So that there is good breast milk. What to do if there is little breast milk. What is most useful

Mothers sometimes refuse to breastfeed because it seems to them that there is practically no milk in the breast. So, there is not enough milk: what to do? Should I give up or should I still try?

Remember: don't panic. The more attempts you make to breastfeed your baby, the greater the chance that milk rivers will quickly flow in the right direction again. Don't forget: even a drop of colostrum for a newborn is of great value. And in order to have more milk, the mother needs to be healthy and be sure to eat well and satisfyingly. Plus, try to get a good rest. Of course, drink more fluid. Especially plain water.

Also, in order to have more breast milk, you need to loosen up quite well. It seems, where do women in poor countries get so much milk from the same natives who work hard jobs? They feed their children very well, unlike white women who do not overwork, eat better and get plenty of rest. This could all be due to a concept called the constraint factor. In a word, embarrassment in front of one’s own children. But it also affects lactation, which can stop due to stiffness in the same way as due to starvation and malnutrition.

How to increase the amount of milk in your breasts

Our children really need love. And breastfeeding a newborn baby is one of the manifestations of this tender feeling for the child. At its core, breastfeeding is a sexual activity. But it helps to increase the amount of milk in the mother. Therefore, you should not slow yourself down and, without any extraneous thoughts, give yourself entirely to your children during feeding. The realization that showing love to the baby during feeding is also sexual arousal will help the mother not be constrained.

Breastfeeding newborn babies is not always easy for mothers. It happens that women do not need to prepare to feed their baby. But what if mommy has flat nipples, are they inverted, or is the skin on them too delicate? To avoid problems, even during pregnancy the expectant mother needs to pay attention to her nipples and, if suddenly she sees the problems that we talked about, she needs to prepare her nipples for breastfeeding. And in the first weeks of feeding, take care of the nipples and maintain them properly.

If even before giving birth the nipples are flat, inverted or barely protrude, then they need to be pulled out and pulled daily. Massage the thin and delicate skin on the nipples with a damp terry towel for several minutes a day. If you adhere to these basic rules, then after a month you will see how your nipples will become rougher.

And, for example, after childbirth, after feeding the baby, it is advisable to wash and wipe nipples with delicate skin. You can also expose your chest to the sun and air. If the nipple bleeds, then you should refrain from breastfeeding for a while. After all, this can harm the baby’s stomach.

According to statistics, only about 3% of breastfeeding women actually have problems with lactation. The majority of young mothers who complain about an insufficient volume of breast milk simply do not know how to properly organize the system of daily feeding of the child.

There are also certain crises during which the amount of milk produced decreases slightly. But these periods cannot be a problem for a nursing mother who knows what to do to stimulate lactation.

Symptoms of insufficient lactation

Very often, young mothers worry in vain and “invent” a problem for themselves. But to calm down, you should contact a feeding specialist who will objectively assess the situation and tell you what a nursing mother should do to ensure there is a lot of milk in the breast.

Signs indicating shortage breast milk are:

  • low weight gain of the newborn;
  • During the day, the baby wets the diaper less than 6 times;
  • the chest is half empty during application, and there is no feeling of hot flashes;
  • The child is restless and requires the breast very often.

The presence of such symptoms indicates low lactation during breastfeeding. However, there are many reliable ways to ensure stable production of the required volume of milk.

Psychological mood and calmness

It is very important for a nursing mother to have the right mindset for breastfeeding. Very often, in order to have enough milk, you just need to avoid overwork, stress, and negative emotions. The environment should be calm, and it is better for the mother to relax and completely switch to the feeding process.

Normal lactation is promoted by a certain hormone – oxytocin. Its production in a woman’s body is closely related to her emotional state. The calmer the mother is while putting the baby to the breast, the more oxytocin is released into her blood. It is necessary to ensure that the mother is comfortable during feeding and that nothing distracts her.

When breastfeeding, close contact with the baby is very important. It is better for the mother to sleep with the newborn or move his crib as close to her as possible. During the day, it is necessary to pick up the baby more often, put him to the chest, talk, and lull him to sleep.

At these moments, a strong emotional connection between mother and child is established, the level of oxytocin in the body increases, and a lot of milk is produced in the breast.

An important hormone is prolactin.

Also, a special hormone prolactin is produced in the body of a nursing mother, on which the volume of breast milk depends.

Its sufficient production is influenced by the following factors:

  • the presence of regular night feedings;
  • frequency of applications;
  • correct nipple capture.

The modern approach to breastfeeding differs significantly from the recommendations of past years. In order for a woman to have a lot of milk, it is necessary to stop feeding the baby by the hour. The most correct is considered to be breastfeeding on demand.

The advantage of this method is that the breast produces exactly the amount of milk that the baby needs. Feeding on demand provides the mother with stable lactation and regular breast fullness.

In order for lactation crises to pass as unnoticed as possible, a nursing mother needs to adhere to simple rules.

To increase milk volume you need:

  • refuse formula bottles and pacifiers;
  • make sure that the baby is correctly attached to the breast with an accurate grip of the nipple and areola;
  • alternately apply the baby to the right and left breast;
  • drink a warm, sweet drink before feeding;
  • do a circular chest massage to help relieve tension;
  • monitor your diet - it should be high in calories and healthy;
  • drink as much liquid as possible - tea, juices, compotes;
  • do not give your baby enough to drink - breast milk not only fills you up, but also quenches your thirst;
  • add lactation-stimulating foods to your diet, such as fennel, cumin, cheese, walnuts;
  • maintain the correct daily routine, consistently alternating walks, sleep, feeding, and keeping the child awake;
  • pump periodically.

If the baby is properly latched to the breast and fed on demand, there is no need to pump to stimulate lactation.

Active sucking – persistent lactation

To ensure there is enough milk in the breast, the baby needs to regularly and actively empty the breast. The problem of decreased lactation may appear if the baby is weak, sucks sluggishly or quickly falls asleep at the breast.

In this case, you can apply pumping method. This process can be done with your fingers or using a special breast pump. Pumping ensures the systematic production of prolactin in the body and prevents stagnation of breast milk.

Procedures to increase milk supply

During lactation crises, you can do a special breast massage to promote the production of breast milk. To carry out this procedure, you need to have any natural oil on hand.

The process is carried out with light movements clockwise in the area of ​​the milk ducts. You need to massage daily for 2-4 minutes.

A good solution for a nursing mother would be a water massage while taking a shower. You should alternately direct jets of warm water onto your chest, massaging it in a circular motion.

Useful foods to increase lactation

A woman's diet while breastfeeding contains a lot of nutritious food. However, if the volume of milk decreases, it is necessary to additionally introduce products that stimulate lactation.

They are:

  • dill;
  • ginger and green tea;
  • lettuce;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • carrot;
  • radish;
  • black currant;
  • anise.

In order to have enough milk, you must adhere to a special diet, avoid drinking alcohol and fatty foods. It is very useful for a young mother to consume dried fruit compote or make fennel decoctions.

What to do if breast milk does not increase?

If the mother cannot cope with the problem on her own, she should contact a pediatrician or an experienced specialist.

In medicine, there are many modern medications that effectively enhance lactation, for example:

  • Lactavit;
  • Apilak;
  • Lactogone;
  • Mlekoin;
  • special lactation teas.

These preparations contain natural collections of medicinal herbs that have a positive effect on lactation. However, taking any herbal tea while breastfeeding requires prior consultation with a pediatrician and careful use.

Some herbs can cause allergies in a nursing mother, so they should be gradually introduced into the diet.

Calmness and confidence are the best helpers

Of course, the period of breastfeeding in the life of every mother is a rather difficult time. But all the problems are temporary, soon lactation will stabilize, and the mother will not need to do anything to maintain it.

The main thing is to get in the right mood, be calm, relaxed and confident in your abilities.

Breastfeeding process- this is a woman’s natural destiny, which brings her many bright and joyful moments. These are unforgettable moments of happiness, harmony, privacy with the child and an invaluable period of tender motherhood.

More and more often in the modern world there are situations when a nursing mother has little milk. What to do in this case? Many women are not ready to switch their newborn to artificial formula. And it is right. After all, nature intended it so that the mother could do it on her own. And it has long been proven that breast milk is the healthiest for the baby. So what to do if there is a shortage of it? And why might this problem appear?

More fluid

Usually, if there is a deficiency, the child is switched to formula feeding. Not the best solution; it can be fully justified only in isolated cases. Most often, you just need to pay attention to some tips for improving lactation in order to breastfeed your newborn.

Is your breastfeeding mother low on milk? What to do in this case? It is recommended to drink more fluids. And anyone. It is advisable to include regular drinking water in your diet. But it can be replaced with any other drink.

The thing is that to ensure lactation, liquid is needed, and in large quantities. Breast milk is approximately 80% water. Therefore, what you absorb is not only transferred to your body to ensure normal functioning, but also to produce food for the newborn. Ideally, it is good to consume about 3 liters of fluid per day.


What can I do to get more milk? The answer is simple: eat normally. And this means taking in enough food to ensure lactation. It is recommended to eat frequently, but not to overeat.

By the way, if you are a person who is not accustomed to diets, you should not follow a special one. For the body, it will only be stressful. As a result, milk production will not accelerate as it should, but will slow down. Therefore, we will have to take this fact into account.

It is noted that women who do not comply calmly raise healthy babies. Moreover, they usually do not suffer from milk deficiency. So forget about hunger strike and serious restrictions. Yes, try to consume more vegetables and fruits - healthy eating has not been canceled. But you shouldn’t strictly limit yourself to diets if you haven’t done it before.


What should a new mother do to get more milk? There are many options for the development of events. Some people claim that if you have problems with lactation, you need to not only eat well, but also eat more dairy products.

Even some doctors recommend this technique. Milk, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese - all this should be eaten as often as possible. Yes, you shouldn’t forget about regular food, but treat “milk” with special attention.

What to do to make milk come in? Tea helps a lot. Or rather, tea with milk. It helps improve lactation. This is exactly what both doctors and mothers themselves say. True, this technique does not help everyone. This shouldn't be surprising. After all, everything is individual. And so it’s impossible to immediately predict which path you should take. It is better to use all methods as often as possible and at the same time.


Is your breastfeeding mother low on milk? What to do? The causes of the problem may vary. But how to improve lactation? Modern methods are varied. You can choose any approach to solving the problem. Pharmacies now sell a variety of specialized teas for lactation. They should help improve milk production.

Some claim that lactation tea is the simplest, most effective and harmless method of solving the problem. And some indicate low satisfaction with the result of receiving such a product. Will nursing tea help you? It's almost impossible to predict. After all, such products are suitable for some, but for others they are useless. But it's definitely worth a try.

Are you low on milk? What to do? Just use the special one 1-2 times a day. In a few days you should see the result.

Feeding mode

Is your breastfeeding mother low on milk? What to do? Restoring lactation is not such a difficult process. It is enough to approach the solution of the task correctly. What should you pay attention to?

Feeding regimen plays a huge role. It's no secret that you can feed on demand and by the hour. Nowadays both behavior patterns occur. Only doctors recommend giving preference to the first option. This will help restore lactation.

The thing is that frequent feeding of the baby to the breast stimulates milk production for the next feeding. This is how the female body works. The more often the baby “hangs” on the breast, the more milk there will be. Therefore, be patient and try to put your baby to feeding as often as possible. Don't give up on this method. Perhaps this is one of the most effective and simple methods of establishing breastfeeding.


Surprisingly, the baby still needs to be put to the breast correctly. Is your breastfeeding mother low on milk? What to do? Methods for restoring breastfeeding are varied. Sometimes it’s enough just to learn how to properly attach your baby for feeding.

Remember: the baby must completely grasp the areola so that no excess air gets into the mouth. You need to hold the baby's back while holding the head. This technique will not only improve lactation, but also prevent excess air from entering the stomach, and as a result, the likelihood of colic is reduced.

Sometimes mothers only think that they are feeding their baby correctly. Therefore, to establish breastfeeding, you need to consult a specialist. There are now lactation consultants. They will be able to help you figure out what to do if a nursing mother has little milk. Moreover, you will be taught how to properly attach your baby to the breast. Just what you need!

Breast stimulation

Sometimes it happens that the baby does not have enough milk. And he stops taking her. As a result of this phenomenon, an important process - breast stimulation - stops. Accordingly, if you don’t find a way out of the situation, you can forget about breastfeeding.

Previously, girls were encouraged to express by hand. Not a very simple process, but effective. But in the modern world, mothers are offered various types of assistive devices. For example, a breast pump. A wonderful thing for artificial breast stimulation. With the help of a breast pump, you can establish milk production no worse than when applying a newborn to the breast.

Inexperienced girls are recommended to choose automatic breast pumps. Not everyone can handle manual ones. Don't forget to be patient - breast stimulation will have to happen often and for a long time. After some time, you will notice significant results. Breast stimulation with a breast pump is a modern and very effective way to solve our current problem.

Less stress

Is your breastfeeding mother low on milk? What to do? Recovery methods are varied. But not a single method will produce results if a woman is nervous. Stress has never been good for anyone. It is not for nothing that they say that many diseases arise from it. Problems with lactation are no exception.

The thing is that in a calm state, a hormone called oxytocin is produced in the mother’s body. It is a stimulant of milk secretion. Adrenaline is responsible for stress. It suppresses the production of oxytocin. The consequence is a violation of breastfeeding. Therefore, try to protect your mother from unnecessary negativity.

Remember, the more positive emotions the nursing mother experiences, the better. A calm and favorable environment is the key to success when establishing lactation. Many doctors advise not to focus on the problem - this way oxytocin will be produced in large quantities. And soon breastfeeding will improve.

Night feedings

Is your breastfeeding mother low on milk? What needs to be done to correct the situation? Another method we can recommend is to wake up more often for night feedings. At night, a woman’s body produces prolactin in large quantities. This is an excellent stimulant for increasing lactation.

Night feedings are common. But it causes a lot of problems for many parents. Therefore, some refuse to feed at night. If you don’t have problems with lactation, you can ignore the rule of baby’s night meals. Otherwise, you will have to be patient a little and start waking up to put the newborn to the breast at night.

This is another piece of good advice that doctors often recommend to young, inexperienced mothers. In just a few weeks you can establish breastfeeding this way. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about all the other methods.

More rest

But the next moment can rarely be realized. It sounds simple: a breastfeeding woman needs more rest. Fatigue, like stress, negatively affects lactation. Therefore, the mother should not just take a break from the baby, but generally relax. It’s elementary to get enough sleep.

Nowadays it is difficult to bring an idea to life: a newborn child requires increased attention. He plays a huge role in his mother's life. After putting the child to bed, you have to do additional housework. Usually, by the time the washing-ironing-cleaning-cooking is completed, the baby wakes up. And everything - in a new circle. It’s rare that a mother gets to lie down and rest.

To improve lactation, you will have to relax more. Invite your family and friends to help around the house. Let them let you sleep a little while they prepare dinner, do laundry, wash the dishes, clean the floor, and so on. Often this type of help is the best way to establish breastfeeding. Remember: lack of stress and timely rest are what will definitely help restore breast milk production.


This is not the end of the possible scenarios. Is your breastfeeding mother low on milk? What to do in this case? As practice shows, eating hot food and drinks has a very good effect on lactation.

Warmth is what improves lactation without unnecessary negative influence. Particular progress can be seen when you already have enough milk. Literally 20-30 minutes after drinking a cup of tea (regular) or a hot sandwich, you will begin to secrete. Sometimes the process takes less time. In any case, it is recommended to use this method if a nursing mother has little milk. What to do in addition to the actions already listed? Are there any other secrets?

Shower and bath

Yes, there are some. Since eating hot food improves lactation, direct exposure to heat has a similar property. Some people recommend taking a warm shower or bath to improve lactation. In general, warm up the body using a variety of methods.

You can use a heating pad. It is applied to the chest for a while. You will notice that as you warm up, your milk production will begin. Several similar procedures in combination with other methods - and you can forget about problems with lactation.


In principle, we now know all possible scenarios for the development of events. But sometimes even after the above manipulations, a nursing mother has little milk. What to do? In this case, artificial feeding will have to be introduced. It will not be possible to restore lactation. You can try, but in this case you need to somehow feed the baby and at the same time put him to the breast. A breast pump is an indispensable thing here.

In general, as practice shows, it is almost always possible to improve lactation, the main thing is to set a goal. Hardly ever. Therefore, only in rare cases is the introduction of the mixture justified. Take your time to implement this particular approach.

Is it really that little?

Sometimes women only think that they have little milk. This is due to the constant “hanging” of the baby on the chest. In fact, to understand whether you have problems with lactation, you need to do a “diaper test”.

To do this, do not put diapers on your baby all day. Use diapers instead. If a child walks less than 8 times a day, lactation needs to be adjusted. Otherwise there is no reason to panic.

Remember: if your baby gains less than 0.5 kilograms per month, it’s time to think about increasing milk production. Therefore, before you panic, make sure that you actually have problems with lactation.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of breast milk for a baby. Such food is the most organic for the baby, provides it with all the elements necessary for growth and development, completely replaces not only food, but also drink, and is easily and naturally absorbed. According to statistics, infants are less prone to colds than others, and their immunity in the first years of life is significantly stronger than that of their artificially raised peers. However, not every mother succeeds in establishing breastfeeding - without knowing its basics, you can put in a lot of effort and still not achieve tangible results by providing your baby with milk. Our tips will tell you how to increase breast milk and make breastfeeding easy and enjoyable.

Bottle or breast? The dilemma of the first year of life

The shelves of modern supermarkets are simply bursting with an abundance of all kinds of baby formulas, expensive and cheaper. A balanced composition, a controlled amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements promise to provide the baby with ideally harmonious nutrition from the first days of life, but none of them can compare with mother’s milk. Breastfeeding has many undeniable benefits for the baby:

  • Full menu. Breast milk is both food and drink at the same time. Its natural composition includes a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and water, which are easily digestible and allow the child to quickly gain weight and, accordingly, develop physically. The baby also receives vitamins, salts, iron, phosphorus, calcium and other components that are so necessary during this difficult period from breastfeeding, which means that he will not need additional pharmacological supplements.
  • Strong immunity. For the first six months of a baby’s life, his immune system is not sufficiently developed, so mother’s breast milk provides resistance to disease. And in the future, the frequency of complicated colds in infants is significantly lower than in artificially raised infants.
  • No allergic reactions. Even the most modern formula causes hypersensitivity in newborns much more often than breast milk.

However, for a nursing mother this method of feeding is also the most preferable, since it combines many advantages:

  • Fast recovery. Breastfeeding promotes rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth, prevents bleeding and helps the mother quickly restore her “pre-pregnancy” form, since it has a positive effect on metabolism.
  • Convenience. You won't have to spend a lot of time choosing the most suitable formula, getting up at night to prepare a bottle, worrying about food for your baby while traveling - everything you need will always be at hand.
  • Psychological factor. Breastfeeding produces special hormones that have a calming and relaxing effect. This effect is especially valuable during the difficult period of the first months of a baby’s life, when a new mother may feel exhausted and overly excited.

That is why many women are worried about how to increase breast milk and provide the baby with such valuable nutrition for as long as possible, a full replacement for which, alas, does not yet exist.

How to improve lactation? First mistakes

You should take care of how to increase breast milk production in the maternity hospital - this is where the foundations of breastfeeding are laid, and if everything is done correctly, this process will bring maximum pleasure to both mother and baby. Take care of this in advance by discussing all the important nuances with the staff:

1. The baby's first application to the breast should take place immediately after birth - this will help him to perceive the breast correctly.

2. Supplemental feeding with formula is permissible only in cases of extreme necessity - once a newborn has tried a bottle, it will be uninteresting to “extract” food from the breast.

3. Try to put your baby to your breast as often as possible - this is what allows you to increase lactation to a greater extent.

4. Do not take a pacifier with you so that you are not tempted to give it to your child if he begins to act up.

5. Don’t be alarmed if during the first 3-4 days the amount of colostrum released is minimal - it is very nutritious, so even a couple of drops will be enough for your baby to eat. The flow of milk usually occurs 3-5 days after birth.

6. Do not use a breast pump - it can increase lactation too much, and it will be extremely uncomfortable for the baby to eat. Everything should be in moderation!

All these tips are relevant when the baby and mother are together. If circumstances develop in such a way that the child needs to be temporarily isolated, you will have to act according to the situation. Bring from home bottles with the smallest holes in the nipples, since hospital bottles have too strong a flow, and the baby will quickly get used to the free flow of food. Pump regularly to keep your breast milk from leaking. And as soon as the doctors allow you to feed yourself, try to wean the baby off the bottle - when he gets hungry, he will reach for the food source.

How can you tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk?

It may seem to many mothers that the baby does not get enough to eat and even after a long feeding remains hungry. In fact, the duration of the meal does not affect the amount eaten - many babies can suckle at the breast just like that. If you are tormented by doubts, pay attention to the signs that will definitely tell you whether the newborn has enough nutrition:

  • if during the day the baby has filled at least 4-5 diapers and defecated 2-3 times, you don’t have to worry - his body receives the required amount of food;
  • listen to how the newborn swallows - if he does not just suck on the breast, but actively swallows, then the volume of milk is sufficient;
  • If weight gain is proceeding at an active pace, the baby looks cheerful and cheerful, cast aside doubts - you do not need to increase lactation.

If you find yourself with at least one of the above signs, then you should seriously think about increasing your breast milk production. Do not try to supplement your baby's formula feeding - in the end, he may completely refuse breastfeeding, and you will have to either pump or completely switch to artificial feeding.

How to increase breast milk volume? Practical advice

As soon as you discover that the baby is not getting enough to eat, you shouldn’t panic and look for a breastfeeding consultant, much less run to the store for formula - there are many ways to increase lactation at home. The correct regimen and the secrets of traditional medicine will allow you to preserve breastfeeding and provide your baby with such valuable milk.

Making the right feeding schedule

The mammary glands are designed quite thoughtfully: the greater the need for milk, the more it will be produced. Therefore, the only important rule is Keep your baby at your breast as long as he needs! And even if this time seems endless to you, just take a relaxing pose, turn on your favorite TV series, get comfortable on the bed - and feed. Even if it seems to you that the newborn is just playing around and only sucking lightly, do not wean him off the breast - when he is completely full or falls asleep, he will release the nipple on his own.

Alternate feeding from different breasts. When it seems to you that the baby has stopped actively swallowing, offer him the second breast - perhaps he will want to have another snack. And start the next feeding from the second breast - this way the baby will be able to receive not only light foremilk, but also nutritious hindmilk.

To increase milk volume, you should also stop feeding by the hour. Breastfeed your baby as often as he wants, and the more often the better - this way the milk will come in constantly. Even at night, do not leave him without food - at this time it is better to organize a joint sleep or get up for feeding every one and a half to two hours. Usually, within 2-3 days of this regimen, the amount of milk can be increased to the required level, and constant feedings disappear on their own. Therefore, do not be afraid that this “Groundhog Day” will last forever - just use this opportunity to once again take a break from everyday problems.

And of course, the most important rule for mothers who dream of increasing lactation is do not be nervous. Worrying that you will not be able to maintain breastfeeding and that your child will have to be switched to formula will in no way improve the situation. Therefore, calmly exhale, look at your baby and start enjoying every moment spent together!

Secrets of traditional medicine: herbalist's piggy bank

If you have little breast milk, you can very quickly correct this problem by using proven alternative medicine recipes. Decoctions, tinctures and food products with the addition of special herbs will help increase lactation in just a couple of days.

TOP 3 proven recipes

1. Chamomile tea. Brew chamomile flowers 2-3 times a day with sweetened boiling water, and milk will gradually begin to flow. This method is good not only for those who want to maintain breastfeeding, but also for those who want to strengthen the nervous system, relieve stress and slightly improve digestion.

2. Milkshake with carrots. This recipe is suitable for those mothers whose newborns are not allergic to carrots. Grate 1 root vegetable on a fine grater, pour in a glass of warm milk and let stand for about 5 minutes. Drink this mix 2-3 times a day, and you can double or even triple your lactation.

3. Caraway tea. Pour a tablespoon of cumin into ½ liter of boiling water, let it brew a little and use it instead of tea leaves, diluting it with water and a slice of lemon. This drink will significantly increase the volume of milk, and also relieve possible colic and digestive problems in infants.

To establish breastfeeding and increase the amount of breast milk, no significant effort is required - it is in a woman’s nature to breastfeed her child, so if she wants, everything will definitely work out. And even if at first this process seems too complicated or even unpleasant to you, don’t worry - with due patience, everything will return to normal very quickly, and all you can do is enjoy close contact with the baby.

The primary question that arises for any woman who has given birth to a child is how to provide the baby with a sufficient amount of breast milk? But what if there is very little of it? My answer: every woman who was able to conceive a baby, carry it to term and give birth, can feed him. There are very rare cases when there is a need to actually switch to artificial nutrition; in most cases, a young mother is able to fully feed her baby with breast milk.

In the first days after birth, there cannot be a lot of milk at once; its volume increases during the first days. To begin with, the baby only needs the colostrum that appears immediately after birth. In order not to panic and start supplementing breastfeeding that has not yet begun with formula, you need to remember that most doubts are unfounded.

  • Tip 1: Is the milk in my breast nutritious enough?

To check whether your milk has sufficient fat content, you need to express it into a transparent container and let it stand. You can judge the fat content by seeing it with your own eyes. There is a more radical option - to send the milk for laboratory testing, where they will accurately determine whether the baby has enough nutrients that it contains.

  • Tip 2. What if there is no milk at all?

A feeling of fullness and distension does not always accompany the appearance of milk. In order for the milk to remain, you need to put your baby to the breast as soon as required, and after feeding you can express the remainder. The principle of supply and demand works here . As long as milk is needed, it appears. As soon as there is no need for it, it quickly disappears. Medicine knows of cases where women, who had long since finished feeding their child, began to breastfeed someone else’s baby and milk appeared again. Therefore, everything that your child cannot drink must be expressed with a breast pump. If you still have doubts that the baby is full, offer him two breasts one at a time during one feeding.

  • Tip 3. What should I drink or eat to increase my milk supply?

You need to eat healthy food, eat small portions, eat what is healthy. Nuts and dairy products are especially useful for producing milk. If you drink tea brewed with milk thirty minutes before feeding, milk will be added immediately.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • Tip 4. What could I be doing wrong, why is my milk not coming in?

Do not try to accustom your baby to a routine at such a tender age. You should not feed him by the hour, this leads to a decrease in lactation. In the first days of your baby's life, feed him at least once every two hours. At night, a 4-hour gap during sleep is allowed. In addition, do not limit your baby’s time for feeding. Let him stay at your breast as much as he wants. Otherwise, he may not have time to suck the portion of milk he needs. Important: for feeding, take a comfortable position, make sure that the baby grasps the nipple correctly with his mouth.

Make sure your diaper is filled! To understand that your baby is eating enough milk, pay attention to the weight of the diaper. If you don’t give your baby enough water and the diaper overflows, that is, the baby pees quite often, it means he’s not starving. I also advise you to turn to “natural medicines” with lactogenic properties: nuts, feta cheese, bee bread, royal jelly, nettle infusion and ginger, as well as dill and coriander. It is important to remember: no means will help if you violate the basic rules described above.

Not enough milk or 13 ways to increase lactation: