What you need to make rubber tiles. Production of rubber tiles as a business: calculations. Production room

Rubber tiles are the know-how of the last few years. She's just starting to conquer construction market, but already claims to become the number one coating in the near future for landscaping suburban areas. But how can an entrepreneur benefit from this trend?

Manufacturing of this building material- a new, low-competitive, but promising area of ​​production. A guarantee of business success is the advantages of manufactured products over other types of coatings. Tiles from crumb rubber:

  • safe from injury;
  • durable (its service life is at least 20 years);
  • has anti-slip properties.

In addition, it does not chip or crack when low temperatures, and, thanks to the elasticity of the material, ice chips off very easily. The tile is capable of passing water through itself, and therefore correct installation There are no puddles on its surface. The range of rubber tiles is wide: they are manufactured in different colors, sizes, may vary in thickness, shape and even the pattern with which the surface is decorated.

All this allows you to use the coating:

  • on children's playgrounds;
  • in kindergartens;
  • on sports grounds;
  • upon registration country paths;
  • for arranging areas near ponds, fountains, swimming pools;
  • in garages;
  • in car services;
  • in areas where animals are located.

Potential buyers of the products are:

Stages of rubber tile production

  1. Preparation of a mixture including crushed rubber crumbs, coloring pigment and glue in mixers.
  2. Bookmark ready mixture into molds.
  3. Pressing and molding into hydraulic press.
  4. Heat treatment that gives products the necessary technical characteristics.
  5. Unloading molds.
  6. Quality control and packaging.
  7. Shipment to warehouse.

Minimum equipment package to start a business

The best option to start a business for the production of rubber tiles from crumbs - purchase the entire line of equipment from one supplier, for example, from the EcoStep company, which is the largest supplier of crumb rubber in Russia, which offers several modifications of mini-plants that differ in productivity and the number of types of products.

To launch a full-fledged business, the company recommends purchasing an EcoStep mini-plant as standard. It includes the following types equipment:

The total cost of the equipment set, including VAT and commissioning works, is 1,970,000 rubles.

Calculation of the cost of rubber tiles at the EcoStep mini-factory

Although the equipment set provides the ability to produce 14 types of products, the most popular product is EcoStep rubber tiles 500 mm x 500 mm, 40 mm thick.

IN total volume it takes up 70% of orders, and therefore the calculation of the cost, and subsequently the profitability of production, is most correctly done based on the costs of producing tiles of the specified format.

Product characteristics

Name: safety rubber tile EcoStep 500*500*40 mm.

Material characteristics:

  • size 500*500*40 mm
  • tile weight - 7 kg.
  • weight 1m2 - 28 kg.
  • number of pieces in one m2 - 4 tiles

Mini-plant operating parameters

  • Work is carried out in 2 shifts.
  • Shift duration is 8 hours.
  • Capacity of 1st shift - 45 m2.
  • The plant produces 90 m2 per day finished products.
  • The average monthly productivity of the plant when working in 1 shift is 990 m 2 of finished products (with 22 working days).
  • The average monthly productivity of the plant when working in 2 shifts is 2,500 m 2 of finished products (with 22 working days).

Payroll fund

To operate the site, 4 people will be required: three workers and a shift supervisor. Their salary will be 17,000 rubles and 20,000 rubles, respectively. Thus, the wage fund for working in 1 shift is 71,000 rubles per month, in 2 shifts - 142,000 rubles per month.

Labor costs per 1 m 2 of products are 71,000/990 = 71.71 rubles

UST (Unified Social Tax) - 34%, which is 24.38 rubles. in the cost of 1 m 2 of finished products.

Requirements for production and warehouse space

To accommodate an EcoStep mini-factory, you will need a heated room with an area of ​​at least 100 m2 with a ceiling height of at least 3 meters. To place a warehouse, you need a room with an area of ​​100 m2, possibly unheated.

At a rental rate of 150 rubles/m2, the cost of renting premises per month will be 30,000 rubles, which is 15.15 rubles. per 1 m 2 of finished products.

Consumables costs

  • Rubber crumbs - 16 RUR/kg
  • Polyurethane binder - 149 RUR/kg
  • Coloring pigment - 80 rub./kg.

Cost calculation

Calculation of the cost of materials for the production of 1 m 2 of EcoStep 500 x 500 rubber tiles, 40 mm thick.

Name of material

price, rub.

Consumption, kg

Cost, rub.

Rubber crumb

Taking into account other costs of carrying out activities, we can determine the cost of 1 m2 of rubber tiles.

cost of 1 m2 of rubber tiles EcoStep 500 x 500, 40 mm thick.

Business profitability for the production of rubber tiles at the EcoStep mini-factory using the example of the production of EcoStep tiles 500 x 500 with a thickness of 40 mm *

* Please note that all calculations presented in the table are conditional in nature and are given as an example of the potential profitability of this type of activity. The Moneymaker Factory recommends that before starting a particular activity, you independently calculate the payback of the project.

Many people dream of starting their own business, but they decide to invest money in the production of a single unit. It is much easier and more reliable to resell Chinese goods, and if this type of activity is to your liking, then it is better to master it than to try to figure out how to set up the production of rubber tiles and paving stones with your own hands. For people who are keen on making paving slabs, on the contrary, it will arouse genuine interest and a desire to create, that is, to create real masterpieces from simple monochromatic rubber raw materials. This article will describe in detail how to make this type of business the most profitable.

Rubber paving slabs: properties and application

To produce competitive products, it is necessary to study not only the basic technical specifications products, but also to understand how the properties of the product can be improved. A businessman must become an expert in the production of rubber paving slabs, and he must start with the basics. This type of product has the following properties:

The listed qualities distinguish this type favorably building materials from similar products. Rubber paving slabs can be used for:

  • Arrangement of children's playgrounds.
  • Covering areas and steps in front of the house.
  • Construction of landscape design elements.
  • Laying areas near car washes, swimming pools, showers.
  • Industrial floor coverings.
  • Arrangement of an area with anti-slip properties near the entrance to shopping centers and shops.

Products manufactured under high pressure, can also be used for installation in a garage or parking lot. Such rubber plates have increased strength and density up to 1000 kg/m3, which allows them to withstand the weight of a truck without changing the geometry.

Considering the great demand for rubber tiles, we can confidently say that with a properly developed business plan and a competent marketing policy, an entrepreneur will return the invested funds in the shortest possible time and will receive high profits for many years.

Raw materials for rubber tiles

In order to open a mini-factory for the production of rubber tiles, it is necessary to develop a plan for the supply of raw materials in advance. This type of building material consists of 90% rubber, so developing a business plan should begin by finding out all possible options supply of crumb rubber. You can obtain a sufficient amount of this material as follows:

  1. Buy ready-made crumb rubber.
  2. Make your own raw materials.

In the first case, raw materials are purchased from suppliers who are currently present in the domestic market in sufficient quantity so that the material can be selected at the most suitable price and delivery method.

The second option involves purchasing equipment for the production of crumb rubber. Despite the apparent complexity of the event, even for small tile production plants, this method of obtaining raw materials will significantly increase the profitability of the business. Crumb rubber is obtained by recycling old car tires. It will not be difficult to purchase a sufficient amount of material for processing, even in a relatively small area. locality. It is enough to organize the acceptance of recyclable materials from the population, as well as negotiate with the owners of tire shops to accept tires whose technical indicators do not allow the product to be used for its intended purpose.

Rubber crumb is the main, but not the only component of paving slabs. In order to form a homogeneous mass from crumb rubber with reliable fastening A polyurethane binder is applied to each piece of raw material. Such glue will allow you to reliably fix the rubber crumbs in the product, but only if you purchased a high-quality one-component substance. Good quality European-made products are famous, therefore, to purchase a binder, you should enter into an agreement with reliable foreign suppliers.

To make the products more aesthetically pleasing, pigment dye is added to the rubber mass. To make multi-colored rubber tiles, as a rule, powder dye is used, the main component of which is iron oxide.

Properly selected raw materials will allow you to produce high-quality rubber tiles, so if you have a desire to engage in this type of business long time, it is recommended that you take the time to carefully select product suppliers. At self-production crumbs also need to take into account some nuances. In this case, it is necessary to use only car tires as the main material for processing, while preventing inclusions such as metal cord elements from getting into the finished rubber raw material.

Equipment for the production of rubber tiles

Making tiles from rubber crumbs with your own hands is only possible if you purchase machines that will automate the tile production process as much as possible. For this purpose, special equipment is used, with the help of which the raw materials are mixed, compacted and the rubber mass is formed. A novice businessman who has decided to invest money in the production of tiles from crumb rubber cannot do without purchasing the following equipment:

  1. Mixer.
  2. Press.
  3. Thermal cabinet.
  4. Forming table.
  5. Tile stand.
  6. Press form.
  7. Mixer platform.
  8. Conductor.

Each machine or device is designed to perform a specific function, so before you buy equipment for the production of rubber tiles, you need to study the basic principles of operation of such devices. A correct understanding of the functioning of the equipment will allow you not only to select high-quality products to organize a mini-production of rubber tiles and paving stones, but also to optimize the initial financial investment as much as possible.

Production line for the production of tiles from crumb rubber

A mixer is necessary for mixing crumb rubber, polyurethane glue and dye. An entrepreneur must not only choose quality mechanism, which during operation will not require too burdensome maintenance, but also choose a device that is suitable in volume. For a small mini-workshop focused only on the production of rubber paving slabs, a mixer with a working volume of 40 liters is sufficient. If you plan to open large plant for the production of rubber building materials, you will need to purchase several devices with a volume of more than 100 liters.

The standard design of the mixer is an open barrel, inside of which the raw materials are mixed using a special rotating knife. For easy movement around the workshop, such products have 4 wheels at the bottom of the structure. You can buy a mixer for crumb rubber, both domestic and imported. Products Russian production, as a rule, is not inferior in quality to the best European samples, while the price of the products will be significantly lower, due to the absence of the need for customs clearance of goods.

The press is one of the most expensive elements of a rubber tile production line, but without this device it is impossible to produce quality product required density. The average productivity of this type of machines is 100 m2 per day, which is good indicator For small production. If you want to expand your business, it will be enough to purchase a few more machines and correctly install the equipment in the workshop. You can buy presses from both domestic equipment manufacturers and reliable foreign suppliers.

Elements of the production line, such as a heating cabinet, a molding table, a tile stand, a mold, a mixer platform and a jig, must also be optimally selected. Typically, companies involved in the sale of equipment for the production of rubber tiles have in their assortment everything necessary for installing a turnkey mini-plant. By purchasing a ready-made line, an entrepreneur often manages to significantly save money and time. In addition, when purchasing equipment wholesale, the intermediary can provide services for the installation of a production line, as well as its maintenance.

Rubber tile production technology

The technology for producing rubber tiles is not complicated. Currently, cold and hot way manufacturing this type of material.

Cold way.

This option for producing tiles is the most labor-intensive, but the quality of the products is high level, and by reducing electricity costs and purchasing more expensive equipment, business profitability will be very high.

Manufacturing process rubber products This method is carried out in several stages:

  • Prepare the mixture. To do this, you need to mix polyurethane glue, crumb rubber and dye in a mixer.
  • Submerge the mixture high blood pressure on a cold press.
  • Send the “semi-finished product” to the drying cabinet.
  • Place the tiles on a special table to complete the drying process at room temperature.

If technological process has not been violated, then the output will be a high-quality rubber product of the required color.

Hot method.

The initial stage of producing rubber tiles using heat treatment is identical to the above-described technology for manufacturing such products using the cold method, but then the process is significantly simplified. To produce the material you need:

  • Mix the raw materials in a mixer.
  • The material is placed in molds and pressed on a special machine under high pressure and temperature.

After completing the pressing cycle, such products do not require further processing and are completely ready for use. The hot pressing method can significantly speed up the production process, but as a result of such processing, the products lose their frost-resistant properties. This option for making rubber tiles is most suitable for laying indoors, as well as for arranging outdoor areas in the southern regions of the country.

Calculation of production profitability

Business in the production of rubber tiles is a very profitable type entrepreneurial activity, but before purchasing equipment, renting or building premises to accommodate a workshop, it is necessary to draw up detailed business plan. As a rule, such a document is a description of possible expense transactions when organizing production process, as well as calculating the estimated amount of money raised from the sale of the finished product. The price of equipment is not low, so before starting your business you need to acquire initial capital.

To purchase equipment, an entrepreneur needs to spend:

  1. Mixer – 90,000 rub.
  2. Press for rubber tiles – RUB 300,000.
  3. Tile mold – RUB 3,000. (you must purchase at least 30 pcs.)
  4. Drying chamber – 100,000 rubles.
  5. Auxiliary equipment – ​​RUB 70,000.

The last category includes: scales, carts, spatulas and tables. You can do without a drying chamber if you produce rubber tiles only using the hot method. The price of the mixer in this calculation is based on the condition of simultaneous mixing of no more than 40 liters working mixture. For large production volumes, you will need to purchase a more powerful device.

The total cost of equipment for mini-production will be 650,000 rubles. Unfortunately, this amount alone is not enough to open your own business. To place the equipment, it is necessary to rent a room suitable in size and availability of communications. If you rent a premises outside the city limits, then monthly expenses will be about 50,000 rubles.

In addition, you will need to hire workers:

  • Manager.
  • Accountant.
  • 2 – 3 workers.

For payment wages About 200,000 rubles will be required monthly.

The purchase of raw materials will also require significant cash expenditures before the company receives its first income. The average cost of materials is:

  • Rubber crumbs – 25,000 rub./t.
  • Glue – 250 rub./kg.
  • Dye – 15 rub./kg.

In addition to the listed expense items, the entrepreneur will need to pay Communal expenses, and before starting work, register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Total: in order for a rubber tile production plant to begin operating, an initial capital of at least 1 million rubles is required.

The enterprise's income is generated from the sale of finished products. Currently, the wholesale sale of rubber tiles is about 1000 rubles/m2. Even with minimal equipment productivity, revenue will be at least 100,000 rubles per day. If the production of paving slabs from rubber crumbs is carried out seven days a week, then the monthly revenue will be 3 million rubles.

Total monthly expenses will be about 1.5 million rubles. Thus, the entrepreneur will return everything spent within the first month. cash and make a profit.

In practice, it is not always possible to recoup the production of paving slabs from rubber crumbs in such a short time. Usually, at least 3 months are needed for this purpose. This is due to sales problems and competition. In order to speed up the process of introducing new products to the market, it is recommended to spend money on advertising in various media mass media. Usually small expenses aimed at conveying information potential client they more than pay off due to the possibility of selling more goods on the market.

Tile coverings outdoors and indoors are in great demand, especially when it comes to rubber tiles. This unique, durable, non-slip material is used for paving surfaces on playgrounds and sports grounds, around swimming pools and in recreation areas. It is used in shopping, entertainment and sports centers, administrative institutions and private homes. The production of rubber tiles has become an opportunity for many people to start their own business. The manufacturing technology of this coating is relatively simple and does not require significant expenses, and the resulting product is characterized by low cost and excellent quality.

Raw materials for tiles

Making rubber tiles at home is quite possible, because crumb rubber is used as a raw material. It is obtained from ordinary car tires. They are crushed in special crushers.

The composition of the mixture for the production of rubber coating includes the following components:

  • fine rubber crumbs;
  • special dyes;
  • polymer glue;
  • modifying fillers.

During the manufacturing process, the glue acts as a connecting element. Thanks to it, the composition acquires the consistency needed for further molding.

Important! Artificial or natural rubber is used as raw material. Recycling car tires allows you to get high-quality coating and dispose of unnecessary material.

Necessary equipment

The production of rubber tiles is impossible without the use of special equipment. It’s hard to imagine the manufacturing process at home without setting up a mini-line. It includes several installations:

  1. To make rubberized tiles, you need a volcanic press. Depending on the processing method used and the temperature set, cold and hot pressing are distinguished.
  2. The production of rubber tiles is impossible without the use of molds into which the prepared composition is poured. For home production, 3-4 molds are usually sufficient.
  3. Also you will not be able to make quality tiles without mixer with centrifuge. It will ensure thorough mixing of all components.
  4. The production of soft paving material by cold pressing necessarily involves going through a stage with heat treatment. For this you will need a heating cabinet.

As auxiliary equipment in the production of tiles from rubber crumbs the following is used:

  • platforms for mixers;
  • molding tables;
  • stands for fastening workpieces.

But on initial stages production can be done without auxiliary equipment. To purchase complete set equipment you will spend from $26,500 to $39,500.

Advice! If you are planning to make tiles for your own needs, then everything necessary equipment can be rented.

Manufacturing technology

The rubber tile production technology provides two methods for processing recyclable materials:

  1. Shock wave crushing. In this type of processing, car tires are placed in special cameras. There they are crushed due to shock wave action. The equipment is fully automated, so only one worker is required to operate it.
  2. If you produce rubber tiles with your own hands, then it is more suitable mechanical crushing. In this case, recyclable materials are crushed using cutters. This crushing method is used more often because it does not require additional costs for the purchase of equipment. Mechanical crushing takes place in several stages:
    • a metal seating ring is removed from the tires;
    • then the tires are cut into strips 40-50 mm wide;
    • after this, the seating rings that are in the material are again removed;
    • now the resulting rubber bands are ground to crumbs with a diameter of no more than 4 mm, but not less than 1 mm;
    • At the end, the raw materials are sorted into fractions.

The production of rubber tiles from rubber fractions is carried out using one of two methods:

  1. Hot working method requires the use of vulcanization of raw materials in a special press. The vulcanization temperature is 130-140°C. The following advantages speak in favor of choosing this technology:
    • reasonable cost (this technology is cheap, which has a beneficial effect on the retail price);
    • speed of the process (it takes literally half an hour to manufacture);
    • The low price of molds allows you to purchase several pieces at once, which will increase production volumes.
  1. Making tiles from rubber crumbs cold pressing method. In this case, the vulcanization of the raw material is carried out by heating to a maximum of 80 degrees. The technology requires the use of special ovens in which the crumbs are sintered. Peculiarities cold technology are as follows:
    • high quality of the resulting product;
    • the cost of production will be higher than with hot pressing (this is due to the cost of electricity to power the cabinets);
    • the process takes a long time (processing raw materials takes an hour and a half).

Process stages

The production of tiles from rubber crumbs involves several stages of work:

  1. On preparatory stage The production process consists of processing and preparing recyclable materials. Car tires crushed to crumbs of the required fraction manually or using special equipment.
  2. Preparation of the mixture. The components necessary for the manufacture of rubber coating are loaded into construction mixers: rubber crumbs, polyurethane glue, coloring pigments, modifying fillers.
  3. Product molding. The prepared and thoroughly mixed mixture is poured into molds.
  4. Then using the method cold or hot pressing the prepared raw materials are pressed in molds to the required density and thickness. In hot pressing, materials are baked at high temperatures.
  5. Baking.

This stage will only occur when producing tiles using cold pressing. Its essence lies in the fact that prepared molds are installed in heating cabinets. In them, products are processed at low temperatures. To ensure that the resulting products have the required performance and technical characteristics

, it is important to select the correct size of rubber crumbs and strictly follow the technology for manufacturing the material.

The resulting tiles are durable, strong and highly resistant to wear. Thanks to the porous structure, puddles do not form on the surface of such a coating, since after rain, water quickly seeps through the material and goes into the ground. The tiles are laid on any flat surface.