Official dealer dde. All products are DDE (USA). Equipment for a country house

The DDE company was founded by the American inventor Daniel Davis in the mid-20th century. Originally called Dynamic Equipment. In 1990, a group of industrial equipment manufacturers merged into the DYNAMIC DRIVE EQUIPMENT concern (abbreviated as DDE). The technical takeoff of the company was ensured by the brilliant engineer Harris Meyerson, who had developed technical foresight. It was he who developed and first introduced a compact drilling rig, innovative at that time.

The excellent sales performance of this unit paved the way for a whole family of drilling rigs self-propelled vehicles. The DDE company used the fruits of commercial success to expand its product range. In the shortest possible time, the DDE concern took a strong position in almost all segments of various electrical and motor vehicles.

Today the company has a well-deserved reputation as an innovative manufacturer of reliable and durable equipment of various types - gas generators, power plants, motor pumps, lawn mowers and other useful and required devices both in personal farming and in industrial construction.

Where there is no access to electricity, you can use a DDE generator, which produces enough power to connect several energy consumers at once. The increased capacity of the fuel tank of the DDE gasoline generator will increase the operating time. All DDE gas generators are equipped with gasoline engines with increased service life, which allows this equipment to operate without overhaul an order of magnitude longer than its analogues. The reinforced frame of the gas generator dampens any damping vibrations; reduces the noise level during operation of the unit; gives additional stability.

Large amounts of high power energy will require DDE power plants. Elements for increased service life are already provided and included in the design. Thanks to this feature, these units can be used as an emergency source of backup current until the power supply is restored. A 32 ampere power outlet at 230 volts installed in these devices allows them to be used to power power tools with increased energy intensity - heat guns or electric jackhammers.

If you need to pump a large amount of water, it will help. The increased service life of a gasoline engine can be used for efficient pumping any volumes of water, without being distracted by untimely breaks for repairs and maintenance. Protection from dirt and dust contributes to an increase in service life. There are motor pumps in the DDE family for irrigation, giving a pressure of up to 26 meters, as well as for fire fighting work, capable of delivering a jet of up to 52 meters.

Remove snow drifts from winter time will help .

The extensive family of snow blowers of this brand includes different models with a grip from 510 to 620 mm and a snowdrift grip height of up to 510 mm and different wheel diameters. All DDE snow blowers are equipped with gasoline engines and the possibility of not only manual, but also electric start. The snow jet throws up to 15 meters, which allows you to immediately remove large areas without repeated passes.

In the warm season, the gardener will come to the aid of the DDE cultivator, which is capable of quickly and deeply plowing the ground for planting or preparing it for winter after harvesting. Moreover, the line offers consumers both electric DDE cultivators, designed for household voltage of 220 volts, and gasoline ones, of varying power and performance. For increased wear resistance and versatility of use even on soils richly penetrated by roots, these units are equipped with gear angular gearboxes in combination with four steel knives.

Well, tidy up the lawns and lawns and mow them tall grass A DDE lawn mower equipped with a four-wheel cart and an engine with sufficient power up to 8 hp will help. The high-capacity fuel tank allows you to perform a large volume of work without refueling. And the spacious battery compartment of the appropriate modification can accommodate a battery of sufficient capacity for trouble-free starting from an electric starter. At the consumer's choice, DDE lawn mowers are offered in both simple and self-propelled versions with an informative backlit dashboard and grass ejection to the side. All modifications are equipped with additional protection air filter from fine contaminants during operation.

American DDE company officially began its work in 1965. The core activity is the production of gardening and electrical engineering. The catalog contains lines for household and professional use.

Product Catalog

To potential clients The following types of equipment are available:

  • grass cutting and lawn care equipment;
  • garden equipment;
  • electric and gasoline saws;
  • construction equipment;
  • motor pumps and pumps;
  • power units for installation on garden equipment.

Main features

To improve the quality of equipment operation and extend shelf life, engineers carefully select production raw materials. The use of advanced materials has made it possible to increase wear resistance, increase the time interval for carrying out service, and also reduce total weight. The company also focuses on creating unique design. The vast majority of models presented in the catalog are decorated in red. Naturally, all products from the range are subject to official guarantee for a period of one to five years, depending on their name.

Assembly is carried out in Chinese territory manufacturing enterprise. Potential clients, as representatives assure DDE, there is no need to worry about quality because only certified components are used for manufacturing. Each production stage is carefully controlled by full-time employees, as well as computer equipment. Thus, the likelihood of receiving a product with a manufacturing defect is practically zero.

According to comments from domestic users, equipment from the American brand is characterized by unpretentiousness in terms of Maintenance. Thanks to an extensive dealer network, finding all the necessary parts for repairs and scheduled maintenance will not be difficult. The affordable cost of spare parts makes the operation of the equipment financially feasible. For this reason, it is used not only by private owners, but also by companies specializing in landscape care, construction and repair organizations. Some components DDE compatible with a large number of equipment from the range.

Dynamic Drive Equipment was founded in 1990 by American Daniel Davis. Since 1970, DDE began to expand its product range to meet the needs of the growing construction industry. The company's factories produce equipment for farmers, owners country houses and builders. The main priorities for the company are the introduction of innovative technologies, advanced equipment, research and improvement of the product line. In 2005, a process of redistribution of the company's resources took place to expand the range of products, which allowed it to take leading positions among manufacturers of gardening and construction equipment.

Equipment for a country house

Mobile DDE generators are designed for backup power supply of gas boilers, household appliances in country houses and tools in construction sites. The model range includes more than 40 mini-power plants, which differ from each other in design and performance. DDE gas generators are developed using advanced inverter technologies and have high power and performance. To clear snow-covered roads, parks and suburban areas, it is best to use DDE snow blowers. They have excellent characteristics combined with a low price. Self-propelled snow removal machines According to the method of movement, they are distinguished into wheeled and tracked units.

Equipment for farm and country work

To ensure comfortable operating conditions and functionality, DDE lawn mowers are equipped with an internal combustion engine. IN the lineup includes a large assortment of units, which allows you to choose a lawn mower with optimal characteristics that would be suitable for mowing lawns various sizes. When navigating over uneven terrain, you can quickly change the cutting height of the cutting blade, which ensures the longevity and performance of your lawn mowers. To facilitate the work of loosening and cultivating the soil, dde cultivators are used. They are equipped with reliable engines whose power reaches 9 hp. The engine is started using recoil starter or electric starter. For convenient control, dde cultivators are equipped with horizontally adjustable handlebars. Having a bright headlight makes it possible to perform work in poor visibility on inclement days. All models of dde cultivators are equipped with large wheels with deep tire tread, thanks to which the unit can easily move on wet soil.

Advantages of DDE motor drills

DDE motor drills are used for planting shrubs, installing poles, laying communications and drilling holes in ice. The model range includes three units that are designed for drilling holes in soil and ice. The drill diameter ranges from 100 to 300 mm, and the maximum drilling depth is two meters. Each dde motor drill has its own distinctive characteristics and adapted to perform a specific range of tasks.

DDE is a well-known American brand, one of the leading largest manufacturers and suppliers of household and industrial equipment for construction, electrical and motorcycle equipment, power equipment, garden tools and inventory.

The company's history begins in 1956, when inventor Daniel Davis, having sold shares in his father's company, opened Dynamic Equipment, which specialized in the manufacture of innovative products.

The talented engineer Harris Meerson, who had remarkable technical flair, joined Davis and glorified the enterprise with a new product. A miracle of technical and engineering thought, the DDE drilling rig, in addition to its productivity, was also distinguished by its compact size.

The product turned out to be in great demand. Thus, one of the directions was chosen, which is still developing today. DDE motor drills are well known all over the world as reliable and quality tool, indispensable when performing earthworks, as well as ice drilling.

The 70s were marked by a significant increase in the range. Management focused on the production of gardening and landscape equipment and components for mechanical engineering. Developments were carried out and serial production of DDE motor pumps was launched.

In 1987, the company's production facilities were moved to economically attractive areas, and in 1990 the Dynamic Drive Equipment group of companies was founded. Among the strategically important areas of the concern are production and supply, installation, service, and modernization of specialized machinery and equipment. A significant expansion of the product line allowed us to occupy one of the leading positions in the world market.

At the beginning of the 2000s, a restructuring decision was made. Today, DDE is well known to consumers as a manufacturer of professional equipment and products that are in demand among ordinary users.

DDE Product Catalog

Over its half-century history, the company has changed the name and range of manufactured units more than once. However, the quality and qualified approach to business remained unchanged. Today the DDE brand is represented by the following product categories:

  1. garden equipment;
  2. power equipment;
  3. repair and construction equipment;
  4. tools and equipment for working in the garden.

Most popular in category garden equipment They use DDE snowblowers, trimmers, and scythes.

also in large quantities are produced Consumables and equipment necessary for full operation of the equipment.

The main advantages of DDE technology and equipment

The key to the success and stability of the company is the constant search and desire to improve existing products. The company presents products that meet international standards and embody complex engineering solutions in the field of mechanical engineering.

All manufactured products trademark DDE has a number undeniable advantages, which make it so popular among consumers around the world. So, the key features of the products are:

  • reliability of operation;
  • excellent build quality;
  • intuitive operation;
  • affordable price in comparison with analog equipment of popular brands.

Snow blowers, trimmers, diesel generators, DDE vibrating plates and many other equipment are widely used both in private cases and in enterprises. A wide range of products is designed not only for professional users, but also for ordinary buyers.