Rose Tibet encyclopedia of roses. Rose spray the best varieties. The best varieties of rose spray

At the dawn of life summer garden, the most long-awaited and captivating blossoms roses Tibet (Tibet). The elegance of the rose seems to lie in the purity of color and its tranquility, which is why the manufacturer emphasized all these characteristics by calling it such a remarkable and mysterious name Tibet.

One by one, the large buds open up in charming snow-white flowers, which always look neat, as they do not expose the core. Each flower has from 20 to 35 petals, slightly creamy at the base. The beauty of the flowers is enhanced by the dark green foliage that fills the almost 140 cm bush. hybrid tea rose Tibet indescribable, some gardeners note the similarity of the smell with exotic fruit avocado.

Rose Tibet it is amazing when cut, it stands for a long time without losing its attractiveness, and its stems are practically thornless, which simplifies the work of the florist. Exceptional and at the same time simple White color, allows you to use this rose in any color scheme presented in your flower garden.

Root system of Tibet rose seedling (Tibet) To be sent to the customer, it is packaged in an individual package of peat mixture, wrapped in film, so your seedling will arrive alive and full of energy.

Buy rose seedlings Tibet (Tibet) You can click the “Add to Cart” button and place your order.

Type of packaging: Rose roots are packed in a moist nutrient substrate, tightly wrapped in film and have a label indicating the variety. The permissible shelf life in packaging without loss of quality, subject to storage conditions, is up to 3 months. Orders with rose seedlings are sent during the autumn and spring planting seasons (shipping restrictions in accordance with climatic zone customer).

Second novel Lionel Davidson Rose of Tibet (The Rose of Tibet, 1962) written in imitation of the novel by Henry Rider Haggard Ayesha: Her return (Ayesha: The Return of She, 1905). In Haggard's novel, a certain Ludwig Horace Holly tells the story of a journey through the mysterious Tibet. In Davidson's novel main character and narrator Charles Houston ( Charles Houston), like the hero of Haggard's novel, also travels through Tibet, and this journey is accompanied by a number of mysterious adventures.

The heroes of Haggard and Davidson, telling their stories, do not doubt their authenticity. But if Haggard's reader perceives the story more as a legend, then Davidson made every effort to make his story seem true. Mystical and incredible story ringed with a number of realistic features, for example, ancient map indicating the location of the entrance to the secret area. The plot of the novel revolves around the search for a missing brother, and then the investigation into his murder. The body was found on the territory of a closed Tibetan monastery, whose abbess, according to legend, is a reincarnated devil. During his search, Charles falls into a trap, he is overcome by the desire to escape, but loyalty to his family duty stronger than fear. This episode is reminiscent of the experiences of Nicholas Whistler, trying to break through the continuous cordon of Czech counterintelligence surrounding the British embassy in Prague, in order not to let Nicholas into Britain from Davidson's first novel Night of St. Wenceslas.

Rose of Tibet - a very unusual novel, filled with many strange events that repeatedly surprise the reader. Unlike the demonic heroine, who uses hidden powers to impose superstitious worship of her power, Davidson never forces the reader to accept descriptions of miracles on faith; he always has an explanation for the most incredible events. The author used many sources, historical and artistic, to create exotic descriptions. This novel was sincerely admired by Graham Greene, who said, I realized how many true adventure stories I had missed until I read Rose of Tibet and Daphne du Maurier, who stated that while reading it you feel all the emotions of the novel King Solomon's Mines.

The novel combines the incongruous: ancient prophecies and impulsive impulses, treasure and the invasion of the Chinese Red Army. The first part of the novel consists of brutal scenes: murder, rape, scenes of torture. Davidson achieves an amazing paradox when the cruelty of the description, passing into a person’s consciousness, reaches a point of almost unbearable melancholy, after which true liberation from anxiety occurs. Descriptions of Tibetans are full superstitions and the dependence of these primitive peoples on diviners who use this for their own benefit. Chinese invaders loom with callous cruelty, destroying centuries-old culture.

But returning to the writer, we should only add that the author’s genius is embodied in an absolutely charming plot, which is similar to a legend, but which one really wants to believe, since the author managed to achieve the effect of truthfulness and documentary accuracy of this incredible story.

The Vyatka roses we sell can grow without problems in any zone of the country under different climatic conditions. Our task is to grow seedlings that will delight you with pleasant flowering and excellent growth, while requiring you to spend a minimum of time and effort when growing them.

When you contact us, you will always receive professional care assistance and proper cultivation all our seedlings from a garden specialist (16 years of experience in growing roses). All planting material roses can be bought in the online store and received in your locality at any post office. The rose seedlings you purchased will be sent to you by mail.

We have been growing and propagating seedlings of roses and other plants for a long time. During this time we have grown a large number different varieties roses, each unique and beautiful in its own way. In the harsh northern winters it is very difficult to preserve rose seedlings, so only those rose seedlings that can withstand such unfavorable natural conditions grow and reproduce in our country.

Each of our plants survived at least one winter in such conditions, despite the fact that not every small seedling remains alive when spring arrives. Therefore, our next advantage is the very high survival rate and hardiness of roses. You get Vyatka roses that can survive in natural habitats. Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please beautiful color and excellent endurance.

Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please you with their beautiful color and excellent hardiness. Today, with joy and love, we grow over 100 types of roses different types- hybrid tea, park, ground cover, climbing (climbing), English, sprays.

Spray roses are relative a new group roses Appeared this group only in the second half of the 20th century and has already become a favorite among flower growers from all over the world. They are also called. What are spray and patio roses?

The spray group separated from the floribunda rose group. They are represented by low compact bushes. Average height- about 50 cm. Although they can grow up to 90 cm. About 15 buds can open on one branch. The flowers themselves can be either large or not very large. The diameter of the flowers is from 4 to 7 centimeters. Because of large quantity flowers on one bush rose spray is called rose spray.

Spray roses combine best qualities: long and abundant flowering, unpretentiousness to living conditions and endurance. They can also be grown in middle lane Russia at the expense good frost resistance.

There are not many thorns on the stems, or they may be completely absent. If the flowers are trimmed correctly, you can get long and continuous flowering - with the onset of warmth and until the first frost.

Culture is actively used in landscape design. They are grown in containers and also along paths.

The flowers have a light pleasant aroma.

In the title photo is the Evelyn variety.


As a result of breeding work, a huge variety of varietal varieties was developed. In this regard, spray roses with flowers appeared different colors, shapes and sizes. Varietal species spray roses differ in the size of the bushes and the colors of the flower. There are red, pink, white, yellow, orange colors and their shades.

Pink and cream

Lovely Lidia- This is a sample of spray rose. The variety appeared at the end of the 20th century in Holland. The height of the bush does not exceed 70 cm. It grows up to 50 cm in width. The flowers have a bright pink color, shimmering from bright crimson to soft pink. A bloomed flower may have a dark-colored core. The diameter of the flower is about 4 cm. Love Lydia is distinguished by long-lasting and continuous flowering. The variety is resistant to frost and disease. Lydia is effective for container plantings, in the foreground of flower beds, and also for bouquets.

Lovely Lydia

Yana- decorative varietal variety. The bushes are compact. Height - up to 60 cm. Flowering is long and abundant. The diameter of the delicate cream flowers is up to 6 cm. The aroma is pleasant, subtle. Can be used to decorate borders and alleys.

Mimi Eden- an incredibly elegant spray rose with densely double two-tone flowers. The inside of the petals are pale pink, and the outside is almost snow-white. The flowers are small, there are about 10 of them on one stem. Blooms from early summer until the first frost. The bush grows up to 85 cm, and grows in width up to 1 meter. Mimi Eden will decorate absolutely any flower garden due to its unique sophistication.

Mini Eden is another variant of spelling the name of the variety.

Barbados- Dutch spray rose with pink flowers of quite large sizes. The bush grows up to 70 cm. The aroma is not pronounced. Barbados is frost-resistant. It can be used to decorate borders, and will create a unique accent in landscape compositions.


Deep water- original plenty flowering bush with double flowers of medium and fairly large sizes. The inside of the petals are soft pink, while the outer petals are lilac with hints of red. Deep water is used to decorate gardens and also to create bouquets.

Deep water

Hiho spray- a rose with deep pink double flowers. Their size is average. Up to 20 flowers are collected from an inflorescence. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. The aroma is almost not noticeable. The bush can reach a height of up to 1 meter. Due to its bright color, this varietal variety will become wonderful decoration flower garden

Evelyn- a low (about 60 cm) plant with soft pink, densely double flowers. You saw her in the title photo. When they bloom, the flowers have an apricot color, and as they open they become pink shades. In hot weather, the color becomes more saturated, but in the sun the petals can fade to white. Flowering is abundant and long lasting.

Grace- another spectacular spray rose, blooming pink large flowers. The bush can grow up to 80 cm. It has a pleasant, light aroma. The variety is often used for making bouquets. When cut, plants last a long time.

Lancome- spray rose with dense, bright pink flowers. The bushes grow up to 60 cm. The variety is characterized by long and abundant flowering, resistance to frost and pests.

Bonica- a romantic varietal variety up to 100 cm tall. The color of the double flowers is soft pink. Diameter 6 cm. The brushes can contain up to 15 buds. The aroma is barely noticeable. The crop blooms profusely even until frost. The variety is frost-resistant.

Satin- an amazingly beautiful plant with two-color flowers (diameter up to 8 cm). The color is bright pink with cream spots. The height of the bush is no more than 70 cm. The aroma is pleasant, subtle. The variety is resistant to frost and rain. Rarely gets sick.

Lidelaike- a spectacular bush no more than 60 cm high. Double flowers are bright pink, almost white closer to the center, look very beautiful against the background of dark green foliage.


Pink Intuition- another original plant. The flowers have a marbled tint, with bright pink streaks on the petals. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. The smell is fruity, weak.

Pink Intuition

Jessica- an elegant, profusely flowering variety. The flowers have a soft pink color, the edges of the petals have a brighter pink tint. Often used to create bouquets.


Victoria- decorative variety with double salmon-pink flowers. The bush grows up to 60 cm in width and height. Victoria is suitable for creating bouquets and for growing in the foreground of flower beds.


Glorius- an ornamental bush with double bright crimson flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm. Flowering is abundant and long-lasting. The aroma is pleasant, weak. Glorius was bred in Holland.

Little Dream- a profusely flowering variety. The bush grows up to 60 cm. It blooms with cream flowers with a pink tint. Little Dream is resistant to frost and disease. It is decorative and elegant.

Little Dream

Yellow and orange

Mandarin- another popular variety. The bush has a height of up to 60 cm. About 5 medium-sized (about 4 cm in diameter) flowers open on one stem. They have a tangerine or orange color. Closer to the center the shades are lighter, and the edges of the petals are richer. orange. The varietal variety is very impressive, so it is actively used to decorate gardens.


Sphinx- spray rose about 60 cm high. The flowers have enough large in size and rich yellow color. They have a pleasant, faint aroma. Flowering is long lasting. The variety is resistant to frost and disease.

Fire Flash- another spectacular varietal variety. It is called a flash of flame due to its bright and abundant flowering. The height of the bush is no more than 60 cm. The flower is bright yellow with orange strokes on the petals. Diameter - no more than 4 cm. This is a very elegant variety that will decorate any flower garden or bouquet arrangement.

Fire flash

Kelly- incredibly beautiful spray rose. There are about 10 buds on stems about 70 cm high. The flower is orange with a salmon tint. The diameter can reach 7 cm. The variety is best grown in light partial shade, as the color fades in the sun. Kelly is frost-resistant and can rarely be affected by pests. The effectiveness of the variety allows it to be grown in containers, flower beds, and along paths.

Summer- a variety with lemon flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. There can be up to 5 buds on one stem. Flowering is long lasting. Summer is resistant to frost and disease.

Samba- a spectacular spray rose no more than 60 cm high. The flowers are medium-sized, double. The color is yellow, the petals have a wide red border. The variety is frost-resistant and resistant to pests and diseases. Flowering lasts throughout the season.

Hit- rose spray with double flowers small flowers. The inner petals are yellow, and the outer petals are pinkish. The bush itself is short, no more than 40 cm.

Clementine- one of the most popular varieties. When flowers bloom, they have a pinkish tint, then acquire a peach or tangerine color. In addition, citrus notes can be detected in the aroma. The diameter of the flowers is about 5 cm. There are about 5 of them on one stem. The height of the bush is up to 60 cm. The variety is resistant to frost and disease.


Macarena- a popular varietal variety bred in Holland. When opening, the flowers, whose diameter does not exceed 5 cm, are distinguished by a pale yellow hue, and then become juicy pink color. There are up to 10 flowers on the stem with a delicate light aroma. The bushes are compact and have long flowering. Macarena is resistant to frost and disease.


Sun City- bright yellow spray rose. The flowers are densely double, size - 8 cm, lemon color. The bush grows up to 60 cm. Used for growing in open ground and in containers. The variety is frost resistant. Flowering is long and abundant.

Orange spray- a bright orange rose. The variety was recently released. The bushes are dense and compact. Height - up to 60 cm, diameter of the bush - about 40. Flowers resemble hybrid tea rose. Their diameter is about 4 cm. They have a light aroma. Orange spray is resistant to frost, pests, and is not afraid of rain. Flowering is abundant and long lasting.

Orange spray

Alegria- a very delicate varietal variety with double orange and pink flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm. Alegria is resistant to frost and disease. Grown for garden decoration, as well as for creating bouquets.

Alegria photo

Orange Baby- bright varietal variety. It blooms profusely and for a long time with orange flowers with a red tint. Used for decorating borders, as well as for growing in containers.

Orange baby

Jezzebell- bright spray rose with orange inflorescences. Diameter is about 4 cm. There can be up to 10 buds on one stem. Blooms from June until frost. The bush grows up to 1 meter.

Risen Shine- a popular soft yellow variety of spray roses. They are often used as borders, since the bush grows no higher than 50 cm. Flowering is abundant and long-lasting.

Rise Shine

Rumba- another bright, spectacular varietal variety. When opening, the flowers are rich yellow in color and gradually acquire pink and crimson shades. Up to 15 of them can grow on one stem. All of them are different in color, which makes the bush unique and very decorative. The growth of the bush does not exceed 70 cm. Flowering is long and abundant. The variety can bloom again.

Typhoon It is distinguished by long and abundant flowering until the onset of frost. Blooms with double bright orange flowers. Their diameter can reach 5 cm. The growth of the bush rarely exceeds 70 cm. Up to 10 of them can grow on one stem. Rumba is resistant to frost and disease.

Typhoon photo

Zorenka- brightly flowering, showy variety. The densely double flowers are yellow in color, with a scarlet border along the edges of the petals. The height of the bush is no more than 70 cm. Flowering is abundant and long lasting until frost.


Pareo- varietal variety with orange flowers reddish tint. Closer to the edges the petals become brighter. Height - no more than 60 cm. Used to create bouquets and decorate gardens.

Tibet- orange-red rose spray. The plant can grow up to 90 cm. The flowers are goblet-shaped and visually resemble the flowers of a hybrid tea rose.


Tamango- this is a bush up to 60 cm high and about 50 cm in diameter. It is distinguished by its compactness and abundant and long-lasting flowering. Velvet flowers are quite large (about 7 cm in diameter) and consist of a large number of petals. On one branch there are up to 10 red flowers with a crimson tint. The variety is resistant to frost and disease. The plant can grow in both sun and shade. Tamango is successfully used to decorate garden plots.

Natalie- decorative variety, height no more than 70 cm. It is compact and abundant flowering plant. The flowers are small - their diameter is about 5 cm. They have a subtle aroma. Coloring - red. The plant is frost-resistant and is effectively used in landscape design for landscaping gardens and for creating bouquet compositions.

Midget- a spectacular red spray rose. The height of the bush is only 25 cm. Therefore, the variety is often used to decorate borders and for planting along alleys. The flowers are different small sizes- their diameter does not exceed 3 cm. There is practically no aroma. The bushes are compact with abundant flowering. Midget is resistant to frost and pests.

Leyli flirting- an elegant varietal variety. The double flowers are bright red with a yellowish center. The edges of the petals have a burgundy tint. The bush is short (no more than 40 cm).

Leili Flirt

Mikado- dark red rose with double, goblet-shaped flowers. A compact bush about 70 cm high is distinguished by spreading shoots and abundant flowering. One brush can have up to 6 buds. The variety is unpretentious, resistant to frost and pests. It looks impressive in the foreground in flower beds, and is also used to design paths and borders.

Baby Baccara- a very spectacular, profusely flowering plant. The color of densely double flowers is deep red. Diameter no more than 6 cm. The aroma is pleasant and light. This varietal variety is often used for growing in containers, decorating flower beds and edging alleys.

Baby baccarat

Mirabel- bright low (up to 50 cm) compact bush ik with abundant and long flowering. The medium-sized flowers have a rich scarlet color that stand out against the glossy green foliage. Mirabelle has a light, pleasant aroma with fruity notes. The variety is resistant to frost and pests.


Sveta- rose spray, characterized by unique decorative properties ami due to the lush flowers of red color with yellow strokes. The bush grows up to 70 cm in height and expands by the same amount in width. The bush is characterized by abundant and long flowering until frost.

Arrow Follies- an original ornamental crop with bright and abundant flowering. Bushes no more than 70 cm high are completely covered with elegant double flowers. Color: red with a purple tint. The petals have white and cream streaks. Errov Folis is used for single and group plantings, and is also often grown in containers.

Rosa spray ario foles

Fire King Flash- a profusely flowering bush up to 85 cm high. The flowers are double, bright red. One brush can have up to 15 buds. The variety is resistant to frost and disease.

Fire King

Black Jack- spray rose, distinguished by its spectacular decorative properties due to its rich red, abundant flowering. The variety was developed in the USA at the end of the 20th century. One bush, which grows up to 60 cm, can have up to 30 buds. The roses are medium in size (no more than 5 cm).

Black Jack

Cherry Folies- a beautiful compact bush with goblet-shaped deep red flowers with an almost white base. The aroma is pleasant, weak. The varietal variety is frost-resistant.

Cherry folies

Rubicon- an exquisite varietal variety. Quite large flowers have a dark red color. The variety is grown in open ground, but is more often used as a cut flower to create bouquets.

Ruby Star- two-color spray roses with bright red flowers, the outside of the petals have an almost white tint. The variety is unpretentious and blooms throughout the season. Suitable for growing in containers and for edging borders.

Ruby star

Sasha- red rose spray. The petals have orangeish streaks. The roses measure about 6 cm. The height of the bush is up to 60 cm.

Terracotta- a compact bush no higher than 70 cm. The flowers are densely double, have a rich red color with an orange tint.

Sangrita- bright red, miniature spray rose with small cupped double roses. Blooms long and profusely. Used to frame borders and also grown in containers.

Red Sensation- American varietal variety of incredible beauty. Medium-sized flowers have a deep burgundy color. The bush itself is no higher than 70 cm, and can grow up to 1 meter wide. The variety is unpretentious and winter-hardy.

Red sensation


Purple Tiger- one of the most spectacular spray roses. Densely double flowers have a unique color - purple-lilac with white streaks and spots. In this case, lilac and pink shades can also be added. One brush can have up to 5 colors. Diameter - about 6 cm. Flowering is long-lasting, often blooms again. The bush grows up to 70 cm. The light aroma contains notes of musk. The variety is used to decorate borders and will also become a unique decoration for flower beds and recreation areas.

Paple tiger

Princess- an elegant plant with densely double snow-white flowers, which bloom throughout the season until frost.


Kent- a compact bush covered with numerous small snow-white flowers. The bush grows up to 60 cm in height and width. Flowering lasts until frost.

droplet- spray rose no more than 40 cm tall. This crop is suitable for growing on garden plot, for edging paths, as well as for growing in containers, including on balconies. Various colors: red, pink, purple.

Abracadabra- unusual rose spray. The small flowers are almost burgundy in color with yellow streaks. The height of the bush is about 60 cm. Abracadabra is used for growing in open ground, in containers, and is also suitable for creating bouquet arrangements.


Orion- a very delicate spray rose with large flowers that have a lilac tint. Blooms profusely and for a long time. Resistant to frost.

Bordeaux- a very elegant variety with medium-sized dark burgundy flowers. The bush is compact, has a height of no more than 60 cm. One brush can have up to 12 buds. Used for cutting, for growing in containers and in open ground.

Tiramisu- a spectacular varietal variety. Small roses are different unusual coloring. It is terracotta on the inside and creamy on the outside. Height - no more than 50 cm. The variety comes from Holland.


Where can I buy?

You can purchase seedlings of these amazing crops in nurseries, gardening stores, buy spray rose seedlings by mail or through an online store.

Good plant catalogs can be viewed on the website of the Omsk nursery “Wonderful Garden”, on the website “Rose Bushes” Krasnodar region, also in the Altai selection catalogs there are rose sprays of various colors (pink, red, yellow, white and others).

Planting and care

Planting spray roses is not a difficult process at all. For planting it is recommended to choose sunny place. However, some varieties fade in the sun, so a little partial shade is fine.

In order to plant a plant, you will need:

  1. Dig a hole measuring 45*45;
  2. Place drainage (pebbles, sand) at the base of the hole;
  3. Place over the drainage organic fertilizers(dry leaves, rot, humus, manure);
  4. Plant the plant in the planting hole, cover it with soil and compact it around the stems;
  5. Water with settled and warm water(8 liters of water per bush).

These crops are unpretentious. From spring to July, fertilizing with a high nitrogen content is required. And in summer period and until autumn the plant needs microelements such as potassium and phosphorus. It is very important to apply fertilizers during budding and after flowering.

The soil around the stem must be loosened regularly. Watering should be moderate.

For the winter, roses need shelter.


Pruning is very important for spray roses. It stimulates the formation of young branches and ensures more abundant and prolonged flowering. It is recommended to prune several times during the season. At the same time, dry and damaged branches are removed. Also, at the end of flowering, it is necessary to trim off faded flowers.

It is especially important to prune the bush in the summer so that the plant does not waste energy on producing fruits, but blooms more intensely and abundantly. In addition, pruning is a fungus prevention.