What awaits the maiden boars in the year. Career growth and finance. Pig – Leo

Year of birth: 1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,1995, 2007, 2019

What awaits the Pig in 2017?

This year you will set yourself the goal of providing for your family as much as possible, for which you will begin to look for a more profitable workplace. The year of the Red Fire Rooster will be especially successful for those who work in trade or are engaged in own business. You are truthful, purposeful, faithful to the one you love. You have many chances to surpass everyone and be at the top. However, one should not get carried away by this success, but must always adhere to modesty and humility.

Pig love horoscope for 2017 Year of the Rooster

Forget about your selfishness, otherwise in a year Fire Rooster you can ruin your relationship with your partner for a long time. Yes, he himself may be to blame for many conflicts, but you should not be led by your own pride and defend your point of view at all costs. Do not command your partner, communicate with him as an equal. In the spring, a lonely Pig expects success with the opposite sex and a meeting with a soul mate.

Finance Pig in the Year of the Rooster 2017

This year’s income is unlikely to allow Pig to be luxurious, but he won’t have to starve either. Manage your spending wisely and take your work more seriously, otherwise by spring your carelessness will empty your pockets. In the summer, Pig will feel a surge of inspiration, which will be noticed and appreciated by his superiors. Therefore, get ready to receive, if not a salary increase, then a substantial bonus in the fall, which will allow you to have fun celebrating the holidays.

The search for new sources of income promises good results. Activation is expected by mid-May professional life. Propose your own original action plan to management, and you will get the green light for your creative initiatives. Your achievements will be appreciated, and you will expand the scope of your abilities. Drastic changes in professional status will occur by the end of August. You will have a good chance of realizing your wildest career plans. Be prepared to learn and be independent. Received in early autumn business proposals will give rise to major projects that will bring positive results in the future. Money matters are successful only if plans are not disclosed. Be attentive to all waste, especially if it concerns borrowed or government funds. The situation will improve, but at the end of the year, unexpected expenses may disrupt your financial stability.

Health of the Pig in the Year of the Rooster 2017

All year long, the Pig will view every minor failure as a tragedy, which can lead to depression and nervous breakdowns. In order not to annoy those around him, turning into an offended hysteric, the Pig should make the words of Confucius the motto of this year: “There are no problems in the world, there is our attitude towards problems.”


Spring and summer will pass quite calmly, but in the fall you will feel the excitement of work. You will become truly interested in moving forward career ladder. The thing is that it is during this period that your motivation for success will skyrocket. Not only will you try your best to gain professional recognition, but you will also do everything possible to get involved a good relationship with your work colleagues.

CELEBRITIES BORN IN THE YEAR OF THE PIG Stars: Brian Adams, Woody Allen, Ernest Hemingway, Alfred Hitchcock, Elton John, Steven Spielberg, Emma Thompson

Zodiac Stone: Ruby

Totem plant: Chrysanthemum

Best time: from 21 to 23

Season: Autumn

Favorable colors: purple, red, white

Lucky numbers: 1,3,4,5,8,16,18,34,41,48

The equivalent in Western astrology is:

For representatives of the year of the Pig-Boar, fate has prepared many special events for 2017, many of which will become turning points in their lives. The year will start very positively for them, which, against the backdrop of their general self-confidence and independence, will allow Pigs to start talking about how happy they are. However, this year, as astrologers say, there is every chance of not getting a worthy reward for your efforts. This fact will lower your mood somewhat and even make you sad.

In 2017, representatives of the Pig-Boar constellation will have to fight a little for their place in the sun, namely for attention in society, family and relationships.

However, very soon you will see the results of your efforts, as pleasure and harmony will very soon return to your life. Astrologers warn that the path to success for the Pig in 2017 will be more thorny and difficult than ever, so you should prepare carefully and stop flying in the clouds.

In 2017, pigs will finally understand how many ill-wishers they really have, who will begin to put a spoke in their wheels. It is not yet clear whether they do this out of envy or out of anger, but the fact remains. Don’t be discouraged, because it is your resilience that will make them retreat, and allow you to reap the benefits. The peculiarity of 2017 for the Pig-Boar is that, despite certain difficulties, the overall picture of the year will become positive for you, and soon you will be able to figure out what awaits those whose patron, the Pig-Boar, the horoscope for 2017 for women and men will help arrange all the i's are dotted.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Pig woman

Women’s energy will be overflowing, but astrologers recommend directing it in one direction, namely supporting comfort and warmth in the home. In order to ensure the completeness of these sensations, Pigs are recommended to rearrange the furniture, make repairs, giving the rooms more light and warm shades. At first, many of your loved ones may not support your desire to change something, but after all the work is completed, they will be pleasantly surprised and recognize your work as almost brilliant.

At work, representatives of this sign await good offer, which will help you move up the career ladder, but whether to accept it depends only on you. If you take it, you can significantly improve your financial situation and position in society. Actually, 2017 will bring you useful acquaintances and a lot of new things.

In relation to love searches, in 2017 you will finally be lucky to find your ideal type of man. However, astrologers recommend not to go through too much and for too long, otherwise you may lose your happiness without ever finding it. Ideal man walks somewhere nearby, you just have to take a closer look at those around you and you can find your betrothed.

Horoscope for the Pig-Boar man for 2017

This year characterizes the Pig man as a knight who will always be happy to help his companion. It is 2017 that will provide many opportunities to demonstrate such abilities. If you want a woman to fall in love with you even more, then don’t miss an opportunity to help her with something. Husbands are advised to pay attention to the continuation of their family line, since 2017 will be the most favorable year for this. For those who are lonely, don’t worry, this year you will finally be able to fulfill yourself in this environment. In addition, a marriage that will be concluded this year will be very successful and happy. In the professional sphere, men will have to try long and hard to prove their knowledge of the topic and their ability to occupy a certain position. Despite the fact that you will do everything correctly, management will stubbornly ignore you, which will cause your dissatisfaction.

Love horoscope for 2017 for the Pig-Boar

In the first half of the new year, representatives of the Pig-Boar constellation will really want to meet the opposite sex; such a desire will be based on the fact that all the charm and natural beauty of the representatives will be put into play. Already in the first months of spring, almost every representative of this sign will get to know nice people and finding your soul mate, mainly concerns women. Some of these acquaintances will develop into real feelings, and there may be sincere love. For some Pigs, astrologers even predict a wedding in 2017.

However, it is worth remembering that real feelings are not only about taking, but also about giving in return, so you should pay attention to the fact that your soul mate will need attention. If representatives of this sign do not learn to give love, then they can even lose their family. However, establishing relationships will then become very difficult, and in many cases impossible.

Money and career horoscope for the Pig-Boar for 2017

2017 will not bring Pigs much recognition of their talent, so in order to promote their project they will have to turn to more influential people. They are the ones who will help introduce you to society, which will then become the basis for your first fortune. Astrologers recommend paying attention to relationships between employees and partners, because this is another component of success.
For those representatives of this sign who work in hired jobs, astrologers recommend paying attention to building trust in the team. However, Pigs will not feel any improvement or enthusiasm at work. However, in order to get the desired promotion, representatives of the Pig constellation will commit a very complex and insidious offense. Of course, you would achieve your goal, because no one will be able to see through your nastyness.

The material environment of the Pig in 2017 will become very stable, there will be no special injections, but you will still be able to spend money. After all, the pig-boar always knows to take the money. But the middle of the year will bring you a meeting with a wealthy person who will solve almost all your financial problems. However, you should not spend your own savings; you will still really need them in 2017.

Despite everything, 2017 will bring representatives of the Pig-Boar constellation a generally good financial situation, recognition of your talent, and general professionalism. You don't have to worry, because 2017 doesn't have much in store for you. complex problems and situations that you cannot solve. Your own business, although it will start with some difficulties, will become quite successful and profitable.

Health horoscope for the Pig-Boar for 2017

The general picture of the health of the Pig-Boar is quite satisfactory, however, at the peak of the spread of colds, many representatives of this sign may get sick. Naturally, the flu cannot be called a very complex disease, but it can spoil the overall picture. Moreover, after colds It is worth paying attention to the state of immunity. Astrologers advise paying attention to proper nutrition, since there is a possibility of getting dysbacteriosis or other diseases gastrointestinal tract. In general, it is worth paying attention to general state body, which will allow you to protect yourself from many other diseases in the future. In general, 2017 will be favorable for the Pig-Boar.

The year promises to be full of unexpected events, which will make the emotional Pig nervous. To attract failures less, you need to learn to deal with your emotionality and pay less attention to minor troubles. Forecast for the Pig for 2017 promises a sea of ​​emotions, as if in a real novel: there will be joy, sadness, passion, jealousy. But you need to be able to curb every feeling and not be overly sensitive, so that this does not provoke hysterics and conflicts.

You need to watch your language all the time so as not to spill other people’s secrets, and thereby not provoke serious quarrels. Therefore, it is important to watch your words and not say anything unnecessary.

The astrological forecast for 2017 promises a large supply of energy for the Pig, and if she directs it in the right direction, then success is guaranteed. It will be possible to achieve significant improvement in all areas of life. In the work field, thanks to extraordinary decisions, you will be able to earn authority both among colleagues and superiors. Special luck will await people of creative professions. But no matter what position or profession you hold, proper organization it will be possible to provide a good material base. In general, the financial condition will be good, income will be stable. In addition, you will be able to invest your money profitably: business, real estate.


This is a great time to show off your best qualities in front of my beloved. At the first call, a man, like a real knight, will run to the aid of his soulmate, so harmony will reign in the relationship. For those who have been married for a long time and still do not have children, now is the time to think about them. Therefore, expect pleasant news from your beloved about the replenishment. Don’t be afraid of such changes, everything will work out for you, and life will become much richer and brighter.


Almost everything is yours free time According to the astrological forecast for 2017, the Pig woman will devote herself to family and home. You may want to update your furniture or make repairs; your family will definitely support and help you. At work, you may receive an interesting offer from your superiors for a new position. Singles can meet their soulmate, the stars advise you to look around, it is quite possible that the same one is already nearby.

Love horoscope for Pig 2017, career, finance, health

Representatives of this sign eastern calendar will gladly accept help from the owner of the year of the Rooster. Sometimes it will even seem that fate itself is adapting to the Pig. But at the same time, he himself will put in a lot of effort, and this will apply to all areas of life. Thus, the Pig’s love horoscope in 2017 advises devoting more time to your family and children, who will need your support more than ever.


This area will require special attention. You will have to reconsider not only your behavior and attitude towards your loved one, but also understand your true feelings for him. Because love horoscope Pig 2017 will bring new acquaintances, and here you will have to decide whether a new hobby is worth breaking off a relationship that has been established for years. But there won’t be much time to think, since everything secret will soon become apparent. Therefore, if you value your current relationship, then remain faithful so as not to destroy it and not regret it later. Try to bring something new into your love relationship, make surprises, this will help you get through difficult moments easier in the future. Since the Pig love horoscope 2017 lays the foundation for the future.


Very good prospects are opening up in 2017 in the work field. But at the same time, you should not rely on fate and luck, since the results will depend on you. Exceptional hard work original ideas will help you stand out among your colleagues. The main advice for the Red Rooster horoscope in 2017 is to stand out. After all, management first of all sees and celebrates its most active and brightest employees, who bring the most results, so don’t get lost in the gray mass. Perhaps it’s worth showing a little arrogance somewhere, the main thing is not to end up in the tail.


There is always somewhere to spend money, especially at Boar. But you cannot be too careless with your savings, since there will be no serious financial income. But even this fact will not particularly frighten you, since this sign of the eastern calendar will always find where to get money. In addition, a person will appear who will help financially and solve many financial problems. Of course, this will not always be the case, and therefore it is worth learning to save and rely on your strengths so as not to remain broke.

The New Year has already begun, and the Earth Dog is just coming into its own, but despite this, changes for the better have begun to occur in the lives of many. Financial problems are gradually disappearing, and in personal life a white streak appears. But will everything continue to be so calm?

The stars promise favorable year Dogs for Pig, 2018 will be held for her under the sign of love, prosperity, care, and family comfort. The entire year of 2018 for the Pig will be filled with positive events, which will smooth out the consequences of the destructive influence of the owner of 2017.

It cannot be said that the Year of the Dog will be easy or fun for the Pig; rather, it will be spent in work and achievements, because many representatives of the sign will engage in self-education, search for new opportunities, and career planning. All the problems left over from last year and conflict situations The Pig will have to decide at the beginning of the year, preferably before March, otherwise financial difficulties may arise in April or relationships with colleagues at work may deteriorate.

The stars are very favorable to the Pig; many representatives of the sign, especially women, will awaken intuition, thanks to which they will be able to not only avoid troubles, but also find friends, change their lives in better side, become more confident. Absolutely incredible ideas will come to the Pig’s head, and if she implements them, she will be able to get rich.

This year, boars will face a real test of strength, so for 2018 the horoscope warns them against excessive gullibility and carelessness. People - Pigs in a critical situation can do stupid things or make wrong decisions, which will certainly be taken advantage of by less than decent individuals. This zodiac sign can be either a strong and formidable opponent, demolishing everything in its path, or a weak-willed creature screaming in panic. Astrologers strongly advise the Pig to think twice about everything, this will help avoid many problems.

In the year of the Yellow Dog, the main problem that this zodiac symbol must cope with is excessive alarmism. The influence of the Lunar nodes will strengthen the will of the Pig, but considerable efforts will have to be made to overcome oneself. A Pig that has overcome its nerves can find an inexhaustible source of internal energy within itself, which will make its life noticeably easier and happier. Astrologers advise to tune in to the positive, think only about good, bright things, because there will be a lot of chances to improve your life this year.

What awaits men in the new year?

The Pig horoscope for 2018 says that soft-bodied representatives of the sign will have to greatly change their attitude towards the surrounding reality, because recent colleagues or former “friends” will try to take advantage of the results of Pig’s work.

The astrological forecast invites men to remember that every wild boar has fangs that will help protect themselves from any attacks. The Pig's diligence, responsibility, and conscientiousness will also be tested by their superiors, as a result, for the first time in many years, representatives of the Pig sign will have a real chance to move up the career ladder.

For Pig men, all doors will be open in 2018; the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice, because the consequences of this mistake will affect Pig’s life for several years to come. Astrologers note that this year, pathologically honest Boars and Pigs, under the influence of Mercury, the Moon and Saturn, will for the first time try to be cunning and deceitful with others, although previously only they themselves were deceived.

Family occupies a special place in the heart of every Pig, and therefore concern for loved ones and the arrangement of the family nest will come to the fore. In the first half of the year, there is a high probability of making expensive purchases, such as cars, apartments, and land.

What does 2018 have in store for women?

As the Pig horoscope for 2018 promises, every woman will be able to feel not just a beauty, but also a real queen. The extraordinary friendliness and hospitality of beautiful ladies will bring generous fruits in the form of numerous friends and acquaintances, and in any difficult undertaking, a reliable representative of the stronger sex will be next to the Pig.

But you shouldn’t trust everyone, because in the middle of the year a person will appear who can not only betray, but also create serious problems for the Pig. The stars advise the Pig not to talk too much and not to reveal personal secrets to unfamiliar people, and also to learn to control emotions, not to flare up over trifles like a match, but to carefully consider every word.

Pig women love romance and everything connected with it, so it is quite difficult for many fans to find the key to their heart. The stars recommend that ladies lower their demands and look around, because happiness is very close, but the Pig simply does not notice it. Representatives of the Pig sign should not allow others to take advantage of them, because there is a high probability of deception and material damage.

Love and family

The love horoscope for Pig for 2018 is focused on family, loved ones, strengthening existing relationships and starting new ones. Charming single Pigs will experience a surge of attention from the stronger sex, especially from the second half of the year.

The end of 2018 may be marked by a marriage proposal from a person whom the Pig did not perceive as a potential spouse. You should not rush to refuse, as it may well turn out that this person is your destiny.

As the 2018 horoscope promises, the Pig and the Pig will be under the special supervision of Venus, so the “other half” will certainly find out about any betrayal. It is worth refraining from frivolous actions, especially since this year the main task of representatives of your zodiac sign is to preserve the relationships that already exist. Bursts of sexual energy will largely determine the fate of Pigs:

  • Pigs will experience the maximum rise in the spring. This period will be generous with meetings and promising acquaintances.
  • Summer is the most stable period; most Pigs will be able to decide on a partner and form a harmonious relationship.
  • Autumn will be marked by mild depression, especially among Pigs - women. They will doubt their natural attractiveness, and therefore mandatory should go on a small but pleasant shopping spree.
  • In winter, passions will rage again, this will especially affect married Pigs, who will literally dig the ground. True, an easy affair will not give them the pleasure they are counting on, and the disappointed Pig will trudge back to his home.

Pigs will have to pay special attention to their children, since they, sensing a lack of parental control, may well begin to skip classes or slowly become hooligans. You can’t harshly punish them or prohibit them from doing what they love – you just need to give them more attention, show care, love.

The year passes under the auspices of Venus, so married couples Those who decide to have offspring will have to learn about the upcoming birth of twins or triplets. Pigs should not panic, the birth will go absolutely normally, and the babies will be born healthy and happy.

Finance and work

Things will turn out incredibly favorably in business, which is confirmed by the horoscope for 2018 for the Pig. The Pig man will be able to realize his wildest dreams, start a business from scratch or lead a new project.

The stars will be especially favorable to those Pigs who are involved in the field of science or technology - the results of their work will bring not only financial benefits, but practical benefits for others. Entrepreneurs - Pigs will have to go through a difficult period at the beginning of the year and in the summer: important partners will not want to sign a contract or will not pay their debts.

At work, things will go uphill: the bosses will not only notice the Pig, but will also increase their salary. In the fall, the idea of ​​changing their place of work will settle in the Pigs’ minds, and they will diligently begin to search for a new, more profitable place. The stars advise Pigs not to rush, but to try to come to an agreement with the boss in the same place, perhaps it will be more profitable solution. Pigs will also have to engage in self-education, and on a voluntary basis.

For the Dog in 2018, the Pig is in favor, because the kindness and complacency of the representatives of this sign will charm anyone. However, the Pig’s excessive love for arguments will not lead to good things: major quarrels with colleagues, loved ones and friends are possible, as a result of which these stubborn people may be left alone by the end of the year.

Astrologers advise learning to control your irritability, because this negative character trait can destroy all the many years of efforts of Pigs. The end of the year will be truly “hot” for representatives of the Pig sign: there will be extensive work to complete the projects started, numerous negotiations, and resolution of accumulated problems.

For a Pig in the year of the Dog, nothing is impossible. If you control your emotions, then success and financial well-being won't keep you waiting long. For those Pigs who have decided to radically change their field of activity, the stars advise them to be careful and invest money only after careful thought and calculations that can confirm the viability of the project.

The Pig should not succumb to outside influence, describing all the delights of the life of a “free artist,” since recognition does not come immediately, but he wants to eat now. 2018 is an extremely unfavorable year for taking out a loan; it is better to wait until you have the opportunity to pay for the purchase with your own funds.


The horoscope for 2018 according to the signs does not promise significant health problems, and therefore Pigs will not be an exception. All problems of representatives of the Pig sign will be caused primarily by their nervousness and temper. The energy channels of Pigs are unstable, they are overflowing with sexual energy, displacing everything else, which is why overwork, dizziness and a general loss of strength are possible. The immune system of Pigs can also malfunction under stress, especially in spring and autumn.

Pig in the Year of the Dog 2018 must bring their body into complete order, first of all get rid of excess weight, which not only affects health, but also creates psychological discomfort. In March, the favorable influence of the Moon begins, which will help Pigs in the difficult task of finding spiritual and physical harmony; the main thing is to decide to take the first step.

Regular family pigs physical exercise will help direct sexual energy in the right direction and control yourself. Be sure to take care of taking vitamins or nutritional supplements, and a balanced and proper diet will help Pigs feel on top of the world.

Representatives of the Pig sign pass any problems through themselves, which is why the heart suffers first of all. Take some time and visit a cardiologist; a smart specialist will help you avoid tachycardia and pressure surges.

Try to find a permanent trainer who will know the characteristics of your body and give the right load, because The best way get rid of stress - get a good workout. Visit more fresh air: walk, walk and ride a bike, and in the fall, when colds pass you by, remember with gratitude the warm summer days.

The year is favorable for any surgical interventions - from light plastic surgery to major surgery, everything will go very well. Astrologers strongly advise paying special attention to rest: in spring, autumn and winter, Pigs need to take at least a couple of days off to relieve accumulated tension, otherwise stress can make itself felt in a very unpleasant way.

But psychologists advise representatives of the Pig sign to listen to meditative music, which not only relaxes nervous system, but also promotes internal concentration. Author: Natalya Ivanova

What awaits Pig in 2017? This will be a year full of various events. Very rich and ambiguous. Your life will be amazing. It is possible to fulfill old dreams. This is a wonderful time without worries and worries. All problems will be resolved and conflicts resolved. Your only task will be to work hard to make your life even better without being distracted by negativity.

You are a very restless person and have a violent reaction to many things. You should pay attention to this and try to moderate your bright emotional condition. The Rooster loves calm and confident people. Try not to get nervous for no reason. This will bring nothing but nervous diseases. Control yourself.

Your resources are not limitless. Save your emotions for positive occasions.

Otherwise, you risk feeling nervous exhaustion in the second part of the year.

Save the energy for the end of the year. You will get what you want and will be fully rewarded.

You should be careful about your statements to other people. This may affect your reputation. Do not say too much, try to carefully select expressions in conversation. Otherwise, you may lose true friends. It’s better to remain silent than to say too much.

Direct all your emotional excesses towards work and sublimate it into labor activity. You can set a goal and go towards it without paying attention to others. Or show your creativity. The Rooster will help you with this. Do some science. In this field, you can achieve great success this year.

Don't be afraid to be the first at something. In this way, you will raise your authority in the eyes of colleagues and managers. And they will pay attention to you. This could lead to a raise.

Everything is stable and good in finances. If you don’t have enough, you can always turn your attention to additional ways to earn money.

This year you have excellent potential for work and leisure. Last year turned out to be exciting for you. But you shouldn't relax. Use this time wisely. You can think about your future goals and projects.

Love horoscope for Pig

It will be a good and calm year for families. Quiet evenings with family and friends will contribute to your mental recovery. Harmony has filled your life. Your family will approve of all your achievements and support new ones.

The opposite sex will be drawn to you. But you must control yourself and remember your goals, and not waste yourself.

The Rooster is an honest sign and will not let you make mistakes in the area of ​​love. Unfree Pigs should not even try to look to the left. This can lead to successful consequences. You will regret what you did, but it will be too late. You may lose your family comfort. The harmony will be destroyed and a complete break will occur. Don't let this happen. Focus all your efforts on maintaining hearth and home. Spend more time with your family and children.

Unmarried and unmarried Pigs will want to start a family. And they will meet the right person. Marriages entered into this year will be especially strong and long.

Lonely Pigs will be very attractive to the opposite sex this year. But you shouldn’t use it too much. You will meet a person who can be with you for many years. It turns out that he was always there. Take a careful look at your friends and acquaintances. Among them you will find him or her.
If you are already a parent, then pay attention to the studies of your offspring. There may be problems there. Help your child not get bogged down in problems.

Horoscope for 2017 for men and women

Women's horoscope.
This year, all your efforts will be aimed at creating and arranging a prosperous atmosphere in your home. You will develop the design of your home, buy new pieces of furniture. You might even decide to renovate. You will be puzzled by the creation the best conditions for the lives of your loved ones and loved ones. You will devote all your free time to others. But try not to forget about yourself.

Pleasant surprises await you in the work sphere. There is a prospect of promotion. But this may not coincide with your plans. You'll have to make a choice. Perhaps in your new position you will not be able to spend enough time at home and you should think about whether to accept the promotion or not.

Free Pigs will be in search of their love. And it is at this time that he will be crowned with success. You will meet your man and want to start a family. If you manage to fulfill this intention before the end of the year, the union will be strong and long-lasting.

Pay attention to your friends. Perhaps your love was nearby all the time.

Men's horoscope.
This year, all conditions will be created for the Pig man to show his heroism. You can prove to your beloved that her choice was the right one. This also applies to family people. This year will allow you to renew relationships and make feelings flare up with renewed vigor.

Your loved ones may ask you for help. Don't refuse them. You may need their help in the future.
The second part of the year may turn out to be fateful. If you have been trying to have offspring for a long time, then it is at this time that the stars will align in such a way that your desire will come true. At the end of the year, your other half will be able to please you with good news.

Money & career for Pig

You have very good work ethic. You are conscientious and very efficient. This year the Rooster will give you a break and you will be able to solve all your problems at work. You will complete all your difficult and seemingly impossible projects. Your superiors will pay attention to you and you will earn the respect of your colleagues.

Reconsider your surroundings. Perhaps there is a traitor in him. Not all of those you consider friends are actually friends. These people can really let you down in the middle of the year. Make sure that this does not become your fatal mistake.

Try to be friends with useful people. Don't waste your free time. This year you will have many opportunities to meet new people. They will matter to your future. Perhaps one of your new acquaintances will help you move up the career ladder. But try to choose your friends sincerely. Don't be a hypocrite with someone you don't like. Choose people you like.

If your plans include a change in activity, then now is the right time to implement them. Just don't think it will be easy. You will have to try very hard to earn respect in the new place.

Pleasant expenses await you. This will be a vacation and a long-awaited trip. It is even possible that you will spend all your money, but you will remember this year for a long time. It's worth it.

Pay attention to your child's activities. Get involved in his education.

pay attention to business documents. This year there will be attempts to deceive you in this area.
Try not to get involved in dubious adventures. This will cause big losses. But don't be afraid to lend to friends and family. It will come back doubly.

Health horoscope for Pig

Try not to waste your nerves on meaningless experiences. This can lead to stress. Don't pay attention to the negativity directed towards you.

Spend time outdoors, play sports. Carry out relaxing procedures at least once a week.
Be closer to your loved ones and family. Charge yourself with positive energy from them.

In general, health in 2017 will be good. If you don't let go viral diseases, then everything will work out just fine for you.