Loft-style house facades. Loft style house: concentration of freedom and creative ideas of self-expression. Design features of metal slatted facade systems

Exists a large number of various styles in the interior, they are all quite interesting and have their own characteristics. One of the original directions is the loft. The history of this style is very unique and originates in the USA. The loft style is especially often used in the interior. country house, photo design projects can become the basis for creating your own design.

Advantages of the loft style for a country cottage

Loft means maximum space and minimal amount furniture. The use of factories, abandoned buildings and manufactories as housing became the basis of the loft trend.

Distinctive features of this style:

  • The layout is meant to be open, without partitions or any zoning. Zones are highlighted with colors or light, that is, in ways that will not violate the style concept.
  • Finishing materials in the form of brick, plaster, the presence of pipes and beams are the main features of the style.
  • Combination old decoration premises with fashionable equipment and furniture.
  • Lots of light in the room.
  • The presence of non-standard accessories is also welcome. These may include posters or any symbolic signs.

The loft style is characteristic of creative people, such as artists, musicians, and performers. People with unconventional thinking who stand out from the crowd need a place for their creative impulses. They were the pioneers of this style.

Decorating a country house in loft style

Creating an interior in the loft style of a country house is much easier than creating an apartment. This is due to the difference in the size of the room. An apartment is much smaller in area than a country house, in most cases.

So, when starting to implement the planned project, it is necessary to draw up a plan that will include:

  • House drawing or schematic drawing. If you are creating a house from the very beginning, then it is important to stop at the moment interior decoration. Since the finishing inside will be minimal, this will save time and money.
  • Purchase required material for home decoration. It must be calculated and planned in advance.
  • A color scheme that will smoothly transition from one zone to another.
  • Lighting solution that emphasizes distinctive features loft style.
  • There won’t be much furniture, but you should think about it in advance.
  • Interior items that will highlight the features of this style and complement it.
  • Modern technology for a comfortable lifestyle.

Planning a house is a very interesting activity. A country house consisting of two or more floors can bring the loft style to life one hundred percent. On the ground floor you can create a kitchen area and living room, on the top floor a sleeping area and a relaxation area.

The layout of the house looks very unusual, in which you can view the upper floor from the lower floor. This can be achieved by creating a single ceiling on the second floor, and not creating a ceiling between the first and second floors. Only part of the second floor will be created with an imitation of the ceiling, that is, those places where the furniture will be located.

The brick wall decoration in the kitchen area looks original in country house. This originality will be emphasized by kitchen furniture steel color or any other cool shade.

The floor and ceiling can be made from wooden material. It will beautifully highlight walls with brick finish or imitation plaster. It is not recommended to make a concrete floor; it can be very cold. It is possible to make a tile floor by pre-insulating it. But it is best to limit yourself to a wooden floor or imitation wood.

Beams on the ceiling can also be used as hanging structures under the light They can be decorated especially original during the period New Year's holidays. If these beams are located above kitchen area, then from them you can pass light over the cooking area. In the living room, you can create light in the form of light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. It looks original and fits into the overall interior.

Availability large windows required condition loft style. There should be a lot of light, both natural and artificial. It is preferable to make curtains on the windows either plain or with a minimal pattern; sometimes the windows are left without any curtains at all.

There should be a minimum amount of furniture in the house, since the loft style does not imply a large amount of it. Furniture should be simple and functional, cool colors predominate, but sometimes a sofa or armchair can be used bright color make an unusual touch in the loft style. But it should be one, maximum two items, no more.

Tables and chairs can be shabby, made of wood or pre-worn metal. Today there are many stores where you can find already ready-made solutions for loft style. But those who like to do something with their own hands will be able to realize their creative impulses in this matter.

One more interesting feature loft styles are metal constructions or pipes. They are not used often, unless they were already installed in the building in the first place. But some are trying to make artificial pipes that create the image of real ones.

They will look beautiful in a country house if you install them on the wall from the top floor to the bottom. You can either add an interior touch or conduct heat through these pipes. In the photo, the loft style in the interior of a country house emphasizes the deliberate carelessness in the design. This will be more difficult to do, but the house will always be warm, especially if you live in it all year round.

Another highlight of the style can be plants. They perfectly complement the room and serve as the final decorative element. tall plants or curly - it doesn't matter. The greenery will harmoniously blend into the overall picture of the loft style.

The term “Loft” in architecture usually refers to a living space that has completely changed its original purpose. As a rule, these are converted buildings of former factories, factories, warehouses, garages and even water towers.

History of the loft style

The attic style, and this is how the word Loft is translated from English, began its existence, and then confidently conquest of the world approximately from the second half of the forties of the twentieth century.
The United States became the birthplace of this non-standard trend and the external design of the home.
At that time, the industrial districts of New York, and behind it some others major cities, found themselves in interesting position. Constant increase rents for the use of land forced owners of large industrial enterprises vacate the occupied premises. In search of more favorable conditions, many production facilities were moved to the outskirts or even beyond the boundaries of megacities.

The buildings of former factories and factories are empty. But not for long. Their advantages, or rather their functional characteristics (huge windows, high walls, vast spaces of “rooms”) quickly attracted the interest of bohemians. Paying for the use of such premises turned out to be much more profitable than renting ordinary apartments of appropriate sizes. And the conditions were simply ideal for creating creative workshops.

By the mid-fifties, such studio homes reached the peak of their popularity. Everything was concentrated in them creative life large cities.

However, having gained recognition, the loft style gradually changed owners. Limited in funds, progressive youth were forced to give way to successful and, accordingly, wealthy financiers and human rights activists who, following fashion trends, began to actively pay attention to ancient buildings that claim to be architectural monuments.
Over time, having jumped across the ocean, the loft style found its admirers on the European continent.

Second life for empty enterprises

Thanks to architectural style loft, empty manufacturing enterprises former Soviet Union unexpectedly received a chance for a second life. Forgotten buildings are gradually filled with energy and light. Hotels, restaurants, exhibition centers, galleries, offices and studio apartments are being built here.

Conceptual features of the style

Since a real loft is always a story, architectural objects that claim to belong to this style should have some characteristic features:

  • authentic, industrial look the loft facade is given: gray or black metal, white roughly plastered and painted concrete, red brick, which make up the trio of primary colors;
  • severity and purity of lines;
  • simplicity of geometric shapes;
  • large glazing area, panoramic windows;
  • minimal external decor.

From the inside, such buildings can be recognized by their high walls (ceilings at 3m and more), mezzanines*, exposed beams, spacious multifunctional rooms and fragments of industrial structures that play the role of art objects.

Construction materials and finishing

Main building materials for building a house in the loft style are:

  • Brick. Red, aged, often without signs decorative processing(for historical buildings) or textured cladding for stylizing modern buildings.
  • Concrete. Untreated or covered with plaster in natural gray shades.
  • Metal. In the form of rack systems or panels. Used to decorate facades, appearance resembling containers.
  • Glass. Necessary for filling window openings. Large ones, lined up in regular rows or panoramic - covering the entire wall.

As a rule, these elements, found on the same façade, harmoniously complement each other, creating a unique and extraordinary exterior of the building, hinting at its industrial past.

The roof can be: flat, pitched, gable, hip. Its shape and cladding depends on the specific design idea.

The color scheme of the loft style is represented mainly by brick red-brown, concrete dirty gray and dark metallic shades.

As stylish additions The construction usually includes objects from the industrial past - large factory pipes, metal stairs, ventilation systems and other industrial devices.


Real, historical loft properties are located, as a rule, in former industrial zones. Their number is naturally limited.
However, the number of people wishing to become owners own construction in your favorite style is constantly growing. This means that architects, designers and construction companies need to overcome the situation by satisfying the interests of customers.

To obtain the required facilities, old buildings are successfully rebuilt or completely new buildings are erected. As a rule, there are no special difficulties with creation.

Appeared in America at the beginning of the 20th century, and today it is popular all over the world. The fact is that this style has its own undeniable advantages. Let's find out which ones exactly.

House interior in loft style

This style was formed through the use of industrial premises (factories, manufactories and warehouses) for creative studios where their owners lived. Previously, such housing was cheap, and it was often purchased by artists, actors and other representatives of bohemia. But also ordinary a private house can be decorated in loft style. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to its basic principles - maximum freedom and light and a minimum of partitions. This involves large panoramic windows, an open layout, simple, functional furniture and in some ways even an ascetic environment. In such a studio apartment you will be able to see natural brickwork or its imitation, without anything closed pipes heating. Used as wall decoration ordinary plaster, and the floor can be plank. Besides, characteristic feature loft is a mixture of styles - the so-called eclecticism. Here, an antique English cabinet with curved legs can sit side by side with a glass or metal table from high-tech style.

Decoration of house facades

They are also decorated in loft style. This is due to the fact that in most cities in our country there is simply no such category of real estate as a loft, which does not detract from the desire of many people to have such housing. Therefore, owners of country brick and even wooden houses often decorate in the loft style not only interior decoration, but also the façade.

It’s quite simple: brutal wall decoration, a gray or brown roof, a lot of glass and plastic will create the necessary atmosphere of inner freedom, which is so typical of loft-style houses.

Hello, dear readers! Today we will present to your attention a very interesting and unusual Loft interior style. The unusualness of this style lies in its ability to easily adapt, it would seem, to the most unpretentious terrain, and to easily combine interior items of completely different origins and Decoration Materials. The interior of a house in the Loft style is a kind of testing ground for creativity, where you can successfully accommodate bohemian chic furniture and deliberately careless plaster of the walls. To put it more directly, this style, from ordinary premises without the correct and beautiful finishes walls, floor or ceiling creates something more sublime and even shocking, just due to correct selection furniture and other decorative items.

Translated from in English The word Loft literally means “ non-residential premises", and the British often call it that attic spaces or attic rooms. This is also the name given to abandoned industrial buildings with high walls and a high ceiling vault.

IN old times Not everyone had access to housing in beautiful new buildings; previously, people were given space in industrial buildings, where they tried to somehow create comfort, mainly using furniture and various interior accessories. This is how the world-wide famous style Loft. And now he has a lot of fans, people deliberately create a deliberately careless effect of rough walls in their homes, and also select more elegant and even bohemian furniture. Well, now let's take a closer look at different rooms houses that can be decorated in the style in question.

Loft style in the living room interior.

Living room decorated in this style, most often it is a spacious room where the walls are lined decorative bricks or roughly plastered. Well, in order to somehow soften the overall impression, for such a room you need to purchase a big sofa, you can, for example, have a semicircular shape, which you can place in the center of the room. Move it to the sofa coffee table, and better model a transformer, which, if necessary, can turn into a full-fledged table and accommodate a large and friendly company consisting of N number of people. But in general, you can put a sofa in the living room of absolutely any shape, color and size; it can be a rectangular black leather sofa with rectangular arms or a snow-white sofa angular shape. Concerning coffee table, then it can also be of various shapes, for example, glass and square or metal and round, or even be made of pallets (which can be made from pallets). In such a living room you can often see a fireplace, not only a real one, but also a neat electric imitation of it. Printed posters installed in simple frames, graphic floor carpets, candles in tall candlesticks, modern vases, all kinds of figurines and fashionable art objects in the form of a motorcycle on a pedestal or a bicycle against the wall are often used as decor.

Loft style in the bedroom interior.

Spagna Loft is a rather simple interior, where everything seems very comfortable and lived-in. The walls here could be covered decorative plaster with a deliberately created scuffed effect or lined with tiles imitating brick. The floor may be covered with rough parquet board or laminate gray. In the center of the room, of course, is a bed with a high, pretentious headboard. On the sides of the bed you should place bedside tables, which can be made in strict contrast with the spectacular headboard, and be the simplest metal bedside tables rectangular shapes. If there is free place, then here you can also place an ultra-fashionable rocking chair with leather upholstery, a carriage tie, and a chrome base. As for the decorative part, you can cover the bed with a plain dark bedspread, lay a carpet with colored zigzag stripes on the floor, decorate the wall with a modular picture, place a fashionable floor lamp on a high leg near the rocking chair, and lamps identical to the floor lamp on the bedside tables.

Loft style in the kitchen interior.

Kitchens in the Loft style are very attractive in appearance; furniture with a chrome-plated metal facade, as well as identical in color, looks very organic here. kitchen appliances. Such furniture perfectly plays off the red shade of brick on the walls, and also looks great with white, gray or beige brickwork. It is not uncommon for a kitchen to be combined with a dining room and living room, and therefore the entire room is designed in the same style, and not divided into zones using methods of use different colors. Often such a kitchen is equipped exclusively with newfangled appliances; there is everything from food processors to much-needed dishwasher. As for the decorative part, in the Loft kitchen you can put strict flower pots with lush plants inside, hang blinds on the windows, hang a couple of modern sconces on the walls, and purchase a hi-tech style chandelier made of glass or chromed metal. Here in the kitchen you can also install a comfortable bar counter or an island table closer to kitchen set. Dinner table can be glass or wood, and chairs made of leather, plastic or rattan.

Loft in the interior of the bathroom.

The design of a Loft-style bathroom must include brickwork, or the effect of presence brickwork, which is why the walls in this room are often lined ceramic tiles in the form of bricks. Moreover, the more outwardly shabby and rough the tile appears, the better it will be. Well, against the backdrop of such seemingly unpretentious walls, beautiful expensive plumbing fixtures will look great, for example, a snow-white bathtub on graceful legs and an oval washbasin mounted on a special cabinet in the form of a pedestal. Such a bathroom may also have an ultra-modern shower stall with many massage functions, as well as a moisture-resistant TV. Stands for personal accessories made in the form of art objects will also look good here, for example a stand for toothbrushes in the shape of a hand, a car, etc.

How to create an interior design in the Loft style:

Today we demonstrated what the Loft style is in the interior, and to summarize this review We want to say: if you want to recreate something interesting and unusual in your home, then this interior style is exactly what you need. The interior of a house in the Loft style, through simple manipulations with rough wall decoration and filling the rooms with beautiful modern furniture, as well as accessories that match the style, it will look not just good, but really great!

Also in demand for construction aerated concrete blocks and brick.

Facade of a loft-style house: photo demonstration

The facade of the house is a clear proof of the taste, lifestyle of the owners and their commitment to a certain style. What might the facade of a country house made in the loft style look like? This is usually a simple, even careless or rough decoration of the walls, a roof in gray or brown tones, use of plastic, composite panels, large glazing surface - windows almost the entire wall, reminiscent of scales window openings industrial building. Sometimes in loft-style house projects in the photo, mirror panels are used to reflect light. And this is minimalism and naturalness in color design building.

Fabulous transformation: a loft-style house and its photo

As mentioned above, by loft style we mean a former building converted into a residential building production premises. In our case, the architectural and construction company of Ilya Eliseev worked on transforming the building of the former canteen camp site into a residential building in the loft style “Ignatiev House”.

The style hints that even a completely remodeled room should not lose a reminder of its past. Therefore, the facade is designed in such a way that concrete walls, built back in Soviet times, are combined with modern composite panels.

Loft is related to minimalism; they are united by the clarity of geometric shapes and the use of construction flat roof, industrial modern materials, the presence of large-scale windows. You can verify this by comparing the facades of loft-style houses with photos of country cottages that were built using minimalist style.

Projects of houses and cottages in the loft style: materials

Loft is considered a rather democratic style. The construction of houses in this direction involves the use various materials And modern technologies. However, the most popular and used materials in loft-style cottage projects are concrete, different kinds bricks, glass, metal, plastic. The use of wood is not excluded.

Who chooses loft-style cottage projects

Loft is considered to be the style of bohemians and respectable businessmen. And this is not far from the truth. However, today projects of houses and cottages in the loft style are chosen not only creative personalities, but also young people who are successfully making a career, and even families with children. The unifying space of the house allows busy parents to constantly monitor their children without interrupting their daily routine.

Loft style houses are popular

The loft style was generated by the development of industrial culture and became established as a popular trend in architecture. The external simplicity, single space, abundance of light and volume inherent in the style captivated our compatriots. Architects construction company Ilya Eliseeva is among the fans of this trend and creates loft-style houses, photos of which you can see in the portfolio.