Growing crocuses (saffron). Crocus flowers: growing at home, planting and care

Botanical crocus Prince Claus a very delicate and unpretentious flower that will surprise you with its color and pleasant aroma. Crocus Prince Claus displays the pride of the garden, or balcony, which it decorates.

Flowering time crocusPrince Claus falls in March-April, the soft white petals are perfectly complemented by dark purple strokes on each petal. The buds of the botanical crocus look amazing among the melting snow, blooming on a small slender peduncle 8-10 cm high. tender leaves green with a white vein, wrapped in scaly hairs at the base transparent leaves. Crocus Prince Claus A very charming and undemanding plant, great for growing on rocky hills, flower beds, under trees and on lawns. Botanical crocuses are ideal as potted plant, are an excellent living gift for women on March 8th.

Crocuses prefer sunny, wind-protected, loose, well-drained soil. Crocuses are dug up in June after the leaves have dried. The recommended time for planting crocuses is August-September, when the bulbs are dormant. When planting crocus bulbs in pots, they are transferred to a dry, well-ventilated room with a temperature of 18-20C. Planting depth is 5-15 cm depending on the size of the bulb, the distance between crocuses is 7-10 cm from each other. Reproduction of crocuses occurs by children - daughter corms, which are formed from buds sitting in the axils of the scales. Most crocuses are winter-hardy, but in the fall it is better to cover the bulb plantings with leaves, which are removed with the arrival of spring.

Crocus delivery Prince Claus carried out using Russian postal services and transport companies, delivery by air mail and courier is possible.

In order to order and buy crocuses Prince Claus In our online store of seedlings and flowers, use the “Add to cart” button, after filling it, click “Place an order”.

Only professional series available for sale planting material, to be guaranteed to be the variety you need, excellent quality and high viability. The price for crocuses is indicated per package.

Delivery terms:

Sending orders with flower bulbs: from September 1 in the fall (shipping restrictions in accordance with climatic zone customer).

Crocuses belong to the Iris family. These are bulbous perennial herbs, unique in properties, application and beauty. One of the first to gain color in the spring, they have long been considered symbols of love and youth. Planting crocuses is possible at home in a pot, but with proper care.

Known more than 100 varieties of crocus, some bloom in spring, others in winter.

The stem reaches a height of 20-25 cm. At the roots there is something like scales. The flower resembles the shape of a glass. It has 6 petals of various colors. They are narrow, linear, tucked in at the sides. The flowers are single-colored and two-colored (yellow and blue).

After flowering The main crocus bulb dies, and bulbs appear instead. They are separated and transplanted. Flowering of the “babies” occurs a year after transplantation. You can also grow flowers from seeds, but this will most likely lead to a loss of varietal properties.

Transfer the bulbs to storage only after airing for 2 weeks.

The nuances of growing a house in a pot

Plant breeding will not challenging task if you follow the principles:

  • Providing sufficient lighting;
  • Maintenance temperature balance- up to 20, and in winter - up to 10 degrees.
  • Soil drainage (gravel, river sand);
  • Irrigation in small volumes, but regularly;
  • Planting in soil consisting of turf, leaves and sand;
  • Use loam, fertilize with a mixture of manure and lime;
  • plant only elastic bulbs.

Disembarkation is carried out 3 months before expected flowering.

Varieties for growing at home

Best suited for growing indoors Dutch varieties:

  1. Joan of Arc– distinguished by voluminous white petals and yellow stigmas, a light lilac base and a height of 4 cm. Flowering in mid-April.
  2. Flower Record- a small stem, but a large bud of purple-blue color with a darkish base. Flowering at the end of April.
  3. Cream beauty– has large golden buds and yellow-orange stamens. Flowering in early May.
  4. Blue Pearl– small blue buds with a yellow base, up to 8 cm high. Flowering in early April.
  5. Prince Claus- is different snow-white color bud with a bright purple back and strong aroma, up to 8 cm high. Flowering in early April.

How to plant

Planting in a pot can be divided into several stages, which begin with choosing a bulb.

2 weeks before flowering, move the pot home, observing a gradual increase in temperature.

Selection of planting material

Buy bulbs better in autumn. When choosing, you should pay attention to the absence of stains, putrefactive inclusions and damage to the bulb. They must be removed and treated with ash.

Preparing for landing

Before forcing the onion must be placed in a cool place.

  • If the flower is taken from the garden, it is necessary to dry it, sort it and put it away in June when removing it. warm room(20-35 degrees). Within 15 days, lower the temperature to 17 degrees. After mid-August, cool again, placing it in a dark place with a temperature of up to 10 degrees, for about 4 weeks.
  • If the bulbs are dried, they are left at a temperature of 20-25 degrees for a couple of days. And then put it in the refrigerator.


You need to take a container for the crocus large diameter and shallow height. Must have or self-production there is drainage in it.

You should decide in advance the number of bulbs to be planted in one pot - the choice of pot depends on this. The bulbs cannot touch each other or the walls of the container. There are special pots on sale for planting bulbs. They have holes for sprouted flowers.

Crocus flower stigmas are saffron

The stigmas of the crocus flower are used in cooking as a spice - saffron.


To the bottom of the pot lay out pieces of brick or tile. Under it is a tray for collecting liquid. A sandy or sandy loam layer is prepared and soil is poured on top. Bulbs of similar sizes and the same type are planted in each pot.

Can be planted in sand, as well as in a mixture of leaves and turf. The bulbs, cooled in advance, are transferred to a pot, placing 10 cm apart and from the walls of the container. You can bury them in the ground, or you can leave them on the surface (planting depth 5-10 cm).

After planting, the pot is placed in a dark and cool room (up to +10 degrees). And the rooting process begins.


Watering rules

Immediately after planting, watering is not necessary if the soil has been moistened before.

As the soil dries out, it is necessary to irrigate the soil with a small amount of water. Excess liquid harms the bulbs.

When watering, avoid getting it on the petals - this can cause brown spots to appear. Water the plant generously - when the first shoots appear and until the flowers fade. Then watering is done less and less, and after September it is stopped completely.

Required lighting

The first time after disembarkation plant aging is required. It is carried out in dark, cool places. If you are going to move the pot to the light, you need to check the sprout. If it is loose, you need to wait until the light stage arrives.

When the height of the sprout is 5 cm, it is transferred to a bright, cool place (up to 15 degrees). As soon as the flowering period begins, the containers with plants are transferred to a cool, dark place.

Humidity level

Required good drainage to prevent water stagnation. Loose soil that provides moisture and air to maintain humidity levels is also suitable. You can choose the basement as a dark, cool room.

The crocus blooms in up to 10 days.

Top dressing

It is carried out only in the active phase of growth (in spring and summer periods). Use at least 3 times during the entire period.

To increase the flowering period, phosphorus-containing fertilizer is used. Potassium fertilizers are added to improve the condition of the bulbs and maintain their health during wintering. Avoid nitrogen-containing fertilizers, they may be a consequence of the appearance of fungus on the plant.

Additional care

When caring for crocuses Do not pick leaves until they completely wither(not earlier than the end of May). Since this will lead to weakening of the bulbs.

Usually the same onion do not reuse, but if you still decide to do this, then you need to consider the facts:

  • Choose nutritious soil;
  • Apply fertilizing;
  • Irrigate the soil through the pan.

Is it possible to prolong the flowering of crocus - is it possible or not, and is it necessary?

While tying the bud, temperature regime needed at home no more than 16 degrees. This way you can extend flowering for several weeks.

To increase the flowering period, just follow the rules:

  • At night, move to a cool place, where the temperature is 1-3 degrees;
  • Reduce lighting;
  • Remove from direct sunlight.

Once flowering has finished, the crocus will not bloom again.

Crocuses are beautiful and fragrant flowers that... correct landing and care will easily grow at home. They can be a wonderful gift for the desired date and holiday. They will also please the eye and create comfort.

Crocuses, or crocuses, belong to the Iris family. These are herbaceous bulbous perennials, amazing in their beauty and properties. Crocuses are legendary flowers, sung by people since ancient times. They become one of the first joys of spring, symbolizing youth and love. The world's most valuable spice, saffron, is made from the dried stigmas of the Crocus purpurea flower.

The height of this species is no more than ten centimeters. The leaves of the crocus are linear, narrow, and curled at the sides. The plant is distinguished by beautiful and bright single flowers. Crocus flower natural look can be yellow or blue, with the yellow range ranging from pale yellow tones to bright orange, and the blue range from light blue to dark purple. Artificially bred varieties captivate with their variety of different shades. In the photo you can see how impressive two-tone colors and spotted, pattern-like colors can be.

Crocus bulbs are small - up to three centimeters in diameter. Reproduction of this species is most often carried out by corms or children, less often - seeds. When propagated by seeds, flowering can be expected only after three to four years.

Popular varieties

Depending on the time of flowering, crocuses are divided into spring-blooming and autumn-blooming. The most popular varieties today are Dutch varieties, especially large-flowered crocuses.

  • Among the spring varieties, flower growers are especially fond of the snow-white variety Jeanne D'Arc, variegated varieties - Pickwick and Striped Beauty;
  • Among the varieties of fashionable purple-bluish color: Remembrance, Grand Meter, Flower Record;
  • Among the hybrids of golden crocus (the so-called Chrysanthus group, which includes white-blue, cream, yellow varieties): Romance, Dorothy, Blue Pearl, Saturnus, Prince Claus, Cream Beauty;
  • The bright yellow Lajest Yellow and the red-purple Ruby Giant also look impressive.

Growing crocuses in open ground

This type of bulbous plant requires fertile, well-fertilized soil. In addition, the soil must be sufficiently loose. Water should not be allowed to stagnate in the soil, so clay soil and recommend adding sand. Crocuses are very light-loving. The size of their flowers directly depends on good lighting, so they need to be planted in an open, sunny place.

Crocuses need to be watered regularly from the very first shoots until the end of the flowering period. The soil around the plants needs to be fluffed up so that moisture penetrates better. It is customary to fertilize crocuses only when planting, but if the flowers grow in one place for several years in a row, they need to be additionally fed. Fertilizers must contain potassium and phosphorus. The first feeding is done in the spring after the sprouts appear, the second - during the appearance of buds, and the third - at the end of the flowering period.

Planting of garden spring-blooming crocuses is carried out in the fall, in September and October, and autumn crocuses– from mid-July to the end of August. Large bulbs should be planted at a depth of ten to fifteen centimeters, and smaller ones at a depth of four to eight centimeters. The distance between the bulbs should be at least five centimeters. Only if you plan to dig up crocuses after flowering, you can reduce the distance between the bulbs to three centimeters.

After garden crocuses have bloomed and faded, their leaves remain for a long time decorative look, fading only by mid-summer. It must be said that crocuses bloom on average for a week, maximum two. Faded heads can be removed immediately, and leaves after wilting. The bulbs will remain overwintered in the ground until next spring (you can cover them with leaves in case of severe frosts).

If next year you want to transplant them to another place or grow them at home in a pot, you can dig up the bulbs. Then you need to sort them out and throw away damaged or diseased ones. While waiting for planting, store the bulbs in a cool room (at a temperature of eighteen to twenty degrees) and do not forget to ventilate. Also take care of protection from rodents that are not averse to eating flower bulbs.

Planting and caring for crocuses in pots at home

Growing beautiful crocuses in pots can be timed to coincide with some holiday. If you plant the bulbs on time, they will bloom in right time- for the New Year holidays, for Valentine's Day or the Eighth of March. Thus, you can create an original bright yellow, purple and blue bouquet or an elegant mix in a pot right at home. To grow holiday crocuses in an apartment, it is better to use large-flowered varieties.

To achieve flowering of crocuses by a certain date, you should correctly calculate when to plant the bulbs. On average, at home, crocuses bloom in the fifteenth to sixteenth week after planting. Thus, for New Year's holidays Bulbs should be planted in the fall - in the second half of September, and for the Eighth of March - at the end of November. The flowerpot will need to be wide, with not too high walls and sufficient holes for good drainage.

The bulbs should be planted closely - this way they will look more impressive in a living bouquet. The soil for crocuses should be sandy. For a period of twelve to fourteen weeks, the pot containing the planted bulbs should be placed in a cool, dark place, such as a basement or garage. The recommended temperature is from five to nine degrees Celsius. If the sprouts appear already in the tenth week, lower the temperature slightly, as there will be a risk of getting flowers earlier than planned.

Two weeks before the desired day, the flowerpot can be moved to room conditions. First, leave it in a cool corridor, after a few days bring it into the room, and after a while place it on a bright windowsill. This way your crocuses will arrive exactly on time. In the last two weeks, you need to water the flowers every other day or two, and before that - occasionally, as the top layer of soil dries. Room air They tolerate it normally and do not need spraying.

Home care for blooming crocuses

Of great importance for a longer decorative effect of flowers is correct lighting and temperature. At home, optimal care will help plants bloom longer, in some cases up to three weeks. Crocuses do not bloom for a long time in bright light - not only solar, but also artificial. Excess light causes them to rapidly bloom and fade just as quickly.

Some gardeners may be wondering why flowers wither quickly? This occurs when the air temperature reaches twenty degrees Celsius or higher, so The best way care for them - protect from direct sunlight or artificial rays and keep them at a temperature of fourteen to sixteen degrees. For better effect At night you can lower the temperature to minus one degree. When the flowering period is over, the bulbs can be dug out from the flowerpot. You can simply throw them away or try to plant them in open ground in the spring to get new babies.

If you plan to use the bulbs for re-forcing flowers, you need to care for them in a special way. The soil in the flowerpot must be nutritious, and in addition they will need two feedings. The first should be done before growth begins, and the second after flowering. You can use ammonium and potassium nitrate as a fertilizer.

Saffron: unique properties

The most expensive and healing of all known spices, saffron, is made from the stigmas of the purple crocus. This unique spice not only gives dishes an exquisite taste, but also has the ability to treat more than a hundred diseases. Saffron can be taken for insomnia, hangover, headache or need to reduce hunger. It contains serotonin, which can improve mood, reduce pain, and cure depression. Saffron contains such useful elements, like calcium, phosphorus, thiamine, carotene, riboflamin and many other biologically active substances that strengthen and heal the human body.