Garden arches for climbing plants

Garden arches are playing important role in landscape design. A beautiful arch will tell a lot about the owner’s preferences, and will also become a real decoration personal plot. If you learn how to make a flower arch, you can decorate a wedding event or other celebration with fresh flowers.

How to make a flower arch correctly: step-by-step instructions

The implementation of the idea of ​​arranging a flower arch on your own dacha or personal plot implies the following typical algorithm actions:

  1. Development of a project that takes into account the general artistic concept.
  2. Coordination of a constructive solution.
  3. Creation of a budget estimate, taking into account all materials, as well as the wishes of the customer.
  4. What a garden arch should look like.

In other words, the design of a garden arch can be made of completely various materials:

- Tree;

- Stone;

— Metal;

— Cement;

- Plastic.

How to make a garden arch with your own hands

There are two main options for arranging garden arches:

Individual project, quite expensive, but allowing you to emphasize your own taste.

Standard solution. Despite the “budget” nature of this choice, it provides a huge variety of materials, textures, textures and color solutions.

Ideas for garden arches

We build a garden arch with our own hands

garden arch not so much complex design, which cannot be built on our own.

Constructions wooden arches

To independently build a garden arch for flowers, you will not need many materials:

- 4 or 6 (depending on the configuration of the arch itself) wooden beams with a height of approximately 2.5 meters and a cross-section of 100 mm, which will play the role of vertical pillars.

— Planed wooden boards that serve as floors. Preferably treated with antiseptic compounds. This will allow them to withstand temperature changes, weathering and mechanical loads.

- Smaller boards, slats and wedges that will hold the main beams buried 30-50 cm into the ground.

Hand tool, allowing you to build a garden arch without using special equipment and without the use of heavy equipment.

The rest depends on the owner’s imagination and his preferences. You can decorate the arch even with a simple loach or a complex combination of color compositions. The main thing is that the entrance, which impresses guests, is in harmony with the overall landscape design. Garden arches- This is a real decoration for your garden, so try to make it yourself, combining different flower arrangements.

The territory of the dacha or garden plot can be used not only for growing various plants and decorative flowers. Thanks to modern decorative structures, it can also serve as a place of relaxation and simply be an aesthetically perfect area of ​​your home. We are talking about garden arches for climbing plants, and other colors. It's pretty simple structures, which, however, perform a lot of functions. We will not only tell you which ones, but also teach you how to make arches for your dacha and garden with your own hands according to our detailed instructions with photo.

Garden arch: main types, construction features and functions performed

A garden arch is a decorative structure for garden plots. Most often it represents simple design of two vertical beams without a foundation and a horizontal crossbar of an arched or straight shape.

The arched structure itself is a fairly stable structure, which does not have a reinforced frame. Yes, this is not required, since the main function of a garden arch is to support a plant, flowers, or vine.

Although the construction of the arch does not require any complex technologies, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  1. The structure must be suitable for growing plants.
  2. The height of the arch should be at least 2 meters, so that a person of average height can comfortably fit under it.
  3. The width of the arch should be at least 1.2 m. This is necessary in case it will be used as a support for the growth of climbing plants. If this parameter is not observed, then in the future the effect of neglect of the structure may be created.
  4. The frame must not only be durable, but also have an aesthetic appearance, so that in the absence of plants (during the cold season) it also “pleases the eye.”
  5. Compliance of the chosen type of construction with the overall color of the garden plot.

Arched structures can be classified according to several criteria:

  • According to the material used to make the structure: arches made of wood, plastic, metal, stone, combined.
  • According to the shape of the frame: arches; pergolas (a three-dimensional structure consisting of similar elements fastened together); trellises (vertical gratings); complex designs.
  • By location: isolated structure; several arches; trellis "wall"; gazebo-shaped structure.

A garden structure is not only a separate decorative element for a site, but also a way to complement an existing composition. In addition, the garden arch performs a number of important functions:

  1. Serves as a reliable support for plants.
  2. Helps create an appropriate architectural style.
  3. Supports load-bearing pillars.
  4. Effectively zones the garden plot.
  5. Serves as an excellent base for children's swings.
  6. Performs a function lamp posts or is a place for relaxation.

Making a garden arch with your own hands

The construction of a garden arch is a fairly simple job, but, like any other, it requires careful preparation and high-quality execution.

Determining the dimensions of the structure and choosing the appropriate material

There are no strict restrictions or any standards other than those described just above (the arch should have a height of about 2 meters and a width of about 1.2 m). The maximum permissible width that will not violate the overall proportions of the structure can be about one and a half meters. This will be quite enough. As for height: the higher the structure, the less graceful it becomes. Most often, garden arches are made no more than 3 meters high.

Once the dimensions of the structure have been determined, you can begin to select the material. So, metal The garden arch is a durable design, it is very easy to install and is quite durable. But it has one significant drawback - susceptibility to corrosion.

As a material for wooden Arches are suitable for both timber and untreated wood. Such structures are less reliable than arches made of metal.

Plastic the arch has a very attractive price, easy to install. It is not afraid of corrosion, moisture, or deformation. And to model the structure you only need a soldering iron.

Selecting and preparing a site for an arch

Now you should think about where to place the structure so that it decorates the area and does not violate the overall integrity of the existing picture. It can be an excellent entrance to the site or the territory of the house. Try installing an arch above so that it becomes a kind of tunnel on the way from one part of the site to another (a pergola is perfect for this).

Advice. For a small garden plot, bulky structures are not suitable, since they can simply visually reduce the area. The solution in this situation is a trellis; it will perfectly decorate the garden area and at the same time it can be used as a gazebo by adding a small bench with soft cushions to the arch.

An existing one (for example, a concrete or tiled area) can serve as a foundation for an arch; ordinary soil would not be a worse option. The most important thing is to prepare the basis for installing the arched structure. The work site must be carefully cleaned, leveled (if we are talking about an earthen surface), the dimensions of the structure must be transferred to the site and markings must be applied.

Installing a wooden arch

The wooden arch is very easy to install. For this we need: wooden beam about 4 cm thick (at least), laminated wood about 10 cm, nails, crushed stone, glue.

Schematically, the order of work is as follows:

  1. We dig the rack bars into a pre-selected and prepared place.
  2. We pour crushed stone into the base of the wooden posts, and it is advisable to treat the wood remaining above the ground surface with resin or burn it.
  3. We fasten the upper parts of the racks with a crossbar in the shape of the letter U, and we connect the sides with jumpers like staircases using screws.
  4. On top of the resulting structure we mount an arched crossbar, which we fasten in the same way as the previous one.
  5. Ready design coat with primer and paint special composition for wooden surfaces.
  6. The final touch remains - we decorate the arch with plants, flowers, etc.

Installing a metal arch

Let us consider, as an example, the process of creating a garden arch of a simple model: from two arc reinforcing bars connected to each other by metal rings. We will need following materials: reinforcing bars (diameter at least 10 cm), primer, flexible wire, rope. So, schematically the order of work is as follows:

  • To begin, we will make an arched blank from reinforcement. You can use a simple template of metal pins a quarter of a meter long, driven into the ground along the desired contour.
  • Now we begin to create connecting rings for the already prepared reinforcement posts. We cut 9 pieces of reinforcement 90 cm long and bend them into rings using a pipe bender.

Advice. If you don't have it on hand special tool to bend metal, simplify your task: use straight pieces of reinforcing bars as fasteners for racks. This option looks a little simpler, but it is no less attractive and practical.

  • We deepen the metal posts into the ground to a depth of at least 40 cm.
  • We fasten the reinforcing rings-fasteners for the racks using flexible wire, rising from the ground level by at least half a meter. We keep the distance between the rings within 20 cm. The structure obtained in this way will be quite strong and stable.
  • In order to protect the finished garden arch from corrosion, be sure to cover it with a primer and then a layer oil paint. This completes the process of creating an arched structure.

While reading of this material You could see that creating a garden arch is a simple process that even non-professionals can do. Use the information received wisely and you will be able to create a high-quality decorative structure for your garden with your own hands. Good luck!

Garden arch made of rebar: video

Garden arch for climbing plants: photo

Decoratively decorated flower beds or installed where necessary, arches for flowers in the country can significantly change general form site, place accents. Anyone can make their garden beautiful and cozy. We always strive to arrange the territory of our stay with comfort, not forgetting about the aesthetic side. For many of us, the dacha is not only a source of organic vegetables and fruits, but a place where the soul and body rest.

What is a flower arch

The arch is an ancient architectural element, relevant at all times, and successfully used today landscape designers. With its help, you can harmoniously zone the space, create an atmosphere of relaxation, comfort, and add a certain touch of romance local area. Arches are installed at the entrance to the garden, used to decorate paths, combined with gazebos, placing tables and benches inside for relaxation.

The general perception of this decorative element largely depends on the type of construction and the material from which it is made. Durability, stability, along with attractive appearance at any time of the year are the basic requirements for the construction of arches. For their manufacture, wood, stone, plastic, brick, forged fragments, and metal are used.

DIY flower arches, photo:

A country arch can be of any shape: three-dimensional (pergola), trellis, consisting of many arches, trellis - it all depends on your imagination. Forged structures look impressive; sometimes weaving plants should be thinned out so that the beauty of the work itself and the grace of the lines can be seen.

When erecting this structure, it must be taken into account that its height should be higher than human height, and its width should be more than 1 meter. In terms of its size and modification, the arch should look harmonious against the background of the house and other buildings. A garden arch for flowers can be easily erected with your own hands; we will look at some examples here.

General requirements:

  1. The material for manufacturing must be reliable and withstand the pressure of winds, snow, and other weather conditions.
  2. It should always look beautiful: spring, summer, autumn, winter - it should look equally aesthetically pleasing with or without plants.
  3. Its size must correspond to the height of all family members. The nuance that it will subsequently be entwined with plants should also be taken into account when determining the dimensions.

Arches can be roughly divided by shape, material of manufacture, and purpose. They can be rectangular, semicircular, triangular, in the form of canopies, etc.

Making an arch with your own hands

Arches made of brick or stone are the most durable. If anyone can build a structure made of bricks, then for decorative masonry you will have to hire professionals.

The simplest option could be a curved iron rod - a frame that will be entwined with climbing plants. Any metal parts It’s better to degrease it first and then paint it.

A wooden arch is more preferable for perennial plants, since during frost it does not become as cold as metal. If the arch consists of wooden fragments, then it is better to fasten them together using galvanized materials. Wood fits harmoniously into any style; if desired, you can create a whole ensemble, including a gazebo, decorative fences, gratings.

A simple example of a wooden arch can be a structure consisting of staircases located opposite each other (elements resembling ordinary stairs), fastened at the top with a wooden lintel.

Flexible varieties of flowers or shrubs will look great on it. Over time, the stems of plants become coarser, become lignified, and take the shape specified by the arch.

A metal flower arch can be made of metal rods or fittings.

For load-bearing arches you can use reinforcement with a 10 mm cross-section, for transverse fragments a little thinner - 6 mm. Two main arcs are made, and between them, to give rigidity and stability, cross members are installed. These connections can be of various shapes: curved rings, snakes, cross-welded straight sections iron rod. Data connecting parts can be welded to load-bearing basis using a welding machine or securely screwed with flexible metal wire. They are located one after another - the distance between them is approximately 20-30 cm.

The depth of immersion in the ground is 40-60 cm. In the same way, you can make a series of arches that will be located one after another. Subsequently, they will look like a flower tunnel.

To work you will need construction tools:

  • pipe bender;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • wire;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • in some cases welding machine.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to achieve the same symmetry of the arcs, but this is not a big problem. Subsequently, this structure will be entwined with plants and flowers that will hide minor flaws.

How to make an arch for flowers with your own hands from plastic pipes? To achieve this goal, you don’t have to be a specialist; it’s enough to know the specifics of working with the material and follow simple recommendations.

Swipe correct measurements, calculate the plan future design, first draw an arch on paper. The main structure consists of fragments of plastic water pipe which are connected using fittings. To reliably weld parts, you will also need a special soldering iron with attachments.

The process of creating such an arch:

  1. In accordance with the agreed dimensions, the pipe is cut into fragments.
  2. Adapters of suitable size (diameter) are selected.
  3. The joints are degreased.
  4. The required parts are put on the soldering iron nozzle, heated to a certain temperature, and then connected to the adapters. The connecting points can only be touched after final cooling.
  5. If there is no “iron”, you can use a suitable glue. External surface one piece, and inner surface The adapter is covered with glue. It is held for a certain time, after which the parts are connected and rotated a little.
  6. When all parts are securely fastened together, the structure can be installed. In order for your arch to withstand gusts of wind and other natural “attacks”, the depressions in the soil for it must be at least 40-50 cm.
  7. We install the arch, fill the installation sites with soil, and compact them thoroughly.

It is better to put plastic arches in the shed with the onset of winter, since frost has a destructive effect on the material. They are moisture resistant and more practical compared to wood or metal, which can rot or corrode over time.

The guarantee for the use of plastic pipes is approximately 50 years; such an arch can be manufactured and installed relatively quickly. Low cost is also an additional advantage.

Flowers, plants for the arch

When thinking about what flowers to plant for an arch, the first thing that comes to mind is climbing roses. This garden design is very convenient for growing these flowers: it gives the shoots the required form, the best way demonstrates the beauty and characteristics of the variety. When choosing colors it is important to consider climatic features region, plant varieties, so that the arched structure looks attractive at any time of the year.

Annual and perennial plants are suitable for this, and should be planted as close as possible to the base of the arch. Since perennials fully reveal their decorative qualities 1-2 years after planting, climbing annuals can be planted next to them - morning glory, sweet pea, kobeya, nasturtium. You can hang pots with hanging petunias and begonias. Decorating with annual plants will help brighten up the waiting time when or climbing rose will gain strength and grow in their permanent place.

Climbing roses are considered classics of garden decoration; they are voluminous and have a rich color palette, have a magical aroma, they do not need troublesome care. The bush is planted at the base of the arch, and then the shoots are tied to the structure as they grow. Before winter, roses are covered with appropriate covering materials to prevent them from freezing.

Before you make an arch for flowers with your own hands, think about the material for its manufacture. Roses, for example, are very sensitive to cold. To prevent the stems from being damaged by contact with cold metal, a plastic or wooden arch will be more appropriate for them.

Evergreen ivy is attractive with its lush emerald foliage; it is resilient and does not require special care, will decorate your arch even in winter. It grows slowly, so you will have to be patient before waiting for the results.

Lush-leaved girl's grapes also frost-resistant, easy to care for, grows in the sun or shade. It is enough to trim it with scissors sometimes in order to always have beautiful arch. You can simply plant it near the structure, and then it itself, clinging to its antennae, will entwine it.

Clematis is not inferior in beauty to roses, it has a thick long flowering until late autumn. Requires care, loves fertile soil, regular watering and fertilizing. However, the end justifies the means. Possessing rich color scheme clematis are very beautiful. Some varieties have an amazing aroma. They need to be planted at a distance of 20-30 cm from the arch, not close together.

Campsis is a tree-like vine, characterized by its unpretentious nature and rapid growth.

In July, large bright orange and yellow “gramophones” appear among the lush foliage, which delight the eye with their beauty until the onset of the first frost. In frosts above -20°C, it is necessary to cover with spruce branches, film or covering material - for reliability.

Honeysuckle is a climbing arch flower with a variety of colors and a sweet aroma.

It blooms throughout the summer, grows in any soil, in partial shade or sun, and has dense, lush foliage. Some varieties, such as Henry's honeysuckle, remain green even in winter. You should know that the fruits of some species of this plant are poisonous.

Hops require virtually no maintenance. It grows well in warm weather, stretching up to 10 meters, entwining an arched structure in just a year. This plant is attractive for its small yellow cones, which are used to treat nervous disorders (infusions, decoctions). A decoction of hop cones has long been used for strengthening, hair growth, and also as a diuretic. Thus, hops planted near the arch will not only decorate your summer cottage, but also bring health benefits.

Actinidia kolomikta is a winter-hardy vine that produces flowers by the end of May. The white flowers of this plant have an incredible aroma, somewhat reminiscent of lilies of the valley and lemon. The foliage is also noteworthy - young leaves initially have a bronze tint, then they turn green, begin to turn white at the tip, and then turn into crimson. With open pollination, actinidia may bear fruits (50-70% chance) that can be eaten. The green berries of actinidia are somewhat reminiscent of olives and have a rich vitamin composition.

According to gardeners, bougainvillea is considered the best plant for shady areas. Loves a warm climate, abundant watering, fertile, well-drained soil. The creeping shoots of this plant can reach 10 meters in length. Blooms profusely with white, purple, orange, crimson flowers, which can have different shape. From April to September it needs phosphorus fertilizing, which must be applied 3 times a month.

Arches for flowers at the dacha allow you to advantageously present all the advantages of the site, giving it a romantic touch and an atmosphere of mystery. Despite the simplicity of the design, the aesthetics of the arches are undeniable and in demand both today and centuries ago. Depending on the purpose of installation, the arch can be the main or additional element design, serve as a support for climbing plants. With the help of this decorative structure, you can make your site individual, unlike the others.

Ipomoea Quamoclitus pinnate or Ruby stars

All gardeners know that it is almost impossible to grow climbing flowers without support. For this purpose, any supports are chosen: stretched ropes, fences, posts, etc. But to create a spectacular spectacle, the use of such materials will not be enough. To make your garden beautiful and captivating, use special architectural elements.

The most popular of them is an arched building on two supports or an arch. Despite the fact that it has the highest decorative qualities, the design itself is quite primitive. Therefore, anyone can build it. You just have to find out what types there are, how they differ and what is needed for the job. This article is about how to make a garden arch with your own hands from various materials (metal, wood, plastic pipes).

Selecting the type of structure

Today there is a large assortment of different garden arches. They all differ in their shape and material. Such designs can be:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • plastic;
  • trellis.

They are all similar in purpose. There are special arches for grapes, decorative arches for climbing plants, as well as arches for the recreation area. There are a lot of purposes – the choice is yours.

Making a metal structure

The classic and most popular is a metal arch. let's consider simple model, having a height of 2130 mm and a width of 1830 mm. It is made from two reinforcement bars that will be bent into arcs. They will be connected by metal rings. The peculiarity of this design is that it can be done without using a welding machine; all parts will be connected with a thin wire.

The distance between the arched sections is 31–32 cm. In order for the arch to be held in place, it must be dug into the ground at least 40–50 cm. The connecting cross-ring rings should have a diameter of 30 cm, and the distance between them should be 15 cm.

List of required materials

To carry out the work, first prepare the following materials:

  • reinforcement rod, diameter (this icon will be used later in the text - Ø) 10 mm, length 6 m - 2 pcs.;
  • reinforcement rod (Ø mm), length 0.94 m – 9 pcs.;
  • strong wire, soft;
  • enamel for painting and primer;
  • reinforcement (Ø 10 mm), 0.25 m long, as pins for a template - 10 pcs.;
  • rope 1 m long.

Step-by-step instruction

First you need to bend the reinforcement bars d=10 mm so as to get an ideal arched opening. To do this, use a simple rebar pin template. Stick 0.25 m long pins into the ground so as to obtain the calculated contour of the arch.

The outline must be drawn directly on the ground. To make a perfect circle, drive a rod into the ground and tie a rope to it. Take the free end in your hand and draw a semicircle with chalk or paint. Then drive the pins into the ground starting from the highest point of the semicircle. Now you have a template that is easy to use. All that remains is to bend the reinforcement bars, giving them a semicircular shape. It will be difficult to do this yourself, so ask a friend or neighbor to help you. Directed efforts are needed on both sides to create an ideally shaped arched opening.

Be especially careful when performing this step. The reinforcement rod may come off, causing injury to you or your assistant.

For this arch model, metal rings will serve as connections between the reinforcement sections. They are made of thin reinforcement Ø 6 mm. To do this, you need to cut 9 pieces of reinforcing bars 94 cm long. Using a pipe bender, you need to form rings from them.

If you do not have this tool or simply do not want to complicate the work, the design can be simplified: instead of rings, use straight rods. Such an arch will look simpler, but will not be inferior in functionality to the original version.

The finished main sections need to be installed in the ground. To do this, the ends of the reinforcement should be deepened inward by 40–50 cm. Measure 40 cm from the end of the reinforcement that you will be deepening into the ground and wrap this place with electrical tape. Do this for all 4 ends. This way, you will know when to stop.

We connect the main frames using rings. Measure 61 cm from the bottom of the arch and fasten the first ring. To keep it in place, you can use a construction clamp. Now wrap the connections with flexible wire so that the ring is securely fixed and holds the structure. We fasten the next rings using the same method, maintaining a distance of 15–20 cm.

After finishing work, coat all metal parts with primer. After it dries, apply a layer of oil paint. That's it, your arch is ready for use.

Other types of arches

Other arches are made using exactly the same principle. For example, wooden arches are made from timber. This is a simple and inexpensive structure. Thanks to natural material, it fits well into the design of any garden. To build such an arch, you need 2 vertical frames, 2 inclined and 1 horizontal part. All this is connected by wooden crossbars using nails. The finished structure is dug into the ground, primed and varnished.

Plastic arches are a structure made of plastic pipes. Such arches are considered the simplest to manufacture; they are easy to assemble and disassemble. If you want to make yourself a structure of this type, then you need to take into account that plastic is not capable of carrying low temperatures, therefore such structures are often made collapsible. Such an arch is decorated with annual plants.

Forged arched structures and pergolas are very popular. Such arches look very elegant and will decorate your summer cottage all year round. Moreover, they are durable and resistant to different weather conditions. To make your stay in the garden more comfortable, you can make an arch with a bench. In this case, you can enjoy the beauty of your garden while sitting under the arch. As you can see, there are a lot of options, you just need to put in the effort and imagination, then your garden will look like a real embodiment of your ideas.

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You can learn how to make a strong arch for a rose by watching the video we offer:


You always want to make the territory of your personal plot not only practical, but also beautiful. Having a doubly enjoyable time at outdoors, admire the beauty made with your own hands.

An arch will add a special atmosphere and comfort to any area. However this design is not only decorative element, but may well serve as a means of zoning.

An arch can highlight a recreation area, creating secluded corners, or separate the garden from the vegetable garden. Moreover, she is one of the most convenient ways for growing climbing plants.

Arch designs

Arches for flowers in the country can be used singly, for example, to highlight the entrance to a site, or from several individual designs you can build a tunnel. By placing two or three arches together you can create a gazebo with living walls.

For the manufacture of arched structures apply different materials. On sale you can most often find arches that are made from hollow plastic tubes. For their reliable installation Inside the tube adjacent to the ground, it is necessary to insert reinforcement approximately one and a half meters long.

With this fastening, your arch will not be damaged by either strong winds or situations where you might inadvertently touch it.

Forged metal arches look very beautiful in the garden. They are often real works of art and look impressive even when not covered with plants. On such arches you can hang flower pots on special holders.

In pots placed on them, salads and other edible herbs look beautiful, which can later be sowed.

Looking at the photo of wooden arches for flowers that have a trellis shape (includes a pair of trellises at once), you can see how convenient they are for zoning internal space summer cottage. With their help you can also easily hide from the eyes of your neighbors.

In building cozy places arches of these forms are also often used for recreation.

Trellis and vaulted arches are often used to support flowers at weddings. Ceremonies using just such structures as decorations are becoming increasingly popular. They look especially impressive against the background of a beautiful back wall.

Making your own wooden arch

A wooden arch is not only easy to construct, but is also more environmentally friendly than similar structures made from other materials.

In addition, if you plant perennials near the arch, then in winter such plants feel more comfortable on the tree, since it is warmer than, for example, metal.

Before you make an arch of flowers, you need to decide on its shape. The easiest to implement is rectangular design. Then you need to purchase all the necessary materials.

These include wooden poles or bars about two meters high. The depth to which the supports will be buried is determined for each soil type.

One thing remains unchanged - that part of the timber that will be in the ground must be treated with bitumen and wrapped with waterproofing. In order to secure the arch, its base is covered with crushed stone or concreted.

For crossbars you can take wooden slats small width. They are nailed at an angle of 45 degrees, forming a mesh, which will subsequently serve as a support for the flowers.

Another option would be to stretch twine between the supports to create a unified structure and, in the future, symmetrically place the flowers on the arch.

Even a girl can create a simple vaulted arch from hazel branches without outside help. To do this, it is enough to take its long flexible but strong shoots, bend them in the shape of an arch and dig them into the ground.

Cross members can also be branches cut to the same length, tied to the frame with twine or wire.

Correct selection of plants for arches

Decorating an arch with flowers is not an easy task. Perennials grow quite slowly.

This is not even bad if your arch has attractive appearance. But surely everyone wants to see a structure completely wrapped in greenery in the first year.

To correct the situation and correctly place flowers for the arch in the garden, you can plant annual plants such as decorative beans or sweet peas next to perennials.

In the first couple of years, this combination will help you quickly and fully green the arch.

In combination with young perennial flowers they will look good on an arch houseplants, which feel good outside in the summer.

The main thing is that the pots with such plants have drainage holes. Otherwise, you will have to make sure in advance that there is good layer expanded clay.

Photo of arches for flowers