Instructions for installing sliding doors. How to install sliding doors with your own hands. There are also disadvantages to sliding systems

Quite often we are faced with the problem of lack of free space rooms. We can solve this situation in apartments by installing sliding doors.

Already now, when planning an apartment, we always take into account our space and try to save space when implementing interior design ideas. You can install it yourself, without even involving expensive specialists.

So, we will talk about how to install such a door, what they are like and what you will need for this.

Initially, select the sliding door you like

Follow simple instructions you will install such a door without special skills and tools.

What tools will you need?

You will need liquid nails, wooden blocks which we will use as spacers (various sizes will be needed - 5 x 45, 5 x 80, 5 x 110), plastic dowels, as well as nails (size 40 mm and small ones to complete the work).

To install sliding doors, prepare the following tools:

  • (size is better than 1.8 m),
  • hacksaws for metal,
  • wood hacksaw,
  • don’t forget a screwdriver (can be replaced with screwdrivers),
  • wrench,
  • hammer,
  • as well as a hex key and a mallet with a rubber striker.

System installation, door installation

The choice of design for your future doors depends on your preferences and wishes. These doors look good in various interiors and rooms. Therefore, with their help you can perfectly transform a room. Installation of this type of system is quite simple and you can handle it yourself. However, for example, systems weighing over 100 kg or glass sashes are more complicated work and it is better for specialists to work here.

It is better to install a sliding door in a ready-made version rather than individual components. This is much more convenient and simpler. Therefore, it’s better to choose right away finished design. And then we begin the installation.

First you need to secure the top

We place the door leaf tightly against the wall next to the opening where we will install the sliding door. On the wall we draw a stripe along the top line of our door with a pencil, for example. If the floor is uneven, then the line may “walk” a little. Therefore, we re-mark after we have installed our door in the opening. We also mark the top level of the sash on the wall.

It is very important to ensure that our line drawn along the top of the door must be strictly horizontal. After all, we then measure 7 cm from it and draw another strip - this is for the upper guide rail. If the lines are not straight, your doors will become skewed and may not move smoothly over time.

Above our second drawn strip (which is drawn 7 cm higher than the first) we place a 50*50 mm block and attach it with self-tapping screws directly to the base. The length of the bar should be 2 times greater than the width of the opening. The block should be pressed very firmly against the wall. If the wall is uneven, then use a couple of extra screws. Be sure to double-check the horizontal line with a building level.

The next step is to install the guide. It must be attached to the bar from below. First, let's calculate the mounting location on both sides. We divide the thickness of the door leaf in half + a small distance from the wall (this is no more than 3-5 mm). We mark these points on the block and fix the guide with self-tapping screws on both sides. Do not clamp too tightly, so that during final installation you can check the distance between the wall and the sash and then clamp completely. The distance must be sufficient for the door leaf to move freely and without problems along the rail. Otherwise you will have to repeat everything again. I repeat once again that the important and main condition for installation is ideally horizontal and direct location guide, no matter how uneven the walls are. After all checks, the guide is finally secured.

After that, we assemble the carriages and test the ride. We do not secure the bolts in the carriages and rollers completely, but so that they protrude slightly from the hole. In this state, we insert the carriages into the guide and carefully check the movement. Does it move smoothly along the guide, or does it move freely in the direction of movement? There is no need to lubricate anything. After checking, we attach limiters with rubber shock absorbers along the edges of the guide.

Next we need to secure the bottom groove

We retreat 15 mm from the edges of our sash and in this place it is necessary to drill a hole up to 2 cm deep and 7 mm in diameter. This hole is drilled on both sides. Strictly in the middle of the sash on the end side it is necessary to cut a small groove for our lower guide. We cut a groove 2 mm wider than the guide itself and about 18 mm deep. To cut the groove, you can use a drill, parquet saw or router. It is quite difficult to make a perfectly even groove at home, so you can use a U-shaped profile or a pair of slats as a guide.

Now we need to install the mount to the carriages on the door. We attach them in the middle door leaf, retreating 2 mm from the side end of the door leaf. It must be installed in such a way that the semicircular cutouts face the wall.

At this stage you need to call a friend! We need to install the door leaf itself, so we need one more person. We place the door leaf against the rail, lift it slightly to align the carriage bolt and the cutout on the bracket. We leave the adjustment washer outside the bracket, and insert the bolt into the hole for fastening. Do not tighten the nuts on the bolts completely.

Now we must move the door slightly away from the wall, while holding it in order to install the lower guide into the cutout we prepared in advance. We return the door to its original position, while moving the guide knife to the open position. We fix the position of the knife on the floor at its longest length. Now we begin to adjust the distance from the door and the wall - this is no more than 5mm. We remove the door leaf itself from the top guide.

We align the groove in the end part at the bottom of the door with the rail and then hang the door again. We control the distance from the floor to the sash by tightening or loosening the bolts on the carriages. After this, tighten the nuts all the way. Check the level position of the lower guide; it must be strictly horizontal to avoid further failure of the system.

So, the door is already installed. There are only small moments left to install the platband, baseboards and other decorative elements.

Video on installing sliding doors

As a rule, platbands are installed 5-10 mm higher from the line of the top guide. All decorative components usually match the color of your door, or you can match the color of the walls, and also paste them over or paint them.

And in conclusion - . This completes the installation of sliding doors.

The peculiarity of sliding doors is that when opened, they do not take up useful space in the room and save space, and therefore everyone gives preference to them more people. Today, such doors can be glass or made of other materials, such as wood.

U hanging structures The peculiarity is that they can have a different number of doors. This allows you to completely divide the room into two different rooms. You can also isolate the room from other rooms


Before you start choosing sliding doors, you must first understand their design. This will make it easier to install such a door if you install it yourself.

There is a difference between a sliding door and a regular one. It lies in the fact that For ordinary doors, the leaf is connected to the frame. With a sliding mechanism there is no such connection. These are two separate parts that can perform different functions and are independent of each other.

In ordinary doors the frame is the main one load-bearing structure, on which the canvas is hung. In swing it individual elements, and the box plays more of a decorative role, giving the opening a beautiful appearance.

The load-bearing role in single-leaf swing systems is played by another element, which is installed on the side of the door on the wall. The door leaf moves along it. This usually happens with the help of rollers and guides.

As you might guess, guides and wheels - the main part swing design. It is designed quite simply: rollers move along an aluminum rail, which, in turn, are attached to the canvas. The latter simply hangs on such a profile and moves along it using rollers.

There are also special stops in the profile that are installed additionally. It is because of them that the canvas cannot move more than the prescribed distance to the side. The limiters do not allow the door to move further in both directions.

Exactly like this simple design swing doors makes their installation quite simple and does not require special preparation. That is why many residents of both private houses and apartments install such systems today.

Advantages and disadvantages

Initially, sliding systems were quite fragile and unreliable. Also, the sashes did not move well along the slats, sometimes they got stuck, which caused a lot of problems unpleasant moments owners. Now everything has changed, as high-quality fittings and other elements of the system have appeared.

Advantages of modern mechanisms:

  1. They do not open in drafts.
  2. Save space in the room.
  3. Possibility to choose different material doors.
  4. You can implement any design innovations.
  5. There are no elements that creak.
  6. Safety.
  7. Harmonious combination.

Available in sliding systems and disadvantages:

  1. Cannot avoid cracks.
  2. They are relatively expensive compared to conventional systems.
  3. Poor installation can lead to the fact that the sashes will not move well on the slats.
  4. Must be free place on the side where the sash will move.
  5. When the door is hidden in a niche, a lot of dust can collect there, which will be difficult to remove.

Based on the above, it turns out that before making a decision to install such systems, you need to carefully weigh and think through everything, study examples. After this, it will become clear whether to install such a system or not.

Installation features

Typically, installing such mechanisms is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Installation interior doors will take 2-3 hours with minimal experience. This way you can also install furniture mechanisms in cabinets or on bedside tables. But usually this will need to be done in an apartment when the cabinets are built into the walls.

Automatic parts allowed, making the process of opening or closing doors even easier. But it requires additional elements for installation and cannot always be done on your own. Therefore, such structures will be discussed separately.

In order to install the system immediately and correctly, you first need to take measurements and make calculations. Initially, you need to understand that sliding systems can be of the following types:

  1. The canvas moves along the wall.
  2. The canvas moves in the wall.

In the first case, the entire structure will be supported by a profile that is attached to the wall. In the second case, the web can also move on the lower suspension. But this method has one drawback, namely, that there will be a threshold in front of the doors. Also, sometimes two of these types of fastenings can be used at once. This ensures the reliability and durability of the system.

It is important to remember that in many cases the cost of the mechanism itself depends not on the type of wood and the material of its manufacture, but also on the quality of the fittings. If you buy inexpensive trim or handles, you can save a lot.

You need to know that when you plan to make a door that will move inside the wall, you can not knock out the opening, but simply make an overlay wall from plasterboard. This will reduce the time required to complete the work. This will also help keep the wall structure the same and intact.


Sliding structures can be equipped different types mechanisms. Among them are:

  1. Hidden. The canvas moves inside the wall. Everything for such a system should be prepared at initial stage. To do this, you will need to knock out a hole inside the wall or lay sheets of gypsum board over it. As a result of such actions, the thickness of the wall may be slightly increased, which will take away the usable area of ​​the room. Also, debris and dust will accumulate in such niches, which will make cleaning difficult.
  2. Open. Installation of such a mechanism can be carried out at any time. It is important here that there is an opening to the side of the door and enough space to install the guides. There is no need to carry out any work to rebuild the wall. In this case, there are many options for installing guides, which makes it possible to choose best option for one occasion or another.


The last thing to consider when making an installation decision is sliding structures, these are on the profiles along which the door will move. They can be placed at the bottom or at the top. It all depends on the design features. They can also be placed on both sides at the same time:

  • Upper. This option for installing profiles is the most popular. It turns out that the canvas will hang on the profile along which it moves. This can be done when the weight of the canvas itself is small. Such guides can last longer, removing dust from the rollers will be simplified, and they will not jam.
  • Lower ones. Such guides are rarely used, as they are subject to deformation during use and therefore may not last long. Such skids will require constant cleaning from dust and debris. The door will not slide smoothly if it does not have support at the top.
  • Combined. They are used in cases where the system is large and heavy. This ensures a smoother glide through the openings.

Required Tools

To avoid any hiccups in the work, before you begin installation, you should purchase all the materials and prepare the tools. They can be bought at any specialized store. Without them it will be impossible to do this work.

Will be needed:

  • Pencil case for sliding door;
  • Fastening;
  • Pens;
  • Drill;
  • Correct guide;
  • Cassette in the wall;
  • Niche fasteners;
  • Liquid Nails;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • anchor;
  • Racks;
  • Canvas;
  • Wooden beam.

It is also worth purchasing a system on which the door will move. This can be a system made of plastic, metal or aluminum. It is also important to buy high-quality rollers made of plastic alloy so that they do not jam and move smoothly along the guides.

Step-by-step instruction

If the design has complex shape or heavy weight, then the presence of a specialist will be required to perform such work. Therefore, it is important not to start such an event on your own, as this can lead to disastrous results and affect costs. If you don’t have the skills to do this kind of work, you can only install small systems yourself.

When was it purchased? ready set doors, then such work can be done quite simply. It doesn't require a lot of effort and time. The system will have everything necessary to carry out such work. It will only take prepare and install everything correctly.

If you need to install a system according to your own design, then such work will be quite difficult to complete. Here you will need to individually select all the fittings, guides, hinges and other elements for this or that case.

Typically, the installation of the mechanism begins with the opening. To do this, you need to dismantle the old canvas and put the opening in order. You can use cement to level the walls or plastering work. All irregularities and cracks must be removed from the wall surface. Drywall should be trimmed evenly along the edge, and excess cement and a layer of plaster should be removed.

In order for the guides to run parallel to the floor, you need to knock out a straight line above the opening, onto which the guide rail will be attached. If it is still attached to the wall decorative element, then you will also need to leave a place for it and place it exactly above the door.

It is also worth checking the top element of the opening in relation to the floor. They must be parallel. Using a plumb line, you need to check the opening itself and its perpendicularity to the floor. A deviation of 5-10 millimeters is allowed. But at the same time, the smoother the wall is, the more tightly the canvas will adhere to it.

Next you need to put the box. It will be difficult to cope with such work on your own. A partner will be required. The box must be installed in the opening and leveled there using wedges. It should be level with the floor and walls. After this, the box should be secured with anchors or screws. You need to tighten it carefully so as not to move it.

Next, you will need to check the correctness and parallelism of the guide attachment line relative to the door opening. This needs to be done, since the floor may not be very level, especially in apartments. If the line is correct, then it should be the same distance from the opening at all corners.

The guide is attached along this line. To ensure that the canvas lies tightly, the guide should be attached to the wall as rigidly as possible. Self-tapping screws and anchors are used for this.


After such work, each carriage must be attached to the door and inserted into the guide. Limiters are also placed there. They should protrude slightly from the rail so that the rollers do not jump over them. You should also make sure that the rollers move freely in the rack.

To ensure long-term operation of the rollers and their free movement in the rack, you should not lubricate them with anything, as dust will accumulate there.


To correctly and quickly install the canvas with your own hands, you will need an assistant and a diagram. The canvas must be placed tightly against the guide and the rollers must be inserted inside. Then they are attached to the canvas so that they sit there firmly. Wherein It is important that the gap between the door and the base does not exceed 5 millimeters. If this does not happen, then the canvas must be tightened using self-tapping screws.

Installing sliding doors instead of swing doors is a serious plus in terms of saving space. This is especially true for small apartments of standard construction in the second half of the twentieth century. But also in a new spacious house/apartment extra bed it won't be superfluous.

Sliding design is a requirement of time and fashion. If you are not a convinced follower of the classics, it is better to install a sliding door instead of a swing door. How to make interior sliding doors with your own hands?


Installation of sliding interior doors:


Sliding mechanism;

Set of accessories;


Cassette (if you want the door to retract into the wall).

The sliding mechanism consists of guides, rails and roller carriages. Rails come in top and bottom placement (above the opening on the wall and on the floor). When the rail is placed at the bottom, there are always two guides; when the rail is placed at the top, one is sufficient. Doors with a top track are considered more durable.

There are other advantages: the rail on the floor interferes with free movement around the apartment, dirt accumulates in it. The top rail design does not have these disadvantages. To prevent a door without a bottom rail from swinging relative to the plane of the opening, a stop is installed on the floor, and a groove is selected in the lower end of the door into which the stop fits.

The frame for sliding doors is usually the same as for a swing structure. The only limitation: it is always U-shaped. If you have an arched opening, you will have to sacrifice something: either the idea of ​​a sliding door or the arch.

The door leaf for sliding doors is also no different from a regular swing door. Folding models have differences: each accordion/book leaf consists of at least two sections, they have their own standard sizes. For sliding doors, the door structure is identical to the swing door, the dimensions are the same. Many manufacturers produce canvases that can easily be adapted to any of the two designs.

By making sliding interior doors with your own hands, you can save money: purchase only the sliding mechanism and, if necessary, other accessories: limiters, handles, lock. And use all wooden components (frame, panel and even trim) from an old swing door.

Some labor will be required for restoration, but you won’t have to spend extra money. And there is no risk of making a mistake when choosing door dimensions. How to remake swing door into a sliding door, see below.

Important: when purchasing a sliding mechanism, consider the design and weight of your door. The power and wear resistance of the carriages depends on this. For a plastic or hollow sheet, a couple of aluminum rollers are enough; for a solid oak sheet, three or four steel ones are required.


Installation of sliding doors is done according to the following instructions (see video):

1. Remove the canvas, dismantle the trim.

2. Screw together the hinges, handles, and lock. Cover the grooves on the box and canvas with wood putty. If the door is veneered or laminated, and you do not plan to redo the coating, you will have to add pigment to the putty. In this case, you need to carefully select the color. You can make shiny putty yourself from ground sawdust and varnish.

3. At the bottom end of the blade, select a groove along the entire length (preferably with a router, since the line should be perfectly straight).

4. Select grooves for handles on both sides and for the lock, if needed.

5. Screw the rollers to the upper end of the canvas. You need to retreat at least 5 centimeters from the corners.

6. Install a guide strip on the wall above the opening. Measure the location with a level. The placement height is equal to the height of the blade with rollers, taking into account the gap at the bottom, the length of the guide is two widths of the blade.

7. Insert the stop into the lower groove.

8. Place the rollers into the guide.

9. Align the canvas vertically and secure the stop to the floor.

10. Close the end of the guide plug.

11. Install fittings and trims.

If you are installing sliding doors in an apartment with a bottom rail, the rollers are attached from below. The sequence of actions is the same: insert the rollers into the rail, insert the upper edge of the door into the guide. Align vertically, attach the rail to the floor.

Installation open door- the compartment is simple, it is only important to clearly measure the location of all elements. It is much more problematic to install interior sliding doors with your own hands, such as a “pencil case” (installation with a cassette, when the door slides into the wall when opened). In this case, you will have to dismantle a section of the wall equal to the width of the canvas, install a cassette and cover it with plasterboard.

At the same time, the volume of work increases many times over. However, such an installation is also justified: the section of the wall next to the opening remains free, because it is no longer needed to move the canvas. You can put furniture next to it, hang a picture on the wall, etc. Finally, this design looks very stylish and modern.

One of the tasks that each of us solves in the process of redevelopment and renovation of a house is to achieve the most rational use of the area of ​​any premises. It can be solved in several ways, comprehensively, including by installing sliding-type interior doors in the openings. In addition to the fact that they allow you to free up additional square centimeters, such models have a number of other significant advantages. For example, the ability to develop your own project and fairly simple installation.

reference Information

Sliding doors are often confused with their sliding counterparts. In many ways, they are similar, since they have almost identical systems that allow you to move the doors along the wall, which frees up usable space in the room. But there is a difference between them, and quite significant. Mechanism sliding door It includes supports in the form of small wheels, which ensure ease of movement and smooth running. Plus, such models are more durable, easier to operate, they are not at risk of distortion (jamming), they do not create noise during the opening/closing process, which can be automated if desired.

And here sliding doors move along guides in the profile of which they are installed without additional support (sometimes these are ordinary rollers). Similar models always only double-leaf ones, while sliding analogues are shifted to either side, and therefore consist, as a rule, of only one leaf. Even a child can operate it, which gives another advantage to such models.

Sliding doors include:

  • support mechanism (guides + wheels). The option with the installation of one “rail” (in the upper part) is much easier to implement, but there is also a disadvantage. The point is that in a strong draft, the door leaf can “play”, since there is no rigid connection to the supporting part. If there are guides on both sides of the door (at the top and bottom, on the floor), then the installation of sliding doors becomes more complicated, although only slightly. But in this case the specified disadvantage No;
  • travel limiters. Without them, when the sliding door leaf is in the extreme position, it can jump off the guides;
  • stopper Its task is to fix the canvas in a certain position and prevent its spontaneous displacement;
  • sash In the simplest designs there is only one. Although you can purchase or make your own models with two or even three fragments. In fact, this is a symbiosis of folding and sliding doors. Such options attract few people due to the increased cost, complexity of installation, and regulation;
  • additional equipment. At the owner's discretion, such models are equipped with automatic elements (electric motor, blocker, closer, circuit remote control etc). Having installed the door, it is easy to understand what else will be required, depending on the specifics of its operation.

Installation procedure

Scheme development

The fact that when opening the door will not swing open, but roll back, is understandable. But the nuance is how the room in the area of ​​the opening is designed and what is planned in the future. In addition, the feature of the wall is also important. It can be either a full-fledged monolithic structure or a lightweight partition consisting of a frame sheathed on both sides. In the first case, one cannot ignore its specificity. If the wall is load-bearing, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a legal redevelopment, and you will have to be content with what you have. Therefore, the sliding door is mounted so that its leaf moves along the wall.

The second option, if it can be implemented, is much more convenient. The cavity in the partition is empty, and if it contains insulation, it can be partially removed. Consequently, when the sliding door is opened to the limit, its leaf will begin to go into the wall. The advantages are obvious, since this solution allows you to design and furnish the area near the opening as you wish. Not a single detail of the interior will interfere with an interior sliding door.

Installation process

With the option of moving into the wall, you will have to fix the guides either during repairs (redevelopment) in the room, or after partial dismantling of the frame sheathing. Installing sliding doors with your own hands using this technology is much more troublesome. This is already a minus for this method.

The “along the wall” project is easier to implement. You can do it at any convenient time, even after finishing cosmetic repairs in room. There will be no damage to the finish if you are careful.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Door equipment. All necessary accessories can be installed later. But the wheels are attached immediately. This will allow you to more accurately determine the height difference between the upper and lower rails. When choosing a circuit with only one rail, the task becomes simpler.
  • The position of the upper guide is determined. Basically, many home craftsmen prefer to mount it on the ceiling. Depending on the height of the room, the door leaf is also selected. Fixing the rails on the wall is in a certain way more convenient, but here you will have to correctly calculate the installation locations of the brackets. They must be at the same level, and the interval between them must be chosen correctly, taking into account the weight of the sash.

It is also worth considering the tightness of the sliding door to the wall. The base should not interfere with its free movement, at the same time the gap is kept to a minimum. Otherwise, drafts cannot be avoided, and there is no talk of sound insulation at all. By the way, this is one of the disadvantages of models of this type, which is noted by both experts and users.

To ensure everything is done accurately, you will need an assistant. You'll have to take the canvas and literally try it on locally. Fastening the guide, taking into account the load, only with self-tapping screws and dowels. As an option - small anchors.

  • Attaching the bottom guide. Here, too, in advance, even at the stage of drawing up the diagram, it is necessary to determine how best to install it. Directly on the floor - faster and easier. The downside is that it will become a kind of threshold that is easy to trip over.
  • Installation of the canvas. If everything is done correctly, there is no error in the calculations, then the sliding door is mounted simply - the support wheels are placed on the guides, the sash moves, and the travel stops are attached.
  • Additional activities. All that the owner considers necessary is the installation of a handle, a lock, automation elements and decor.

In fact, all the work on installing a sliding door with your own hands comes down to competent calculations of the linear parameters of its door leaf (if it self-production) and mounting points for the guides. And the ability to choose options allows you to install a model of this type in almost any room. And what is important, without the involvement of specialists.

To install interior doors you will need 2 people Doors play a huge role in the arrangement of an apartment. Interior passages are closed with such structures to more clearly divide the house into functional areas. Because construction industry does not stand still, new finishing options are constantly being invented doorways. One of the most popular ways to design entrance blocks is sliding doors. Read on to learn how to install them yourself.

What is included in the set of interior doors

Installing sliding interior doors is a responsible undertaking. It is very important that the door kit you purchase contains all the necessary components. If it turns out that the set was missing some element, then you will not be able to install the structure in the doorway yourself, and it will be very difficult to prove to the seller that he sold you without important fittings. That's why it's so important to know what's included in your sliding door kit.

Before installing interior doors, you should study the purpose of its components.

What is included in the sliding door kit:

  1. Door leaf a mandatory component of any sliding set. It can be made of wood, aluminum, plastic or glass. Do not forget to check this item when purchasing, it must be intact, without damage or defects.
  2. Guides. Depending on the design of the door, there may be two or one of them in a set. They are usually made of metal. The most the best material They are considered to be guides whose design has a built-in tongue that prevents the rollers from jumping out.
  3. Rollers, thrust mechanisms and lower leash. The door rides on rollers on guides; they can have bearings or do without them. Thrust mechanisms limit the position of the open door to the desired point. The lower leash provides the canvas with a softer glide, preventing it from shaking and swaying.
  4. Accessories not always included. It happens that handles and locks have to be purchased separately.
  5. Door frame usually made of the same material as the canvas.

When purchasing a sliding door installation kit, be sure to check that all necessary elements. If something is missing, you can point it out to the seller in time. The instructions that should be included with your purchase will help you check whether the set of sliding doors from a specific manufacturer is filled correctly.

Door guides

Before you begin directly installing the sliding door, it is worth talking separately about the guides. It is their location that dictates how the doors will open.

There are enough ways to install guides a large number of. You can choose one of them depending on your own preferences and the size of the room where such a system will be installed.

Door guides may vary in design, size and quality

So, a guide installed above the doorway allows the canvas to ride along the wall. If the rail is mounted in a box, then you will get a hidden door system, which, when opened, will slide along a guide, like on a skid, into the box.

Three main types of guide installation:

  1. Most often, the guides are attached to the top. This installation method reduces the risk of accidental system failure.
  2. The guide located below can be broken by stepping on it with your foot. Therefore, this method is used very rarely, in individual design projects.
  3. The combined fastening of guides is considered the most reliable. In this case, the rails are attached both above and below. This design is capable of supporting a canvas with a fairly large weight.

If this is your first time installing sliding interior doors yourself, we advise you to choose one of three door arrangement methods. In this case, the guide should run as a continuous sheet. In this case, you can avoid many mistakes, and you definitely won’t ruin your expensive door system.

Installation of sliding doors

When all the materials have been purchased, you can begin to install the door in its place. However, first you need to prepare the doorway. Old for this door design is dismantled and the opening is restored to its proper appearance.

To make it easy to install interior doors, and finished work has pleased you for many years, choose materials only from trusted manufacturers. One of the best manufacturers, producing sliding doors, is the Italian company “LOID”.

You should choose sliding doors based on the design of the room and its size

You also need to immediately install the door frame. It should be at a distance of one cm from the clean floor.

How to properly install a sliding interior door yourself:

  1. From the top edge of the box, a distance equal to the width of the guide is measured upward. At this height, a beam is attached, the length of which is equal to the length of the guide. In this case, the middle of the beam should be located at the level of the border of the door frame where the leaf will move when opening.
  2. A guide is attached to the beam using hardware. It should pass strictly through the center of the beam.
  3. If necessary, you can mount the bottom rail on the floor. In order not to damage the floor or the sliding system, the lower guide is protected by a threshold.
  4. Assembling the door leaf involves hanging rollers on its upper end on which the structure will move. A groove is knocked out at the bottom end of the door (usually it is already in the door).
  5. To limit the opening of the door, special flags are attached to the floor with self-tapping screws. They will not allow the canvas to go beyond the extreme point.
  6. A handle and locking mechanism are installed on the door that has not yet been hung. This must be done so carefully as not to damage the canvas.
  7. The door rollers are inserted into the guides. The door movement is checked. If everything is in order, rubber stops are inserted into the guides.
  8. At the last stage, all structural components are decorated. They close door frame and a beam with an upper guide.

The described door installation option is quite simple. Unlike installing a system that drives into a pencil case, even a non-professional can handle the assembly of such a structure.

Self-installation of a double interior door

Installing a double interior door does not take much more time. Of course there are different variants installation of such structures, but if you are not a professional, then it is better to choose the simplest of them.

Before installing interior doors, you should watch a training video with a master class

Double sliding doors look good only in rooms big size, where you can make a wide doorway.

Double sliding doors are installed using the same technology as a conventional compartment design. However, you will have to install the rollers on not one, but two canvases. The doorway for this design option should be slightly smaller than the width of the two panels. The track should also be at least twice the width of the two doors.

Professional installation of sliding interior doors (video)

Installing sliding doors has its own nuances and difficulties. However, if you approach the installation responsibly, you can do it yourself.

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