DIY bed made of pine boards. How to make your own bed out of wood. Schemes and drawings. Making a bed frame

A bed is a must-have attribute in every home, but the quality of some items modern furniture leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it very quickly becomes unusable and has to be replaced. There are often cases when the mattress can still be used, but the bed frame itself has already become unusable. But making furniture is not so difficult, and in this article we will look at how to make a double bed from wood with your own hands.

An important point that is responsible for durability and appearance bed is the material of manufacture. After all, it is low-quality material that causes the product to quickly begin to break even with careful handling and the low weight of those who use it.

That is why you need to choose the highest quality and durable wood for your bed. Conifers It is better to immediately exclude them from the list of materials, since they do not have sufficient strength.

From hardwood, not all options will suit you either, especially if you are just starting out in carpentry. It is best to choose affordable and durable species such as ash, oak or beech. The combination of quality and price, the best option there will be an oak bed. Oak has beautiful colour and texture, so with such a bed your bedroom will look very beautiful.

Detailed drawing of the bed. Click to enlarge

Also try to avoid exotic types of wood; they are not only expensive, but also require special skills to work with. Therefore, working with them if you are a beginner will be quite difficult. In addition, you should not make a bed from chipboard; this material does not react well to direct load and crumbles, so it is best suited for cabinet furniture.


Of course, making a bed with your own hands at home will not be very easy, especially if you want it to have beautiful view. But this is a completely doable task if you put in a little effort and work carefully.

The initial stage of work is the manufacture of columns. Their sizes, in principle, can be varied, depending on the thickness of the workpiece you have and what kind of bed you want to make. The thicker the columns, the more solid and reliable the bed will look, but it is worth remembering that everything is good only within reasonable limits.

As you can see in the diagram, there is nothing complicated in processing the column. You will just need to cut out two narrowings and make two nests to secure the side drawers. Additionally, on the two columns that will be located at the head, you also need to make two grooves each to secure the shaped tab. After all, wooden beds are distinguished by their simple and reliable design, so making them with your own hands from scrap materials is not very difficult.

Before you start cutting, make all the nests on the columns. In particular, this applies to the nests for the backrest, which will be at the headboard, since marking them accurately after you have cut out the narrowings will be quite problematic. In addition, you need to make holes at the upper ends to attach the canopy.

Gluing is done if you do not have a solid block

Select the drill diameter according to the bolt size

Use electrical tape to determine the depth of the hole

The most difficult moment in this design will be cutting out the narrowing. If you can handle the short side without special labor, then you will have to work a little with the length. The most important thing is not to rush and make the markings accurately so that all the pillars for the canopy are symmetrical.

The bed is the main place in the bedroom, which should be comfortable and spacious. For this reason, you should be careful when choosing a piece of furniture. We must not forget about strength so that the product does not fall apart in the first month of operation. It is not necessary to buy a ready-made bed furniture store, you can do it yourself. In this case, you can show your imagination, develop a diagram and drawing with which you can perform suitable design according to preferences. But it’s still worth considering the nuances first; they will help you do it correctly and accurately.

Creating a drawing and diagram of the future bed

Before you start making a double bed, you should develop a drawing. Everything is reflected on it necessary elements and sizes. Using the diagrams, it will be possible to correctly calculate the required volume of material from certain parameters. You can also give the drawing to professionals who make furniture; they will make a product that you would like to see in your bedroom.

Example drawings

It is worth deciding on the type of bed structure that will be made. Stationary models are popular. Unlike transformers, stationary options are simple and durable; they do not have a folding mechanism.

Stationary beds consist of the following components:

  • Support frame;
  • Supports;
  • Headboard;
  • Foot;
  • Mattress holders;
  • Side guards.

Now that it is clear what the bed consists of, you can start choosing a drawing for it. Examples of diagrams can be taken as a basis, and with the help of them you can make a sketch with some modifications and additions.

The diagram shows a double bed with drawers and put it under the mattress.

The model in the diagram is perfect for a room with classic design. She has small size width – 1.5 meters. For this reason, the product will fit into large and small rooms.

All-turf bed under a standard double mattress.

The diagram shows a model of a double bed that will complement the interior of a classic bedroom. The drawing shows standard dimensions.

Drawing showing a cross section of a fixed double bed. It will simplify the process self-made designs. The diagram shows a bed with load-bearing frame and supports made of wooden beam. To lay the mattress, lamellas with a cross section of 20x80 mm are laid out on the sides, one after another.

Diagram of a double bed, which is suitable for self-production. It has a simple design that anyone can handle assembling.

Different sizes

You should first decide on the size of the future bed. Standard length a structure is considered to be 2 meters or 200 cm. But the figure varies in the range from 190 to 220 cm. To determine the size of the bed in length, you need to add 30 cm to the person’s height.

The minimum bed width should be 160 cm. But there are options:

  • 170 cm;
  • 180 cm;
  • 190 cm;
  • 200 cm;
  • 220 cm.

There is a trick that will help you determine the appropriate bed width. To do this, you need to lie on the bed, put your hands on your chest, straighten your elbows. Then the distance from one elbow to the other is measured. 10-20 cm is added to the resulting figure.

Material selection

It is important to choose the right material from which the structure will be made. The strength, durability and attractiveness of the product depend on it. Before you begin the manufacturing process, it is worth considering the types of bases from which beds are made.


Wood – durable material, which is often used to make furniture. Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • Strength. Wood is considered a reliable material, especially hardwood, which does not crack or deform over time;
  • Attractive appearance. Wooden furniture looks beautiful, stylish, the pattern gives the products a unique design;
  • Environmental friendliness. The tree does not provide negative influence on human health. In addition, furniture from natural wood has a positive effect on the indoor microclimate and helps to constantly maintain the required humidity;
  • Durability of furniture. Wood products can last for several decades. They withstand adverse conditions, do not collapse and retain their appearance after long-term use;
  • Compatibility with different interiors. Bed from natural wood can fit into any style and design. This material is also combined with textiles, leather and other bases.

But don't forget about the disadvantages:

  • The tree does not like changes in temperature and humidity. This can lead to deformation of some structural parts and the appearance of cracks on the surface;
  • Some insect pests can spoil the material;
  • Over time, the wood begins to dry out.


Timber is often used for beds. This material has the same characteristics as wood. Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • Strength. Material can withstand negative impacts, does not crack, does not deform;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Long wear. Furniture made from timber can last for several decades;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Easy processing and installation;
  • Compatibility with different materials.

But there are also negative features:

  • When temperature and humidity changes, it begins to crack and deform;
  • It is necessary to cover the top with protective agents - varnish, stain;
  • The material can be damaged by pests and insects.


Plywood is perfect for making your own bed. This is due to the advantages of this material:

  • Good strength. Plywood has a multi-layer glued structure, which makes this material durable and wear-resistant;
  • Smooth and even surface;
  • Simple processing. To cut and carry out other carpentry operations there is no need to have special skills;
  • Elasticity. Plywood sheet can be easily given a rounded shape;
  • Affordable price.

But there are disadvantages:

  • Low weather resistance;
  • Sheets with certain dimensions are available on sale.


Products made from natural materials have a number of advantages:

  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Eco-friendly and natural. Solid wood products provide beneficial influence for health, they create a favorable microclimate in the room;
  • Excellent strength and durability;
  • Structures made from solid wood are highly stable; they do not become loose even after repeated use;
  • Resistant to mechanical damage(chips, scratches, cracks);
  • Create a warm and comfortable atmosphere in the room.

But there are disadvantages:

  • High price;
  • Heavy weight;
  • When temperature and humidity changes, the material begins to deform and crack.

What tools will you need?

To make a bed with your own hands, you should prepare the equipment from the list below:

  • Circular saw (grinder);
  • Hacksaw;
  • Drill;
  • Drills with different diameters;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Wood glue or PVA;
  • Clamps;
  • Square;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Roulette;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Iron corners;
  • Varnish or stain;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Brushes for painting.

This is a standard kit that is required for the manufacture and assembly of a wooden structure. Additionally, you will need material, the volume of which is calculated using drawings and diagrams.

Project details

The table below contains the materials that will be required for manufacturing. standard bed from two beds.

Frame making

The process of making a bed should start with the frame. This is the main part that holds the product. Additional elements will be installed on it in the future.

The first step is to glue the components together to create the following parts:

  • Side panels;
  • Headboard;
  • Leg back.

The main features of the frame assembly include:

  • The surfaces to be joined must be treated with glue. To ensure reliable coupling of materials, it is worth placing a load on top;
  • To securely and firmly connect the corners at the edges of the bars, you need to saw off a small fragment - 40-50 mm. As a result, the corners are firmly fastened, but they additionally need to be lubricated with glue;
  • After assembling and gluing the main box, you can begin installing the internal jumper rail;
  • When the frame is assembled and fixed, you can begin attaching the legs and supporting elements.


The surface should be smooth and even. For this reason, the wood is planed and sanded. Otherwise the parts will not stick well. Grinding is carried out using a grinder and an abrasive disc. Afterwards the end parts and grooves are polished.

Note! To remove fine lint from the surface of the elements and prepare them for painting, experts advise using thin sanding discs with sizes 80-120.


Before assembly, you should paint the elements for the bed. It is recommended to select the color of the paint so that it fits into the interior in the future. For wood it is recommended to use protective equipment– varnish or stain. These coatings can protect the material from premature wear, but will also make it brighter and more beautiful.

It is worth noting! When choosing paints, you should pay attention to the fact that they should be ideal for the wood. Preference should be given to water- or oil-based options. Acrylic paints are the most the best coatings for wooden products.

The surface and end parts need to be painted. To do this, you must use special brushes. Be sure to wait until all parts are completely dry. After this you can start assembling.

Attaching supports for slatted bottom

Support components are attached at the corners of the frame. First, they are fixed with glue and then reinforced with self-tapping screws. Experts recommend securing the legs with metal corners for greater reliability.

Additionally, supports can be made in the middle of the side panels. They will provide excellent stability to the structure, and will also ensure even distribution of the weight of the sleeping person. After the glue has dried, the frame can be placed on supports.

Installation of slats (lamellas)

After the frame has dried, you can begin making the base from the lamellas. Among important features This stage can be distinguished:

  • On the side drawers, the position of the plank on which the base will be installed is marked;
  • The supporting components must be flush with the center lintel. For convenience, you can focus on the line of the upper beam;
  • Boards are laid on the prepared supports;
  • So that there are no squeaks in the future, cross members should not rest against the side drawers. For this reason, it is recommended to leave a gap of 4-5 mm;
  • The flooring can be made not only from lamellas, but from ordinary boards;
  • The flooring must be fixed using self-tapping screws. Fastening is done along the edges and in the center of each lamella.


Legs don't count mandatory elements, but still they facilitate the process of moving the structure in the room. They can be made from wood or other materials. They must be the same length.

Important! There is no need to make the legs too high, as this can lead to instability of the product. They must be fastened at the corners of the structure.

The legs can be attached using glue and metal corners. Additionally, you can fix it with self-tapping screws for better strength.

Decorative elements

The decor is chosen as desired, the main thing is that it can make the furniture stylish and not too bright or pretentious. It should be in harmony with other interior elements.

The following decorative components can be used for the backs and sides of the structure:

  • Wood patterns;
  • Metal inserts;
  • Textile embroideries;
  • Drawings on wood;
  • Carved elements.

Assembling the backboard for the headboard

The side back or head of the bed is optional. It gives the product a luxurious look and makes it richer. The backrests can be different forms– rectangular, semicircular or consist of several edges. Lattice options also look stylish.

The process of making a headboard is simple:

  • This part will require 2 or 3 bars. They stick together;
  • For better gluing, you can place a weight on top;
  • After complete drying, the wood is processed;
  • You can apply varnish or stain on top;
  • The headboard can be painted with wood paint;
  • Soft textile padding can be attached to the top;
  • The back is attached to the frame using corners, self-tapping screws or regular PVA glue.

Drawer design

The drawer design is practical and comfortable furniture which can save space in the room. But still, its production is quite complex and requires special skills in this matter.

When making a product, metal strips are attached to the bottom of the frame and the base from the inside; they will serve as supports. Two transverse ones are attached to the longitudinal slats, on which the drawer will slide. Then we make a box of four elements. We glue them together with PVA glue and keep them under pressure until they dry completely.

Building a bed with two sleeping places is a rather labor-intensive process that requires experience and skill in this matter. On initial stage It is imperative to develop a drawing according to which the structure will be manufactured. Everything needs to be thought out in advance, the volume of material must be calculated and notes with dimensions must be made on each element. The finished bed should be durable, comfortable and beautiful.

Bed- This is an integral element of any home, just as sleep is one of the main processes in human life. During sleep, the body gets the opportunity to rest and restore energy. Therefore, to ensure normal human life, he needs a comfortable healthy sleep. And these factors directly depend on the quality of the bed.

Types of beds

Depending on the size parameters, the following types are distinguished:

  1. 200 x 80 (100) cm.
  2. One and a half truck– 200 x 120 (140) cm.
  3. Double– 200 x 160 (180) cm.
  4. Swedish– 200 x 200 cm.

Advice! To choose the size that suits your personal parameters, you need to lie on the bed and fold your arms across your chest so that one palm touches the other with your fingertips. In this case, the distance from the elbow to the edge of the mattress should be at least ten centimeters in each direction.

Equally important is height sleeping place. According to this indicator, three types are distinguished:

  1. Low – 30-20 cm.
  2. Average – 40-60 cm.
  3. High – 70-90 cm.

This parameter must correspond to your height, as well as physiological characteristics. This will make the lifting process easier. As a rule, the most common are mid-height beds. When choosing the height for yourself, you need to take into account the size of the base and the mattress installed on it. When sitting on the bed, a person should have their feet firmly planted on the floor, with their knees bent at 90°.

Attention! People with joint problems should not buy models that are too low.


Regardless of models, size and height, all beds consist of a base and. In turn, the base is a strong, stable structure consisting of:

  1. frames;
  2. supports for slatted bottom;
  3. slats;
  4. legs;
  5. backrests;

In addition, the design may include other parts that increase its functionality and efficiency of use. Metal or wood is used as the material for the base. Let's look at how to make it yourself.

What will you need for work?

When choosing wood material, it is best to give preference they have a lot of advantages. This design will last you much longer, and the likelihood of it being damaged by wood-eating insects (termites, shashel, etc.) is reduced.

In addition, the structure will be quite light, which will allow it to be moved if necessary, as well as installed on upper floors of housing without creating additional load. It is important that the boards are smooth and have as few flaws as possible. This will reduce processing time.

In the table below you will find the amount of materials for making a standard semi-truck bed.

In addition to wood, you must purchase the following materials:

  1. screws 30, 50, 60 mm;
  2. stain;
  3. tassels;
  4. sanding discs or paper;
  5. wood putty;
  6. wood glue.

You also need to have a number of tools available:

  • measuring device - tape measure;
  • circular saw;
  • drill;
  • adjustable measuring square;
  • set of wood drills;
  • construction pencil;
  • clamp;
  • belt sanding machine.

Base manufacturing algorithm

The first step in assembling a bed is making the frame. As already mentioned, it will require four boards. They need to be laid out in a rectangle. To fasten the parts together, self-tapping screws are used, which are screwed at an angle into pre-drilled holes.

Advice! Very often the edges need processing. It will make them more accurate hand plane, but you can use an angle grinder (angle grinder).

Before connecting the parts, it is recommended to coat them with wood glue. After pulling the elements together, excess adhesive can be removed with a damp cloth. Next we move on to applying the coating. Water-based acrylic varnish is best suited for this.

  • Can also be used acrylic paint. The peculiarity of these materials is that they are non-toxic, and due to the rapid evaporation of water, they dry quickly, which speeds up work.

Creating supports
  1. Boards are inserted into the dried frame to act as a base on which the grille will subsequently be assembled and installed.
  2. Two of them are fixed along the long sides of the base, one parallel to the previous ones in the center.
  3. These parts are secured in the same way as described in the previous paragraph.
  4. Initially, holes are created using special drills at a distance of 25 cm from each other.
  5. Next, the joints are coated with glue.
  6. The supports are inserted into the place intended for them and screwed with self-tapping screws.

Important! The distance from the top edge of the frame to the place where the base is attached should be at least 10 cm, which will allow the mattress to be installed correctly.

Making legs

A standard bed has four legs. But to create a reinforced base, it is best to increase their number to at least six. In our case, we use a parallelepiped made of timber with a base of 10 x 10 cm and a length of edges of 10.5 cm.

On a note! If desired, they can be given any shape, but there is a possibility of reduced stability.

The legs are attached to the boards that act as the base. They are installed at the junction of these elements with the frame. The joints are coated with glue, and self-tapping screws are used as fastening.

Slatted bottom

The next step is the manufacture of the slatted grille. For this, small boards of the same size are used, the length of which corresponds to the internal width of the frame. Before installing them, it is necessary to treat the surface with varnish. The first and last slats are attached flush to the wide side of the frame.

Important! Don't forget to glue the joints. The rest are installed parallel to the previous ones at a distance of 10 cm from each other.


The bed may have one or more beds, or may not have them at all. The back can be rectangular, round or carved. It can be built in as part of the frame or attached separately. It is important to pay attention to the second option.

To secure the back properly, wooden choppers are used. Holes are drilled in the frame and in the frame at a distance of 10 cm, which are coated with glue, after which a wooden connector is inserted into the lower element and the upper one - the back - is put on.



Making a bed out of wood with your own hands may not be the most simple solution, but the most profitable. At the moment, almost all such furniture products are very expensive, so it would be advisable to purchase the necessary materials and make a wooden bed on your own. Of course, this will require tools and some skills, but the simplest model will require patience and basic skills in handling tools. In any case, almost everything that is needed to make it comfortable wooden bed with your own hands, will be described below.

Before you start assembling a wooden bed with your own hands, you need to decide on its future dimensions, location in the room and other nuances. This is necessary for the rational distribution of materials and own forces.

It's best to start with a diagram that you can draw yourself or find in furniture-making literature. In the books you can find not only photos of the final look of the furniture, but also step-by-step design, assembly and some tips. Video can also be a great help.

Wooden beds, like any other, must have a mattress. This design element is the most important, since comfort during sleep will depend on it. If you don’t pick it up in advance, it simply won’t fit or, on the contrary, it will “ride” in a niche. Accordingly, this will cause discomfort, and very strong.

There are two options for solving this problem: order a mattress in advance or make a bed with your own hands from wood and only then start looking for a suitable mattress. Whichever option is more convenient should be chosen, but the first one is much simpler because it will save time. In any case, before you make a wooden bed with your own hands, you need to decide on the size of the mattress.

Materials and tools

After all the preparations, you should acquire the following tools for work:

  • sanding machine or sandpaper;
  • wood hacksaw, jigsaw or circular saw;
  • hammer with rubber striker;
  • hammer with an iron striker;
  • square;
  • screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • tape measure, ruler, level;
  • chisel.

With materials the situation is a little different. In order to assemble beds with your own hands, you will need a certain type of wood. The most suitable ones are walnut, mahogany and beech. But such expensive breeds are not affordable for everyone, and they are not suitable for beginners, since they will end up with too much garbage. Most affordable option- pine.

Do-it-yourself wooden beds can be made from a variety of wood species, but cheaper options are also suitable for the first time.

The materials required for the structure are:

  • pine wood preparations;
  • screws;
  • varnish coating;
  • stain;
  • wood glue.

After all the materials and tools have been collected, you can begin to work.

Assembly sequence

A lot depends on the work plan. Do-it-yourself drawings will have their own nuances that will have to be taken into account during the work. The most simple design- a regular frame on 4 legs with a niche for a mattress. Even making a double bed with your own hands can be done quite quickly if you have certain carpentry skills.
For the frame we will need several bars and boards different sizes, namely:

  • 2 beams 100x100 mm, length 2.6 m;
  • 2 beams 50x50 mm, length 2.6 m;
  • approximately 12 boards 25x75 mm 2 m long;
  • 5 boards 50x150 mm, 2.6 m long.

The work order will be as follows:

  1. A beam with a cross-section of 100x100 is sawn into blanks for legs. 2 blanks should become the back legs of the bed, and 2 should become the legs at the head of the bed. The dimensions should be compared with the drawings, but most often the legs at the headboard are twice as high as the back ones.
  2. Grooves are cut into the legs on both sides 50x150 mm - for the longitudinal boards of the frame and the transverse ones (for attaching the legs).
  3. On one side of the legs, chamfers of 1 cm are removed at the ends.
  4. Next comes the assembly of the frame. It is worth noting that the length of the frame should be slightly longer than the length of the mattress by about 5-6 cm, and the width by 10 cm;
  5. Boards 50x150 mm are cut into blanks. 2 - along the length of the bed and 3 - along the width. All resulting parts are ground smooth.

The first thing to assemble will be the frame. It works like this:

  1. The transverse sides of the bed are connected to the longitudinal boards. Everything is held together with glue and screws.
  2. The base for the cross boards is cut out of 50x50 timber. It is attached so that the niche for the mattress has a recess of 3 cm.
  3. 25x75 mm boards are laid on the base, which correspond to the internal width of the frame and are secured with screws.
  4. The last boards to be installed are at the headboard.

After all homemade bed sanded several times, treated with stain and varnish.
Another option on how to make a bed is presented in the video.

  1. Before you make a bed out of wood, you need to check all the wood for defects.
  2. It is necessary to acquire spare materials in case of incorrect processing.
  3. We must not forget that even if you do something according to the instructions, the result may not be exactly what is shown. It is necessary to check the sequence of work or change the scheme of actions.

Conclusion on the topic

As it turns out, making a bed out of wood with your own hands is quite simple if you follow all the instructions and sometimes consult with the craftsmen. In addition, you can not only assemble beds with your own hands, but also beautifully decorate them to match the style of the room. For those interested in how to make a wooden bed more attractive, some books with photos on decorating wooden products can help.

Furniture made from natural materials, is safe for health, durable and practical. Furniture intended for the bedroom must fully comply with these criteria, since a person spends a considerable part of his life in this room. For a comfortable stay you need comfortable bed from natural materials. True, it is expensive, but to find suitable model is not so simple, so home craftsmen are wondering how to make a bed out of wood with their own hands. in our other one.

It will cost less, since you will only need to purchase required material. You can make a simple drawing of a wooden bed yourself.

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Bed drawing

List of materials and tools

For those who want to make furniture for their bedroom themselves, the best trial option is a do-it-yourself wooden bed, drawings and manufacturing diagrams of which can be easily found on any construction site.

Before you start counting materials, you need to know exactly the dimensions of the mattress. You can look at mattress options at the market or in a store, choose the one that suits you, and then draw up a drawing for it. In any case, you can make a mattress yourself. To do this you need to prepare:

  • loose foam rubber for the bottom layer 125 mm thick;
  • dense foam rubber for the top layer of the same thickness;
  • mattress pad made to measure.

The width and length of the mattress are arbitrary, the most popular sizes are 1.5 m and 2 m, respectively. Mattress height – 25 cm (250 mm). To make such a bed, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • two boards for the sides (length 2.5 m, height 30 cm, width 2 cm);
  • three boards for the headboard, front and back walls (length 2 m, height 30 cm, width 2 cm);
  • five beams 4 by 4 cm (length 2 m) for legs and supporting structures;
  • 27 slats 150x4x2 cm;
  • glue, self-tapping screws for joining parts, stain (optional), varnish.

The following tools should be prepared:

After purchasing the materials, you can begin marking the boards and bars. Before you make a bed yourself, you need to draw a diagram and write down the exact (up to millimeters) dimensions of all the parts. After this, it is recommended to create detailed list wooden elements and indicate required quantity material.

How to make a bed with your own hands from wood. Video

Stages of making a wooden bed

Step-by-step instructions for making a wooden bed look like this:

  1. To begin with, determine where the support bars will be located on the front and rear walls. To find out, divide the length of the walls by 3 and note the results obtained. The mattress is located 5 cm deep into the structure. To this 5 cm you need to add 2 cm (thickness of the slats) and 4 cm (thickness of the longitudinal bars). The result is 11 cm, which must be measured from the top of the front and rear walls in the places where the support beams will be attached.
  1. Now you can screw the support bars from the inside. Self-tapping screws should not come to the surface, otherwise the entire appearance of the product will be ruined. To do this, you need to calculate the size and length of the screws.
  1. From the top of the board for the sides, measure 7 cm (5 cm is the depth of the mattress, 2 cm is the thickness of the slats) and mark with a pencil and ruler. After this, the support bars are screwed to the sidewalls, retreating 6 cm on each side. Next, two pieces of timber (40 mm thick) are screwed vertically along the edges of the support beams so that there is still 20 mm left to the edge of the board.
  1. Now you can mount a headboard to the front wall, the shape of which can be any (rectangular, semicircular or curly). All edges are carefully coated with glue. The blanks are glued together so that there are no gaps or cracks at the joints. To make the headboard strong, it needs to be reinforced with slats (3 pieces). They are glued with wood glue and screwed.
  1. The blanks are covered with stain, achieving the desired saturation and shade. After that (preferably 2 times).
  2. Now you can begin assembling the structure. The frame is connected with self-tapping screws. The two support beams are placed directly on the support beams screwed to the front and rear walls and secured. To make the structure more stable, two legs are attached to the supporting bars (can be attached with inside for aesthetics).
  1. On load-bearing structure lay the slats evenly (gap – 4 cm). The distance between the front and back walls and slats is 2 cm. After laying, the slats are screwed. The final touch is to put on the mattress, and the wooden bed is ready.

For a dacha like this simple bed fits better Total. If desired, this product can be supplemented artistic elements decor. This wooden bed will be a real decoration for any bedroom.