We choose building materials. Things to consider when combining different building materials. Advertising and promotion of a building materials store

Not a single renovation or construction project can be completed without purchasing materials for construction and finishing. And here the question arises: “Where can I buy all this?” It is clear that every consumer wants to purchase high-quality building materials and at the same time save money. For those who have no experience at all in this area, this can be quite difficult.

Where to buy materials

Now you can purchase everything you need in several ways.

  • On the construction market.
  • In a specialty store.
  • In a company that sells its products via the Internet.
  • Using advertisements from catalogs or magazines.

The latter option is very popular these days. Nowadays it is quite possible to purchase quality goods at an affordable price via the Internet. In addition, online stores always offer a fairly large assortment. If we talk about the price, it is lower than in stores due to the fact that buyers do not pay for renting the premises. And if they do, they usually pay a very small amount.

Online stores in most cases purchase all goods from manufacturers. Therefore, they can easily select everything that the customer requires. Their warehouses, if they have them, store very small quantities of the most popular goods. Just like large construction stores, sellers can provide customers with all the required certificates. Thanks to this, the risk that the purchased product will be of poor quality is minimized.

But still, most often, buyers turn to construction stores for help and visit the corresponding markets. And all because in these cases they have the opportunity to see all the materials with their own eyes and evaluate their quality. But this also has its drawbacks. For example, in construction markets you can often find low-quality goods. This can be due to a variety of reasons, from improper storage conditions to the most banal fakes. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you buy only the smallest materials and branded items from the markets that are expensive.

But in construction stores you will most likely be able to purchase goods of appropriate quality. However, the cost will be quite high. Unless, of course, we are talking about hypermarkets or supermarkets. In such stores, prices may be lower than in others.

But be that as it may, let’s look at each of the above options in more detail to understand what the main differences are.

On the Internet

In online stores you can easily select and purchase any type of building materials. At the same time, you don’t need to stand in line or even leave the house. You can safely browse the entire range, select the appropriate product and order its delivery in any way convenient for you. Perhaps the main disadvantage of this method of shopping is that there is absolutely no opportunity to touch the product and see it in person, and not just in the photo. There is a risk that the color and shape chosen will not match what you require. This can lead to delays and problems during the renovation and construction process.

On the construction market

As for markets, they are able to offer customers a wide variety of products of varying quality and cost. We have already written about this above. If you are not an expert in such matters, then making the right choice will be much more difficult for you. You must clearly understand what you can save on and what you can’t.

So, when going to the construction market, always remain extremely vigilant. The fact is that in such retail outlets no one is responsible for how the materials were stored. Therefore, there is always a risk that due to temperature changes and constantly changing air humidity, various mixtures and paints will become unusable. As a result, sellers try to sell something that is no longer usable. They strive to make money from this and sell damaged products faster.

That is why, without any fear, you can purchase goods such as screws, sockets, nails and the like on the market.

In supermarkets and shops

As we have already written, this purchasing method is the most reliable. Naturally, prices in stores and supermarkets are always higher. But on the other hand, the likelihood of purchasing a counterfeit or expired product is reduced several times. Moreover, experienced sales consultants will be happy to help you with your choice and give valuable advice. After all, when purchasing building materials, you need to take into account many nuances. The room in which the materials will be used is of great importance. For example, there are products that can easily withstand low air temperatures. And there are products that can be used for landscaping rooms with high air humidity.

But there is one caveat. Often, you may need time and patience to wait for the seller. But this is more than compensated for by the fact that stores offer various promotions and favorable conditions. This is kind of a nice addition to the purchase. Also, stores often have discounts on delivery if you purchase goods for a certain amount of money. Moreover, delivery under such conditions may even be free.
As for the cost of products, its size is strongly influenced by the brand name. Manufacturers often inflate the price of their products only because their company is already very popular among consumers and has proven itself well. However, you should not think that a high price is a clear sign of high quality products. On store shelves you can easily find products of suitable quality at a lower price.

Printed publications, catalogs

This method of searching for building materials is not very popular. However, it is also worth mentioning. For example, you may stumble upon a suitable product in some catalog or magazine. As a rule, such advertisements are always accompanied by contact information. Companies often offer building materials with the option of delivery at a time and place that suits you. The corresponding catalogs can also be found on the Internet.

In construction hypermarkets

You can visit such retail outlets not only to find out how much a particular product costs. Buying from construction hypermarkets is also very profitable. And there are several reasons for this.

1) Large retail chains quite often hold large-scale promotions. If you come across such a promotion, you can easily save a decent amount of money thanks to the discount.

2) Surely everyone has a friend who is the happy owner of some special card in a network of stores. Using it, you can also save a lot of money.

3) Another reason why it is better to shop in hypermarkets lies in the need to purchase non-traditional, relatively rare materials. For example, we can talk about high quality or a specific brand.

4) It is better to visit construction hypermarkets in cases where a large number of different types of products are required.

When is the best time to buy building materials?

When the question of purchasing materials arises, another problem immediately arises - when is it better to buy raw materials for construction and repair? As a rule, construction and repair work are not carried out in winter, but it is at this time of year that many retail outlets hold various promotions and offer substantial discounts.

So, let's figure out whether it is really more profitable to purchase reinforced concrete products, bricks, and blocks in winter.

  1. In winter, all materials are much cheaper. This is due to the fact that selling prices are falling. Manufacturers provide their dealers with substantial discounts if they purchase goods for a certain amount. In addition, delivery of products in the winter season will also cost less. Dealers often work at a loss in the winter, hoping that demand will increase significantly in the summer. This is precisely the reason why the difference in price in winter and summer sometimes reaches 60 percent.
  2. In winter, unloading materials will also cost you less. For example, the price of a truck crane can be reduced by 15 percent when compared with the summer period, when the demand for this equipment increases significantly.
  3. Once you place your order, you won't have to wait too long. Everything you need will be delivered to you within just three days. It should be noted that in summer delivery of goods can last up to a month.

However, it would be dishonest not to say that there are also arguments for purchasing building materials in the summer.

  1. When goods are purchased in winter and left in storage until summer at a construction site, the likelihood that it will be stolen increases significantly. No, if the site is quite large, then there is no need to worry. But for those who are building, for example, their own house, it makes sense to think about this fact.
  2. It is also worth considering that some materials can be damaged under the influence of the environment. For example, cement should only be stored in a dry and warm room. And expanded clay, sand and crushed stone are prone to absorbing moisture. It will be quite difficult for you to dry them in the summer. The same applies to aerated concrete blocks. But reinforced concrete products should not be covered. Of course, if these are not floor slabs.

But the choice, of course, is yours when to purchase building materials.

Requirements for goods

All building materials differ in their composition and properties. Thus, paints require reliable adhesion and wear resistance. If we are talking about wallpaper, then it should “breathe”, and ceramic tiles should be quite durable. And safety is of great importance for absolutely all materials. They should not contain any harmful components. Therefore, before you buy materials, carefully study their composition.

Remember that in places with a dubious reputation it is quite difficult to find products of acceptable quality. Often the data indicated on the packaging is very inaccurate. This is especially true for local spontaneous markets.

Particular attention must be paid to what is included in the finishing materials. The main components should not include lead, zinc, or formaldehyde phenol. The latter can cause the development of serious diseases such as asthma and cancer. And this is not to mention the occurrence of allergic reactions. Walls treated with such materials require additional finishing and constant ventilation.
As for insulation, it is better to buy it in those stores that purchase directly from the manufacturer. In this case, the delivery and storage conditions are quite easy to check. Therefore, the chances that the acquisition will be successful increase.

Purchases made carelessly will not make a person happier during the renovation process or after its completion. Therefore, it will never be superfluous to have “your own” sellers on the construction market who can give you a detailed “tour” and, if necessary, can inform you when the product you need will be available.

Of course, those who live in a big city will not have any difficulties choosing stores and supermarkets selling materials for construction and repairs. In small towns, the choice, unfortunately, is not so huge. But even in remote places there is Internet. It is with its help that you can order everything you need for construction and repairs.

Video. Choosing a laminate

A lot depends on the quality of the finishing material, for example, how long the coating will last and how hygienic it will be. At the same time, the operational characteristics of the material must fully correspond to the functional purpose of the room in which it will be used. For example, in living rooms it is advisable to apply only paper wallpaper. Film or roll materials are not suitable for this purpose, since they do not absorb moisture and do not allow air to pass through. In turn, this can cause a violation of the humidity regime in the room. Also, similar ones should not be used when arranging kitchens, bathrooms and toilets.

To decorate the walls in the hallway, it is best to use moisture-resistant film. An excellent option would be baseless self-adhesive films, fabric films, linkrust or vinyl. To decorate the walls of the bathroom, as well as other rooms with high humidity conditions, you should use only appropriate moisture-resistant materials, for example, oilcloth, baseless film or fabric-based film. Paper-based films are not suitable for use in the bathroom. As for the toilet and kitchen areas, it is recommended to cover them with film or roll materials, with the exception of linkrust.

In the selection process, patterns, texture and color of products play an important role. They can influence the perception of the room, as well as create the necessary comfort in the home.

Based on the purpose of the room, it is necessary to select the color of the materials. Brown wallpaper is more suitable for work rooms. For bedrooms it is best to use blue tones.

The design of film materials and wallpaper also plays an important role. For visual expansion The room should be used when decorating the room with wallpaper that has a small pattern. The height of the room can be increased by using vertically arranged patterns.

When decorating large rooms, you can sometimes use an arrangement of wallpaper that differs in texture and color. This approach will require preliminary marking of all surfaces in the room, as well as cutting out shaped pieces from the wallpaper according to templates.
Wallpaper for residential premises should be selected based on the type of furniture available. If the room has light-colored furniture, then you should choose lighter or, conversely, darker wallpaper so that it forms the background.

It is worth noting that rolled materials, having a textured or film surface, visually reduce the internal space. In addition, the color of different wallpapers may look different in a room that has both artificial and daylight. It is worth taking this into account when arranging your interior design.

We select building materials at the very beginning of a long construction or major renovation process. But this is the main stage on which the quality and durability of the final result depends.

What to look for in the store

  • Durability is an indicator of performance over the maximum period of operation. In this situation, the choice of building materials leaves you with a choice: buy less durable and carry out repair work more often, or choose more durable ones that will last longer without repair. Consider the prices of construction crews and associated costs and calculate whether it is worth saving on durability. Each material has its own durability standards; they are determined after passing a series of tests for destruction, deformation, wear resistance, and interaction with the environment. The results are recorded in a certificate with a maximum service life - this can be 20, 50, 100 years, etc.
  • Every resident of our latitudes should understand how to choose high-quality building materials for frost resistance. This parameter indicates the number of freezing and thawing cycles that the material can withstand. F300 is the frost resistance of clinker bricks (more than 100 years of service), F100 is an indicator of a good facing brick (50 years of service), F25 is the frost resistance of inexpensive bricks, which after 30 years will begin to deteriorate and lose its aesthetic appeal.
  • Ask the seller whether the building material is repairable. If yes, then after a certain period of time it can be restored to its original state. Calculate in advance whether it is profitable to spend effort and money on repairs or whether it is better to purchase a new product after the expiration date.
  • In our country, when choosing high-quality building materials, it is imperative to take into account climatic features, such as the amount of precipitation by season. Stone, brick and special metal alloys have higher moisture resistance than wood. However, modern industry offers surface coating options for substances with poor moisture resistance.
  • Be sure to ask the seller for a certificate of conformity and a product warranty. The building materials we choose are often not cheap, so it’s worth making sure that your purchases are original and meet all quality requirements.

The main advice that can be given is: contact proven and experienced performers. How to find them? Option one is through friends, option two is to order services from the oldest repair and construction company in your city with an excellent reputation. A good master will always tell you how to choose high-quality building materials that will be easy for him to work with. And he will present you with an excellent result of work with strict adherence to deadlines and technologies.

To choose the right building materials, you need to understand at least a little about their production. To do this, it is worth asking what modern materials are most in demand today, and what modern technologies are used for their production.

Try to get acquainted with the estimate of all the building materials that will be needed to build your house, starting from the foundation itself and ending with the roof. Once you start studying them, you will soon be able to figure out for yourself what you will buy on your own, what you need to purchase with the help of specialists, and for what it is best to contact an online building materials store.

The materials required for the foundation, such as concrete mortar, reinforcement, crushed stone and sand, are always marked and therefore you just have to select them by calling the suppliers by phone. Choose a supplier of building materials with the most reasonable prices and the most favorable delivery terms. In the same way, select and buy materials for walls, floors and ceilings: brick, porcelain stoneware, aerated concrete blocks, plasterboard, laminate, reinforcing mesh and other materials. But the choice of lumber should be entrusted to specialists who have experience working with them. Wood materials, such as logs, beams, wooden lining, require careful selection in order to have truly high-quality lumber without any special defects. Roofing material should be selected based on the principle that the price must correspond to its quality.

Entrust the purchase of pipeline fittings for laying communication networks to plumbers, having previously discussed the project, installation of networks, place of purchase and the possibility of providing discounts. Electrical equipment should be purchased after consulting and discussing all details with the builders.

Materials that are dry mixtures and used for interior decoration, such as plaster, putty, primer, should be purchased by specialists who understand their quality, or you can do it yourself, after consulting with them. It is better to buy them in specialized large construction stores, where there is a rapid turnover of construction materials, which means that you will not come across expired products. The shelf life of a product directly affects its quality. The purchase should be carried out in parts as they are produced, determining their consumption and calculating their quantity. It is best to purchase window designs and parquet from their suppliers and dealers.

But the choice of paint coatings and materials can be difficult. Today, a huge number of offers can confuse anyone. Therefore, discuss all the details of the purchase with professionals who will not only purchase these materials, but will also carry out the painting.

Catalogs on the websites of online building materials stores will help you choose building materials.

Here are practical tips for purchasing environmentally and hygienically harmless building materials.

When undertaking a home renovation, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the practical and decorative properties of building materials, but also to their safety (environmentally friendly).

Inexpensive finishing materials that emit toxic substances are not recommended for use in residential premises.

They can cause headaches, nausea, various types of allergic reactions, as well as a significant deterioration in general health.

What building materials are environmentally friendly?

Safety criteria are primarily met by natural materials - stone and, of course, wood.

In addition, they contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate, as they have the ability to maintain optimal humidity and temperature.

However, along with the advantages, natural materials also have disadvantages.

For example, wood has low fire resistance, and stone is heavy, which makes it an unsuitable material for the construction of multi-story buildings.

Often the best choice is artificial materials created on the basis of natural ones, such as: glass,.

If we talk about unsafe building materials that emit toxic substances during operation, the black list is headed by inexpensive paints, as well as low-quality varnishes and mastics, the composition of which is characterized by the presence of copper, lead, and narcotic compounds - cresol, toluene and xylene.

No less dangerous to health are:

  1. polyurethane-based thermal insulation boards;
  2. foams containing styrene and provoking the development of myocardial infarction;
  3. extruded polystyrene, expanded polystyrene - in order to reduce their flammability, hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD), which the European Chemicals Agency included in the list of the most toxic chemicals, is used.

Popular decorative coatings based on PVC (polyvinyl chloride): vinyl wallpaper, decorative film and linoleum can potentially cause harm to health.

What to look for when purchasing building materials?

You will find many articles about different materials on our website - use the menu to find the information you need.

This knowledge will allow you to find a common language with the seller, as well as purchase the most suitable products.

Directly in the store you need to consider the following:

1. Products must have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate

To ensure the safety of the product, ask the seller to show a health certificate. This document confirms that the material has undergone special testing and does not pose a threat to human health.

Pay special attention to products containing chemical additives or waste from various industries, for example, textile or chemical.

This group includes fiberboard, chipboard and various polymer products.

2. The material should not have a pronounced specific odor

If the product has a persistent “chemical” smell, it is better to refuse to purchase it.

Firstly, there is a high probability that it will release toxic substances.

Secondly, an unpleasant odor will negatively affect the comfort of your home.


Paper, textile and plant wallpapers (made from bamboo, reed, jute fibers) are highly environmentally friendly - their composition is dominated by natural ingredients that are safe and have good breathability.

Wallpaper from Eco Tapeter and AS Creation have excellent properties.

Vinyl wallpaper is based on PVC, so it is recommended only for the kitchen or hallway.


Stone wool has optimal practical characteristics and good environmental friendliness, which is why it is recommended for use in residential premises.

High-quality products are produced by the international concern ROCKWOOL.

Glass wool is fragile, so its use is impractical.

Expanded clay is environmentally friendly, but due to its low efficiency and complex installation, it is not used for interior work.

Polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene are durable materials that are low in cost, but due to low air permeability they contribute to the formation of condensation on the walls.

When burned, they release harmful substances.

Floor coverings

Parquet is an environmentally friendly, durable coating, but it is very important to choose a safe varnish. Can be laid in any room, including a child's room.

Cork covering- durable, hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly.

Can be used for finishing floors in children's and bedrooms. Meister products are popular.

Carpet is an environmentally friendly and safe covering. However, if anyone in the family suffers from allergic diseases, it should be used with caution: mites can live in the carpet fibers.

Ceramic tile- reliable, environmentally friendly coating, but used only in the kitchen or bathroom.

Harmful compounds can be released by laminate and, to a greater extent, linoleum, so it is advisable to use these floor coverings only in the bathroom or hallway.