Asphalt pothole repair. Repair of asphalt concrete pavements of roads and sidewalks Quality control of current repairs of asphalt concrete pavements




1.1. A standard technological map (hereinafter referred to as TTK) is a comprehensive organizational and technological document developed on the basis of methods of scientific organization of labor, intended for use in the development of Work Production Projects (WPP), Construction Organization Projects (COP) and other organizational and technological documentation in construction.

TTK can be used for proper organization labor at a construction site, determining the composition production operations, the most modern means of mechanization and methods of performing work using a specific technology.

The TTK is an integral part of the Work Performance Projects (hereinafter referred to as the WPR) and is used as part of the WPR in accordance with MDS 12-81.2007.

1.2. This technical specification contains instructions on the organization and technology of work on patching asphalt concrete pavements with hot asphalt concrete mixture.

The composition of production operations, requirements for quality control and acceptance of work, planned labor intensity of work, labor, production and material resources, industrial safety and labor protection measures have been determined.

1.3. The regulatory basis for the development of a technological map is:

- standard drawings;

- building codes and regulations (SNiP, SN, SP);

- factory instructions and technical specifications(THAT);

- standards and prices for construction and installation work (GESN-2001 ENiR);

- production standards for material consumption (NPRM);

- local progressive norms and prices, norms of labor costs, norms of consumption of material and technical resources.

1.4. The purpose of creating the TTK is to describe solutions for the organization and production technology of patching repairs of asphalt concrete pavements with hot asphalt concrete mixture, in order to ensure their high quality, as well as:

- reducing the cost of work;

- reduction of construction duration;

- ensuring the safety of work performed;

- organizing rhythmic work;

- rational use labor resources and cars;

- unification of technological solutions.

1.5. On the basis of the TTK, as part of the PPR (as mandatory components of the Work Project), Workers are being developed technological maps(RTK) to perform certain types of work (SNiP 3.01.01-85* "Organization of construction production") for patching asphalt concrete pavements with hot asphalt concrete mixture.

The design features of their implementation are decided in each specific case by the Working Design. The composition and degree of detail of materials developed in the RTK are established by the relevant contracting construction organization, based on the specifics and volume of work performed.

The RTK is reviewed and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Contracting construction organization.

1.6. The TTK can be tied to a specific facility and construction conditions. This process consists of clarifying the scope of work, means of mechanization, and the need for labor and material and technical resources.

The procedure for linking the TTC to local conditions:

- reviewing map materials and selecting the desired option;

- checking the compliance of the initial data (amount of work, time standards, brands and types of mechanisms, building materials used, composition of the worker group) with the accepted option;

- adjustment of the scope of work in accordance with the chosen option for the production of work and a specific design solution;

- recalculation of calculations, technical and economic indicators, requirements for machines, mechanisms, tools and material and technical resources in relation to the chosen option;

- design of the graphic part with specific reference to mechanisms, equipment and devices in accordance with their actual dimensions.

1.7. A standard flow chart has been developed for maintenance and repairs highways common use during the spring, summer and autumn periods of operation and is intended for engineering and technical workers (work performers, foremen) and workers performing work in the II road-climatic zone, in order to familiarize (train) them with the rules for carrying out patching repairs of asphalt concrete coatings with hot asphalt concrete mixture, using the most advanced and rational decisions on organization, technology and mechanization road works.


2.1. The technological map has been developed for a set of works on pothole repair of asphalt concrete pavements using hot asphalt concrete mixture.

2.2. Work on patching asphalt concrete pavements with hot asphalt concrete mixture is carried out in one shift, the duration of net working time during a 10-hour shift is:

2.3. The work performed sequentially during patching of asphalt concrete pavements with hot asphalt concrete mixture includes the following: technological operations:

- placement of road signs at the repair site;

- preparing coating areas for repairs;

- treatment of prepared repair cards with bitumen emulsion;

- laying hot asphalt concrete mixture into the repair plan;

- compaction of the repair site.

2.4. The technological map provides for the work to be performed by an integrated, specialized team consisting of: KamAZ-55111 dump trucks (Q=13.0 t); vibrating plate TSS-VP90N (weight P=90 kg, compaction depth h=150 mm to Ku=0.95); mobile compressor from Atlas Copco XAS 97 Dd ( compressed air supply 5.3 m/hour, =0.7 MPa, m=940 kg); jackhammer MO-2K (mass m=10 kg, =0.5 MPa, impact frequency 1600 beats/min); seam cutter MASALTA MF14-4 (=24.534.0 cm, cutting depth=90 mm, weight m=83 kg, manual control); mobile bitumen boiler volume 200 l; Bobcat S570 mini loader with skid steer (operating weight = 2900 kg, load capacity = 944 kg, = 62 hp, bucket lift height h = 3023 mm).

Fig.1. Dump truck KamAZ-55111

Fig.2. Vibrating plate TSS-VP90T

Fig.3. Bobcat S570 mini loader

Fig.4. Seam cutter MASALTA MF14-4

Fig.5. Bitumen boiler

Fig.6. Compressor Atlas Copco XAS 97 Dd

Fig.7. Jackhammer MO-2K

Fig.8. Asphalt Concrete Tools

1 - rake; 2 - mixture leveler; 3 - ironer

Fig.9. Asphalt Concrete Tools

1-4 - watering cans; 5 - scoop

2.5. The following building materials are used to repair pavements made from asphalt concrete mixtures: bitumen emulsion EBDK B, meeting the requirements of GOST R 55420-2013; hot, asphalt concrete, fine-grained mixture type B mark II, meeting the requirements of GOST 9128-2013.

2.6. Work on patching asphalt concrete pavements with hot asphalt concrete mixture should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

- SP 48.13330.2011 "SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction. Updated edition";

- SP 34.13330.2012. "SNiP 2.02.05-85*. Highways. Updated edition" ;

- SP 78.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.06.03-85. Highways. Work rules. Updated edition";

- STO NOSTROY 2.25.37-2011. "Construction of asphalt concrete pavements of highways Part 2. Construction of asphalt concrete pavements from hot asphalt concrete" ;

- STO NOSTROY 2.25.47-2011. "Repair of asphalt concrete pavements of highways. Part 1. General provisions" ;

- ODMD-2004. "Methodological recommendations for the repair and maintenance of public roads";

- ODM 218.0.000-2003. "Guide to assessing the level of maintenance of highways" ;

- VN 10-87 “Instructions for assessing the quality of maintenance (condition) of highways”;

- GOST R 55420-2013. "Public roads. Cationic bitumen emulsions. Technical conditions" ;

- GOST 9128-2013. "Mixtures of asphalt concrete polymers and asphalt concrete, asphalt concrete polymers and asphalt concrete for highways and airfields. Technical conditions" ;

- GOST 10807-78*. "Road signs. General technical conditions" ;

- GOST R 50597-93. "Requirements for operational condition acceptable under the conditions of ensuring road safety" ;

- SNiP 12-03-2001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements";

- SNiP 12-04-2002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production";

- NPO ROSDORNII-1993 “Labor safety rules during construction, repair and maintenance of highways”;

- RD 11-02-2006 "Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects and requirements for inspection reports of work, structures, sections of engineering support networks";

- RD 11-05-2007 “Procedure for maintaining a general and (or) special log of work performed during construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects”;

- MDS 12.-29.2006 "Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a technological map";

- Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia N OS-854-R dated October 09, 2002 “Methodological recommendations for the development of a highway maintenance project.”


3.1. In accordance with SP 48.13330.2001 "SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction. Updated edition" before the start of construction and installation work at the site, the Contractor is obliged to obtain from the Customer in the prescribed manner design documentation and permission to carry out construction and installation work. Carrying out work without permission is prohibited.

3.2. Before the start of patching work, it is necessary to carry out a set of organizational and technical measures, including:

- conclude a contract with the technical Customer (road management body) to perform work on the maintenance of a section of the highway and road structures on it;

- receive from the technical Customer (road management body) a current plan containing a task for the quality of maintenance of a section of a given highway and road structures;

- receive from the technical Customer (road management body) an approved and agreed “Public Road Maintenance Project”;

- develop a work plan for the maintenance and current repair of a section of the highway, containing decisions on the organization of construction production and the technology of road construction work, coordinate it with construction control the Customer (road management body) and the General Contractor (Unitary Road Maintenance Enterprise);

- resolve the main issues related to the logistics of work, incl. concluding contracts for the supply of material and technical resources, placing orders for the production of elements of prefabricated structures, parts and products necessary for road maintenance;

- organize a thorough study of the above design materials by craftsmen and work producers of the construction organization;

- appoint by order of the construction organization persons responsible for the safe performance of work, control and quality of their implementation;

- staff the brigade (link) with workers of relevant professions and road construction machine operators with the required qualifications;

- familiarize the foremen and team leaders with the Work Project, the technology of work on the current repair of the highway, and also issue the teams and teams with Work Orders, Calculations and Limit cards for materials for the entire volume of assigned work;

The work order specifies the types of work performed in a given area, their volume, production standards, required quantity working time to complete the entire volume of work, the amount of piecework earnings, as well as the terms of bonuses for the team’s workers;

- instruct members of teams (links) on industrial safety and labor protection when performing work;

- provide workers with personal protective equipment;

- install temporary inventory household premises for storing building materials, tools, equipment, heating workers, eating, drying and storing work clothes, bathrooms, etc.;

- develop schemes and arrange temporary access roads for traffic to the work site;

- arrange temporary storage areas for receiving structures, building parts and materials;

- prepare the machines, mechanisms and equipment provided for by the PPR for work, deliver them to the site, install them and test them at idle speed;

- deliver to the work area the necessary equipment, devices for safe work, electrified, mechanized and hand tools;

- provide construction site fire-fighting equipment and alarm systems;

- provide communication for operational dispatch control of work;

- draw up an act of readiness of the enterprise for work;

- obtain permission from the Customer’s technical supervision to begin work.

3.3. General requirements for work performance

3.3.1. Road maintenance includes a set of engineering and technical measures and work for the systematic maintenance of the road, road structures and right of way, in order to prevent and maintain them in proper order throughout the year and correct minor deformations and damage to all structural elements, as well as organizing and ensuring traffic safety.

Carrying out maintenance work in full and with high quality slows down the process of deterioration in the transport and operational performance of the road.

3.3.2. The maintenance task is to ensure the safety of the road and road structures and maintain their condition in accordance with the requirements acceptable for ensuring continuous and safe traffic at any time of the year.

3.3.3. Work on the maintenance of road facilities is carried out taking into account the season and next periods of the year:

- spring period - March, April, May;

- winter period - December, January, February;

- summer period- June July August;

- autumn period - September, October, November.

3.3.4. Road pavement maintenance work includes:

- cleaning road surfaces from debris, dust and dirt, removing foreign objects, eliminating slipperiness caused by sweating of bitumen;

- elimination of minor deformations and damage (sealing potholes, subsidence, etc.), correcting edges (curbs) on all types of coatings, filling cracks in asphalt concrete and cement concrete pavements, restoration and filling expansion joints in cement concrete coatings;

- repair of chips and breaks of cement concrete pavement slabs, replacement, lifting and leveling of individual slabs;

- protection of cement concrete coatings from surface damage;

- device protective layers from emulsion-mineral mixtures in areas of peeling and spalling of asphalt concrete and cement concrete pavements;

- elimination of ruts up to 30 mm deep by laying two layers of emulsion-mineral mixture or surface treatment along rolling strips up to 0.8 m wide;

- partial milling or cutting off the ridges of uplift and irregularities along the ruts, filling the ruts with black crushed stone or asphalt concrete and installing a protective layer of emulsion-mineral mixture over the entire width of the pavement;

- stopping and preventing the development of cracks and a network of cracks by installing an insulating layer of fine-grained surface treatment with local maps;

- restoration of worn-out top layers of asphalt concrete pavements and laying them again on separate small sections of the road (up to 20 m);

- correction of the profile of crushed stone and gravel surfaces with the addition of crushed stone or gravel;

- profiling of unpaved and unpaved improved roads, restoration of the profile and improvement of their roadway with crushed stone, gravel, slag and other materials with a consumption of up to 100 m per 1 kilometer;

- dust removal of roads;

- maintenance of road sections with heaving and soft soils.

3.3.5. IN spring period(before intensive melting begins), snow and ice must be removed from the roadway and roadsides. After drying, the coating is thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, and anti-icing materials using various means mechanization of harvesting work.

In the spring, during the period of maximum moistening of the subgrade, special attention is paid to protecting the coatings from destruction. The road service, based on passport data or based on the results of an assessment, must determine heaviest loads, which may be missed, on maintained roads.

On weakened areas, especially on roads with lightweight types of surfaces (waterlogging of the roadbed, deep water), measures are taken to increase the load-bearing capacity of the road structure by laying shields, brushwood, boards, drainage soil, and then removing them after restoring the strength of the road structure. If it is impossible to carry them out or is insufficiently effective, the movement of heavy-duty vehicles is limited, the speed is reduced or the passage is completely closed, transferring it to specially prepared detours. When organizing these events, be guided by special documents on restricting or closing traffic on roads.

In the spring, with the onset of warm and stable weather, they begin to eliminate minor damage in the form of potholes, cracks, individual waves, bumps and sagging, etc.

3.3.6. IN summer period carry out work to clean the roadway from dust and dirt, especially in adverse weather conditions. Cleaning is carried out with mechanical brushes, watering and washing machines and sweeping machines.

3.3.7. Pothole repair - repair work that eliminates defects on the surface in the form of potholes, individual waves, sagging, bumps, etc.

The task of pothole repair is to restore the continuity, evenness, strength, adhesion and water resistance of the coating and ensure the standard service life of the repaired areas.

As a rule, all pothole repair work is carried out in early spring as soon as weather conditions and surface conditions permit. In summer and autumn, potholes and pits are repaired immediately after they appear.

Based on the type of repair material used, there are two groups of pothole repair methods: cold and hot.

Hot ways are based on the use of hot asphalt concrete mixtures as repair materials: fine-grained, coarse-grained and sandy mixtures, cast asphalt concrete, etc. Hot methods of patching make it possible to provide more high quality and long service life of the repaired coating.

Pothole repair using the hot method is used when repairing roads with asphalt concrete pavement and is performed using two components - bitumen emulsion and hot asphalt concrete mixture. The composition and properties of the asphalt concrete mixture used for repairs must be similar to that from which the coating is made

Bitumen road emulsion is a homogeneous, low-viscosity liquid of dark brown color, which is obtained by finely grinding bitumen in an aqueous solution of a surfactant (emulsifier). Due to its low viscosity, this material is used as a film-forming or binder material, which provides the most favorable conditions for processing road surfaces. TO undeniable advantages road bitumen emulsion can be attributed to: environmental friendliness, safety and durability. It is actively used on both concrete, asphalt and crushed stone surfaces.

High-density and dense hot mix asphalt concrete types A and B- these are rationally selected mixtures of crushed stone, sand (natural or from crushing screenings), mineral powder and road bitumen (with or without additives), mixed in a heated state, laid in a thickness exceeding maximum size crushed stone no less than 2-2.5 times.

Hot mixtures of asphalt concrete are used, as a rule, mainly for the repair of road surfaces of categories I-II.

Work can be performed at an air temperature of at least +10°C with a thawed base and dry coating. When using a heater for the coating being repaired, it is allowed to carry out repairs at an air temperature of at least +5°C.

3.4. Preparatory work

3.4.1. Before starting work on patching asphalt concrete pavements with hot asphalt concrete mixture, the preparatory work provided for by the Transport Transport Code must be completed, including:

- with a representative of the Customer’s technical supervision, an inspection of the road section was carried out to assess the condition and determine the types, volumes and technology of work necessary for the complete and high-quality elimination of identified defects and damage to the road pavement;

- the results of regular inspections of the highway section and structures, carried out by representatives of the General Contractor (Unitary Road Maintenance Enterprise) and entered into the Journal of daily inspections of the condition of the highway, development elements and structures, were studied;

- identified defects and inconsistencies with the level of content and regulatory requirements, volumes repair work;

- based on analysis and technical inspection If any discrepancies are identified, draw up a defect report, which serves as the basis for determining and planning work, and provides an assessment of the technical condition of the road section or structure;

- on the basis of the defective statement, develop and approve from the technical Customer for the execution of work the necessary calculations of the need for labor, production and material resources, estimates and drawings;

- re-inspect the road section with a representative of the Customer’s technical supervision in order to clarify design solutions and identification additional work, missed or not taken into account by the project and estimates;

- arranged road signs and fencing the work site according to the diagram.


  • 4.2. Impact of vehicle loads on road pavements
  • 4.3. The influence of climate and weather on road conditions and vehicle traffic conditions
  • 4.4. Zoning of the territory according to traffic conditions on the roads
  • 4.5. Impact of natural factors on the road
  • 4.6. Water-thermal regime of the subgrade during road operation and its impact on the operating conditions of road pavements
  • 4.7. Poohs on highways and the reasons for their formation.
  • Chapter 5. Development process and causes of deformation and destruction of highways
  • 5.1. General patterns of changes in the condition of roads during operation and their main causes
  • 5.2. Loading conditions and the main causes of subgrade deformations
  • 5.3. The main causes of deformation of road pavements and coatings
  • 5.4. Reasons for the formation of cracks and pitting and their impact on the condition of road pavement
  • 5.5. Conditions for the formation of ruts and their impact on vehicle movement.
  • Chapter 6. Types of deformations and destruction of highways during operation
  • 6.1. Deformation and destruction of the subgrade and drainage system
  • 6.2. Deformation and destruction of flexible road pavements
  • 6.3. Deformation and destruction of cement concrete pavements
  • 6.4. Wear of road surfaces and its causes
  • Chapter 7. Patterns of changes in the main transport and operational characteristics of highways
  • 7.1. General nature of changes in the strength of road pavements during operation
  • 7.2. Dynamics of changes in the evenness of road surfaces depending on the initial evenness and load intensity
  • 7.3. Roughness and adhesion qualities of road surfaces
  • 7.4. Performance and criteria for assigning repair work
  • Sectioniiimonitoring the condition of highways Chapter 8. Methods for determining the transport and operational indicators of highways
  • 8.1. Consumer properties as the main indicators of road condition
  • 8.2. Movement speed and methods for determining it
  • 8.3. The influence of road parameters and conditions on vehicle speeds
  • 8.4. Assessment of the influence of climatic factors on movement speed
  • 8.5. Road capacity and traffic load levels
  • 8.6. Assessing the impact of road conditions on traffic safety
  • 8.7. Methods for identifying areas of concentration of road traffic accidents
  • Chapter 9. Methods for assessing the transport and operational condition of roads
  • 9.1. Classifications of methods for assessing road conditions
  • 9.2. Determining the actual category of an existing road
  • 9.3. Methods for visual assessment of road conditions
  • 9.4. Methods for assessing the condition of roads by technical parameters and physical characteristics and combined methods
  • 9.5. Methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the quality and condition of roads based on their consumer properties
  • Chapter 10. Diagnostics as the basis for assessing the condition of roads and planning repair work
  • 10.1. The purpose and objectives of highway diagnostics. Organization of diagnostic work
  • 10.2. Measuring the parameters of geometric elements of roads
  • 10.3. Measuring the strength of road pavements
  • 10.4. Measuring the longitudinal and transverse evenness of road surfaces
  • 10.5. Measuring roughness and adhesion qualities of coatings
  • 10.6. Determining the condition of the subgrade
  • Section IV system of measures for the maintenance and repair of roads and their planning Chapter 11. Classification and planning of work for the maintenance and repair of roads
  • 11.1. Basic principles for classifying repair and maintenance work
  • 11.2. Classification of works on repair and maintenance of public roads
  • 11.3. Service life between repairs of road pavements and coatings
  • 11.4. Features of planning work on road maintenance and repair
  • 11.5. Planning road repair work based on diagnostic results
  • 11.6. Planning of repair work taking into account the terms of their financing and using the technical and economic analysis program
  • Chapter 12. Measures to organize and ensure traffic safety on the roads
  • 12.1. Methods of organizing and ensuring traffic safety on highways
  • 12.2. Ensuring smoothness and roughness of road surfaces
  • 12.3. Improving the geometric parameters and characteristics of roads to improve traffic safety
  • 12.4. Ensuring traffic safety at intersections and on sections of roads in populated areas. Road lighting
  • 12.5. Organizing and ensuring traffic safety in difficult weather conditions
  • 12.6. Assessing the effectiveness of measures to improve traffic safety
  • Section V Road Maintenance Technology Chapter 13. Road Maintenance in Spring, Summer and Autumn
  • 13.1. Maintenance of the subgrade and right-of-way
  • 13.2 Maintenance of road surfaces
  • 13.3. Repair of cracks in asphalt concrete pavements
  • 13.4. Pothole repair of asphalt concrete and bitumen-mineral materials. Basic methods of patching repairs and technological operations
  • 13.5. Road dust removal
  • 13.6. Elements of road construction, means of organizing and ensuring traffic safety, their maintenance and repair
  • 13.7. Features of road maintenance in mountainous areas
  • 13.8. Fighting sand drifts
  • Chapter 14. Landscaping of highways
  • 14.1. Classification of types of landscaping on highways
  • 14.2. Snow protection forests
  • 14.3. Principles of designation and improvement of the main indicators of snow-retaining forest plantations
  • 14.4. Anti-erosion and noise-gas-dust protection landscaping
  • 14.5. Decorative landscaping
  • 14.6. Technology for creating and maintaining snow protection forests
  • Chapter 15. Winter road maintenance
  • 15.1. Conditions for driving on roads in winter and requirements for their maintenance
  • 15.2. Snow drift and snow drift on roads. Zoning the territory according to the difficulty of snow removal on roads
  • 15.3. Protecting roads from snow drifts
  • 15.4. Clearing roads of snow
  • 15.5. Fighting winter slipperiness
  • 15.6. Naledi and the fight against them
  • Section VI. Technology and means of mechanization of work on the maintenance and repair of highways Chapter 16. Repair of the subgrade and drainage system
  • 16.1. The main types of work performed during major repairs and repairs of the subgrade and drainage system
  • 16.2. Preparatory work for the repair of the subgrade and drainage system
  • 16.3. Repair of roadsides and slopes of the roadbed
  • 16.4. Drainage system repair
  • 16.5. Repair of heaving areas
  • 16.6. Widening the subgrade and correcting the longitudinal profile
  • Chapter 17. Repair of coatings and road pavements
  • 17.1. Sequence of work when repairing road pavements and surfaces
  • 17.2. Construction of wear layers, protective and rough layers
  • 17.3. Regeneration of coatings and flexible road pavements
  • 17.4. Maintenance and repair of cement concrete pavements
  • 17.5. Repair of gravel and crushed stone surfaces
  • 17.6. Strengthening and widening of road pavements
  • Chapter 18. Elimination of ruts on roads
  • 18.1. Assessing the nature and identifying the causes of rutting
  • 18.2. Calculation and forecasting of rut depth and dynamics of its development
  • 18.3. Classification of methods to combat rutting on roads
  • 18.4. Elimination of ruts without eliminating or with partial elimination of the causes of rutting
  • 18.5. Methods for eliminating ruts and eliminating the causes of rutting
  • 18.6. Measures to prevent the formation of ruts
  • Chapter 19. Machinery and equipment for the maintenance and repair of highways
  • 19.1. Machines for maintaining roads in summer
  • 19.2. Winter road maintenance machines and combined machines
  • 19.3. Machines and equipment for road repairs
  • 19.4. Surface marking machines
  • Section VII organizational and financial support for the operational maintenance of highways Chapter 20. Safety of roads during operation
  • 20.1. Ensuring the safety of highways
  • 20.2. Procedure for seasonal traffic restrictions
  • 20.3. Procedure for passing oversized and heavy cargo
  • 20.4. Weight control on roads
  • 20.5. Fencing road work sites and organizing traffic
  • Chapter 21. Technical accounting, certification and inventory of highways
  • 21.1. The procedure for technical registration, inventory and certification of highways
  • Section 3 “Economic Characteristics” reflects data from economic surveys, surveys, traffic records, statistical and economic reviews.
  • 21.2. Traffic recording on roads
  • 21.3. Automated road data banks
  • Chapter 22. Organization and financing of road maintenance and repair work
  • 22.1. Features and objectives of organizing road maintenance and repair work
  • 22.2. Design of the organization of road maintenance work
  • 22.3. Design of road repair organization
  • 22.4. Methods for optimizing design solutions for road maintenance and repair
  • 22.5. Financing of road repair and maintenance works
  • Chapter 23. Evaluating the effectiveness of road repair projects
  • 23.1. Principles and indicators of performance assessment
  • 23.2. Forms of social efficiency of investments in road repairs
  • 23.3. Taking into account uncertainty and risk when assessing the effectiveness of road repairs
  • Chapter 24. Planning and analysis of production and financial activities of road organizations for the maintenance and repair of highways
  • 24.1. Types, main tasks and regulatory framework of planning
  • 24.2. Contents and procedure for developing the main sections of the annual activity plan of road organizations
  • 24.3. Economic analysis of the activities of road organizations
  • Bibliography
  • 13.4. Pothole repair of asphalt concrete and bitumen-mineral materials. Basic methods of patching repairs and technological operations

    The task of pothole repair is to restore the continuity, evenness, strength, adhesion and water resistance of the coating and ensure the standard service life of the repaired areas. When patching, various methods, materials, machines and equipment are used. The choice of one method or another depends on the size, depth and number of potholes and other coating defects, the type of coating and the materials of its layers, available resources, weather conditions, requirements for the duration of repair work, etc.

    The traditional method involves cutting off the edges of the pothole to give it a rectangular shape, cleaning it from asphalt concrete scrap and dirt, priming the bottom and edges of the pothole, filling it with repair material and compacting it. To give the pothole a rectangular shape, small cold milling machines, circular saws, and hammer drills are used.

    Asphalt concrete mixtures that require compaction are predominantly used as repair materials, and small-sized rollers and vibratory rammers are used as mechanization tools.

    When carrying out work in conditions of increased moisture, potholes are dried with compressed air (hot or cold) before priming, as well as using infrared burners. If the coating is being repaired in small areas (up to 25 m2), the entire area is heated; when repairing large maps - along the perimeter of the site.

    After preparation, the pothole is filled with repair material, taking into account the reserve for compaction. When the depth of potholes is up to 5 cm, the mixture is laid in one layer, more than 5 cm - in two layers. Compaction is carried out from the edges to the middle of the repaired areas. When filling potholes deeper than 5 cm in bottom layer lay the coarse mixture and compact it. This method allows for high quality repairs, but requires a significant number of operations. It is used in the repair of all types of coatings made of asphalt concrete and bitumen-mineral materials.

    Small potholes up to 1.5-2 cm deep on an area of ​​1-2 m2 or more are repaired using the surface treatment method using fine crushed stone.

    The repair method involving heating the damaged pavement and reusing its material is based on the use of special equipment for heating the pavement - an asphalt heater. The method allows you to obtain high quality repairs, saves material, simplifies the technology of work, but has significant restrictions on weather conditions (wind and air temperature). It is used in the repair of all types of coatings made from asphalt concrete and bitumen-mineral mixtures.

    The method of repair by filling potholes, pits and subsidence without cutting out or heating the old coating is to fill these deformations and destruction with a cold polymer-asphalt concrete mixture, cold asphalt concrete, a wet organic-mineral mixture, etc. The method is simple in execution and allows work to be done in cold weather with damp and wet pavement, but does not ensure high quality and durability of the repaired pavement. It is used for repairing surfaces on roads with low traffic volumes or as a temporary, emergency measure on roads with high traffic volumes.

    Based on the type of repair material used, there are two groups of pothole repair methods: cold and hot.

    Cold ways are based on the use of cold bitumen-mineral mixtures, wet organic-mineral mixtures (BOMC) or cold asphalt concrete as repair materials. They are mainly used for repairing black crushed stone and cold asphalt concrete surfaces on low-category roads, as well as when it is necessary to urgently or temporarily fill potholes at an earlier date on high-category roads.

    Pothole repair work using this method begins in the spring, as a rule, at an air temperature of at least +10°C. If necessary, cold mixtures can be used for patching at lower temperatures (from +5°C to -5°C). In this case, before laying cold black crushed stone or cold asphalt concrete mixture heated to a temperature of 50-70°C, using burners to heat the bottom and walls of the potholes until bitumen appears on their surface. In the absence of burners, the surface of the bottom and walls is coated with bitumen with a viscosity of 130/200 or 200/300, heated to a temperature of 140-150°C. After this, repair material is laid and compacted.

    The formation of a coating at the repair site using a cold method occurs under traffic for 20-40 days and depends on the properties of liquid bitumen or bitumen emulsion, the type of mineral powder, weather conditions, intensity and composition of traffic.

    Cold asphalt concrete layers for patching are prepared using liquid medium-thickening or slow-thickening bitumen with a viscosity of 70/130, using the same technology as hot asphalt concrete mixtures, at a bitumen heating temperature of 80-90 ° C and a mixture temperature at the mixer outlet of 90-120 °C. Mixtures can be stored in stacks up to 2 m high. In the summer they can be kept in open areas, in the autumn-winter period - in closed warehouses or under a canopy.

    Repair work can be carried out at a lower air temperature, repair material can be prepared in advance. The cost of work using this technology is lower than with the hot method. The main disadvantage is the relatively short service life of the repaired surface on roads with heavy trucks and buses.

    Hot ways are based on the use of hot asphalt concrete mixtures as repair materials: fine-grained, coarse-grained and sandy mixtures, cast asphalt concrete, etc. The composition and properties of the asphalt concrete mixture used for repairs must be similar to that from which the coating is made. The mixture is prepared using conventional technology for preparing hot asphalt concrete. Hot methods are used to repair roads with asphalt concrete pavement. Work can be performed at an air temperature of at least +10°C with a thawed base and dry coating. When using a heater for the coating being repaired, it is allowed to carry out repairs at an air temperature of at least +5°C. Hot methods of pothole repair can ensure higher quality and longer service life of the repaired coating.

    As a rule, all pothole repair work is carried out in early spring, as soon as weather conditions and the condition of the coating allow. In summer and autumn, potholes and pits are repaired immediately after they appear. Technology and organization of work in various ways have their own characteristics. However, for all methods of pothole repair there are common technological operations that are performed in a certain sequence. All these operations can be divided into preparatory, main and final.

    Preparatory work includes:

    installation of fencing for work sites, road signs and lighting if work is carried out at night;

    marking repair locations (maps);

    cutting, breaking or milling damaged areas of the coating and removing the removed material;

    cleaning potholes from residual material, dust and dirt;

    drying the bottom and walls of the pothole if the repair is carried out using a hot method with a wet surface;

    treatment (priming) of the bottom and walls of the pothole with bitumen emulsion or bitumen.

    Marking of repair locations (repair maps) is carried out using a stretched cord or with chalk using a lath. The repair site is delineated with straight lines parallel and perpendicular to the axis of the road, giving the contour the correct shape and capturing the intact surface to a width of 3-5 cm. Several potholes located at a distance of up to 0.5 m from one another are combined into a common map.

    Cutting, breaking or milling of the coating within the marked map is carried out to the thickness of the destroyed coating layer, but not less than 4 cm throughout the repair area. Moreover, if the pothole in depth has affected the lower layer of the coating, the thickness of the lower layer with the destroyed structure is loosened and removed.

    It is very important to remove and remove the entire destroyed and weakened layer of asphalt concrete, capturing a strip of at least 3-5 cm wide of durable, undamaged asphalt concrete along the entire marked contour. These edge strips of the pothole cannot be left unremoved, since the solidity of the asphalt concrete here is weakened due to the formation of microcracks, loosening and spalling of individual crushed stones from the walls of the pothole (Fig. 13.10, a). Water collects in the pothole, which, under the dynamic influence of car wheels, penetrates into the interlayer space and weakens the adhesion of the upper layer of asphalt concrete to the lower one. Therefore, if you leave the weakened edges of a pothole, then after laying the repair material after some time, the weakened edges may collapse, the newly laid material will lose contact with the strong old material and the development of a pothole will begin.

    Rice. 13.10. Cutting a pothole before laying repair material: a - cutting weak spots; b- cutting the edges of the pothole after milling; 1 - weakened pothole wall; 2 - peeled part of the coating; 3 - destroyed part of the pothole bottom; 4 - chopped or beveled pothole wall

    The walls of the edges of the pothole after cutting should be vertical along the entire contour. Cutting down and breaking up the coating can be done using a pneumatic jackhammer or crowbar, a concrete breaker, a seam cutter and ripper, or using a road milling machine.

    When a road mill is used to cut a pothole, it creates rounded front and back walls of the pothole that must be cut with a circular saw or jackhammer. Otherwise top part the laid layer of repair material in places where it interfaces with the old material will be very thin and will quickly collapse (Fig. 13.10, b).

    The loosened material of the old coating is removed from the pothole manually, and when using a road milling machine, the removed material (granulate) is fed into a dump truck by a loading conveyor and removed. The map is cleaned using shovels, compressed air, and, if the map area is large, using sweepers. The bottom and walls of the card are dried as necessary by blowing with hot or cold air.

    Treatment of the bottom and walls of potholes with a binder (primer) is carried out in the case of laying hot mix asphalt concrete as a repair material. This is necessary in order to ensure better adaptation of the old asphalt concrete material to the new one.

    The bottom and walls of the cleaned card are treated with liquid medium-thickening bitumen with a viscosity of 40/70, heated to a temperature of 60-70°C with a flow rate of 0.5 l/m 2 or bitumen emulsion with a flow rate of 0.8 l/m 2 . In the absence of mechanization means, bitumen is heated in mobile bitumen boilers and distributed over the base using a watering can.

    Filling a pothole with repair material can only be done after all preparatory work has been completed. The installation technology and sequence of operations depend on the method and volume of work performed, as well as on the type of repair material. If the volume of work is small and there are no means of mechanization, the laying of repair material can be done manually.

    The temperature of the hot asphalt concrete mixture delivered to the laying site should be close to the preparation temperature, but not lower than 110-120°C. It is most advisable to lay the mixture at a temperature when it is easily processed, and during the laying process waves and deformations do not form during the passage of the roller. Depending on the type of mixture and its composition, this temperature is considered: for a poly-crushed mixture - 140-160 ° C; for medium crushed stone mixture - 120-140°C; for a low-gravel mixture - 100-130°C.

    The mixture is laid in the card in one layer at a cutting depth of up to 50 mm and in two layers at a depth of more than 50 mm. In this case, a coarse-grained mixture with a crushed stone size of up to 40 mm can be laid in the bottom layer, and only a fine-grained mixture with a fraction size of up to 20 mm can be placed in the top layer.

    The thickness of the laying layer in a loose body must be greater than the thickness of the layer in a dense body, taking into account the safety factor for compaction, which is accepted: for hot mix asphalt concrete 1.25-1.30; for cold asphalt concrete mixtures 1.5-1.6; for wet organic-mineral mixtures 1.7-1.8, for crushed stone and gravel materials treated with binder, 1.3-1.4.

    When laying repair material using a mechanized method, the mixture is fed from a thermos hopper through a rotary tray or flexible hose of large diameter directly into the pothole and is evenly leveled over the entire area. Laying asphalt concrete mixtures when sealing maps with an area of ​​10-20 m2 can be done with an asphalt paver. In this case, the mixture is laid over the entire width of the card in one pass in order to avoid an additional longitudinal seam for mating the laying strips. The asphalt concrete mixture laid in the bottom layer of the coating is compacted using pneumatic rammers, electric rammers or manual vibratory rollers in the direction from the edges to the middle.

    The asphalt concrete mixture laid in the top layer, as well as the mixture laid in one layer with a pothole depth of up to 50 mm, is compacted with a self-propelled vibrating roller (first two passes along the track without vibration, and then two passes along the track with vibration) or light-type static smooth-timber rollers weighing 6-8 tons up to 6 passes along one track, and then with heavy rollers with smooth rollers weighing 10-18 tons up to 15-18 passes along one track.

    The compaction coefficient should be no lower than 0.98 for sandy and low-crushed asphalt concrete mixtures and 0.99 for medium- and high-crushed mixtures.

    Compaction of hot asphalt concrete mixtures begins at the highest possible temperature at which deformations do not form during the rolling process. The compaction must ensure not only the required density, but also the evenness of the repair layer, as well as the location of the repaired coating at the same level as the old one. To better mate the new coating with the old one and form a single monolithic layer when laying hot mixtures, the joint along the entire contour of the cutting is heated using a line of burners or an electric heater. Pothole seal joints protruding above the surface of the coating are removed using milling or grinding machines. The final work is the removal of the remaining waste from the repair, loading it into dump trucks and removing fences and road signs, restoring marking lines in the patching area.

    The quality of the repair and the service life of the repaired coating depend primarily on compliance with the quality requirements for all technological operations (Fig. 13.11).

    Rice. 13.11. The sequence of basic patching operations: a - correct; b- incorrect; 1 - pothole before repair; 2 - cutting or cutting, cleaning and treatment with binder (priming); 3 - filling with repair material; 4 - seal; 5 - view of a repaired pothole

    The most important requirements are the following:

    repairs must be carried out at an air temperature not lower than permissible for a given repair material on a dry and clean surface;

    when cutting down the old covering, weakened material must be removed from all areas of the pothole where there are cracks, breaks and spalling; the repair card must be cleaned and dried;

    the shape of the repair map must be correct, the walls are vertical, and the bottom is level; the entire surface of the pothole must be treated with a binder;

    repair material must be laid when optimal temperature for this type of mixture; the thickness of the layer should be greater than the depth of the pothole, taking into account the margin for the compaction coefficient;

    the repair material must be carefully leveled and compacted flush with the surface of the coating;

    The formation of a layer of new material on the old coating at the edge of the map is not allowed to avoid shocks when a car hits and rapid destruction of the repaired area.

    The result of a correctly performed repair is the height of the laid layer after compaction, exactly equal to the depth of the pothole without unevenness; correct geometric shapes and invisible seams, optimal compaction of the laid material and its good connection with the old coating material, long service life of the repaired coating. The result of incorrectly performed repairs may be unevenness of the compacted material when its surface is higher or lower than the surface of the coating, arbitrary shapes of the card in plan, insufficient compaction and poor connection of the repair material with the material of the old coating, the presence of protrusions and sagging on the edges of the card, etc. Under the influence of transport and climatic factors, areas of such repairs are quickly destroyed.

    Pothole repair of black crushed stone or gravel surfaces. When repairing such pavements, simpler materials and repair methods can be used to reduce the cost of maintaining roads with black crushed stone and black gravel pavements. Most often, these methods are based on the use of cold bitumen-mineral mixtures or materials treated with bitumen emulsion as repair materials. One such material is a mixture of organic binder (liquid bitumen or emulsion) with wet mineral material (crushed stone, sand or gravel-sand mixture), laid in a cold state. When using liquid bitumen or tar, cement or lime is used as an activator.

    So, for example, to repair potholes up to 5 cm deep, a repair mixture is used consisting of: crushed stone 5-20 mm - 25%; sand - 68%; mineral powder - 5%; cement (lime) - 2%; liquid bitumen - over weight 5%; water - about 4%.

    The mixture is prepared in forced action mixers in the following sequence:

    mineral materials are loaded into the mixer at natural humidity(crushed stone, sand, mineral powder, activator), mix;

    add the calculated amount of water and mix;

    an organic binder heated to a temperature of 60°C is introduced and finally mixed.

    The amount of water introduced is adjusted depending on the intrinsic moisture content of the mineral materials.

    When making the mixture, mineral materials are not heated or dried, which significantly simplifies the preparation technology and reduces the cost of the material. The mixture can be prepared for future use.

    Before laying the mixture, the bottom and walls of the pothole are not primed with bitumen or emulsion, but rather moistened or washed with water. The laid mixture is compacted and movement is opened. The final formation of the layer occurs under the movement of traffic.

    Pothole repairs using wet bitumen-mineral mixtures can be carried out at positive temperatures not higher than +30°C and at negative temperatures not lower than -10°C in dry and damp weather.

    Patch repair of black crushed stone coatings using impregnation method. Crushed stone is used as a repair material, pre-treated in a mixer with hot viscous bitumen in an amount of 1.5-2% by weight of crushed stone.

    After marking the contour of the pothole, cut off its edges, scrape up the old coatings and remove the loosened material, treat the bottom and walls of the pothole with hot bitumen at a flow rate of 0.6 l/m2. Then black crushed stone of a fraction of 15-30 mm is laid and compacted with a manual tamper or vibratory roller; bitumen is poured at a flow rate of 4 l/m2; lay a second layer of black crushed stone of fractions 10-20 mm and compact it; crushed stone is treated with bitumen at a consumption of 2 l/m2; stone screenings of fractions of 0-10 mm are scattered and compacted with a pneumatic vibrating roller. Using the same technology, repairs can be made by impregnation and using crushed stone not treated with bitumen. At the same time, bitumen consumption increases: during the first spill - 5 l/m 2, during the second - 3 l/m 2. Distributed bitumen impregnates the layers of crushed stone to the full depth, resulting in the formation of a single monolithic layer. This is the essence of the impregnation method. For impregnation, viscous bitumens 130/200 and 200/300 are used at a temperature of 140-160°C.

    A simplified method of pothole repair involving impregnation of crushed stone with bitumen emulsion or liquid bitumen is widely used in France for filling small potholes on roads with low and medium traffic intensity. Such potholes are called "chicken's nest".

    The repair technology consists of the following operations:

    first, potholes or pits are manually filled with large-sized crushed stone - 10-14 or 14-25 mm;

    then, as it is filled, small crushed stone of fractions 4-6 or 6-10 mm is scattered until the road profile is completely restored;

    pour the binder: bitumen emulsion or bitumen in a ratio of 1:10, i.e. one part binder per ten parts crushed stone by weight;

    compaction is performed manually using a vibrating plate.

    The binder penetrates into the crushed stone layer to the base, resulting in the formation of a monolithic layer. The final formation occurs under the influence of moving cars.

    In addition to direct impregnation, the reverse impregnation method is used for patching repairs. In this case, bitumen with a viscosity of 90/130 or 130/200, heated to a temperature of 180-200°C, is poured onto the bottom of the prepared card. The thickness of the bitumen layer should be equal to 1/5 of the depth of the pothole. Immediately after the hot bitumen spill, mineral material is poured: crushed stone of fractions 5-15; 10-15; 15-20 mm, ordinary crushed stone or gravel-sand mixture with a particle size of up to 20 mm. The mineral material is leveled and compacted with a tamper.

    When a mineral material that has natural moisture interacts with hot bitumen, foaming occurs and the material is impregnated with bitumen from the bottom up. If the foam has not risen to the surface of the material, the binder is poured again at the rate of 0.5 l/m2, covered with a thin layer of crushed stone and compacted.

    If the pothole depth is up to 6 cm, all fillings are carried out in one layer. At greater depths, filling is carried out in layers 5-6 cm thick. Pothole repair work can be carried out using this method even at negative air temperatures. However, the service life of the repaired areas in this case is reduced to 1-2 years.

    Pothole repair using crushed stone treated with bitumen emulsion has a number of advantages: there is no need to heat the binder to prepare the mixture; can be laid at positive ambient temperatures, i.e. from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn; rapid disintegration of the cationic emulsion, which promotes the formation of a repair layer; there is no cutting of edges, removal of material or priming.

    To perform the work, a repair vehicle is used, which includes: a base vehicle with a thermally insulated emulsion tank with a capacity of 1000 to 1500 liters; distribution device for emulsion (compressor, hose, nozzle); bunkers of crushed stone fractions from 2-4 to 14-20. The cationic emulsion used must be fast disintegrating, contain 65% bitumen and be in a warm state at a temperature of 30°C to 60°C. The surface to be treated must be clean and dry.

    The technology for repairing deep holes of more than 50 mm of the “chicken’s nest” type (French terminology) consists of the following operations: laying a layer of crushed stone of fraction 14-20; distribution of binder on a layer of crushed stone 14-20; laying the 2nd layer of crushed stone 10-14; spraying binder onto a layer of crushed stone 10-14; laying the 3rd layer of crushed stone 6-10; spraying binder onto a layer of crushed stone 6-10; laying the 4th layer of crushed stone 4-6; spraying binder onto a layer of crushed stone 4-6; laying the 5th layer of crushed stone 2-4 and compacting.

    It is important to ensure the correct dosage of the binder when spraying the emulsion on crushed stone. Crushed stone should only be covered with a film of binder, but not buried in it. The total consumption of binder should not exceed the ratio of binder: crushed stone = 1:10 by weight. The number of layers and size of crushed stone fractions depends on the depth of the pothole. When repairing small potholes up to 10-15 mm deep, repairs are performed in the following order: laying a layer of crushed stone 4-6; spraying binder onto crushed stone 4-6; crushed stone distribution 2-4 and compaction.

    These methods are applicable when repairing black crushed stone and black gravel pavements on roads with low traffic volumes. The disadvantages of using such methods are that the presence of a layer of variable thickness can cause destruction of the edges of the patch, and appearance The patch follows the contours of the pothole.

    Pothole repair of asphalt concrete pavements using an asphalt heater. The work technology is greatly simplified in the case of performing pothole repairs with preliminary heating of the asphalt concrete pavement over the entire area of ​​the map. For these purposes, a special self-propelled machine can be used - an asphalt heater, which allows you to heat the asphalt concrete surface to 100-200°C. The same machine is used for drying repaired areas in wet weather.

    The heating mode consists of two periods: heating the coating surface to a temperature of 180°C and further more gradual heating of the coating over the entire width to a temperature of about 80°C in the lower part of the heated layer at a constant temperature on the coating surface. The heating mode is regulated by changing the gas flow and the height of the burners above the coating from 10 to 20 cm.

    After heating, the asphalt concrete coating is loosened with a rake to the entire depth of the pothole, a new hot asphalt concrete mixture from a thermos bunker is added to it, mixed with the old mixture, distributed over the entire width of the map in a layer greater than the depth by 1.2-1.3 times, taking into account the compaction coefficient and compact from the edges to the middle of the repaired area using a manual vibratory roller or self-propelled roller. The interface between the old and new coatings is heated using a line of burners included in the asphalt heater. The line of burners is a movable metal frame with infrared burners mounted on it, which are supplied with gas from cylinders according to flexible hose. During repair work, the coating temperature should be within 130-150°C, and by the end of compaction work - not lower than 100-140°C.

    The use of an asphalt heater significantly simplifies the technology of pothole repair and improves the quality of work.

    The use of gas-powered asphalt heaters requires special attention and compliance with safety regulations. It is not allowed to operate gas burners at a wind speed of more than 6-8 m/s, when a gust of wind can extinguish the flame on part of the burners, and gas will flow from them, concentrate in large quantities and may explode.

    Asphalt heaters operating on liquid fuel or with electrical sources of infrared radiation are much safer.

    Repair of asphalt concrete pavements using special machines for pothole repairs or road repairers. The most effective and high-quality type of pothole repair is repair performed using special machines called road repairers. Road repairers are used as a means of comprehensive mechanization of road repair work, since with their help they not only carry out pothole repair of road surfaces, but also seal cracks and fill seams.

    The technological scheme for pothole repair using a road repairman includes conventional operations. If the repairman is equipped with a heater, the repair technology is greatly simplified.

    Simplified methods of pothole repair (injection methods). In recent years, simplified methods of pothole repair using special machines such as “Savalco” (Sweden), “Rasko”, “Dyura Petcher”, “Blow Petcher”, etc. have become increasingly widespread. In Russia, similar machines are produced in the form of special trailed equipment - sealer brand BCM-24 and UDN-1. Pothole repair using the injection method is performed using a cationic emulsion. Cleaning of potholes for repair is carried out using a jet of compressed air or using the suction method; primer - emulsion heated to 60-75°C; filling - crushed stone blackened during injection. With this repair method, trimming the edges is not necessary.

    Crushed stone of a fraction of 5-8 (10) mm and an emulsion of the EBK-2 type are used as repair materials. A concentrated emulsion (60-70%) is used on BND 90/130 or 60/90 bitumen with an approximate consumption of 10-11% by weight of crushed stone. The surface of the repaired area is sprinkled with white crushed stone in a layer of one crushed stone. Traffic opens after 10-15 minutes. Work is carried out at an air temperature of at least +5°C on both dry and wet surfaces.

    Pothole repair using the injection method is performed in the following order (Fig. 13.12):

    Rice. 13.12. Pothole repair using simplified technology: 1 - cleaning potholes by blowing with compressed air; 2 - priming with bitumen emulsion; 3 - filling with crushed stone treated with emulsion; 4 - applying a thin layer of untreated crushed stone

    the first stage - the area of ​​the hole or patch is cleaned with a jet of air under pressure to remove pieces of asphalt concrete, water and debris;

    the second stage is priming the bottom, walls of the pothole and the surface of the adjacent asphalt concrete pavement with bitumen emulsion. The emulsion flow is controlled by a control valve on the main nozzle. The emulsion enters the air stream from the spray ring. The emulsion temperature should be about 50°C;

    the third stage is filling the pothole with repair material. Crushed stone is introduced into the air flow using a screw conveyor, then enters the main mouthpiece, where it is covered with an emulsion from the spray ring, and from it the processed material is high speed thrown into the pothole, distributed in thin layers. Compaction occurs due to forces resulting from high velocities of ejected material. The suspended flexible hose is controlled remotely by the operator;

    the fourth stage is the application of a protective layer of dry, untreated crushed stone to the patch area. In this case, the valve on the main nozzle, which controls the flow of the emulsion, is turned off.

    It should be noted that the exclusion of preliminary cutting of the edges of the pothole leads to the fact that old asphalt concrete with a damaged structure remains in the edge zone of the pothole, which, as a rule, has reduced adhesion to the underlying layer. The service life of such a patch will be shorter than with traditional technology. In addition, the patches have irregular shapes, which worsens the appearance of the coating.

    Pothole repair using cast asphalt concrete mixtures. A distinctive feature of cast asphalt concrete mixtures is that they are laid in a fluid state, as a result of which they easily fill potholes and do not require compaction. Fine-grained or sandy cast asphalt can be used for repairs at low air temperatures (down to -10°C). Most often, for repair work, a sand cast asphalt concrete mixture is used, consisting of natural or artificial quartz sand in an amount of 85% by weight, mineral powder - 15% and bitumen - 10-12%. To prepare cast asphalt, viscous, refractory bitumen with a penetration of 40/60 is used. The mixture is prepared in mixing plants with forced-action mixers at a mixing temperature of 220-240°C. Transportation of the mixture to the place of installation is carried out in special mobile boilers of the Kocher type or in thermos bunkers.

    The delivered mixture is poured into the prepared pothole at a temperature of 200-220°C and easily leveled using wooden trowels. The easily moving mixture fills all the unevenness and, thanks to its high temperature, heats the bottom and walls of the pothole, resulting in a strong connection of the repair material on the coating side.

    Since a fine-grained or sand cast mixture creates a surface with increased slipperiness, it is necessary to take measures to improve its adhesion qualities. For these purposes, immediately after distributing the mixture, black crushed stone 3-5 or 5-8 is scattered over it with a consumption of 5-8 kg/m2 so that the crushed stone is evenly distributed in a layer of one crushed stone. After the mixture has cooled to 80-100°C, crushed stone is rolled with a hand roller weighing 30-50 kg. When the mixture has cooled to ambient temperature, excess crushed stone that has not been sunk into the mixture is swept away and movement is opened.

    Laying cast asphalt concrete mixtures during patching can be done manually or with a special asphalt paver with a heating system. The advantage of this technology is that the operations of priming the repair card and compacting the mixture are eliminated, as well as the high strength of the repair layer and the reliability of the joints connecting new and old materials. The disadvantages are the need to use special mixers, heated mobile rollers and mixers or thermos-hoppers, viscous refractory bitumen, as well as increased requirements for safety and labor protection when working with a mixture that has a very high temperature.

    In addition, cast asphalt during operation has significantly greater strength and less deformability compared to conventional asphalt concrete. Therefore, in the case when a coating made of conventional asphalt concrete is repaired with cast asphalt, after a few years this coating begins to collapse around the cast asphalt patch, which is explained by the difference in the physical and mechanical properties of the old and new material. Cast asphalt is most often used for pothole repair of city roads and streets.

    One of the ways to simplify the technology of work and increase the construction season is to use cold asphalt concrete mixtures with polymer bitumen binder (PBB) as a repair material. These mixtures are prepared using a complex binder, which consists of bitumen with a viscosity of 60/90 in an amount of about 80% by weight of the binder, a polymer modifying additive in an amount of 5-6% and a solvent, for example diesel fuel, in an amount of 15% by weight of the binder. The binder is prepared by mixing the components at a temperature of 100-110°C.

    The asphalt concrete mixture using PMB is prepared in mixers with forced mixing at a temperature of 50-60°C. The mixture consists of fine crushed stone of fractions 3-10 in the amount of 85% by weight of the mineral material, screenings 0-3 in the amount of 15% and binder in the amount of 3-4% of the total weight of the mineral material. Then the mixture is stored in an open stack, where it can be stored for up to 2 years, or loaded into bags or barrels, in which it can be stored for several years, maintaining its technological properties, including mobility, plasticity, lack of caking and high adhesive characteristics.

    The repair technology using this mixture is extremely simple: the mixture from a car body or from a road repairman’s hopper is manually or using a hose fed into the pothole and leveled, after which traffic is opened, under the influence of which a road layer is formed. The entire process of pothole repair takes 2-4 minutes, since the operations of marking a map, cutting and cleaning the pothole, as well as compaction with rollers or vibratory rollers are eliminated. The adhesive properties of the mixture are preserved even when it is laid in potholes filled with water. Repair work can be carried out at negative air temperatures, the limit of which requires clarification. All this does specified method Pothole repair is very attractive for practical purposes.

    However, it also has a number of significant disadvantages. First of all, there is a possibility of rapid destruction of the repaired pothole due to the fact that its weakened edges are not removed. When performing work in wet weather or if there is water in the pothole, some of the moisture may get into microcracks and pores of the old coating and freeze when the coating temperature drops below 0. In this case, the process of destruction of the interface between new and old materials can be initiated. The second disadvantage of this repair method is that the irregular external shape of the pothole remains after repair, which worsens the aesthetic perception of the road.

    The presence of a large number of pothole repair methods makes it possible to choose the optimal one based on specific conditions, taking into account the condition of the road, the number and size of coating defects, the availability of materials and equipment, the timing of repairs and other circumstances.

    In any case, it is necessary to strive to eliminate pitting at an early stage of its development. After pothole repair, in many cases it is advisable to arrange a surface treatment or lay a protective layer, which will give a uniform appearance to the coating and prevent its destruction.


    What are the standards for what is considered a major overhaul and what is considered a routine one? Namely, is it possible to carry out repairs of asphalt pavement using routine repairs and paying for compulsory medical insurance?


    Repair of asphalt pavement at the expense of compulsory medical insurance is possible only within the framework of current repairs. If the coating repair is carried out within overhaul, then it is impossible to pay for repairs using compulsory medical insurance funds.

    If an institution has several sources of financing and these expenses are related to the institution’s activities under other KFOs, expenses should be made at the expense of different KFOs. Set the cost distribution method in accounting policy institutions.

    The institution independently determines which repairs are current and which are capital, since these issues are not regulated by accounting legislation.

    The basis for determining the types of repairs should be the relevant documents developed by the technical services of organizations within the framework of the system of scheduled preventive maintenance. This was stated in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 14, 2004 No. 16-00-14/10. To determine what type of repair the work belongs to, you can refer to the following documents:
    Regulations on carrying out scheduled preventative repairs of industrial buildings and structures MDS 13-14.2000, approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 29, 1973 No. 279;

    Departmental construction standards (VSN) No. 58-88 (R), approved by order of the State Committee for Architecture under the USSR State Construction Committee dated November 23, 1988 No. 312;

    letter of the USSR Ministry of Finance dated May 29, 1984 No. 80.

    This is stated in letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 25, 2009 No. 03-03-06/1/87 and dated November 23, 2006 No. 03-03-04/1/797.

    For example, in accordance with current legislation, work to eliminate ruts, subsidence and potholes through patching, as well as scattering small crushed stone and sealing seams and cracks of cement-concrete pavements are classified as routine repairs.

    Installation of asphalt concrete pavement on roads with cement-concrete pavement, replacement of cement-concrete pavement with a new one, strengthening of asphalt concrete pavement, reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel pavements, profiling of dirt roads is a major overhaul.

    This conclusion follows from Appendices No. 3 and No. 8 “Regulations on carrying out scheduled preventative repairs of industrial buildings and structures” dated December 29, 1973 No. 13-14.2000, 279. Thus, patching repairs of asphalt pavements should be classified as routine repairs .


    From the resolution, regulations, methodological documentation of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 29, 1973 No. 13-14.2000, 279

    MDS 13-14.2000 Regulations on carrying out scheduled preventative repairs of industrial buildings and structures

    A. Current repairs

    3.4. Current repairs of industrial buildings and structures include work on the systematic and timely protection of parts of buildings and structures and engineering equipment from premature wear by carrying out preventive measures and eliminating minor damage and malfunctions.


    XIX. Car roads

    1. Correction of roadsides with grading and compaction.

    2. Cleaning drainage ditches and ditches.

    3. Elimination of ruts, subsidence and potholes by patching, as well as scattering of small crushed stone and sealing seams and cracks of cement-concrete pavements.

    4. Straightening individual side stones.

    5. Replacement of road signs.

    6. Repair of artificial structures to the extent accepted for railway structures.*

    List of works for major repairs of buildings and structures

    XIX. Car roads

    a) Subgrade

    1. Treatment of the subgrade in areas of landslides, landslides, washouts and abysses.

    2. Restoration of all drainage and drainage systems.

    3. Restoration of all protective and fortification structures of the roadbed.

    4. Change individual designs artificial structures or replacing them with other structures, as well as complete replacement of pipes and small bridges (if they are not independent inventory objects, but are part of the roadbed or road as a single inventory object).

    b) Road clothing

    1. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete slabs.

    2. Laying a leveling layer of asphalt concrete on the cement-concrete surface.

    3. Construction of asphalt concrete pavement on roads with cement-concrete pavement.

    4. Replacement of cement-concrete covering with a new one.

    5. Strengthening the asphalt concrete pavement.

    6. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces.

    7. Re-paving.

    8. Profiling of dirt roads.

    c) Bridges, pipes

    1. Partial relocation of stone and brick supports(up to 20% of the total volume).

    2. Repair of concrete supports (up to 15% of the total volume).

    3. Replacement of damaged elements of wooden bridges, with the exception of piles.

    4. Change of wooden or reinforced concrete flooring, as well as replacement wooden flooring to reinforced concrete.

    5. Complete change or replacement of spans.

    6. Relaying of pipe heads.

    7. Change of wooden, reinforced concrete or concrete pipes(up to 50% volume).

    d) Sites for cars, road construction

    and other machines, storage areas, as well as areas

    grain collection points

    1. Repair and restoration of drainage structures (troughs, ditches, etc.).

    2. Re-paving of cobblestone areas.

    3. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces of sites.

    4. Repair of concrete platforms with laying of a leveling layer of concrete.

    5. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete slabs.

    6. Covering with asphalt concrete the areas listed in paragraphs 2 - 5.

    Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 14, 2004 No. 16-00-14/10

    On determining the type of repair of fixed assets

    The Department of Accounting and Reporting Methodology reports that in preparing Guidelines for accounting of fixed assets approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 13, 2003 No. 91n, in section 5 “Maintenance and restoration of fixed assets” definitions of types of repairs were excluded, incl. capital; since these issues are not regulated by accounting legislation. The basis for determining the types of repairs should be the relevant documents developed by the technical services of organizations within the framework of the system of scheduled preventive maintenance.

    B. Major repairs

    3.11. Major repairs of industrial buildings and structures include such work during which worn-out structures and parts of buildings and structures are replaced or replaced with stronger and more economical ones that improve the operational capabilities of the objects being repaired, with the exception of a complete change or replacement of the main structures, the service life of which in buildings and structures is the largest (stone and concrete foundations buildings and structures, all types of building walls, all types of wall frames, pipes underground networks, bridge supports, etc.).

    Letter of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund dated 06.06.2013 No. 4509/21-i

    On the issues of spending mandatory funds health insurance within the framework of the basic compulsory health insurance program

    The Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, in connection with requests from territorial compulsory health insurance funds regarding the expenditure of compulsory health insurance funds within the framework of the basic compulsory health insurance program, reports the following.
    According to Part 7 of Article 35 of the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in Russian Federation"(hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) the structure of the tariff for payment of medical care within the framework of the basic compulsory health insurance program includes costs for wages, wage accruals, other payments, acquisition medicines, Supplies, food products. soft equipment, medical instruments, reagents and chemicals, other material supplies, expenses for paying the cost of laboratory and instrumental studies conducted in other institutions (if the medical organization does not have a laboratory and diagnostic equipment), catering (if there is no organized meals in a medical organization), expenses for payment of communication services, transport services, utilities, works and services for property maintenance, expenses for rent for the use of property, payment software and other services, social Security workers medical organizations established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, other expenses, expenses for the purchase of equipment worth up to one hundred thousand rubles per unit.
    In accordance with Part 1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law, tariffs for payment for medical care are calculated in accordance with the methodology for calculating tariffs for payment for medical care, approved by the authorized federal body executive power as part of the rules of compulsory health insurance, and include cost items established by the territorial compulsory health insurance program.
    Medical organizations are obliged, in accordance with clause 5 of part 2 of Article 20 of the Federal Law, to use compulsory health insurance funds received for medical care provided in accordance with compulsory health insurance programs.
    When determining the appropriate areas for spending funds, one should be guided by the Instructions on the procedure for applying budget classification of the Russian Federation for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2012 No. 171n. Classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2002 No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Classification of fixed assets) and All-Russian classifier fixed assets OK 013-94, approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia of December 26, 1994 No. 359.

    Expenses for major repairs are included in subarticle 225 “Work, services for property maintenance” of article 220 “Payment for work, services” of KOSGU and according to the letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2012 No. 11-9/10/2-5718 “On the formation and the economic justification for the territorial program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015" are not included in the tariff for payment of medical care within the framework of the basic compulsory health insurance program.
    The definition of the concept of capital repairs of capital construction projects is given in Part 14 of Article 1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, approved Federal law dated December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ (as amended and supplemented).

    Expenses for current repairs are included in subarticle 225 “Work, services for property maintenance” of article 220 “Payment for work and services” of KOSGU and are included in the tariff for payment of medical care within the framework of the basic compulsory health insurance program.

    What expenses can be incurred using compulsory health insurance funds?

    The structure of the tariff for payment of medical care in the part of the basic program includes the costs specified in Part 7 of Article 35 of the Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ. In particular, the tariff includes:

     salary expenses and wage accruals;

     purchase of medicines, consumables, food, soft equipment, medical instruments, reagents and chemicals;

     expenses for paying the cost of laboratory and instrumental studies carried out in other institutions (if there is no laboratory and diagnostic equipment in the medical institution);

     expenses for catering (in the absence of organized catering in a medical institution);

     acquisition of fixed assets (equipment, production and household inventory) worth up to 100,000 rubles.

    In addition, other expenses may be included in the cost of providing medical care in accordance with the legislation on compulsory medical insurance. Thus, the FFOMS in letter dated June 6, 2013 No. 4509/21-i explained that other expenses may include:

     compensation to citizens for moral and physical harm in connection with poor quality medical care;

     payment of taxes, fines and penalties;

     social security for employees of medical institutions, etc.

    Pothole repair of asphalt pavement is a type of routine repair of asphalt concrete pavement. This method is associated with the reconstruction of areas road surface by replacing these very areas of the coating.
    This type of repair of asphalt concrete pavements, such as patching, allows you to eliminate various damage to the road surface with an area of ​​up to 25 m², for example, potholes, single cracks, peeling of the area, waves on the road, asphalt subsidence and many others.
    The technology for patching road surfaces involves rolling asphalt mixtures and involves following the following steps:

    • determining the boundaries where repairs will be made;
    • cutting out the coating at the required repair location;
    • complete removal of coating material;
    • application of asphalt concrete mixture;
    • compaction of the coating and its leveling.

    When choosing the boundaries of pothole repair asphalt pavements it is necessary to take into account that the destruction at the base of the coating under the defect of the fabric covers a much larger frame than the damaged area itself. In general, the geometric dimensions of the “patch” should be in accordance with the zone of the destroyed state. The contour of the “patch” should overlap the destruction zone by no less than 15 centimeters, and preferably even by 20-30 centimeters.
    Often, the width of the “patch” is equal to the width of the traffic lane (for large cracks, wide potholes, breaks, and other damage that occupy most of the traffic lane); for smaller damage, this zone may be smaller than the traffic lane zone, but more than 100 mm.

    Places for repairs are made of any contour, but without sharp corners; most often they rectangular shape, which is more convenient for repair. In order to cut out the coating at the repair site, it is necessary to use a chipping hammer or a seam cutter. If you use a jackhammer when processing the outer boundaries of the “patch”, practice shows that in the future these very boundaries will chip away. This has a very bad effect on the service life of the repaired coating.

    If a joint cutter is used, a jackhammer is used to break up the coating and remove it from the patch. Coating material is removed manually. The asphalt mixture is laid into the ready-made patches. This mixture is compacted using a vibrating compactor.

    Major road repairs

    Major road repairs are a whole range of work full restoration and improving the performance of the road surface, subgrade, and structures on the road, old worn-out structures or parts are replaced with stronger and more durable ones. If this is necessary, then the geometric parameters of the road are increased; here it is necessary to take into account the intensity of traffic on the road and axial loads of vehicles within the limits of standards that correspond to certain categories established for repair cases. The width of the roadbed does not change throughout the entire route. Today, the roads are very heavily loaded, and no matter how they are treated, timely repairs are needed.

    Our climate has its own impact on the condition of road surfaces. Cracks that appear on the surface are not at all an indicator of poor road construction. The climate influences to a large extent - snowy winters with thaws. That is, the destruction of roads is quite natural and inevitable.

    The main task of major road repairs is to restore the transport and operational potential of the road to the level at which it will comply with the measures for safe traffic on it.
    The criterion for the fact that it is already necessary to resort to major road repairs is the transport and operational state of the cast asphalt, in which the strength parameter has dropped to the maximum value.
    Major repairs of the road, as during construction, must be carried out on all sections of this road, all structures and elements along the entire length of the asphalt area.
    Major renovation, as well as road construction, is carried out in full accordance with special developed and approved design and estimate documentation.

    Asphalting roads and other communications has always been very important in our lives. But sooner or later you can observe such a phenomenon as wear and tear of the road surface. Cracks, chips, potholes, and even holes may appear in the road surface, that is, in some places of various sections of the road surface, asphalt repair is required.

    The technology for producing road surface repairs was developed and mastered a long time ago, but even today you can encounter cases of unscrupulous execution of repair work. However, this no longer applies to the technology itself; there is simply a need to require the heads of repair teams to comply with all established standards.

    Yes, the destruction of asphalt is a fairly common phenomenon even in highly developed countries, and not just here.

    This happens despite the characteristics of strength, water resistance, frost resistance and similar parameters.

    There comes a time when it is still necessary to resort to asphalt repair. Asphalt is, in principle, not a very durable material; moreover, it is affected by many different factors, which will be discussed below.

    Features of asphalt

    Asphalt is also called asphalt concrete. In principle, asphalt concrete is similar to concrete - it also consists of sand, crushed stone and binding components. But unlike concrete, where the binding component is cement, in asphalt this component is bitumen created by processing petroleum products.

    Asphalt is very durable material, but, however, over time, various kinds of cracks, pits, and potholes appear in it.

    Asphalt wear occurs due to a number of factors, and not only due to the relatively high pressure of vehicles on the road surface:

    • Weather and climatic conditions, of which the most destructive is frost;
    • In addition, ultraviolet radiation, which destroys bitumen over time, and even oil from cars has an adverse effect on the road surface.

    In general, these phenomena need to be combated.

    Asphalt surfaces are resurfaced every few years, and various pothole cracks are treated with a special waterproof sealant.

    These sealants are necessary in order to combat various chemical influences. And if the asphalt is already starting to crumble, then it is necessary to change the entire coating in this place. If the cracks are more than 20 mm, then you can use a special repair compound with the addition of sand to seal them, this is necessary to create a more rigid content. After application, all components must be allowed to dry.

    Both cracks and holes have different sizes, so eliminating them requires the use of a variety of technologies.

    If various types of sealants can be used in small cracks, then to eliminate holes and potholes with a diameter larger than normal damage, so-called “cold asphalt” is used. This material has its own articles and data, which indicate fairly high properties of cold asphalt.

    is produced directly from the container by pouring the material onto the surface to be repaired and in full compliance with the technological process. Factors such as: wrong technology

    laying asphalt.

    The nuances of laying asphalt In our country, unfortunately, this is not uncommon. The quality is greatly influenced by the fact that the asphalt is laid during humid environment

    , although any builder should know that moisture getting into the consistency of the material is not only undesirable, but also harmful. This is especially unfavorable when moisture that gets inside the road surface freezes and destroys the internal integrity of the road surface, significantly worsening its characteristics. And of course, when carrying out work in wet conditions

    It is very difficult to achieve adhesion between the base and the asphalt itself.

    Such phenomena as subsidence of the soil under the roadway, leading to its deformation in certain areas, are very common. Often the loads on the road surface exceed the maximum permissible values ​​according to calculations of the properties of the material used. A break under the road surface has a very bad effect on the quality of the road surface. groundwater . In such cases, asphalt repairs are carried out more thoroughly, often with a complete replacement of not only the asphalt surface, but also the entire base of the road. Such repairs become major repairs when it is necessary to use a large number of

    equipment and building materials.

    So, major repairs are carried out when very serious solutions to roadway problems are needed. Such repairs involve two types of repairs:

    • First- this is when the topmost layer is removed - asphalt and lining. The damaged area is re-filled with sand, filled with various solutions, and then everything is again covered with bitumen. A completely new asphalt surface is laid on top;
    • Second type of major repair is when repairing asphalt, in principle, does not make sense in case of major damage, and all that remains is to prepare the laying of a new roadway, taking into account the need to comply with all required norms and regulations.

    But it is often not required, especially in cases where its construction was carried out in full compliance with all necessary standards. If the road surface is damaged, only routine repairs are required, which only affects the condition of the asphalt. Routine asphalt repairs are usually carried out in cases where it is necessary to correct minor defects, patch up some small parts, cover up cracks, or eliminate relatively small potholes and holes.