Love horoscope for November for Taurus girl. Work and finance

The November 2016 horoscope for the Taurus zodiac sign says - you want more stability, certainty, and reliability. But the world is so structured that this simply cannot happen, at least not for long. To have and to keep – does this really happen?

Work, career, business

November 2016 is a good time for the Taurus zodiac sign to strengthen partnerships. Negotiations with people occupying a high position in society, support from friends and business partners are possible. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries develop with varying degrees of success; some plans remain unfulfilled, while others will take on real features. With the help of friendly partners, it is possible to negotiate, partially correct past shortcomings, and somehow generally soften the situation. It would seem that things were going well, but that was not the case! At the very end of the month, new obstacles will appear that will take a long time to overcome. Entrepreneurs and bosses are advised to prepare for inspections, which, as always, will appear inopportunely and will bring a lot of trouble. Towards the end of the month, legal problems are likely to arise. An employee may find himself in a difficult situation at work. In case of disagreements in the team or any other problems, the stars recommend that he not take sides - there is a risk of exposing himself and ending up as an extreme one.


In November 2016, representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign may receive most of their money: as financial support from business partners, interest on a bank deposit, or help from a loved one. There are also a lot of expenses, but they are all predictable and reasonable.

Love, family

For representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus, this cloudy autumn month of November 2016 is painted in nostalgic tones. Meeting someone from your past life goes much better than you expected. You can talk to him about work, about life, and also about everything that haunts you now. Everything is fine, but if your passion lives in another city or in another country, then the relationship may be interrupted again for a variety of reasons. True, not for long, and there are chances for a continuation. Friendly spouses can work together to resolve complex issues related to moving to another city or another country, or maybe just a trip. Many will have serious problems with the relatives of the other half, and in one case we are talking about health, and in the other – about the continuation of a long-standing conflict.


Representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus also need to take care of their own health. Gloomy autumn weather in November 2016 will affect your well-being, which may not be particularly cheerful. Beware of infections, colds, and also be more careful when traveling and driving. The probability of unpleasant incidents and accidents this month is quite high.

Taurus, the leading sign of the Zodiac of the earthly trine, in November 2016 will find itself in a fairly stable, but ambiguous position, and the moment of ambiguity will depend primarily on the position of Venus, which in its usual position is the ruling planet of this sign. In November, Venus will retain its classic position, but will receive additional reinforcement due to some planetary combinations. A similar situation will be observed on other fronts, in particular with the participation of Pluto, which usually plays the role of the planet responsible for the “expulsion” of Taurus. The exaltant of this sign, the Moon, will retain its position, as will Saturn, responsible for the “fall” of Taurus. In fact, the influences of the indicated celestial bodies of the Solar System (Moon and Saturn) completely compensate each other, so there is no point in paying any attention to them. It is better to concentrate on current problems, on tasks that will be of decisive importance for you. And although in this case everything will be highly individual, it is fair to note that already in the first ten days of the month you will be able to clearly determine not only the priority areas of work, but also the key problems that you have to solve.

As for the work area, some changes await Taurus in November 2016. How significant such metamorphoses will be is the second question, and you will have to try hard to answer it. The stars hint that now efficiency will be most important, speed of decision-making will be more important than scrupulous and consistent analysis. Under no circumstances should you shift your responsibilities to others, especially if you are what is affectionately called “boss.” To achieve success, you have to, as they say, roll up your sleeves and get your hands a little dirty. If you are not ready for this, then you may not even dream of a successful end of the month, because such an end will not happen. November will not bring you any large-scale, significant problems, but this month you will definitely encounter situations that will become fundamental, starting points for your business. And here it is important not to dismiss new opportunities, not to “get bogged down” in the quagmire of old, outdated trends and trends. Remember, there can be as many opinions as you like, but it is not at all necessary that at least one of them is directly related to the real state of affairs.

The “love front” in November 2016 for the zodiac sign Taurus will be calm in the full sense of the concept. Here lies the fundamental difference between the sensory-emotional direction and the work sphere (at this stage, of course). In terms of personal relationships, everything will be balanced and you will not have to resort to some really complex multi-step combinations to achieve what you want. It will be enough to focus on the task and consistently move towards it, especially since no barriers or obstacles are foreseen. None at all! And this is a positive moment, the essence of which you will not be able to understand immediately. If during the second decade you increasingly “bump into” difficulties, it means that you are looking for problems within yourself, because neither the stars nor the circumstances are now setting themselves the task of stopping you. If there is such a need, turn to friends for help; their unbiased, third-party opinion can be valuable, especially for Taurus, who “suffer” from attacks of outright self-centeredness.

Attention! Thanks to the November 2016 horoscope for the zodiac sign Taurus, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Taurus sign: Personal horoscopes for the Taurus sign:

In November 2016, Taurus can successfully take on large projects that give him considerable responsibility. In addition, by the end of the month, Taurus may experience personal victories related to recovery and treatment, as well as communication with a partner.

General horoscope for November 2016 Taurus

The November 2016 horoscope for Taurus foresees the period from November 24 to 25 as the most favorable for obtaining consent from the other half on health issues related to appearance correction. This may concern, for example, a slight change in one’s appearance, which the sign’s representative has been thinking about for a long time.

Taurus in November 2016 has every chance of being successful at work thanks to his partner.

Until November 12, the planet Taurus - Venus will be in the sign of Sagittarius, thanks to which representatives of the sign will be able to get rid of nervousness and in return find peace. This period is ideal for participating in large-scale projects that require a lot of effort and energy.

In the first half of November, Taurus can devote most of their time to personal relationships, forgetting a little about work. Already in the second half of the month, Taurus will be able to more productively fulfill their work obligations, but at the same time will not forget about love relationships.

Career and money horoscope for November 2016 Taurus

Taurus on November 25, 2016 has every chance of achieving significant success in his career, especially if he has a reliable partner or companion. Representatives of the sign this month can find a new high-paying job or get a promotion.

Agreements on major work issues on the topics of money, resource provision or personnel management will most likely be carried out by Taurus on November 22 or 23. And this is not just the development of planned projects, but giving representatives of the sign special responsibility for the work that Taurus will perform.

The November 2016 horoscope for Taurus speaks of the possibility of successfully resolving issues related to raising children or distributing the finances of the entire work team on the new moon - November 29 and 30.

In the second half of the month, Taurus will receive additional material rewards, such as a bonus or winnings.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in November 2016 for Taurus: November 22, 23, 25, 29, 30.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Taurus

Due to the presence of the Sun in the sign of Scorpio, Taurus until November 21 will have intense and energetic relationships, in which there is a lot of movement and hope.

In November 2016, Taurus needs to pay close attention to days 5, 10, 11, as well as November 18 and 28: at this time the Black Moon can have a powerful impact. This can manifest itself in the form of unfulfilled promises of a partner, unfounded fears and excessive emotionality of Taurus.

Taurus in November 2016 can attend public events together with his other half in the period from November 22 to 25, where the relationship will be recognized by the public and, possibly, discussed.

The presence of the planet Mars in the sign of Capricorn until November 8 means for Taurus concentrating on common affairs with a partner, developing joint plans that can be successfully implemented in the future. But, starting from November 9, Mars will move into the sign of Aquarius, which will bring chaos, willfulness and uncontrollability in relationships to representatives of the Taurus sign.

During this period, Taurus's partner may be frivolous and act solely for personal purposes. The culmination of the situation and special dissatisfaction for Taurus may occur from 11 to 13, as well as on November 24 and 27.

Health horoscope for November 2016 Taurus

The November 2016 horoscope for Taurus indicates a good time to start physical activity, for example, regularly visiting the gym or swimming pool.

Favorable days of the month for a health examination are November 13–15, and November 22–25 for starting a course of long-term treatment (of course, if this is necessary).

In November 2016, Taurus should pay attention to the prevention of respiratory and viral diseases. It is equally important for Taurus at this time to avoid overwork and monitor their emotional state, since any stressful situation can make representatives of the sign nervous, which has a negative effect on the body. In addition, in November 2016, Taurus needs to monitor their work and rest schedule.

Taurus have not had the best period this year, so they have high hopes for November 2019. Representatives of this zodiac sign dream of a miracle. Whether it will become a reality, only the exact love horoscope for Taurus for November knows.

Love horoscope for Taurus for November 2019

In November 2019, Taurus will have many goals regarding the love sphere. The horoscope promises them the full assistance of the stars in a number of issues, however, throughout the month, representatives of this sign will be forced to make a lot of their own efforts.

In November, Taurus may have new romances. Life will give them loyal fans, and it is no exception that among them will be a faithful future spouse or companion. The family life of Taurus in November will bring them a lot of new emotions. People of this zodiac sign will have the opportunity to realize their most secret intimate dreams.

The period of failures in November will end for single Taurus. They will be able to plunge into the fire of passion with their new partners. Taurus who prefer tenderness and love in relationships will have to endure a little longer. They may not meet their soulmate in November.

In November 2019, Taurus, who previously experienced the bitterness of betrayal, will finally open their eyes to their unfaithful partners. New feelings will not keep you waiting. Sagittarius will find happiness in November with the most unexpected people. In the last month of autumn, they will be able to charm, impress and remain in the memory of the partners they like.

Love horoscope for Taurus woman for November 2019

In November 2019, Taurus girls who have recently experienced unrequited love with all the ensuing consequences have the right to start a new life. In the love sphere, many pleasant surprises await them. In November of this year, Taurus girls will be able to feel a pleasant feeling of importance for the object of their sympathy.

Those Taurus girls who do not yet have a person in their immediate circle who is vying for the place of a spouse or groom are quite objectively waiting for a romantic acquaintance in November. For this to happen, Taurus needs to pay attention to their appearance in November. Dye your hair a different color, buy an original outfit or put on bold makeup - anything that will help you transform is used.

If Taurus girls are not married, then nothing needs to be changed in November. The end of autumn is not the best time for this zodiac sign to acquire the status of married women. But Taurus has time to enjoy freedom and walk to their heart’s content, so that they have something to remember after the wedding.

The love horoscope guarantees Taurus a quality intimate life in November. In a pair of two partners who passionately desire each other, there will be mutual passion, and your head will spin from so many pleasant moments. In the love sphere in November, Taurus girls will be especially lucky with Libra and Aquarius men. But relations with the signs of Capricorn and Leo will not be entirely favorable. All such intrigues will ultimately lead to a final break.

Love horoscope for a Taurus man for November 2019

Taurus men will receive enormous satisfaction with their own lives in November 2019. They will not worry about minor failures. In the Taurus family, everything will develop harmoniously. Your beloved women will never cease to delight you with surprises and delicious dinners.

For lonely Taurus, dreaming of a fateful meeting with beautiful girls, the stars recommend flirting more. You have little chance of going unnoticed, so the long-awaited event in the form of an acquaintance will not keep you waiting.

A highlight of November for Taurus will be a secret date. The tension in the love triangle will remain tense for a long time. It is no coincidence that the stars warn their Taurus wards to be as careful as possible when communicating with married women.

What does November 2016 have in store for the Taurus man?

November will be a very active month for Taurus men. You should spend your free time with friends. Come up with interesting, relay or extreme entertainment. Plunge into the world of carefree childhood and youthful maximalism. Also, pleasant surprises await Taurus men.

Love horoscope for Taurus Men

In November, you should pay attention to people close to you. Most likely, a friend you have known for a long time will finally open her feelings for you. The main thing is not to react negatively to such recognition. Think it over carefully. Perhaps, somewhere deep in your subconscious, you want to be with this person.

Also be attentive and careful with strangers. Many girls will want to get to know you, but you shouldn’t count on anything further with them. They will most likely only use you in material terms.

For those who already have a couple, a period of complete mutual understanding will begin. The main thing is to look through all your significant dates in your head. Ignorance of such little things can cause a big scandal.

Married men need to focus on improving their family home. Consider major renovations or moving.

Love horoscope for November 2016: Taurus A man will be able to meet his love if he takes a good look at the women around him.

Work and finance

November will be a very good month to start something new. Perhaps your old passion or hobby will become a permanent place of work and will bring in a good income. Also take time for self-development. Read educational literature.

And for those who have their own business, November will be a suitable month for signing important documents. And business trips and business trips will bring good, profitable results. It would also be nice if you pay off all your debts.

Health and leisure

Good and proper sleep will help you to be constantly at your best. A charge of vivacity and energy will give you strength for new achievements. But still, you should pay special attention to the kidneys, respiratory tract and lower back. Also, intense sports activities can affect the veins and ligaments in the legs. Take care of yourself and reduce physical activity, especially if you engage in extreme sports. During the peak season of viral infections, focus on prevention, visit crowded places less, and prefer walks in the fresh air to traveling on public transport. It is beneficial for both physical and mental health.