
  • Prefabricated - paneled and drawer panels, consisting of a base (frame) and inserts made of MDF and glass.

Panel doors for bathtubs with high-quality assembly are a suitable choice.

These are canvases made from a single sheet of MDF or milled. The latter are similar in appearance to paneled ones (when the inserts are separate from the frame), yet this is their imitation, which is performed for the purpose of decoration.

Coating panel doors films is carried out in stages. First, the material in a single sheet (PVC films and eco-veneer are sold in rolls) is applied to the facades. Then the narrow sides (edges) are sealed. As a result, a seam is formed at the junction. This is the first weak point of panel structures. The susceptibility of the door to moisture will depend on how well the connection is made and how airtight the ceiling is made.

Milled doors are covered with film using the same technology.

There is a third option for panel models - with glass inserts. In the places where they are installed, an MDF board is cut out, and a beam is laid inside for fastening the glass. The joint where the wood board meets the glass is the second weak point of the structure.

When choosing a panel film door to the bathroom, carefully inspect the edges and the junction of the glass. You can take them only if there are no defects on the surface - even the most insignificant ones.

Paneled and drawstring PVC doors, eco-veneer for the bathroom – 100% your option!

In this case, too, all attention is paid to the quality of the product. In essence, such a door is a prefabricated construction kit. The advantage lies in the technology of coating with protective materials: not the entire finished door is wrapped with roll films, but each element separately. In this case, the joints of the panels are left on the side that will be hidden inside the frame groove.

The second point is the edges: for paneled structures, the frames are completely wrapped, without creating joints on the sidewalls, so they are completely devoid of those weak points that panel boards have. But for both of them, the upper and lower ends remain open - as a rule, they are not covered with films, because they are not visible.

Veneered doors

This refers to doors covered with natural veneer. The same wood, which is known to be very hygroscopic (especially some varieties). Moisture resistance depends on the quality and type of protection. For veneered doors, this role is played by varnish - all surfaces are carefully coated with it, except the top and bottom ends. If glass panels are used, they are mounted together with seals, achieving a tight and reliable connection.

Doors with enamel coating

In the ranking of materials for protecting canvases from water and humidity, this is the undisputed leader. The enamel lies evenly on all parts of the structure. The glass installation method is similar to that described above. Weak points are the ends at the top and bottom.

Is it possible to install solid wood doors in a bathroom?

The segment of the most durable, reliable and expensive interior doors. Given the tendency of wood to absorb moisture, is it worth spending large amounts for a product that may not be suitable for use in the bathroom. Or did the manufacturers cope with this task?

Different types of wood are used in the production of doors. The most common are 5 types (in order of decreasing cost):

  • Ash;
  • Alder;
  • Pine.

How ready product will react to increased humidity - depends on the type of wood and the protection option. We’ll look at the varieties of solid wood and their level of hygroscopicity a little later. First, about protective coatings - they come in two types:

  • Breathable – paint, wax, impregnations;
  • Non-breathable – primers, enamels, varnishes.

The first to perform more in-depth processing of the array. Substances - stronger or weaker - penetrate into the inner layers, leaving the pores open, thanks to which the wood “breathes” and ensures normal air exchange in the room. Materials from the second category clog pores, thereby providing more reliable natural protection of wood from moisture.

Now – about the moisture resistance of wood species.


Its advantages are low price, beautiful drawing, high thermal insulation, a huge amount of resins in the wood, which make it relatively resistant to moisture. This is why doors made from untreated pine are often found. But living material with open pores will react to moisture. Considering the friability of wood, it will expand or contract greatly. To close the pores and give additional water-repellent properties, it is impregnated with wax. It is often tinted and varnished. It is not recommended to paint with enamel, because... due to the high expansion coefficient, it may crack.


Alder is slightly denser than pine, but without resins. Therefore, it absorbs moisture much more strongly. As coatings, you need to choose denser compositions: primer, enamel, varnish. The rock is often used for finishing surfaces in saunas. The wood does not overheat, thereby preventing burns. People are also attracted by its beautiful reddish hue and nice smell, similar to the aroma of cognac.


A suitable breed for making bathroom doors. It behaves well in conditions of high humidity, provided that the wood is well dried and reliably coated with the correct compounds. Oak absorbs moisture well, but does not change in size much due to the density of the wood. There is no need to cover it with thick opaque coatings. Paint or varnish works great.


Ash is similar to oak, but if the latter becomes as strong as metal under water (remember bog oak), then the ash begins to rot. Therefore, ash trees are not placed outdoors. In wet rooms, treatment with antiseptics is required, but for natural wood This is fine. In general, when used in apartments and houses, it is no different from oak and the external coatings are generally identical.


As durable as oak, but unlike the latter it is very hygroscopic, approximately like alder. If we talk about pure untreated wood, it is not recommended to use it even under normal conditions, not to mention high humidity. Doors made of solid beech should be finished with as dense a coating as possible. It is better to install enamel doors in the bathroom.

Accessories for bathroom doors - hinges, handles, screws

The bathroom is the most visited place in an apartment or house. Doors to these rooms experience increased loads, especially in large families or communal apartments. It turns out that when choosing fittings, attention should be paid not only to its moisture resistance and protection against corrosion, but also to the reliability of the opening and locking mechanisms.


  • Plumbing wrap;
  • Knob handle with built-in screw;
  • Latch or latch.

The plumbing wrap is considered the most convenient. It is a standard mortise lock. Unlike mechanisms installed in entrance doors, It has simple design and one tongue that flies into the groove and is locked with a latch. The advantage of this design is reliability, although installation requires more effort than installing a simple latch, and the service is relatively expensive.

Plumbing locks are so called because they do not have any special secrecy, but perform a single mission - they prevent accidental opening of the room when it is occupied. Some mechanisms provide a small hole. It is necessary so that an adult can open the door with a hairpin if a child who is playing too hard suddenly locks the door.

The knob is a mechanism with a ball-shaped handle, in the center of which there is a small rotating latch. If you install it perpendicularly, the mechanism is blocked and it becomes impossible to open it from the outside. Installation is carried out in 2 holes - one through is drilled in the canvas, the second is right there, but from the end.

Espagnolette or latch - why not? Such devices are inexpensive and do not require drilling holes for installation. The downside is that if a child locks himself inside, the door will have to be broken down.


They bear a triple load - from high humidity, frequent opening and the weight of the structure.

To prevent the hinges from corroding, choose components made of stainless steel or brass, but nickel-plated or chrome-plated.

Of all the types of hinge designs, you should not stop at the “butterfly” models. Suitable here:

  • Card;
  • Mortise;
  • Hidden.

Card loops are the cheapest. If you focus on strength, take brass ones - they are stronger and can withstand a lot of weight. Similar to 2 metal plates, connected to each other by a pin inside the cylinder. Installation is carried out using self-tapping screws.

Mortise models are similar to card models, but for their installation, a recess the size of the hinge strip is cut out at the ends, at the fastening points. The fittings are placed into the resulting niche and secured with self-tapping screws.

Hidden hinges are the most expensive and difficult to install. They create a more aesthetic appearance because they remain invisible in any position of the canvas.

Is a threshold necessary?

There is no need to create a threshold on the bathroom door. A small gap at the bottom serves as natural ventilation. Some argue that a threshold in the bathroom is necessary so that in the event of a flood, it will hold back the water for some time and prevent it from rushing into the living area. Experts say that for these purposes, the bathroom floor is laid low. Indeed, the level flooring in the bathroom it is lower than in the rooms, which means that a threshold as a restraining element is not needed.

Which of the existing door closing options optimally solve all 4 identified problems. Let us remind you that there are 5 varieties in total:

  • Swing.
  • Sliding - on a roller mechanism installed along the wall.
  • Sliding - into a pencil case.
  • Folding (books).
  • Mouth doors.

Hinged doors to the bathroom are the best solution

A classic version of doors, which is used in large-scale and individual construction. The swing door is more suitable than other designs for use in the bathroom. The main thing is to choose the right material, fittings and opening side (left, right), having assessed the situation around you in advance. For example, if the bathroom and toilet are located next to each other, and the entrance to the kitchen is located on the adjacent wall (the traditional version of many standard projects), you should consider the placement method so that the doors open form didn't interfere with each other.

Advantages of swing doors:

  • Relatively low price due to a simple and understandable hanging mechanism;
  • Easy, quick installation;
  • High degree of tightness (if installation is carried out correctly): achieved through high-quality seals;
  • Sound insulation: from the outside you cannot hear the sound of a water jet hitting the bottom of a steel bathtub;
  • Reliability and maintainability of fittings, which are also easy to replace.

Sliding systems - pros and cons

General advantages of all types of sliding doors:

  • Easy opening of the sash - no effort required, even for a child;
  • Space saving;
  • Visual appeal, stylish design;
  • There is no threshold;
  • The ability to install automation systems to fix the canvas in a certain position;
  • The kit includes stoppers and limiters that prevent automatic closing.


  • High cost of fittings, locks;
  • Minimal sound insulation;
  • Difficult installation, especially of “pencil case” type systems;
  • Special requirements for adjacent walls - they must be free so that nothing interferes with the movement of the canvas.

Both types of sliding structures are installed in the bathroom - conventional (along the wall) and “in the pencil case”.

Sliding along the wall

The most simple system from existing sliding options. Guides are installed at the top and bottom. The overhead cloth moves on rollers to the left/right. The design is not suitable for installation in very cramped hallways, where the entrance to the bathroom and toilet are located on the same wall at a distance of several centimeters and are separated from each other by a thin partition.

The second point is that it is impossible to put or hang anything on the wall: a table, a picture, a vase - everything will prevent opening.

The third disadvantage is that it is impossible to achieve a tight closure. The lack of tightness in our case is not an unimportant factor. Water vapor in the form of condensate will accumulate on the walls and ceiling of the adjacent room. This can render the finish unusable if wallpaper is used in the design.

Still, compared to alternative sliding models, this one is the cheapest and simplest. Sometimes you don’t even need to buy a new canvas - you can simply remove the old one from the hinges and install it on the guides: the accessories are available and inexpensive.

Sliding in the pencil case

It is not suitable for all rooms because it requires even more space around the opening for installation. As a rule, it is necessary to leave at least 1 m on the left and right side, and also provide a distance from above where the cornice will be mounted.

Installation options:

  • Break the wall, widen the opening approximately 2 times;
  • Install a “pencil case” in the opening where there was previously a double-leaf swing door;
  • Build a false wall to make a “pencil case” out of a swing door.

Please note that the mechanism that ensures the movement of the canvas will be mounted into the wall and operated in conditions of high humidity. Pay attention to its quality, because if the fittings break, you will have to break down the wall to repair or replace it.

Folding doors

2 models available:

  • Book;
  • Harmonic.


  • Saving usable space;
  • Not demanding on adjacent walls because they do not move to the side;
  • They allow the door to be opened to the required distance - there is no need to open the entire leaf if this is not necessary.

The structures are equipped with seals to achieve hermetic closure. Flaws - complex installation and expensive mechanism.


The rotary system is a synthesis of a swing and sliding structure. Opening inwards and outwards is allowed, as with pendulum versions. When the canvas is opened, it rotates around an axis installed in the center and also moves to the side. That is, when open, the door remains in the opening, but one half is in the bathroom, the other in the hallway or bedroom.

Disadvantages - minimal tightness and humidity, which constantly affects the expensive mechanism. If we consider such systems for the bathroom, then with great caution, in the presence of good ventilation and a large area where the sink and shower are located at a decent distance from the entrance.

Conclusion! Which door to choose for the bathroom today practically does not depend on the material. Manufacturers have long removed this issue from the agenda and provided customers with an unlimited range of designs, colors and prices. Only one thing depends on us - to check how well the assembly and decorative coating are done, as well as what accessories are included with the product and whether it corresponds to your ideas about beauty and comfort. The main point preventing the free choice of doors remains the issue of non-standard sizes. If you have any questions or need help in choosing, please contact the specialists of the door store “Into the House” who will answer all your questions.

Replacing doors in a home is a serious undertaking that requires a balanced approach. Particular attention should be paid to wet areas. Not all materials can be used there. Choosing doors for the bathroom and toilet is far from easy, as many nuances must be taken into account.


Doors to the bathroom and toilet are chosen not only by appearance. It is also necessary to take into account their properties. High humidity is not uncommon in bathrooms, so moisture resistance is an important characteristic. Equally important is good tolerance of wet cleaning. This is another selection criterion. Durability and reliability are also important. Properties such as sound insulation and low thermal conductivity are also important. In the bathroom we feel comfortable at a higher temperature, and it is easier to create it with a door that has good thermal insulation ability.

There are also technical nuances. According to building standards The doors to the bathroom and toilet can be made narrower than those to the living quarters. This is exactly the situation in apartment buildings. In private houses and cottages, this rule is rarely followed, and even during renovations, or often, doorways are also made of normal sizes.

There is another nuance. Good ventilation is required to quickly remove moist air. It can be natural or forced (with a fan), but for it to work well, there must be an influx into the bathroom fresh air. To open access to air, the door leaf is made 1.5-2 cm shorter, leaving a gap in the floor area. This only sounds scary, but in practice this gap is almost invisible. The second way to ensure air flow is through special ventilation grilles that are built into the door leaf. And the third - supply holes in the wall. Of all the options, it is the idea with a gap near the floor that is least striking. It is also the easiest to implement.

What kind of doors are there for bathrooms and toilets?

Even the most ordinary doors are installed in the bathroom and toilet - wooden or paneled (wooden frame with plywood inserts), painted. With well-functioning ventilation, they serve well, but few people like them. That’s why they prefer to replace them with new, more modern ones.

Wooden and veneered

Solid wood doors are undoubtedly beautiful, but they are also expensive. They are placed in damp rooms if they are covered with a layer of varnish. In this case, manufacturers usually indicate in the description that they are “waterproof.” Provided you use a good varnish and apply it correctly, the coating protects against moisture and washes well. If necessary, the varnish layer can be renewed, although this operation will not be required soon.

Veneered doors are made from inexpensive low-grade wood, and then covered with veneer of expensive species. Veneer is a thin cut of wood - several millimeters thick. The presence of glue makes veneer doors not entirely “natural”, but at the same time protects the wood from swelling. However, veneered doors for the bathroom and toilet are not the most the best choice, because the veneer is not sealed, moisture penetrates into the slightest cracks, which causes the surface to warp and the veneer begins to peel off.

Wooden doors - expensive and beautiful

Not so long ago, doors trimmed with Euro veneer appeared. This is a new material consisting of wood and a binder. Wood fibers dyed in different colors are mixed with a synthetic binder. This mixture is pressed through a powerful press and comes out in the form of a tape. In appearance, the resulting material is practically indistinguishable from natural veneer, and in operational properties surpasses him. Doors finished with Euro veneer are not afraid of high humidity; the coating has a high mechanical strength and does not fade in the sun. You can distinguish them by touch - the coating is too smooth.

If we talk about other characteristics, it can be noted that wooden and veneered doors for the bathroom and toilet have low thermal conductivity and provide good protection from noise. They tolerate wet cleaning, but with a soft cloth and without aggressive detergents.

Plastic and metal-plastic

Plastic doors to the bathroom are an economical option. They are inexpensive, are not at all afraid of water in any condition, and do not deform from high humidity. Their disadvantages are that they are made from unnatural raw materials; inexpensive models have low mechanical strength. It is also worth remembering that they cannot, like doors made of wood or veneer, be “adjusted” to the desired size.

Plastic - good material for wet rooms

Metal-plastic doors are rarely installed in apartment bathrooms. But not because they are not suitable in quality. Rather, they are not used for aesthetic reasons - their appearance is very different. If doors made of other materials are installed in other rooms, it is very difficult to choose a more or less suitable color. Another limiting factor is the high price. And the characteristics - you can't imagine better.


Glass is not very popular as a door, but it has good characteristics. It does not react to water and high humidity, does not rot and can be washed as much as you like. They have one drawback - fragility, but modern technologies have overcome this - the glass is made tempered, which gives it increased strength. There is also laminated glass (duplex and triplex). This is when sheets of glass are glued with reinforcing film.

It is possible to break a glass door leaf, but it is difficult to do, and if this happens, the glass breaks into many small fragments with smooth, rather than sharp, edges. In the case of laminated glass, the fragments hang on the film, and the tempered glass simply breaks into small fragments, but you have to try hard to get injured by such fragments. The only trouble from such an event is the need to buy a new door.

Glass door leaf can be colored

Glass doors for the bathroom and toilet are made opaque. They are tinted, can be mirror-coated or stained glass. All that is visible through such doors is a blurred silhouette and no specifics. In general, a good option if there are no small children in the family.

Laminated and PVC

Another inexpensive option bathroom doors are laminated with film. The door leaf itself is made according to frame technology. The frame is made of pine timber, the gaps are filled with soundproofing material (the cheapest ones are corrugated cardboard, the more expensive ones are polyurethane foam), then they are sheathed with laminated fiberboard or MDF. The surface of the door can be decorated to look like wood, or it can be smooth (this is much less common).

The door leaf is light, but does not withstand shock loads very well. At good quality lamination, such a door to the bathroom and toilet is not afraid of moisture, and it can be washed quite well (with a damp soft cloth and liquid non-aggressive detergents). As long as the lamination remains intact, it looks quite decent. With intensive use, the film wears off and the appearance noticeably deteriorates.

PVC bathroom doors are made using the same technology. The only difference is that the frame is covered with extruded PVC. The density and strength of PVC is many times higher, so the durability is also higher. Performance is also better: vinyl is not afraid of water in any form, so this is a great option for the bathroom and toilet.


When they say combined doors, they most often mean that they have inserts of a different material. And most often these are glass inserts. Glass sizes can vary greatly. This could be a narrow strip along one edge or a large piece that covers half the door. Glass is also used opaque, tempered or laminated. If the glass in the model you like is too transparent, you can stick a self-adhesive stained glass or translucent film on it.

Combined options are the most interesting in terms of design

Glass inserts are made in wooden, metal-plastic and veneered doors. Less often - in MDF and almost never - in plastic. But the most interesting models in terms of design are found in this category - there is more room for imagination.

Opening systems

Except different materials doors for the bathroom and toilet can have different types opening. Our usual option is swing doors. They are good for everyone except that when open they cover a significant amount of space.

They are becoming more and more popular lately. This is when a rod is attached to the top of the door, rollers are placed on the door leaf, and the doors roll along this rod. Depending on the method of installation of the guide, sliding doors can be open or hidden. Open - when the bar is attached to the wall on one side, and the canvas runs along the wall. With a hidden system, a niche is made in the wall into which the door leaf slides.

The second option, when open, takes up almost no space, but during installation it requires serious intervention in the wall structure, which is not always possible. It is unlikely to succeed in concrete or even brick partition hollow out a niche the right size. Then, in order to hide the canvas, a false wall is built from plasterboard.

The disadvantage of sliding doors is that installation is more complicated, and open systems have a low degree of sound insulation (the leaf simply hangs along the doorway, leaving large gaps). Hidden systems are better in this regard - they have a door frame with a groove into which the door leaf fits and a seal in this groove. Such systems have good sound insulation, but are expensive.

Folding - accordion (right) and book (left)

Another view. There are two types - “book” and “accordion”. Book doors have a door leaf consisting of several parts. These parts are movably connected; when opened, they fold, resembling a book. Accordion doors have a similar structure, but they fold differently: relative to an axis running through the center. Book doors are often made of glass, they can also be made of MDF or plastic; accordion doors are often made of plastic and they cost little.

Bathroom doors – important element interior, which should be organically combined with plumbing, furniture and cladding. However, the main purpose of the door is not its aesthetic qualities, but its reliability and functionality.

Often, debates arise among designers and homeowners about which door to put in the bathroom, but there is no definite answer, because much depends on the area of ​​the room, humidity level, quality of ventilation and design features the canvas itself.

No matter how stylish and expensive the doors you choose are, first of all, they must be moisture resistant, that is, protected from high humidity, hot air and contact with water.

Without a protective coating, natural wood or MDF board deformed: it swells, then shrinks, causing it to become covered with cracks and cease to perform its main function.

The action of moisture and high temperature can be softened by installing a bathtub or shower stall on the wall opposite the door or by erecting an additional partition.

In a spacious room with well-equipped ventilation, you can install a door with any type of structure - from processed baguette to metal-plastic. The level of humidity in a large bathroom is not dangerous, and direct contact with water on the door covering is excluded

Metal-plastic and glass sheets are recognized as the most successful for a cramped bathroom, for spacious room– any products that have a protective layer.

For example, laminate products are covered with a thick synthetic film that does not allow moisture to pass through. To ensure that the appearance does not contradict the overall interior design, choose a laminate that imitates natural wood.

Let's also consider Various types doors and try to determine their advantages and disadvantages:

Types of canvases by material of manufacture

When choosing a product design, its location, decorative design, rely mainly on the material from which the canvas is made. The texture of wood requires one type of finish, plastic – another, glass – a third, and the possibilities of each material are far from limitless.

For example, it is difficult to place a PVC product in a palace interior, and glass sliding doors in a room designed in a country style.

Budget option - MDF

If you are interested in attractive products in the mid-price segment, no doubt purchase MDF doors, which can easily be described in one word - universal.

Manufacturers offer quite interesting models in shades of walnut, wenge and cherry, decorated with glass inserts, for only 2000-2500 rubles. Designer proposals will certainly cost more, but for a bathroom-toilet pair they often choose standard canvases that do not attract the eye, since in main role tiles, furniture and plumbing equipment play.

The most common option made from MDF is a blank baguette or milled type, imitating popular types of wood (oak, ash, walnut, maple) and reinforced with a protective coating

You will be pleased with the relative lightness and ease of use of MDF products - they are not as fragile as glass. Thanks to their natural composition (pressed sawdust and lignin binder) and environmental friendliness, the doors are good for homes with a large number of children and animals.

They are moisture resistant, but there is a risk of minimal dimensional change in heating season. The primer and enamel covering their surface increases resistance to mechanical wear.

Ecologically attractive timber

The fashion for natural materials has led to the fact that solid wood doors are becoming increasingly in demand among owners country cottages, and from the owners of city apartments.

Wooden products do not need additional decorative finishing - the wood texture is distinguished by its natural beauty. It is enough to saturate the surface with varnish or special wax, and the soft, porous and pliable wood turns into a durable, waterproof, pest- and mold-proof canvas.

Solid doors, especially those made from valuable or rare wood, can more often be seen in luxury homes, the interior of which corresponds to an aristocratic style. The price range is large - from 20 to 200 thousand rubles

Many people do not see much difference between different types of wood - and are deeply mistaken. The color of bleached, milky hornbeam or almost black, with the noble waxy shine of bog oak cannot be confused with anything. Alder, like cherry, gives off a slight redness, and shades of pine represent a whole range - from brown-pink to yellow.

Elegant veneer

Veneer finishing is an appropriate proposal as an alternative option for those who value natural beauty and practicality. Veneer is a thin sheet of wood obtained by a special sawing method. For the manufacture of interior doors, sawn material is used, which is the most resistant to mechanical damage.

The use of veneer makes it easier door structure, makes it more accessible, while texture features and wood grain are preserved in their original form.

Special treatment of veneer - usually coating with 2-3 layers of varnish - increases the strength of a thin sheet of wood and allows the use of interior doors in kitchens, bathrooms and bathrooms, that is, in rooms with high humidity

Modern methods of wood processing make it possible to produce veneer from various species - beech, apple, oak, poplar, olive. The walnut texture is the most popular due to its affordable price, while oak veneer models are durable and wear-resistant, so their cost is higher.

The versatility of veneered products allows them to fit harmoniously into any design project– they go perfectly with sanitary ware and bathroom furniture.

Practical laminate

If you liked laminated doors, be sure to ask what type of film was used in their production. The cheapest products are covered with a layer of cellulose impregnated with synthetic resins. Obviously, a paper “shirt” is absolutely not suitable for bathroom equipment.

You should choose models wrapped in a polyvinyl chloride elastic film 0.5 mm thick, or an even more durable two-chrome laminate up to 0.8 mm thick, which is more expensive and resembles veneer in appearance.

Caring for door panels covered with laminate involves wiping the film with a damp sponge or piece of cloth (microfiber). You can use non-aggressive detergents, e.g. laundry soap or bath cleaning gel

For bathroom with budget interior laminated doors are ideal: cheap, easy to install and easy to maintain. If desired, among the monotonous models you can find options with a figured panel or glass design.

However, it must be remembered that you should not expect an exquisite design from doors of this type, as well as special strength - products with honeycomb filling are rarely reliable.

Plastic: variety of choices

Plastic bathroom doors do not have to resemble standard balcony blocks white. Manufacturers offer a variety of options for hinged, sliding, folding structures consisting of plastic, metal-plastic and glass.

If the thickness and structure of the wall allows, you can choose the original one. modern solution– cassette doors. They do not require additional space to open, but are placed in the wall or parallel to it.

White plastic goes well with plumbing equipment and furniture of similar shades and fits organically into an interior in pastel, milky, beige or pearl tones

To save space and money, many people choose an “accordion” - a folding door made of plastic slats. Immediately after installation, you will notice the disadvantages of a device that is convenient at first glance: instability of the structure, large gaps, lack of reliability.

A sliding door on rollers is much more convenient and functional, and with precisely selected dimensions it is not inferior in sound insulation to a conventional hinged design.

Impact resistant glass

Glass systems are not yet as widespread as metal-plastic ones, but their popularity is growing every year. Beautiful, superbly decorated, durable and completely water-resistant doors seem to be created for bathrooms. Glass goes well with earthenware, porcelain, chrome and gilded fittings.

The safety of glass doors is guaranteed by the use of modern materials: polycarbonate, tempered glass, plexiglass, triplex. It is very difficult to break a product made from the listed materials, and if damaged, the fragments hang on the doors or crumble into pieces without sharp corners

How to maintain privacy and deprive glass of its inherent transparency? Several successful methods are recommended:

  • gold, silver, colored plating;
  • adhesive-based film coating;
  • drawings and ornaments with stained glass paints;
  • frosted or tinted glass;
  • stained glass window.

Often glass doors They are made to order, so there are no problems with design, framing, choice of texture or image. A small disadvantage of glass is the appearance of streaks when condensation accumulates, but you can get rid of this problem by adjusting ventilation and using ventilation.

Sliding and folding door systems

When it is necessary to save space adjacent to the doorway, or to carry out an original design project, they choose not traditional swing doors, but folding and sliding type structures.

The easiest installation method is to install an overhead system. It includes a door leaf that moves along a guide (metal profile or decorative hanger) along the wall.

Some designs in their functionality resemble the front part of a wardrobe: to open the door leaf you need to lightly move it to the side

The design is so simple that many people install it themselves, choosing doors from different material: wood, MDF board, plastic.

The sliding one-way or two-way system consists of the following parts:

  • 1 or 2 door leaves;
  • guide profile (suspension) installed above the doorway;
  • rollers fixed in the upper end part of the sashes;
  • a stop that prevents the doors from swinging and is located on the floor.

To make a latch, you need to install a stand on the opposite side and adjust the locking mechanism. An option for sliding systems are cassette in-wall structures, which are perfect for newly built houses, but in old Stalinist, panel and block houses There may be problems with their installation.

The design, choice of material and external design of sliding doors largely depends on the area of ​​the bathroom and corridor, as well as on design goals. Suppose glass doors visually increase the space of the premises

Despite the recommendations of experts, some residents choose folding doors-books and accordion doors. These are two similar options, united by one opening principle. “Accordions” consist of many identical elements, which, when folded, are assembled like the bellows of the musical instrument of the same name.

The “book” doors consist of two large parts that fold in a certain direction. It is extremely impractical to use both solutions for decorating a bathroom, since it is difficult to achieve good sound insulation and reliability. These designs are more suitable for installing interior partitions.

The weakest point of folding doors is the fittings that connect the plates and secure them to the top track. If there are three or more people in the family, the fasteners will wear out very quickly

Choice of doors and style solutions

One of the starting points when choosing a door model is the style of the bathroom. It is taken into account when cladding walls, selecting plumbing equipment and furniture, and, of course, it is reflected in the design of door and window openings.

The favorite of homeowners is the classic - noble, elegant, calm, ideal for decorating a room intended for receiving water procedures. It is allowed to use wooden or veneered door panels in a traditional baguette frame.

Door color in classic interior should intersect with the shade of the surrounding walls, most often this pastel shades– beige, gray, pearl, golden, pink or light blue

Country style is characterized by simplicity and deliberate roughness of execution. Doors made of any material are suitable: solid wood, MDF, veneer, laminate.

To give the doors a touch of rustic imperfection, they can be aged using special impregnations and paints, as well as choosing a simple, outdated design

In a minimalist interior, the doors seem to merge with the wall and do not stand out against the general background. The design is the simplest; glass, plastic, and moisture-resistant veneer are used for manufacturing.

One of the principles of minimalism is the absence unnecessary details, which is also evident in the design of the door leaf, but it can still be decorated with neat, discreet details, for example, frosted glass inserts

The luxurious Art Deco style emphasizes the richness and sophistication of the interior. This is reflected in general structure bathroom and in individual details, including doors: for their manufacture, rare types of wood are chosen, stained glass windows are used self made or elaborate wrought iron finishes.

Unlike minimalism or hi-tech, the art deco style is characterized by pretentiousness, extravagance and eclecticism. Sample door design - figured carvings against a background of Venetian plaster and designer tiles

Whatever the doors you choose, the main thing is that they match the interior design and your taste.

We mainly evaluate any type of product based on appearance, functionality and cost. At the same time, few people take into account the specifics of the product’s operation. In this regard, the choice of bathroom door is somewhat limited - special requirements are imposed on such models.

The structural elements mounted in the opening are simultaneously affected by several factors: temperature changes and sudden changes in humidity levels; direct contact of the canvas or box (platbands) with drops of water is also inevitable. And if we add that doors should not interfere with the natural circulation of air flows (otherwise the appearance of fungus and mold cannot be avoided), then it is quite clear that choosing a model based only on its attractiveness, finish and price tag is fundamentally wrong.

So, what to look for when choosing?


There are opinions that this point can be ignored if the bathroom is large enough. The reasoning is as follows - if the door is remote from the plumbing fixtures, splashes of water are excluded. Even if this is so, then what about the process of vaporization? And this is one of specific features of a given room - by opening the hot water tap, we inevitably upset the temperature balance, thereby initiating the appearance of condensation on all surfaces, including doors. The result is a gradual destruction of the structure with rot penetrating into the depths. What material is considered the best for bathroom doors?

Solid wood

Such models are expensive, and if they are treated with high-quality impregnations, then this is one of optimal options. But when choosing, you should pay attention to the breed. Not all wood is suitable for the specified operating conditions. Hygroscopic material (this group of trees includes most fruit trees, pine, spruce) will not last long, even with multi-layer coating with water-repellent varnish. It does not last forever, and when abraded (and this is inevitable), contact of the wood with dampness is ensured.

If you decide to install solid doors in your house, then for the bathroom and toilet rooms it is better to choose models made of expensive species - beech, mahogany, oak and the like, with a high density of structure. This is the kind of wood that is used to construct steam rooms in baths (saunas).

Frame products

These include paneled, molded, drawstring models. Their durability largely depends on the type of frame filling. Doors to the bathroom and bathroom must have not only durable inserts (MDF, chipboard), but also a reliable surface coating (varnish or laminated with film, plastic).

It is better to purchase such doors from a company with a good reputation. Little-known manufacturers, in order to reduce costs, save on literally everything, including drugs. Since wood-based boards contain glue and antiseptic impregnations, there is a risk that when the temperature in the bathroom increases, they will begin to emit toxic fumes.


For the specified conditions – one of best solutions. But only if it is not plastic alone, but in combination with metal (aluminum or stainless steel). And here the recommendation is identical - it must be a branded model. There are so many different toxins in cheap plastics that saving on such doors will result in big problems in the future.


But for canvases it is not used as usual, but with increased strength. Such doors have many advantages - hygiene, ease of maintenance, high insulation (sound, heat) characteristics, variety design solutions. Glass differs in the degree of transparency and decorative elements - the choice is huge. But there is also a significant disadvantage - the high cost of the products + complex installation.


The decision about which doors to install in the bathroom and toilet largely depends on the material of the walls. The model you like may not match the size of the opening; it will have to be narrowed or expanded. Even if this can be done, how much will the redevelopment (reconstruction) cost? Considering the additional costs, wouldn't it be better to buy another model, albeit at a higher price?

Design Feature

  • The basic requirements for doors installed in passages to bathrooms and toilet rooms are met only by swing models, that is, traditional designs. All others (sliding, rotating, etc.) are not able to retain heat and “dampen” sounds.
  • The optimal number of sashes raises many questions. There is no choice for apartments - only one. But if we are talking about a bathroom in a private house, with a wide opening, then it makes sense to install a “one and a half” with a fixed small panel. If it is necessary to add/replace large plumbing fixtures (shower stall, the same bathtub), it is easy to open it, increasing the size of the passage.
  • Opening direction. Taking into account the modest parameters of the bathrooms (toilet) rooms, only to the outside. And here is the nuance - in which direction? It is not a fact that if you open the doors of both rooms at the same time, narrow corridor they won't be a hindrance.


Its shape, shade and all other features are not for everybody. The main thing here is the material. Only metal parts will last the period guaranteed by the manufacturer. If at least some structural element made of plastic, then it is pointless to hope for the durability of the sample. Moreover, the door to this room is opened and closed by household members many times every day.

What to consider

Few people pay attention to this, but the question is purely practical - is every door amenable to reconstruction? Not every model fits literally into any interior as organically as glass products. And it is not so rare that we have to deal with renovations in the house, changing the style of decorating the premises. This detail is also worth considering when choosing. In this regard, paneled doors benefit. Sometimes it’s enough to replace just a couple of inserts, and it’s a completely different sash.

The choice of bathroom doors is huge. When focusing on your financial capabilities, you should not lose sight of the criteria that they must meet. Then the acquisition will only make you happy, and problems such as restoration, repair or replacement individual parts designs can be forgotten for a long time.

Bathroom and toilet doors must meet certain requirements. The appearance, strength and resistance to moisture play a role, which is determined by operating conditions: in the bathroom, water often gets on the surrounding surfaces, and the air contains an excess amount of moisture. Additionally, bathroom doors will be affected by temperature changes. Under the influence of these factors, expansion of the material may occur, so you should select a door leaf that will retain its properties in any conditions.

Increased humidity in the bathroom is a consequence of ineffective ventilation. But even if sufficient air exchange is provided in this room, splashes will still fly from the plumbing fixtures onto the walls, furniture and other surfaces. For this reason, the material should be considered good performance steam and moisture resistance.

Interior doors are characterized by a lower level of strength than their entrance counterparts. This means that it is not advisable to use metal for this purpose. This door leaf is too heavy and susceptible to moisture (rusts). It is recommended to consider doors made of other materials. They are selected taking into account the interior of the room in color and decor. Inserts made of other materials may be provided.

Another important criterion is the thickness of the door leaf. If the value of this parameter is too large, the door will not fit into the opening. In addition, the sash, which is quite thick, is difficult to operate (more massive, heavier). If you are deciding how to choose doors for the bathroom and toilet, you should consider options with a frame, because without it the product will behave and significant distortions will appear. As a result, the door will no longer close tightly.

Types by opening method

The choice of design is made taking into account the dimensions of the opening. There are several options:

  1. Single-leaf swing doors are the most common type of door for bathrooms and toilets. It is easy to operate, but to install such a leaf it is necessary to allocate enough free space nearby, which will allow it to open without interference.
  2. Double-leaf swing - characterized by large dimensions. This door is installed in the bathroom and toilet in large facilities. This type is not suitable for apartments with standard footage.
  3. Sliding hidden. This version of the door to the bathroom and toilet is installed if it is not possible to install swing single-floor structures. However, a hidden sliding panel will be difficult to install. To do this you will need to make a niche in the wall.
  4. Sliding open. According to the opening principle this option resembles a sliding door closed design, but the process of installing such doors is much simpler, since the entire mechanism is in sight, there is no need to make a recess in the wall.
  5. Folding - characterized by compactness, attractive looking. This design is easy to use and easy to install.

In order for the selected product to fit successfully into the interior, you should correlate the features of its design and the conditions in which the canvas will be installed.

Material selection

Interior doors to the bathroom are mounted in different versions: wood, glass, plastic, derivatives based on wood chips. The latter include fiberboard, MDF, chipboard. They differ in properties, service life, care, and appearance. A good door must satisfy all requirements: strength, moisture resistance, attractive design. If you are deciding which door to put in the bathroom, you should take into account not only the interior style of this room, but also the decoration next room.

All of the factors listed above are involved in determining the cost of the product. A higher quality and more functional canvas will cost more. To choose for the bathroom suitable door, the level of safety during its operation should be assessed. This applies to a greater extent to door panels with glass inserts.


If you are deciding which doors are best to install in the bathroom, this option is considered due to a number of advantages:

  • attractiveness;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • the door leaf is relatively durable, it can withstand moderate loads;
  • absorbs sounds, does not allow heat to pass through;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • variety of options: glossy, matte, relief surface;
  • the glass sheet visually expands the space.

It is not advisable to install a glass product in the toilet. Disadvantages: risk of deformation under the influence of significant force, high price.


Such products are easy to care for and do not expand when exposed to moisture. If you are considering a plastic door leaf for a bathtub and toilet, this design will last a long time. Products made from this material do not allow heat to pass through, but are characterized by weak soundproofing characteristics. Plastic doors to the toilet and bathroom are often installed, despite the fact that they are inferior to their glass counterparts in aesthetics. In addition, PVC canvas is available in different options, different in shade; there are even wood-look products. And plastic does not require processing.

Wood and veneer

These are expensive materials that are characterized by a number of features. Such bathroom doors are chosen if the interior contains decorative elements in a similar style. They are attractive but difficult to care for. Before installation, the wooden product is treated with an antiseptic and additionally with construction varnish, several times. If you plan to use natural veneer, it should be impregnated with a moisture-resistant composition, which will improve the characteristics of the material.

A wooden veneer bathroom door is additionally treated with glue. During operation, water should not get on the canvas, otherwise the product will be deformed. To avoid this, it is necessary to install the veneer product at a significant distance from plumbing fixtures, and this condition is difficult to fulfill. If you choose doors for a toilet and bath, you should not count on high mechanical strength, since both wood and veneer are relatively easily deformed. Products made from such materials must be handled with care.

Chipboard and MDF

Both options are cheaper than natural veneer and wood. MDF is different best characteristics than chipboard. The last option represents the lowest price category. These bathroom doors are resistant to moisture. However, if the canvas is used in conditions of constant humidity, the structure gradually deforms. When deciding for yourself which door is better from these two options, preference should be given to MDF. The finishing of the canvas made of this material is carried out using natural or artificial veneer or laminate.


During installation you will need hinges, handles and latches. For bathrooms, you should select stainless steel fittings. It is advisable that the products be coated with an anti-corrosion compound. This measure will ensure reliable protection metal elements from exposure to moist air and water drops. They also pay attention to the quality of the fittings. In order for the door leaf to be used for a long time, it is recommended to purchase metal elements of the middle and high price categories. Cheap handles and locks often fail.

Installation of doors to the bathroom and toilet

You need to follow the sequence:

  1. they make a threshold; in the bathroom it acts as a barrier in case of water leakage;
  2. assemble and install the box, level it;
  3. fasten the box with self-tapping screws;
  4. install canopies and hinges, while you need to take into account which direction the canvas will open;
  5. At the last stage, the latch and handle are attached.

If you are deciding which doors to install in the bathroom, you need to take into account the degree of complexity of installing the structure.

Standard sizes

Interior doors are manufactured in accordance with standards. If an unusual project is being implemented, you can deviate from the rules and make a structure for the toilet and bathroom of the required dimensions. However, it is often not possible to install a door to the bathroom large sizes than is acceptable. Such restrictions apply to multi-storey buildings. Standard sizes:

  • height - 2000 mm;
  • the width varies significantly: 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 mm.

As technology develops and plumbing sizes change, the dimensions of openings increase. Today the 700 mm version is common.

Installation Features

First you need to decide which doors to install in the bathroom and toilet. Having decided on the material and dimensions, proceed to installation. Some subtleties of this process:

  1. The height of the sill is 5 cm.
  2. When installing wooden doors, as well as structures made of artificial veneer, chipboard, MDF, it is recommended to use spacers. They are installed before filling the leaks with foam between the box and the wall. Then the material will not be deformed.
  3. A gap of 5 mm is left between the end section of the door on the bottom side and the threshold, which helps to increase ventilation. Alternative solutionventilation grille, built into the lower part of the canvas.
  4. The canvas should be hung after polyurethane foam completely dry.

Taking into account the threshold and ventilation gap The dimensions of the door leaf should be smaller. If the opening is of standard dimensions, it means that it will have to be widened, or the design will have to be ordered according to individual measurements.

Advantages of thresholds

The installation of a bathroom door is carried out with some differences than similar designs in other rooms. For this reason, sometimes it is not possible to install doors without thresholds; the following positive aspects are associated with the threshold:

  • water retention in case of leakage;
  • improvement of sound insulation properties door frame and canvases;
  • the presence of an elevation in the lower part of the opening helps to reduce the intensity of drafts;
  • thanks to the threshold, less dust from the hallway penetrates into the bathroom, which applies to apartments with a similar layout;
  • smells from the kitchen will also seep into the bathroom less intensely.

It is a mistake to believe that the threshold impairs the ventilation of the room, since a gap is always left above it. Then the problem of weak air flow will be solved.