Growing yew berry and caring for an ornamental plant. Yew: planting and care, reproduction and types Where to plant yew on the site

Yew berry is also called mahogany or greenberry, which is worth knowing when buying or searching for a seedling. Zelenitsa grows up to 27 m, with a trunk diameter of about 150 cm. Considering that the mahogany tree grows slowly, average height will be within 10-20 m.

Crohn's has cylindrical shape with smoothed edges. Very dense, the formation of several tiers is possible. The bark is smooth, colored reddish-gray.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the trunk is covered with dormant buds. They are the ones who give rise to new shoots.

The needles are dense, dark green on the outside and light green on the inside.

The cones are solitary, covered with red skin, which grows into a fairly large ridge that has a sweet aftertaste.

The seeds are quite hard and oval in shape. Pollination takes place in late April - early May.

Important! The entire plant is poisonous, except for the skin that covers the seed cones.

Selecting a site

Having understood what the yew berry is, having seen the photo and description of the plant, it is worth moving on to choosing a site for our long-lived

Lighting and location

Mahogany is shade-tolerant plant. Young trees are best planted under the crown big trees so that they receive diffused sunlight.

As for choosing a place, it should be special in all respects. Yew does not like being polluted, so planting should be carried out in a clean substrate, which is devoid of heavy metals and various construction or household waste. Also, lowlands are not suitable for the tree, since it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, so we choose a flat place or a small hill that will be protected from direct sunlight.

Did you know? The Fortingall yew is considered the oldest, under whose crown, according to legend, Pontius Pilate spent his childhood.

What kind of soil does yew like?

The ideal option would be fertile, well-drained soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. You may be confused by the fact that various sources describe perfect option substrate in its own way.

The fact is that different kinds and yew varieties require radically different soil, which is what determines their growing area. For example, the average yew loves slightly alkaline soil, and pointed yew - neutral.

It is also worth considering that if your site is dominated by soils that retain moisture, then you will have to worry about good

Planting seedlings

Let's start with the fact that if you plant several trees in a row or in the form of some kind of figure, then you need to leave about 2 meters of space between them, otherwise you will get “woven” dense crowns, which will be very difficult to form correctly, especially since such planting will greatly shade the area.

We start by preparing a hole or ditch (planting for The depth should be about 70 cm, diameter - 1 m.

After immersing the rhizome in the hole, gently adjust it to increase the absorption area. It is advisable to “sit” the center of the root system on a small slide formed from prepared soil. Next, we gradually fill the hole, lightly compacting it. We don't want any air pockets that will prevent the roots from contacting the soil.

At the end, we water so that the soil is moist, but not waterlogged.

Do not forget that the root collar should be at ground level. Under no circumstances should you cover it with soil or mulch.

Reproduction methods

Long and ineffective (by seeds)

Let us immediately answer the question of why this method is ineffective. The fact is that seeds require stratification- influence low temperatures, which imitate the natural conditions required for germination. In addition, the seed may not germinate in a year, but in 2-3 or 4 years, since germination persists for four years.

It turns out that when sowing seeds, you will not know how long it will take for the seedlings to sprout, especially since they germinate unevenly.

Also, this method of propagation is used very rarely for the reason that yew berry is not bisexual, so pollination requires two trees of different sexes, which must be 25 years old or more.

If you are determined to grow yew from seeds, then let’s begin preparing the seed. The collection of seed cones is carried out in September - October, when the skin turns red. You should be careful, as many people like to eat the sweetish pulp along with the seeds, so collect the material on time, otherwise you will have to wait until next year. After harvesting, you need to soak the fruits to make it easier to remove the softened “packaging”, but do not keep the cones in water for a long time, otherwise they will ferment.

After cleaning, the seeds are dried and placed in the refrigerator for stratification, which is carried out until next autumn. You can wait and sow in the spring (1.5 years of stratification), and then seedlings will appear within 2 months.

If you choose autumn sowing, then prepare or for sowing. For 1 sq. m, about 500 seeds are consumed, who sow randomly. There is no need to dig holes or make deep furrows; just sprinkle the seeds on the ground and cover them with mulch from dry pine litter (other mulch will not work).

It is worth remembering that it does not imply aging the seeds exclusively in a cold place. Initially, the temperature should be from 1 to 5 ° C, then the seeds are moved to a warm place (about +20 ° C), then again to the cold and, when the seeds begin to hatch, to a moderately warm place.

Important! After germination, the seedlings are grown in a greenhouse for 2 years, after which they are moved to the garden bed.

Fast and productive (cuttings)

Let's start with the fact that depending on the location of the shoot taken for the cutting, the structure of the seedling will also differ in the future, therefore, when buying a seedling, you cannot know what will happen in the end. For example, if a horizontal lower shoot was taken, then you will get a spreading tree that will resemble a large one; if you take a shoot that was directed upward, then a slender tall tree will grow from it.

Cuttings are cut in September-October. immediately after the fruits have fully ripened. This way you will get good ripened material. The length of the cutting should be within 15-20 cm, and there should also be several shoots on the shoot.

For cutting, it is better to use 3-5 year old branches, as they take root and grow faster. Annuals can also be used, but they are slower to root.

Important! Old mother plants produce material that takes root very poorly without a growth stimulant.

After cutting, the needles are removed from the lower part, and all cuttings are placed in a root growth stimulator for several hours, after which they are planted in a mixture of peat and sand (2:1). Planting is carried out in small boxes, which are moved to a greenhouse or conservatory during the cold season.

It will take about ten days for the cuttings to take root, after which, in February or March, the plants are planted in single pots. Next, yew can be planted in open ground, waiting for warm weather.

It is worth noting that when grown in open ground, a tree requires 6-7 years, but if the young trees spend the first two years in a greenhouse, then this period will be reduced to 5 years.

Yew can also be used to obtain new plants by bending the lower branches so that they touch the ground. After a few years, the cuttings will take root, after which they can be separated from the mother plant and grown as full-fledged seedlings.

How to care for a plant

It's time to discuss plant care, consider the main points that affect the tree's lifespan and its condition. Note that comfortable conditions are required for wood not only initial stage, but also throughout life, since deterioration of the condition leads to illness.

Watering and soil care

Young trees have a small rhizome, so they cannot provide themselves with moisture. Prolonged drought can lead to death, so the soil is moistened as it dries, avoiding stagnation of water.

Mature trees that are 20-30 years old or more can do without watering, since their roots go deep, reaching the level groundwater, A big square rhizomes are able to absorb maximum moisture during rain.

However, it is worth remembering that if your region has very hot, dry summers, then Watering still needs to be done. The same applies to areas where there is a high layer of clay or minerals that prevent the tree from going deep into the roots.

Did you know? Yew alkaloids are used in traditional medicine for the manufacture of antitumor drugs.


The dense crown of yew allows you to form almost any shape, even creating a shape in natural sizes.

Also yew is the best tree for formation, since its slow growth preserves the intended picture for several years, after which minor adjustments are required.

If you do not want to create a certain shape, then remove dry shoots annually so that the tree maintains its spectacular appearance.

Any pruning is best done in the spring so that the tree spends less strength to increase green mass.


Tree transplantation is carried out in April - May, depending on weather conditions. It should be warm and dry outside.

We prepare a hole 50-60 cm deep and slightly larger in diameter than the diameter of the earthen ball on the roots. Next, prepare a soil mixture identical to that used when planting the seedling. At the bottom of the hole we place a 15 cm layer of fine crushed stone or expanded clay to ensure good drainage.

Next, pour our mixture over the drainage, place the rhizomes in the center so that the root collar is at ground level (you can add a few centimeters, which will go away when laying the mulch). Fill the hole, lightly compacting the soil. During the process of filling the hole, you need to pour water several times so that the soil is evenly moistened. Mulching trunk circle large wood shavings. Please note that if the new location is in direct sunlight, then you need to put up some kind of canopy until the tree takes root. Lack of shelter will lead to burns.


Young trees are afraid of frost, so they need to be properly covered. Bottom part The trunk is covered with spruce branches, and the branches, which become brittle in the cold, are tied into a bundle and tied to a support so that the wind does not break them. It is worth considering that if you use a non-woven cover for shoots, you should leave air gap between wood and material.

Important! In early spring yew may suffer from sunburn, so you need to cover it with kraft paper or put up a canopy.

Diseases and pests

  • Gnawing pests
If a spruce budworm has settled on your tree, then with medium gusts of wind the crown becomes bare and the needles fall off in large quantities. Upon inspection, you will notice that the needles are supported by a web, and the entire tree is occupied petty fight start with repeated processing of all shoots soap solution, after which severely affected branches are removed and burned. In case of mass infestation, targeted chemicals are used, which are designed to specifically destroy the spruce budworm.
In May, the needles begin to thin out, the buds and shoots are eaten away or beaten. A weakened tree suffers greatly, especially in dry weather. It can also be affected by other pests. The best way to combat the pest is to treat the planting before the buds open. Insecticides are applicable only if the yew is removed from fruit trees or

Let's move on to which are most often caused by improper planting or lack of tree care.

  • Brown Schutte
Fungal disease, which occurs when there is a high density of plantings or excessive humidity. The fungus affects everything and can “spread” over the entire area. Diseased shoots are covered with black mycelium, which initially looks like a thin cobweb. It is worth noting that the affected needles do not fall off for a long time, which is why many owners do not attach much importance to this disease. To combat the fungus, biological products are used or the cause of the disease should also be eliminated - reduce humidity and thin out the crown.
  • Fusarium
Affected young plants have brown needles that quickly fall off. A fungal disease that occurs due to moisture retention. The cause may be either excessive watering or clay soils or lowland. Lack of treatment leads to root rot and plant death. It is treated with antifungal drugs - targeted fungicides.

Did you know? Yew was exterminated because of its “eternal” wood, which has bactericidal properties. Wood is capable of purifying the air from pathogens, which is why it was widely used to build houses.

Use in landscape design

Yew is a valuable tree not only because it is listed in the Red Book, but also because of its “capriciousness”. This tree cannot be grown in urban areas or near factories, so the presence of large yew plantations indicates that the air and soil in the area are not polluted.

Yew berry in landscape design used as a background for rock gardens, creating dense hedges or green sculptures. Trees are used to create labyrinths or compositions.

Yew can also be used for single plantings on personal plot or as a dividing planting in the garden.

It is worth remembering that all parts of the plant are poisonous, so children or animals should not be allowed near the tree. Poisoning can be fatal.

This is basic information about what the yew berry tree is, what it is used for, what the rules of care and planting are. In conclusion, it is worth saying that by planting this plant, you do not allow another beautiful species of tree, which has been exterminated for centuries, to disappear.

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Yew berry is held in high esteem landscape designers thanks to its originality. This one with scarlet drupes looks elegant and elegant in any composition. In addition to good external data, berry yew is distinguished long term life, simplicity and unpretentiousness of growing in open ground. To fully reveal the beauty of the varieties of this plant, take care of proper and timely planting and caring for it.

Description: varieties and varieties of yew berry

Yew berry is a unique coniferous crop:

  • cones do not grow on it;
  • the tree does not emit resins with a characteristic odor;
  • the wood does not rot, does not sink and has a strong bactericidal effect.

Plant characteristics:

  • height - usually about 1 m;
  • crown shape - oval, dense, has several tops;
  • needles - up to 3.5 cm, flat and soft, dark or yellow-green in color;

Yew berry fruits

  • in autumn the branches are covered with bright scarlet berries;
  • The root is powerful and branched, capable of drowning out neighboring plants.

Pick up suitable variety yew can even be done from a photo. The most popular:

Attention! The culture is listed in the Red Book.

Yew berry: planting a plant

Varieties of yew berry differ significantly in their character. However, there are also common features:

  1. The culture requires light, nutritious and well-drained soil. The peat substrate has proven itself well and river sand(40% each) in combination with leaf turf (30%).
  2. Acidity is not a fundamental soil parameter for a plant. The main thing is that it is not sandy.
  3. Most varieties do not tolerate smoke, gases and heavy deposits in the soil of a large city.
  4. For the majority of yew varieties, excess moisture in the soil is detrimental.

Planting yew berry should only be done in spring. Make a hole in the ground approximately 0.7 m deep. For a single-row hedge, dig a trench about half a meter deep. There should be at least 2 m between seedlings. Place the plant in the hole, dig in and water.

Attention! When planting, the root collar should remain above the surface of the ground.

Caring for yew berry

This culture belongs to the north, and in general is able to cope with the vagaries of Russian weather. Caring for it can be reduced to the following aspects:

Planting yew berry

  • The plant needs regular watering in the first 2 seasons. The norm is 6-10 liters once a month for each tree. Your task is to keep the soil moist, but not to overdo it. For example, you should not water a tree if the summer is rainy. And vice versa: in drought it is better to increase the norm slightly.
  • Spray the needles to remove dust. This should be done a couple of times a month in addition to watering.
  • In the first 2-3 seasons, yew roots are in dire need of air access, so it is better to loosen the soil more often. Depth - up to 15 cm.
  • In the first year of life in open ground, cover the trunk area of ​​the yew tree with peat or woodchip mulch with a layer of at least 5 cm.
  • Young trees should be insulated with spruce branches at the end of autumn. Adult plants do not need such care.
  • Starting from the second year of life in open ground, yew requires pruning. At the beginning of spring, shorten the branches by 1/3. Also remove damaged and dried shoots. In adult plants, pruning is more thorough, taking into account varietal characteristics.

Fertilizer and feeding of yew berry

During the growing process, the plant needs several fertilizers:

  1. Upon landing. Before placing the seedling in the hole, add a universal mineral mixture - 100 g/sq.m.
  2. Repeated feeding with the same complex - 70 g/sq.m.
  3. Annual fertilization in the spring with rotted organic matter - once a season.
  4. Annual summer feeding with liquid mullein - 2 times a season.

Advice. Before applying fertilizer, dig up the top layer of soil.

Plant propagation on the site

Yew berry can be propagated in open ground by cuttings or seeds. It will take at least 1.5 years to grow seedlings from seeds. First, find the berries. They need to be picked in the fall:

It is very important to follow the watering regime for yew berry

  1. Remove the pulp. Dry.
  2. Perform stratification. To do this, store in conditions of low humidity and a temperature of about +5 °C.
  3. After a year, the seeds can be sown in fertile and loose soil, under a film. The soil in the pot should be covered with a layer of pine needles.

With this care, about 70% of the seeds should sprout by spring. Without stratification, seedlings will have to wait at least three years. But instead of this procedure it can be used for seed propagation chemical treatment: pour for 30 minutes. sulfuric acid and then rinse vigorously. It is permissible to use both methods at once.

To get a cutting suitable for propagation in early autumn, find an adult branch and cut it into pieces of 15-20 cm. Each should have at least 3 shoots. Clean the needles from the lower end of the branch and plant it in a container. Soil - peat, sand and crushed pine bark. The trees can be rooted next spring. In open ground they will grow in 7 years, in a greenhouse - in 5.

Advice. For accelerated propagation and cultivation, it is recommended to treat cuttings with a root stimulator before planting.

Diseases and pests of yew berry

When grown in a sunny location with proper care the plant has powerful immunity to various ailments. Sometimes yew berry is disturbed by insects:

  • yew gall midge;
  • yew false shield.

Yew seeds

You can recognize them from the photo. Traditional methods are not effective against them. In both cases, treat the tree with a 2% mixture of karbofos. Preventive spraying with nitrophen before the buds swell will help in the fight against false scale insects.

Yew berry: combination with other plants

Depending on the variety, yew can be used to create borders and accents in the composition. Shapes are also cut out of trees, which then retain their shape for a long time. The combination of yew berry with other flowering crops is almost always beneficial. The tree looks especially good in company with juniper, western thuja, Japanese quince.

The decorative qualities of yew make it very attractive for use in the country. The beauty of this tree was noticed back in the Baroque era, when yew began to be often used in hedges, to create borders and simply planted in gardens. The thick, hard crown of the yew, however, can be trimmed well. the site will tell you which varieties of yew are most suitable for growing in the country.

The evergreen yew belongs to the genus Taxus. These coniferous plants are distinguished by their longevity and can be found in the most different places of our planet. Yew is a dioecious species, that is, there can be male and female plants, this feature quite rare for representatives of coniferous species. On male plants, balls of golden-colored pollen are formed in due time, female plants seeds develop with a red periperm. It’s interesting that yew, although conifer, but he doesn’t have cones, instead of them he has berries and fruits, but for humans they, like his seeds, are completely inedible and even poisonous.

It tolerates poor conditions better than most, will grow on chalky soils, and does not need much sunlight, so he feels good even in a shaded place, while the polluted atmosphere does not pose a big threat to him. With all this, yew will begin to wither in poorly drained or overly moist soils.

The color of the leaves is dark green, the size is small - from 1.5 to 3.5 cm, they grow in two rows.

Yew lives up to 3000 years, but its growth is extremely slow.

Types and varieties of yew: berry and coniferous

On summer cottage Some varieties of yew can be used to create magnificent hedges and living fences. Below we will describe several of the most popular varieties used for this purpose.

The berry yew is very popular among summer residents, varieties of which are upright, and there are also varieties that grow in the form of a bush with a beautiful dense crown.

The properties of the Fastigiata variety, which also belongs to the yew berry species, make it very convenient for forming living fences. It has a straight trunk, short branches are often located, and grows up to 1-2 m.

Fastigiata Aurea is a variety with yellow needles, while Fastigiata Aureomarginta has a tench yellow border on the leaves. Among the low-growing yews, one can distinguish the variety Semperaurea with a yellow color.

Among the yews there are also varieties that creep along the ground, such as Repandens, which is characterized by very slow growth. Over the course of a decade, it will grow by only 50 centimeters, but despite its thick trunk, it always retains correct form umbrella It spreads, with horizontally growing branches extending from the trunk and clinging to the ground. The needles are up to 3 cm, dark green with a bluish tint, poisonous to animals and humans. This variety is propagated by grafting and layering.

It is often used for landscaping terraces; it grows well in a container, good for group plantings and as an element of a rock garden.

A beautiful rounded bush is formed by the Hicksti variety, a medium yew species. The trunk is straight, up to 2 m in height, while the branches are located quite sparsely, the color of its needles is dark green.

The Nana yew variety is also a creeping, slow-growing variety. The crown of this low tree is wide-spreading, the ends of the needles are colored yellow.

Yew tree in the country (photo)

Yew is widely used for garden decoration due to its properties such as good shade tolerance and pruning tolerance. The variety of yew shapes allows it to be used in for different purposes. Tall tree-like and columnar varieties can be planted separately, their spectacular appearance always impressive. And for group plantings, almost all varieties without exception are suitable; it is recommended to plant others next to them flowering shrubs.

Yew is especially often chosen to create hedges; the yew crown can be quite easily given the desired shape and a magnificent green wall. Many types of ornamental shrubs look very advantageous next to the yew. Roses, magnolias and other perennials look wonderful against the background of its green needles. flowering plants.

Planting and caring for yew in the country

As already said, yew is very unpretentious, prefers calcareous soils, highly permeable to water. For planting, it is better to use seedlings in containers. When purchasing seedlings, pay attention to ensure that the needles look healthy. To plant, you will need to dig a hole with a depth equal to the size of the earthen ball around the roots and 2 times wider. After removing the plant from the container, you need to lightly loosen the lump of earth around the roots with your fingers and straighten the crumpled roots. Then you should lower the seedling into the hole and cover it with fertilized soil. After compacting the soil, you need to water it. In northern latitudes, it is recommended to choose places that are windless and not in the sun for yew; you can also make a fence using burlap.

Yew pruning should be done so that the cuts of the lower branches are covered by the branches growing higher. Every spring, old brown shoots must be removed. In summer, the crown of yew trees that form a hedge can be shaped into a ball or cone.

The southern side of the yew tree is burning, and the branches have to be bandaged for the winter. We want to transplant it. When is the best time to do this and which area to choose?

L. Sayanova

Yew berry: beautiful, but not for us

Yew berry is included in the list of coniferous plants that are easy to buy but difficult to grow.

I'll start with general characteristics plants.

Yew berry (Taxus baccata) is a slow-growing shrub or tree. Only at the age of ten it reaches a meter in height, but since the yew is a long-lived plant, in a climate favorable to it it can reach 10-20 m in height. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 20-30. Fruits every year.

Moisture-loving and shade-tolerant. Prefers fertile soils. The needles, bark, and seeds of yew are poisonous. And only the pulp of the berries is pecked with pleasure by birds, spreading the seeds over long distances. This way they help the yew to spread.

In ornamental gardening, yew is planted in shaded areas. large trees. It cuts a good haircut because it retains the ability to form shoots all its life.

When planting, the root collar must be located at soil level. The young bush is covered for the winter. Mature plants are more winter-hardy.

Yews attract with their spectacular needles and excellent crown structure.

Yew berry is the most common in culture. IN middle lane Russia is not growing very well.

European yew berry is very demanding on air humidity. It is better to plant yews in protected and even completely shady places, which is especially important in our region: the plants are very afraid of early spring burns.

Prefer rich and moist soil. Root system They are quite superficial. It is interesting that these plants can tolerate replanting even at a fairly advanced age.

The reader did not indicate what form of yew grows in her - columnar or creeping. The creeping form is more reliable. There is a dwarf form of the yew Repandes (Taxus baccata Repandens). The height of the bush is 40 cm, growing in width over time. The branches grow horizontally, the lower ones are slightly raised and hard.

Protecting yew berries for the winter

Severe frosts for yew are most dangerous at the end of winter, when the plant begins to wake up and its winter hardiness decreases. When protecting conifers from frost, you should first of all insulate the roots, especially in winters with little snow.

Hilling up with snow, mulching tree trunk circles with peat, fallen leaves, spruce and pine needles will help.

Conifers growing in open areas, as well as young and transplanted plants, should be especially carefully covered. Wire frames wrapped with lutrasil, spunbond and others nonwoven materials, will maintain an air gap around the plant. The shelter should be at some distance from the needles, otherwise the plant may still get sunburn in early spring.

If for some reason the frame is difficult to make, the crown is loosely wrapped in several layers of dense lutrasil. You can also wrap it in burlap or gauze cloth. But these materials get wet in the thaw, which is undesirable.

Should not be used for winter shelter plastic film or roofing felt. From the beginning of the soil thawing, the shelters from the crowns are gradually removed, ventilating the plants.

The reason for the burning of needles in the spring

The evaporation of moisture from the surface of the needles continues throughout the winter, when the roots, which are located in the frozen ground, are not able to replenish this moisture. As a result, so-called physiological drought occurs. Conifers can dry out especially strongly in frosty, sunny and windy weather.

Replanting yew berries

In early spring, when the soil warms up (usually late March-early April for us), try replanting your yew.

Choose a shady, sheltered place and prepare landing hole 0.5-0.6 m deep and slightly larger in diameter than a lump of earth from a transplanted yew. Place a 15 cm thick drainage layer at the bottom of the hole, then a soil mixture, water well. Place the plant with a lump of earth so that the root collar is strictly at the level of the soil surface. Fill with soil mixture, firm it down and water again. Create a shallow circle around the trunk and fill it with mulch.

The composition of the soil mixture should be approximately the following: leaf soil, peat and sand in equal quantities. Place a frame cover over the plant (see above) and do not remove it until you see new growth.

Spray the plant 2-3 times a week. When the plant is established, use special mineral fertilizers for conifers in accordance with the instructions.

Yew berry (Taxus baccata) – benefits and harms, recipes from a herbalist


It grows best in a well-lit area, but not bad in light shade.

In the spring it can be damaged by return frosts, so it is advisable to hide it under a frame with lutrasil stretched over it. In young plants, the tree trunk area should be mulched with peat (4-5 cm layer).

Light, well-fertilized soil, such as sandy loam, slightly acidic or alkaline, is suitable for cultivation.

Yew recipes

For rheumatism, gout, mycosis of the skin, dermatitis, for the treatment of scabies 0.5 tsp. brew yew berry needles 1 tbsp. boiling water, boil for 30 minutes. in a water bath, cool for 15 minutes, strain, squeeze, add boiled water to the original volume. Make a lotion from the decoction on sore and inflamed areas of the skin and joints. Keep them for no more than 8 minutes, repeat three times a day.

Contraindications of yew berry

Due to the deadly toxicity, yew berry herbal remedies are not recommended for oral administration!

Watering should only be done during drought. It responds well to sprinkling every 15-16 days.

When planting, it is good to add 1 tbsp under the plant. nitroammofoski. Next year - 55-65 years.

For the winter, it is better to tie the crown to avoid breaks.

It tolerates strong formative pruning and shearing (early spring).

Among all types of yews, the most popular are berry (or European), Canadian, short-leaved and Far Eastern (pointed). Despite their relatively slow growth, these plants are considered ideal crops for creating, as they have densely planted branches with dense pubescence of a dark green color that does not lose color saturation even in winter. Yew ( Taxus) belongs to the Yew family (Tahasea). The genus includes about 8 closely related species growing in the undergrowth of the warm temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Description of yew trees different types so similar that some botanists believe that they are all just geographical variations of one main species - Taxus baccata. On this page you will learn what different types of yew look like and get tips on growing these plants in your garden.

What yew trees look like and the use of trees in landscape design (with photos)

Yews are evergreen densely branched trees or shrubs 5-20 m high with thick trunks covered with reddish-brown bark and a dense rounded crown. The branches of yew trees are flexible and elastic, the branches are green and elastic. yew is dark green, linear-acicular, 1-3 cm long, dense, glossy. On vertical shoots the needles are arranged densely and spirally, on lateral shoots they are arranged in a double-row, comb-like pattern. There are no resin channels in the leaves, and this significantly distinguishes yews from other conifers. All types of yews are dioecious; in plants, male and female individuals exist separately, but cases of the appearance of monoecious plants have been noted. Pollen on male plants is contained in microstrobilae located in the axils of the leaves at the ends of the shoots; they are spherical, solitary and collected in heads of 6-14 pieces. Inconspicuous single female “flowers” ​​are hidden by tiny leaf scales. As you can see in the photo, the seeds of the yew plant are ovoid, slightly ribbed, enclosed in a fleshy scarlet-red bell-shaped shell:

Yews are slow-growing but long-living plants. The age of old specimens can reach 4000 years. Wood (“mahogany”) is the most valuable material for furniture production. The beauty of the wood, combined with the ease of processing, led to the massive destruction of yew. Natural plantings of this unique plant are protected areas. All parts of yew, especially leaves and young shoots, are poisonous because they contain the alkaloid taxin.

The unpretentiousness, unusual appearance and fairly high cold tolerance of yews make them a very valuable design element not only for southern, but also northern gardens. Without yews it is impossible to imagine any garden designed in a regular style.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is boxwoods and yews in landscape design that largely determine the style of “formal” gardens. When used in the compositions of northern gardens, yews add a touch of southern flavor and play the role of exotic aliens. Their most effective arrangement is in groups with rhododendrons and conifers of other types of foliage. Despite the fact that yew is one of the best plants intended for topiary, in regions with frosty winters they are unsuitable for this. Even with an air-dry shelter, complexly clipped figures, if not freezing, are partially damped out. See how yews are used in landscape design in these photos:

Below you can get acquainted with the most popular types and varieties of yew.

Yew berry (common): photo and description of varieties

Yew berry ( Taxus baccata) sometimes called common or European yew. Type species of the genus, growing in the undergrowth of mixed mountain forests Western Europe. It is very rare in nature, but has a wide range, occurring in isolated pockets in Western Ukraine and Belarus, in the Southern Crimea and the Caucasus, in the mountains of Algeria, Asia Minor and Syria. IN natural conditions– a tree 12-20 m high with an uneven rounded crown shape. In culture - the most common species, with numerous varieties different types growth and crown shape. Due to their low tolerance to the sun, many of them burn significantly in the spring, especially in the first years after planting. Recommended varieties of yew berry:

Taxus baccata David.

Mini variety of yew berry. Narrow columnar shape. The needles are small, green, turning yellow after the growing season. Annual growth is 3-4 cm. Completely frost-resistant. Light shading is desirable.

Taxus baccata elegantissima.

Dwarf variety of yew berry. Vase-shaped. The needles are green, turning yellow after the growing season. The annual growth of this yew variety is within 10-15 cm. Completely frost-resistant. Light shading is desirable.

Taxus baccata Fastigiata Micro.

Micro-variety of yew berry. Very narrow columnar shape. Pay attention to the photo - the needles of this variety of berry yew are small and green:

Annual growth is 1-3 cm, completely frost-resistant. Light shading is desirable.

Taxus baccata Goldener Zwerg.

Mini variety of yew berry. Narrow columnar shape. The needles are small, green, turning yellow after the growing season. Annual growth is 3-4 cm, completely frost-resistant.

Taxus baccata Summergold.

Dwarf variety of yew berry. Creeping form, green needles, growths turn yellow after the growing season, annual growth within 15 cm. When describing this variety of yew berry, it is worth noting its increased frost resistance. Light shading is desirable. All other species and their garden cultivars were not found wide application in the gardens of the northern temperate zone of Russia. These photos show the yew berry varieties described above:

Types of yew: short-leaved, Canadian and pointed (with photo)

Taxus brevifoliaShort-leaved yew

Grows in the west North America. In the south it grows in the mountains at an altitude of 1500-2500 m, in the north - along river banks, in lake lowlands and on low mountain slopes. A slow-growing, often multi-stemmed tree 5-15 m high with a dense, wide-pin-shaped crown. Young branches are slightly drooping. In the northern part of its range and under unfavorable conditions, it takes on the appearance of a creeping shrub. The seed coat is intensely red.

Taxus canadensis - Canadian yew.

It grows in the undergrowth of coniferous forests on mountain slopes in eastern North America. A low-growing or wide-spreading shrub with a loose crown, rarely rising above 1 m, but reaching a width of 3-4 m. As shown in the photo, the needles of this type of yew become reddish-brown in winter:

Compared to other species of the genus, it is less decorative, but is distinguished by exceptional frost resistance. Cultivars of this species are very valuable for gardens in the northern regions.

Taxus cuspidata - Pointed yew, or Far Eastern yew.

A close relative of the berry yew, found in relict coniferous-deciduous forests of the Far East. A tree or large shrub, reaching a height of 15-20 m, with a dense spreading crown. In places with unfavorable conditions for growth, it takes on a creeping form. The bark is smooth red-brown. The wood is light red, which is why furniture production they call her " pink tree" The needles have a small pointed thorn at the end, which gives the species its name. These photos show the types of yew, the descriptions of which you read above:

Planting and caring for evergreen yews in open ground

Evergreen yews – shade-tolerant plants. In regions with mild winters, they grow successfully in open sunny places, but in harsher climates they suffer from cold winter winds, so a sheltered landing site is preferable for them. To successfully plant and care for yews in open ground, you need to provide the plants with fertile loamy soils. On loose, poor sandy loam soils they grow very slowly, but they winter better due to the rapid thawing of the soil in the spring. When planting and caring for young yew trees, it is advisable to add a small amount of forest coniferous soil to the soil, since it contains soil fungi that organize connections with the roots of the yew and provide it with additional nutrition with nitrogen and microelements.
Adult specimens do not require fertilizing. Moreover, fertilizing with concentrated mineral or fresh organic fertilizers can lead to the death of mycorrhiza and growth retardation until connections between roots and soil fungi are restored.
Yew trees can easily be replanted, but it should not be done during the period of active growth of young shoots. The best moments for transplantation - spring or early summer. For autumn planting Only specimens with a dense root ball or grown in containers are suitable. Deepening the root collar is possible, but undesirable. To transplant large specimens you need preliminary preparation root ball 6-12 months before the intended transplant.

When growing yew trees, do not forget that they are moisture-loving only during the period of active growth. Mature, well-developed plants are drought-resistant. Presence of loved ones groundwater disastrous for them.

The frost resistance of yew trees in the conditions of the North-West and Central Russia depends on the planting location and variety. They can easily tolerate short-term frosts down to -30...-35 °C even on open places.
Plants planted on the leeward side of buildings or protected from cold winds by other plants in group plantings successfully overwinter. In practice, trees growing in open areas always freeze slightly, while trees growing in the shade overwinter without shelter. Young plants are successfully preserved under snow cover. Varieties with a free crown shape are preferable to densely columnar and pyramidal ones, since the tops of the latter always freeze over, and as a result they do not correspond to the characteristics of the variety. Among the natural forms, the most frost-resistant are Taxus cuspidata - pointed yew and Taxus canadensis - Canadian yew.

When caring for yews during cultivation, to prevent freezing of all forms, it is recommended to mulch and cover the root system area with earth and fallen leaves. For plants planted in open, windy areas, an air-dry shelter is desirable. The best option is to install a frame made of dense mesh, on top of which coniferous spruce branches are laid, and in very coldy They also attach insulating fabric and throw on snow. Filming winter shelter gradually and necessarily shade the plants to avoid sunburn. For uniform awakening, abundant watering is required. Watering is especially important when caring for yews for weakened and frostbitten specimens.

Yew propagation by seeds and cuttings

Seed propagation. Yew seeds lose their viability very quickly - after only a year of storage in a warm place they are not suitable for germination. The seeds should be collected in the fall, as soon as the fleshy integument of the fruit turns red. To improve germination, they must be removed from the fruit and washed. The seed coats are very hard, and without breaking them, germination is difficult. For yews, the best method of scarification is chemical, in which dry seeds are placed in a sulfuric acid, and then rinse carefully. After this treatment, the seeds are sown in open ground, where they germinate throughout the year.
A more effective method is to combine scarification and cold stratification. After acid treatment and washing, the seeds are mixed with coarse, clean, slightly damp sand, sawdust or sphagnum moss, placed in plastic bags and stored for 4-6 months at a temperature of +4...+5 °C.
In spring, the seeds are washed again and sown in boxes or bowls. In the light at a temperature of +18...+23 °C, crops germinate. Seedlings are protected from direct sunlight and watered moderately. Too thick seedlings dive. Seedlings develop very slowly, but transplantation is easily tolerated. When it gets warmer, they are taken out into the garden, hardened off, and then planted in a ridge for growing.

If the covers of yew seeds are not disturbed, germination will take 1-2 years. Such a long period is explained by the fact that the seed embryo “sleeps” - is in a state of rest. For “additional development” and awakening of the seed, alternating warm and cold periods is necessary. It is on this that another proposed method of germinating yew seeds is based, creating ideal conditions to awaken the embryo.

Immediately after collecting and cleaning the seeds, they are mixed with coarse, clean, slightly damp sand, sawdust or sphagnum moss, placed in plastic bags and stored for 3 months at a temperature of +20...+25 ᵒC. During this period, the integument is destroyed and the seed embryo awakens.
Then, for 4 months, bags of seeds are kept in a refrigerator or basement at a temperature of +4...+5 ᵒC, where the “additional development” of the embryo occurs and its preparation for germination. At this time, it is necessary to maintain an even, moderate level of substrate humidity and avoid temperature fluctuations. After stratification, the seeds are sown and germinated in a warm place in the light.

Vegetative propagation. One of the simplest, but at the same time the least productive way vegetative propagation yews - horizontal layering. Its advantage is that it does not damage the mother plant, the disadvantage is that it produces plants with an “irregular” crown shape. That is why horizontal layering is good only for bush and creeping forms. Rooting of yew in this way occurs within 3-6 months, but you should not rush to separate the branches from the mother plant. It is advisable to transfer the branch to its own roots in stages, gradually cutting off the junction.
Cuttings. Not all yews are equally easy to propagate from cuttings. Cuttings take root well from young varietal plants. Cuttings taken from plants with a dense, densely branched type of crown take root even better. Cuttings of “wild” species, especially those taken from old specimens, form roots worse.
When propagated by cuttings, yews are capable of rooting throughout the year, but best time for this - spring before the awakening of the buds and summer after the end of the first wave of growth. Spring cuttings are preferable, since summer cuttings do not always have time to form roots and overwinter only with influxes of callus, and this threatens to freeze. It is best to cut side branches, plucked from the main shoot with a “heel,” into cuttings. The size of the cuttings may vary depending on the growth vigor of the propagated specimen. While creating good conditions Yews can also be rooted with large shoots. We should not forget about maintaining the previous orientation of the cuttings - they should not be turned upside down with the back side of the branch. High air humidity, moderate soil moisture, even temperature (first, before buds open, +16…+18ᵒС, and then +20…+23 °С) and sufficient diffuse light- these are the components of success in cuttings. Low heating of the soil gives excellent results when rooting yews. Well-rooted plants overwinter without shelter. Weakly rooted or live, unrooted cuttings can overwinter under air-dry shelter. Cuttings rooted not in the ground, but in boxes, are dug into the ground along with the boxes and covered with spruce branches or stored in light, cold greenhouses or rooms until spring.