How to replant thuja from soil to soil. When to transplant thuja to another place. Further care of the transplanted plant

The advantages of this plant are that it is relatively unpretentious in terms of the amount of moisture and soil quality.

Thuja is light-loving, so it is very important to choose a suitable place for planting where the plant will feel comfortable. It will also grow in a shady area, but in this case it will be rare and will lose its splendor and decorative appeal.

When pruned, this plant is given various shapes, suitable for a particular composition - for example, in the form of a ball, or vice versa - a tall tree.

Thuja is often called the Tree of Life because this plant is used for medicinal purposes - it contains beneficial essential oils

Even though thuja is unpretentious in terms of soil, it is still better to choose fertile and well-permeable soils. It is favorable for this plant when there is plenty of moisture, otherwise the thuja begins to turn yellow and crumble.

If you choose the right place to plant this plant in compliance with all the requirements, it will require only minimal care, while always remaining an evergreen decoration of the landscape.

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Planting process

Make sure the root collar is level with the ground

    1. Pit preparation

Before you start planting a plant, you need to prepare a planting hole. It is dug out depending on the development of the root system, usually with a diameter of up to one meter.

    1. Drainage

If wet or heavy soils are used for planting, a layer of drainage 10-15 centimeters high must be poured into the hole. Broken brick, expanded clay and other hard materials can be used as it.

  1. Cover with substrate

The top of the planting hole must be covered with a layer of a mixture of peat, sand and earth. Also, if necessary, you can add fertilizers necessary to strengthen the root system.

When planting, the root collar of the plant must be placed exactly at ground level, and be very careful in this. You cannot deepen it too much or, on the contrary, raise it above the surface - the plant will simply dry out and die if you do something wrong.

The root collar is where the trunk transitions into the roots; as a rule, here the trunk smoothly changes color from green to light brown

A thuja seedling must be fed in the fall to ensure full rooting and to quickly overcome the stress of planting.

For example, this could be dry fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers; the main thing to remember is that in the spring you need to take breaks of 2-3 weeks so as not to overdo it.

In addition, it is necessary to provide the seedling with daily watering and weekly sprinkling with a hose. With this procedure, dust and dirt are removed from the plant, which is very important for thuja. When very hot weather sets in, this must be done every morning and evening.

Choosing conifers for the garden -

Thuja shelter for the winter

It is best to use burlap - it will not interfere with the plant’s breathing

During the first winter, the newly planted plant must be covered with burlap to protect it from the cold and sunburn.

Thuja is an evergreen plant, widely used in individual and group plantings in the garden for decoration. landscape design. It is excellent as a hedge - it easily tolerates formative pruning throughout the summer season. In addition, this plant is not against transplanting to a new place, and in some specific cases it even needs such a procedure. Master implementation technology this process Even a novice gardener can do it.

Features and purposes of thuja transplantation

Thuja is a rather capricious culture. This is partly why it has become so widely used by gardeners to decorate a garden plot or local area. Lovers indoor floriculture It is often grown at home in a pot. It tolerates forced replanting, shaping haircuts and any type of soil well. It is usually replanted in spring or autumn, but it is autumn planting is more preferable for this type of plant.

The basic rules for transplanting thuja include the following principles:

  • When removing the root system with a lump of earth, you should pay special attention to avoid damaging the root shoots of the thuja. Such wounds take quite a long time to heal.
  • Only strong adult thujas without signs of pest activity can be replanted. Young seedlings that have been planted in the last few years are not recommended to be transported.

In order to decide on such a serious and time-consuming step as replanting a thuja, there must be quite good reasons. This is either transferring it to your own country cottage area from natural environment

habitat, or inconsistency of the previously chosen planting site with the growing conditions of this type of plant. In the second case, the health of the thuja deteriorates sharply over time, and then transplantation will be the only sure way to avoid its death.

Choosing a location - necessary conditions to comply with Optimal selection suitable place To grow thuja, you should approach it with all responsibility, having carefully studied the plant’s requirements for soil composition, lighting and other factors affecting its health and development.

  1. To create the most comfortable conditions, you need to pay attention to the following: 1. Thujas of any type are very light-loving. It is not allowed to plant them near buildings and adjacent buildings, or other densely growing tall trees
  2. , capable of shading plants. Without proper lighting, the thuja will quickly lose its decorative effect and wither.
  3. 2. Despite the first condition, constant exposure to direct sunlight during the day can cause dehydration due to excessive evaporation of moisture under the influence of heat. It is advisable to choose a part of the garden that will not be touched by the sun during the hottest afternoon hours.
  4. 3. It is extremely undesirable for thuja plantings to have drafts, especially from the north side. If it is not possible to allocate such a place on the site, then it is necessary to artificially create protective barriers. 4. The plant feels normal both on sandy loam and on clay soil , will not die even in the case of groundwater close to the surface. However, if possible, it is recommended to plant it on nutritious soil with a rich composition of microelements.

An excellent option would be turf soil with the addition of sand. After choosing a new location, following detailed instructions

  • , you can proceed directly to the process of autumn thuja transplantation: First of all, on a designated plot of land, a landing pit . Its dimensions largely depend on the volume of the earthen clod with which it is covered. plants. But since it is necessary to prepare the hole before removing the thuja from the soil, you should focus on 80–110 centimeters of depth and width in proportion to its age.
  • The next step is preparing the planting site: 50–70 grams of wood ash and 250–300 grams of humus or compost are added to the pit. At the time of transplantation, thuja does not need chemical fertilizers; they can be applied after a year. In this state, the pit should be infused for about 2-3 weeks.
  • After everything is ready, you should proceed to the most crucial moment - digging the thuja out of the ground. To minimize the possibility of root damage garden tool, it is necessary to retreat a distance from the trunk of about half a meter and then pierce the perimeter boundaries.

When transplanting a large thuja, you need to pierce the ground around it in advance (at least a year before the planned removal of the plant from the ground). This will ensure the development of young root shoots that will entwine the earthen ball and will reliably hold its shape, preventing it from falling apart when the thuja is raised to the surface.

  • To remove a plant from its usual seat, you need to pry it with a pitchfork and carefully lift it out of the hole. It is more convenient to carry out this operation together. It is strongly recommended to avoid hot, sunny days when transplanting.
  • If the earthen ball is not dense or the thuja needs to be transported over a long distance, then the root system is wrapped in cloth and tied with a rope to prevent the soil from falling off. Move mature trees and large plants usually on a sheet of plywood or other flat surface
  • , but a garden cart is even better for this.
  • As soon as the thuja is delivered, the fabric enveloping the earthen ball is removed and the root system is placed in a new planting location. The hole is filled to the brim with a mixture of sand, earth and peat, carefully compacting it to prevent the formation of air bubbles.

At the end of the replanting, the soil around the plant is once again compacted by hand and watered abundantly until the water stops going into the ground.

A successfully transplanted thuja will from now on require appropriate care. For the first 2 weeks, it is recommended to add a drug such as Kornevin or another product that stimulates the formation of root shoots to the water for irrigation. This will help it quickly adapt to a new place and become well established in the soil. The dose of use of the product is indicated in the annotation.

2 years after correct transplantation You can continue to care for the thuja in the usual way. But at first, while the plant has not yet completely established itself in a new place in the open ground, it needs more attention and worries.

Under no circumstances should the soil where the thuja is grown be allowed to dry out. To avoid such risks, immediately after planting, you can mulch the soil around the plant with sawdust or coconut substrate - this will protect it from cracking.

Thuja reacts well to spring feeding nitrogen fertilizers. Overgrown shoots can be trimmed for decorative purposes throughout the season if the plant is in good condition.

Thuja is a plant of the Western Hemisphere. It was brought to Europe from America. Belongs to the cypress genus. Does not require special care, but in order to enjoy the greenery, you need to take seriously the recommendations for fertilizing and choosing a place for planting.

Many gardeners who decided to acquire coniferous plants and try their hand at growing thujas admitted their mistakes, which included improper watering and fertilizing. Many people chose the wrong place for the thuja, so it subsequently had to be replanted. Fortunately, the plant tolerates transshipment to another place well and does not suffer.

General care rules

For the tree, choose a place that is lit, but can be slightly shaded, for example, near a solid fence or behind the house.

In dark places, conifers feel bad, because sunlight, necessary for the formation of chlorophyll, is absent or available in insufficient quantities. Such places are usually:

  • among tall trees shading young plants with their crowns;
  • between buildings.

Thuja is a moisture-loving plant. In summer you can sprinkle daily. The procedure helps clear the crown of dust and promotes the opening of leaf stomata, which improves gas exchange.

The tree has a superficial root system. In dry summers, the top layer of the earth quickly dries out, forming a dense crust on the surface that does not allow air to pass through. Therefore, when planting, it is recommended to mulch the root zone with bark, pine needles. If you do not use mulch, you will have to frequently water and loosen the soil to ensure oxygen access to the roots.

Thuja needs to be trimmed often. The more regularly you do this, the better the shoots grow and the more magnificent the crown looks.

If a group of plants is growing, then they need space and need to trim the shoots laterally. Single plantings involve thinning pruning to ensure air access to the trunk and internal shoots. The branches are cut by a third. The optimal time is spring, before the buds open.

Feeding is carried out in autumn and spring. In summer, fertilizers are applied if the soil on the site does not hold nutrients well, for example, on sandy soils.

Plant thuja: autumn or spring

To choose the right place, you need to consider the following:

  • Pay attention to where the area is illuminated during the day. It is there that it is not recommended to plant thuja, since in summer time she will become severely dehydrated from the scorching rays. The tree needs morning and evening sun.
  • Drafts. The plant does not like them and reacts with weak shoots, sparse branches, and yellowing.
  • Where water stagnates. Roots, submerged groundwater, rot because breathing and intake are disrupted nutrients in fabric. The greens turn yellow and dry out. It may take 2 years to restore processes.

The choice of the season when it is better to plant thuja - in spring or autumn - depends on local climatic conditions. If you plant a tree in August, then before the onset of cold weather it should be at least 2.5 months.

During this time, the plant should have time to take root in its new location and regain its strength. After this, wintering is not scary. The later the thuja is replanted in the fall, the less time there is for adaptation and confidence that the tree will survive the winter. Therefore, to avoid risk, conifers are planted in the spring.

Step-by-step guide: how to plant thuja

When a seedling is purchased, the size of its root system is assessed before preparing the hole. The planting hole must be wider than the earthen coma by 40 cm and deeper by 30 cm. Depending on the variety, measure the distance between plants.

For tall thujas that grow in height, the distance is 1 m. Wide and tall - 1.5 - 1.7 m. Low, wide - 1.5 m. When forming an alley, the distance is maintained from 2 to 4 m.

To plant you need:

  • Dig a hole according to the size of the plant.
  • Place a bucket of compost or humus at the bottom. Fresh or half-rotted manure cannot be used, since the increased nitrogen content is harmful to coniferous crops. They use potassium-phosphorus mineral fertilizers. But here you can’t do without personal experience, since many gardeners tried several mixtures before selecting food for thujas in accordance with the type of soil and its chemical composition.
  • Drainage is placed at the bottom. This is especially useful on clayey heavy soils. Part of the soil is mixed with sand or broken bricks.
  • Plant the plant and sprinkle it with soil, then water it so that the soil settles and add more soil. Compact the root zone and mulch.

When mulching, you should not touch the trunk and branches, as under the influence of moisture they will quickly rot and get sick.

Fertilizers for conifers

When planting thuja in autumn or spring, fertilizing is applied. Next time this will need to be done in a year or two. If mineral mixtures or organic matter were added during planting in the fall, then in the spring only general care measures are carried out without fertilizing.

Video: Features of planting thuja in spring, summer and autumn

From the third year after planting on the site, fertilizing is carried out twice: in autumn and spring. It is better to use easily soluble substances and add them with water. In this way, good growth can be ensured, since thujas respond well to watering and quickly grow in height. It is preferable to use organic matter with a low nitrogen content in the spring - compost or humus; in the summer, phosphorus supplements will be useful; in the fall, potassium is needed.

Growing from seeds or using seedlings

Arborvitae are propagated by seedlings purchased from a nursery or by seeds. If it is not difficult to plant a seedling, then you will have to tinker with the seeds. It may take about 5 years until the seedling can be planted in open ground.

Collect seeds in mid-autumn - mid-September or early October. They should be stored until spring in a well-ventilated cloth bag. Before planting, soak in water or a special nutrient solution for 12 hours. After this, dig in drops to a depth of 5 cm and sprinkle with compost or peat. It must be taken into account that seed propagation may not repeat the maternal forms, and the plant will look different.

You can try to germinate roots in a cutting taken from an adult plant at the beginning of the growing season - May June. The cutting must have a lignified shoot 7–8 mm wide and at least 12 cm long. It is better to cut it from the side branches - they form roots faster than the apical ones. The cutting is left in water until the root appears. Then you can transplant into flower pot into compost filler.

To speed up root formation, longitudinal cuts are made along the cuttings and the needles and bark are removed. The cut is made obliquely. These procedures will help avoid rotting of young roots under the bark. You can use a root formation stimulator, but you should leave the cutting in such a liquid for no more than a day.

When planting thuja cuttings in autumn or spring in pots, they need to be placed in warm room, well lit so that the greenery gets used to the amount of light. Transfer to a large container is done as needed, when the root system fills the entire pot. After a few years, such a seedling is taken outside and replanted.

Fertilizing is carried out according to the rules: at planting, then a year later when transshipping to a new place, and so on.

Care and preparation for winter

IN middle lane most often grown western thuja, since the eastern one does not take root due to frost. However, it is impossible to completely cover evergreen conifers. This threatens yellowing and drying of the foliage.

Young plants are given shelter in the form of a hut made of boards, followed by wrapping with lutrasil. But this applies to very small specimens that are completely buried under the snow. Further, these activities are not carried out, otherwise in the spring you will have to cut off most of the branches with brown needles.

Large plants have their crowns tied up to prevent them from breaking under the weight of snow. The branches are tied in several places and not tightly. In winter, during snowfall, you need to remove snow from the branches so that it does not turn into ice.

Thuja is an evergreen plant. Used for individual and group plantings. Some of its types are excellent for creating a molded hedge. Thuja is relatively unpretentious. Grows on any soil, cold-resistant. Tolerates haircuts well.

Why replant thuja? Sometimes there is a need to change the place where a plant is planted: the soil or lighting is not suitable, the tree is sick, does not grow, or you want to change the landscape design.

Advantages of autumn transplantation

By replanting thuja in the fall, you can be sure that it will take root before winter and will actively begin to develop in the spring, giving good growth.

In autumn, the likelihood of sudden, prolonged heat is unlikely (it is necessary to increase the intensity of watering). There is a risk of early autumn frosts, but this is not so scary, the plant can be saved by covering it, but in the spring with the onset of sudden heat, the young tree will not have time to gain strength for growth, the delicate needles will burn under the scorching rays of the sun.


It is best to replant the thuja with the arrival of September. The timing depends on weather conditions and region of residence. Keep an eye on the weather forecast.

For the northern ones, western regions The time for replanting trees is the first half of the month; for warmer trees, the second decade is suitable. There is no need to delay. It is necessary that the seedling has time to take root before the onset of cold weather.

How to replant?

Before replanting the thuja, determine the place where it will grow. Regardless of the type - tall, spherical, squat, bushy, dwarf spherical - the planting technology is the same.

Remember that all thujas love well-lit areas, without drafts. It also grows in partial shade, but its crown will be thinner and loses its natural decorativeness.

If the plant is tall, choose a place where it will not be disturbed by other trees. Spreading species will require a wide space.

In a hedge, the distance between thujas is 1-1.5 m

Dwarf globular thujas Look beautiful in a custom fit.

If you plan to create from thuja hedge, it is planted at a distance of 1–1.5 m from each other; for an alley, the distance between plants should be 4–5 m.

Trees take root well in any type of soil. The main thing is that it must be breathable.
To ensure that planting takes place without fuss, we prepare the soil mixture and the necessary material in advance.

Soil for replanting can be purchased at specialized stores or made independently.

We take a mixture of sand, peat and turf soil in a ratio of 1:2:1. It is good to add humus, as well as pine litter, which can be taken from the forest or other place. Everything is mixed proportionally.

Step-by-step instruction

You will need: a shovel, a watering can, a bucket, if necessary, a wheelbarrow for transporting the plant, turf or leaf soil, peat, sand, nitroammophoska, plant rooter.

  1. Preparing planting material:
    • these can be thujas in containers or with roots covered with burlap, purchased in specialized stores. We do not remove the burlap before planting; it will disintegrate over time and become an additional fertilizer;
    • plants that need to be transplanted from open ground or greenhouses.
      Soak the thuja well with water. We form a transplanting earthen ball. It should be 1/5 or 1/6 in size of the green mass of the plant. We dig up the tree, cutting off the vertical roots. We transfer its flowerpot or prepared burlap.
  2. Preparing the pit- of such a size that the roots fit freely. It should be 30–40 cm wider and 20–25 cm deeper than the size of the earthen clod.
  3. We spill water on the hole so that the earth settles.
  4. Making drainage– pour expanded clay, broken stone, and brick 10–15 cm high at the bottom of the hole.
  5. We apply fertilizer– pour a small handful of nitroammophoska about 50 grams onto the bottom, depending on the size of the seedling. The roots should not touch the fertilizer.
  6. Add soil mixture, or rather, the part that was prepared in advance.
  7. Handling the plant. If the thuja was in a container, it is necessary to lightly water it to make it easier to remove from the container, tap on the sides and remove.
    • We install the tree in the center of the planting hole.
    • Gradually add soil for planting.
    • Gently compact it.
    • We make sure that the root collar is not buried below ground level.

  8. Forming a planting hole– this is necessary to ensure that water does not spill during irrigation. To do this, we make a small earthen rampart from the earth around the thuja.
  9. We spill the tree required quantity water, depends on its dimensions. It is recommended to add a growth stimulator to the water so that small roots that were damaged during handling will grow back.
  10. Mulching. Mulching material can be purchased at the store, or you can also use crushed pine bark or dry grass. This helps retain moisture.

Care after transplant


It is advisable to tie large plants with twine so that the branches do not break off under the weight of snow.

  • The roots of the dug up seedling should be in an earthen coma, since the small roots of conifers die very quickly. The survival rate of the plant depends on this.
  • Before planting, the roots can be kept in a solution of a growth stimulator, this will give strength to the lateral roots.
  • Do not buy plants for planting that have an open or dried root system. It will die.
  • If the thuja is tall, it is better to plant it together.
  • Thuja does not tolerate drought and waste products of domestic animals.
  • Shade the tree as soon as the first spring rays appear, they burn the young needles.

Thuja is an evergreen coniferous plant, which summer residents love very much, landscape designers and gardeners. It can decorate any garden plot; it is used to create a hedge. In addition, thuja releases aromatic essential oils.

This tree is quite unpretentious, however, if it needs to be replanted, then some caution should be taken. It is recommended to do this in the fall, in September-October, so that it has time to take root in a new place and prepare for winter. With the onset of spring, the plant begins to actively grow.

Features of autumn thuja transplant

Subtleties of landing

To understand how to replant a plant in the fall, need to know certain subtleties plantings during this period:

Ideal landing spot

Thuja is considered a light-loving plant, so you need to choose a place where the plant will feel comfortable. It will also grow in a shady area, but it will be sparse and will lose all its decorative appeal and splendor. Thuja does not tolerate drafts well, so the place should be well protected from strong and cold winds.

Plant the plant in an open area alone or together with other conifers, in the middle of a flower bed with annuals or in the center of the lawn. It will fit harmoniously everywhere and will not spoil the aesthetic presentation.

Although thuja unpretentious regarding soil, it is still better to choose well-fertilized fertile soil. However, she will also be satisfied with:

  • turfy, sandy soil;
  • loam.

If the soil is too heavy, drainage should be provided when planting so that moisture does not stagnate on the roots for too long.

How to transplant thuja correctly?

Landing the pit is prepared two weeks before transplantation. Its size is 1x1 m, and the depth should not be more than 50 cm. The bottom of the pit is filled with planting material, consisting of earth mixed with peat and sand.

Digging up the plant should be done very carefully so that the root system is not damaged, retreating 30 cm from the trunk. The soil cannot be shaken off from the roots, but is transferred along with the plant to a new hole. If the root system is well developed, but superficial, then the roots without feeding may die in a short time. If the tree was brought from afar, then it is not advisable to remove the burlap with which the roots are tied, but to plant it in a hole directly with it. Such material decays in about two years.

Before transplanting thuja, the pit is watered generously. As planting soil, use a mixture of sand, peat and turf soil in a ratio of 1:2:1 with the addition of pine litter and humus, which are mixed in equal proportions. Additionally, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added. It is necessary to ensure that this fertilizer does not get on the root itself.

When replanting thuja, you should not deepen the root collar too much, but you also should not leave it too high. Finally, the soil around the trunk is compacted, after which the plant is watered. When replanting thuja in the fall, be sure to cover the tree trunk area with compost or wood chips, avoiding direct contact with the trunk.

All next month after transplanting, water the thuja once a week and irrigate its crown. For the winter, the plant should be covered and the branches tied with twine so that they cannot break under the weight of the snow.

In the first winter after transplantation, the plant is covered with burlap to protect it from sunburn and cold. Fabric materials must be used, because coverings such as:

  • synthetics;
  • polymer.

The burlap should not be pulled too tightly, there must be air circulation, otherwise the thuja may be damaged during the thaw from damping off. So that the plant can survive the winter well, it is fertilized with special substances.

The root system of the tree is insulated with leaves, which are sprinkled with earth on top. Fallen leaves can not only retain heat well, but also retain moisture, and if it begins to rot, the composition of the soil improves and is enriched with minerals.

Thus, transplanting thuja in the autumn does not present any difficulties. Taking into account all the subtleties and nuances, you can be sure that the plant will take root well and will easily endure the first winter, and in the summer it will delight the eye with its decorative appeal and splendor.