Psychological tests on drawings for adults. These-Children: developmental psychology, development and upbringing of children. Flowers, sun, garlands


The technique consists of two stages: at the first, the child creates drawings, at the second, a conversation is held, when the child describes and explains what he has drawn. Instructions: "Draw the house as best you can." The time spent on the drawing should be noted. After the child finishes the picture, ask him to draw a tree and then a person. While the child is working on the drawing, you need to observe him, and take notes regarding the time spent, pauses that arise in drawing (during the drawing of what detail it arose, how long it lasted), deviations from the normal sequence of the image of the elements of the house, tree and person, made comments and emotions expressed by the child.

How many floors does this house have?
Is this house brick, wood, or something else?
Is this your home? (If not, whose is it?)
When you painted this house, did you think who is the owner?
Would you like this house to be yours? Why?
If this house were yours: which room would you choose for yourself? Who would you like to live with in this house?
Is this house somewhere far away or close?
What do you think about when you look at this house?
What does he remind you of?
Is this house nice, friendly?
Is it similar to other houses or is it different in some way?
What's the weather like in this picture?
What is missing in this house?
Where does the path from home lead to?
If there was a person nearby, who would it be?

What is this tree?
Where is this tree actually located?
What is the approximate age of this tree?
Is this tree alive?
What exactly in the picture confirms that the tree is alive?
Does the tree have some dead part? If so, which one?
Why did the tree die (if dead)?
Is this tree lonely or are there others nearby?
What do you think the weather is like in this picture?
Is there wind in the picture?
Show me which way the wind is blowing?
What does this tree make you think about?
What does it remind you of?
Is this tree healthy?
Is this tree strong?
If you decided to draw a sun, where would you place it?
Whom does this tree remind you of? Why?
What does this tree need most?

Is it a boy or a girl?
How old is he (she)?
Who is he?
Is this your relative, friend, or someone else?
Who were you thinking about when you were drawing?
What is he doing? Where is?
What is he thinking about?
How does he feel?
What thoughts come to your mind when you look at him?
Whom does this person remind you of?
Is this person healthy?
Why do you think so?
Is this person happy?
Why do you think so?
How do you feel about this person?
What is the weather like in the picture?
What does this person want most? Why?

Interpretation. Each drawing should be viewed as a self-portrait of a child. Analysis of the drawing is carried out in the following sequence:
Details - Perspective - Time - Line quality - Comments


Interpretation begins with such an indicator as the number of details. First of all, you need to make sure that the required parts are available. The house must have at least one door (except with only a side wall drawn), one window, one wall, a roof, and a chimney or other means of venting smoke or something that can be used to heat the house. The tree must have a trunk with at least one branch. A person must have a head, a body, two legs, two arms, as well as two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and two ears. The absence of mandatory details in the drawings, among other things, may indicate a decrease in the level of intelligence, unless during the conversation the child has not explained the reason for the lack of details.

If, in terms of proportion and perspective, the drawing is done well, but contains a minimum of detail, this may mean that the child in general is inclined to be withdrawn or expresses his disagreement with traditional values.

If the use of a small amount of detail is accompanied by a low quality of the drawing in terms of proportion and space, it can be assumed that the child has poor contact with reality, and intellectual abilities are reduced.

Excessive detail is a sign that the child is experiencing a strong sense of anxiety, something in his environment makes him very anxious and he tries to drown out this feeling.


The absence of any of the mandatory details listed indicates a serious violation. The presence of additional details (bushes, flowers, path) - the desire to fill the surrounding space, lack of a sense of security, anxiety, insecurity. Other warning signs include a missing baseline, broken windows, a door smaller than a window, a non-rectangular window (unless it is an attic window), a transparent roof or wall through which you can see objects inside the house.

A decrepit, old house, an unstable building - a critical attitude towards oneself. The house consists of several different buildings - a feeling of hostility towards someone from those close to him.

The roof, indicated by a horizontal line connecting the walls, means inhibition of thinking, lack of emotions, acute experiences. High, large roof - the child is prone to fantasies, even fixated on them.

The pipe symbolizes the warmth of the relationship, its absence is a lack of warmth, care, guardianship or the presence of a conflict in a relationship with a loved one. A disproportionately large pipe in a teenager's drawing is a sexual conflict. A lot of smoke comes out of the chimney - something is disturbing the child, internal tension.

Door - the ability to access or retreat. Front door - represents both entrance and exit, symbolizes accessibility. A back or side door is an escape from reality. There is no door - the child is inaccessible, closed, does not want to contact others. An open door is the child's need for warm, close relationships, his openness, straightforwardness, sociability. A very large door - the child can hardly bear loneliness, requires attention, likes to be in the center of attention. Too small a door - extreme isolation, denial of any contacts, unwillingness to let others around you. There is a lock on the doors - secrecy, hostility, the need for protection. A fence near the house is a need for protection.

The window is an image of visual contact. Windows without frames, no windows, no windows on the ground floor, shutters, shading, curtains, curtains - isolation, a child who has withdrawn into himself. The windows are drawn high from the ground - some separation of the child from the realities of life and the preference for imaginary worlds. Draws windows in the last place - the desire for solitude, unwillingness to contact others. Opened windows - straightforwardness, a sense of confidence, some pride.


A large, very large tree is aggression. A very small tree - low self-esteem. The child refuses to portray the crown more carefully - hostility. Scars on the body of a tree, broken, drooping or dead branches are mental trauma. Dead tree - a feeling of inferiority, inadequacy, failure, uselessness, guilt. Damaged branches - traumatic effects of the environment. Dead root system - intrapersonal disharmony.

The wind symbolizes feelings of exposure to forces that are virtually uncontrollable. The direction of the wind of moderate strength from left to right horizontally is generally accepted and not interpreted. If the wind is strong and the direction is different from the usual, then this is of particular importance. The wind that blows from the bottom up (vertically or diagonally) is a strong desire to transfer from the real world to the fantasy world. The wind blowing diagonally, from the top corner to the bottom, has the opposite meaning (while the direction is interpreted in terms of time: the left corner is the past, the right is the future).

The setting sun is a depressive state, depression. The sun, drawn behind a cloud, is an unsettling, tense, unsatisfying relationship between the child and the person whom he considers "giving warmth".


Human hands are tools with the help of which a defensive or offensive action is performed in relation to the surrounding world or oneself, and the feet symbolize movement. Self-portrait without hands and feet - helplessness. Spread arms are an expression of the desire for action. Arms crossed on the chest - evidence of isolation, suspiciousness, withdrawal into oneself. Long arms - the presence of some aspirations, ambitions. Short arms - lack of aspirations aimed at the outside world. Long and weak arms are a sign of dependence and the need for protection and care. Disproportionately long legs - striving for independence. Short legs - a feeling of helplessness.

Eyes, nose, mouth, ears are receptors that perceive external stimuli that can be unpleasant (listening to accusations, criticism), can lead to conflict or a problem. A drawing of a person with only eyes is suspicion, excessive caution. Lack of nose, ears and mouth - indicates a lack of desire to communicate.

Other features of the picture.

Superfluous details (they represent the need to smooth out an alarming situation) are: for drawing a house - a tree in the yard, for drawing a tree - a bird on it or an animal next to it, for drawing a person - any objects around him. Trees (bushes), painted near a tree or a person, often represent people (family members), and the distance between them often symbolizes proximity or distance in their relationship.

The ground line (base line) in a drawing of a house, tree or person is not an appropriate detail. It is interpreted as a sign of insecurity (the ground line is an element that reinforces the reality of the drawing). The base line provides the required reference point; ensures the stability of the pattern as a whole.

Inappropriate details include clouds in the sky (for any of the three drawings), which may indicate a general feeling of anxiety associated with relationships with others.

The child's emphasis on one or another detail is necessarily taken into account when interpreting. Accentuation can be expressed in excessive attention to detail (for example, a window is drawn into many cells, and becomes like a grid), in an obsessive return to detail after its completion. Such reinforcement can mean vague anxiety.

The sequence of details.

When drawing a house, the following order must be observed: roof, wall, door, window (or first a window, then a door). Another possible option is to start with the ground line, then draw the walls, roof, etc. Insecure children may draw details of an object without considering any connection between them.

The drawing of a tree is usually done in the following sequence: first the trunk, then the branches and crown and / or foliage, or first the top of the tree, then the branches, trunk and base of the trunk. The branches of the tree symbolize the sphere of contacts and relationships of the child with the outside world, and reflect the level of his activity in the search for satisfaction; the trunk symbolizes his feelings regarding his basic abilities, personal potential. The degree of flexibility of the branches, their number, size and degree of their mutual connection indicate the adaptability and the currently available resources of the individual.

A person is depicted in the following sequence: first the head, then the face, then the neck, torso, arms (with fingers or hands), legs and feet (or legs and arms in reverse order), etc. If a person's drawing begins with the feet and ends with the head and facial features, then this sequence can be called pathological. A delayed image of facial features may indicate: 1) a tendency to reject perceived external stimuli; 2) about the desire to delay, as far as possible, the identification of the drawn person.

Any deviation from the normal sequence, including:

Unusual image order;

Arbitrary return to something previously drawn;

Reinforcement of the drawing (when the outlines of a given part are repeatedly outlined) should be regarded as requiring special attention.

Attention should be paid to the consistency of the figures. All three drawings should be made in approximately the same manner, with the same pressure force, the same tracing of details and their number.

The proportions of the picture.

With the help of proportions, the child indicates what ratings he assigns to the objects drawn, or what they symbolize.

A drawing occupies a very small area of ​​space - a manifestation of a feeling of inferiority, a tendency to avoid reality, or a desire to reject a particular drawing or its symbolic meaning. The drawing takes up almost all the allotted space, or even does not fit on the page - a manifestation of a feeling of strong frustration caused by the attitude of others, combined with a feeling of hostility: a manifestation of tension and irritability or a reflection of a feeling of helplessness (if the feet or parts of the legs of a person are "cut off" by the lower edge of the sheet) ...

If the tree is large, the child is acutely aware of his dependence on the surrounding reality, shows aggressiveness or inclination towards it. A tree of tiny size - a feeling of inferiority, inadequacy and the need to withdraw into oneself.


Drawing strictly in the center of the sheet is a manifestation of a feeling of insecurity and rigidity. The tendency to place the picture in the upper left corner is quite noticeable anxiety or regression. This position reflects a desire to avoid new experiences and, probably, a desire to return to the past. If the house does not fit on the sheet and the edge of the sheet "cuts off" one or several rooms of the house, then this often expresses the child's reluctance to draw this room because of some unpleasant associations associated with it or the people living in it. A child drawing a house adjacent to the edge of the sheet expresses a feeling of insecurity, which often has a temporary attachment (left edge is the past, right edge is the future). The same is indicated by a drawing of a person adjacent to the edge. “Cutting off” the top of a tree is the desire to find satisfaction in fantasy. The "cut" of the left edge of the picture is fixation on the past combined with fear of the future, and the "cut" of the right edge is the desire to be in the future in order to get away from the past. If the drawing is adjacent to the upper edge of the sheet - fixation on reflections and fantasies. A tree adjoining the edge of a leaf - a feeling of "tightness", an increase in aggressive aspirations. The lower edge of the sheet plays the role of the base of the drawing - depressed, depressive mood, depression. A tree drawn as if on a dais - a feeling of tension, a need for protection and security. A lonely tree on top of a hill - a sense of loneliness coupled with a desire for autonomy. The use of a tree and a house in the drawing of the space to the left of the center is the dominance of the emotional sphere, and to the right - the intellectual one.


The time spent drawing can indicate how important it is to the child. A large amount of time spent on the execution of a particular drawing indicates the presence of a strong positive or negative feeling of the child in relation to the depicted object. If the child spent very little time, this indicates an indirect rejection of the image of the object or situation, symbolically represented in the drawing. It should be noted that the high quality of the drawing justifies the large amount of time spent on it.

Line quality

The drawing is made in bold lines - tension of an indefinite nature. If bold lines are used in the image of certain details - fixation on this detail, or hostility towards the drawn object, or what it symbolizes

Test "Human drawing" (K. Makhover)

Target : determination of individual personality traits.

The child is given a pencil and a standard A4 sheet of paper and asked to create a drawing. Instructions : "Please draw the person you want." The questions should be answered evasively ("Any", "Draw what you want"). In the process of drawing, all questions, remarks, behavioral features are recorded, as well as such manipulations as erasing drawing elements and additions. After the drawing is completed, you should move on to the conversation.

The conversation can include questions: Who is this man? Where does he live? Does he have friends? What does he do? Is he good or bad? Who is he looking at? Who is looking at him?

During a conversation with a child, you can ask him to clarify the unclear details of the drawing. Another conversation option is to ask your child to compose a story about this person.

A short version of graphic information processing.

Rate the child's drawing bythe following points:
The person has a head drawn.
He has two legs.
Two arms.
The trunk is sufficiently separated from the head.
The length and width of the body are proportional.
The shoulders are well defined.
The arms and legs are connected to the torso correctly.
The joints of the arms and legs with the body are clearly marked.
The neck is clearly visible.
The length of the neck is proportional to the size of the body and head.
The person has eyes drawn.
He has a drawn nose.
The mouth is drawn.
Nose and mouth are of normal size
Nostrils are visible.
Hair is drawn.
The hair is well traced, it evenly covers the head.
The man is drawn in clothes.
At least the main parts of the clothes are drawn (pants and jacket / shirt).
All the clothes shown in addition to the above are well drawn.
The clothes do not contain absurd and inappropriate elements.
The fingers are depicted on the hands.
Each hand has five fingers.
The toes are well proportioned and not too outstretched.
The thumb is well defined.
The wrists are well defined.
The elbow joint is drawn.
The knee joint is drawn.
The head is in normal proportion to the body.
The arms are the same length as the torso, or longer, but no more than twice.
The length of the feet is about 1/3 of the length of the legs.
The length of the legs is approximately equal to the length of the body or longer, but not more than twice.
The length and width of the limbs are proportional.
On the feet you can see the heels.
The shape of the head is correct.
The body shape is generally correct.
The outlines of the limbs are rendered correctly.
There are no gross errors in the transfer of the remaining parts.
The ears are clearly visible.
The ears are in place and are of normal size.
Eyelashes and eyebrows are drawn on the face.
The pupils are positioned correctly.
The eyes are proportional to the size of the face.
The person looks straight ahead, their eyes are not slanted to the side.
The forehead and chin are clearly visible.
The chin is separated from the lower lip.

The closer the child's drawing is to this sample, the higher the level of his development. Assign 1 point to each positive answer and summarize the points. A normally mentally developed child should achieve the points indicated below in accordance with his age.
5 years old - 10 points 6 years old - 14 points 7 years old - 18 points 8 years old - 22 points
9 years old - 26 points 10 years old - 30 points 11 years old - 34 points 12 years old - 38 points
13 years old - 42 points 14 years old - over 42 points

Additional details of the drawing, such as a cane, briefcase, roller skates, etc., speak in favor of the child, but on condition that this detail is appropriate in this drawing or even necessary for this image (a sword for a warrior).

Analysis of the drawing.

First of all, note if there are gross errors in the depiction of the figure. The drawing of a human figure symbolizes the image of the body, which is very susceptible to external stimuli that disturb the emotional state of the child, therefore, the drawing will symbolically reflect the problems that he is experiencing. The more severe the child's disorder, the more both his body image and graphic representation suffer.

Among the serious deviations are the image of a figure with scattered parts of the body, completely inappropriate details, the image of another object instead of a person, the erasure of a drawn human figure, rigid, motionless, robotic or very bizarre figures. Another significant negative factor is the child's portrayal of a figure of the opposite sex. It can be an expression of a confused sexual role, strong attachment, or dependence on a parent (some other person) of the opposite sex.

The symbolic meaning of the human figure.

Head ... If the child pays little attention to the head, this may indicate problems of adaptation to the social environment, difficulties in communication, or even the presence of neurosis, since the head and, in particular, the forehead are a reflection of self-control and the sphere of social contacts. Lack of forehead - the child deliberately ignores the mental sphere. A disproportionately large head is a sign that the child is suffering from headaches or is experiencing other negative effects in this area. Fixation on the head can be associated with a weakening of intellectual ability or control, as a result of which the importance of this part of the body for the child increases. The big head acts in this case as an expression of the desire to compensate for what is missing.

Hair ... Highlighting hair on the head is the desire to emphasize the masculinity of the male figure. Accentuating girls' hair, carefully depicting lush hairstyles, long, cascading hair in combination with other obvious decorative elements - early sexual maturation.

Face - a symbol of the sphere of communication, the most social part of the picture. Facial features are depicted indistinctly, poorly traced, the face is schematic, misses the image of facial features, the face draws in the last place - difficulties in communication, shyness, very alert, expects only bad things from others, is often hostile towards others. Goggle eyes, pursed lips, open mouth with bared teeth - aggression and hostility. Well-defined facial features - attention to yourself, healthy self-esteem. A painted face, an image of an animal face or a robot-like, impersonal, expressionless face - a negative sign, loss of identity, loss of a sense of one's own "I".

The chin - a reflection of willpower, authority, masculinity. Passion for the image of the chin (often erased, redrawn, outlined, strongly protrudes) - compensation for weakness, indecision, fear of responsibility, striving for superiority and gaining significance in the eyes of others. Especially if in the image of the rest of the lines, the lines are weak, light. The author of the picture does not have such qualities in reality, but only draws himself as such in his imagination.

Brows ... Neat eyebrows are evidence of caring for their own appearance, grooming, restraint, moderation. Thick, furry eyebrows - rudeness of character, obstinacy, intemperance, primitive morals. Raised eyebrows - arrogance, arrogance.

Ears - openness of perception or vigilance in relation to the surrounding world. Skipping this part or hiding it with hair is a minor omission. Certain ear accentuation - sensitivity to remarks and judgments; indirectly - stubbornness and disobedience to authorities.

Eyes - a reflection of the child's inner world. A close, piercing gaze is aggressive. The eyes are large, with or without pupils, with shaded sclera - a symbol of fear or anxiety. Eyes wide open, but not exaggerated - curiosity. The look is not direct, but oblique - suspicion. Small eyes - secretive, self-centered, preoccupied with one's own feelings. Closed eyes - an attempt to isolate oneself from the outside world, from contacts. Lack of pupils, empty eye sockets - extreme egocentrism, the child does not find anything around him worthy of his attention. Beautiful, symmetrical, well-drawn eyes - the desire to be attractive, nice to other people.

Mouth - multi-valued element. The mouth is open - aggressiveness, verbal activity of an aggressive nature; if the teeth are drawn - obvious aggression, possibly defensive. Discharge of the mouth (erasure, displacement, disproportionate size, underlining, etc.) is typical for young children who were not so long ago in oral dependence on their mother. In older children, it is a sign of dependence, dependence. The mouth, indicated by one straight line - internal tension.

Lips - a generally accepted symbol of the sexual sphere. Plump lips on the figure drawn by a girl are a sign of correct gender identity. Drawn lips (in a teenager) - the presence of narcissistic tendencies.

Nose. The absence of a nose is some degree of intellectual disability.

Neck - a connecting link between the body (a symbol of animal passions, impulsive life) and the head (intellectual center, mind, control). Long neck - a tight, constrained, well-controlled person. Short neck - naturalness, straightness. The absence of a neck is a sign of immaturity.

Hands - a symbol of activity, communication and contact. Hands are spread apart, as if for a hug - a sign of sociability, active interaction with the outside world. Hands are hidden behind the back, sluggishly hanging along the body, tightly pressed to the body, palms are hidden in pockets - unsociable and withdrawn. Flexible, mobile, freely positioned hands - good social adaptability, ease of establishing contacts with others. Rigid, stiff, mechanically extended, bent at right angles - superficial, unemotional contacts with the outside world. Large, large palms are a sign of an active, explosive nature. Lack of palms - unsuitability, lack of faith in oneself, a feeling of unsuitability. Carefully traced fingers - the ability to control a situation, hold it in your hands, manage it. Long fingers with nails or emphasizing fists - aggression, belligerence. Fists on the hand removed from the body - open hostility, rebellion, confrontation. Hands with clenched fists are pressed to the body - a hidden, suppressed tendency to rebel. Aggression - fingers like the claws of a bird of prey; hands raised up, painted hands. The absence of hands is an extreme degree of passivity, inactivity, uncommunicativeness, timidity, intellectual immaturity; for older people - a sense of guilt in connection with their aggressive attitude. The same is true for the heavily shaded hands. Short arms - isolation, facing inward, towards oneself. Long arms - focus on the outside world, contact. Large, muscular arms are the priority of strength, the desire to become physically strong, compensation for one's own weakness.

Torso - a symbol of the child's idea of ​​the physical appearance of a person. A strong, muscular body drawn by a fragile, weak child is a sign of compensation. A large, strong body with powerful shoulders is an inner strength, a strong ego. Broad, massive shoulders are an expression of physical strength and superiority. A strong child draws a weak body - this is associated with an experience from past experiences. A fragile body is an expression of one's own weakness. The navel (small child) is a sign of egocentrism, if an older child is infantile or a desire to withdraw into oneself. The rounded shape of the body is poise, a calmer character, some femininity. Angular, rectangular figure - masculinity, energy and expressiveness. Figure decoration (bows, buckles) - increased attention to one's own person. The image of internal organs is an extremely negative sign - serious mental disorders.

Legs - a symbol of support, stability. The feet are drawn in profile - a sign of stability, self-confidence. Feet with fingers to the observer, or the absence of feet - a feeling of insecurity. Separation of the lower half of the body by a bold line (adolescents) - problems in the sexual sphere. Weak, short, poorly traced or shaded legs - an expression of insecurity, weakness, own worthlessness, discouragement. The feet of a clothed person are depicted with fingers - extreme aggressiveness. Small, unstable feet - feeling insecure.

Genitals. Hiding the genital area is common in adolescent girls. In the female figure, the arms are depicted shyly covering the lower abdomen, while the arms of the male figure are boldly spread apart. Various objects (bouquet, etc.) can be depicted above the lower abdomen.

Candid portrayal of the genitals- very rarely. A shift of interest from your body to the fascinating world around you, which is typical for the behavior of children during the period of latent sexuality. Probably, the child is developed beyond his years, is aware of the high emotional value invested in the genitals. Hernia surgery or circumcision can cause fear of castration. Seduction by older children or adults or more subtle maneuvers can excite a child during a period of latent sexuality. In most cases, the cause of the image of the genitals is behavior disorder, aggression, phobia.

Because the drawn figure is closely related to the author of the drawing and, in a certain way, characterizes it, you should pay attention to the size of the figure, its posture, location on the sheet, the quality of the lines (pressure, hardness, duration, discontinuity), the sequence of the image of the details, the use of the background, as well as strangers objects. The proportions of body parts of the figure, the presence of unfinished elements of the drawing, the level of detailing, the presence of strong pressure and its localization, erasing, making changes to the drawing, emotions expressed on the person's face and in his pose are taken into account.

Size and location.

A small figure that modestly occupies only a small area of ​​space - a feeling of insecurity, anxiety, depression, unsuitability. Excessively large, cumbersome size of the figure - weak internal control and expansiveness.
Tilted figure - lack of mental imbalance, instability. The figure is displaced to the right - orientation towards the outside world. Shifting to the left - focusing on yourself. The drawing mainly in the upper part of the sheet is optimism. The location of the figure at the bottom of the sheet is a feeling of depression, depression. A large, sweeping figure placed in the center of the sheet is an overestimated self-esteem. A child draws a line of the earth, and places a person high from it, as if soaring - detachment from reality, a tendency to fantasy and games of the imagination, weak contact with reality.

Perspective. Boys (rarely girls) of adolescence sometimes depict a person with a full face and head in profile - a sign of social tension, a certain sense of guilt associated with the sphere of communication. Head in profile, torso in front view, legs in profile - low mental development and impaired spatial imagination.

Other image features... The effect of transparency (the ability to see one detail in the picture through another). This is a natural factor if the drawing is done by a 6-year-old child. At an older age, this has a negative meaning, because contradicts reality. Perhaps a sign of a slight delay in development, as well as disorganized personality or mental retardation. In the “soft” version, transparency indicates that the child lacks support and protection. The negative value of transparency is estimated by the number of transparent elements and by the size of the transparent part (the second case is more indicative).

Optional details... Cigarette, pipe, weapon, cane, buttons, pockets, hat. A weapon in the hands of a figure is a sign of hostility, aggressiveness. Buttons, pockets in the drawings of older children - insufficient maturity, infantilism. Accentuating a tie, a hat is a sexual connotation. Other sexual symbols are a pipe, a cigarette, and less commonly a cane. Distinguishing the fly on the trousers (teenagers) - preoccupation with masturbation.

Scattered body parts.This is evidence of deviations - a refusal to create a holistic pattern, noted in children with personality disorganization.

Limited, ascetic, robotic drawings are drawn by socially immature children. The most common impairment is the discrepancy between ability and school performance.

Excessive shading... Accentuating the shading of the entire drawn figure or part of it (face, lower body, etc.) - anxiety. Excessive, energetic shading, sometimes directed at the genital area, can be observed in the drawings of repressed, overly controlled elementary schoolchildren, close to the period of latent sexuality. For children over the age of 13, shading is an indicator of emotional distress.

Drawings without people... For young children - likely difficulties in interpersonal communication. The refusal to draw a person and the depiction of inanimate objects must be considered as an unusual, possibly deviant act, suggesting difficulties in interpersonal relationships, abnormal indifference, emotional alienation, autism.

Dark clouds and shaded sun. The shining sun is a well-adjusted child. Rain clouds, shaded sun - unhappy, anxious, depressed child.

Erasing ... Erasure facts are expressions of anxiety and dissatisfaction.

Family drawing test.

Target: identifying the characteristics of intrafamily relations (the child's attitude to his family members, his perception of his role in the family, the characteristics of relationships that cause anxiety in him).

The child is offered a simple pencil, a blank A4 sheet. Instructions: "Please draw your family." You should not give any instructions and clarifications; to answer questions evasively: "Draw the way you want."

While the child is drawing, one should unobtrusively observe, noting such points as:
The order of filling the free space.
The order in which the characters in the drawing appear.
Start and end times of work.
Difficulties in depicting a character or elements of a drawing (excessive concentration, pauses, noticeable slowness, etc.).
The time taken to complete individual characters.
Emotional mood of the child while depicting a particular character in the picture.

At the end of the drawing, ask the child to name all the characters in the drawing.

The second stage of the study is a conversation, which should be light, relaxed.

Whose family is shown in the picture - the family of the child, his friend, or a fictional person?
Where is this family located and what are their members currently doing?
How does the child describe each of the characters, what role does each person play in the family?
Who is the nicest in the family and why?
Who is the happiest and why?
Who is the saddest and why?
Who does the child like best and why?
How does this family punish children for bad behavior?
Who alone will be left at home when they go for a walk?

Interpretation of the family drawing.

The resulting image reflects the child's attitude to the members of his family, how he sees them, and what role he assigns to each in the family configuration.

First step in the interpretation of a child's drawing - an assessment of the general structure. What we see in the picture: really a family, whose members are depicted together, close to each other or busy with a common cause, or are they just a few isolated figures that do not contact each other in any way. Moreover, any image of a family situation can be associated with the real situation in the family, or it can contradict it (reflect what is desired). If the character is distant from other figures, this may indicate the "distance" that the child notices in life and highlights it. One of the family members is higher than the rest - giving an exclusive status, possessing (according to the child) the most power in the family, even this character is smaller than the others. Below the rest, the child places the one whose influence in the family is minimal.

Second phase - determination of the most attractive character. It can be identified by the following features: it is depicted first, placed in the foreground; he is taller and larger than the rest of the characters; executed with more love and care; the rest of the characters are grouped around, turned in his direction, looking at him. It is possible to highlight him with special clothes, endow him with some details and in the same way depicts his own figure, identifying himself with this character. The size of a family member is the meaning that this character has for a child. The least significant character is the smallest, drawn last and placed apart from the rest; can be crossed out or erased. Strong shading or strong pencil pressure when depicting a particular figure - a feeling of anxiety in relation to this person. Or, such a figure can be depicted using a faint, thin line. The preference of this or that parent is expressed in a closer distance from the child, what kind of facial expression the parents have. Distance between family members is one of the main factors reflecting a child's preferences. The distances in the figure are a reflection of the psychological distance: the closest people are shown closer to the child.

Child about myself ... The child's figure is most highlighted, drawn more carefully, details are drawn, a bright figure - the importance of his own personality, considers himself the main character around which life in the family revolves; the most significant and unique. A small, weak figure, surrounded by parents - a feeling of helplessness and a demand for care and attention; perhaps the child is accustomed to the atmosphere of constant and excessive care in the family. A child close to his parents, pushing the rest of the family aside - emphasizing his exclusive status among other children. The child is next to the father and the size of his own figure is exaggerated - a strong sense of rivalry and the child's desire to take the same strong and authoritative place in the family.

Additional characters... The addition of people who do not belong to the family circle or animals is an attempt to fill in the voids, to compensate for the lack of close, warm relationships, to compensate for the lack of emotional ties. The presence of fictional characters - unmet needs of the child (ask the child about this character). An image close to one of the family members of a pet, which is actually absent - the child's need for the love that he would like to receive from this person.

Parent couple... Usually, the parents are depicted together, the father is higher and larger on the left, the mother is lower on the right, followed by other figures in order of importance. A child who is raised by one parent can portray both, thereby expressing his desire for their union to be restored. If a child draws one parent with whom he lives, he accepts a real-life situation. One of the parents (of the same sex with the child) is in an isolated position - the child's desire to be with the parent of the opposite sex. Jealousy (Oedipus complex) is quite normal for a 12-year-old child. The figure of the child and the parent of the opposite sex are removed from each other - a slight violation of the natural order of the relationship with the parent of the opposite sex. Parents are in contact with each other (holding hands, etc.) - close psychological contact in life. If there is no contact in the picture, then most likely it is not there in reality. The image of one of the parents of an unnaturally large size (more often the mother) - this parent is perceived as an overwhelming figure, suppressing any manifestation of independence and initiative. Such a figure can be depicted with large hands, demonstrating an imperious, dictatorial attitude with his posture. A parent whom the child does not take seriously, ignores, does not respect - small in size, with small hands or none at all.

Identification. The child easily identifies with one or another character in his drawing (father, mother, sibling). Identification with a parent of the same sex is a normal state of affairs and reflects the desire to have a preferred relationship with a parent of the opposite sex. Identifying with an older sibling (regardless of gender) is normal, especially if there is a noticeable age difference. The figure with which the child identifies himself is portrayed as the most attractive, complete, more time is given to her. Enough information can be learned from the conversation. If the child identifies himself with the most ordinary-looking character, who has fuzzy outlines, is placed apart from the rest, the child experiences great difficulties and tension in relations with his family and himself.

Refusal to depict a particular family member... If the child draws himself away from the rest of the family - a feeling of loneliness and isolation. The child is generally absent from the drawing - the same thing, but in a stronger manifestation, a feeling of inferiority, alienation. The child draws himself in the last place - low self-esteem. Refusal to draw the younger sibling (I forgot to draw my brother, there was not enough room for my brother) - there is nothing accidental in the drawing; often the older child is jealous of the parents of the younger child; in reality, he restrains the manifestation of feelings of discontent and aggression; in the drawing of the family, these feelings find their way out. The junior sibling is simply not depicted in the drawing. By denying its existence, the child removes an essential problem. Or the child can portray a younger sibling, but exclude himself from the family, thus identifying himself with a rival who enjoys the attention and love of the parents. The absence of adults in the figure is the child's negative attitude towards this person, the lack of emotional connection with him.

Drawing of a tree.

The child is asked to draw a deciduous tree. The use of color is not provided. A full-fledged image of a tree implies the presence of three elements: roots, trunk, crown. Branches should be located on the trunk, flowers and fruits on the crown.



Roots are a part of a tree that is directly related to the earth, nutrition, growth, restoration, origins, nature, but at the same time, roots are a hidden element of the tree and its support, grounding, foundation.

If there are no roots at the base of the tree, and the line of the ground is a susceptibility to stress. The roots are depicted in separate lines, like grass - superficial thinking, laziness, unwillingness to go into details. Such a child prefers to engage in vigorous physical activity. A child who looks at the world realistically, weighing everything in his mind, thinking - will depict only the visible part of the roots, which is visible on the surface of the earth.

Huge, exaggerated roots, sometimes exceeding the size of the tree itself - imbalance, internal imbalance, latent conflict. The roots are depicted clearly, well traced, have adequate dimensions or are accentuated (bold lines, increased pressure, etc.) - the child attaches great importance to external support, support from others. Perhaps he resists growing up, refuses to take responsibility, make decisions, be independent. The child is dependent, phlegmatic, insecure, wants to stay little longer. (The task of parents is not to indulge, but gently, without aggression and strong pressure, to foster independence, to encourage any manifestation of initiative)


The most common form is straight, typical for children under 12 years of age. If the child is older - immaturity and infantilism; he has not advanced in development, is lagging behind in school. He is "stuck" in children's relationships and habits, stuck at some stage of growth and uses the skills that he acquired earlier, without moving forward. The base of the trunk has an extension - a more mature form. If the expansion is moved to the left - a lack of initiative and independence, softness, compliance, timidity. The base of the trunk, extended to the right - prudence, the habit of weighing everything, finding compromise solutions, perseverance, the desire to achieve one's own. A swollen, rounded base - passivity, slowness of movements and mind, moderation, solidity, regularity. The child is not very active, calm, does not recognize hasty and abrupt actions.

At the base of the trunk, the root system is conventionally depicted - a real view of things, the desire for certainty and concreteness, a developed sense of responsibility. Also - some uncertainty, doubts, insufficient internal support.

The trunk of a tree is depicted by dashed, broken lines - restlessness, mobility, impatience. Such a child is sensitive, vulnerable, subject to a sharp change in disorder, can be nervous, capricious.

The trunk is depicted by two asymmetric lines - unstable character, somewhat closed, its contact with the environment is slightly complicated, tends to solitude. Can be stubborn, ignore the assessments and opinions of others, and resist the authority of adults.

The curvature of the trunk is conveyed by wavy lines - a symbol of good adaptability, energy, a positive attitude towards life.

A non-standard barrel is a sign of a feeling of dissatisfaction. The child is experiencing some difficulties, perhaps of a transitional age, or is experiencing discomfort.

The trunk is covered with shading - uncertainty, shyness, secrecy. The child makes decisions difficult, worries about trifles. He is very careful, often worried. Perhaps has an alarming, excitable character.
If a child puts a drawing on the trunk, trying to depict the bark - rationality, observation, criticality of the mind.

The trunk is covered with small or large specks, painted over spots, with the help of which the child wanted to convey the unevenness of the trunk surface - he looks at things soberly and always tries to be adequate, but sometimes (and at the moment) he is dissatisfied with himself, he is worried about an internal problem.

There is shading on the trunk, but it is applied exclusively to the right side - contact, the ability to get along well with others, a developed sense of the social, ease in establishing and maintaining relationships with people. Extrovert.

The trunk is shaded only on the left side - a delicate, sensitive nature. The child is emotional, impressionable, receptive. He is prone to creativity.

The hollow is a sexual symbol.


Two-dimensional branches (image with two parallel lines) - practicality, clear thinking, a realistic look at things and phenomena. Energy, ability to find solutions to emerging problems, independence.

The branches expanding from the trunk, so that at the end they are wider than at the beginning. A child is a troublemaker. He is focused on the outside world, loves adventure and fun, will not miss an opportunity to prove himself, is inclined to take risks, has a spirit of adventurism and healthy aggression.

One-dimensional branches in the form of a spider web or resembling a spray of a fountain. In the drawings of small children - a normal phenomenon, in older children - a sign of extreme insecurity. The child is worried about something. Due to the presence of a problem, he feels nervousness, irascibility, irritability.

The branches are separated from the trunk - a weak connection with reality, superficial thinking, inconstancy of character.

Twisted branches - a soft, unstable character, insecurity, a tendency to succumb to other people's influence, to obey. He likes to sit back and have fun more than to concentrate on something.

Thin, weak branches, bent down - a meek, submissive character. This is a melancholic, introverted child, prone to reflection and solitude. He is outwardly submissive, but inside he can experience strong emotions.

Branches, uncompromisingly directed upwards - a straightforward, hot-tempered child, unable to restrain his emotions, control impulses, is inclined to take risks. Prefers to act rather than think.

Among the branches, separate ones growing in the opposite direction are an alarming sign. This is an expression of internal conflict (if the child is older than preschool age).

Sawed-off branches - extreme negativism, depression, lack of faith in the future, a sense of uselessness and uselessness (children over 9 years old).


The oval-shaped crown is secrecy, a kind of isolation from the outside world. The child is inclined not to solve problems, but to leave them, to withdraw into himself. He likes to fantasize, in real life he is not used to decisive actions, for this he is too slow.

Crohn consists of several parts, resembling a flock of clouds - caution, thoughtfulness, the ability to analyze and find solutions to emerging problems, a tendency to self-control, accuracy in everything - both in demeanor and in relation to others.

The shape of the crown resembles the shape of a flower - immaturity and superficiality of thinking or rather good adaptation, ease of perception, healthy optimism, cheerfulness. The preference for interpretation is given taking into account the meaning of other elements of the figure.

Oval, spiral shape of the crown - concentration on one's own "I", poise, self-sufficiency. It is difficult to piss off a child, he has a calm, peaceful character, tries not to contact unnecessarily with others, avoids fuss, is closed. The image of concentric circles inside the crown is a mental trauma suffered in the past.

Crohn type "lamb skin" - energy, hard work, enthusiasm. The child is happy to get down to business, and brings it to the end, never complains, treats life easily, perceives it cheerfully, but superficially, the depth of phenomena remains hidden, inaccessible to him. He is unable to "read between the lines", often absent-minded. He is an addicted person, has good physical health.

The crown is indicated by chaotic scribbles - disorder, impulsiveness. Such a child is prone to sudden changes in mood, is easily excited, splashes out his emotions, does not like to hide and keep something in himself. Easily forgets offenses, unforgiving. Acts spontaneously, is guided by intuition, has the ability to creative activity, artistic.

The crown of any shape is shaded or indicated exclusively by shading - nervousness, irascibility, somewhat weakened self-control, suspicion, confusion, has difficulty making decisions, tends to trust authoritative opinion rather than seek answers to questions himself.

Crohn in the form of a sagging cloud - weakness of the "I", dependence, weakness, lack of initiative. The child is passive, not used to making decisions on his own, subject to someone else's influence.

Any atypical forms of the crown - either the power of the imagination, the creative abilities of the child, or low social fitness, confusion of thinking.

Crohn of any shape, shifted to the right - the child's orientation to the future, activity, the desire to act, to achieve his own.

The crown is shifted to the left - the child is more attracted to his inner world, he likes immersion in a dream more than decisive actions.

An overly stressed crown, a pronounced emphasis on it - emotional inhibition, poorly developed reasoning abilities.

A very weak, weak tree (even with support) - the need for support, lack of love and care, the desire to have a strong patron and feel more warmth in family relationships and in relationships with other people.

The child is not limited to the image of a tree, and creates a whole world around, draws the surrounding landscape - the presence of a feeling of insecurity, insecurity, vulnerability, which the child masks. The child tries not to reveal himself, he is afraid of a negative attitude towards himself from others. Something similar reflects a tree painted on a hill. To what has already been described, you can add the presence of a sense of loneliness, uselessness and abandonment.

Additional elements (birds, nests, birdhouses) - some infantilism or optimism, cheerful, cheerful character.

Leaves, flowers, fruits on a tree - a good sense of reality, adequacy, good taste, vanity, the desire to gain recognition and approval from others.


Instructions : Take a close look at the form. You need to draw or complete a picture in each square. Some squares indicate what to draw (crocodile, elephant, signature), in the rest - draw what you want, what you think the image looks like.


1st square;

If a point is a semantic center, then such a person strives for maximum, full-fledged orientation, passing the world around him through his ideas and concepts.

If the point is not noticed, then the person in life does not notice what surrounds him, does not take into account many elements of the environment, his behavior proceeds outside the situation.

If the point is part of something, such people tend to take into account every element of the environment, but are extremely indecisive, they do not believe in their own strength, which leads to an active but passive orientation.

If the point is disguised, the person strives for maximum information in the environment, exaggerating its significance.

2nd square; Reveals aggressiveness... Direct symbols of aggression - open mouth, teeth, claws, large size of the picture. If the crocodile eats something, the presence of thorns is protection from others if it is attacked.

Brightly drawn eyes - increased susceptibility and suspicion. Tail - symbolizes rancor.

Hidden aggression: if the psychological characteristic does not correspond to the picture, if it is disguised, it is in thickets or floats in water.

If the drawing looks to the right - a look into the future, if to the left - to the past.

3rd square; Social group behavior... If the drawing goes beyond the square, this indicates a violation of the norms of behavior. Tusks - aggressive behavior in a group.

Ears - a direct interest in information, the importance of the opinion of others about oneself. Raised trunk - the desire to attract attention. Eyelashes - the presence of demonstrative traits in the character. A raised tail is a positive assessment of yourself, your actions in the group. Dropped tail - dissatisfaction with oneself.

Big elephant - striving for dominance in the group, the presence of leadership qualities.

If the drawing is located by the face - egocentrism of social interaction, behind - a disdainful attitude towards society.

If the square is somehow decorated, such people perceive the social environment as something frozen, their usual behavior is stereotyped.

4th square: Reveals the features of communication... If the painting is not in the center of the square, these people adhere to formalized and regulated communication.

In the upper part - the desire to emphasize your social status.

At the bottom - people adhere to strict social-role communication.

Sociable people put their painting in the middle of the square.

The presence of the initial letters of the name and patronymic is the desire for self-affirmation. If it rises up - high self-esteem.

5th square: Subjective perception of actions, attitude to reality.

If the drawing is divided in half or the contradictions are trying to unite - such people do not seek to unambiguously define the situation, they are not embarrassed by the existing contradictions, they perceive life as it is.

If contradictions are not noticed, this is an unformed approach to reality.

Subjective unification of contradictions - a person is drawn who sunbathes and sleeps - egocentrism in assessing reality.

6th square: Reveals actual vital information with the opposite sex.

If the image of water is mistaken for soil, it is associated with an emotionally sensitive experience of relationships, or with the problem of dissatisfaction.

The presence of birds - hopes and dreams.

Ship - the presence of an urgent problem (no ship, no urgent problem).

Additional details are of great importance to the household design of personal relationships.

7th square: Behavior in a conflict situation.

If an inclined figure is mistaken for a Christmas tree and a person cuts or saws it, the conflict situation is resolved with the help of aggression.

A lot of oblique figures are drawn - resolving a conflict situation by exacerbating it.

If an erect figure is drawn with an oblique row or it stabilizes, this is a rational solution to the situation.

If a rocket or a flock of cranes is made, people try to neutralize the conflict by displacing it from their consciousness.

Stumps, animals running away from the tree are a passive solution to a conflict situation.

If fireworks are made from a Christmas tree, it often explodes in a conflict situation.

8th square: Self-portrait.

Inanimate - a person does not know what he is.

Closed lines - a closed person. Strong pressure - high anxiety, weak lines - low energy level.

Method "Non-existent animal".

This technique is used to study the level of anxiety and self-esteem of a younger student.

The child is invited to draw a "Non-existent animal" and call it a non-existent name. The test is carried out in the form of an individual study. The drawing is done with a simple pencil on a standard sheet of white paper.


1. The position of the drawing on the sheet.

Normally, the pattern is located on the midline (vertical). The position of the picture closer to the upper edge of the sheet (the closer, the more pronounced) is interpreted as high self-esteem and dissatisfaction with their own position in society, lack of recognition from others. The tendency towards self-affirmation, recognition. The position of the picture at the bottom of the sheet is the opposite indicator: self-doubt, low self-esteem, depression, indecision, the need for recognition. Lack of a tendency towards self-affirmation.

2. The central semantic part of the figure (head, ears).

The head is turned to the right - a steady tendency towards reality. Almost everything that is pondered is planned - is being implemented or, at least, is beginning to be realized (although it is not being completed). A person is actively moving to the realization of his intentions. The head is turned to the left - a tendency towards reflection, reflection, only an insignificant part of the ideas is realized. Often this is fear, indecision, fear of active action (what exactly needs to be found out additionally). The "face" position (the head is directed at the painter) is interpreted as egocentrism.

To the eyes particular importance is attached. If the iris is especially sharply drawn, this is the experience of fear by a person. Pay attention to the presence of eyelashes. Eyelashes indicate a person's interest in admiration of others, as well as hysterical-demonstrative manners in his behavior.

Ears ... Direct meaning - interest in information, significance and opinion of others about themselves.

Open mouth without drawing the tongue and lips, especially the blackened one, is interpreted as the ease of the emergence of fears, fears, distrust. For anxious children and adolescents, a blackened rounded mouth is characteristic. An open mouth in combination with a tongue in the absence of lips is interpreted as a great speech activity, in combination with a drawn lip - sensuality. Mouth with teeth - verbal aggression, in most cases defensive. The increased (in relation to the figure as a whole) head size suggests that the subject appreciates the rational principle, and possibly erudition in himself and others.

On the head are often locatedadditional details: horns - protection; nails, bristles, needles - aggression.

Wings and feathers - a tendency towards self-adornment and self-justification.

Mane, fur, a semblance of a hairstyle - sensuality, emphasizing one's gender and sometimes orientation towards one's sexual role.

3. Bearing, supporting part of the figure (legs, paws, pedestal).

Lack of paws is seen as superficiality, unfounded judgments, frivolity in conclusions, sometimes impulsiveness in decision-making.

The variety of the position of these details is evidence of the independence of the creative principle.

4. Parts that rise above the level of the figure (wings, additional legs, tentacles, feathers, bows).

Parts that rise above the level of the figure are interpreted as self-confidence, curiosity, enthusiasm for their activities, courage. Wings, feathers, bows are an indicator of demonstrativeness, a tendency to attract attention.

Tails - express an attitude towards their own actions and deeds. A positive or negative assessment of one's actions is expressed by the directionality of the drawn tail. The tail is directed to the left - it is interpreted as thinking about a missed moment due to one's own indecision. A tail directed to the right is interpreted as thinking about one's actions, actions at the present time. A tail directed upwards is interpreted as confidence, a positive assessment of one's actions, deeds. Falling down - regret for what you have done, repentance.

5. The contour of the figure.

The contour of the figure, made in sharp corners, protrusions, thorns, shell - is interpreted as an aggressive defense from others.

Smearing the contour line of the figure - anxiety, fear. Lines are doubled, thorns are set, barriers - fear, suspicion. The upper contour is interpreted as protection against people who really have the ability to impose bans, restrictions, i.e. older people: parents, teachers, leaders.

The lower contour is a protest against ridicule, fear of condemnation.

Lateral - readiness for defense and self-defense.

The name can snatch a rational combination of semantic parts (flying hare, running around). Another variant of word formation with a book-scientific, sometimes Latin suffix ending (servolepius, napleomalaria). The first name is interpreted as rationality. The second is demonstrativeness aimed at demonstrating one's own intelligence, erudition. There are superficial-sound names without any comprehension (glitter, lamyu), which are interpreted as a frivolous attitude towards the environment. There are ironic and humorous names (rhinopen, bubbles). Infantile names usually have repeated elements (tru-tru). The tendency to fantasize (most often of a defensive nature) is usually expressed by prohibitively long names.

Method "Three Trees" (E. Klessmann)

The child is invited to draw three trees of any kind on one horizontally located sheet of paper, and then compare them with members of his family.

When comparing trees to family members, children usually choose themselves and their parents. But sometimes it can be a brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, or any other person, for example, a neighbor. In this case, in the subsequent conversation, it is important to ask the child why he chose these particular "family members" and pushed others out.

A conflict in relations with parents or with one of the parents can be expressed in the fact that the child is not happy with how he drew one of the trees and crosses it out.
If a child, contrary to the instructions, draws only two trees, this indicates a violation of interaction in the family with a third object - the father, or even a complete absence of triangulatory relations.

The general depressive background of mood and depression is manifested in the figure in the fact that black clouds are hanging and it is raining. Inhibition and inertia in the course of mental processes are manifested in the fact that the child draws very slowly. In the picture, "frozenness" symbolizes the snow under the trees.

Instructions on the test "three trees" assumes that during the preliminary conversation the child is asked about the composition of his family, what is his name, how old whom, who work or where family members study, what apartment and who lives in what room. After that, the psychologist asks the child to draw "any three trees" on a standard A4 sheet of paper, which is located horizontally. While the child is drawing, the psychologist, if necessary, can talk in the next room with the parents alone.

When the drawing is ready, the psychologist praises the child and his drawing. Then the child names each tree and signs its name with the colored pencil that best suits the given tree. The analysis of the picture includes the interpretation of the main color background of the image, the color of its individual elements, the color of the inscription.

It is known that color reflects various emotional states of a person. Moreover, the same color can simultaneously cause many different, often opposite experiences. The symbolism of color is determined simultaneously by many factors - both inherited and formed during life. At the same time, any event can influence the formation of a symbol, starting with intrauterine development, the characteristics of the course of pregnancy in the mother, childbirth, development in infancy, the characteristics of potty training, the time of attending kindergarten, etc., up to the current situation, in which the patient is now.


love, passion, erotic beginning, inspiration


Aggression, hatred, danger

intelligence, discipline, order, loyalty


Madness, irrationality

Openness, activity, freedom, fame, strength


jealousy, envy, greed, deceit, mania, delirium

Personality maturity, joy, energy, strength


displaces other colors, passion of struggle and war

vital principle, growth, hope


poison, disease, immaturity

Balance, mysticism, witchcraft
confidential knowledge, repentance


inner anxiety, anxiety, renunciation,

Motherhood, fertility, earth


Dirt, pus, feces

Dignity, solemnity


Death, mourning, sin

Purity, harmony


Ghost, mourning


Ambiguity, fog, depression

After the child has named and labeled the trees, he is asked to choose the tree he “likes best”. The psychologist asks the child for permission to sign on his drawing that he likes the tree he has chosen best. Then the child answers the following questions from the psychologist:

What is the largest tree? - Which tree is the smallest? - Which tree is the youngest?

Which tree is the oldest? - Which tree is the most beautiful?

The psychologist, with the child's permission, signs all the characteristics of the trees under the corresponding tree in the figure.

As the next task, the psychologist invites the child to imagine himself as a gardener or gardener. Children should answer the question: "What could be done for each tree?" If necessary, alternative answers are offered: water, fertilize, give more heat, more light, transplant, fence. The following answer is sure to be spoken out: "And some trees do not need anything at all. They feel good anyway." The psychologist, with the child's permission, writes down everything he needs under each tree.

Before asking the child to compare the drawn and described trees with his family members, the psychologist suggests some kind of interfering task in order to avoid direct comparisons and associations of the discussed properties of trees with the characteristics of family members. For example, a child might be asked to rank objects in school up the stairs of a kind of ladder - from the most pleasant to the most unpleasant. Or a psychologist can do some kind of test. Only then is the child asked to compare each tree with his family members. When the child does this, he is asked to write on the drawing near each tree with which he could compare it. At the same time, for each family member, the child selects a color suitable for this person.

The art of interpreting drawing tests requires familiarity with a large number of different options for completing tasks.
To successfully carry out psychological diagnostics using Russian methods, it is not enough to know the value of certain test indicators. It is also necessary to possess the general logic of analysis, which allows considering these indicators in their interrelationships. Otherwise, instead of a holistic picture, we will get a haphazard set of psychological characteristics. For example, such evaluation criteria are given as: "Eyes bulging - rudeness, callousness ... Eyebrows are rare, short - contempt, sophistication." However, the indicators taken into account when interpreting the drawing tests are not unambiguous. So, bulging eyes can appear in a drawing not only due to rudeness, callousness, but also as a symptom of fears or as a manifestation of suspicious attitude towards others. Very often the same sign can be interpreted in two, three or four different ways, depending on what other signs it is combined with.

Everyone has a desire to understand themselves from time to time: it happens that something goes wrong at work or in the family, there is a constant feeling of dissatisfaction inside, and, waking up in the morning, the first thing you want to do is change something. The best thing to do in this situation is to listen to your inner voice and try to find yourself.

Often psychological drawing tests help to know yourself better than a qualified specialist! The visual test that you are about to pass will send you straight to your own subconscious: answer quickly and get the most truthful result.

"So simple!" invites you to look at the image above and immediately answer what caught your eye first. In the meantime, we will try to look into your subconscious. Are you ready?

Psychological tests on drawings

  1. Man and woman
    If the first thing that catches your eye is the man and woman in the foreground, you are the one whose energy moves tirelessly forward and the mind acts immediately. Powerful, bright, fiery energy seethes inside you, and you are ready to plunge into your favorite business. Your desires are strong and your passions are violent.

    You know perfectly well what you want, and you confidently go towards your goal. When you are happy, you literally shine with warmth, but remember: everything should be in moderation. To balance the seething energy within, give yourself mental and physical rest, change your surroundings more often, enjoy soothing aromas, practice meditation and find time for walks in the fresh air.

    © DepositPhotos

  2. Face
    If the first thing you saw in the painting was a face, your appearance hides an emotional, dreamy and artistic nature. Your character traits are especially vividly manifested in moments of strong emotional shock, immeasurable happiness and love. You are characterized by a calm and harmonious lifestyle, lovingness and a positive type of thinking.

    You easily make friends and quickly find a common language with people of a very different nature, and your fragile nature is as easy to hurt as it is to charm. Perhaps loved ones wonder why you are so calm and at times careless when everyone around you does not find a place for themselves, but you were simply lucky to be born with such an enviable character.

    © DepositPhotos

  3. The figure in the foreground
    We are sure that you are a focused, intelligent and extremely curious person, because you were the first to see the barely noticeable figure in the foreground of the picture. You are often thoughtful and silent, but at the same time you have a special love for all kinds of disputes and debates, because you are one hundred percent sure of your own righteousness. Asking questions and finding answers to them just as quickly is something you can do endlessly.

    Your bright head keeps many outstanding ideas that you happily share with others. Overall, you are an excellent organizer and goal-oriented leader, but your stubbornness and overconfidence can be overwhelming. To keep energy in a healthy balance, communicate only with benevolent people, learn to manage a hot temper and avoid aggressive situations.

    © DepositPhotos

Of course, only a certified psychologist can conduct professional personality tests and interpret their results, and our home subconscious test- just a way to once again understand yourself without outside interference. Spend 5 minutes and look into the depths of your own consciousness - you are sure

To pass this test and find out everything about yourself, you do not need to add, subtract and painfully remember something. It is enough to take a pen of paper and a piece of pencil and start drawing.

Boleslav Guppka

Something for a long time you have not been engaged in self-digging with us. Therefore, we have found for you a psychological test that is simple to perform, but very effective in terms of the results obtained. Pass it - and such secrets of your "I" will open before you that you will want to destroy all our servers out of harm's way.

So, first of all, you have to scatter and bang your head against the wall (preferably on the corner) with all the foolishness. Now let's count the points. Stop! We got it a little confused. This is a completely different test.

For today's test, you will need a pencil and A4 paper.

Got it?

Now draw an animal that definitely does not exist anywhere in the world, even in Australia and Pripyat.

The main condition: avoid ready-made templates, your animal must be absolutely unprecedented. You can not draw any incredible characters already invented by someone else (Cheburashka), or those creatures that you love to draw since school (five-armed sparrow). Draw a beast that is completely new to our world.

And do not forget to call her the same new name for this dimension.

Draw in silence, without witnesses.

Draw! What are you waiting for? For the purity of the experiment, you do not need to know any more details about this test. To make it easier for you to break away from reading and start drawing, we will fill in the next couple of lines with some nonsense. Piu-piu-piu! Brim-dy-smoke! Whoo-whoo! Zhzhzhzhzhzhzh. Blup-blup-blup! Let's draw already! Wzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Plop-plop-plop!

Projection spotlight

It's time to explain what you just did.

The psychodiagnostic test "Drawing of a nonexistent animal" belongs to a very numerous group of projective techniques ("Rorschach Spots", for example, from the same opera). Perhaps you will take some pride if you learn that the author of the "animal" test was not some Viennese psychoanalyst, but psychologist Maya Dukarevich, who developed this technique in the last century in the wilds of the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian.

“The projective technique assumes that the peculiarities of your personality are, as it were, projected onto everything that you do, say or, as in this case, draw,” explains the psychologist-consultant, specialist in self-attitude, candidate of psychological sciences Tatyana Sviridova.

When you draw without relying on ready-made templates (after all, you did, right?), Your personality characteristics begin to crawl out of you onto paper and leave marks in every squiggle.

The brain follows the path of least resistance, and it is easiest for it to project onto a sheet of itself.

This is the (very, very short) theory.

Now, when we begin to analyze the drawing point by point, looking for your conscious and unconscious ideas about yourself in it, you will either agree (“Yes, I am just that!”), Or go into deep unconsciousness (“Nonsense!”). Both are indicators that the test is working. In the second case, rejection is the result of the work of defense mechanisms, since, while drawing, you tried to hide a lot from yourself. (Alas, but nothing can be done: you are just a platypus raised by a human family.) This, of course, does not mean the infallibility of the method. "A lot of factors can affect the result, from fatigue to the length and sharpness of the pencil." Be that as it may, the possible deviations are not critical and, in general, the test gives a rather hefty hit in your personality traits.

Let's get started!

Positioning the picture on the page

In an ideal world, an ideal person who accepts himself as he is would draw his unknown animal in the center along the middle line of the sheet.

Congratulate yourself if you are just such a perfect individual.

“The closer the animal is to the upper edge, the higher your self-esteem,” our consultant hastens to please you. You may be that good, but it also shows dissatisfaction with your current situation. In addition, you lack the recognition of others, and, having climbed higher, you betrayed your desire to please everyone (for this, you do your best to comply with the norms accepted in your circle).

If your drawing is located at the bottom, you are not too confident and indecisive. It looks like you've already come to terms with your fate. However, perhaps the whole thing is in ordinary fatigue or in the handcuffs with which you are fastened to the radiator in this dark basement.

Having dealt with the top and bottom, let's move on to other coordinates. According to Carl Jung and the collective unconscious, then:

the left side of the sheet means the past; the right one is the future; and the middle is the present.

Left? You are prone to introspection and reflection. You tend to replay an old conversation in your head for a long time and come up with new witty remarks that you didn’t think of right away (“How could I not have thought to tell the hooligans not to beat me ?!”). You are not a person of deeds, but of intentions.

Is your amoeba head looking to the right? Good sign! You not only plan something, but you always start to implement it.

The animal that does not take your eyes off you, which you portrayed in full face, speaks of egocentrism. This can be interpreted in such a way that you are a contact person, easily making acquaintances.

“You should also pay attention to which side the whole figure is more displaced,” says Tatiana.

In the drawing of a cheerful, healthy, successful person (such people usually live in bank advertisements), the animal should be evenly spaced in all three times and directed from the past to the future.

If the pattern is pressed against the left side- Perhaps this is due to a negative experience received in childhood, which still reverberates (the divorce of parents or meatballs, which a singing teacher threw to you in the second grade by the collar). Or maybe recent events again reminded you of an old experience and moved the beast to the left.

A strong shift to the right can be interpreted as a defensive reaction. You are running from the present (or all of the same past) to the future. You live with hope for tomorrow. However, if tomorrow is Saturday, you can be understood.

General impression

Non-existent animals, like those existing on the Animal Planet channel, are divided into those who:

threatens the rest(for example, something toothy); who is everyone threatening(something hare-like); who has not decided yet(saber-toothed hippo).

Whoever you choose as your totem is a reflection of how you see yourself in this world. You are an insect or an elephant - make a conclusion yourself.

If your specimen is wearing human clothing or is too anthropomorphic(while she does not need to resemble a humanoid, it is enough just to be upright), then you, baby, are emotionally immature and infantile.

Our expert is almost one hundred percent sure that the genitals of your beast, you, being a normal person, will not draw("This is characteristic only of young children who are not yet sufficiently aware of the norms"). Otherwise, you are not entirely healthy, the control functions are weakened. Even the banal udder (image of a woman's breast) in your owl betrays your unhealthy fixation on sex.

Dimensions and proportions

Medium drawing, looking harmoniously on the page (it can be clumsy, but organically fit into the sheet), indicates a positive attitude towards the world and yourself.

Too big animal- narcissism. Alternatively, a hefty creature may appear as a defense mechanism for the personality. “Very large animals are most often drawn by preschoolers. Children put their inflated self-esteem into drawings of huge animals, ”explains Tatiana. Also, your gigantomania may be triggered by a reaction to recent stress.

Small thing at the bottom of the page- a sign of mental problems. This is unlikely to apply to you, but keep in mind: nanoanimals are usually drawn by schizophrenics and other people with an interesting brain structure. So that tiny winged booger *, somehow drawn by Carlson, alas, makes you look at his actions in a new light.

* Note by Phacochoerus "a Funtika: « A very lonely rooster ", watercolor, 1955. Exhibited at the Stockholm Museum of Modern Art »

“In addition, mentally ill people are schematic and sophisticated in their interpretation of the drawing,” added our consultant. To our question, how can a drawing be both schematic and sophisticated at the same time, Tatiana gave an example: "A man draws a stick with legs and says that it is Emperor Paul." Um, but the wand with legs really looks like Paul!

Needles, horns, carapace - in general, everything that serves as protection for the animal can be replaced in the drawing with just a careful contour drawn several times.

Therefore, immediately note for yourself: even if your creation is at first glance defenseless in front of the world, this is not at all the case if some lines and protrusions are thicker than others.

The most important thing is which side of your beast is armor.

If the shell covers the animal from above, you defend yourself against those in relation to whom you are in a subordinate position. This can be bosses, government agencies, or just parents.

If the bottom of the beast is closed, you are afraid of those whom you consider your equal, or those who are even weaker than you. That is, you fear for your authority.

Side armor shows your readiness for self-defense in any life situation. “At the same time,” Tatiana emphasizes, “the drawing of the lines on the right indicates that you value your taste, preferences and beliefs very much and are ready to fight for them.” (By the way, although we disagree with your convictions, we are ready to sign a collective letter somewhere for your right to express them.)

If any of the details is highlighted by the thoroughness of the drawing or by stronger pressure of the pencil (the lines are visible on the back of the sheet), this signals your alarm.
Unfortunately, you can only give an explanation of why you have drawn something more thoroughly than anything else.
There can be as many interpretations as you like.
For example, in an animal, anxiety is localized in the legs. If you rely on the interpretation of the images of the collective unconscious, it turns out that you are not sure of yourself. But maybe you just walked a lot today. So we leave you alone to fight over the interpretation of the riddle of why you broke through the paper, drawing a hump for a marsupial partridge.

Legs are another mirror of the soul. The drawn legs show self-confidence, thoughtfulness of decisions. If the animal has no legs at all or they are very frail, this emphasizes the impulsive character of the person who painted and his frivolity. (NB! A powerful pedestal painted under seemingly weak legs plays the role of missing strong legs. After all, it is this pedestal that serves as a support for the figure.)

It is also important how the legs connect to the torso. What this connection is, so is your control over words and decisions. The legs are poorly or not at all attached to the body - you do not pay too much attention to the accuracy of your words, you do not attach much importance to your own speeches. The legs are well attached to the body - your judgments are balanced and at least convincing for you.

Now study the shape of the legs. If both legs are on the same face (lines, size, bend are exactly repeated), you are a conformist, and your creative solutions do not shine with novelty and fiction. But if the lower limbs of your animal are different (one leg is brought up for a kick, and the other your cattle scratches the third), you are our person. You are independent in your judgments and generally creative. Hand, comrade!

By the way, if we are talking about creativity: people with clichéd thinking use ready-made templates (fish, pig, bird). A cow with wings is unoriginal, it is just a formal combination of two blanks - a cow and a bird. And in general, this is not a non-existent animal, but an ordinary skliss!
The more elements and the more unexpected their combinations, the higher your creativity and vitality in general.

If you have drawn a headless pendelpop, skip this step. But if your creation has any kind of muzzle, you will have to analyze it.

Big head shows that the painter attaches particular importance to erudition and, in general, to the rational principle, both in himself and in those around him.

Eye-catching ears- a sign that it is important for you to know how others treat you. Plus, this is an indicator of your interest in the world, in the information that you draw from it.

Mouth. Open, and even with a tongue, cries out for your talkativeness. The contoured lips betray sensuality (sorry if that sounds like a quote from an astrology textbook). Toothy mouths are drawn by people prone to verbal aggression. Moreover, this aggression is often defensive in nature (you snarl, scold everyone and everything). If the mouth in the picture is open, but neither the tongue, nor the teeth, nor the Tari bird are visible there, there is an opinion that you are suspicious and always afraid of something.

Although the nose is a phallic symbol, it does not carry much additional information in the drawings of men. But if you analyze a drawing of a girl, in which the animal will have a particularly long or too drawn schnobel, feel free to assume that she is sexually dissatisfied.

Eyes. The emphasis on the pupil (for example, strong shading) indicates that you are now in anxiety. You are clearly afraid of something. Painted eyelashes? Oh no no no! You attach too much importance to your appearance. It is not appropriate for men to draw eyelashes at all.

In the drawings made by girls, eyelashes in many cases mean a hysterical-demonstrative demeanor.
“This is the manipulation of the feelings of other people for their own purposes,” Ms. Sviridova translates the dark term into understandable language. Don't be in a hurry to gloat. Hysteroid-demonstrative demeanor is also found in men. We hope this is not your case, but if ... In short, here's a gun for you - you know what to do with it. (A muffled shot is heard by the door, followed by the thump of a falling body.)

Well, we got to the top of the head. Hair (mane, dreadlocks, bald patches) most often simply corresponds to the sex of the artist. Although in some cases, a characteristic hairstyle may indicate sexual orientation. Horns and other stabbing growths indicate aggression. But whether it serves as a protection from others or to attack them, you yourself will say more precisely. A harmless feather or tuft is interpreted as a desire to stand out.

Any non-functional, but purely decorative details that go beyond the drawn figure - such as lush feathers, tassels on the tails and curls - indicate some unnatural behavior and a desire to attract attention.

We won't be surprised if your car, tattooed on the back, is airbrushed with a tiger that was swallowed by a dragon.

The presence of seemingly superfluous, but still practical limbs(tentacles, spare legs, wings, proboscis) - an indicator that you want to cover (and maybe cover) many areas of activity at once. All these appendages are your many hobbies, or just your many-time job at work. Or it means the same thing, but with a minus sign: you often meddle in not your own business, interfere with those around you with your omniscience.

The tail is what goes after you. Your deeds, your intentions, your words. Here again the timeline will come in handy (if you go to the left, you will get into the past, etc.). Follow where the tail is pointing. To the right - you have some important plans for the future, to the left - you still remember and analyze past actions. To figure out whether these future or past affairs of yours evoke positive or negative feelings, pay attention to whether the tail is looking up or down. The tail is upright - you are either proud of something you have done, or anticipate future victories. A fallen tail - fear of the future and regret of the past.

Among other things, the tail, who would doubt it, is a phallic symbol.
Therefore, the direction (up and down) can be just a momentary indicator of your potency. Nothing, nothing, it happens to every man.

In rare cases, an inquisitive eye will find inanimate details in the body of the beast.(wheels, batteries, propellers, USB inputs). Such additions appear either from a great mind (the draftsman uses all his imagination, trying to invent a non-existent animal), or, conversely, from a damaged mind - in patients with schizophrenia.

The details that your animal does not have are also important.
No legs - you are not sure of yourself (see the meaning of the lower limbs). There are no arms or tentacles - you do not influence the world, but prefer to passively wait for something to happen.


If you carefully read the task and gave your nonexistent animal an unprecedented name, and not just called it, as usual, Vitaly Sergeevich, you will probably find among these options a name that is somewhat similar to yours.

Rational combination of two or more semantic parts: elephant, creeping horse, dog eater. Shows practicality, rationality of thinking, strict adherence to the task, the desire to comply with the norms.

Pseudoscientific name: Latinoimenius, East European burdock goatloader. Shows that you are proud of your erudition and erudition. And in general you do not consider yourself a fool.

A meaningless set of sounds: blues, hivoramira, vlyau. It is typical for a frivolous person who does not think about the consequences of his actions. In addition, such a kululyau can emphasize that for the one who invented this name, the aesthetic element is more important than the rational one.

Funny name: scarecrow, popentia. An indicator of your ironic and condescending attitude towards miserable others.

Repetitive sounds: flu-flu, visa-visa, jum-jum. Infantilism. Sorry, but we didn't come up with this idea.

Too long name: zeelofukiropotestoral, colibarnofurukazu. It is typical for those who like to fantasize and soar in the clouds.

Finishing touch

Now that you have figured out all the ins and outs about yourself and are sitting over a picture dripped with tears, try to recoup your friends. Of course, practice is necessary to improve your skill.

“The more of your drawings you analyze, the easier it will be later to analyze the drawings of others”,- promised our expert, and then spoke in the sense that you should beware of unambiguously approaching the interpretation of fictional animals. All of the above is only a basis and cannot explain all the cheek pouches and tentacles. Trust your intuition. If it seems to you that the Hitler's antennae of the mountain penguin, which your girlfriend painted, means her secret desire to have threesome sex, then most likely it is.

Psychological color and drawing tests for adults and children Shevchenko Margarita Aleksandrovna

Test "Elephant"

Test "Elephant"

The test allows you to assess the physical, moral, emotional state of a person. It is mainly used for adults or children over 12 years old.


Provide the subject with a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and ask him to draw (and, if desired, color) an elephant.

As, drawing a tree, a person applies it to his life, so drawing an elephant, he draws himself, his problems and his vision of life.

Interpreting the drawing of an elephant

The elephant has a rounded head; in general, there are many roundness in the drawing itself. Roundness indicates the presence of the energies of the feminine principle - this is softness, kindness.

Large, upturned tusks indicate the ability and willingness to stand up for oneself.

If the tusks, although drawn, are small and not lifted up, this indicates the non-aggressiveness of the artist.

If the elephant has well-drawn ears, eyes, mouth, the tip of the trunk, everything that is connected with the senses, then the person who painted it is sensitive enough to life, knows how to see and hear it.

The ears are drawn in a calm state, which is important for the conclusion about an even or nervous character. If the elephant's ears are raised up, it is possible that the author of the drawing is constantly alarmed, expecting tricks and troubles from life.

If an elephant is drawn with raised ears, raised tusks, an extended tail and a raised trunk, the person has excessive nervousness and aggressiveness. He needs to be reassured, instilled in him the idea that the world is not always a jungle and it is hardly worth being unnecessarily mobilized.

The sense organs, although written out, are done somewhat carelessly, the trunk is somehow drawn. This is a sure sign that a person is not neat, not careful, does not pay special attention to the quality of life, does not see little in it.

Where the elephant's head passes into the body, we see a notch. If it is clearly written out, it means that the person who painted is vulnerable, he would like to forget about many things in life.

All four legs are the same length. This means that a person is quite stable in life, he is used to relying mainly on himself and feels confident and stable.

The tail and trunk are pulled down. In principle, this indicates a thoughtful, sad, unstable character. But if, along with this, there were a lot of all roundness and enthusiasm in the drawing, one could assume that the author is prone to frequent mood swings.

Analysis of drawings

Love, 40 years old

After one important event had passed safely, and the woman received a reward and flowers, I asked her to draw an elephant. Love with a smile on her face, in a good mood, began to draw, while saying that she loves elephants very much. The elephant turned out to be very positive, with a raised trunk, holding a flower, and a raised tail. And what else could it have turned out if the woman was experiencing the same positive emotions at the moment (see the color tab, Fig. 9)?

Tatiana, 23 years old

The girl is not married, but she is dating a guy.

He worries that somehow their relationship is not going well, and blames himself for this, or rather, his character. What did her drawing of an elephant, which she drew, tell? The elephant turned out to be something like a girl, he has a clearly calm and even character without a shadow of aggression (tusks, tail and trunk are lowered down), with well-traced senses, and this suggests that the girl can feel life well enough. All four legs are of the same length, which only complements its good qualities, namely, the elephant moves confidently through life. And why doubt yourself and your character (see color tab, Fig. 10).

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