For which Kadyrov received a hero star. Kadyrov is a humble hero. Awards of the Chechen Republic

Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov turns 35 years old - this is not just a milestone date, it is also the age at which, according to the Constitution, one can be elected president (and his election website is already ready - And although the next president has already seemingly been named, nothing can be certain yet. In any case, even a cursory study of the biography of Ramzan Kadyrov makes it possible to be convinced that no one personifies him better modern Russia. Putin is still a hero of the past, he came to power when Russia was establishing its own rules in Chechnya, and today is the time of Ramzan, when Russia itself lives according to the Chechen rules.

Ramzan is a modest guy. He doesn't want unnecessary attention to himself. But what to do with those who certainly want to rejoice, dance, and celebrate on October 5, his birthday. After all, the whole of Grozny is walking! Well, in general, we had to make this date a city day. And it’s also somehow inconvenient. But everyone still knows that this holiday is in honor of Ramzan. In honor of him, actors Kevin Costner and Eva Mendes, violinist Vanessa May are expected in Grozny tomorrow, Shakira was supposed to, but she couldn’t, she probably got sick. Ramzan generally has a lot of friends, either Mike Tyson will fly to him, or Diego Maradona, to say nothing of Russian stars like Kirkorov, Dima Bilan and Ksenia Sobchak. Evil tongues write that Tyson's visit cost 2 million dollars, and Maradona's - 1 million euros. Nonsense, where did Ramzan get that kind of money? According to the latest income statement, his earnings are 4 million rubles a year (this would have to be saved for 10 years to play against Diego Armando). However, today Ramzan himself dotted all the i's. To the journalist’s question “Where does the money come from?” he replied: “Allah gives. Don't know. They come from somewhere.”

Not only Chechnya, but the whole country will celebrate today. Federal news releases are dedicated to Kadyrov’s birthday, and Oksana Pushkina will host a separate talk show in his honor. In a word, Ramzan is a hero on an all-Russian scale. And this is not surprising.

Ramzan is our answer to the American Dream. In America, to become a star, you have to invent Windows. In Russia, this path does not work; here, a scientist will either immediately set sail somewhere in the West, like our Nobel laureates Geim and Novoselov, or lock himself in his apartment forever, like the mathematician Perelman. Is this an example to follow? No, the real hero’s path follows completely different paths.

At the age of 17, Ramzan and his father fought against Russia under the leadership of Shamil Basayev (here they are next to each other in the photo). While still very young, Ramzan could learn a lot from the experienced Basayev. And not only military affairs, by the way. Isn’t it from Basayev, for example, that he has such a passion for football? Ramzan not only played with Maradona, he is also the head of the Chechen Football Federation - the same post was held by Basayev in the late 90s.

Kadyrov's path is the path of glory. Is there at least one other such case when a combatant receives the title of hero first of one side, and then of the enemy side? But Kadyrov did it! In 1997, he was awarded the title of Hero of Ichkeria (which, however, his press service modestly denies), and already in 2004, by decree of President Vladimir Putin, “for the courage and heroism shown in the line of duty,” Ramzan Kadyrov was awarded the title of Hero Russian Federation.

But Kadyrov is not just a Hero of Russia. Kadyrov is a hero among heroes. In an unequal struggle, all his opponents, other Heroes of Russia, disappeared. First, in 2008, on the Smolenskaya embankment, opposite the White House, State Duma deputy Ruslan Yamadayev was shot, and six months later, in 2009, in Dubai, his brother, the commander of the Vostok battalion, Sulim Yamadayev, was mortally wounded in the back. Dubai, by the way, is not the limit; Kadyrov’s ex-guard Umar Israilov (the one who testified about his personal participation in torture) was shot in the center of Europe in Vienna. It’s impossible to list them all; Kadyrov has no living enemies left. But many new friends appeared. Like, for example, the main Russian nationalists Demushkin and Belov-Potkin, who, at the personal invitation of Ramzan, visited Grozny and returned from there as convinced Kadyrovites. There is no other way to return from Grozny.

Kadyrov, as befits a true hero of our time, confronts the difficulties of fate, and the fate of Chechnya is still difficult. The republic is in penultimate place in terms of GDP per capita (worse only in Ingushetia), unemployment is 35.8% (usually such unemployment in countries leads to revolutions). But even in such a difficult situation, Ramzan did not break, he cut his way to success. Just look at his collection of cars: there is a LamborghiniReventon (1 million euros), a Ferrari Testarossa (300 thousand euros), a RollsRoyce DropheadCoupe (about 500 thousand euros), a Ferrari F430 Scuderia (more than 200 thousand euros) and many, many others. cars (not counting 40 PorsheCayenn in the motorcade total cost about 3 million euros). He also has horses, the cost of which is comparable to the cars mentioned above. Everything they say about restoration in Chechnya is true. Well, maybe not all of Chechnya yet, but he turned his native village of Tsentoroi into a little Switzerland.

But it’s not personal wealth that real heroes need; the main thing is, of course, people's love. Even Kim Jong Il would always envy the 100% results of voting in support of Kadyrov, no matter what topics these voting were on. Posters, banners, television news - everywhere only about Kadyrov, as if it were his birthday every day. Various kinds authors, such as Stanislav Dmitrievsky, for example, write that this is not love, but panic fear. But if they are afraid, it means they respect you.

There is a reason to respect Kadyrov. Well, even, for example, for achievements in the field of science. In 2006, he became a candidate of economic sciences, having defended his dissertation on the topic “Optimal management of contractual relations between the main participants construction production" Kadyrov and honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the same academy where Petrik, Onishchenko, Fomenko and Barshchevsky are.

Kadyrov also has a great sense of humor. And very original. Here, for example, is what he said about the future Russian president: “My idol is Putin. He is both Chechen and Russian. And he gave us everything on this earth." Still, it’s not for nothing that Ramzan heads the Chechen KVN league. Vladislav Surkov, a Chechen by origin, is obviously familiar with this type of humor; in any case, during his last visit to Chechnya, he called Putin the messenger of God on earth.

But no matter how much Kadyrov says that he wants to see Putin as president for life, it is obvious that the best candidate is himself. Kadyrov is more Putin-like in every aspect than Putin himself.

Well, even if Vladimir Vladimirovich is the president, everyone still knows who the real boss is in the country. Ask anyone who drives around Moscow with KRA series license plates.

It seems that Russia is a rule of law state. And the President with legal education. And the prime minister actually comes from the intelligence services. It would seem that there should be law and order. But the situation, for example in the Chechen Republic, which everyone for some reason “forgot” and calmed down, says the opposite. Although it is obvious that in Chechnya, which is part of the Russian Federation, the constitution is not respected at all. But more on that later, let's start with the “good”.

Formally, everything is fine in Chechnya. A lot of money is being allocated to restore the republic’s economy. Most of them end up in the pockets of officials, both Russian and Chechen.

Grozny even hosted a football match between the Grozny team, led by Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, and the 2002 Brazilian national team. And Kadyrov even scored two goals... That’s what we’ll talk about.

Let's start with Mr. Kadyrov's regalia.

On January 18, 2006, “at the request of authoritative scientists”, for the fact that under his leadership in Chechnya “the negative phenomena that took place in connection with the activities of illegal armed groups” were overcome, R. Kadyrov was awarded the title of honorary member public organization"Russian Academy natural sciences"(RAEN). I wonder how the overcoming of negative phenomena is connected with the natural sciences?

July 27, 2006 Kadyrov was elected honorary academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic. In 2006 he was awarded the title of honorary professor of the Modern Humanitarian Academy. On June 19, 2007 he was awarded the title of honorary professor of Chechen state university. Looking at the “intellectual” face of Ramzan Akhmatovich, do you wonder if he might also be nominated for the Nobel Prize?

And how many medals! And “For military valor” and “For excellence in the protection public order", and two "Zhukov Medals" (Zhukov turned over in his grave)... And naturally Kadyrov is the "Hero of Russia".

I wonder what all these awards are for? For the fact that during the First Chechen War, together with his father, he was in the ranks of the Chechen separatists and fought against the Russians Armed Forces? Or for the betrayal of the Chechen separatists? For going over to the side Russian troops? In general, bandits who surrender are promised at most an amnesty, and even then not always. But to give this honorary title like "Hero of Russia"?! Isn't this an insult to all those who fought for Russia, both in Chechnya and in other conflicts? In fact, this title is equivalent to the title of “Hero of the USSR”, that is, Kadyrov is equal to veterans Patriotic War on your own merits?

A strange situation: if the Russian Federation, having spent so much human lives and money for the “counterterrorist operation” in Chechnya, then it would be logical to expect the restoration of legal order on its territory. And if Kadyrov had been able to establish it, then perhaps a lot would have been forgiven him, but no!

According to the International Federation of Human Rights in Helsinki, among the private prisons existing in Chechnya, at least two are located in Kadyrov’s ancestral village of Tsentoroi and are at his personal disposal. One of them consists of concrete bunkers or cells where abducted relatives of militants (including the elderly, women and children) are kept for the purpose of blackmailing them. In particular, the father and wife of Dokka Umarov, and seven relatives of Aslan Maskhadov, who were released after the latter’s murder, were held there. The Chechen prosecutor's office opened a criminal case into the kidnapping of Maskhadov's relatives, but suspended it "due to the impossibility of bringing witnesses to justice as defendants." According to the deputy Prosecutor General Russian Federation N.I. Shepel, “Maskhadov’s relatives were released as a result special operation organized by government forces."

It is alleged that the second prison is located in the courtyard or in the immediate vicinity of Kadyrov’s house. The third prison is supposedly located on the southeastern outskirts of the village, in an area that residents claim is a base for Kadyrov’s men. It is also used to hold illegally kidnapped family members of militants.

On May 1, 2006, a delegation of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture attempted to inspect Tsentoroi, but were detained at the entrance to the village. The next day she was allowed into the village, but the incident was declared to be the willfulness of the police at the checkpoint; however, according to human rights activists, this gave Kadyrov time to cover his tracks.

In addition to the prisons in Tsentoroi, the report of the International Federation for Human Rights noted at least 10 more illegal prisons created and controlled by formations directly subordinate to Kadyrov - the so-called “Kadyrovtsy”. According to human rights activists, “one of the reasons for the existence of such a parallel system of detention is to obtain “confessions” and “evidence” through brutal beatings and torture, after which comes the official detention and execution of the persons concerned. A large number of such criminal cases are fabricated.”

Let's continue the track record.

The head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Lyudmila Alekseeva, stated: I know that Kadyrov not only pursues a policy of kidnapping people who disappear without a trace, or who are then found dead with signs of torture, or are imprisoned on trumped-up charges, I know that he himself took part in torture and murder.

In a joint statement by Russian human rights activists, Kadyrov is accused, in addition to human rights violations, of creating totalitarian regime. Some human rights activists argued that the operations carried out by armed forces subordinate to Kadyrov were accompanied by serious violations of human rights. According to the same data, “the civilian population of Chechnya fears this group (Kadyrov’s men) most of all - even more than federal employees”; The Kadyrovtsy formations themselves consist, to a large extent, of individuals who committed criminal and economic crimes in Chechnya during the interwar period.

This is what human rights activists say. They are soft people. They express themselves politically correctly. Serious violations of human rights in Chechnya are called in Russian rampant crime, wildest corruption, a violation of all principles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Violation of the principles of secularism of the state alone is worth something. De facto in Chechnya there is Sharia law.

If a woman walks, if a man walks with her, then they are both killed , - Kadyrov said, talking with reporters. And they really kill, and kidnap, and rape. A woman in Chechnya cannot go outside with her head uncovered. Let me remind you that this is the 21st century and Chechnya is part of Russia. If Chechnya separated from the Russian Federation, then please do whatever you want, even introduce slavery - these are the problems of your sovereign state. But I repeat once again, Chechnya is part of Russia - and Russian laws should apply in it, not Sharia!

But why would Chechnya secede? Where else will Kadyrov raise money for the “restoration” of the republic if not from the Russian budget? That is, thousands of Russian soldiers who died in Chechnya for the restoration of law and order on its territory were betrayed by their leaders and presidents, since in Chechnya as a result of two wars it was not Sharia that triumphed, but Kadyrov’s criminal-pseudo-Islamic regime.

And who is the president of Chechnya after this? Is it really a hero? And who is the President of Russia after this, if such a person heads one of the subjects of the federation?

A thief should sit in jail. A killer even more so. Mr. President Medvedev, remember your law school studies!

Ramzan Kadyrov was born on October 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentoroy, Chechen Republic. He became the second and youngest son in the family of Akhmat Kadyrov and Aimani Kadyrova. He had an older brother Zelimkhan and older sisters Zargan and Zulay.

The Kadyrovs belong to one of the largest Chechen families, the Benoi. Religiously, the Kadyrovs are confessors of the wird of Sheikh Kunta-Haji, who belongs to the Qadiri branch of Sufi Islam, to which all the highest clergy of Chechnya belong.

The future politician’s most important authority in childhood was his father Akhmat Kadyrov, whose praise was a great reward for Ramzan, which he tried to win with his hard work and courageous deeds. In his youth, Kadyrov studied in an ordinary rural school, like all Soviet children, and at the same time studied the military science of the mountaineers.

In 1992, Ramzan Kadyrov graduated from school, but did not immediately enter university, since at that time there was a need to take up arms and go with his father to defend the independence of Chechnya. Since then, the biography of Ramzan Kadyrov has taken a military direction.

Only in 1998 after the end of the First Chechen war Kadyrov entered the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law, Faculty of Law, from which he successfully graduated. After receiving a law degree, Ramzan was enrolled as a student at the Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Since 1999, when Akhmat Kadyrov and his son switched from the Chechen separatist movement to the side of the federal troops, Ramzan Kadyrov began to actively engage in government activities. In 2000, he became a member of a special company at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, ensuring the security of buildings of government agencies and senior management of the Chechen Republic. In 2002, he was appointed commander of one of the platoons of this special company, then headed the presidential security service.

During this period, Kadyrov's influence on the territory of Chechnya increased significantly, thanks to his active work and successful negotiations with fighters of illegal armed groups in Chechnya, who in most cases renounced their beliefs and transferred to the security service of the top leadership of the Chechen Republic. Together with his people, Kadyrov personally fought the remnants of the separatist military formations. During this period, the young politician survived at least five assassination attempts.

In 2004, Kadyrov’s father died, and the son of the ex-head of Chechnya was appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic. The elder Kadyrov was killed on the orders of the terrorist Shamil Basayev, and Ramzan announced his enmity with Basayev.

According to Russian law, Ramzan Kadyrov, who was 28 years old at that time, could not succeed his father and lead Chechnya, since the candidate for this position must be at least 30 years old. In 2005, the young politician took the post of acting chairman of the government of the Chechen Republic.

In 2006, Ramzan Kadyrov’s education and his ability to overcome negative phenomena in Chechnya associated with the actions of illegal military formations allowed the future politician to become an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In the same year, Ramzan Akhmatovich defended his dissertation at the Institute of Business and Law in Makhachkala and became a candidate of economic sciences. In addition, Kadyrov received several more honorary titles, became an honorary academician of the Scientific Academy of the Chechen Republic and an honorary professor of the Modern Humanitarian Academy.

In 2007, Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov took over as head of the Chechen Republic. From the first days, the presidency gave positive results in terms of stabilizing the tense situation in the republic, as a result of which terrorist attacks decreased and residents felt the long-awaited peace. In addition to resolving the military situation, the head of the republic was actively involved in restoring infrastructure and constructing a number of architectural objects. The main source of large-scale construction was subsidies from the Russian budget and resources from the public fund named after Hero of Russia Akhmat Kadyrov.

Also, the first period of Ramzan Akhmatovich’s reign is characterized by the Islamization of the republic. Kadyrov opened the Russian Islamic University and the Heart of Chechnya mosque in Grozny in support of Sufi Islam, which is the traditional religion in the republic.

In 2011, Ramzan Kadyrov was again re-elected to the next presidential term in the Chechen parliament and continues to successfully lead the republic. According to Kadyrov himself, the key role in his political career is support Russian President Vladimir Putin, to whom he regularly expresses his personal devotion.

Five years later, on March 25, 2016, due to the expiration of his term of office, President Vladimir Putin appointed Kadyrov as acting head of the Chechen Republic. In the next elections on September 18, 2016, Kadyrov won, according to official data, with 97.56% of the votes with a turnout of 94.8%.

In addition to high achievements in economic sciences, Ramzan Kadyrov is a master of sports in boxing, and also holds the post of head of the Chechen Boxing Federation and heads the Ramzan football club of the same name, whose branches are located in all regions of the republic.

Family of Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov is married to fellow villager Medni Musaevna Aidamirova (born September 7, 1978), whom he met at school. Medni works as a fashion designer and in October 2009 founded the Firdaws fashion house in Grozny, which produces Muslim clothing. They have ten children: four sons - Akhmat (born November 8, 2005, named after his grandfather), Zelimkhan (born December 14, 2006), Adam (born November 24, 2007) and Abdullah (born October 10, 2016); six daughters - Aishat (born December 31, 1998), Karina (born January 17, 2000), Hedi (born September 21, 2002), Tabarik (born July 13, 2004), Ashura (born December 12, 2012) and Eishat ( born January 13, 2015). Two adopted sons (orphans from an orphanage) were adopted by Kadyrov in 2007.

Ramzan Kadyrov's mother Aimani Nesievna Kadyrova holds the post of head of the Akhmat Kadyrov Foundation (Ramzan is one of the co-founders of the foundation), which conducts extensive charitable activities in the republic and at the same time, through companies in which the foundation is a co-founder, controls many large real estate properties in Chechnya. In 2006, Aimani Kadyrova, at the request of Ramzan, adopted a 16-year-old pupil of the Grozny orphanage, Viktor Piganov (after the adoption, the boy received new documents in the name of Visit Akhmatovich Kadyrov), since Ramzan was not allowed to do this by his age difference. In 2007, Aimani, again at his request, adopted another 15-year-old teenager.


Ramzan Kadyrov is a master of sports in boxing and heads the Chechen Boxing Federation.

Another hobby of Ramzan Kadyrov is racing horses. It is estimated that he owns approximately fifty horses, kept in Russia and abroad, that have won and placed in prestigious competitions in Russia and abroad, including, for example, the Grand All-Russian Prix (Derby) and the Melbourne Cup. Accusations of Kadyrov's human rights violations have led to his horses being banned from competition in the United States.

From 2004 to 2011, Kadyrov was the president of the Terek football club; in 2012, he became its honorary president. Kadyrov heads sport Club"Ramzan", which has branches in all regions of the Chechen Republic.

In October 2016, the sons of Ramzan Kadyrov took part in exhibition fights according to MMA rules at the Grand Prix Akhmat-2016 tournament.

Awards and titles of Ramzan Kadyrov

Awards of the Russian Federation:

Hero of the Russian Federation (December 29, 2004) - for taking measures to suppress the activities of illegal armed groups from 2000 to 2004.
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (August 9, 2006) - for courage, bravery and dedication shown in the performance of official duty. The award was presented by Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, who arrived in the Chechen Republic. R. Kadyrov noted that “this is a very high award for me and for our republic.”
Order of Courage (2003).
Order of Honor (March 8, 2015) - for achieved labor successes, active social activities and many years of conscientious work.
twice Medal “For Excellence in the Protection of Public Order” (2002 and 2004).
Medal "For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census."
certificate of honor State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation (2009).

Awards of the Chechen Republic:

Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov (June 18, 2005) - for services in restoration state power and personal contribution to the defense of the fatherland. A statement from the press service of the President of the Chechen Republic noted that the reason for awarding the order was Kadyrov’s activities in “maintaining law, order and public safety in the Chechen Republic.”
Order "For the development of parliamentarism in the Chechen Republic" (September 2007)
Medal "Defender of the Chechen Republic" (2006) - for services in the formation of the Chechen Republic

Regional awards:

Order “For Fidelity to Duty” (Republic of Crimea, March 13, 2015) - for courage, patriotism, active social and political activity, personal contribution to strengthening the unity, development and prosperity of the Republic of Crimea and in connection with the Day of Reunification of Crimea with Russia
Medal “For the Defense of Crimea” (Republic of Crimea, June 7, 2014) - for offering a helping hand in difficult times for the residents of Crimea spring days 2014

Foreign awards:

Medal “10 years of Astana” (Kazakhstan, 2008)
Medal “20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2011
Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, August 16, 2018)

Public and departmental:

Order of Al-Fakhr, 1st degree (Council of Muftis of Russia, March 18, 2007). In his congratulatory speech, the Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, noted: “You have preserved the integrity of the people and Russia.” In turn, Kadyrov stated that he “will serve honestly and righteously for the benefit of Chechen people and Russia."
Medal “For participation in the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the Chechen Republic” (February 2006)
Medal "For Service in the Caucasus" (February 2006)
Medal "For Merit in Ensuring Law and Order" (2017)
Medal “For Strengthening the Penitentiary System” (2007)
Medal "Valor and Courage" (2015)
Medal "For Contribution to Development" agro-industrial complex" (2011)
Golden Star- “Honor and Dignity” with the title “Honored Defender of Human Rights” (2007)
Diamond Order of the National Fund of the Russian Federation “Public Recognition” (2007)
Honorary Badge "Peace and Creation" (2007)
Honorary Medal “For Merit in the Protection of Children of Russia” No. 001 (September 30, 2014) - for personal contribution to the protection of children
Honorary Badge of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation “For Merit in the Organization of Elections” (2014)
Medal “For the Return of Crimea” (2014)
Medal “For Merit in Ensuring National Security” (Security Council of the Russian Federation, December 25, 2014) - for services in ensuring national security
Memorial sign “For effective and fruitful work in the fight against extremism and terrorism” (2016)


Memorial sign “For cultural achievements” (September 10, 2007). A memorial sign on behalf of the Minister of Culture of Russia Alexander Sokolov was presented by the head of the Department of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Yuri Shubin on the last day of the Tenth Regional Arts Festival “Peace to the Caucasus” in Grozny
Winner of the “Russian of the Year” award in the nomination “In the name of life on earth” for 2007 (February 28, 2008)
Awarded the titles “Honorary Citizen of the Chechen Republic”, “Honored Worker” physical culture"", "Person of the Year 2004" in the Chechen Republic, "Honored Builder of the Chechen Republic", Honorary President of the Afghan Veterans Movement of the Southern Federal District, President of the Chechen League of KVN
Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2006).
On March 5, 2008, the Chechen branch of the Russian Union of Journalists accepted Kadyrov as a member of the Union, but the next day the Union secretariat canceled this decision as contrary to the charter.
Owner of a maroon beret of special forces units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Honorary leader of the branch of the Night Wolves motorcycle club in the Chechen Republic.

Streets and parks named after Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov Street
New Engenoy
Amman (Jordan)

Quarter of Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov
workers' settlement Markova

Ramzan Kadyrov Lane (Znamenskoye)
Square dedicated to the 100 days of Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov's reign as President of the Chechen Republic (Grozny)



The President of the Russian Federation signed the corresponding decree on December 29, 2004. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded to Kadyrov “for courage and heroism shown in the performance of his official duty,” the press service of the Russian President said in a statement.

By his Decree, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation to Ramzan Kadyrov, the first deputy chairman of the Chechen government, the son of the murdered Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov.

The President of the Russian Federation signed the corresponding decree on December 29, 2004. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded to Kadyrov “for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of his official duty,” the press service of the Russian President said in a statement.

Let us recall that earlier, on May 11 of this year, the title of Hero of Russia, by the corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, was awarded to Ramzan Kadyrov’s father, Akhmad Kadyrov, although posthumously. Akhmad Kadyrov died in an explosion on May 9, 2004 at the Dynamo stadium in Grozny during the celebration of Victory Day.

Ramzan Kadyrov himself believes that in his person all awarded Chechen people. “I believe that today, first of all, the entire long-suffering people of Chechnya were recognized as heroes. We will continue to resolutely continue the uncompromising fight against terrorism, extremism and banditry. And thereby protect the interests of the entire Russian people,” Ramzan Kadyrov told reporters on Wednesday .

According to him, the award is recognition of the correctness of the chosen course by Akhmad Kadyrov to establish peace and stability in the republic. “I am grateful to the leadership of the Russian Federation for such a high assessment of my activities. I regard this as recognition of the merits of all those who were next to me - living and dead, who fought against international terrorism, thereby protecting the interests of not only Chechnya, but also the entire people of Russia,” said Ramzan Kadyrov.

Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov was born on October 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentoroy, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Chechen Republic). He graduated from high school there secondary school. In 2004 he graduated from the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law.

Until 2000, he was known mainly for his sports career: he participated in many boxing competitions and has the title of master of sports.

Since 1996 - assistant and personal bodyguard of his father, Mufti Akhmad Kadyrov. With the election of Akhmad Kadyrov as president of the Chechen Republic (2000), he became head of the presidential security service. He was engaged in negotiations with members of illegal armed groups (IAF) about their transition to the side of the federal authorities. Responsible for conducting special operations.

He held the position of Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs of Chechnya. Was a member State Council Chechen Republic from the Gudermes region.

After the death of his father, Ramzan Kadyrov was proposed for the post of President of Chechnya, however, according to the Constitution of the republic, this position can be taken by a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 30 years.

On May 10, 2004, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic. Since the second half of October 2004 - Advisor to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in Southern federal district Dmitry Kozak. Ramzan Kadyrov’s competence in this position includes issues of interaction with security forces districts.

Senior police lieutenant. Married, has three daughters.

The award documents say that Ramzan Kadyrov has been carrying out tasks to suppress the activities of illegal armed groups since 2000. According to official statistics Since January 2003, under his leadership, soldiers from the security service of the President of the Chechen Republic have detained almost three hundred and fifty militants and destroyed more than a hundred bandit bases. And more than four hundred members of illegal armed groups voluntarily laid down their arms.

“Kadyrov has established himself as a highly professional organizer of the negotiation process on the voluntary renunciation of armed resistance,” the award description states. In addition, with the direct participation of Ramzan Kadyrov in Chechnya, preparations for the presidential elections in the Chechen Republic were carried out in the shortest possible time, and the security of the elections themselves was ensured. For all this together, he received the Hero star.

Ramzan Kadyrov was born on October 5, 1976 in the Chechen village of Tsentoroy. Graduated there high school. Until 2000, he was better known for his sports career: he participated in many boxing competitions and has the title of master of sports. In 2004 he graduated from the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law. Since 1996 - assistant and personal bodyguard of his father, Mufti Akhmat Kadyrov. After Akhmat Kadyrov was elected president of Chechnya, he became the head of his security service.

After the death of Akhmat Kadyrov, many residents of Chechnya suggested that Ramzan nominate his candidacy for the presidency. But according to the Constitution of the republic, this position can be filled by a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 30 years. Therefore, Ramzan Kadyrov did not participate in the elections. On May 10, 2004, he was appointed first deputy prime minister of the Chechen Republic. Since the second half of October 2004, Kadyrov has also been an adviser to the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District. Ramzan Kadyrov's competence in this position includes issues of interaction with the security forces of the federal district.

Ramzan is married and has three daughters.

“I believe that today, first of all, the entire long-suffering people of Chechnya were recognized as a hero,” said Ramzan Kadyrov, having learned about the award. “We will continue to resolutely continue the uncompromising fight against terrorism, extremism and banditry. And thereby protect the interests of the entire Russian people. The award is recognition of the correctness of the course chosen by Akhmat Kadyrov to establish peace and stability in the republic. I am grateful to the leadership of the Russian Federation for such a high assessment of our activities. I regard this as recognition of the merits of all those who were next to me - living and dead, who fought against international terrorism, thereby protecting the interests of not only Chechnya, but also the entire people of Russia.