Is it bad to play computer games? Are computer games useful?

Video games are great! But what happens if you play them too much? This can give both positive and negative results. There are examples all over the world of gamers who played too long and literally did not live to see the credits roll. Overdoing it in video games can be a serious problem. As with all good things in this world, everything should be in moderation. Too much a large number of anything from sleep to water can lead to certain negative consequences.
But despite some tragic effects, video games aren't all bad. First of all, they are incredibly fun. Secondly, they can improve almost everything about you - from critical thinking to coordinate movements.
Sometimes they can even make you smarter. Therefore, it is necessary to take a closer look at what effects video games can have on a person and what harm they cause to the body.

You may die from thrombosis

Long gaming sessions are not uncommon. But what if they threaten your life? Yes, then this is still too much. A condition known as deep vein thrombosis can develop if you sit still for long periods of time.
One British gamer died due to blood clots caused by thrombosis, which was caused by his lifestyle - he spent 12 hours a day playing computer games. A New Zealand gamer was hospitalized with blood clots in his legs after spending four days on his console while on holiday.

Your heart may fail

A 32-year-old man from Hong Kong was found dead in computer club, where he stayed for three days in a row. The man entered the club on January 6, 2015, started playing - and was found dead on January 8. The cause of death was heart failure caused by lack of mobility, low temperature and complete exhaustion due to lack of sleep.
Club employees reported that the same man often stayed at the club for three or four days, and other gamers did not pay much attention to what was happening when the body of the unlucky gamer was carried out onto the street.

You may develop Nintendoitis

Even if you take breaks between gaming sessions, repeated use of a controller for hours, days, weeks, months, or years can take its toll. Negative influence. The game typically requires gamers to make repetitive, repetitive movements with their thumbs and fingers, and a 2003 study found that many gamers suffered from repetitive hand strains (called "Nintendoitis").

You may hurt your back

A 1999 study looked at back pain in schoolchildren and how it related to the activities children enjoy doing, including watching TV and playing computer games. The report found that there is a link between computer games and back pain. These pains manifested themselves in those children who told the researchers that they spent at least two hours a day at the computer.

You may harm your eyes

It should come as no surprise that prolonged staring at a screen, be it a TV, computer, smartphone or tablet, has no effect on positive influence to your eyes. There is even such a disease as computer vision syndrome. It manifests itself in people who spend several hours a day behind computer screens.

It Can Literally Affect Your Brain

If you like to play for too long computer games, it may start to affect your brain. Literally. Research shows that frequent gaming sessions can change your brain. If speak about specific examples, then young children who spent more than nine hours a week playing computer games had an enlarged reward center in the brain - which made them want to play even more.

You probably won't take my word for it. After all, we are accustomed to the fact that games are associated with a useless activity that brings pleasure only to children and strange adults who play instead of supporting their family, communicating with friends and going fishing on weekends. Did I express your thoughts correctly?

First, I'll give you a study conducted by the University of North Carolina, which proved that adults who play computer games are happier and less depressed than those who do not play games.

Should we believe this research? I think yes. If only because there is no research that would prove the negative impact of games on a person’s emotional background. Of course, we've all heard about gamers who lost consciousness after spending 24 hours playing games. But these are rather exceptions to the rules than the norm.

In addition to this research, I would like to give 10 reasons why adults should play computer games.

You will connect with your inner child

Only a few of us do something interesting for ourselves after work. And constant thoughts about work (especially unloved ones) lead to depression and boredom.

You can choose any hobby that you like. And if these are games, then why not? Remember how much you played as a child. Once you create this connection with yourself as a child, you will realize that you can enjoy many things, not just games.

Games help overcome stress

The older we get, the more problems and obligations fall on our heads. Loans, debts, problems at work - all this creates stressful situations. First of all, you need to understand the cause of stress and get rid of it. And computer games can help you relax and take your mind off daily stress for a while.

They develop imagination

Anyone who has ever played computer games can say that they force the imagination to work, to associate oneself with the main character and to closely follow the plot. Will this help you in real life? Perhaps yes. After all, we all like people with a rich imagination.

Games are a great topic of conversation

You will be surprised, but many people play computer games. And the next time you're at a party, try casually asking your interlocutor about this. And if he likes to play, you will have good topic for conversation.

You will learn to find a balance between work and fun

If you can't get distracted and play all day long, it's not because the games are bad. It's about you. And games are just one way to escape from the problems in life. If they weren't there, you would have found something else. Try to find a middle ground between entertainment and responsibilities.

Games develop visual motor skills

Research shows that people who play computer games have better motor skills and coordination. This way you develop your physical skills. Many activities require good coordination and motor skills. For example, driving.

Hanging out with friends

If you are tired of going to the same places with your friends, try to diversify your leisure time with computer games. This can strengthen your relationships and help you stay close to your friends.

Games always have a goal

There is always a goal in games, be it reaching new level or other achievement. This makes your time more interesting and exciting.

Exercises can be turned into games

Training in and on is wonderful. But sometimes they become too monotonous and boring. In such situations, gadgets like Kinect or Wii can be a great outlet.

Horrible moments of waiting in the past

Queues at banks, hospitals and other establishments can sometimes drive you crazy. It is in such situations that an exciting game on your smartphone, tablet or console can help not only have fun, but also save nerve cells.

What place do games play in your life? Do you consider them child's play, or is it good way spend time?

Dear R.!

Of course, you don’t have to be a great Torah sage to understand the obvious harm that computer games cause, especially modern ones (“harmless Tetris” has long become a thing of the distant past). Even if we are talking about games in which there is no obscenity or violence - are there many such games now where no one needs to be killed, captured, taken away, etc.? But, nevertheless, let us remind ourselves once again why computer games are bad.

Firstly, despite all its undeniable advantages, a computer is the main means of killing time. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about games, communication in in social networks, wandering the Internet in search of information, which usually leads to “jumping” from one link to another... In order to use the computer exclusively for its intended purpose - for useful work and saving time on searching and processing information - a person must be very purposeful and have remarkable willpower. But wasted time cannot be returned! And before the Supreme Court, which stands before each of us, we will have to give an account for every minute that we actually receive here in advance - in order to fulfill our destiny. What shame awaits the avid “gambler” there when he sees what potential - time, intelligence, mental and physical strength - was given to him, and what could be achieved with it. And what was this potential spent on instead... For a Jew, everything is further complicated by the fact that he is given a direct instruction to devote his time to studying the Torah whenever possible. Computer games can hardly be considered good reason in order to postpone studying.

Besides, modern games They very quickly “draw in” a person, forming a dependence akin to drug addiction. Life without them becomes uninteresting, loses color, and turns into an annoying routine. In fact, the main event of the day in the life of such a person is when, having finished with boring responsibilities, he sits down with relief at the computer and immerses himself in the virtual world. This world, by the way, was designed specifically for people like him, by a whole staff of specialists striving for maximum enrichment and not caring about the consequences. And the consequences for their clients are very dire. The mere fact that a person capable of rising above the angels is in slavish submission to a soulless machine, giving it his feelings and mind, seriously cripples his personality, turning him into a spiritual invalid. And if someone says that he is “just playing” and can stop at any time, let him remember that both an alcoholic and a smoker are not aware of their addiction as long as the drug that causes it is supplied uninterruptedly. The real test awaits him when he is deprived of this.

All of the above applies to adults who have already formed and are aware of their actions. But how much more harm is done to the souls and minds of children during a period of intensive growth and development! A child can develop into a full-fledged personality only if he actively interacts with other people, gaining the necessary skills of social and family behavior. But if most of his time and all his thoughts are devoted to the “electronic nanny,” how will he learn to be human? From the point of view of psychological development, a boy who fights with neighbor boys and hits windows with a ball is much healthier and more prosperous than his peer who does not cause his parents any trouble by sitting in front of a computer screen all day. In extreme cases, children's unrestricted access to computer games can have simply catastrophic consequences: death (for example, a Chinese girl who died of exhaustion after playing for many days role-playing game) or murder (for example, a 14-year-old boy from Russia who killed his father, who took away his keyboard to force him to do his homework. Moreover, it is significant that he borrowed the method of murder from his favorite game). But even if it doesn’t come to this, the impact of these games cannot pass without leaving a trace for anyone.

Another important point is the impact of computer games on the physical health of a person, especially a child or teenager. If we remember the arsenal of children's games of the “pre-computer” era, we will see that they are mostly mobile: balls, tag, hide and seek, jump ropes, etc. But if all these games for a child are replaced by sitting in front of a computer indoors, there is physical inactivity - a lack of movement, which is so necessary for the development of a child. But that's not so bad. After all, when playing, a person does not just sit in one place. Active participation in a virtual chase, war, football match, etc. filled with real emotions, as if everything was happening in reality (the same applies to watching films). Emotions and experiences cause a powerful surge of adrenaline, the purpose of which is to mobilize the body’s strength for intense physical action. Your heart rate and breathing rate increase, your blood pressure and blood sugar levels rise to supply your muscles with energy and oxygen... and no action is taken other than pressing buttons! All this is a direct prerequisite for stress: the release of energy, which is not spent anywhere and is simply suppressed, over time causes many diseases. A person who brings himself to such a state may be violating the commandment of the Torah “Take great care of your souls” - the requirement to take care of your health in order to more effectively serve the Almighty.

Computer games have long ceased to correspond to the main purpose of the game - to provide a person with rest and mental relaxation. On the contrary, they create additional stress. Emotions, initially necessary for real life, are spent on virtual life, leaving a person with no mental strength to solve real problems. life problems. It may seem to him and those around him that he is running away from real problems into a fictional world, but in reality he is simply replacing real problems with fictional ones, wasting the same precious and limited supply of mental strength on them. The constant increase in effects in updated versions of games is strikingly reminiscent of increasing doses of a drug to achieve the desired state. And the brighter, more enchanting, and dynamic the fictional world is, the more gray and boring real life looks in comparison with it. In addition, the adrenaline produced during gaming prevents a person from feeling naturally tired, thus depriving them of the necessary hours of sleep. The result is physical and mental exhaustion, and a person can gradually turn into an empty shell. And how much more difficult it is when children wither in this way before they even have time to blossom! So parents who love their children will not allow them to play computer games at all, not even a little, even if their friends have it and even if they will ever know what it is anyway. The less contact with dangerous bacteria- all the better!

Lately, computer games have been the subject of a lot of attention. And they spoil your nerves, and they destroy families. “” acts as an advocate for games. We found 6 reasons why chasing monsters across the screen is at least not harmful - and even useful!

Improve your vision

If at a tender age your parents chased you away from computer games with the words “You’ll ruin your eyesight!”, call them and tell them that they were wrong. Research at the University of Rochester (New York) suggests that computer games improve vision. A group of students played racing and shooter games for six months under the watchful eye of scientists. At the end of the period, it turned out that gamers began to see better than other guys in the control group.

First of all, the visual reaction has improved. Gamers were able to simultaneously monitor five moving objects, while non-gamers usually only had the attention span of three at most. In addition, fans of computer games have a significantly higher speed of processing visual information than ordinary people.

Orient it

This item is dedicated to you, topographical cretins. Manchester scientists have proven that games train spatial thinking skills. Let's add in a whisper that the data revealed a clear relationship between visuospatial perception and games with elements of violence. Of course, try to slow down in these endless passages, passages, doors, when an evil raider with a shiv is chasing you.

Games instead of analgin

“Hit games where it hurts,” psychologists at Emory University might tell us. If something hurts, it’s great if it’s a distraction, right? Of course, if your tooth hurts, run to the dentist! But there are also serious problems, for example, burns or chemotherapy, when it always hurts. So, those psychologists believe that during the game, patients tolerate unpleasant sensations more easily, they develop a sense of control over the situation and a positive attitude.

Hey princess, less stress

The fact that games relieve stress is known to anyone who has come home from work exhausted and slaughtered a village or two of evil spirits at the computer. And scientists from Montreal's McGill University asked a group of people to play before work. At least five minutes. The results showed that the players' bodies began to produce 17% less of the stress hormone cortisol, compared to people who immediately started working.

Might and sorcery in the office

Build barracks to have enough wood. Get wood while fighting off the enemy. Raise archers from soldiers. Make sure that the enemy does not attack the border. It turns out that all strategy toys train our organizational skills for a reason. This will be confirmed to you by IBM Corporation, where they specifically studied human behavior in virtual world. And there was a study at Stanford where they found: many companies are using game elements to solve problems that arise during work. Some even create working groups in the form of groups of players with a prize fund, badges and other attributes of games. Thank you for paying out salaries in virtual money for now!

Sleight of hand and no deception

Have you ever asked your doctors and tailors if they play games? And ask. Refer to psychologists at the University of Iowa. They compared the art of surgeons - those who play games and those who do not play. It turned out that the former are much more dexterous in cutting and stitching up our brother-patient, since some games develop manual dexterity. In the meantime, scientists have found that the same games are also useful for cheaters. So don’t sit down at the card table with gamers - they’ll rip you off!

You probably won't take my word for it. After all, we are accustomed to the fact that games are associated with a useless activity that brings pleasure only to children and strange adults who play instead of supporting their family, communicating with friends and going fishing on weekends. Did I express your thoughts correctly?

First, I'll give you a study conducted by the University of North Carolina, which proved that adults who play computer games are happier and less depressed than those who do not play games.

Should we believe this research? I think yes. If only because there is no research that would prove the negative impact of games on a person’s emotional background. Of course, we've all heard about gamers who lost consciousness after spending 24 hours playing games. But these are rather exceptions to the rules than the norm.

In addition to this research, I would like to give 10 reasons why adults should play computer games.

You will connect with your inner child

Only a few of us do something interesting for ourselves after work. And constant thoughts about work (especially unloved ones) lead to depression and boredom.

You can choose any hobby that you like. And if these are games, then why not? Remember how much you played as a child. Once you create this connection with yourself as a child, you will realize that you can enjoy many things, not just games.

Games help overcome stress

The older we get, the more problems and obligations fall on our heads. Loans, debts, problems at work - all this creates stressful situations. First of all, you need to understand the cause of stress and get rid of it. And computer games can help you relax and take your mind off daily stress for a while.

They develop imagination

Anyone who has ever played computer games can say that they force the imagination to work, to associate oneself with the main character and to closely follow the plot. Will this help you in real life? Perhaps yes. After all, we all like people with a rich imagination.

Games are a great topic of conversation

You will be surprised, but many people play computer games. And the next time you're at a party, try casually asking your interlocutor about this. And if he likes to play, you'll have a good topic to talk about.

You will learn to find a balance between work and fun

If you can't get distracted and play all day long, it's not because the games are bad. It's about you. And games are just one way to escape from the problems in life. If they weren't there, you would have found something else. Try to find a middle ground between entertainment and responsibilities.

Games develop visual motor skills

Research shows that people who play computer games have better motor skills and coordination. This way you develop your physical skills. Many activities require good coordination and motor skills. For example, driving.

Hanging out with friends

If you are tired of going to the same places with your friends, try to diversify your leisure time with computer games. This can strengthen your relationships and help you stay close to your friends.

Games always have a goal

Games always have a goal, whether it's reaching a new level or some other achievement. This makes your time more interesting and exciting.

Exercises can be turned into games

Training in and on is wonderful. But sometimes they become too monotonous and boring. In such situations, gadgets like Kinect or Wii can be a great outlet.

Horrible moments of waiting in the past

Queues at banks, hospitals and other establishments can sometimes drive you crazy. It is in such situations that an exciting game on your smartphone, tablet or console can help not only have fun, but also save nerve cells.

What place do games play in your life? Do you consider them child's play, or is it still a good way to pass the time?