Fish diet. Fish for weight loss - a list of low-fat and healthy varieties Low-fat varieties

The first thing the attending physician prescribes for gastritis is, of course, diet. Fish lovers can relax, since this product cannot be excluded from the diet, because it contains healing ingredients in the form of complex carbohydrates and vegetable proteins.

Since this product is one of the main sources of protein in our body, it is very useful for such gastric inflammation as gastritis. In addition, fish is digested in just 1.5-2 hours, unlike beef, which requires 5 hours. It is absorbed by the body by 94-98%, while meat can only be absorbed by 85-89%. This is due to the fact that the protein of such a water product contains a small amount of connective tissue and fat, which allows it to be absorbed more easily and quickly. In addition, unlike meat, it has less calories. For example, 100 grams of beef contains more than 160 kilocalories, and river fish contains less than 90 kilocalories. In addition, you can find a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 in it, which indicates its usefulness.

Such an aquatic inhabitant in the treatment of the considered stomach disease, you need to choose correctly and it is important to know what type of it you can eat during the diet prescribed by your doctor. Of course, sea ​​creature(you need to choose cod, pollock, hake) is healthier than river fish (pike, pike perch), especially in this case, because sea fish is better absorbed by the stomach. However, no one can prohibit you from the second type considered.

In order not to harm the body during treatment, you need to know the main rules, according to which you cannot use canned food from the aquatic creature we are considering or fried it, since you can only get a bunch of spices, carcinogens and preservatives, instead of its useful components. Therefore, you should not get carried away with spices, but it is better to avoid them altogether if you have developed gastritis.

Next and probably the most important rule, you need to eat exclusively low-fat varieties and types of fish. It is recommended to cook it boiled, stewed, baked or steamed. It is imperative to exclude fatty, smoked and salty foods, as well as canned snack foods.

Fish recipes for gastritis

Let's consider three basic recipes for preparing this product for gastritis:

  1. Souffle. For this dish you will need 400 grams of cod, pollock or hake, 10 grams of butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 2 eggs, half a glass of milk, salt and herbs. After removing the skin and bones from a sea or river creature, you need to wash it, steam it and wait until it cools down. Then you need to grind all 400 grams through a fine meat grinder, add a little salt, add milk sauce, and mix everything. Note that for the sauce you will need: heat the flour, diluting it with milk until smooth. Egg yolks must be placed in the minced meat, then everything must be mixed thoroughly. Beat the egg whites and add to the minced meat. Grease the prepared pan with oil, place the minced meat in it, place in a pan with boiling water, and bring to readiness, covering everything with a lid.
  2. Fish in batter for gastritis. 300 grams of fish fillet, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. spoons of flour (wheat), vegetable oil, salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. The fillet should be cut into pieces, add a little salt and put in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. For now, you can prepare a batter, for which you need to combine egg yolks and milk, mix everything, then add the whites, mix again. Place fillet pieces, previously dipped in batter, onto a heated frying pan. Fry in vegetable oil until tender.
  3. Soup with eggs from hake, pike, pollock or mullet. The fillet pieces need to be boiled, then add onions and carrots to the broth. The raw egg must be poured into the boiling broth through a sieve and cooked for another two minutes. The dish is ready.

Nutrition for pancreatitis of the pancreas

A diet prescribed by a doctor for pancreatitis is important for a successful and effective cure for the disease, especially when it has a chronic form. Pancreatitis is a pathological inflammation of the pancreas tissue, the treatment of which is based on drug therapy and compliance with the rules therapeutic nutrition. What menu and nutrition is indicated for a person for pancreatitis of the pancreas, features and types of diet therapy.

  • 1 Features
  • 2 Duration
  • 3 Types of diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas
    • 3.2 First table
  • 4 What is not allowed?
  • 5 Nutrition and pancreatitis
    • 5.1 Acute pancreatitis
    • 5.2 Chronic
  • 6 Sample menu for 1 day
  • 7 Banana Dessert Recipes
  • 8 Importance of compliance
  • 9 The dangers of breaking your diet


When tests and research results show the development of pancreatitis, a person needs to radically reconsider his lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, improve nutrition and introduce the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Following a diet for pancreatitis is the main step towards getting rid of the disease and preventing exacerbations. The diet for pancreatitis consists of a full breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Eat meals in fractions, meals should be at least 5-6 times a day. Portion volumes are no more than 250 ml at a time, the food is gentle, crushed, and does not irritate the inflamed walls of the digestive organs.

The diet for diseases and inflammation of the pancreas should be largely vegetarian, balanced, with a normal content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Fatty, spicy and heavy foods cooked with large amounts of fat are prohibited. Proper nutrition for pancreatitis completely excludes food of animal origin. You can include light meat and vegetarian broths, puree soups, baked vegetables and fruits in your diet. When the disease worsens, nutrition during pancreatitis is excluded, that is, a person should completely give up food for a couple of days. At this time, you can drink vitamin infusions and rosehip decoctions.


The duration of the diet for such a disease should be prescribed by a doctor and depends on the patient’s health, age and other factors that affect the recovery process. Before starting medical treatment and prescribing nutritional therapy for pancreatitis, the doctor collects all information about the patient and sends it to laboratory test and instrumental diagnostics, and only then draws up a scheme and indicates the timing of therapy. The approximate duration of treatment is 9-12 months.

Types of diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas

The diet for such a disease should be prescribed by a doctor and depends on the patient’s health condition.

Diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas No. 5 according to Pevzner consists of complete refusal of food, which provokes increased secretion of hydrochloric acid and activation of the pancreas. Meals for inflammation of the pancreas should be fractional and separate. Breakfast for pancreatitis includes healthy carbohydrates, some protein food. This will help start the stomach without irritating or disrupting digestive functions. It is useful to diversify lunches with puree soup; for the second course, porridge and light meat with vegetables are allowed. Dinner should not be heavy, as this is harmful to digestion. You can’t stop eating this way every time after the symptoms disappear; doctors recommend following a diet menu for the rest of your life if you are ill, and sometimes you are allowed to deviate a little from the strict rules, but this should not be often and regularly. What foods are allowed on diet number 5?

  1. Steamed vegetables and fruits;
  2. Low-fat meats and fish, cook in the oven, steam or grill;
  3. Liquid porridge with the addition of milk or butter at the end of cooking, no more than 3-5 g;
  4. Dried fruits, marshmallows, Turkish delight, marshmallows, marmalade, jelly based on gelatin;
  5. Dried White bread or whole grain;
  6. Vegetarian soups without onions, cabbage and hot spices;
  7. Pasta with white sauce and vegetable side dish;
  8. Baked omelettes, cottage cheese and fruit casseroles;
  9. Fermented milk products, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream;
  10. A little honey or sour jam;
  11. Juices, compotes, jelly, green tea.

First table

Light food with minimal salt and room temperature, this is all provided by dietary table No. 1.

The first table for pancreatitis of the pancreas is based on compliance with strict rules of separate meals and cooking recipes. Depending on the severity and severity of inflammation of the organ, the patient is recommended pureed and unmashed ready-made meals. Take food at room temperature with a minimum amount of salt. It is forbidden to include in the menu soups and main courses based on cabbage and rich meat broth. Protein foods for pancreatitis should be combined with cereals and vegetable side dishes. What menu and list of allowed products does dietary table No. 1 provide for, we will consider below:

  1. broths and soups made with lean meat of weak consistency, slimy soup and milk soup with permitted cereals;
  2. croutons from white or whole grain bread, biscuits;
  3. lean meat and fish cooked in the oven or grill;
  4. light cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese, fermented baked milk, fresh kefir, milk;
  5. boiled eggs and steamed or baked omelet;
  6. vegetables: potatoes, cauliflower, cucumbers, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini;
  7. fruit jelly, compote made from fresh fruits or dried fruits, but not concentrated and slightly sweetened, green tea, herbal teas from chamomile, mint, lemon balm are allowed.

What's not allowed?

The diet for pancreatitis excludes foods and dishes that provoke increased secretion of gastric acid and pancreatic activity. If enzymes are produced in excess, they negatively affect the pancreas itself, beginning to digest it and disable it. In order to prevent the development of pathology, the patient should adhere to a diet in which the amount of pancreatic enzymes is reduced. Thanks to this menu, it will be possible to eliminate inflammation and improve the functioning of the organ. Therapeutic diet for pancreatitis, excludes the following foods from its list:

  • rich meat soups, broths and cold first courses;
  • fresh bread made from 1st grade flour, rich sweet products, fried flour dishes, fresh bakery;
  • meat with fat and fish, smoked dishes, pickles, meat dish fried in fat, kebabs;
  • high-fat milk, hard cheese, cream, full-fat sour cream;
  • pearl barley, corn and wheat porridge, as they irritate the walls of the stomach and provoke the secretion of hydrochloric acid;
  • fried eggs, omelettes with fat, spices and cheese;
  • vegetables that irritate the stomach: cabbage, radishes, raw onions, garlic, hot peppers, tomatoes, corn;
  • desserts: milk chocolate, sweets, cakes with cream fillings, ice cream, chocolate creams and mousses;
  • black coffee and tea, sweet soda, sour juices, canned compotes, cocoa.

Nutrition and pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis

You can eat oatmeal when the attack of pancreatitis subsides.

During the first day of exacerbation, any food is excluded and a starvation diet is indicated. You need to drink up to 2 liters of pure or mineral water, ensure peace. To decrease pain syndrome, a cold compress is placed on the stomach. When the attack subsides and the symptoms weaken, you can eat a slimy decoction of rice or oatmeal, an infusion of rose hips, sweetened tea, a slimy buckwheat porridge or Hercules.

After 4-6 days, you can eat an omelette made from chicken proteins, crushed porridge from buckwheat, rice or oatmeal, sweetened tea or compote with biscuits or whole grain crackers. Further, according to indications, the menu is expanded with curd puddings, jelly made from gelatin and a fruit base, vegetarian soup, and vegetable casseroles. When the acute period has passed, the patient is allowed to return to menu table No. 1.


It is extremely important to eat properly during chronic pancreatitis so that the disease does not recur or worsen over a long period of time. The patient is advised to eat warm, comfortable food, prepared in a gentle manner with minimal use of fat. In case of a chronic illness, it is recommended to eat at the same time, this will relieve the burden on the digestive organs, which is beneficial for such a disease. You need to get rid of bad habits, quit smoking and take alcoholic drinks, beer, soda with dyes and chemical additives.

In addition to nutrition, the patient needs to learn to lead a healthy lifestyle, especially if sedentary mode predominates. These are walks in the fresh air, activities physical therapy, going to the pool and other wellness treatments. It is important to adhere to your doctor’s instructions, seek advice on time, take appropriate medications, and always inform your doctor about changes in your health.

Sample menu for 1 day

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with honey and banana, sweetened tea, biscuits.
  • Snack: natural yogurt, allowed fruit.
  • Lunch: vegetarian soup with rice, chicken breast grilled, vegetable side dish of baked zucchini, pumpkin and potatoes.
  • Afternoon snack: sweet tea, whole grain bread sandwich with butter and cheese, apple or banana.
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, oven-baked fish with vegetables, tea, biscuits.
  • Before bed: a glass of fermented baked milk and a sweet cracker.

Banana Dessert Recipes

Since the patient needs a strict lifelong diet, this dessert is perfect for breakfast or as a snack.

Grind 2-3 bananas with a blender or grater, add 300 g of cottage cheese, sugar to taste, a handful of semolina and 1 egg. Combine all ingredients and pour into a greased baking dish. butter. Bake at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. When the dessert is ready, sprinkle with raisins, grated dark chocolate and coconut flakes. This dessert is good for breakfast or as a snack with tea.

The importance of compliance

It is important not to disrupt your diet during pancreatitis throughout your life. Patients with the disease are always at risk of exacerbation and relapse, and if they eat incorrectly and ignore the rules, the disease will not allow the person to live a normal life. Therefore, you need a strict lifelong diet that will eliminate relapses and allow you to feel normal. There is no need to be afraid that diet therapy will rid you of tasty dishes and you will need to eat tasteless and lean food all your life. There are various tasty and healthy recipes and a detailed table of food ratios that will help you navigate and prepare yourself delicious and healthy dishes. The diet after pancreatitis remains gentle and excludes most dishes and foods that irritate the digestive organs and pancreas.

The dangers of breaking your diet

Failure to follow the rules in the diet for pancreatitis provokes a sharp exacerbation of the disease, the development of dangerous inflammatory processes, and problems with the functioning of the digestive organs. The patient's liver and gallbladder function is disrupted, jaundice develops, and bleeding in the stomach, esophagus or intestines occurs. Inflammation of the duodenum often occurs, provoking the development of malignant neoplasms in the digestive organs. Patients with pancreatitis are potential candidates for developing a disease such as diabetes. Therefore, diet is so important for inflammation of the pancreas, so that a person has a chance to live a full life and not suffer from an acquired disease.

Delicious and healthy recipes for pancreatitis

When treating pancreatitis, nutritional standards will be quite strict. Sometimes a complete revision of the patient menu may be necessary.

A diet for pancreatitis will allow the body to recover after an attack of exacerbation and prevent further destruction of the pancreas.

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis, you need to follow the same basic principles of nutrition:

  • you need to eat often: you need 5-6 meals per day;
  • portions should be small;
  • Do not eat too hot or cold food;
  • food should be easy to digest and assimilate.

For diseases of the pancreas and cholecystitis you need to eat:

  • potatoes;
  • beets;
  • cauliflower;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot.

The diet also allows the use of lean meats:

  • veal and beef;
  • rabbit, turkey or chicken;
  • some types of fish.

The meat is used to prepare cutlets (for vegetable purees) or add it to soup and casseroles.

The list of permitted food products also includes: cereals, low-fat dairy products, eggs, different types butter, bread.

The menu is gradually expanding and may include new food products (if vegetable soups, mashed potatoes or fish cutlets were allowed for consumption already at the first stages of treatment, then salads, zucchini, jelly, baked goods, omelettes, meat or cottage cheese casseroles should be introduced during the stages of remission).

For drinks, preference should be given to still mineral water and weakly brewed tea. Eating oatmeal jelly will be beneficial.

Kissel is also cooked from berries, but it would be more correct to use oatmeal jelly in the menu: it is suitable for both acute periods of the disease and during remission.

By combining permitted dietary products (zucchini, potatoes, lean meat, etc.), you can cook even without spices delicious dishes(cream soup, casseroles, etc.).

Soups and meat

The daily menu for pancreatitis or cholecystitis, as a rule, includes: first courses (soup) and second courses (cereals or vegetable puree and meat, cutlets, and salads).

The safest thing to eat after an exacerbation is puree soup with cauliflower. To make it, you need to boil carrots, potatoes and cabbage in water and milk, mixed in equal proportions.

Vegetables are cooked until tender, after which they must be brought to the consistency of puree.

A dietary cream soup with shrimp will also pleasantly diversify the menu. To make it, you need to take a glass of milk and water, some shrimp, 1 potato, zucchini (100 grams), salt and parsley.

Potatoes and zucchini need to be peeled and grated on a coarse grater. The shrimp are poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes, after which they are scrolled in a blender. Milk and water must be mixed and boiled.

You need to pour grated potatoes and zucchini into the milk mass.

Vegetables should cook for about 15 minutes. Add the shrimp mixture and parsley to the resulting vegetable broth and cook for a couple more minutes.

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis, experts recommend eating meat every day. You can make delicious dietary cutlets from beef meat that go perfectly with vegetable puree.

To the minced meat you need to add finely chopped onion, boiled rice, 1 egg, crackers and a little salt.

Diet cutlets and meatballs are steamed or stewed. The approximate cooking time is usually no more than half an hour.

Poultry meat is also suitable for steamed cutlets. Turkey meat is considered healthier for pancreatitis and cholecystitis than chicken meat, as it is easier to digest.

To prepare steamed diet cutlets, you need to add bread soaked in a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese and eggs to the minced meat.

All this must be salted and mixed. These cutlets will take no more than 20 minutes to cook.

Omelette and jelly recipes by Izotov and Momotov

You need to add jelly and omelet, which are healthy for the pancreas, to your daily menu.

In case of pancreatic pathologies, an omelet will be the safest of all egg-based dishes that can be. It is especially necessary and healthy to eat an omelet made from protein or quail eggs.

The omelette needs to be steamed. For 3 eggs, take 1 glass of milk and a pinch of salt.

All components are whipped and poured into a small container. It must be placed in a bowl of boiling water.

In this case, the dish with the egg-milk mixture should not touch the water. All this must be covered with a lid on top so as not to lose steam.

This method will help you cook a steamed omelette when you don’t have a steamer. The approximate time after which the omelette will be ready is 18 minutes.

The benefits of oatmeal jelly have already been discussed above. Consumption of oatmeal jelly is recommended for any disease digestive system(pathologies of the pancreas, cholecystitis or gastritis).

There are several recipes for oatmeal jelly.

Firstly, this is Izotov’s jelly, the preparation of which can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. The fermentation stage, when 100 ml of kefir and half a kilo of oatmeal are added to 3 liters of chilled boiled water. The container with the workpiece must be tightly closed and placed in a warm place for 2 days;
  2. The filtration stage involves filtering the mixture through a colander from the formed sediment;
  3. The stage at which the resulting filtrate settles for another 18 hours and is divided into 2 components: oat concentrate and kvass;
  4. Direct preparation of jelly. To do this, you need to take a small amount of concentrate (to taste) and mix it with two glasses of water. The resulting solution must be brought to a boil and cooked for about 5 minutes. When finishing cooking oatmeal jelly, you should add a little salt and butter.

Secondly, this is Momotov’s recipe for jelly:

  1. Small oat flakes (about 300 grams) should be mixed with a small amount of large flakes (four tablespoons are enough) and pour 100 grams of kefir over them. The resulting mass should be placed in a three-liter jar and the remaining space should be filled warm water. The workpiece should be closed and placed in a warm place for two days;
  2. The fermented liquid must be filtered from the flakes and poured into jars. The flakes also need to be washed with two liters of water and new jars filled with the resulting mixture;
  3. If necessary, the prepared filtrates can be boiled until thickened and consumed.

Cottage cheese casserole and casserole with meat

Casserole is one of those dishes that can be prepared in a thousand different ways. Casseroles can be vegetable (where potatoes and zucchini are used), meat or cottage cheese.

They come in both sweet and salty. This dietary dish gives many opportunities to realize the culinary imagination; in addition, it is healthy and tasty.

The cottage cheese casserole, beloved by many, is prepared quite simply; to prepare it you will need:

  • two hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tablespoon each of semolina, sugar and melted butter;
  • one egg;
  • 50 grams of sour cream.

You need to create a homogeneous mixture of sugar, semolina with egg and cottage cheese. The resulting dough should be placed in a baking dish, and sour cream should be applied on top.

Now all this can be put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. The cottage cheese casserole will be ready when it turns golden (on average this takes 30 minutes).

Before use, it must be allowed to cool, and the cottage cheese casserole is served to the table, cut into portions and topped with sour cream.

A delicious dietary casserole with noodles and meat requires more ingredients:

  • about two glasses of thin noodles;
  • 2 glasses of milk (0.5 l) and the same amount of water;
  • 300 g of any lean meat;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • a little salt;
  • oil to grease the baking dish.

To make the casserole, you first need to boil the meat. Chicken is cooked for about 50 minutes, and beef for at least two hours. Boiled meat is scrolled in a meat grinder twice until pureed.

At this time, you need to boil milk and water and boil vermicelli in the milk mixture. Afterwards, place the pasta on a pre-greased baking dish.

The rest of the ingredients are also added there: you need to lay out the meat and pour in the eggs, after which everything is mixed.

In the oven, this casserole should be ready in 15 minutes. The dish is served with sour cream and chopped parsley.

Food for pancreatitis and cholecystitis should be as easily digestible as possible and not provoke secretion.

The above recipes (soups, jelly, casserole, etc.) prove that diet food can also be tasty.

And although some dishes should be eaten simply because they are healthy, others can pamper even the pickiest gourmet.

Very often we are surrounded by fish products, both sea and river or lake. They all have their own diet and structure.

But fish is not always healthy. This is influenced by who she is, a hunter or a scavenger, what she eats, and also in what waters she lives, clean sea or sewage river, because water plays important role, since all the elements are absorbed into the meat.

This also plays into the fatty factor of the fish, there is a lot of fatty fish, and, on the contrary, there are many varieties of lean fish that do not eat anything harmful.

The benefits of fish

Fish fillet- this is pure protein, a mass of macro- and microelements. Main fish product considered fish oil. It contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 And omega-6.

The usefulness of the fish itself depends on the habitat: sea/ocean or river/lake. In river water, the amount of fats and proteins is lower, and there is no iodine and bromine in the composition, which are found in sea and ocean water. Therefore, sea fish is much healthier than river fish.

In addition to high saturation with iodine and bromine, together with them you can get in the required quantities:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • sulfur;
  • fluorine;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;

In addition to microelements, the body receives a number of vitamins:

Fish for dietary nutrition

Since there are many things you are not allowed to eat on a diet, fish is not only a salvation, but also an assistant to the body.

Allowed to eat:

These varieties are low in calories, but at the same time tasty and nutritious. They will help diversify a narrow diet. Fish can be combined with many side dishes, which can dilute the tastelessness of unsalted buckwheat or rice.

Non-diet fish

Fat fish are most often found in cold waters; fat helps them survive.

There are a lot of such fish in the world, but not all of them are healthy and suitable for food; among the “healthy” varieties we can distinguish the following types:

They contain large amounts of EPA and DHA. Many types of these fish require special technological process preparation, so before cooking it is necessary to refresh your memory with the characteristics of the variety.

Moderate fat fish

Some marine fish with moderate fat content include:

The river inhabitants compiled the following list:

  • trout;
  • carp;
  • crucian carp;
  • carp;
  • salmon.

Such fish gives the human body high quality. This product is useful to everyone without exception, and athletes simply need it. Some varieties are included because they provide the body with many important nutrients. This fish is not contraindicated for children; they can eat carp, salmon, perch, and trout.

What kind of fish can you eat while losing weight?

To understand the fat content, you can look at the meat. Light indicates a lean variety. The logic is simple, the darker the meat, the higher the calorie content of the product. Of course, fish is rich in fat useful elements, but when losing weight you should avoid it or minimize your consumption to no more than 1 piece per week.

Low-fat lacks the carbohydrate part. These varieties are very popular in low-carbohydrate diets. Using low-fat fish in your diet will allow you not to reduce carbohydrate consumption.

Types of lean fish for baby food

These types of fish are no less healthy, but it is important to remember that they are very bony, and before serving you need to make sure that there are a minimum of bones in it.

The cod family has many benefits:

  • pollock;
  • pollock;
  • blue whiting

The white meat of these fish contains at least 25% protein and a minimum of fat.

The river assortment of cyprinids includes:

  • silver carp;
  • carp;
  • vobla;
  • carp.

It is important for a child's body to get a lot of nutrients. Children need to prepare low-fat or low-fat products, since fatty varieties can overload a child’s fragile digestive system.

Low-fat varieties

Sea fish

Pollock, hake, cod are the best representatives of the marine family. Cod is rich in healthy protein and has less than a percent fat content. It can be eaten daily. You are allowed to eat no more than 200 grams at a time.

White fish

  1. round (halibut, flounder);
  2. flatfish (saithe, pollock, hake, haddock, cod, perch, monkfish).

And with the maximum-minimum fat content:

river fish

They are less useful due to the fact that they lack some elements found in marine.

These varieties include:

  • perch;
  • zander;
  • pike;
  • cancer family;

red fish

Unfortunately, red fish is almost all fatty. In their main segment, all types of fish with red meat have a high fat content, so it is worth highlighting varieties with medium fat content, which can be consumed for weight loss and special nutrition. The meat of such fish is highly beneficial for the body.

The least fatty types include:

  • chum salmon;
  • salmon;
  • pink salmon

The remaining representatives of red meat fish have a large amount of fat in them, so they cannot be recommended for a healthy diet.


There are not many fish with a small number of bones; this list is based on marine fish; representatives of river habitats are rare. Sea fish have only a backbone and no rib bones.

Low-fat fish with minimal bones include:

  • flounder;
  • sea ​​bream;
  • zander;
  • mullet.


Cod steak with potatoes


  • cod fillet;
  • potato;
  • half a lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • rye;
  • parsley, salt, pepper.

Recipe preparation steps:

Pollock stewed with lemon


  • pollock;
  • vegetable broth;
  • carrot;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dill, salt, pepper.

Preparation progress:

Royal perch on skewers


  • fillet;
  • seaweed;
  • orange;
  • radish;
  • olive oil;
  • Sesame oil;
  • spices.

Preparation progress:

Is it possible to eat on a diet?

Fried fish

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then under no circumstances should you eat it in any form, be it cooked in batter or breadcrumbs.

The exception is fish cooked on a grill pan with minimal addition of olive oil. But immediately after cooking, the fish pieces must be blotted with a dry cloth to remove excess fat.

Salted fish

There is no specific ban on eating salted fish. It is not recommended to eat ram or herring. You can make lightly salted fish yourself at home.

But you can only eat such fish in the first half of the day, otherwise you may see a couple of extra kilos on the scale. It is also worth drinking more water.

Smoked fish

The answer here is simple - no and only no! There was a lot of talk and reasoning on the topic of the harmfulness of smoked meats, that this issue may not even arise.

Carcinogens that are used in smoking can cause the development of cancer.

Such products are harmful to the stomach and particularly the liver. This is due to the increased salt content and high calorie content due to the minimal water content during the cooking process.

In addition, low-quality products may be used, since during the smoking process all flaws are masked, and it will be possible to understand that the product is spoiled after the first signs of toxin poisoning appear.

Low-fat fish

For pancreatitis

If you have a disease such as pancreatitis, then you need to carefully choose the fish to eat. Attention should be paid to fat content. Although such fish are beneficial to the body, they place a heavy load on the pancreas, which will lead to the development of disease and unpleasant sensations. During exacerbations, you need to completely forget about it.

During exacerbation chronic pancreatitis By the end of the first week, you can add skinny varieties to your diet. During remission, you should carefully introduce new foods.

List of fish that can be eaten for pancreatitis:

For diabetes

In diabetes, fish is used as a preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases. The usefulness of fish for diabetes lies in the high content of protein and microelements.

For improvement general condition to maintain your body, you should include the following types of fish in your diet:

  • salmon;
  • tilapia;
  • cod;
  • trout;
  • shrimps;
  • crustaceans;
  • sardine.

For gastritis

Fish contains easily digestible protein, which is why people suffering from gastritis are strongly recommended to consume fish in their diet. The component composition of the product starts regeneration processes, activates the protective functions of gastric mucus, and starts digestion.

It is worth saying that smoked, fatty and fried fish are prohibited for gastritis.

The best option for a diet for gastritis would be fish such as:

Among sea and river products as food, fish ranks first. It is valued for its exceptional balance of all minerals and vitamins, suitable for human metabolism, as well as its high nutritional value. if you have excess weight or have problems with the digestive organs, low-calorie fish will be an excellent replacement for meat and fatty dishes.

Low calorie varieties

Depending on the fat content, there are several varieties of fish: low-fat (up to 4%), moderately fatty (from 4 to 8%) and fatty (more than 8%). The list of low-calorie fish includes crayfish and shellfish of any kind. Low-fat varieties of fish are especially recommended for children, obese and elderly people, pregnant women, and patients with stomach ulcers.

Here is a list of low-calorie fish:

Which fish is considered the lowest in calories? This question is often asked by women who want to make their figure slimmer. Cod contains the least amount of fat (about 0.3%), so it is very popular among dietary products and is considered the lowest-calorie fish.

In second place after cod, you can safely put pollock and haddock, they contain from 0.5 to 0.9% fat.

How is it useful?

Nutritionists say that low-fat fish is very useful as a dietary nutrition. A properly prepared dish from this product will never cause you to become overweight. Low-calorie varieties of white fish consist of at least 15% protein proteins, which saturate the body with all the necessary amino acids. Of course, fatty fish is also healthy, but not everyone can eat it in large quantities.

The benefits of white fish for humans are enormous. These types of meat contain micro- and macroelements (iodine, iron, fluorine, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, sodium), vitamins PP, C, A, E, D, K, and amino acids. It is difficult to say which of the lean breeds is the healthiest, because each of them has unique properties, which have a beneficial effect on body systems.

Here are some varieties and their properties:

Red varieties

Red fish has a high fat content, unlike white fish, so it cannot be called low-calorie. For example, if 100 g of lean meat contains 70–100 kcal, then 100 g of salmon contains 240 kcal, and trout contains 227 kcal. Pink salmon can easily be called the lowest-calorie red fish - one hundred grams of it contain about 160 kcal. No matter what, such meat should be present in the diet, because it contains so many nutrients and benefits.

If you stick low calorie diet, remember 3 rules:

Red fish contains greatest number Omega-3 fatty acids.

With regular use of the product, the risk of stroke, heart attack and Alzheimer's disease is reduced several times.

For women, red varieties are especially useful: they help strengthen nails and hair, give youth and smoothness to the skin.


The fat content of a dish depends not only on its natural qualities, but also on how to cook this low-calorie fish. During frying, the product will become higher in calories than it was in its raw form. It is better to boil the product in water or steam - this option will be the most useful. Be sure to complement the fish with other products. Go well with fish meat: potatoes, carrots and onions boiled or stewed, fresh tomatoes, boiled rice, stewed or fried mushrooms, prunes, olives, sorrel, spinach.

Spices can also be added to the dish, but in moderation. Garlic, black and hot pepper, bay leaf, dill, parsley, basil, lemon balm, fennel are suitable.

The sauce will be an excellent addition to the dish. One of the simplest is lemon. To prepare it, you need to beat 2 tablespoons of olive oil with dill in a blender at high speed. Then add squeezed juice from one lemon and stir.

This sauce can be seasoned with boiled low-calorie fish or salad.

Wine-apple sauce


  • 2 apples;
  • Dill seeds;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of dry white wine;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil.

Cooking method:

  1. 2 apples, peeled and seeded;
  2. Bake with dill seeds, cool, pour with a mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons of dry white wine and 1 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, beat with a blender.

Yogurt mustard sauce


  • 3 egg yolks;
  • a small pinch of turmeric, cumin, ground ginger;
  • 200 g natural low-fat yoghurt.

Cooking method:

  1. All ingredients must be combined and thoroughly mixed with a blender.

Fish fillet soup

This dish is easy to prepare. It contains only 169 kcal, because only fish fillets are used, without bones and skin, which give fatty fat. But remember: the fish soup should be the freshest, not frozen.


  • 3 medium fillets (use low-fat sea fish);
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 onions;
  • 15 g dill;
  • 40 g chopped parsley root;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fillet and cut into pieces, place in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil.
  2. After the water boils, remove the foam, add diced onion and spices (except dill).
  3. Cook for half an hour, then remove from heat and let stand for 10-20 minutes.
  4. Pour the soup into bowls and add chopped dill.

Cod with vegetables in the oven

This dish is prepared in foil, without adding oil, so it is ideal for people who follow
for your weight. The fish will not be dry, as it will be soaked in juice from the vegetables.


  • 700 g cod fillet;
  • 2 small tomatoes;
  • 1 large bell pepper (preferably yellow);
  • 2 medium onions;
  • ground black pepper;
  • a little salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fish fillets, dry them, cut into large pieces, brush with pepper and salt.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings and the pepper into thin strips.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into circles.
  4. Prepare 2 times less pieces of foil than you have pieces of fish.
  5. Place a piece of fish in the middle of each piece of foil, a layer of onion on top, Bell pepper, then tomato.
  6. Vegetables can be salted as desired.
  7. Place the second piece of fish on the vegetable bed and cover with foil.
  8. You should get about 4 servings.
  9. Place them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 0 C.

Hake meatballs with shrimp

This is complete and hearty dish, for which you do not need to prepare anything additional.


  • 0.5 kg hake fillet;
  • peeled shrimp – 0.25 g;
  • 2 sweet peppers and tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of rice;
  • fish broth – 150 ml;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 onion;
  • half a bunch of green onions;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • ground red and black pepper;
  • a little parsley.

Cooking method:

  1. First, you need to boil the rice halfway so that it is not too tough in the meatballs, and let it cool.
  2. Grind the fish in a meat grinder, mix with finely chopped shrimp, add an egg, seasonings (salt, pepper), half-boiled rice.
  3. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and form the mixture into balls.
  4. Cut the tomato, onion and pepper into half rings, fry in a frying pan in olive oil for 5 minutes.
  5. Place the fish meatballs on top, pour in the broth, and cover with a lid.
  6. Simmer the dish for 15 minutes over low heat. Place the finished meatballs on a plate, then sprinkle with finely chopped herbs (onion and parsley).

Salmon recipe with orange marmalade

Sometimes you want to treat yourself to something tasty and unusual. This dish is perfect for such an occasion.


  • 0.5 kg salmon;
  • 1 orange;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce;
  • the same amount of orange jam;
  • 50 g Dijon mustard;
  • 0.5 tsp. coriander (ground);
  • a pinch of sesame seed.

Method of preparation:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the orange and grate a pinch of zest, mix these ingredients with mustard, jam, soy sauce and ground coriander.
  2. Cut the salmon into slices, pour in the prepared marinade, and leave for half an hour.
  3. Sprinkle the fish with sesame seeds and place in the oven at 180°C for 15 minutes.
  4. Serve with a sprig of dill. The aroma will be magical.

Until today, did you still think that low-calorie fish brings almost nothing to the body and is tasteless? Quite the opposite: it has an excellent taste, and if you add natural seasonings and sauces, it has no price.

It is very useful for everyone, and for people who cannot eat fatty foods, this is just a godsend!

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Today I will tell you about my favorite product - fish. Currently, scientists have proven its usefulness for weight loss. Low-fat fish for the diet, the list of which is given below, was divided by fat content and calorie content. Let's look at popular power systems that use this valuable product. And I included tips on how to best prepare fish so that it is tasty and healthy.

Fish is a source of high-quality protein and is quickly absorbed by the body. If it takes about three or four hours to digest the meat, then the fish will “dissolve” in two. Therefore, it is recommended in dietary nutrition even for evening meals. Proteins keep you feeling full for a long time. The brain “gives a signal” not to store anything on the sides or butt.

I think many have heard about the longevity of the people of Japan. They have virtually no problems with the thyroid gland. Excellent vision and smooth skin last until old age. Just look at the photo - cheerful, youthful people. Scientists have found that the cause of health was the consumption of large amounts of sea fish. The composition of your favorite product includes the following benefits:

  • Omega-3 fatty amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • calcium.

Regular consumption of seafood reduces the risk of heart disease. The pressure stabilizes. Work improves immune system and brain. If you don’t want to suffer from dementia in old age, eat fish.

Iodine - saturates the thyroid gland, which has a huge impact on calorie burning and metabolism. A fatty acid Omega-3 is a very useful thing. Without it, the synthesis of other substances in the body is impossible. It maintains normal sensitivity of nerve fibers and participates in muscle contraction. The presence of beneficial Omega-3 acids will have a positive effect on hair, skin, and nails.

In non-carbohydrate nutrition systems when losing weight, it is often advised to replace meat with fish. However, not all varieties are equally useful. In terms of calorie content, fatty mackerel is far ahead of lean pork. In order not to be mistaken, we will divide the fish according to fat content.

To get an idea of ​​the fat content of seafood, pay attention to the color of the meat. If it is light, you have a lean variety of fish. The darker the fillet, the more calories. Think herring, salmon or mackerel.

Of course, scientists say that fatty fish is the healthiest. It contains a large amount of necessary substances. But when losing weight, you should forget about it. Or reduce your consumption to a small piece per week.

Let's mention low-fat fish varieties separately. They have no carbohydrates. That's why they are so popular among fans. So switching to fish while dieting can help delay the need to lower your carbohydrate intake.

Product (per 100 grams)Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calorie content
Low Fat (2 to 5 grams)
Tuna24,4 4,6 0 139
Sea bass18,2 3,3 0 103
Far Eastern flounder15,7 3 0 90
Vobla18 2,8 0 95
Bream17,1 4,4 0 105
Carp18,2 2,7 0 97
White-winged halibut18,9 3 0 103
Hake16,6 2,2 0 86
Oceanic horse mackerel18,5 4,5 0 114
Very low fat content (less than 2 grams)
Pollock15,9 0,9 0 72
Blue whiting18,5 0,9 0 82
Haddock17,2 0,5 0 73
Cod16 0,6 0 69
River perch18,5 0,9 0 82
Pike18,4 1,1 0 84
Zander18,4 1,1 0 84
crucian carp17,7 1,8 0 87

Lean fish has less fat than the leanest meat. You can get the same amount of protein from everyone, but consume fewer calories. This will allow you to keep your carbs relatively low. moderate level consumption, and you won't feel too exhausted. Even in the evening. There will definitely not be any extra leftovers 😉

If you are wondering how often you can eat fish, then I can please you - if there are no contraindications, then at least every day. A serving of 100 grams is considered standard. And even if you are not a fan of this type of product, then arrange “fish days” for yourself at least sometimes. A plate of fish soup or a fragrant baked piece will add variety to any menu.

Which one is better and how to cook it

Even on the most democratic Dukan diet, you can eat this product at any stage. Dr. Dukan focuses on proteins and prohibits carbohydrates, fats and sweets. Fish in the food system takes up not last place. During all stages of the diet, almost any diet is allowed - sea or river. You can even have a little piece of smoked salmon. I wrote an article about in more detail. Products can be boiled, steamed, fried or baked in foil. But with a minimum amount of vegetable oil.

Now let's move on to the most delicious moment. Fish recipes for diets are a separate science. They need to take into account the usefulness of a particular variety. And also how safe it will be to use if you have gastritis or diabetes.


I recommend including the following types of seafood in your diet: tuna, flounder, haddock, pollock, cod, as well as shrimp and crabs. See the table above for other types with low and very low fat content. But the amount of protein in such meat is high.

To reduce calorie content, you can boil the fish in water or steam it. The last method is the healthiest and tastiest. The meat turns out juicy and tender. For flavor, sprinkle the pieces with a little lemon juice and add a sprig of herbs (dill, parsley). Sprinkle with aromatic fish seasoning and wrap in foil. In 30 minutes it will be ready.

A plate of fish soup without potatoes is an excellent dietary dish. You can eat as much as you want without any consequences on your waistline. A very tasty broth is made from pike. Minimum calories with amazing aroma.

Try to use less sauces. They provoke appetite. If you don’t like the fishy smell, soak the seafood in milk for an hour. The unpleasant aroma will disappear.

Some of my people complain that the fish falls apart when cooked. Try cooking cod. Its fillet is not as tender as other species. Or you can use a little trick. Add a little vinegar to boiling water and boil the fish calmly. The aromatic fillet will not fall apart.


Recipes for weight loss contain a minimum of oil. The baking process itself involves cooking the product simultaneously from all sides in the oven. At the same time, the fish turns out much tastier than with banal boiling.

Foil or a sleeve is suitable for baking. Nutritionists have noticed: oven-fried foods are much healthier than those fried in a frying pan. Pieces of fish can be “released from protection” a few minutes before they are ready. Then you will get a delicious crust without butter. Or try baking it in natural yoghurt. The taste is indistinguishable from sour cream. But fewer calories.

Can I eat fried, salted or smoked?

If you have gastritis or other stomach problems, you shouldn’t eat fried food.. But reconsider your cooking methods. In batter or breadcrumbs - definitely not. Especially with diabetes. If you really want it, you can treat yourself to a portion in a small amount of oil. But not more than once a week. Just don’t forget to place the finished pieces on a napkin. The oil should be absorbed. By the way, in my article “” you can find a lot of interesting things.

And here Doctors do not prohibit salty food. Just not herring or ram, of course. It’s better to make lightly salted, low-fat fish yourself. Eat only in the first half of the day. Otherwise, expect unpleasant swelling on your face and overweight on the scales. After eating something salty, you just want to drink and drink.

Smoked under strict ban! Don't even think about it - definitely not. The dangers of smoked food have been talked about for so long that everyone has stopped paying attention to it. But in vain - dangerous carcinogens can cause cancer.

Smoked meats negatively affect the stomach and liver. Firstly, the amount of salt in such products is increased. Secondly, the calorie content increases due to the removal of water during the cooking process. In order not to be unfounded, I am attaching a table for comparison.

Fats in fresh fish, per 100 grams Fats in smoked fish, per 100 grams Calorie content smoked fish per 100 g
Hot smoked perch0,9 8 166
Cold smoked sturgeon Tesha10,9 25,7 302
Cold smoked sturgeon balyk10,9 12,5 194
Cold smoked roach2,8 6,3 181
Hot smoked cod0,6 1,2 115
Hot smoked bream4,4 4,5 172
Cold smoked bream4,4 4,6 160
Hot smoked cod0,6 1,2 115
Cold smoked mackerel13,2 15,5 221

And careless manufacturers can smoke low-quality raw materials. In addition to the main problems, you can also get poisoned.

Fish is tasty and useful product which will help you cope with excess weight. Choose low-fat varieties and cook. Fried, baked or boiled - you can calculate a varied menu for the whole week. Daily use will make you not only slim, but also beautiful.

Fish is a product that should occupy an important place in the human diet. From it you can get those vitamins and substances that are no longer found in any other products. In addition, fish contains high-quality light protein. Fish must be included in the diet once a week. Fish is especially good for dietary purposes. For this, as a rule, low-fat varieties of fish are used and consumed without various seasonings and sauces, preferably boiled.


  1. Fish is rich in various nutrients, especially iodine and phosphorus;
  2. Fish contains purine bases - these are special compounds that are necessary for people with poor gastric juice production. For people suffering from such diseases, fish broth is especially useful;
  3. The rapid absorption and simple technology of preparing fish is due to the fact that it contains connective tissue in minute quantities. For the same reason, low-fat varieties are indispensable for losing weight;
  4. Fish is very important in the diet of a child and a pregnant woman - thanks to the substances it contains, the skeletal system of the former is strengthened, and in the second case they are necessary for the proper formation of the skeletal system of the fetus;
  5. In terms of amino acid concentration and other properties, fish protein is no worse than meat protein;
  6. In terms of the content of amino acids such as omega-3 and omega-5, fish has no analogues among products;
  7. Fish is recommended for those who want to lose weight, as well as for sick people, because it contains few calories and is considered a dietary food;
  8. Regular consumption of lean fish serves as an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  9. Fish stabilizes blood pressure, has a positive effect on brain function and immunity;
  10. Iodine, contained in fish in huge doses, promotes good functioning of the thyroid gland. This is necessary for proper fat burning and normal functioning. metabolic processes in organism;
  11. Substances contained in fish promote resorption and prevent the formation of blood clots;
  12. Fish prevents the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques;
  13. The elements present in fish minimize the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Low-fat varieties

The need to strictly monitor the calories consumed is not only the prerogative of women losing weight. Sometimes this is done on medical advice. But in both cases, you need to know which varieties contain minimal amount fat

  • Varieties of fish with 1-2% fat - white fish, flounder, pike, pike perch, mullet, grayling, white-eye, burbot. These varieties are considered the most suitable for dieting, and in case of pancreatitis, even in the acute stage, they will not cause harm;
  • Fish, with 2-4% - ice fish, pollock, hake, mackerel, trout, sea bass. These types of fish are also only beneficial;
  • Moderately fatty varieties, 4-8% - carp, bream, carp, catfish, herring, tuna, horse mackerel, capelin, chum salmon.

Both in case of illness and diet, the consumption of salted and smoked fish, as well as canned fish, is strictly prohibited. The same applies to red fish - its varieties are classified as fatty varieties.

For dietary nutrition great importance has the quality of the fish consumed - it must be fresh. Freshly frozen is also suitable; here it is very important to be able to distinguish it from frozen ones.

Low-fat fish contain virtually no carbohydrates - they are very popular for following low-carbohydrate diets. Consumption of such varieties during periods of dieting will allow you not to worry about extra calories.

During the diet, such fish will supply the body with required quantity protein, but at the same time the caloric content of the diet will significantly decrease. When consuming low-fat varieties of fish, a double effect is obtained - the amount of carbohydrates is reduced and the exhaustion of the body is prevented.

Table of calorie content and BJU of low-fat varieties

Despite the fact that the calorie content of these varieties is minimal, the content of microelements and nutrients does not suffer from this. Even the lowest calorie fish can fully deliver all the necessary substances to the body.

Different types of diets

  1. Protein diet. It involves the necessary consumption of fish, which in the process will serve as the main source of protein. The fish should have white meat; varieties such as pink salmon, tuna and salmon are especially good;
  2. Steamed fish. A steamer is very convenient for this. If it is not there, you can use a regular colander placed over a container of boiling water. To prepare steamed fish, take a fillet, blot it with a towel and place it on the grill. You can put any suitable vegetables, cut into small pieces. All this is prepared without using salt - it will only remove all moisture and the food will turn out dry. Cooking time 20-30 minutes. Before serving the dish, you can sprinkle it with soy sauce;

Ducan's diet

Dukan, a world-famous French nutritionist, welcomes the use of low-fat fish for weight loss. However, he emphasizes the need to give preference to varieties with firm flesh, which, in his opinion, best satiate a person while on a diet. The following fish varieties are best suited for the Dukan diet:

  1. Tuna. It must be grilled or baked in a special oven. Canned tuna is suitable, from which sandwiches are prepared on diet bread;
  2. Monkfish has such dense flesh that it is often compared to beef. Steaming it is a rather lengthy process and takes about 40 minutes. First, the fillet is marinated in lemon juice with seasonings;
  3. Sea bass is good for baking.

Diet Number 5

This diet is a special therapeutic nutrition system indicated for the following conditions:

  • Cholecystitis and hepatitis in the recovery stage;
  • Chronic cholecystitis, but in remission;
  • Gallstones without exacerbation;
  • Liver cirrhosis without exacerbation.

Low-fat fish is suitable for this diet only in boiled or steamed form. Stuffed fish is prepared from the fillet, but also using gentle heat treatment. When following this diet, the fish should be either cold or slightly chilled. A good option for the dietary table - jellied fish cooked in a decoction of vegetables. A fish broth that is not too rich will also work.

Japanese diet with fish

It is no wonder that the life expectancy of the Japanese is 10-12 years longer than that of residents of other countries. This is due to the fact that the Japanese place great importance on their health and consume large amounts of fish in their diet.

Fish is the basis of many Japanese diets. Oddly enough, the fish used for these diets are fatty varieties. On the contrary, almost the fattest fish are used - sardines, mackerel, herring, salmon and tuna. In the list of them useful properties– a huge content of omega-3 acids, which are very important for maintaining the heart muscle and nervous system. The most important principles of the Japanese diet include:

  • Using exclusively fresh seafood and fish;
  • Bread is completely replaced by rice;
  • Green tea replaces all other drinks;
  • Vegetables and fruits should be present in sufficient quantities. In addition, milk, eggs, and legumes are allowed.