What is the best way to wipe dust at home? How to get rid of dust in an apartment. Cleaning upholstered furniture

Every housewife knows that when cleaning there is nothing worse than removing dust from furniture. It accumulates extremely quickly on surfaces and settles even after thoroughly cleaning the entire room. It is impossible to completely get rid of dust, because it is endless, but if you use useful tips and recommendations, you can significantly reduce the amount of dust in your apartment and effortlessly maintain cleanliness in the house.

According to statistics, even in a well-cleaned room, about 12 thousand dust particles accumulate per square centimeter within two weeks. In order to reduce its amount, you need to adhere to simple, but effective rules cleaning:

  • Wet cleaning should be done regularly. This is the most proven way to deal with dust, which tends to rise when using a dry brush or rag. Thanks to wet cleaning, the dust content on the surface is significantly reduced, and the use of special products helps to avoid the spread of dust mites and bacteria. Regular dust removal using this method not only helps to clean the apartment efficiently, but also reduces the risk of disease and also strengthens the immune system.
  • The right cleaning equipment should be in every housewife's arsenal. Today many have been invented useful devices and types of fabrics that effectively fight dust on the most different surfaces and significantly speed up the cleaning process, for example, microfiber. Plus, some products have an antistatic effect, due to which dust settles more slowly. Therefore, even before you start cleaning, you should think about what is the best way to wipe dust from furniture.
  • Cleaning the room should follow a certain pattern, which not only saves time, but also cleans the room more efficiently. The main rule is to clean from top to bottom, otherwise the dust raised by the brush will settle again and again.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to hard-to-reach corners: baseboards, upper surfaces of cabinets and mezzanines, window sills and doors. It is in these places that a huge amount of dust accumulates, which is often forgotten during cleaning.
  • It is advisable to wash home textiles as often as possible. It is the fabric in the premises that is the main source of dust. Therefore, it is extremely important to regularly wash bed linen, change bedspreads, and clean upholstered furniture. Plus, if you don’t remove textiles for a long time, dust mites may appear, which will then be difficult to get rid of. Removable furniture covers, which can be conveniently washed in a machine without the help of specialists, will help with cleaning.

Important! Regular and high-quality cleaning is especially important if there are respiratory diseases, as well as asthma or allergies. A large number of dust on furniture significantly worsens the quality of life with such ailments.

How to remove dust from furniture: basic equipment

In order to effectively cope with dust in a room, you simply need to choose the right tool, because the quality of cleaning and the time spent on it largely depend on this. This is quite simple devices, which can be found in every home.

Rags and wet wipes

The simplest and most effective tools for cleaning a room from dust. When choosing a rag for cleaning, special attention should be paid to the material. So, it is advisable to prefer natural cotton or microfiber. They not only absorb water better than others, but also do not leave scratches on glossy and smooth surfaces.


There is a mop in every home, and it is probably the best remedy not only for cleaning floors, but also for removing dust in hard to reach places. The material from which the mop is made may vary.

Important! It is advisable to purchase a mop-brush with removable attachments to remove dirt from any type of surface.

Vacuum cleaner

This is one of the best devices for dust control various types. The best option– small washing vacuum cleaner with different nozzles. The vacuum cleaner does an excellent job of removing dust from the room and saves a lot of time.

Important! It is extremely important to change filters or clean the device’s container on time, otherwise its operation will be of lower quality.


Such a device does not directly remove dust in the house, but by making small particles heavier, it reduces the amount of dust in the air. When wet, fine dirt settles on surfaces where it is easiest to remove. Plus, the number of dust stains during cleaning is significantly reduced.

Various brushes, “sultana” type

An excellent tool for shaking off fine dirt from hard-to-reach surfaces. However, the dirt does not go away, so further wet cleaning is necessary.

To ensure maximum cleaning efficiency, it is recommended to use by various means, reducing the amount of dust in the future.

Useful cleaning products

As you know, dust accumulates very quickly - within a couple of hours after cleaning, microparticles settle on surfaces again. To avoid this, it is important to know the best way to wipe dust from furniture so that it accumulates less:

  • Furniture polish – excellent remedy, which has degreasing, antistatic and antiseptic properties. After treating the surface of the furniture with a similar product, small debris begins to slide off, as a result of which it settles several times less.

Important! The polish adds extra shine to varnished and glossy furniture surfaces.

  • Among traditional methods The most widely used products are those based on table vinegar. Mix half a glass of water, 2 teaspoons of 9% vinegar and add a couple of drops of any essential oil for aroma. It is best to pour the product into a spray bottle and spray over the furniture.

Room cleaning algorithm

In order for cleaning to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to adhere to a certain scheme that will allow you to clean even the largest room in the shortest possible time:

  1. First, remove dust from the ceiling using a broom or brush wrapped in a rag.
  2. Wipe each shade on the chandelier, where a huge amount of hard-to-reach fine dirt usually accumulates. Plus, it will help save some money on electricity - a clean lamp shines much brighter.
  3. Wipe window sills and cabinets from top to bottom. Don't forget about shelves and mezzanines, where dust sometimes accumulates for years.
  4. Remove plaque from doors and window sills using a damp cloth or sweep it down with a brush.
  5. Sweep every corner of the room where the most dirt tends to accumulate. Revenge follows in the direction of the center of the room.
  6. Remove all swept fine dirt, preferably using a vacuum cleaner. Only after this can you proceed to wet cleaning of the rest of the furniture and low surfaces - chairs, tables, etc.
  7. At the end of cleaning, treat all surfaces using special products. This way dust will accumulate much less.
Tormented by dust?.. Fighting dust with “Anti-Dust”

Every day you say to yourself: I wiped the dust yesterday, where did it come from today? The fight against dust has been and is still ongoing. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of it completely, but you can always learn how to remove it correctly so that there is less of it. So let's get started!

The first and, perhaps, one of important rules - taboo on dry cloths and special whisks. They will not help you clean the house, but will only raise dust, which will settle on furniture, floors, etc. Yes, and a simple damp rag is not a good help here, but if you soak it special composition, then dust will not appear for a long time.

Try it lemon solution for soaking a rag— this rag perfectly collects dust without leaving streaks on the furniture.

To prepare this solution, you need to cut the lemon into slices, pour 7 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil and leave for a week.
Dilute the infused solution with a glass of boiling water and strain.
Dip a rag into it, wring it out, dry it and use it to wipe dust off furniture.

The most convenient thing is to use special napkins that remove dust dry are dust-binding wipes. If there are no special napkins, then the most convenient thing is dry wool rag, the advantage of which is that when wiped, the wool becomes electrified and attracts microparticles of dust. If this is not available, you can use ordinary dry woolen cloth.

So that dust does not settle.
Not everyone has the opportunity to dust every day. So that it settles less on objects in the house, I mix shampoo with water and antistatic agent in equal parts and wipe the surfaces with this solution. And then the next dust will no longer have to be removed tomorrow, but in 2-3 days.

Or dilute it in water fabric softener

Dust can be wiped off in different ways

To prevent her from sitting on the furniture for as long as possible, I use this method: I take I dilute a glass of plain water
teaspoon salt
, I stir, let a little salt dissolve and that’s it... I wipe the furniture

Almost all are natural antistatic agents essential oils, especially pink or lavender. They will not damage furniture and, moreover, have bactericidal properties. So you can wipe the furniture with a rag (preferably cotton) soaked in water with a few drops of an alcohol solution of these oils.

It is good to wipe furniture that is polished or covered with decorative film with a cloth soaked in a mixture of glycerin and water (1:10).

Nowadays there are a huge number of all kinds of “rags” for collecting dust on sale. I would advise purchasing “rags” with a fleecy surface; they are somewhat reminiscent of terry towels. Such “rags” not only erase dirt from the surface of the furniture, but leave it on themselves, i.e. the dust settles on this very “rag”; therefore, much less dust will fly in the air when cleaning.

When the floors are swept and wiped, buckets, mops, rags rinsed and hung in their places, dust must be wiped off the table, cabinet and other furniture. It seems like this job couldn't be easier! But it also requires skill and skill. Under no circumstances should you blow dust off individual items right there in the room. This can only be done near an open window. Dust should be carefully wiped off with a soft flannel or woolen cloth: to a soft cloth dust sticks better.

As parts of the rag become dirty, tuck them inward and continue wiping away the dust with the clean part of the rag. Do this until the entire rag is rolled up into a ball. Shake it thoroughly in the air and only then continue working. You should not knock a rag against the wall of the house, as this leaves dirty marks.

Wipe dust necessary not only from furniture, but also from small items - inkwells, vases, ashtrays, light bulbs and so on. When cleaning, do not forget to wipe the ledges on furniture, chair legs, radiators central heating etc. Wipe the bottom parts of the batteries using a stick or splinter with a damp rag wrapped around it.

Furniture coated with varnish is cleaned with a dry cloth and then polished to a shine with a clean woolen cloth. Painted furniture can also be wiped with a damp cloth. Clean dust from silk lampshades with a brush

In addition to ongoing daily cleaning, it is necessary to carry out more thorough weekly cleaning once a week. During such cleaning, wipe the ceilings and walls with a rag thrown over a brush with a long handle or attached to a rag holder. Shake out the bedding and be sure to air it out. Wipe down beds thoroughly, lift spring mattresses on their sides, and wipe off dust from springs. If curtains and drapes are easy to remove, shake them out in the air; if difficult, shake them carefully and pin them higher so that they do not interfere with further cleaning. Place rugs, carpets, and runners outdoors for ventilation. When rolling or folding them, try to lift as little as possible dust. Hang large carpets and runners on poles or ropes, carefully beat out the dust with a beater, and then clean with a brush. Valuable carpets are knocked out only on the left side. Shake out small rugs and paths, turning your face towards the wind.

In winter, carpets can be cleaned with dry snow. If you want to refresh the color of the carpet, soak a brush in a vinegar solution (1 tablespoon per liter of water) and walk it over the carpet. Take special care to knock out the rug located at the front door, since it usually contains a lot of sand and dirt. Never clean carpets, runners and rugs on stair railings. This is as uncivilized as shaking them out on the balcony. Dust gets on the heads of passers-by, in neighbors' apartments, and there will be a lot of it in your apartment.

Weather permitting, take it out into the air and part upholstered furniture - sofa cushions, rollers, etc. They also need to be knocked out with a beater and cleaned with a brush. The remaining upholstered furniture can be knocked out in the room by covering it with an old sheet soaked in water or a vinegar solution and well wrung out. As needed, the sheet is rinsed and moved to another place. Having knocked out all the upholstered furniture in this way, finally go over it with a clean brush.

Flowers from windowsills and remove the shelves to the floor. Wipe large leaves (ficus, palm trees) with a soft cloth, sprinkle the rest with water from a toy watering can or through a fine strainer placed on a bottle. Wipe the flower pots with a damp cloth. Wash the plates on which they stand. You can wash flowers in the shower. But to prevent a strong stream of water from carrying away the soil, make a protective “cape” of oilcloth over the pot. This cape looks like a circle with a cut towards the center; cut a small circle in the middle for the stem.

Windows, window sills, doors, painted stoves, central heating radiators, wipe thoroughly with a damp cloth. If they are very dirty, wash them warm water. To prevent the paint from losing its shine, add a little to the water. ammonia. First they wash the frames and window sills, and then the doors and stoves. You need to wipe everything dry, otherwise they may form. yellow spots. Then wash all painted oil paint and unpainted tables, chairs, benches, stools. You should not mix soda with water: it makes the paint dull. It also affects painted surfaces and is very hot water. Remember that polished furniture cannot be wiped with a damp cloth: it can ruin the polish. Such furniture is wiped with a dry cloth, as well as a cloth moistened with vegetable oil or turpentine.

What's the best way remove dust from the surface? It would seem that there is nothing simpler - take a damp cloth and wipe it. But it turns out that not every rag is suitable for eliminating dust.
Cleaning experts say that a regular rag dampened with water is not suitable for cleaning dusty surfaces.

The fact is that when moisture evaporates, aerosols are formed - microscopic water balls floating in the air, the core of which is considered to be dust particles.
It turns out that in the future we will inhale this dust along with the air. And dust, by the way, is a very harmful substance that can cause allergies.

It is estimated that in a year, if you do not clean your apartment, up to 10 kg of dust can accumulate! Of course, you need to take into account the number of residents, the presence of pets and “dust collectors” such as carpets, pillows and fluffy blankets. Dust settles well on wallpaper, curtains, paintings. Basically, she feels cozy and comfortable everywhere :)

What is the best way to remove dust?

At the moment, various available materials for cleaning are no longer a novelty. In the store you can buy:

How to get rid of dust without a vacuum cleaner and fancy rags?

As we wrote above, an ordinary rag from an old T-shirt or towel does not suit us. What to do?

The answer is simple - take an ordinary piece of woolen fabric, or from an old thing. It is believed that when a dry woolen cloth rubs against the surface, it becomes electrified and attracts dust particles. In addition, such a rag can be used many times - it can be washed.

To prevent dust from attracting our attention, we want to get rid of it for as long as possible. For this there are special anti-dust sprays. Modern production offers high-quality products that neutralize allergens, are harmless to children and animals, have pleasant aroma. This spray creates an antistatic property on the surface of the furniture that repels dust. The only negative is that the spray can create streaks on lacquered furniture. Therefore, you have to polish with a clean cloth. But, it is better to polish once every 2 weeks than to wash off the dust every other day.

"Old-fashioned" way of dealing with dust

Once upon a time, there were no vacuum cleaners at all, or they were in short supply, and not very cheap for many. In such cases, how did they remove dust from heavy mattresses or sofas and carpets?

A villager can take it all out into the yard and knock out all the dust special device. Carpets are hung on a turnstile or fence, and in winter they are beaten out directly in the snow. Using the same principle, you can knock dust out of sheepskin coats and

In cases where it is not possible to take a thing outside to knock out dust, take a thick wet rag, put it on the sofa (for example), and put a thick dry rag on top of the wet rag. And so they hit this “sandwich” with a firecracker. The lower wet rag after such an execution becomes gray or even black with dust.

Not everyone enjoys cleaning. Therefore, I want to make it as pleasant and effective as possible.
Most housewives clean their apartments on the weekend, in the morning. And they do the right thing.

In the evening, you should not use a vacuum cleaner, or even rags.. A working vacuum cleaner disperses those “living” in dust into the air. They can cause not only allergies, but also infectious diseases. In addition, scientists have proven that the body's resistance during the day is much higher than in the evening.

Therefore, do any cleaning only in the first half of the day, and preferably with the windows open. Also, turn on the music, then fighting dust won’t seem so tedious and boring.

Dust not only pollutes the apartment and spoils appearance, it has a negative impact on the well-being and health of humans and pets. It lives in big number dust mites, which can cause severe allergic reaction, asthma and various respiratory diseases.

In addition, dust carries carcinogens, bacteria, fumes and particles household chemicals, cigarette smoke toxins and others harmful substances. But these elements enter the lungs together!

Even with regular cleaning, dust remains in many hard-to-reach places. It settles not only on smooth, hard surfaces, but also accumulates in pillows, blankets, and upholstered furniture. You can often notice that new dust quickly appears in noticeable areas, even though you have recently wiped the surface.

To ensure safety, it is important to carry out wet cleaning regularly. In this article we will look at how and what is the best way to wipe off dust so that it does not settle longer.

How to reduce dust

To get rid of dust for a long time, try to get rid of things and objects that attract it. So, leather furniture will be better than fabric upholstery. Instead of carpet, it is better to use linoleum or parquet, and instead of curtains, blinds. It is advisable to store books, souvenirs and small items behind glass, and choose a chandelier without pendants.

Don't forget that hair, soft toys and wool, bed dress attract and collect dust particles in large quantities. Therefore, regularly exhaust and wipe toys, comb cats and dogs. And comb your hair only in the bathroom.

To prevent mites from appearing in house dust, be sure to wash your bed linen every 7-10 days. Air out pillows, blankets and mattresses every six months. It is recommended to wash pillows once every two to three months, and blankets once every 6-12 months.

And for the mattress, use a special cover that can be easily machine washed every two months. More detailed information How to properly care for bed linen and accessories, see.

Maintain a comfortable microclimate at home, regularly ventilate the room, and use air humidifiers. Cool is preferable to heat because heat, stuffiness and dry air create favorable conditions for reproduction harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

How to wipe dust correctly

To wipe dust from hard furniture surfaces, household appliances and other items, use a damp woolen cloth, as wool is highly electrified and attracts dust particles. You can take special dry microfiber wipes to prevent dust from settling on surfaces for a long time.

Moreover, they vacuum not only floors and carpets, but also furniture, curtains, and the surfaces of other objects. Use a good modern aqua filter for your vacuum cleaner. And after vacuuming, wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth.

Do not use dry cloths or special brooms! They, like a broom, only raise dirt and particles and create dust clouds in the air. In the future, the dust will simply settle on furniture, appliances, curtains, paintings and other objects. Be sure to wet the rag and broom in water.

Start cleaning from the ceiling. To do this, wrap the broom in a damp woolen rag and wipe the surface. By the way, suspended ceiling collects less dust and is easier to clean.

Then sweep every corner and floor in the apartment with a wet broom or thoroughly vacuum it. By the way, many people are interested in what to do first, vacuuming or wiping the dust. First of all, you should vacuum and then wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

After the floor and ceiling, you should wipe the furniture and every shelf, paintings, small objects and souvenirs, doors and window sills, electrical and household appliances. Furniture and curtains can be pre-vacuumed.

Don’t forget to clean the cornices and chandeliers, armrests on chairs and sofas, and blinds from dust. At the end of cleaning, wipe low surfaces, including bedside tables and stools, chairs, coffee tables, baseboards.

What to do to prevent dust from settling longer

  1. Do wet cleaning of your home regularly, especially in the hallway and hallway. Then the dirt will not be transferred to other rooms;
  2. Use a damp woolen cloth or special microfiber cloths with a fleecy surface to remove dust. Do not use brooms and brooms for cleaning;
  3. Do not clean the floors with a broom, but use a vacuum cleaner. As a last resort, you can soak a broom in water;
  4. First, thoroughly vacuum the floor or furniture, and then wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth;
  5. Use special aqua filters for your vacuum cleaner that effectively collect dust;
  6. Be sure to wipe off dust from every surface and clean hard-to-reach places;
  7. Remove dust from pillows and blankets, soft toys, curtains, woolen clothing and more. textile products. Wash your bed linen regularly;
  8. Style and comb your hair only in the bathroom and remove any remaining hair. Remove hair from clothes using a special sticky roller;
  9. Brush cats and dogs regularly, remove pet hair from furniture, carpets, and floors using a special sticky roller for animals;
  10. Can be used for cleaning special means, for example, polishes and antistatic agents. You can buy the composition or prepare it at home.

What is the best way to remove dust?

To prevent dust from settling longer, you can use various detergents. The easiest option is to buy ready-made Anti-Dust polishes. They effectively relieve static tension and prevent the settling of dust particles. In addition, you can treat surfaces with a natural antistatic agent.

To reduce dust settling, wipe items with the following means:

  • Lemon solution effectively removes dust and leaves no streaks. To do this, cut the lemon into slices, add seven tablespoons of vegetable oil and leave the mixture for a week. Pour a glass of boiling water into the resulting solution and strain. Then soak a rag in the mixture, wring it out, dry it and use it to wipe furniture;
  • Essential oils, especially lavender and rose, are excellent antistatic agents. Therefore, simply add a few drops of one of the oils to water and wipe hard surfaces with the solution with a wool or cotton cloth;
  • Take an antistatic agent, shampoo and water in equal quantities, mix the components and wipe off the dust with the resulting solution;
  • Prepare a solution of water and bleach in equal proportions and wipe hard surfaces with this mixture;
  • Add to glass clean running water teaspoon table salt and stir. Wait until the salt dissolves and wipe the furniture;
  • Polished and decorative surfaces wipe with glycerin solution. To do this, take one part glycerin to 10 parts water and mix the ingredients.

Use special napkins and rags to remove dust from a fluffy surface or wool fabric. The pile collects and leaves dust in itself so that no dust particles will fly in the air during cleaning. And the wool is electrified and effectively attracts dust microparticles.

How to remove dust in hard-to-reach places

To clear dusty sofa or chairs, place a damp sheet on the furniture and knock out the objects. The dust will come out of the depths and settle on the sheet. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Then go through with a vacuum cleaner and steam with an iron. Do this treatment 1-2 times a year to eliminate dangerous microorganisms and bacteria.

A vacuum cleaner with a special attachment will help remove dust from books. Place a long bristle brush on the hose and vacuum the items. Then be sure to wipe bookshelves with a damp cloth. Place books on the surface only when it is completely dry.

Flowers and houseplants with wide leaves, wipe with a damp sponge. Small plants washed in the bathroom clean water room temperature. This not only removes dust and dirt, but also has a positive effect on the condition of plants and flowers.

Wallpaper also needs to be cleaned periodically, because dust also collects on the walls. To do this, first vacuum the surfaces and then wipe with a damp cloth.

Wash blinds directly on the window. Close the products so that they form a whole canvas. Then vacuum or wipe the surface with a damp cloth. For cleaning, you can use a special brush for blinds, which wipes several plates at once. Dirty blinds are removed and washed in soapy water.

Regular cleaning will keep your home free of dust. However, sometimes it is quite difficult to force yourself to clean the apartment. Useful tips You will find how to force yourself to do the cleaning by following the link.