Modern soundproofing materials in construction. Soundproofing materials – we will protect the house from noise. Airborne sound insulation

From a constructive point of view, partitions can be divided into two classes: single-layer and multi-layer.

Single-layer structures involve the use of any dense building material on a rigid binder (mortar). These can be brick, plaster, expanded clay concrete and even reinforced concrete partitions, where concrete plays the role of both a structural material and a binder. Despite the fact that a combination of several materials is possible in one partition, the determining factor will be the presence of only dense materials provided there are rigid connections between all structural elements (for example, a wall made of pumice concrete blocks on cement-sand mortar, lined with brick).

The sound insulation characteristics of such structures are determined primarily by their mass and improve by approximately 6 dB with a doubling of the wall mass. The porosity of the partition material also plays a role in ensuring its soundproofing qualities. However, as practice shows, it is practically impossible to gain by increasing the porosity of the material due to more significant losses of sound insulation with a corresponding decrease in the surface density of such a material.

Multilayer partitions, as the name suggests, consist of several (at least two) alternating layers of hard (dense) and soft (light) building materials. Dense materials (plasterboard, brick, metal) exhibit soundproofing properties here and work similarly to single-layer partitions: the higher the surface density of the material, the higher the sound insulation. Lightweight materials layers perform a sound-absorbing function, i.e. the structure of the material must be such that when sound vibrations pass through it, they are weakened due to air friction in the pores of the material. It should be noted the low efficiency of using materials such as polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or cork in soundproofing partitions. This is due to the fact that for good soundproofing materials they have insufficient density, and to classify them as sound-absorbing materials, their absorption is too low due to the lack of air flow.

The sound insulation ability of three-layer versions of multi-layer partitions (the most common example is a frame-sheathed plasterboard partition) depends on a greater number of factors than the sound insulation of a single-layer partition. Increasing the density of the material of hard layers, increasing the distance between the outer layers (i.e. increasing the overall thickness of the partition) and filling the internal space with layers of a special sound absorber (namely an absorber, not insulation) are the main ways to achieve the necessary sound insulation.

To realize the full potential of multilayer structures, the requirement for layer-by-layer sound transmission through the thickness of the partition must be met. Simply put, ideally, a sound wave should sequentially pass first only through the first hard layer, then only through the soft one, then only through the second hard layer, etc. In practice, the mandatory presence of a supporting frame leads to the fact that sound vibrations of the first rigid layer are transmitted through a common frame (or common foundation) to the last rigid layer and are re-radiated by it into the protected room. Thus, sound energy through the rigid elements of the frame successfully bypasses specially prepared internal sound-absorbing layers-traps, as a result of which the actual sound insulation of multilayer structures is significantly lower than the calculated values.

In the process of considering the soundproofing ability of these types of partitions, the question inevitably arises: what type of partitions has better sound insulation at the smallest thickness, weight and cost? The traditional answer is: multilayer frame partitions are preferable as internal enclosing structures. With significantly lower weight (which is very important for reducing loads on floors and foundations) and thickness, they have almost the same (and sometimes higher) airborne noise insulation index (Rw) than single-layer structures.

However, it is important to understand the essence of the airborne noise insulation index. Rw is a certain average value with which you can quickly and fairly objectively compare sound insulation characteristics building structures in relation to the insulation of so-called “domestic noise”, that is, noise such as the sound of a voice, a working TV, the rattling of dishes, the ringing of a telephone or an alarm clock.

With regard to music centers with Mega Bass systems, home theaters equipped with powerful subwoofers, and high-quality music listening systems, the choice of partition design based only on the value of the Rw index does not seem to be entirely correct. As, indeed, the entire system of standardization of sound insulation of building structures, regulating the parameters of their insulation in the frequency range from 100 Hz and above. But today, almost any high-quality sound reproduction system has a frequency range starting from 20-40 Hz.

Figure 1 shows sound insulation graphs for single-layer (unplastered half-brick wall) and multi-layer (gypsum plasterboard partition) structures. In terms of airborne noise insulation indices Rw, the plasterboard partition (Rw = 48 dB) exceeds brick wall(Rw = 45 dB) by 3 dB. At the same time, the thicknesses of the two structures are almost equal: the thickness of a brick wall without plaster is 120 mm, and the thickness plasterboard partition- 125 mm. However, as can be seen from the graphs, at frequencies up to 200 Hz, the sound insulation of a brick wall exceeds the sound insulation of a plasterboard partition. And, in general, this pattern is true for almost all single-layer and multi-layer structures of the same thickness. At the same time, already in the mid-frequency region, the sound insulation of multilayer structures can significantly exceed the insulation of single-layer partitions (it is due to this that the Rw index increases).

Therefore, when choosing the design of internal partitions, it is necessary to clearly understand what types of noise and from what sources these partitions are intended to isolate.

Soundproofing characteristics of partitions

Despite some shortcomings of the airborne sound insulation index Rw, it is certainly a very convenient parameter for quickly comparing sound insulation various designs partitions among themselves and with standard values ​​of sound insulation of enclosing structures.

In the territory Russian Federation SNiP II-12-77 “Noise Protection” is still in force, and in Moscow since 1997, supplementary and clarifying MGSN 2.04 - 97 have been in force Acceptable levels noise, vibration and requirements for sound insulation in residential and public buildings." Despite the fact that the MGSN introduced the division of buildings into comfort categories (A, B and C), there have been no significant changes with regard to the requirements for sound insulation of walls and partitions. For example, the standard requirement for airborne noise insulation by interior partitions, regardless of the class of housing, remained at the level of Rw = 43 dB, as 25 years ago, and the requirement for the airborne noise insulation index of an inter-apartment wall was tightened by only 2 dB, and only in relation to buildings of category A ( highly comfortable conditions). That is, the airborne noise insulation index of the inter-apartment wall in such a building must be at least Rw = 54 dB, against Rw = 52 dB previously required for residential buildings of all types, but the background noise in apartments (not counting powerful sources, such as). cinemas or Hi-End) over the past decades, at least in our country, has grown significantly. Currently, almost every home and every room has a TV, telephone, radio, and a washing machine or dishwasher in the kitchen and bathroom. , extractor hood and air conditioning. The home computer also contributes to the overall noise level.

Existing experience allows us to assert that for modern conditions the airborne noise insulation index of the interior partition must be no less than Rw = 52 dB, and that of the inter-apartment wall - no less than Rw = 62 dB. Only with such standard values ​​of enclosing structures can we talk about acoustic comfort. However, even a wall with Rw = 62 dB will not completely solve the problem of soundproofing a bedroom if a neighbor decides to watch a new action movie in his cinema. Practice shows that the average sound level when watching a movie in a home theater is LA = 90 dBA. Thus, in the bedroom the noise level will be around LA = 30 dBA. And although this approximately corresponds to the maximum value of night standards for noise levels in residential premises (LAlim = 30 dBA), in order to really be able to talk about a barely audible or completely inaudible sound, the noise level in the room should not be higher than LA = 20 dBA.

It is interesting that noise coming from the street (primarily from vehicles), and significantly (by more than 6 dBA) exceeding the noise from neighbors, causes much less irritation than weaker sounds: music, screams, laughter, etc. This is due to the psychophysiological characteristics of human hearing, and in the struggle for the acoustic comfort of a home, this also has to be taken into account.

What designs of internal partitions with an airborne noise insulation index of at least 50 dB can be proposed? First of all, these are lightweight frame partitions covered with plasterboard (GKL) or gypsum fiber (GVL) sheets. From the point of view of sound insulation, the use of gypsum fiber sheets is preferable. Firstly, they have a higher (almost one and a half times) surface density. Secondly, due to the production technology, this material has higher internal losses, i.e. is less sonorous. However, due to more complex technology finishing finishing, the vast majority of builders, unfortunately, prefer the use of gypsum plasterboard.

To obtain high noise insulation, it is necessary to use two independent frames, on each of which external layers of sheathing are mounted. In addition, frame elements connected to side walls and ceilings must be insulated with elastic gaskets to prevent indirect sound transmission.

The overall soundproofing effect also depends on the choice of material for the middle layer. The main criterion for choosing such a material is the value of its dimensionless coefficient NRC (NRC is the frequency-averaged sound absorption coefficient), the values ​​of which can range from 0 to 1. The closer the NRC value is to unity, the higher the sound absorption capacity of the material. To obtain maximum effect, it is recommended to choose materials with an NRC of at least 0.8. For example, a special sound-absorbing material - the Schumanet-BM mineral plate - has a value of NRC = 0.9. The thickness of the absorbing layer must be at least 50% of the internal space of the partition and be no thinner than 100 mm (naturally, with a frame thickness of 50-75 mm, only one layer of sound absorber 50 mm thick can be used).

The airborne noise insulation index of a frame-sheathing partition made of two 12 mm gypsum fiber board sheets on each of two independent frames 50 mm thick with an air gap between the frames of 10 mm is about Rw = 53 dB. In this case, the internal space is filled with sound-absorbing wool 100 mm thick and the total thickness of the structure is 160 mm.

Brick partitions made of solid red brick, plastered on both sides, have the following noise insulation index values:

  • half-brick wall (thickness with plaster 150 mm) - Rw = 47 dB;
  • wall with one brick (thickness with plaster 280 mm) - Rw = 54 dB;
  • wall with two bricks (thickness with plaster 530 mm) - Rw = 60 dB.

Thus, to isolate “household” noise, it is more preferable to use a lightweight gypsum fiber board partition 160 mm thick, which has a noise insulation level comparable in magnitude to that of a more massive wall one brick thick (280 mm).

Reasons for reducing the noise insulation characteristics of partitions

There is probably not a single article devoted to the problem of sound insulation of light partitions that talks about the importance of installing elastic gaskets at the junction of frame guide profiles with walls and ceilings. However, in practice it is extremely rare to find builders who would conscientiously carry out such activities. As a rule, the need to install such gaskets is realized after installation and treatment of all surfaces, when it is not possible to change anything.

In addition to deteriorating sound insulation of partitions, the absence of elastic gaskets along the fastening contour leads to increased transmission of indirect noise from other rooms and floors. Even if there are no complaints about sound insulation in relation to the neighboring room, such a partition can present an unpleasant surprise, re-emitting noise, for example, from neighbors above or below.

It is also appropriate to mention here the transmission of indirect noise by single-layer structures. The undisputed leader among partitions with poor sound insulation is a wall made of gypsum blocks with a standard thickness of 80 mm. Not only does its airborne noise insulation index not exceed Rw = 40 dB, which is not enough even according to current standards (Rwnorm = 43 dB); but, among other things, a structure made of this material is an excellent conductor and emitter of structural noise. As an example, we can cite a situation where in one of the rooms of the apartment, from the side of the wall made of plaster blocks, the sound of a neighbor's piano was heard. There was a complete impression that the musician lived in an apartment nearby. Imagine the surprise of those present when it turned out that the piano was located in the neighbors below!

The sound insulation properties of seven-slit and multi-hollow red brick are not highly rated. This is the same case when internal voids make a much more modest contribution to the increase in sound insulation than a decrease in sound insulation due to a decrease in the surface density of such a wall. In addition, partitions made of seven-slit bricks conduct and emit sound perfectly. To reduce transmission and radiation structural noise For a wall made of this material, it is recommended to fill the internal cavities of the bricks with sand.

The need to fill the internal space with a sound absorber when installing lightweight partitions and cladding from gypsum plasterboard is, unfortunately, not an obvious fact for some builders. Since the problem of thermal insulation, as a rule, does not arise for internal partitions, very often the only “sound absorber” inside the partition is air. In this case, a significant reduction in the noise insulation of the structure (at its own resonant frequencies) is possible when the partition becomes like a drum. Therefore, filling the internal space with sound-absorbing material is extremely important, and it should be a material with the highest possible sound absorption coefficient (preferably at least NRC = 0.8).

One of the typical reasons for reduced sound insulation of partitions of all types are banal cracks and holes in structures. The presence of a small through crack in the corner of the inter-apartment wall is quite enough to hear the neighbors talking without straining your ears. In order to stop distinguishing words, you just need to seal such a gap well with a solution.

At the same time, I would like to dispel the myth about the good soundproofing properties of polyurethane foam. Due to the convenience of its use, there is a temptation to “foam” an unnecessary hole or formed gap. However, the soundproofing properties of polyurethane foam are very weak, despite its porosity (or rather due to the latter). Therefore, a hole or gap sealed in this way continues to successfully emit sound, albeit with minor losses. To eliminate cracks and holes, it is recommended to use acrylic or silicone sealants, especially since the latter have good elasticity - important feature material for sealing all kinds of cracks.

It should be borne in mind that two layers of sheathing material provide greater tightness of the frame-sheathing partition than one layer of double thickness. Wherein GVL sheets or gypsum boards are mounted so that the seams of the first and second layers do not coincide (overlap).

Increasing sound insulation of existing partitions

In the case of insufficient sound insulation of a frame-sheathing partition made of gypsum plasterboard, first of all, it is necessary to consider the above “typical” reasons and eliminate them. If this is impossible to do for some reason, the only correct solution is to install an additional frame cladding or the use of ready-made additional sound insulation panels ZIPS.

In order to increase the sound insulation of a light partition by DRw = 10 dB, it is necessary to install an additional frame partition parallel to it. Gypsum fiber sheets 12 mm thick are mounted in two layers on the side of the protected room on a frame made of U-shaped metal profiles 100 mm wide. The internal space is filled with two layers of sound-absorbing wool Shumanet-BM, each 50 mm thick. In this case, the guide profile is mounted only to the floor, ceiling and side walls through the elastic Vibrosil gasket with a distance of about 10 mm from the existing wall to avoid contact of frame elements (rack profiles) with it. The total thickness of the additional soundproofing structure is approximately 135 mm.

The same ΔRw = 10 dB can be obtained by installing 50 mm thick ZIPS additional sound insulation panels on the protected wall. The ZIPS panel is a ready-to-use sandwich panel (multilayer construction), where noise-insulating (gypsum fiber board sheets) and sound-absorbing (ultra-thin fiberglass) layers alternate. The thickness of the soundproofing panel and the number of layers can vary depending on the requirements of a specific acoustic task (from 40 to 130 mm). The only condition for the applicability of ZIPS panels in this case is the sufficient load-bearing capacity of the original partition.

One of the main advantages of ZIPS panels is the elimination of indirect sound transmission paths to the panel, and thereby increasing its additional sound insulation. It is extremely rare that situations arise when only one wall common to two rooms emits noise. As a rule, along with it, noise is also re-emitted by all side walls, floor and ceiling coverings. Of course, the sound intensity on them may be somewhat less, however, it is to them that the guide profiles of the additional frame partition made of gypsum fiber board are mounted (even if through an elastic gasket). ZIPS panels do not have rigid connections along the contour, so they are effective not only in relation to noise passing through the wall on which they are fixed, but also noise transmitted from side walls and ceilings.

If it is necessary to increase the sound insulation of a single-layer partition (brick wall, etc.), ZIPS panels are also one of the most effective means additional insulation. Combination of a massive single-layer wall and a lightweight multilayer cladding also allows you to solve the problem of noise insulation from sound sources with powerful low-frequency components. In this case Brick wall determines the level of noise insulation at low frequencies, where only the mass of the obstacle is decisive, and at medium and high frequencies the ZIPS additional insulation panel comes into play.

All of the above is also true for additional frame cladding, but its effectiveness, other things being equal, turns out to be significantly lower due to the listed disadvantages.

The main feature of acoustic materials is high porosity (up to 98%). Their structure can be cellular, granular, fibrous, lamellar or mixed. The pore size varies widely and usually does not exceed 3-5 mm. Porosity can be adjusted within certain limits by changing the influence of technological factors during production, thereby making it possible to obtain materials with specified properties: average density and thermal conductivity coefficient.

High porosity is obtained by the following methods: gas formation, high water mixing, mechanical dispersion, creation of a fibrous frame, swelling of mineral and organic raw materials, burn-out additives and chemical processing.

The classification of acoustic materials is based on the principle of the functional purpose of these materials. According to this principle they are divided into:

- sound-absorbing , intended for use in the structures of sound-absorbing cladding of internal premises and for individual sound absorbers to reduce sound pressure in industrial and public buildings;

- soundproofing , used as gaskets (interlayers) in multi-layer enclosing structures to improve the insulation of fences from impact and airborne sounds;

- vibration-absorbing , designed to attenuate bending vibrations propagating through rigid structures (mostly thin) to reduce the sound emitted by them.

Sound-absorbing materials, in accordance with the current standard, are classified according to the following main characteristics: efficiency, shape, rigidity (relative compression value), structure and flammability.

Based on their shape, sound-absorbing materials and products are divided into:

For piece pieces (blocks, slabs);

Rolled (mats, strip pads, canvases);

Loose and free-flowing (mineral and glass wool, expanded clay, expanded perlite and other porous granular materials).

By hardness These materials and products are divided into soft, semi-rigid, hard and hard.

Based on their structural characteristics, sound-absorbing materials and products are divided into: into porous-fiber, porous-cellular (from cellular concrete and perlite) and porous-sponge (foam, rubber).

In terms of flammability, like all building materials, acoustic materials and products are divided into three groups: fireproof, non-combustible and combustible.

Comparing the classification characteristics of sound-absorbing and heat-insulating materials and products, one can see their commonality, which once again emphasizes the identity of the tasks in the production of these materials. However, it should be noted that in order to impart high levels of functional properties to the materials and products under consideration, it is necessary to use various technological techniques that make it possible to form the porous structure necessary for a particular case.

Based on their effectiveness, sound-absorbing materials and products are divided into three classes:

1st class - over 0.8;

2nd class - from 0.8 to 0.4;

3rd grade - from 0.4 to 0.2.

Soundproofing materials are divided into piece (tape, strip and piece gaskets, mats, slabs) and bulk (expanded clay, blast furnace slag, sand).

According to their structure, soundproofing products (materials) are divided into:

Porous-fiber made from mineral and glass wool in the form of soft, semi-rigid and rigid cushioning products with an average density of 75 to 175 kg/m 3 and a dynamic modulus of elasticity of no more than E (w) = 0.5 MPa at a load of 0.002 MPa;

Porous-sponge, made from foam plastics and porous rubber and characterized by E (w) from 1.0 to 5.0 MPa.

The dynamic modulus of elasticity of granular backfills should not exceed E (w) = 15 MPa.

Dynamic modulus of elasticity E (w). Modulus determined by the ratio of stress to that part of the deformation that is in phase with the stress. Matches expression

E (w) = E n - (E n - E r)/(1 + (w t2),

Thus, sound-absorbing and sound-proofing materials must have an increased ability to absorb and dissipate sound waves.

In addition, sound-absorbing and sound-proofing materials and products must have stable physical, mechanical and acoustic properties throughout the entire period of operation, be bio- and moisture-resistant, and not emit harmful substances into the environment.

Sound-absorbing products, as a rule, must have high decorative properties, since they are simultaneously used for finishing the internal surfaces of building fences.

Soundproofing cushioning materials and products with a porous-fibrous structure made from various types of soft, semi-rigid and hard wool with E not more than 0.5 MPa or 5 10 5 N/m 2 have a load on the soundproofing layer of 0.002 MPa (2 10 3 N/m 2).

Soundproofing materials are used:

In floors - in the form of solid loaded or unloaded (carrying only their own weight) gaskets, piece loaded and strip loaded gaskets;

In partitions and walls - in the form of a continuous unloaded gasket at the joints of structures.

Vibration-absorbing materials. Vibration-absorbing materials are designed to absorb vibration and noise caused by the operation of engineering and sanitary equipment.

Vibration-absorbing materials include some types of rubber and mastic, foil insulation, and sheet plastics. Vibration-absorbing materials are applied to thin metal surfaces to create an effective vibration-absorbing structure with high frictional energy.

To eliminate the transmission of impact sound, “floating” floor designs are used.

Elastic pads are placed between the load-bearing floor slab and the finished floor. It is also necessary to use elastic gaskets to separate the floor structure from the walls along the perimeter of the room. The types and properties of some soundproofing gaskets are presented in table. 3.

Effective soundproofing materials are semi-rigid mineral wool and glass wool boards and mats with a synthetic binder, as well as pierced glass wool mats, fibreboards, porous rubber, polyvinyl chloride and polyurethane foams. They produce tape and strip gaskets with a length of 1000 to 3000 mm and a width of 100, 150, 200 mm, piece gaskets with a length and width of 100, 150, 200 mm. Products made from fibrous materials are used only in a shell made of waterproof paper, film, or foil.

Acoustic panels . Structurally, acoustic panels are constructed in the same way as conventional wall panels, except that one of the panel covers is perforated.

Fig. 12.1 Acoustic sandwich panel

Perforation of metal facings in acoustic sandwich panels increases the sound-absorbing properties of the panels, and also gives the panels an additional decorative effect. The percentage of perforation and the diameter of the holes in the perforated sheets comply with the requirements of GOST 23499-79 “Sound-absorbing and sound-insulating construction materials and products. Classification and general technical requirements."

Perforation percentage, no less than 20; hole diameter, mm. - 4.

Application of acoustic sandwich panels:

For the construction of enclosing structures, ceilings, internal walls and partitions in industrial buildings and structures where protection from the influence of industrial noise is required;

For the construction of soundproofing screens (including mobile ones) in residential areas in order to reduce noise pollution of the environment;

For the construction of noise barriers on highways and railways within city limits, near populated areas and protected areas;

Noise protection from diesel generators, sound insulation of chiller units, sound insulation of transformer substations.

Soundproofing and noise insulation common wall . Street noise can pass through the common wall of adjacent houses, the sound insulation of the common wall can be improved, but the effectiveness will depend on the design of the wall, the presence of a fireplace and the electrical equipment located on it.

Photo. 12.1 Mineral wool and plasterboards

The second method of soundproofing a shared wall involves lining with acoustic mineral wool and lining with double plasterboard on metal strips.

With this method, the sound does not pass directly, but is scattered.

Initially, the lathing is installed, for which 50x50 mm laths are attached vertically to the wall, with a distance between them of slightly less than 600 mm, so that roll sound insulation made of mineral wool 50 mm thick. fit tightly to the laths and to the wall.

Next, at a distance of 100 mm from the floor, elastic strips are attached across the lathing in a horizontal position across the lathing, the distance between the planks is from 400 to 600 mm, the last plank is attached at a distance of 50 mm from the ceiling.

The wall is lined with 19 mm thick acoustic plasterboard; 32 mm long screws are used to attach the panels to the planks; they must pass through the plank, but not touch the wall or battens.

It is necessary to leave a gap around the perimeter of the room from 3 to 5 mm. A second layer 12.5 mm thick is attached on top of the first layer of plasterboard; the joints should be shifted in relation to the first layer.

Using sound-absorbing sealant, the gaps are sealed and the baseboard is installed.

Photo. 12.2 General form sound and noise insulation of brick walls

Choice sound-absorbing material. Tools that allow you to effectively regulate the acoustics of a room are decorative and finishing sound-absorbing materials and structures. Wherein soundproofing materials must perform two main functions - to prevent the sound wave from vibrating an obstacle (for example, an interior partition), and also, if possible, to absorb and dissipate the sound wave. In principle, all of the listed materials are recommended for use as soundproofing of office premises. But I would like to dwell on some nuances. Until recently, cork was widely used as a sound insulator. However, according to experts, in fact, cork is only effective against so-called “impact noise” (arising as a result of mechanical impact on elements of building structures), and does not have universal soundproofing characteristics. The same applies to various synthetic foam materials. They are quite attractive from the point of view of ease of use, but for the most part do not meet modern requirements for sound insulation of public buildings, and in addition, they often do not meet fire safety requirements. Therefore, at present, universal soundproofing materials based on natural raw materials, for example, products based on stone wool, are coming to the fore. Their excellent soundproofing properties are determined by their specific structure - chaotically directed thin fibers, when rubbing against each other, convert the energy of sound vibrations into heat. The use of such insulation significantly reduces the risk of vertical sound waves occurring between wall surfaces, reducing reverberation time, and thereby reducing the sound level in adjacent rooms.

Fig. 12.2. Thermal and sound insulation of entrance doors

WITH specifically to ensure acoustic comfort in own home, in public places, in the workplace, ROCKWOOL has developed a new product - sound-absorbing stone wool slabs ACOUSTIC BUTTS.

In the form of slabs of various thicknesses, they are used for soundproofing rooms of all types. Among them there are universal materials for increasing the sound insulation of walls, floors and ceilings. For example, ROCKWOOL ACOUSTIC BUTTS with a density of 40 kg/m 3; designs using which provide a sound insulation index of up to 60 dB.

Rice. 12.3. ACOUSTIC BUTTS slabs

1. Plasterboard sheet; 2. Ceiling profile; 3. Guide profile; 4. Straight suspension; 5. Sealing tape; 6. Dowel; 7. Self-tapping screw; 8. Self-tapping screw; 9. Acoustic Butts

Plasterboards placed between the rack profiles of the frame of plasterboard walls significantly increase the sound insulation index of interior partitions in an office or apartment.

They are also used when creating a floor on reinforced concrete or beam floors. To soundproof the ceiling, the material can be mounted directly on the ceiling under the surface of suspended or suspended ceilings.

Flame retardancy of stone fiber material able to withstand temperatures above 1000 °C without melting. While the binder evaporates at 250°C, the fibers remain intact and bonded together, maintaining their strength and providing fire protection. ROCKWOOL products are non-flammable (class fire danger KMO). This property allows them to prevent the spread of flames during fires, as well as delay the process of destruction of load-bearing structures of buildings for a certain time.

D additional insulation from airborne noise of interfloor ceilings on a reinforced concrete slab.

Resistant to deformation. This is, first of all, the absence of shrinkage throughout the entire life of the material. If the material is not able to maintain the required thickness under mechanical stress, its insulating properties are lost. Some of the fibers of our material are located vertically, as a result of which the overall structure does not have a specific direction, which ensures high rigidity of the thermal insulation material.

Fig. 12.4. Acoustic plates

laid between the joists on the slab


Soundproofing. Thanks to its structure - an open porous structure - stone wool has excellent acoustic properties: it improves the airborne sound insulation of the room, the sound-absorbing properties of the structure, reduces the reverberation time, and thereby reduces the sound level of noise in neighboring rooms.

Water repellency and vapor permeability . Stone wool has excellent water-repellent properties, which, together with excellent vapor permeability, allows you to easily and effectively remove vapors from rooms and structures to the street. These properties allow you to create a favorable indoor climate, as well as the entire structure as a whole and thermal insulation in particular to work in a dry state. After all, as you know, moisture conducts heat well. Getting into the thermal insulation material, it fills the air pores. In this case, the heat-shielding properties of the wet material deteriorate noticeably. And moisture that gets on the surface of the material does not penetrate into its thickness, due to which it remains dry and retains its high heat-shielding properties.

P suspended, acoustic ceilings.

1. plasterboard sheet

2. ceiling profile

4. Acoustic plates

Acoustic slabs are installed in the space between the suspended ceiling and the floor slab. The slabs are laid behind a suspended ceiling, or mounted to floor slabs using fastening dowels.

Rice. 12.5. Acoustic plates

mounted above suspended


Plates "Akminit" and "Akmigran" - acoustic materials made on the basis of granulated mineral wool and starch binder compositions with additives. The slabs are produced in sizes 300x300x20 mm, density 350... 400 kg/m 3 and bending strength 0.7... 1.0 MPa, with a high sound absorption coefficient - up to 0.8. These slabs are intended for sound-absorbing finishing of ceilings and upper parts of walls of premises, public and administrative buildings, operated with a relative air humidity of no more than 70%. The front surface of the slabs has a texture in the form of directed cracks (cavities), similar to the texture of the surface of weathered limestone. The slabs are fastened to the ceiling using metal profiles; they can also be glued with special mastics directly to a hard surface.

The unique texture and wide range of colors add variety to the interiors of premises with the massive use of decorative acoustic slabs “Silakpor” and gas silicate slabs.

Silakpor slabs made from lightweight aerated concrete of a special structure with a density of 300...350 kg/m 3. The front surface of the slabs can have longitudinal slotted perforations, which gives it not only a better appearance, but also an increased ability to absorb noise. The sound absorption coefficient of Silakpor slabs in the frequency range from 200 to 4000 Hz is 0.3 - 0.8.

Gas silicate slabs have good operational, architectural and construction properties and represent a special group of sound-absorbing materials, including those with a macroporous structure. Gas silicate is used to make slabs with dimensions of 750x350x25 mm, density 500...600 kg/m 3 and compressive strength 1.5...2.0 MPa, sound absorption coefficient in the frequency range from 500 to 4000 Hz for microporous slabs 0.2 ...0.3, and for macroporous ones 0.6...0.9. The technological process for producing boards consists of mixing raw materials - lime, sand and dye; pouring the prepared solution into molds and autoclave treatment, after which the products are milled and calibrated. Acoustic perforated slabs made of dry plaster and gypsum perforated slabs with a mineral wool sound absorber have good appearance, sufficient fire resistance and high sound-absorbing properties. They are widely used for interior decoration of walls and ceilings in cultural, domestic and public buildings.

All noise can be classified into three categories: airborne, impact and structural. The most common type, of course, is airborne noise - this includes the sounds of passing vehicles, the hum of equipment, and the sounds made by animals and people.
The ability of a material to protect from noise will tell you the index of sound insulation – Rw.

Impact noise, as the name implies, occurs when shocks occur, for example, when hammering nails or moving furniture. Finally, structural noise is the sounds of nature that penetrate the structural elements of a home.
The key characteristics of soundproofing material are sound insulation and sound absorption. It should reflect or absorb sound, preventing it from entering the room.

From the point of view of acoustic engineers, there is no soundproofing materials– only special designs in which the structure is extremely important. Often, builders use multilayer systems in which sheets of dense plasterboard alternate with layers of porous materials, such as mineral wool. But, unfortunately, they reduce living space and are quite expensive.

The secret of effective sound-proofing – a combination of special design and material.

Review of popular soundproofing materials

Modern technologies make it possible to use simpler and more cost-effective materials that provide insulation from external and internal noise. Thus, ZIPS sandwich panels have proven themselves well on the market. They are a combination of dense gypsum fiber and soft glass wool layers. Their thickness varies from 40 to 130 mm, and Rw is 10 dB.

A thinner material is ISOPLAAT heat and sound insulating boards. Their thickness does not exceed 25 mm, and their sound insulation index is twice as high as that of ZIPS - 23 dB. In addition, ISOPLAAT is made from environmentally friendly fibers coniferous trees. The boards are mounted using glue and “breathe” well.

The thinnest panels are EcoZvukoIzol and Kraft - 12 mm and 13 mm, respectively. The first ones are made of a seven-layer cardboard profile with the addition of quartz sand, the second ones are made of wood fiber boards. Both are easily attached with ordinary glue. The sound insulation index of both is approximately 23 dB.

Finally, it is worth warning about the most common misconceptions. There is an opinion that materials such as cork, PPE, polyurethane foam do a good job of soundproofing and at the same time, due to their small thickness, help save square meters. In fact, this is not entirely true - they only absorb impact noise, but do not insulate at all from airborne noise.

Modern soundproofing materials

Room acoustics: sound insulation and sound absorption

Our house is full of sounds. This includes the murmuring of water pouring from a tap, the hissing of a frying pan on the stove, the creaking of doors, the shuffling of slippers, and the polyphony of working household appliances (refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, music center, TV, air conditioning systems and forced ventilation), and much more. Sounds from the street and neighbors add their own note to the general chorus. All this together forms the so-called household noise. When talking about it, we mean not individual sounds, each of which is characterized by its own amplitude and frequency, but their entire spectrum in the range of frequencies perceived by our ear.

The concept of “room acoustics” is firmly rooted in the terminology of architectural and design projects. In practice, it involves solving two interrelated problems: protecting the room from sounds from the outside and ensuring high-quality distribution of useful sounds inside it. Both involve reducing the energy of sound waves, but the first - when they pass through an obstacle (this is called sound insulation), and the second - when reflected from an obstacle (sound absorption).

Until now, housing acoustics in Russia have not been sufficiently addressed. Firstly, for reasons of economy (according to specialists from the design company "SVENSONS", this reduced the cost of construction by more than 30%). Secondly, due to the lack of control over compliance with regulatory characteristics for residential acoustics. A practical step towards eliminating these causes can be considered the Moscow City Guidelines published in 1997. building codes 2.04-97 "Permissible levels of noise, vibration and requirements for sound insulation in residential and public buildings", adopted for use in the capital.

Manufacturers of acoustic materials are intensively expanding their product range. Through the efforts of such companies as the French SAINT-GOBAIN (ECOPHON factories in Sweden and ISOVER in Finland), the Danish ROCKWOOL, the Finnish PAROC, the Dutch THERMAFLEX, the American DOW CHEMICAL Co., the Italian IDEX, the Portuguese IPOCORC, as well as acoustic manufacturers suspended ceilings- American ARMSTRONG, USG, German AMF, domestic "ACOUSTIC MATERIALS", "SILICA", "EST", joint Russian-German TIGI-KNAUF, "FLIDERER-CHUDOVO" and a number of others - our market is gradually filling up building materials this direction.

Airborne and structural noise

There are two types of noise based on the nature of its propagation in a room: airborne noise and structural noise. In the first case, vibrations created, for example, by the speakers of a running TV, cause sound waves in the form of air vibrations. Outdoors this type of noise predominates. The first 16 rows of our table show the most common sources in everyday life, the noise from which exceeds the standard level (40 dBA during the day, 30 dBA at night - according to SNiP II-12-77).

The source of noise can also be a mechanical action, such as moving furniture across the floor or hammering a nail into a wall. This type of noise is called structural noise. It "works" according to following diagram: vibration of the floor from our steps is transmitted to the wall, and its vibrations are heard in the next room. The most unpleasant structural noise is impact. It usually spreads over long distances from its source. For example, a knock on a central heating pipe on one floor is heard on all the others and is perceived by residents as if its source was very close. The last 4 rows of the table contain the characteristics of sources of just such noise.

Some household appliances are sources of both types of noise. For example, a forced ventilation system. Airborne noise enters the room through air ducts, and structural noise occurs as a result of vibration of the walls of the fan protective casing and the air ducts themselves.

Household noise sources

Noise Source

Noise level, dBA

Music Center


Conversation (calm)

baby crying

Piano playing

Vacuum cleaner operation

Washing machine operation

Refrigerator operation

Electric polisher operation

Electric razor operation

Forced ventilation operation

Air conditioner operation

Water flowing from a tap


Filling the bath


Filling the tank in the bathroom


Cooking on the Stove


Elevator movements


The sound of the elevator door closing


The sound of a garbage chute closing


Knocking on the central heating pipe


Sound and noise

In conversations, two words with similar meanings are often used: “sound” and “noise.” Sound is a physical phenomenon caused by oscillatory movement particles of the environment. Sound vibrations have a certain amplitude and frequency. Thus, a person is able to hear sounds that differ in amplitude tens of millions of times. The frequencies perceived by our ear range from 16 to 20,000 Hz. The energy of sound is characterized by intensity (W/m 2) or sound pressure (Pa). Nature has endowed us with the ability to hear both the rumble of thunder and the slightest rustle of leaves. To evaluate such different sounds, the sound intensity level indicator L and special units of measurement are adopted - decibels (dB). By the way, the human hearing threshold corresponds to a sound pressure of 2 * 10 -5 Pa or 0 dB. As for noise, it is a chaotic, discordant mixture of sounds that has a negative effect on the nervous system.

The sensitivity of the human ear to very low and very high frequencies is worse than to the frequencies of the speech range (500-4000 Hz). When taking measurements, it is necessary to take this feature of hearing into account. The sound level meter uses a special “A” scale with units of measurement “decibels A” (dBA). In the speech range they almost coincide with ordinary decibels.

The physiological characteristic of sound is its volume. A decrease in sound intensity level L by 10 dB is subjectively felt as a decrease in volume by 2 times, and by 5 dB as a decrease in volume by a third. The human body reacts differently to noise different levels and frequency composition. In the range of 35-60 dBA, the reaction is individual (of the “interferes - does not interfere” type). Noise levels of 70-90 dBA with prolonged exposure lead to diseases of the nervous system, and with L more than 100 dBA - to a decrease in hearing acuity of varying severity, up to the development of complete deafness.

Noise isolation methods

There are two ways to rid your hearing of unwanted sounds: by reducing the noise level of the source or by placing a barrier in the path of acoustic waves. When choosing household appliances, it is advisable to focus on those whose own noise during operation does not exceed 40 dBA.

The level of noise coming from outside is limited already at the construction stage. This is achieved by complying with regulatory requirements for sound insulation of residential premises. “Noisy” areas (kitchen, bathroom, toilet) are combined into separate blocks bordering staircases or similar blocks neighboring apartments. If the main sources of noise are located outside the home, and the desired silence is still not there, special attention should be paid to additional sound insulation of structures enclosing the premises on the sides, top and bottom. These most often include:

    dividing walls and partitions;

    floors and ceilings, including their joints with walls and partitions;

    window blocks, interior and balcony doors;

    as well as equipment and utilities built into walls and ceilings that contribute to the spread of noise.

The sound insulation ability of enclosing structures used in construction is assessed by the average values ​​of the sound insulation indices Rw and Lnw. For houses of category "A" (the highest) they should be 54 and 55 dB, respectively, for houses of category "B" - 52 and 58 dB and, finally, for houses of category "B" - 50 and 60 dB.

Side airborne noise protection

Any room is limited by walls, which represent barriers to sound waves. These structures come in two types: single-layer, often monolithic (brick, reinforced concrete, stone and others), and multi-layer, consisting of sheets of different materials. You can increase the sound insulation of fences in the following ways:

    make sure that the sound wave cannot cause the barrier to vibrate, thereby transmitting sound inside the room;

    achieve absorption and dissipation of sound wave energy inside the enclosing structure.

The first path requires that the obstacle be either massive (heavy) or rigid. The second is implemented using multilayer structures made of porous and fibrous materials. The heavier and thicker the monolith and the higher the sound frequency, the less the wall vibrates, and, therefore, its soundproofing ability is better. However, the relationship between these parameters is not direct. So, concrete wall a fairly common thickness of 140 mm provides sound insulation of only 39 dB at a frequency of 300 Hz, and about 60 dB at a frequency of 1600 Hz. Increasing the value of the R w index by increasing the mass of the structure is not as effective as it seems. If a plastered wall of half a brick (150 mm thick) will give sound insulation of 47 dB, then a plastered wall with a brick thickness will only give 53-54 dB. In other words, doubling the mass will improve sound insulation by only 6-7 dB.

The multilayer structure consists of sheets of different materials, between which there may be an air cavity. In such a structure, vibrations decay faster than in a homogeneous material. The sound insulation properties of a “layered” partition of relatively low density are comparable to the properties of a monolithic wall. Thus, a partition 150 mm thick with a 40 mm layer of mineral wool filler and an air cavity of 100 mm, sheathed on the outside with double plasterboard sheets each 12.5 mm thick will provide sound insulation R w = 52 dB. This is quite enough to protect against noise created by common sources in everyday life.


    Acoustics (in the practical sense of the word) - the study of sound waves in the frequency range perceived by the human ear (from 16 Hz to 20 kHz). In relation to a room, a distinction is made between architectural acoustics, the subject of which is the propagation of useful sound waves in a room, and building acoustics, which deals with isolating the room from the penetration of sounds from the outside.

    Soundproofing - reduction in sound pressure level when a wave passes through an obstacle. The effectiveness of the enclosing structure is assessed by the airborne noise insulation index R w (averaged in the range of the most typical frequencies for housing - from 100 to 3000 Hz), and of the floors by the index of reduced impact noise under the floor L nw. The larger Rw and the smaller Lnw, the better the sound insulation. Both quantities are measured in dB.

    Sound absorption - reduction in the energy of the reflected sound wave when interacting with an obstacle, for example with a wall, partition, floor, ceiling. It is carried out by dissipating energy, converting it into heat, and exciting vibrations. Sound absorption is assessed by the average in the frequency range 250-4000 Hz and is designated using the sound absorption coefficient a w. This coefficient can take a value from 0 to 1 (the closer to 1, the correspondingly higher the sound absorption).

    Acoustic materials - construction products (most often in the form of sheets, slabs, mats or panels) designed to change the nature of the propagation of sound waves in a room. Promote comfortable reproduction of sounds in accordance with the characteristics of human hearing. They are divided into sound-absorbing and sound-insulating, and the latter can be intended for insulation from either airborne or structural noise.

Sound-absorbing materials

The most commonly used fillers are fiberglass slabs from ISOVER and PFLEIDERER, mineral wool ROCKWOOL and PAROC, as well as acoustic materials with a layered or cellular structure from other companies. By themselves, these products do not save the room from noise penetration, but when included in the partition, they can improve its soundproofing ability. The higher the sound absorption coefficient aw of the material used, the better the insulating properties.

The material can be either natural - mineral origin ( basalt wool, kaolin wool, expanded perlite, foam glass, fireclay) or vegetable (cellulose wool, reed board, peat insulation board, flax tow mat, cork sheet), or synthetic gas-filled plastic (polyester foam, polyurethane foam, polyethylene foam, polypropylene foam, etc.). Most durable mineral wool from rocks(most often basalt). Among its additional advantages, PAROC EXPORT managers name hydrophobicity, fire resistance, vapor permeability and environmental safety. But fiberglass, according to specialists from the company SAN-GOBIN IZOVER, makes it possible to produce much lighter slabs than from mineral wool. Mold and pests do not grow in such materials. A feature of expanded polystyrene is its low vapor permeability (40-70 times less than that of mineral wool). As a result, the movement of steam outward is complicated, and when the humidity of the room is high, forced air conditioning is required (to prevent the walls from becoming damp).

One example of multilayer structures mounted on an existing wall for additional sound insulation is fairly lightweight ZIPS panels measuring 500 x 1500 mm. In some cases, with their help it is possible to increase the R w index of the interior partition by 8-13 dB. Each panel consists of alternating layers of dense gypsum fiber and soft mineral fiber (fiberglass) sheets of varying thickness. The total thickness of the structure is 70-130 mm. Specialists from the company "ACOUSTIC MATERIALS" claim that after installing ZIPS-Super panels on a single-brick wall, the roar of a neighbor's disco, previously comparable in noise level to constantly slamming elevator doors, will decrease to 40 dBA permissible for residential use during the daytime.

It is best to entrust the selection of sound-absorbing materials, calculation of the number and thickness of sheets, as well as the size of the air cavity to a specialist. Only in this case will the efficiency of soundproofing the premises be maximum for the money invested.

Sound-absorbing materials for multi-layer sound-insulating structures



Length, width, thickness, mm

Density, kg/m 3

Coefficient aw

Price 1 m 2, $

ISOVER (Finland)

Plate KL-E (fiberglass)

1220 x 560 x 50 (100)


From 1


Plate P-15-P-80 (fiberglass)

1250 x 565 x 50



From 1.2

ROCKWOOL (Denmark)

Rollbatts mat (mineral wool)

4000 x 960 x 50


PAROC (Finland)

IL board (mineral wool)

1320 x 565 x 50,
1170 x 610 x 50


Plate "Shumanet-BM" (mineral wool)

1000 x 600 x 50


"EKOVATA" (Russia)

Layer of sprayed cellulose wadding

Layer thickness 42-70*

From 1.5


Styrofoam sheet (expanded polystyrene)

1200 x 600 x 20-120

From 8.5

* - area is not limited.

Protection of the room from noise penetration from below and above

Sound insulation of the room from below and above is determined by the interfloor ceiling. However, to protect against structure-borne noise it would have to be made too thick and heavy. As an additional sound insulator, you can mount a suspended or false ceiling (“Ideas for your home” No. 5, 2001, article “Ceilings for the most practical”). But between the bottom slab and the floor covering (parquet, linoleum, laminate, carpet) an intermediate elastic substrate is usually laid. It will noticeably reduce the noise of your steps, for which, by the way, the neighbor below should be grateful to you.

Of course, in this case, not everything is clear. Thus, the index of additional sound insulation Rw of acoustic suspended ceilings does not exceed 8 dB, and even then without taking into account the influence of structural noise. Manufacturers instead of this indicator give the value of the sound insulation coefficient D ncw, which has a much higher value, but most often is not applicable to residential premises.

A soundproofing floor is much more effective. It can be mounted on joists or on an elastic (“floating”) base. Impact noise is reduced using a substrate made of various materials. For example, from a polymer-bitumen membrane Fonostop Duo (INDEX), technical cork up to 8 mm thick from IPOCORC or Regupol sheets made of rubber crumbs and polyurethane (REGUPEX). A concrete screed with a thickness of 30-50 mm is made on top, and a finishing layer is laid on it. flooring. Due to the low modulus of elasticity of the substrate material, the propagation of impact noise decreases sharply.

TIGI-KNAUF offers its soundproofing “pie”. Various combinations of its layers in combination with a polystyrene sheet 20-30 mm thick make it possible to change the L nw index by 20-30 dB for vibrations with a frequency of 150-3000 Hz. On average, a “floating” floor can reduce this index by 8-33 dB for the most common noise in everyday life with frequencies from 150 to 3000 Hz.

While escaping the noise, you may encounter many unexpected problems. For example, when laying linoleum with felt base directly to reinforced concrete slab With a thickness of 220 mm, sound insulation from below often even worsens by 1-3 dB. The culprits of the trouble are resonant phenomena. Professional acousticians take into account such pitfalls. In multi-storey buildings, cushioning material is always used to combat impact noise. Use it to protect joints load-bearing elements. Quite effective is, say, a roll of Supersil silica fiber with a thickness of 6 mm. According to NIISF, it allows reducing the L nw index by 27 dB. The fiber is universal because it also has good sound absorption. It is also convenient to use synthetic tape "Regupol" as a cushioning material.

When selecting all these products based on thickness, strength and durability, you need to be especially careful and careful. The fact is that elastic gaskets reduce the rigidity of the fence structure. To prevent your home from approaching the strength of a house of cards, it is still better to carry out additional measures to isolate impact noise with the help of an acoustician.

Soundproofing gasket materials



Length, width, thickness, mm

Density, kg/m 3

Index Lnw, dB

Price 1 m 2, $

"SILICA" (Russia)

Supersil mat (silica fiber)

30000 x 920 x 6-20

As the quality of housing improves, when the issue of the number of square meters has ceased to be the only determining factor, the problem of soundproofing residential premises is becoming increasingly relevant. However, due to the fact that this question is quite specific, i.e. in the theory of acoustics there are a lot of implicit features and “illogical” conclusions from the point of view of common sense; a large number of myths and misconceptions have arisen and become established in this area.

This leads to the fact that large quantity people have formed a stable stereotype about what materials, if necessary, can solve all the problems of insufficient sound insulation. However practical use Such materials will, at best, leave the situation without visible changes, at worst, it will lead to an increase in noise in the room. As a first example:

The myth about the soundproofing properties of cork

Almost everyone believes that cork is a good sound insulator. Statements of this kind can be found in many construction forums. And the “technology” of application is “developed” down to the smallest detail. If you can hear your neighbor behind the wall, you need to cover the wall you share with your neighbor with cork; if the noise is coming from the ceiling, then the ceiling. And the resulting acoustic effect is amazing... by its absence! But what's the matter? After all, the seller showed data from acoustic tests, where the effect of sound insulation was indicated, and not a small effect - about 20 dB! Is it really a scam?!

Not really. The numbers are true. But the fact is that such figures were obtained not for “sound insulation in general”, but only for the so-called impact noise insulation. In addition, the indicated values ​​​​are only valid when this cork covering is laid under a concrete screed or parquet board at the neighbor's upstairs. Then you really hear your neighbor’s steps 20 dB quieter compared to if your neighbor didn’t have this pad under his feet. But for music or the sound of a neighbor’s voice, as well as for all other cases of using cork covering in other options, these “sound insulation” figures, unfortunately, have nothing to do with it. The effect is not just barely noticeable, it is zero! Of course, cork is environmentally friendly and warm material, but it is not worth attributing all possible soundproofing properties to it.

All of the above also applies to polystyrene foam, polyethylene foam (PPE), polyurethane foam and other similar materials that have different brands starting with “foam-” and ending with “-fol”, “-fom” and “-lon”. Even with an increase in the thickness of these materials to 50 mm, their sound insulation properties (with the exception of impact noise insulation) leave much to be desired.

Another misconception, closely related to the first. Let's denote it as:

The myth of thin sound insulation

The basis for this misconception is the struggle to improve the acoustic comfort of the room along with the desire to preserve the original square meters. It is quite understandable to want to maintain the height of the ceiling and the area of ​​the room, and also for standard apartments with a small footage and a low ceiling. According to statistical observations, the vast majority of people are willing to sacrifice “for sound insulation” by increasing the thickness of the wall and ceiling by no more than 10 - 20 mm. In addition to this, there is a requirement to obtain a hard front surface ready for painting or wallpapering.

Here all the same materials come to the rescue: cork, PPE, polyurethane foam up to 10 mm thick. Thermal and sound insulation is added to them as a separate line. But in this case, these materials are covered with a layer of plasterboard, which acts as a rigid wall, ready for finishing.

Because acoustic properties corks and PPE for sound insulation of walls and ceilings were discussed above, let’s focus on thermal and sound insulation.

Thermosound insulation (TZI) is a rolled material, where it is used as a shell (like a duvet cover) polymer material"Lutrasil", and super-thin fiberglass fibers are used as padding (blanket). The thickness of this material ranges from 5-8 mm. I don’t presume to discuss the thermal insulation qualities of TZI, but as for sound insulation:

Firstly, TZI is not a sound-proofing material, but a sound-absorbing material. Thus, we cannot talk about its own sound insulation. We can only talk about sound insulation of a structure in which it is used as a filler.

Secondly, the sound insulation of such a design largely depends on the thickness of the sound-absorbing material located inside. The thickness of the TZI, at which this material will be effective in a soundproofing structure, must be at least 40 - 50 mm. And this is 5 - 7 layers. With a layer thickness of 8 mm, the acoustic effect of this material VERY SMALL. As, indeed, any other materials the same thickness. There's nothing you can do about it - the law of acoustics!

In quality indeed effective material For additional sound insulation of walls and ceilings, ZIPS panels can be recommended. For example, ZIPS-Vector panels with a structure thickness of 53 mm increase noise insulation by 9-11 dB, and the latest ZIPS-III-Ultra with the same thickness - by 11-13 dB. The panels are patented and currently have no analogues in the world.

Thus, with a total thickness of the additional sound insulation structure of 20 - 30 mm (including a layer of plasterboard), one should not expect any noticeable increase in sound insulation.

In addition to these, perhaps the most common misconceptions, there are others, less known, but no less significant. Therefore, in matters of ensuring the required noise insulation of premises, it is best to immediately contact specialists. Sometimes one glance is enough for an acoustics professional to immediately assess the ineffectiveness of the proposed measures or materials used. But the most unpleasant thing is to waste time, effort and money, and not feel the results of your work.