Garden strawberries beneficial properties. Garden strawberries - beneficial properties, applications, recipes. For the musculoskeletal system

Strawberries are one of the most valuable berry crops and are an excellent dietary low-calorie product. One hundred grams of its berries contain only 40 kcal. Strawberries /garden strawberries/ have a set of valuable nutritional qualities. Strawberries contain up to 10% sugars, up to 1.3% various acids, vitamins: B, carotene, especially a lot of vitamin C, catechins, anthocyanins, flavones, trace elements (manganese, cobalt, iodine), minerals (sodium , potassium, calcium), etc. The berries of garden strawberries /strawberries/ are eaten fresh, frozen for the winter, used for making preserves, jellies, marmalade, juice, jelly, marmalade, drinks, wines, liqueurs, liqueurs. They are well absorbed by the body and improve digestion, while increasing appetite. Strawberries are eaten with porridge, cream or milk, and cottage cheese; added to milkshakes, yoghurts; used to prepare fruit salads, fillings for pies and dumplings and also other dishes.

Treatment with strawberries /strawberries/.

IN folk medicine wild strawberries have long been used in medicinal purposes. Later, these properties, although to a lesser extent, began to be attributed to garden strawberries, or strawberries. And although the latter is somewhat inferior to the “savage” in terms of medicinal properties, it is still a valuable therapeutic and preventive product. Fresh strawberries strengthen the immune system and help fight many ailments. They are used for metabolic disorders, hypertension, atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency, osteochondrosis, anemia, intestinal and viral infections. Strawberries help preserve vision, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, gastrointestinal tract, urinary system. They restore strength after illnesses and inhibit the formation of new ones. cancer cells. Strawberry tea is drunk during feverish conditions, used for bleeding, insomnia and nervous breakdowns. Strawberry leaves are also used for treatment. They are brewed in a thermos separately or together with berries and drunk as tea for all of the above problems. An infusion of strawberry leaves is used as a rinse for sore throats and diseases of the oral cavity. Nourishing masks are made from fresh strawberries. Together with eating fresh berries, this helps keep body and skin cells in a young state, thanks to the antioxidants contained in the berries. Nutritionists often prescribe fasting strawberry diets. Strawberries/strawberries/are often used in cosmetology and in the perfume industry.

Strawberry /strawberry/. Contraindications.

Despite the huge list of beneficial properties of strawberries/ strawberries/ their use and treatment are not suitable for everyone. People suffering from allergies and gastric ulcers should not be treated with strawberries. duodenum. An allergy to strawberries can manifest itself in the form of a rash, abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing. Read the chapter on wild strawberries to learn how to overcome strawberry allergies. For people with stomach and duodenal problems, we can advise eating strawberries in small quantities along with products that reduce stomach acidity: with milk or cream. In the photo: berries of garden strawberries, or pineapple (Fragaria ananassa).

Read more about garden strawberries:

Strawberries are known everywhere for their wonderful taste and pleasant aroma.

But its scope of application is not limited to cooking - its healing properties make it a universal remedy against many diseases, as well as in the difficult struggle for beauty.

Strawberries are a berry known to everyone due to its excellent taste. You can find these berries in any corner of the world, especially in summer time. They are added to a variety of desserts - pies, cakes, ice cream, and so on. But not everyone knows that strawberries not only taste good, but are also rich in many useful substances. Thanks to this, it has been used in medicine and cosmetology for several centuries.

The following components are the most useful and are responsible for its healing effect:

  • Flavonoids
  • Phenolic acids
  • Anthocyanins
  • Tannins (highest content in the roots and leaves of the plant)

Flavonoids are believed to play important role in the prevention of cancer and heart disease, and phenolic acids, anthocyanins and tannins make strawberries a strong antioxidant.

Not only the fruits, but also the leaves of strawberries have beneficial properties.

The leaves and fruits are a source of vitamins A, B and C, ascorbic, citric, malic and quinic acids, and minerals such as iron, manganese, phosphorus and cobalt.

Berries also contain folic acid and fiber.

Garden strawberries differ from wild strawberries in their larger and juicier berries, which, by the way, are not berries, but an overgrown receptacle. Sadovaya is the same berry that is commonly called strawberry. Those fruits that are sold in stores under the name “strawberries” are actually garden strawberries.

The composition of garden berries is in many ways similar to wild berries. It is also rich in vitamin C, folic acid and many minerals. However, for example, garden strawberries contain half as much calcium as wild strawberries. The percentage of minerals such as magnesium, iron and potassium is also higher in forest plant. But all this is more than compensated by the ease of accessibility and large size garden fruits.

Useful properties of strawberries

Thanks to the active components included in its composition, the berry:

  • Helps strengthen immunity
  • Eases inflammatory processes
  • Controls blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood
  • Thins the blood
  • Has an antioxidant effect
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease

These properties explain the healing potential of such an inconspicuous berry as strawberries.

Medicinal uses of strawberries

IN last years The berry has become an even more popular plant due to its wide medicinal uses.

Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract

First of all, strawberries are rich in fiber - one glass of berries contains approximately 3.3 grams.

Fiber is known to improve digestion and keep you feeling full for a long time.

If you try to stick healthy image life, then try adding some strawberries to your diet - your stomach will thank you.

Due to its antibacterial effect, a decoction of strawberry leaves serves an excellent remedy against stomach disorders such as diarrhea. Attention! Be careful, consuming too much strawberries in any form will only worsen your symptoms due to their high fiber content.

It is believed that strawberry juice can relieve symptoms of gastritis and ulcers, as, according to recent research, the antioxidants contained in this berry help strengthen the stomach.

For diabetes

The berry is rich in antioxidants, which protect the body from many chronic diseases. In particular, a high intake of antioxidants may help prevent diabetes.

For people with diabetes, this plant is also beneficial - antioxidants can also prevent many complications associated with diabetes, such as cardiovascular disease. In addition, unlike many fruits that contain too many carbohydrates, many people with diabetes can eat strawberries without harm.

To prevent heart disease

Recent research has shown that just a few strawberries added to yogurt or smoothies are good for your heart. We have already talked about the fact that this wonderful berry controls cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Antioxidants help reduce “bad” cholesterol, and potassium has a beneficial effect on blood pressure. But cholesterol and high blood pressure- main risk factors for heart disease. Thus, strawberries indirectly affect heart health.

Benefits for immunity

Strawberries are a storehouse of vitamin C. 100 g contains 60 mg of this vitamin, which is approximately 70% of daily norm consumption.

Vitamin C is known to help strengthen the immune system. After a few weeks of eating strawberries, you will notice how much better you feel!

Good for the eyes

The antioxidants contained in the berry can help prevent the development of cataracts, a clouding of the lens that can cause blindness in old age.

Vitamin C also plays an important role in strengthening the cornea and retina, and also protects our eyes from the harmful effects of sunlight. It is believed that high doses of vitamin C can cause cataracts, however, this remark is only true for vitamin supplements - vitamins obtained directly from fruits and berries are absolutely safe.

Use in cancer

Vitamin C is truly miraculous - it can prevent the development of cancer, because a healthy immune system - best protection our body. Ellagic acid, which can be found in strawberries, also has a beneficial effect on our body, namely, it slows down the development of cancer cells. Antioxidants can also reduce the risk of cancer.

Other beneficial properties of strawberries

In addition to their healing properties, the berry also has other beneficial effects.

Prevents the formation of wrinkles!

All women will appreciate this property of strawberries. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, which makes the skin more elastic and fresh. Eating foods rich in this vitamin will help your skin look younger.

But strawberries owe their anti-aging effect not only to him. Ellagic acid also prevents the destruction of collagen and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Helps in weight loss

A healthy weight is your best defense against diabetes and heart disease. 100 grams of strawberries contain about 28 kcal, only 4 grams of sugars and few carbohydrates. 1.5 cups of berries - healthy snack, which will bring you plenty of vitamins and less than 100 calories. In addition, we have already mentioned that strawberries are rich in fiber, which keeps you feeling full for a long time. This means there will be less desire to eat unhealthy chocolate.

Natural bleach

Thanks to the organic acids that strawberries are so rich in, this berry is one of the best natural bleaches. That is why it is so popular in cosmetology.

For example, strawberries are used to whiten teeth. Try brushing your teeth with berry puree, the effect will be noticeable after a few uses. But do not forget to rinse your mouth thoroughly after cleaning, preferably with soda. It is also included in many skin care products - masks, peelings, scrubs, but better effect can be achieved by using fresh berries.

Acid peeling with strawberries

To even out skin tone and have a slight whitening effect, you can do acid peeling at home. You will need 3 aspirin tablets, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a few strawberries. Dissolve aspirin in lemon juice and mix with crushed berries. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and enjoy your transformed skin!

Contraindications and harm

The great thing about the miracle berry is that it has virtually no contraindications! It can be used by children, pregnant women, and people with diabetes. However, be careful not to eat too many strawberries at once - they can cause diarrhea due to the high fiber content and unpleasant sensations in the mouth due to organic acids.

Methods of application

There are several ways to use the berry, both internally and externally. Externally it is used mainly in for cosmetic purposes described above. Strawberry decoctions, juice, as well as fresh, dried and frozen berries are consumed internally.

Decoction of leaves

To prepare the decoction, pour 3 tablespoons of leaves (preferably finely chopped) with two glasses of boiling water and let it brew. This decoction is used internally to treat gastrointestinal diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Strawberries with sugar

Berry pureed with sugar, of course, cannot be consumed by people with diabetes, and its benefits in losing weight are extremely doubtful. However, this dessert retains all the vitamins, and it will be useful for the prevention of various diseases.

It’s easy to prepare this dish - beat the strawberries with a blender (or mash them by hand), add sugar to taste. An undoubted advantage of the recipe is that it can be stored in this form for a long time - just pour the mixture into jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Strawberry leaf tea

Dried leaves can be used to make full-fledged tea, or you can add them to any other tea to add flavor. Pour leaves or a mixture of leaves with another tea hot water, and let the drink brew for 2-3 minutes.

It is better not to boil such tea, since boiling loses some of the beneficial substances and essential oils.

But the greatest benefit from strawberries can be obtained by eating fresh berries. Unfortunately, this is quite difficult to do all year round, but in the summer we advise you to regularly snack on a glass ripe berries- it's good for your health.

Strawberries are a seasonal berry and ripen in June and July. But this does not mean that the beneficial properties of this plant can only be enjoyed in the summer. The best way storage of berries and leaves - dried. They need to be dried in the shade and scattered in a thin layer.

Dried berries and leaves can be stored for up to two years. Strawberries can also be frozen, either whole or pureed. It has been proven that when berries are frozen, they practically do not lose their benefits. Just do not reheat frozen berries in any way. microwave oven! Berries mashed with sugar can also be stored for a long time.

Strawberries can safely be called a miracle berry, given its beneficial features for our health and beauty. In addition, the absence of contraindications makes it a universal remedy available to everyone. But just don’t eat too many berries at once, otherwise you may lose your taste for this delicacy for a long time.

The well-known juicy berry, in addition to being one of the most delicious natural delicacies of the first summer month, also occupies a leading position in the content of vitamins and amino acids, surpassing even citrus fruits in these indicators.

Nutritional value of strawberries

Full ZHBU index per 100 g of aromatic berries:

  • 0.7 g proteins;
  • 0.4 g fat;
  • 7.6 g carbohydrates.

At the same time, the calorie content of strawberries on average does not exceed 43 kcal for the same number of berries, and the low glycemic value (only 31) allows you to include summer sweets in the diet of a diabetic. True, people with diabetes are recommended to eat no more than 70 g of treats per day, and count sugars (per 100 g of product) according to the following values:

  • 2.6 g glucose;
  • 2.5 g fructose;
  • 1.2 g sucrose.

Chemical composition of the berry

As for the vitamin and microelement composition of strawberries, the benefits of which are considered, they contain:

  • vitamins: group B (B1, B2, B6, B9), carotenoids, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, phylloquinone, ergocalciferol;
  • pectins;
  • cellulose;
  • phenols;
  • acids - malic, pantothenic, folic and citric;
  • trace elements: zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium, sodium, iron.

Despite the fact that strawberries do not leave the shelves of large stores all year long, the best option To make up for the deficiency of nutrients, he will wait for his own, local berry. Imported strawberries are picked from the bush while still green, and ripen during transportation, so the benefits of such strawberries for the human body are questionable.

Red health berries

It is difficult to name the reason for the effectiveness of therapeutic or recovery processes benefit strawberries Therefore, it is better not to comment on the mythical abilities of the berry to cure cancer or destroy carious streptococci, but to focus on the real capabilities of the fruit:

  • an increase in the number of red blood cells (without the threat of causing increased blood viscosity);
  • partial disinfection of the oral cavity and slowing down the development of caries;
  • mild diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • mild laxative effect, by stimulating intestinal contractility;
  • improvement of digestive functions (due to a large amount of acids).

The idea that strawberries' benefits extend to the destruction of cancer cells is supported by the known properties of flavonoids and phenolic acids, which are actively used in anti-cancer therapy and contained in strawberries. However, the amount of antioxidants in the berry is not enough to achieve a therapeutic effect. Therefore, doctors recommend consuming treats to prevent the development of pathogenic cells, and using prescribed medications for treatment.

Benefits of the green part of the strawberry bush

Not only the fruit part of the plant, but also the fresh (or dried) leaves of the green bush are useful for the human body. The main thing is to use intact leaves without traces of chemical treatment.

  1. A quick “fix” for the stomach - put 10 washed strawberry leaves in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. After half an hour, you can drink the medicine.
  2. Phyto-diuretic to relieve swelling - mash the dried leaves (2-3 pieces) in your hands and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Leave covered for 15 minutes and drink this amount within 2 hours.

The main advantage of treating a plant with green tops is the ability to prepare it for future use without losing the healing value of the composition. Leaves should be stored in craft paper bags or fabric bags.

Strawberries for weight loss

Diets based on eliminating sugars from the diet require sweeteners of natural origin. If you completely eliminate fructose and sucrose from the menu, the body will begin to malfunction at the cardiovascular and mental level, and metabolic disorders can lead to the opposite effect and the person will rapidly gain weight.

IN Lately diet plans have appeared that are entirely based on the proper consumption of strawberries. True, you won’t be able to seriously lose weight on such diets, but losing 1-2 cm from your waist is quite possible. Here is a sample of one of these diets with approximate proportions of products:

  • Morning meal - a fruit mix of 10-12 strawberries, apples and kiwis, seasoned with 2 tbsp. spoons of natural unsweetened yoghurt.
  • Daily meal - mix 100 g of boiled white chicken meat, a pinch of cashews or walnuts and 5-7 strawberries. Add a spoonful of yogurt or grapeseed oil.
  • Evening snack - 5 strawberries with 1-2 crackers.
  • Dinner (between 18:30 and 19:30) in the evening - grind half a pack of low-fat cottage cheese with 7 strawberries and, if desired, a mix of 100 g of any other fruit. The curd mass can be washed down with fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir (250 ml).

Such a diet can have the character of fasting days and be repeated once a week. Or follow in small blocks of 3 days, once a month.

Strawberries for beauty

The benefits of strawberries for women are expressed in a wide range of cosmetic procedures. Thanks to high concentration fruit acids, strawberry masks whiten, peel, nourish and disinfect the skin. Both simple strawberry puree, stabilized with egg white or starch, and complex multi-component compositions with the addition of honey, cream, cottage cheese or cosmetic clay are used.

Berry juice is also indispensable for the skin. It is diluted with distilled water 1:5 and frozen in forms for wiping the face in the morning. It is recommended to treat pigmented areas of the skin and acne with undiluted juice of fresh berries.

To lighten your teeth by 1-2 shades, it is recommended to mash the berries on a cotton pad and thoroughly rub the resulting pulp onto your teeth and gums. This must be done every day throughout the strawberry season. In the same way, they get rid of brittle nails and painful calluses, which, under the influence of acid, quickly become rough and cease to bother.


Despite all the obvious benefits, strawberries are harmful to health and Negative consequences from its use often lead to forced treatment from the very natural medicine. The most common phenomenon is called allergic symptoms, expressed in hyperemia, swelling of varying degrees, lacrimation, runny nose, and urticaria. Since intolerance can occur at any age, there is general recommendation do not eat berries with a volume of more than 400 g per day, and also do not include strawberries in the diet if allergies to citrus fruits, honey, nuts or melons worsen.

If you have large, immovable kidney stones, eating berries is also harmful. The benefits of strawberries as a source of vitamins cannot be compared with the consequences that coarse salt stones moving through the ureter can cause.

Young children (from one year old) are allowed to add 7-10 g of mashed strawberries to cottage cheese or unsweetened yogurt. If the new complementary foods are not noticed, you can gradually increase the portion to several berries per day.

You will have to completely stop eating fresh or frozen strawberries (the benefits and harms of which are similar) in case of acute gastritis or gastric ulcer. Reducing the number of berries to 5-7 per day is necessary for hypertensive patients who are constantly taking medications to lower blood pressure.

Is it possible to eat strawberries while breastfeeding?

If the mother’s body accepts the product well, then after the birth of the child there is no need to deny herself the treat. The exception is the situation when the baby is born during the “strawberry season,” that is, at the beginning of summer. Then the newborn may not be able to cope with the abundance of new elements in milk and react with violent allergic symptoms.

For a baby born at the end of winter, the slightly changed and richer composition of mother's milk will even be beneficial. But during this period and until the baby reaches seven months of age, the mother can eat no more than 3 berries a day. Gradually increasing the amount of strawberries eaten, by the time the baby is one year old, a nursing woman can have 5-7 berries in her daily diet.

When buying berries at the market or in a store, you can easily mistake colored and artificially restored berries for fresh ones. A low-quality fake will be indicated by the absence of a specific, bright aroma or a neutral “waxy” smell. It is best to buy strawberries “with tails” - such berries will be stored longer, and their “marketability” will not be lost for several days. Of course, before you put it on the table, you will have to wash the berries well, preferably warm water.

Improper consumption of berries in food is the second most common cause of a negative reaction of the body to a delicacy. Few people know, but delicious berries should not be left “for dessert” after a hearty dinner, because the acids contained in abundance in strawberries trigger immediate fermentation processes in the body. Intestinal irritation can be avoided by eating berries between two main meals - that is, not on an empty or full stomach.

The most good combination, in which all elements of the berry are absorbed from maximum benefit for health - strawberries and dairy (fermented milk) products. Thanks to vitamin C, calcium is better absorbed by the body and takes on enveloping functions that protect digestive tract from aggressive influence fruit acids.

Before widespread use large-fruited varieties gardeners willingly grew cultivated strawberries wild species this berry. Then garden strawberries were bred through selection from forest strawberries. That's why according to the chemical composition garden strawberries very close to wild ones (see article “Wild strawberries”).

Garden strawberries: beneficial properties of garden strawberries

Despite the fact that only wild strawberry leaves are used as medicinal raw materials in medical practice, nevertheless no one disputes the presence of nutrients and beneficial substances in the fruits garden strawberries. As for cooking, here from garden strawberries prepare a variety of desserts: mousses, creams, raw jams, jellies, cocktails, etc.


1. It is recommended to use strawberries for kidney diseases, kidney stones, ailments of the liver and biliary tract (except dyskinesia), as well as for all types of catarrh of the stomach and diseases of the spleen.

2. The composition of strawberries includes: acids (malic, citric, ascorbic, quinic), tannins, pigments, sugars, volatile oils, vitamins (including C and B1), many iron salts, phosphorus, copper, chromium, manganese , carotene, phytoncides, traces of alkaloids, fragarin glycoside and anthocyanin compounds. The seeds of the fruit are rich in fatty oil (up to 19%).

3. An infusion of strawberry fruits and leaves is effective as a diuretic for gout, kidney stones and bile ducts; and infusions and decoctions - for scurvy and other types of vitamin deficiency.

4. Fresh strawberries are a valuable dietary product.

5. In folk medicine, strawberry fruits and leaves are used for sore throat, jaundice, laryngitis, hemorrhoids, general loss of strength, uterine bleeding and childhood diarrhea. 6. Strawberries stimulate appetite and quench thirst.

7. Strawberries reduce iodine absorption by the thyroid gland and have an antisteroid effect.

8. In folk medicine of Belarus, strawberries are used to reduce high blood pressure and expand the lumen of peripheral vessels, as well as to improve heart function, increase the tone of the uterine muscles and urinary incontinence.

9. Strawberries are especially useful for colds, accompanied high temperature and cough.

10. The famous Russian general practitioner G.I. Zakharyin recommended long-term use of strawberry tea for gout. Indeed, it is known that the famous Swedish botanist and physician Carl Linnaeus was cured of gout by eating strawberries.

11. From a cosmetic point of view, strawberry juice and fruit pulp are good remedy, whitening and cleansing the skin.

12. Strawberries are used for anemia and internal bleeding.

14. In Siberia and the Urals, fresh strawberries are used for anacid gastritis, asthma, and laryngeal cancer.

15. In Khakassia, strawberry leaves and fruits are used for obesity, insomnia, heavy menstruation and diabetes mellitus, and in Karelia - for pulmonary tuberculosis, anuria, neuroses, sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis and unpleasant smell from mouth.

16. Tea made from strawberry berries and leaves is taken as a diaphoretic and diuretic for pneumonia and headaches.

17. Fresh strawberry fruits are used as an anthelmintic (ancient information mentions that the berries can expel tapeworms, pinworms and roundworms if you first eat herring with onions, and then immediately eat about three kilograms of ripe strawberries).

18. Strawberries are also a medicinal product for sclerosis, hypochromic anemia, atonic constipation, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, spleen diseases, for the resorption of hemorrhages, cystitis, for kidney stones and cholelithiasis, leukemia (leukemia), bronchial asthma. In addition to all of the above, strawberries are used as food to improve metabolism and heart function.

19. Strawberries are a proven remedy against eczema. On sore spot Apply a thick layer of mashed ripe (!) strawberries, applied to a linen rag. This method of treatment clears the eczema of scabs within the first three to four days and even dries it out somewhat. Further, eczema can be treated with strawberry lotions, which, as people say, “should draw out the heat”; and then ointments.)

20. In folk medicine, fresh and dried strawberry leaves, roots and berries are used as a diuretic, promoting the release of salts from the body, for certain joint diseases.

21. Strawberry juice and berries are indicated for vitamin deficiency, lipid and mineral metabolism disorders, as well as for atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, neurasthenia.

22. Externally, strawberries are used to treat acne, age spots, bleeding and purulent wounds.


1. Preparations containing strawberries, as well as strawberries themselves, are contraindicated for:

Strawberries can perhaps be called the most favorite berry of all people. Beautiful appearance, aromatic and pleasant taste is liked by everyone. Strawberries: benefits and harms for good health which, due to its unique qualities, is used not only as a delicacy or dessert dish, but also for treatment and the creation of cosmetics.

In addition to its excellent taste, the plant has a huge number of medicinal properties. Today, nutritionists often use this berry to create special diets. It is able to normalize the metabolic process. Thanks to its unique taste, chefs create new dessert masterpieces.

Composition and nutritional value

Or appears at the beginning summer season, when the human body needs to be replenished with vitamins. This is one of the first berries that proper care pleases gardeners good harvest on personal plot. People have used the beneficial properties of garden strawberries since ancient times. The miracle berry is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for human health.

Interesting!!! In order to saturate the body with vitamin C, you need to eat only 250 g of strawberries per day.

It is known that vitamin C9 helps strengthen the immune system and helps the body fight infections. In case of a cold, it is recommended to eat a lot of strawberries to speed up recovery.

In addition to vitamins, macro- and microelements, the juicy and aromatic berry contains a whole complex of amino acids, organic acids and various biologically active substances.

Chemical composition:

  • vitamins C, A, E, H, group B, niacin;
  • macroelements (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium);
  • trace elements (iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, fluorine, chromium);
  • carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose, fructose, dextrins and starch);
  • amino acids (arginine, glycine, tryptophan, alanine, lysine).

Rich vitamin-mineral The composition of a garden berry determines its usefulness.

Important! Strawberries per 100 grams have a calorie content of 37 kcal, so they are very popular among women who want to lose extra pounds.

Additional substances:

  • The plant is rich in fiber and pectin compounds. They help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With regular consumption of strawberries, you can cope with constipation without the use of medications.
  • Due to the content of organic acids (malic, citric), fruit sugars, vitamins and microelements, juicy strawberries are used in the preparation of therapeutic menus. The pulp of the berry contains a large number of ascorbic acid, which in terms of the content of this substance puts it in second place after.
  • In combination with vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid can neutralize free radicals and slow down the aging process.
  • Strawberries also contain iron, which supplies hemoglobin to blood cells, preventing the development of anemia.
  • Strawberries are rich in folic acid, which is so necessary for the health and beauty of women. During pregnancy, women are advised to consume sufficient amounts healthy berries for the proper formation and development of the fetus.

Useful and healing properties

Strawberries have a rich mineral composition and a lot of vitamins, so they are an indispensable product for maintaining human health. Its use significantly improves performance immune system, saturates the body essential vitamins. Yagoda has medicinal properties:

  • Normalizes the functioning of the heart, helps the walls of blood vessels maintain elasticity.
  • It is an excellent way to boost immunity, allowing you to recover faster from illness.
  • Removes toxins and others harmful substances from the body, speeding up metabolism.
  • Helps the intestines perform their functions, eliminates constipation.
  • Relieves anemia.
  • Helps with inflammatory processes, prevents the penetration of infections.
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • Can lower blood pressure in hypertension.
  • Protects eyes from disease, improves vision.
  • Has choleretic properties.
  • It is a strong aphrodisiac and increases libido.
  • Slows down the aging process of cells.

Watch the video! Useful properties and vitamins of strawberries


For women

Due to the mineral composition of strawberries, many women use them to solve their problems.

  • The berry helps restore the normal monthly cycle.
  • During pregnancy, it alleviates the woman's condition.
  • oncology;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

For men

There is an opinion that strawberries are the berry of love, especially for the health of men.

Garden berries contain zinc, which:

  • enhances potency;
  • makes sperm active.

Ascorbic acid:

  • significantly improves blood circulation and the functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • helps increase the production of male hormones;
  • stops the development of carcinogenic substances that cause prostate tumor growth;
  • after a severe physical work, this vitamin helps men for a short time restore your strength;
  • Eating tasty and bright berries improves your mood.

For children

Strawberries are often used for cooking baby food. It is able to saturate the child’s body with useful substances, of which this berry contains a lot. Constant consumption of strawberries helps the child fight various infections.

However, it is not recommended to give this delicious berry to babies under 7 months. After 7 months, strawberries should be given in limited quantities, as they can cause allergies in some children.

When losing weight (while dieting)

The universal properties of strawberries are used in the treatment of cellulite and obesity. To do this, you need to eat 1.5 kg of strawberries throughout the day and nothing more. As a result, you can get rid of 2 kg of excess weight.

Important! Such fasting days can be carried out only once a week. Otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences.

This berry diet will benefit the entire body, help cleanse the kidneys and liver of toxic substances and toxins, will give the face a special fresh shade.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that strawberries have a lot of beneficial properties and bring great benefits to human health, they have some contraindications:

  • An allergic reaction of the body to the composition of the berry. It is a strong allergen. In some people, especially children younger age, strawberries can cause allergies, angioedema. When the first signs of this phenomenon appear (red rashes on the skin), you must immediately stop using it.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. If a person suffers from these diseases, then it is better to refuse this delicious berries. It contains active acids that negatively affect diseased organs. In this case, doctors recommend eating a small amount of berries, adding any milk product. Fat will envelop the walls of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which will not allow them to be severely irritated.
  • Chemicals in early strawberries. Today, when growing this berry, many private companies treat it with special dangerous drugs that give fast growth and ripening of strawberries. That's why early berry It is better not to use it if you do not know about the methods of growing it. It can cause harm to the body.
  • Like any berry, strawberries can present an unpleasant surprise in the form of helminths. Before serving it, be sure to wash it well.
  • It is contraindicated to consume berries for stomach colic, as well as for appendicitis.
  • Pediatricians recommend introducing strawberries into children's diets from one year of age. If the child does not have allergic reaction for red berries, you can give no more than 1-2 pieces. If red pimples appear, it is better to wait until 3 years. Children under 7 years old can eat no more than 100 g of strawberries per day.
  • You should not get carried away with garden strawberries if you have hypertension when you are using medications that lower your blood pressure.

Berry masks

Fresh strawberries are an excellent way to refresh your face, whiten your skin, and remove yellow teeth. To clean your teeth, you need to grind the berries with a small amount of baking soda. Apply the mixture to your teeth and massage with your fingers. This procedure can be done only once a month. The fact is that strawberries contain many acids, which can not only give White color teeth, but also damage them.

    • take some 2-3 strawberries;
    • Perfect yolk of one egg;
    • some beer 50, ml;
    • mix all components and apply to hair for 30 minutes;
    • then wash off with warm water.
  • Thanks to its drying effect, the berry can tighten pores. Masks made from it are often used to combat acne, which spoils the appearance of the face. You can make lotion at home. It includes:
    • strawberry juice 60ml;
    • juice fresh cucumber 60 ml;
    • dry wine 1 glass;
    • salicylic acid 0.5 ml.
    • Problem areas of the skin should be treated morning and evening.
  • A strawberry mask will help fight split ends of your hair. For this use:
    • 12 g gelatin;
    • pour warm water to soften;
    • when it dissolves, add strawberry puree and hair balm.
    • mix everything, apply to the entire length of slightly damp hair, except for the roots;
    • cover with film on top and wrap in a towel, keep for 60 minutes;
    • Afterwards, rinse your hair with clean water.

Watch the video! Strawberry face mask - clear young skin

Strawberry leaves

Strawberry leaves are endowed with many medicinal properties. To treat many diseases, decoctions and infusions are prepared from strawberry leaves. They help with the following health problems:

  • nausea,
  • intestinal disorder,
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • hypertension,
  • colds,
  • skin inflammation.

However, there are a number of ailments for which this plant cannot be used:

  • ulcer;
  • kidney and stomach diseases;
  • laryngitis, sore throat;
  • anemia.


For a sore throat you need to brew:

  • leaves and flowers of the plant - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • boiling water – 1 cup;
  • infuse the medicine for 1 hour in a thermos;
  • Gargle every 3 hours.

For gout:

  • leaves and roots of strawberries, fresh or dry - 1 tbsp;
  • cook in water (0.5 l) for 10 minutes;
  • Drink half a glass of the drink before meals.

For diarrhea, prepare an infusion:

  • strawberry leaves - 1 tbsp. l;
  • hot water - 1 glass;
  • leave for 30 minutes;
  • Strain the tea and drink it in one go.

For hemorrhoids:

  • 1 tbsp dried leaves;
  • Pour 1 cup of boiling water;
  • leave for 40 minutes;
  • strain and drink 50 milliliters per day.

For inflammatory processes on the skin:

  • you need to drink 150 g of freshly brewed tea from strawberry leaves daily;
  • The drink will help remove itching, oily plaque and small wrinkles.

For mental fatigue, an infusion of leaves will help relieve tension:

  • strawberry leaves – 1 spoon;
  • boiling water - 200 ml;
  • boil for 4 minutes;
  • leave for 1 hour;
  • The infusion should be drunk 4 times a day, 1 tbsp.

For neurosis:

  • strawberry leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • clover – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • mix and pour boiling water – 1 cup;
  • leave for 20 minutes in a thermos;
  • you can add honey.

How to eat strawberries

This berry is best eaten fresh. In this case, it has a more beneficial effect on all human organs. It is especially useful to combine it with cream, cottage cheese, sour cream and other dairy products. Such desserts turn out incredibly tasty and very healing.

Delicious preserves, jams, and puddings are prepared from the fragrant berries. They are also great for making light alcoholic drinks. Children never refuse such a delicacy as fresh strawberry jelly. It produces delicious and aromatic sauces that perfectly complement dumplings, pancakes, and meat.

How much

You can eat about 300 g of fresh berries per day to saturate the body with vitamins C and B. But excess vitamin C will be deposited in the liver.

Are there any benefits to eating frozen strawberries?

You can freeze the berries for the winter. In this case, its vitamins, macro-, and microelements are preserved. However, once strawberries are defrosted, they lose their flavor and shape.

Watch the video! The benefits and harms of strawberries. How many strawberries are there?