What materials are needed to repair a balcony. Options for finishing a balcony and its stages. Insulation works: we retain heat on all sides

The vast majority of apartments in multi-storey urban buildings have a balcony or loggia, and often not even a single copy. Some homeowners do not perceive this extension as additional space and use it only for drying clothes or as a warehouse for old things. And it’s completely in vain: a certain amount of effort - and due to such an element of the apartment it is quite possible to expand the living space.

It is easier, of course, to organize a full-fledged room in a loggia, insulating and improving the surfaces, since it has side main walls. However, transform open balcony– is also quite possible, at the same time, and, if possible, even expanding it a little. Do-it-yourself balcony repairs are carried out in different ways, and the owners need to decide in advance what kind of transformations they want to see in their properties.

Types of balcony repairs

In principle, balcony repair options can be divided into two main categories - cosmetic, which does not require major reconstructions and administrative approvals, and capital, for which it is often necessary to obtain the appropriate permit.

  • When making cosmetic changes, you can simply paint the walls, lay tiles on the floor and sheathe the fence with waterproof material. This process does not require any complex calculations, since the load on balcony slab practically does not increase.
  • Another option is to erect a permanent wall, insulate and glaze, or install panoramic windows. In this case, it is recommended to invite specialists who can determine how much the load on the load-bearing slab can be increased, or whether it will have to be strengthened by creating an additional metal structure.

Major balcony renovation

Inspection of the balcony slab

If the slab has a normal appearance without chips and shedding, then first you can examine it yourself and try to determine the degree of its damage, which will determine what kind of repair it requires.

  • If only cracks are found on the slab, then you should not repair them immediately, since it is still necessary to determine their depth for the reliability of the picture. To do this, the gaps are expanded to the reinforcement, and if it is in good condition, then the repair can be carried out independently.
  • If the cracks formed precisely because of damage or deformation of the reinforcement, and this was discovered during their expansion, then this will mean that the slab will require serious strengthening. In this case, it is necessary to invite experts to determine the extent of the damage. It is recommended to entrust the work of eliminating them and strengthening the slab to specialists.
  • Sometimes you can immediately see that the load-bearing slab is literally in disrepair and requires major repairs. It must also be produced by professional builders.

An emergency slab is considered if:

— cement shedding occurred, as a result of which the reinforcement was exposed;

— the appearance of deep cracks at the junction of the slab and the wall of the house was revealed;

- destruction detected concrete covering or its peeling from below or above the slab.

You also need to know that in some cases the slab cannot be repaired at all, and you simply have to remove it from the wall. Therefore, before you go for permission for reconstruction, it is best to first invite an expert who will determine the condition of the supporting structure.

Obtaining a work permit

Any large-scale alterations in an apartment in multi-storey buildings, including glazing and major renovation loggias or balconies require a special permit issued by the territorial housing inspection. However, before going to this organization, you will have to collect a package of certain documents:

  • Application according to the established form.
  • A notarized copy of the document certifying the ownership of the property.
  • Technical passport for the apartment.
  • Project for planned glazing and major renovation of a loggia or balcony.

Glazing project

  • The project or loggias are developed and issued special institutions who have permission to design residential buildings. Employees of the organization, based on the conclusion on technical condition balcony, first they draw up an act on the possibility of glazing it, and only after that they develop design documentation.
  • The finished project is agreed upon by four organizations. These include:

— DEZ — Management Company;

— SES — sanitary-epidemiological service;

— “Gospozhnadzor” (GPN);

— architectural and planning management.

After the project has been approved by these authorities, the package of documents is submitted to the territorial housing inspection, where the final permit for glazing and repair of the balcony must be issued.

It should be said that all conciliation procedures for obtaining permission are quite lengthy and expensive, since you will have to pay not only for drawing up the project and obtaining permission from various organizations, but also for the established state fees. Sometimes the cost of preparing a documentation package is practically comparable to the price of the repair itself, so many owners decide to carry out the work without permission, at their own peril and risk. But it must be remembered that if permission is received, then no one has the right to force the owner of the apartment to dismantle installed double glazed windows or fencing sheathing. But in the absence of approval, you can expect various troubles from control services at any time.

It is important to note that if you plan to glaze a balcony in an old house, you must definitely consult with specialists, otherwise such improvement could end tragically for the residents of the apartment or people passing below the balcony.

If the project is approved, required permission received, then you can proceed to work. But in the case where it is prescribed to repair or strengthen the slab, this work should be carried out exclusively by professionals.

Strengthening the balcony slab

Specialists will carry out major repairs to the balcony slab, but in order to have an idea of ​​how the balcony can be strengthened, it is advisable to consider several ways of carrying out this process. In addition, it is important to know what is required for this work.

If the examination determines that it is necessary to repair a balcony slab that is in disrepair, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be necessary to invite a team of qualified installers, “armed” with specialized equipment, since the work will be carried out at height.

Reconstruction and strengthening of the balcony slab is carried out in the following order:

  • The first step is to clean the balcony of debris and crumbled concrete.
  • Next, the slab is enclosed in a frame made of steel channel, the ends of which are embedded and fixed to the wall. For this purpose, a channel number 12U or 14U is taken (so that it “captures” the entire slab along its thickness with shelves), which is recommended to be treated in advance with an anti-corrosion compound. Sometimes a steel plate with the same metal thickness - 5 mm - is additionally welded to the channel from below.

  • After this, a steel corner 100x100x10 mm is embedded into the wall from the bottom side of the slab, as shown in the first diagram. It should protrude from the wall by ⅓ of the width of its side, since its function is to create support for the junction of two planes.
  • Instead, triangular supports can be installed on the sides of the slab on its lower side - modulons, welded from a metal corner, which are fixed to the wall under the slab.
  • A rod is welded to the upper side of the channel. It is most often made from a corner or reinforcement with a diameter of 20÷24 mm. It is anchored to the wall through a metal plate.

  • Further, if during the removal of construction waste the reinforcement was exposed, but it turned out to be in a good condition, then it should be cleaned of rust and coated with an anti-corrosion compound. At the same time, such processing can be done for all parts of an already welded reinforcing structure. Special attention - welds, which must first be cleaned of slag.
  • On top of the slab, at a height of 15÷20 mm from the base, a reinforcing mesh of wire with a diameter of 4÷5 mm is laid - it is welded to the channel. To create the necessary clearance between the slab and the mesh, you can use pieces of old ceramic tiles as linings, laying them in several places.

  • The next step is to install formwork boards along the edges of the slab. Their height is calculated so that the concrete covers reinforcing mesh layer of 20÷25 mm. It is recommended to insulate the floor, as well as to significantly lighten the screed, to make a backfill of expanded clay under the reinforcing mesh.

  • The next step is to make sand and cement in a ratio of 3:1, and pour and level the screed.
  • It is recommended to strengthen the screed with iron - dry cement is scattered on top of the damp, leveled surface and rubbed into the concrete using a grater.
  • The bottom surface of the slab must be primed and plastered. If it is fixed at the bottom metal plate, then it is coated with an anti-corrosion compound.
  • After the concrete has dried and gained strength, before further work begins, the slab must be covered with waterproofing. This is important to do in any case, whether the balcony is open or glazed and insulated. For this purpose, rolls are most often used. waterproofing materials or coating compounds.

Balcony extension

Recently, more and more apartment owners are thinking about expanding the balcony, and this is usually done in conjunction with structural reinforcement, glazing and insulation. Therefore, this process will be considered first.

The expansion of the balcony is carried out by increasing the load-bearing slab or by organizing an extension along the top of the fence. Since the load on the balcony slab will increase, it is necessary to strengthen it with the measures discussed above. This is especially important to do when the building is old and has a lot of wear and tear.

A balcony, unlike a loggia, usually has a smaller area, and if it is planned to be insulated, then the size will decrease by at least another 50 ÷ 80 mm on each side. The expansion will help not only preserve, but also slightly increase the area of ​​the extension.

So, there are two options for removing the balcony.

Removal along the balcony floor

Expanding the floor, that is, increasing the total area of ​​the balcony, is done by installing a metal frame, which can simultaneously perform the function of strengthening the slab.

  • To do this, first, if necessary, the old fence is dismantled, but if it is possible to temporarily preserve it, then this must be done for safety reasons when working at height.
  • The expanding and strengthening frame is fixed not only on the load-bearing floor slab or under it, but also on the wall along the entire height and width of the balcony, both in its upper and lower parts. The frame is made from profile pipe size 50×50×2 mm or a metal corner 50×50×4 mm.

  • The optimal size of extension along the floor forward and to the sides is 350÷400 mm, which significantly increases the area of ​​the balcony. If the work is carried out correctly, then such a design will increase the area of ​​the extension and make it more reliable.

Removal along the top of the fence

The second expansion option is made along the upper edge of the fence or along the window sill, that is, in this case, the floor will still have its original area, and the metal structure brings forward only the balcony fence. The glazing frames will be installed along the edge of the protruding part of the frame. The most the best option the extension is 300 mm in size, since the metal-plastic window structure will place a fairly large load on the frame protruding beyond the balcony.

This take-out option is much cheaper than the previous one, so it will be less expensive for family budget. With this approach to increasing space, you can remove only the front part of the window sill or all three sides of the balcony.

The work is carried out on an already reinforced slab. Metal frame construction installed by welding.

Work to increase space on the balcony

The process of expanding the balcony area is quite complex and time-consuming. It is based on accurate measurements and calculations of the safety factor of the load-bearing balcony slab and the new fence, taking into account future load. In addition, you must have sufficient experience in welding work and installation of metal structures.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • Experts assess the strength of the balcony. Based on the analysis, an expansion option is determined.
  • Next, measurements of the extension are taken, after which a drawing and reconstruction project are drawn up, on the basis of which, after the necessary approvals, a permit to carry out the work is issued.
  • Once the permit is in hand, you can purchase everything you need and prepare the design details.
  • If necessary, the fence is dismantled.
  • The next step is installation and welding work to create a common frame and a new fence.
  • After that to metal corners, to which it will be attached outer skin, wooden sheathing bars are installed. It is advisable, for the safety of the work, to install at least temporary flooring on the floor.
  • The next step is the outer cladding of the fence and installation of the drip lining.
  • Next, the glazing frames are installed and secured to the ceiling and walls. If you plan to install a canopy over the frames (and it is needed), then it should be mounted simultaneously with them, secured to the ceiling with dowels.
  • After the balcony room is closed from wind and rain, you can move on to its insulation and interior decoration.

Even if you glance briefly at the list of upcoming administrative hassles and practical work, it becomes clear that not every apartment owner is able to carry out such a reconstruction on their own. Therefore, if there are no calculation and design skills, sufficient experience in installation metal structures, then, one way or another, you will have to contact the appropriate specialists.

Repair without expanding the balcony space

If the area of ​​the balcony completely satisfies the apartment owners, and you just want to insulate it and put it in order, then all the work, except for strengthening the slab (if necessary) and glazing, can be done independently.

But, again, before starting work, you should obtain a specialist’s assessment and permits.

  • Strengthening the load-bearing slab.
  • Repairing or replacing fencing.
  • External fencing cladding.
  • Balcony glazing.
  • Insulation of fences, floors and walls.
  • Covering with finishing material.

To repair a balcony, it is recommended, if possible, to choose materials that are as light in weight as possible and that will not create too high a load on the slab - this condition must be observed even if the slab is well reinforced.

Balcony glazing

Enough glazing of a balcony is a rather expensive “pleasure”, so in order not to overpay, you should choose the most optimal option. There are three types of glazing - warm, cold and frameless. What they are will be discussed further.


  • Cold glazing will be optimal choice for an uninsulated balcony. It is designed only to protect the balcony from wind, precipitation and dust. Cold glazing usually uses aluminum or metal-plastic frames with single glass.

  • Warm glazing is hermetically sealed metal-plastic or wooden frames with double-glazed windows having two or three glasses. This option is good for insulated balconies that have a heating system, for example, floor heating. Since this design is airtight, it not only protects the room from the cold, but also perfectly insulates it from noise, which is important for apartments located in buildings located near busy highways.

  • Frameless is a type of cold glazing, as it does not create airtight protection from the penetration of cold or street noise. It can only cover the balcony from wind, snow and rain. The advantage of this design is that it provides an excellent view of the entire surrounding area - frame lintels will not interfere.

In this case, the system uses sashes made of tempered glass, which, when the window is opened, moves to one side or the other aluminum profile on rollerskates.

Balcony fencing

An important detail when arranging glazed balcony is its fence. It can be done in two ways - you can build a wall from foam concrete blocks or make external cladding metal fence plastic lining, having previously secured a wooden frame to it.

Wall made of foam concrete blocks

Foam blocks will more reliably protect the balcony from the wind and low temperatures than PVC lining, but they are still much more massive than plastic siding. If you plan to build a fence from them, then the weight load factor must be indicated in the project, and only after such a decision has been approved can you proceed to the purchase of materials.

Carry out calculation required quantity material and the additional load falling on the balcony slab will be helped by a table of the main parameters of standard foam concrete blocks:

Block size, mmQuantity, pcs. in 1 m³Weight 1 m³ depending on the brand of foam concrete blocks, kg
D400 D500 D600 D700 D800 D900 D1000 D1100 D1200
600×300×10056 436 543 652 761 887 996 1100 1220 1330

For those who are “afraid” of making a mistake when making calculations, there are two calculators below - the calculations will take literally a few seconds

Any room, even a balcony, can be made functional and beautiful if you equip it with quality material. It’s not difficult to do it yourself if you can’t hire workers. Some experience is needed in this matter logical thinking and intelligence. If experience is not enough, you should ask familiar repair specialists.

DIY balcony decoration

Sequence of work when finishing a balcony.

Before starting work, the question arises: how to decorate the balcony and what material is best suited for such premises. It is also necessary to first glaze the balcony with plastic windows, if necessary.
An important point is electrification (introduction of electricity). Wiring will help with this good quality, impermeable to moisture. Lighting is installed from the nearest outlet. It is also necessary to decide what kind of wiring will be: hidden or open. And choose a cable with the appropriate cross-section.

It is important to take into account that the level of humidity on the balcony is greater than in other rooms. Therefore, the materials must be moisture resistant, and to what extent the balcony walls must be insulated.

DIY balcony decoration

Types of finishing

Considering that there is a difference in the operation of balconies and rooms, so the choice building materials has a limitation.

  • The balcony is covered with wood;
  • plasterboard;
  • plastic panels are used to decorate the cool room from the inside;
  • MDF panels;
  • laminate on the balcony;
  • If you decide to decorate the balcony with tiles, then you need to use porcelain tiles, which are not afraid of fluctuations in temperature and humidity.
  • Many people prefer decorative plaster or stone.

Having chosen an option, the question is again: how to finish a balcony without outside help? The main thing is not to be afraid and choose practical option, with which we are a little familiar.

    • Wood paneling.
      A balcony covered with wood will be cozy and with pleasant smell. But you shouldn't use ordinary wood, because it is short-lived. If funds allow, then eurolining will be the best solution. Can be finished with imitation logs or timber. Assembly is easy.

A balcony covered with wood will be cozy and with a pleasant smell

    • Moisture-resistant drywall.
      It is most often used in construction, because it is considered unpretentious, uncomplicated installation work and reliable. It does not contain toxic components, so it will not cause harm. It has many advantages: it does not catch fire thanks to the gypsum, guarantees insulation from noise, withstands any toC and evens out any curvature of the walls. Thanks to the gypsum composition, you can protect the room from fire. After finishing, it is possible to wallpaper, paint and decorate with artificial decorative stone.

Drywall is most often used in construction

    • Plastic panels.
      This material is also often used in construction. Even the most inexperienced will be able to master construction skills in laying plastic panels and update your balcony with your own hands. During installation there is no need to level the walls or ceiling. In addition to being environmentally friendly, the panels are also beautiful and durable. Advantages of the panels: they are safe, easy to wash, and can last up to 30 years. The disadvantage of plastic is that it does not withstand high temperature, therefore, if the balcony is on sunny side, then it is undesirable to sheathe with panels. In frosty weather, the panels may become loose.

Plastic panels - available material for finishing a balcony with your own hands

    • MDF.
      This fibreboard has medium density. Varieties: panels flat type having a conventional polymer film. Some have wood veneer or raised patterns. Thanks to the space under the panels, you can easily lay electrical wiring, any insulation. Nowadays, you can choose MDF panels of any color and texture. Having installed the sheathing, you should then fasten the panels with self-tapping screws and clamps. To prevent fasteners from being noticeable, special corners are used. It turns out simple and inexpensive.

You can choose MDF panels of any color and texture

    • Sandwich panel.
      Composition: rigid material and intermediate insulation. Thanks to the panels, the walls will be both beautiful and insulated. And most importantly, they are safe, environmentally friendly, also antifungal and soundproofing.

Thanks to sandwich panels, the walls will be both beautiful and insulated

    • Laminate.
      If you have not yet decided what to cover your balcony with, laminate flooring for the balcony would also be appropriate. But it is worth remembering that this material is a little unpredictable under different temperature changes. If the room is insulated from the inside, then laminate flooring on the balcony is one of the best solutions. If you need to finish it comprehensively, then work should begin with the ceiling and walls.

Laminate - perfect solution for an insulated balcony

    • Tile.
      Before covering, you need to make a screed with your own hands on the balcony floor. Ceramic tiles have long had a reputation best coverage for balconies and other rooms. The strength and frost resistance of porcelain stoneware allows you not to lose original appearance even after a long period of service. It is advisable to purchase tiles with a special anti-slip coating. Decorative drawing on the tile is selected at will. Despite the increase in new technologies in the field of construction, tiles are the best choice.

Ceramic tiles have long had a reputation as the best covering for balconies.

    • Plaster.
      If you want to make your balcony unusual, you can use acrylic, vinyl or mineral plaster. Decorating a balcony with plaster yourself is not difficult, if you take into account some nuances. Experts recommend using coarse-grained decorative plaster. This requires plaster, water, wax, a sponge, and a smoothing iron.

It’s not difficult to decorate a balcony with plaster yourself

    • Decorative rock.
      There are several types of natural and artificial stone and their cost is considerable. But there are ways to make stone at home, if you have the skills and desire. And it is also important to consider that natural stones capricious. In any case, the work will be crowned with a chic appearance with a decorative image.

Decorative stone is an excellent material for finishing a balcony

    • Block house.
      With the help of this type of lining, you can bring to life the most unusual ideas for interior renovation. This decorative material in the form of a planed board imitating log houses. The outer part is convex, the back is flat. Thanks to the lining, the balcony is protected from moisture, so the service life is longer. Advantages: no deformation or cracks, does not rot or become affected by mold. The block house is very durable and lightweight. Therefore, the finishing can be done with your own hands and in a short time.

Block house - very durable and lightweight material for finishing the balcony from the inside

What to consider when decorating a balcony

  1. What is the characteristics of the material;
  2. The material is susceptible to it;
  3. What are the positive and negative sides It has.

Taking into account all the details will help you figure out what materials are suitable for a particular balcony. Also suitable color finishing materials will be able to transfer cozy atmosphere. Some people prefer to update the balcony by increasing the area of ​​the apartment. In this case, you can remove the wall between the balcony and the adjacent room. But here it becomes necessary to insulate the balcony room so that the cold does not enter the apartment.

After you have taken into account all the nuances and chosen materials for finishing, we recommend reading the material on how to decorate the inside of a balcony with your own hands

Modern balcony- this is one of those rooms that should look beautiful, combine with the interior of the entire apartment and perform the functions assigned to it.

Currently, balconies and loggias are used less and less for storage things, various cans, carpets and tools.

Many apartment owners are trying repair the balcony in such a way that it is always not only clean, but warm and cozy. For what this room needs to be renovated which difficulties may arise during the work and what options repairs are suitable for your balcony - the answers to these questions can be found in given article.

Why do you need high-quality repairs on your balcony?

For some people it is unclear why required renovation in this room, if no one lives there, and the apartment’s residents are not in it very often.

But if more in detail understand this issue, it will become clear that renovated the balcony has a lot of benefits, both from an aesthetic and practical point of view.

Aesthetic beauty

Materials, used for repairing balconies, they look really unique and beautiful. The renovated premises will allow Nice spend more time here not only in summer, but also in winter. The loggia will not look and be considered the worst room in the apartment, but on the contrary, it will fit perfectly with the interior of the rest of the rooms.

The practical side of the issue

If speak about practical side, then there are even more reasons why you should make quality balcony repair. This and balcony glazing, which allows you to retain heat inside the room, and insulation of the walls, which gives you the opportunity to be here at the most strong frosts.

Sometimes, during the renovation process, the apartment owner decides to install a special electrical system device. heating. In some cases, repairs involve extension specific room at the expense connections her with a balcony. There are many options, each with their own advantages.

The main difficulties when repairing a balcony yourself

Typically, the renovation of this room doesn't take up a lot of time, especially when talking about small apartment. However, anyone can collide with a whole row difficulties, if he has never before independently repaired a balcony.

Here are some of them:

  • Choice suitable material for repair;
  • Compliance with all rules for glazing and insulation of balconies;
  • Lack of sufficient experience;
  • Difficulties associated with finishing the floor and ceiling.

Wrong approach to the renovation of a given room may lead to the fact that it will not correspond to the desired result, the floor will remain uneven, there will be gaps and cracks from the inside, and the ceiling will leak cold.

IN process repairs should be made strictly comply with all those recommendations which will be proposed below.

How to prepare a balcony or loggia for renovation?

The preparatory stage for balcony repair is no less important than the glazing and insulation work itself.

What tools will be needed for repairs?

First, you'll need everything finishing materials. This applies to both floor finishing and wall and ceiling finishing. In addition, during the repair process you cannot do without:

  • panels;
  • plywood sheets;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • different kinds fastenings;
  • dowels;
  • corners;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • sealant;
  • stationery knife, hammer, pliers.

Description of the main stages of the repair process

Enclosing structure

To not to worry about the reliability and strength of the structure, you should replace old fencing with completely new welded elements.

There is another option - order steel rods from specialists blacksmith things that will do the job as efficiently as possible, and then such rods will look impressive.

The frame is an ordinary one. profile pipe, and the posts are anchored in the slab.

If you decide to cover the outside of the balcony, it should be done in accordance with the overall exterior of your home.

For glazing loggias they are used various materials. You are required to select the material that answers yours requirements and wishes.

Just a few years ago, the most common option was glazing using wooden or metal frames.

Wooden designs allow you to create quite beautiful and stylish design this room. However, they can last long time without any damage.

Nowadays, people are increasingly choosing another option - plastic glazing. This material is different reliability and durability, providing impeccable protection from cold and extraneous noise.

Insulation is almost the most important stage in the process of repairing the loggia. The fact is that not a single, even the highest quality glazing, unable protect the premises from severe frosts that will come in winter.

Only highly effective insulation will allow you to do this, making it possible to stay in the room at any time of the year. This is especially important if you decide combine balcony with some other room.

Ceiling insulation

IN first it's time to take care of insulation ceiling coverings. For this purpose today they are used various methods, including ceiling lining, use of polystyrene foam and other materials. In some cases, you will need lathing on the ceiling.

Wall insulation

The walls of the loggia can be sheathed panels. To secure the panels, special fasteners are used, which are inserted into the groove of the panel and nailed to the block.

Walls Necessarily need quality insulation, otherwise all the heat will escape through microcracks, present in the wall of the balcony.

Foil is also often used as insulation. expanded polystyrene. As a second layer of insulator, extruded expanded polystyrene. Sheets of these materials should be placed as close to one another as possible so that there are no gaps.

Floor insulation

Not a single major renovation can be done without insulation, of course. flooring. Used as insulation wood covering, tile, heated floor system and many other materials.

In any case, the floor must be carefully prepared before starting repairs. You may have to do a light one screed. For example, when installing wooden floor The surface should be cleaned, then a waterproofing film should be applied. After this, the logs are laid and attached to the floor.

Placed between the joists qualitative insulation. Can be placed on top any sexual coating, which you think is ideal for your space.

Repairing a balcony with your own hands can be done in a fairly short period of time, but you shouldn’t rush and do it as quickly as possible. If you want to have a beautiful and stylish balcony, All renovation work It is recommended to perform it carefully and professionally.

Video review

Video clip in which you can see all the main stages self-repair on the balcony

What does a loggia mean to you? For some, it’s just a place to store old things or dry clothes, while others turn it into cozy area recreation, gym or greenhouse. A loggia is an integral component of modern comfortable housing, so its transformation should be treated with special responsibility.

Some construction works require the intervention of professionals, but you can arrange a loggia with your own hands. And without making excessive efforts, the loggia can be turned into a multifunctional, comfortable and beautiful room, adding special charm and comfort to the living space.

In this article we will talk about how to repair a loggia with your own hands, what basic steps it consists of and what materials are required for this.

Dismantling the old loggia and repairing damage

Before repairing the loggia, you should carry out preparatory work- take off old cladding, break off, unscrew and take out everything that was not originally included in the loggia.

Next you need to check for existing damage. For example, if cracks or crevices were found along the edges of the slab, then they need to be restored. To do this, the surface is initially cleared of all kinds of debris, stones or chipped parts. Next, the damaged area is treated with a primer, and after it dries, a cement layer is applied. If the destruction is not very large, then one layer will be enough. Cement mixture must be adhesive based, otherwise cement-sand mixture self-made may erode and crack over time.

Cement surfaces should also be checked for various voids and then, if present, carefully cemented.

If the loggia has serious damage, then it is better to use the services of construction teams.

Materials and tools

Before finishing the loggia, you need to select all the required materials. For thermal insulation of the room, a variety of materials are used - from traditional mineral wool to modern high-quality polystyrene foam. The parapet is finished with siding or decorative panels. Wooden panels must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants.

To repair a loggia, the price of which depends on many factors, you will need: polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam 4-6 centimeters thick, moisture-resistant sheets of plasterboard and gypsum fiber, foiled polyethylene film, foil-coated polyethylene foam, toluene-free polyurethane foam, self-tapping screws.

Glazing installation

For those who want to primarily protect their apartment from external influences, and puts sound insulation in the background, then you can install ordinary wooden frames. Such glazing, of course, will muffle external sounds, but not as effectively as possible. The advantages of this method of installing glazing are its relatively low cost, easy installation and good flow of fresh air.

If you want to achieve maximum comfort on the loggia, then install plastic windows. This method provides maximum protection from wind, noise and other external influences, and helps maintain temperature, regardless of the season.

Life time plastic windows quite large, but with such glazing there will be no free air circulation in the apartment.

The first stage of installing plastic glazing is assembly window design- double-glazed windows, sashes and sandwich panels are removed, and the frames are connected one to another and with expansion elements.

The third stage of glazing installation is fixing the window structure at a level. For this, it is best to use self-tapping screws, since they guarantee reliable fastening.

Then a facing corner is mounted to the window structure on the sides and top, and the ebb is installed below.

The next stage is filling the openings between the walls and the window with polyurethane foam.

After all these procedures, double-glazed windows, sandwich panels, sashes and other additional components are installed.

Important: after glazing the loggia, you should carefully check the sealing, as it significantly reduces heat loss, saw penetration and noise.

Lighting installation

The next stage in arranging the loggia is the installation of lighting. For lighting you can use any lighting- mounted on the wall or ceiling, built-in or conventional. It all depends on preferences, fantasies and room design. In addition, sockets and switches can be installed on the loggia. A cable with three cores of one and a half square cross-section is suitable for this.

Insulation of ceilings and walls

After installing high-quality plastic windows, you need to insulate the walls, ceiling and floor.

The walls are insulated with heat-insulating material, for example penoplex or expanded polystyrene, which are attached to the wall accordingly wooden slats or dowels with a plastic head. All joints must be carefully treated with polyurethane foam to prevent the entry of cold, and the joints between sheets of insulation must be covered with tape.

Important: Polyurethane foam should not contain toluene, as it can dissolve polystyrene foam.

Next, you should attach a vapor barrier and a reflective layer. For this purpose, foil is most often used, plastic film or foamed foil polyethylene. The vapor barrier is attached end-to-end using tape or polyurethane-based glue.

Ceiling insulation is carried out using the same technology, however, it can also be used as insulation suspended ceiling and hide under it all the necessary wiring for lighting the loggia.

Initially attached to the ceiling cross beams, to which it will later be screwed facing material. Polystyrene foam is placed between the joists. All joints must be filled with polyurethane foam.

Wall and ceiling cladding

Wallpaper is not the best option finishing of the loggia, since in this room there is high humidity and significant temperature changes. The loggia requires moisture-resistant finishing material- perfect fit Wall panels, moisture resistant drywall, plastic or wooden lining.

Before finishing the loggia with panels, you need to cover the walls with cork or wooden frames. Then the panels or other finishing material are installed by connecting them together.

It is worth noting that the connection of the panels to the frame cannot be made special labor- the process is simplified by the fact that the tongue of the groove with outside slightly shorter from the back of the tongue.

If you want to finish not only the walls, but also the ceiling, then you need to start by installing the joists on the ceiling.

In most cases, it is enough to mount only 3 joists on the ceiling: place one joist in the middle, and the other two along the long walls.

Wall decoration wooden clapboard will give additional coziness, comfort and aesthetic appearance to the entire room.

Do-it-yourself loggia repair - photo illustrative examples wall and ceiling cladding.

Insulation and floor finishing

There can be several ways to insulate a loggia floor:

  • wooden joists

Logs are attached to the floor in the longitudinal direction, which will serve as the basis for the future floor. Further using polyurethane foam are fixed. Placed between the joists thermal insulation material, such as foam or mineral blocks. To ensure maximum contact of the insulation with the floor, use gypsum mixture. If ordinary insulation is used mineral wool, then it should cover the entire surface in an even layer. Next, a flooring made of tongue-and-groove boards is mounted on the joists using self-tapping screws.

  • screed

The thickness of the screed should be 4 centimeters, and a temperature gap of 1 centimeter should be left between the screed and the wall. To do this, before installing the screed, you need to run a strip of 1 centimeter thick polyethylene foam around the perimeter. After the screed has hardened, ceramic tiles are attached to it using glue.

  • screed with underfloor heating system

Initially, you should level the floor using a screed. Next, the heating cable is placed and securely attached to the screed using construction tape. The cable power is determined from the conditions of 90-100 watts per square meter loggias.

Then a self-leveling mixture 1-1.5 centimeters thick is poured, completely covering the heat-conducting elements.

After this they lay ceramic tiles or other finishing material. This method is the most optimal, but it requires more significant material costs.


This stage depends entirely on the imagination of the owner of the living space. The only limitation can be financial capabilities. The loggia can be turned into a secluded, cozy place for drinking tea, playing sports, relaxing with friends, or furnishing it with a variety of colors. It is worth noting that the cost of repairing a loggia depends entirely on the chosen finishing material and the style of the loggia.

The main thing is that the design of the loggia is fully consistent with the overall design of the apartment’s interior and can bring only positive emotions to the owners.

Let's look at the most common ideas cosmetic repairs loggias.

  • greenhouse, flower garden. To do this, you should take care of additional lighting and heating. But these costs are fully compensated by the blooming all year round plants.

  • tea room. For creating cozy interior it will be enough to put a small wooden table, a couple of armchairs and lay a deep-pile carpet on the floor.

  • gym. By equipping the loggia with small exercise equipment, you can safely play sports without disturbing others.

  • Very often, to increase space, a loggia is combined with a room.