How to restore old varnish on wood. Restoration of wooden furniture How to restore varnished furniture

If a century or two ago our ancestors passed on headsets from generation to generation in almost new condition, then modern world With new technologies, according to statistics, furniture sets change on average 2-3 times every 45-50 years. It is often difficult to part with old furniture - either it is precious as a memory, or it keeps a special coziness, or it is very comfortable and you don’t want to change it. In this case, for thrifty owners, we offer six options for preserving and decorating old furniture. Using the restoration methods below, you can restore any wooden furniture, such as tables, cabinets, chests of drawers,

1. Restoration of the damaged area of ​​the old varnish coating.

If there are no deep cracks or bubbles in the varnish of the damaged area of ​​the product, it is necessary to wipe the surface with a rag soaked in gasoline until the grease stains are removed. Allow the product to dry, then treat the surface with conditioner, and then wipe with furniture polish. Walk on a dry surface with a 4/0 steel wool to remove the top thin layer of varnish (a rough surface will create a condition for good adhesion of the wood to the new varnish).
Be sure to not cut through the varnish!
Remove dust with a dry cloth after brushing and apply a few thin layers a varnish similar to the previous one (or polyurethane, shellac or polish - depending on what the restoration object was coated with). Allow the product to dry.

2. Complete removal of the old coating and application of a new one (similar to the old one or different).

The old coating must be completely removed. This can be done in two ways: with methylene chloride-containing substances (dissolve the varnish in 15-20 minutes) or with aqueous compositions (solutions on water based soften the coating longer, about an hour). Apply the treatment substance in a thick layer and after time, remove layers of dissolved varnish with a spatula, in the grooves with a string, and in the corners of the furniture you can clean with a toothbrush. It is recommended to revarnish the product in a horizontal position, placing it on the floor on old newspapers.

3. You can use the antique furniture processing technique.
The most common are two aging options.
The secret of the first is to use craquelure varnish (it is this that will give the product the effect of cracks). Sand off the old varnish and apply craquelure varnish to the surface. Let it dry. After drying, apply the main varnish or several shades, depending on the desired result. The varnish will begin to crack, and the color of the cracks will match the color of the varnish where they form.

The peculiarity of the second is the use of the staining technique. To do this, apply a layer of water-based stain to the surface of the wood, which has been stripped of old varnish. To add an antique flavor, the stain must be washed off with a sponge and water (usually the middle parts of objects are lightened, and the edges, depressions, and recesses are left darkened). When the product has dried, you need to sand it, and in those places that you plan to leave dark, apply another layer of stain with a brush or sponge, but on a different base than the first. Let it dry completely again and then fill the wood pores with shellac primer using a sponge or brush (colored primers can be used for greater depth of color). When the object being treated has dried, it is necessary to rub antique wax onto the surface along the grain with a wire brush. When dry, sand it with a soft cloth.

4. Elimination of deep chips and cracks (“local” restoration).

To “mask” deep cracks in wood, diamonds are cut out from similar wood or wood that is close in texture, texture and color to the original object. They are placed into the crack itself and covered with adhesive putty. Then the surface is sanded with a scraper and coated with varnish/paint similar in color to the product.

5. Applying the design together with a plain varnish.

Old varnish is removed using the technology described above. Apply a design to the sanded area of ​​the product, preferably oil paints(Khokhloma will look very rich in the interior!), paint it and let it dry completely. It is advisable to apply the paint smoothly so that the relief of the design does not protrude. The item is varnished over the paint and is ready for use as soon as it dries.

6. Removal old surface and upholstery of the product with foam rubber and fabric, leather or leatherette (chairs, stools and kitchen corners).

Remove the old varnish using one of the two methods described above, and re-varnish that part of the product that will remain visible after upholstering the item, with a small margin of 2-3 centimeters under the future application (the following fabrics can be used: nubuck, jacquard, flock, tapestry, shinil). When the varnish has dried, apply foam rubber to the seat, backrests and armrests and upholster it with furniture fabric (leather, leatherette). If desired, you can sew furniture covers.

Thus, you will not only preserve the furniture, but also transform it with your own hands and to your taste, and the restoration process will give you great pleasure.

Every home has favorite interior items that have lost their appeal over time. Furniture restoration will help extend the life of your favorite furniture, make it attractive and bright. The complexity of the process depends on the damage to the wooden surfaces and how much you want to transform the old furniture. You should not think that restoring furniture is easy, as this process is labor-intensive and will require accuracy and perseverance from you.

Scratches can appear on any household item. But on lacquered furniture they are much more noticeable. If there is information about the varnish with which the surface was coated, then it is enough to treat the scratch with the appropriate product:

  1. Ethyl alcohol is used for alcohol-based varnish or polish;
  2. Solvents 646 and 647 are well suited for nitro varnishes. You can also use acetone;
  3. Sandpaper is used to process surfaces coated with polyester or nitrocellulose varnish. After cleaning, you need to apply a special polishing paste and varnish again.

If the coating is unknown, then it is worth using other methods to eliminate minor scuffs and scratches on furniture. Restoration of Soviet furniture is often carried out using a touch. IN construction stores Furniture touches are available in a wide range, they are affordable and easy to use:

  • Shake the bottle until a homogeneous mass is formed;
  • Apply one coat to the scratch using a brush;
  • As soon as the first coat has dried, apply the second. There can be several layers;
  • Leave to dry for 10-15 minutes;
  • Polish the area with a soft flannel cloth.

This completes the scratch restoration process.

Shake up the stroke

Apply the composition to the scratch with a brush

Polishing the surface

How to use wax pencils for restoration

This material is sold in all construction stores. It is easy to use and not expensive. The pencil is convenient to use when restoring carved objects, as it is easy for them to penetrate into hard-to-reach areas of the decor. Do-it-yourself furniture restoration in the Baroque style is carried out as follows:

  • If the wax pencil is soft, it is enough to simply rub out the defect and polish the surface;
  • If the pencil is made of hard wax, then it must be heated before applying it to the scratch.

Polish the surface with a soft cloth until it shines.

Applying a pencil

Polishing the coating

How to use furniture wax

There is another very common product - furniture wax. It can be hard or soft. The first version of the material must first be melted and the damaged areas must be filled with it. Restoration soft wax is much easier to use; it is used to rub the area with a lot of scratches. In both cases, after the wax has hardened, the surface is subjected to high-quality polishing. We also carry out restoration of chipboard furniture ( particle board), which had many scratches and abrasions.

Heat the wax

Apply wax to furniture

Polish the surface with a rag.

DIY mastic

If you don’t have the above materials at hand, you can make mastic for restoration. furniture wall. To do this take:

  • 30 grams of turpentine;
  • 20 grams of alcohol;
  • 40 grams of wax;
  • Petrol;
  • Soft wool.

Preparing the mixture is not difficult: melt the wax in a water bath, gradually add turpentine, stirring constantly, then pour alcohol into the container. Take a woolen rag, wet it with gasoline, dip it in the mixture and rub it over the damaged surface until it shines. Removing scratches from wooden surface not complicated. Now let's look at how to restore furniture with more serious damage.

Preparing materials

Apply gasoline to the coating

Cover the surface with wax

Restoring chips and deep cracks

Chips and deep cracks on the surface of furniture are considered quite serious damage, and they are much more difficult to eliminate. If you are not confident in the quality of this work, contact a professional. Furniture restoration by a private craftsman will not be cheap, but it will be done with high quality and with a guarantee. If you decide to do it yourself, pay attention to what tools and materials will be needed:

  • Stain of the desired color;
  • White spirit, to dissolve the varnish coating;
  • Special primer for wood;
  • Putty mixture for wood;
  • Sandpaper of different fractions from 100 to 3000;
  • Painting tape;
  • Brushes and rollers.

The work execution algorithm looks like this:

  • In case of incomplete restoration, the surface on which there is no damage is covered with tape;
  • The damaged area is treated with white spirit to remove the old varnish;
  • Apply primer to wood and leave until completely dry;
  • The chip is puttied special composition so that a small bump appears on the surface;
  • As soon as the putty is completely dry, it is sanded;
  • Wipe the area with a damp suede cloth and apply stain of the desired color.

The work must be carried out carefully so that the stain does not get on the undamaged area, otherwise the wood will darken and a complete restoration will have to be carried out. Once the stain has dried, you can varnish the repaired area. Varnish for furniture restoration is applied with a brush, if the area is small, or with a roller.

It is necessary to cover the surface in several layers, with each subsequent layer being sanded with 800 grit sandpaper after drying. The last layer must be polished with a special polish.

If you don’t know how to carry out restoration correctly, you can purchase special books that describe the entire process in detail. You can also take advantage of master classes from the Internet.

Treat with white alcohol

Apply primer

Apply putty inside the cracks


Cover the coating with stain

What to do if the veneer delaminates

Veneered products require a special approach. The means and tools for restoring furniture are the same as for restoration wooden products, and the methods for eliminating defects differ:

  1. Veneer restoration begins with an inspection of the object. If swelling appears on the surface, then you need to take a syringe with a thick needle into which to draw PVA construction glue. Carefully pierce the swelling with a needle and squeeze the glue inside. Place a piece of clean cloth on the area and place a weight. If the veneer sticks unevenly, this area should be heated with an iron or a bag of hot salt;
  2. A small peeled piece of veneer should not be cut straight with a knife, it is better to break it off. Jagged edges the crease is much easier to join. Then the fragment should be cleaned of the old glue, a new layer of adhesive should be applied and the part should be applied to the fracture site. Place a rag and place a weight;
  3. If repair of scratches is required, it is carried out in the same way as during restoration. wooden furniture: small ones are covered with a furniture pencil, deep ones are filled with wax. After drying, the restoration wax is sanded, polished and varnished.

Restoring luxury furniture yourself requires special care and patience. There is no need to rush - apply the compound, wait until it dries, sand and apply again, and so on several times. The methods vary; in some situations you have to use several methods to achieve the desired effect.

Inspecting the coatings

We tear off the damaged section of veneer

Repairing cracks

Complete paint refurbishment

If using putty and varnish it is not possible to recreate the former beauty of the furniture, you need to restore wooden or complete restoration of Soviet furniture yourself. The work is carried out in stages, the sequence of which must be strictly observed.

Cleaning the surface of old coating

Before you begin removing furniture varnish or paint from the surface of the furniture, you need to purchase a special remover. Restoration Italian furniture made from valuable wood, a very responsible task, so emulsion-based removers are used. This material is non-toxic and harm to wood is minimal. It is worth noting that the fire rate of these washes tends to zero, which is a plus if the work is carried out in an apartment. So the restorers modern furniture It is recommended to use this particular material.

Working with washes:

  1. As soon as the remover hits the varnish coating, the corrosion process begins. You need to apply the material using a special flute brush and wait. Polyester varnishes will come off after 2-3 hours, alcohol compositions in 30 minutes;
  2. The polyester coating must be sanded with sandpaper before applying the remover. large grain so that the composition penetrates as deeply as possible;
  3. After applying the material, all furniture must be well wrapped in paraffin-soaked paper and secured with string or twine;
  4. Leftovers old paint or varnish can be removed after the time indicated on the package with the remover. A simple spatula can be used for cleaning;
  5. Next, the entire surface is degreased with a solvent.

After these steps, the furniture is left to dry for several hours. Then you should walk over it with sandpaper along the fibers and wipe off dust with a damp rag.

Sand the surface

Apply the remover

Covering furniture with paraffin paper

Removing old paint

Degrease the surface

What material to use for varnishing

When choosing a furniture varnishing product, you need to rely on the advice of professionals, for example:

  • Water-based varnishes are used for restoring furniture at home in children's rooms. They dont have unpleasant odor, they dry quickly and do not cause allergic reactions. There is a small minus - after drying they become matte, which some people don’t like;
  • Alkyd varnishes are recommended for use by people who have no experience in varnishing surfaces. They are easy to use and apply smoothly the first time. Even if there was a leak during application, it is easy to wash off;
  • Polyurethane compounds are the most difficult to apply: firstly, to apply them you need special equipment, secondly, they have bad smell. But it is worth noting that such a coating will last much longer than all of the above materials;
  • Furniture restoration (the master class can be viewed on our resource) is carried out using furniture oils. A tampon is used to apply the composition.

The surface to be varnished must be smooth. Before applying furniture varnish, buy two soft brushes. After applying the first layer of varnish, take a new tool.

Restoration of cabinet furniture at home can be done independently, only if a strict sequence in the process is observed:

  • Remove the old topcoat layer;
  • Clean the surface;
  • Apply primer;
  • Repair chips and scratches with putty;
  • Sand after drying;
  • Apply stain;
  • Apply furniture varnish.

This plan will help you avoid making mistakes when working on the restoration of wooden interior items.

Removing old paint

Cleaning up

We prime

We putty the chips

Sanding the coating

Cover with stain

Applying varnish

Technology of working with upholstered furniture

Restoration upholstered furniture is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Perform complete disassembly;
  2. Wooden elements should be sanded well along the grain and wiped with a soft damp cloth to remove dust from the product;
  3. Cover the parts with wood primer and let dry thoroughly;
  4. For coloring it is better to use aerosol paints, as they lie much smoother. In this case, three layers of paint will be enough. As soon as the paint has dried, a layer of protective furniture varnish is applied to the surface;
  5. Remove the upholstery and take out the filling. To choose the method by which the restoration of upholstered furniture will be carried out, you need to know the features of the updated product. For example, if we take into account the restoration of chairs, then it is enough to stretch new fabric on the seat. In the photo you can see the product before and after restoration. If a chair or sofa is being restored, then you will have to not only change the upholstery, but also the filling;
  6. Using the old pattern, cut out the filler. You can use sheet foam rubber, which is available in a large assortment in stores;
  7. Cut out the fabric elements. To do this, lay out the old upholstery parts on a new canvas and make the corresponding elements;
  8. Stick the filler onto interior items. To do this, you can use PVA construction glue;
  9. Lay the sheathing and using construction or furniture stapler, secure it with reverse side products. The fabric should be of medium tension, and the staples should be located every 3-5 cm from each other;
  10. The last stage of work will be assembling the furniture.

It is worth noting that textile workers use a special restoration kit, which contains everything necessary for high-quality reupholstery of upholstered furniture. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in restoring upholstered furniture with your own hands. If everything is done correctly, the result can be a product in interesting design, which will delight you for many years.


Restoration of lacquered furniture is optimal solution if scratches or cracks appear on the surface. Only furniture made of wood can be updated. Chipboard products become unusable after removal from them paint coating.

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We fix minor defects

No matter how carefully the furniture is handled, abrasions, scratches, stains and other problems occur during its use. minor defects. In this case, the owners have a question about how to update the furniture with their own hands. There are many ways to restore varnish:

  • When a polished surface loses its shine or small stains appear, you should use any wood care product that contains orange oil. For uniform application, use a spray bottle. Then rub the product evenly over the surface with a cotton rag.
  • Another way to remove stains is to use a special touch-up marker, denatured alcohol and wax. First, the surface is degreased with a weak solution of dishwashing detergent. When the moisture dries, moisten the swab with alcohol and rub the stains. If the scratch is deep, the varnish will not restore its color. In this case, use a marker. To add shine, the surface is coated with wax and rubbed with a cloth.
  • If small scratches form uneven surfaces, it is better to clean them with a nail file. It allows you to do the job more delicately compared to sandpaper.
  • When the wood swells from moisture that has reached it, you need to mix salt with olive oil and rub problem area. Leave the mixture on the damaged area for half an hour. Salt absorbs moisture, and olive will give elasticity to the fibers. After drying, the paste is removed, covered with wax and rubbed with polish.
  • If furniture with chips is to be restored, use wood putty. It is better to choose the color on the spot by buying a light product and adding color to it. The chipped area and adjacent surface are covered. When the putty has dried, it is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.

You can refresh the polish on old furniture using the following mixtures:

  1. 2 parts turpentine, 2 parts linseed oil, 1 part of vinegar is mixed and applied with a swab to defects or abrasions.
  2. 25 parts turpentine, 15 parts alcohol, 1 part 10% soap solution, 5 parts drying oil, 4 parts shellac and 45 parts water are thoroughly mixed. Use the product cold. It is best to apply the mixture with a flannel cloth.

Significant damage to varnish

When furniture has significant damage, the question arises of how to remove old varnish from a wooden surface. The reasons may be:

  • cracking of the coating;
  • a large number of minor damages that spoil appearance;
  • deep cracks, etc.

To remove old varnish from furniture, use special chemicals or remove the coating mechanically.

The first option is preferable because it removes the varnish without damaging the wood. Mechanical action is used in cases where formations are formed on the surface. deep chips and cracks.

After removing the old varnish and restoration work, the furniture must be re-coated protective agent. You should choose it correctly so as not to spoil the appearance of the tree.

To restore the paintwork, the following materials are used:

  1. shellac polish;
  2. nitrocellulose varnish;
  3. pentaphthalic varnish.

The first material allows you to emphasize the texture of wood, it gives an original shade to the surface. It has a consistency similar to water. For restoration, 40-60 layers are applied to wood. This allows for exceptional color depth.

Nitrocellulose varnish is used for restoration of large surfaces. It is applied using a special sprayer, which evenly distributes the product over the surface at high speed. Otherwise, the drops will freeze each separately. Application with simple sprayers will result in the formation of air bubbles.

To coat furniture with pentaphthalic varnish you do not need to have special tools or follow special techniques. This makes this product optimal for use at home. Minimal amount layers equals four. To obtain a semi-matte surface, use a tampon. The glossy effect is achieved using a brush and finishing sanding.

Choosing a wash

An inexperienced user may be faced with the question of how to remove the varnish of old furniture. To completely remove the varnish coating, use a remover. It represents a special chemical composition, designed to soften and remove paint and paint.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the consistency of the wash. When you plan to clean horizontal surfaces, use liquid product. To remove varnish from vertical parts, you should choose a gel or paste remover. If cleaned large area, it is worth taking a powdered product, since it lasts longer.

Washing technology

To remove old varnish from furniture at home, you need the following tools and materials:

  • wash;
  • brush;
  • latex gloves;
  • putty knife;
  • film.

Work should be carried out on outdoors using personal protective equipment. Chemical agent Apply evenly with a brush over the entire surface. Particular attention should be paid deep places damage. The furniture is then wrapped plastic film to enhance the effect. Wait for the time indicated on the packaging, remove the film and use a non-sharp spatula to remove the old layer of varnish.

At the end, the remaining remover and varnish are removed with water. If necessary, after the surface has dried, proceed to mechanical cleaning using sandpaper. After roughing, the furniture is sanded with fine-grained paper to remove all unevenness.

Procedure for applying new paintwork

Not everyone knows how to varnish furniture. First, the surface should be primed to close the micropores in the wood. This will help reduce varnish consumption. You can prime with liquid wax or by special means. The following compositions are also used:

  1. beeswax dissolved in turpentine;
  2. a mixture of wood powder and PVA glue;
  3. sifted chalk mixed with water with added color.

The primer is applied with a brush, and when the material dries, it is sanded again. Then they start varnishing. This process Perform with a brush; movements should be smooth in order to evenly distribute the varnish over the surface.

Since in the process of repair and restoration of varnish coatings they use various means, then depending on the type of substance chosen, the number of layers required is as indicated in the instructions. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. At the end, you definitely need to use polishing; you can use ready-made products or make your own.

Lacquered furniture has always been in great demand. Such products look incredibly beautiful, and thanks to them the interior becomes more solid. But this furniture has a huge drawback - it is very easy to scratch. Therefore, they try to restore old interior items so as not to buy new ones. All these problems are completely solvable; you can improve the appearance of varnished products so well that no one will even guess that they are many years old. Restoring lacquered furniture is quite labor-intensive, but interesting. Today we will tell you how to do this on your own.

Restoration of wood surfaces

No matter how carefully we handle furniture, stains, scuffs, and scratches still appear on it over time. All these defects are easy to eliminate, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly:

  • If the wood surface has lost its shine, then you need to find a quality care product containing orange oil. First, take a clean sponge, wet it a little, and heat it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Spray the product using a spray bottle, then wipe with a hot sponge. Be sure to use rubber gloves.
  • Stains and scuffs on wood can be removed using banana peel. It is enough to lightly rub the damage with it.
  • Serious stains can be removed using touch-up markers, denatured alcohol and wax. First the surface is cleaned detergent for dishes, then after drying it is wiped with alcohol. The color is completely restored in most cases. Deep scratches are painted over with a marker of the required shade.

Important! To restore the surface's shine, you need to coat it with wax or polish it with a soft cloth.

  • If there is a need to smooth out small unevenness, you can use a manicure file.
  • If the tree is very swollen from moisture, you can correct the problem with olive oil and salt. It is enough to mix these ingredients, apply the paste to the damage, gently rubbing in a circular motion. The composition is left for 20-30 minutes. The salt will simply absorb moisture, the olive oil will make the fibers elastic again.
  • If there are chips, the problem can be solved with putty. You can use a car one or a special one for wood. It is better to buy a light putty and give it the required color. The chip is covered, then the putty is spread over the adjacent surface. As soon as it dries, you should level the surface with sandpaper.

How to restore polish yourself?

Repairing the polished surface of furniture is a more complicated matter. Like any other restoration, it begins with cleaning and degreasing the varnish coating. It is safer and safer to clean it with detergent.

Renew the polish, depending on the nature of the damage, as follows:

  • Iodine allows you to paint over scratches on dark furniture. To achieve the desired shade, just dilute it with water or apply it in several layers.

Important! You can also use furniture markers.

  • Deep scratches can be removed using mastic. To prepare it, you need to mix three parts of turpentine and four parts of melted wax. The paste is applied to the polished surface, then rubbed with a soft cloth.
  • If you have shoe polish of a suitable shade at home, you can cover the scratch with it and then polish it with a cloth.
  • Any stains of known or unknown origin are removed with gasoline. A soft cloth is soaked in it, then the damage is rubbed. After the stains have completely disappeared, the furniture is polished with a soft cloth until it shines.

Important! A mixture of denatured alcohol and linseed oil helps restore shine.

  • If there are white hot spots on the furniture, you can wipe them with alcohol. Then the surface is updated with a mixture of alcohol and linseed oil.
  • The deepest stains are removed using a mixture of alcohol and drying oil. It is enough to lubricate the stains with this composition until they disappear completely. Then the surface is wiped with alcohol and polished with a rag.

How to remove old polish from furniture with your own hands?

It often happens that full recovery It is simply impossible to varnish furniture with your own hands due to the presence of deteriorated polishing on it. Modern items interiors are mainly painted with tinting paints, due to which their surface becomes matte. No matter how serious the problem with such furniture, it is definitely necessary to remove the polish.

This can be done in several ways, because varnishes also have different compositions, so you have to select suitable option experimental recovery. Perform polish removal using one of the suggested methods:

  1. Old polish can be removed mechanically. Of course, it is better to use a special grinder, but if it is not there, then you can use sandpaper coarse grain, which will allow you to clean off the varnish layer until wood appears. After this, fine-grain paper is taken and the surface is sanded until smooth. But this option does not always work.
  2. You can also use old glass. Put on gloves and break the piece of glass into several fragments. Then use sharp edges to scrape down the coating down to the wood. Recesses and chamfers are scraped off with sharp edges. After you have removed the main polish, you can take fine-grit sandpaper and bring the coating to a smooth state.
  3. In extreme cases, use chemical methods. Ready-made polish removal products are available on the market. But you should work with them especially carefully - preferably in a draft or open air, since their fumes are harmful to health. The instructions on the package contain all the recommendations for removing polish.

How to paint polished furniture?

If you decide to paint old furniture, That:

  1. First, clean it of dust, wipe it with a damp cloth, and let it dry thoroughly.
  2. Then use putty to smooth out all the unevenness and wait until it dries.
  3. Take sandpaper, sand first with medium, then with fine grain.
  4. Then apply the primer and wait for it to dry.

Important! The primer is matched to the paint that is planned to be used for painting.

Painting occurs using a brush or roller:

  • It is enough to apply the paint in several layers, but only sequentially, so that drips do not appear. To make the surface uniform and even, it is better to apply two or three thin layers.
  • It is better to apply the varnish when warm using a brush or spray gun.
  • First of all, paint internal surfaces, then the joints and edges, then you can move on to the outer walls.

If you follow this sequence, you will not get dirty or touch already painted surfaces.

How to restore a veneer surface yourself?

Restoration of veneer furniture occurs, in particular, using already known means, but the methods differ significantly.

Let's look at the most popular and effective of them:

  1. If the veneer is swollen after exposure to air, then you need to take a little PVA glue into a disposable syringe, pierce the bubble, and inject it into the cavity. Then a piece is placed on top thick fabric and the load is placed. If the surface is concave or convex, then it is better to use a bag of heated sand as a load.
  2. If the veneer was glued using alcohol glue, then the swollen part can be returned by ironing it with a hot iron through the fabric. Do not overheat the iron too much to avoid stretching the veneer.
  3. You can also use a damp cloth. If you apply it to the surface and iron it, the wood will swell and become elastic again. To fix the swelling, you can insert PVA glue inside and then heat it with an iron.
  4. If the swollen area is cracked, then it is enough to tear off the exfoliated piece. Then clean off old glue, spread PVA glue, align the fault lines, lay a thick cloth on top, and place a weight until it dries completely.
  5. Traces of restoration and scratches are removed from veneer in the same way as from wood, that is, they are painted over with a furniture marker. Deep scratches are filled with molten wax, then it is ground, sanded, and the entire surface is varnished.

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Do-it-yourself restoration of veneered furniture, as you can see, it requires accuracy, patience, and strength. The main thing is to act methodically and gradually, without disturbing the recovery technology. Sometimes you have to use several methods at once, because damage can be both minor and quite serious. But the result will certainly please you.