Problematic situation in the nightgown. Sequence of making a nightgown

Akbulakskaya high school №1


Making a garment " Nightdress»

Completed by Tatyana Zhuravleva, 7th grade student. Head Zhuravleva M.A. technology teacher

Akbulak 2007


Main part……………………………………………………....………… ...4

1 Study of the problem………………………………………………………………. ….4

2 Bank of ideas and proposals……………………………………………………………..... …...6

3 Technological sequence………………………………………..8

4 Economic assessment…….…………………………………………………………….9

5 Environmental assessment……………………………………………………….9


List of used literature…………………………………...……...11


I chose the theme of my project to make a sewing product - a nightgown, since I need this product! At night I like to sleep in my nightgown. Of course, you can buy it in a store, but you can also sew it yourself, especially since we learn to sew in technology lessons. If I sew a product myself, then, firstly, I will gain experience in sewing products, and secondly, I will benefit financially, that is, I will save a little family budget.

My nightgown should be comfortable, light, easy to wash and iron, and allow me to sleep soundly in it. Therefore, I need to choose the right fabric for sewing.

In progress project work I set myself the following tasks:

Learn what a shirt is, as it was called before;

Research when the patterns appeared;

Research the types of fabrics from which the product can be sewn;

Describe the process of making a nightgown;

Sew a neat nightgown.

Main part

Research the problem

Shoulder clothing originates from primitive cloaks and skins. Over the millennia, clothing changed and began to consist of several pieces of fabric that were not sewn, but draped over the human figure. The costume consisted of two parts: a lower shirt - a chiton, and an upper cape - a himation. This cape was thrown over the left shoulder onto the back and chest.

In Russia, the first information about clothing dates back to the period between the 8th and 12th centuries. Women of that time wore a long canvas shirt - a chemise, wide, straight cut, belted at the hips and embroidered at the edges.

In the 15th – 16th centuries, nightgowns and pantaloons appeared, which for a long time belonged to the toilet only of privileged segments of the population. Nowadays, everyone uses nightgowns, regardless of their position in society.

V.I. Dal in his explanatory dictionary of the Russian language gives definitions to the words “shirt” and “shirt”.

“Shirt – shirt, shirt; women's muslin shirt-front, waist-length; blouse, round, outerwear, outer shirt, work shirt, hunting shirt, etc.”

“Sorochitsa, a type of white shirt with scarlet shields, which peasant women wear over their shirt and sundress.”

“Shirt, shirt - shirt, koszul, vest; clothing from the category of underwear, worn under the bottom, on the body.”

From these definitions by V.I. Dahl it follows that the name “shirt” is more suitable for the nightgown of our time.

And yet, why “shirt” and not something else? Probably, in ancient times, a piece of fabric was simply “hemmed”, hence the “shirt”. As a rule, shirts were wide, cut from straight panels. There is even a proverb: “Women’s

shirts are the same bags: tie your sleeves and put whatever you want.”

Pattern- This is a piece of paper cut out of a product for cutting fabric. But how long has it been around? It turns out that a very long time ago - from the 10th century. At that time, patterns were the property of members of tailoring workshops and were carefully protected from copying. Tailors guarded their secrets.

Paper patterns, approximately the same as those we use now, appeared in the 19th century, first in England and then in France. They began to be published in magazines only in 1850 as an appendix, and before that time there were only descriptions and skillfully made engravings. In 1860 it began industrial production paper patterns. The founder of the company that produces patterns is considered to be the Italian E. Batterico.

Nightgowns can be sewn from various fabrics, for example: silk, linen, knitted fabric, cotton fabric.

Linen fabrics have a smooth, shiny surface, different

high strength and low elongation. They easily absorb moisture and wash well. Their disadvantage is that they wrinkle quickly, but they also smooth out just as quickly. These fabrics feel hard to the touch.

Silk fabrics they are soft and smooth to the touch, have a pleasant shine, are hygroscopic and breathable, but they stretch greatly, crumble, and have significant shrinkage. It is very difficult to sew from such fabrics without skills and experience.

Knitted fabric soft, hygroscopic, but requires special machines or a special needle, since the knitted fabric stretches greatly.

According to historians and archaeologists, fabrics from cotton were produced in distant India back in the 11th century BC.

During the campaign of Alexander the Great, the Greeks were delighted with the art of the Indians, who knew how to produce fabrics from “wool extracted from nuts”

(that's what they called cotton). Until the end of the 13th century, only finished goods made of cotton. In 1772, the production of cotton fabric began in England. It had a unique texture and color.

Name " chintz“came to us in such a way that it is difficult even to immediately understand its original source. The Bengali name for the variegated cotton fabric “cheets” was changed by the Dutch to “sits”, and in our country it began to be called chintz.

Cotton fabrics have significant strength and hygroscopicity, quickly get wet and dry. They are comfortable to wear and hold up well to washing and ironing.

Bank of ideas and proposals

Model No. 2

Nightgown made of silk fabric

with one-piece sleeves,

With neckline"corner".

There is a frill at the bottom of the shirt.

Model No. 3


from knitted fabric

with one-piece sleeves,

with a round neckline,

with a round yoke.

Model No. 4


made of cotton fabric

with one-piece sleeves,

with a round neckline.

The length of the shirt is short.

Justification for choosing a model.

Based on one pattern, you can model many different nightgowns. Of all the ideas, I choose model No. 4, since this model is made of cotton fabric, which is easy to wash and iron well, unlike fabrics made from chemical fibers and flax. Cotton fabric does not cause any difficulties for me to work with.

Akbulak secondary school No. 1


Making a sewing product “Nightgown”

Completed by Tatyana Zhuravleva, 7th grade student. Head Zhuravleva M.A. technology teacher

Akbulak 2007


Main part……………………………………………………....………… ...4

1 Study of the problem………………………………………………………………. ….4

2 Bank of ideas and proposals……………………………………………………………..... …...6

3 Technological sequence………………………………………..8

4 Economic assessment…….…………………………………………………………….9

5 Environmental assessment……………………………………………………….9


List of used literature…………………………………...……...11


I chose the theme of my project to make a sewing product - a nightgown, since I need this product! At night I like to sleep in my nightgown. Of course, you can buy it in a store, but you can also sew it yourself, especially since we learn to sew in technology lessons. If I sew a product myself, then, firstly, I will gain experience in sewing products, and secondly, I will benefit financially, that is, I will save a little on the family budget.

My nightgown should be comfortable, light, easy to wash and iron, and allow me to sleep soundly in it. Therefore, I need to choose the right fabric for sewing.

In the process of carrying out project work, I set myself the following tasks:

Learn what a shirt is, as it was called before;

Research when the patterns appeared;

Research the types of fabrics from which the product can be sewn;

Describe the process of making a nightgown;

Sew a neat nightgown.

Main part

1 Study of the problem

Shoulder clothing originates from primitive cloaks and skins. Over the millennia, clothing changed and began to consist of several pieces of fabric that were not sewn, but draped over the human figure. The costume consisted of two parts: a lower shirt - a chiton, and an upper cape - a himation. This cape was thrown over the left shoulder onto the back and chest.

In Russia, the first information about clothing dates back to the period between the 8th and 12th centuries. Women of that time wore a long canvas shirt - a chemise, wide, straight cut, belted at the hips and embroidered at the edges.

In the 15th – 16th centuries, nightgowns and pantaloons appeared, which for a long time belonged to the toilet only of privileged segments of the population. Nowadays, everyone uses nightgowns, regardless of their position in society.

V.I. Dal in his explanatory dictionary of the Russian language gives definitions to the words “shirt” and “shirt”.

“Shirt – shirt, shirt; women's muslin shirt-front, waist-length; blouse, round, outerwear, outer shirt, work shirt, hunting shirt, etc.”

“Sorochitsa, a type of white shirt with scarlet shields, which peasant women wear over their shirt and sundress.”

“Shirt, shirt - shirt, koszul, vest; clothing from the category of underwear, worn under the bottom, on the body.”

From these definitions by V.I. Dahl it follows that the name “shirt” is more suitable for the nightgown of our time.

And yet, why “shirt” and not something else? Probably, in ancient times, a piece of fabric was simply “hemmed”, hence the “shirt”. As a rule, shirts were wide, cut from straight panels. There is even a proverb: “Women’s

Shirts are like bags: tie up your sleeves and put on whatever you want.”

Pattern- This is a piece of paper cut out of a product for cutting fabric. But how long has it been around? It turns out that a very long time ago - from the 10th century. At that time, patterns were the property of members of tailoring workshops and were carefully protected from copying. Tailors guarded their secrets.

Paper patterns, approximately the same as those we use now, appeared in the 19th century, first in England and then in France. They began to be published in magazines only in 1850 as an appendix, and before that time there were only descriptions and skillfully made engravings. In 1860, industrial production of paper patterns began. The founder of the company that produces patterns is considered to be the Italian E. Batterico.

Nightgowns can be sewn from various fabrics, for example: silk, linen, knitted fabric, cotton fabric.

Linen fabrics have a smooth, shiny surface, different

high strength and low elongation. They easily absorb moisture and wash well. Their disadvantage is that they wrinkle quickly, but they also smooth out just as quickly. These fabrics feel hard to the touch.

Silk fabrics they are soft and smooth to the touch, have a pleasant shine, are hygroscopic and breathable, but they stretch greatly, crumble, and have significant shrinkage. It is very difficult to sew from such fabrics without skills and experience.

Knitted fabric soft, hygroscopic, but during the sewing process it requires special machines or a special needle, since the knitted fabric stretches greatly.

According to historians and archaeologists, fabrics from cotton were produced in distant India back in the 11th century BC.

During the campaign of Alexander the Great, the Greeks were delighted with the art of the Indians, who knew how to produce fabrics from “wool extracted from nuts”

(that's what they called cotton). Until the end of the 13th century, only finished cotton products were imported into Europe. In 1772, the production of cotton fabric began in England. It had a unique texture and color.

Name " chintz“came to us in such a way that it is difficult even to immediately understand its original source. The Bengali name for the variegated cotton fabric “cheets” was changed by the Dutch to “sits”, and in our country it began to be called chintz.

Cotton fabrics have significant strength and hygroscopicity, quickly get wet and dry. They are comfortable to wear and hold up well to washing and ironing.

2 Bank of ideas and suggestions

Model No. 1

Linen nightgown

With square neckline

Model No. 2

Nightgown made of silk fabric

With one-piece sleeves,

With an angled neckline.

There is a frill at the bottom of the shirt.

Model No. 3


Made from knitted fabric

With one-piece sleeves,

With a round neckline,

With a round yoke.

Model No. 4


Made from cotton fabric

With one-piece sleeves,

With a round neckline.

The length of the shirt is short.

Justification for choosing a model.

Based on one pattern, you can model many different nightgowns. Of all the ideas, I choose model No. 4, since this model is made of cotton fabric, which is easy to wash and iron well, unlike fabrics made from chemical fibers and linen. Cotton fabric does not cause any difficulties for me to work with.

3 Sequence of making a nightgown

1 Taking measurements: Ssh, SgII, Dts, Op, Di.

2 Construction of the basis of the drawing of the shoulder product.

3 Modeling the base of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve.

4. Preparing fabric for cutting:

Determination of the front and back sides of the fabric;

Determining the direction of the fabric thread;

Determining the direction of the drawing;

Checking weaving defects; ironing fabric;

Fold the fabric right side inward.

5. Layout of patterns on fabric, taking into account allowances and savings.

6. Uncover.

7. Basting the shoulder sections of the back and shelf.

8. Basting the side sections of the back and shelf.

9. Carrying out the first fitting:

Clarifying the position of the shoulder seam;

Clarification of sleeve length and width;

Specifying the width of the product;

Clarifying the position of the side seam;

Specifying the length of the product;

Refinement of the neckline.

10. Making clarifications after fitting.

11. Processing shoulder seams:

Stitch, overcast, iron towards the back.

12. Processing the side seams:

Stitch, overcast, iron

(or press towards the back, depending on the width of the seam).

13. Finishing the neck with an edge stitch:

Prepare the bias hem: cut a strip of fabric at an angle of 45

Degrees to the warp thread (if there is not enough fabric, then cut several strips

And connect them together with a stitch seam) - the length of the strip should

Be equal to the length of the neck + 1cm;

Connect the ends of the facing with a stitch seam;

Fold the strip in half lengthwise and iron;

Apply the facing to the front side of the product, align the cuts and baste;

Stitch the neckline, retreating 0.5 cm from the cut, remove the basting threads;

Wrap the facing around the cut of the neckline, baste and topstitch along the front

To the side, retreating from the turning seam by 0.1 - 0.2 cm;

Iron the finished neckline.

14. Processing the lower edge of the sleeve using a hem seam with a closed edge.

15. Processing the bottom edge of the product using a hem seam with a closed cut.

16. Final processing of the product:

Delete the remaining temporary assignment lines;

Execute WTO ( wet-heat treatment) finished product.

4 Economic assessment

Calculation of the cost of a nightgown

The cost of my product turned out to be small - 34 rubles, since I sewed the nightgown myself, and the costs Money were only for materials. If my mother bought me a nightgown in a store, she would spend 55–60 rubles.

Therefore, we can conclude that sewing a nightgown with your own hands is a profitable and almost waste-free production.

5 Environmental assessment

The manufacturing process and operation of my product will not entail changes in environment, disturbances in human life, since my nightgown is made from environmentally friendly pure materials. I will not throw away the remaining fabric, but use it to make products using the “patchwork” technique.

We can conclude that sewing a nightgown is environmentally friendly cleaner production.


I completed a project work - “Making a nightgown”.

In the process of completing the project work, I completed the following tasks:

I studied what a shirt is, as it was called before;

I researched when the first patterns appeared;

Researched the types of fabrics from which the product can be sewn;

Described the process of making a nightgown;

I sewed a neat nightgown.

I sewed a nightgown that no one else had, and I really liked it myself.

My shirt turned out to be very comfortable, light, it irons well, as it is made of cotton fabric. I gained experience in sewing products and won financially, that is, I saved the family budget a little.

It's so nice that I sewed a nightgown with my own hands instead of asking my mom to buy it at the store.

Now, when I go to bed, I will only wear it.

List of used literature

1 Illustrated Dictionary Russian language. / V.I.Dal. – M.:

Eksmo, 2006. – 896 pp.: ill.

2 Makhmutova H.I. We design, model, sew. Book for students. –

M.: Education, 1994.

3 Technology: Textbook for 7th grade students secondary school.

/ V.D. Simonenko, O.V. Taburchak, N.V. Sinitsa and others; Ed. V.D. Simonenko

– M.: “Ventana – Count”, 2002.

4 Labor training: Trial training. allowance for 7th grade. avg. Shk. / A.K. Beshenkov,

E.V. Vasilchenko, A.I. Ivanov and others; Ed. P.R.Atutova, V.A.Polyakova. –

M.: Education, 1990.

women 20 years ago, these were huge shirts, long and wide, with short or long sleeves, made of cotton, satin or more miniature versions of synthetic materials with lace inserts. Today’s fashion does not forget traditions, and even the most models of shirts “from grandma’s chest” do not cease to appear in lingerie catalogs. Nowadays, seeing the inscription “women’s nightgowns” on the window and looking there with the desire to buy a nightgown, everyone will understand that nightgowns are not necessarily just comfortable and beautiful clothes for sleeping. Today's nightgowns can be very elegant and sophisticated clothing. The number of different styles, colors and fabrics is dizzying. Nightgowns made from fabrics with a silky texture will perfectly highlight a woman’s seductiveness, not to mention transparent or translucent fabrics. The materials for such nightgowns can be satin, chiffon, crepe de Chine, cambric, and lace. Nightgowns can be decorated with lace, ruffles and even rhinestones. However, Russia is far from a tropical country, and therefore in the cold season it makes sense to think about nightgowns made of thin, soft, pleasant-to-touch knitwear.

1. Conduct research and develop a sketch of my design product. 2. Organize workplace. 3. Select tools and devices for various operations. 4. Make a sewing pattern. 5. Select fabric for the product. 6. Cut the fabrics.

History of origin European women, until the 14th century, slept in the same clothes they wore during the day, or without any clothes at all. Clothing specially made for sleeping appears around the 15th century, in the Czech Republic, and it was called a “bedroom skirt”. Nightgowns of that time were significantly different from those that girls know now. They were big size, both in width and in length. Only rich people wore them because such shirts were expensive.

In the 19th century, nightgowns became accessible to any woman and began to be used everywhere. By this time, women could already have several nightgowns designed for different purposes: daily ones - usually made of cotton, classic cut; for travel - sports shirts; decorative - long or short nightgowns for plus size ones, made of natural silk. In the 19th century, sexy night negligees also appeared - open, with a lot of ruffles and lace, somewhat similar to evening dresses

1. Manufacturing technology corresponds to the 7th grade program. 2. Economical fabric consumption. 3. Simple design. 4. Speed ​​of production. 5. Comfortable to wear. 6. Fashionable. 7. Inexpensive fabric. 8. Beautiful colors. 9. Does not harm health. 10. Easy to care for.

Name of measurement My measurements Half girth Sg 37 Half girth Sg 35 Half girth Sg 35 Half girth Sb 43 Conclusion: my Russian size my European size -41

For my product you will need: 1. Threads in the color of the fabric 40 (50.60 - according to the model); 2. Paper scissors, ruler, pencil - for creating a pattern; 3. Tailor's chalk, pins, tailor's scissors for cutting; 4. Sewing machine, iron, ironing board, hand needle, pins - for sewing;

To find out the cost of the product, I calculated what materials and in what quantities I would need. Conclusion; Since my mother gave me the fabric, I will only have the cost for the threads. p/pName of material Conditional price per unit of measurement, rub. Material consumption for the product Material costs, rub. 1. Cotton threads 6 rubles for 1 spool 1 spool 6 rubles Total: 6 rubles

I am drawing up a plan for my work: 1. Draw a pattern. 2. Cut out the details of the product with seam allowances of 1.5 cm and hem allowances of 3.0 cm. 3. Cut out the hem 4.0 cm wide. 4. Baste the product in the following sequence: - side cuts; - baste the hem of the bottom. 5. Try on the product

Here you can download a ready-made presentation on the topic Creative project"Nightgown" 7th grade. Presentation subject: Technologies.

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The presentation contains 21 slides.

Problematic situation.  One day I wanted to sew a nightgown myself. And when I moved to 7th grade, I found out that we would be sewing a nightgown. I was glad.

Project Goal  To develop a model according to my conditions.

Project Objective 1. Conduct research and develop a sketch of my design product. 2. Organize your workplace. 3. Select tools and devices for various operations. 4. Make a sewing pattern. 5. Select fabric for the product. 6. Cut the fabrics.

Research  History  European women, up until the 14th century, slept in the same clothes they wore during the day, or without any clothes at all. Clothes specially made for sleeping appear around the 15th century, in the Czech Republic, and they were called “bedroom skirts.” Nightgowns of that time were significantly different from those that girls know now. They were large in size, both in width and in length. Only rich people wore them because such shirts were expensive.

 In the 19th century, nightgowns became affordable for any woman and began to be used everywhere. By this time, women could already have several nightgowns designed for different purposes: daily ones - usually made of cotton, classic cut; for travel - sports shirts; decorative - long or short nightgowns for plus size ones, made of natural silk. In the 19th century, sexy night negligees also appeared - open, with a lot of ruffles and lace, somewhat similar to evening dresses

Product selection criteria 1. The manufacturing technology corresponds to the 7th grade program. 2. Economical fabric consumption. 3. Simple design. 4. Speed ​​of production. 5. Comfortable to wear. 6. Fashionable. 7. Inexpensive fabric. 8. Beautiful colors. 9. Does not harm health. 10. Easy to care for.

Choice best model

 We don’t know how to sew very well yet, and so we were offered to sew everyone the same model of a nightgown: a one-piece nightgown.

Measurements required to make my model  Conclusion: my Russian size is 37-35-43 my European size is -41

Pattern  I made a pattern according to the technological map.

Choosing the right fabric  Solution: I choose viscose fabric because my mother gave it to me. The color of the fabric is very pretty: small yellow and black stripes. fabric viscose Crepe-satin chintz poplin

Choice additional materials and equipment. For my product you will need: 1. Threads in the color of the fabric No. 40 (50.60 according to the model); 2. Paper scissors, ruler, pencil - for creating a pattern; 3. Tailor's chalk, pins, tailor's scissors for cutting; 4. Sewing machine, iron, ironing board, hand needle, pins - for sewing;

Calculating the cost of manufacturing a product  To find out the cost of a product, I calculated what materials and in what quantities I would need.  Conclusion; Since my mother gave me the fabric, I will only have the cost for the threads.

Calculation of fabric consumption  Fabric consumption can be accurately calculated by laying out the pattern pieces, for example, on the fabric, folding it to the desired width.  The fabric I chose is cm wide. For my model, my height will need 2 m 90 cm.  Solution: I need cm of fabric.