Table of my personal strengths and weaknesses. Personal qualities for a resume

Every person sooner or later is faced with the need to clearly identify all his strengths. Most often this happens when writing a resume. The employer wants to see a list of a person’s strengths before the interview. To ensure that this question does not take you by surprise, you should analyze yours in detail.


It is on talent that all strong character traits are based. Every person knows perfectly well what he can do best.
Developing talent will take effort. Few achieve perfection, but anyone can hone their skills.

To ensure that talent does not go to waste, it is best to associate your profession with it. Life will be much more interesting if work brings pleasure. To do this, it is simply necessary that it suits the person’s character, temperament, and meets his interests.

Work on yourself

A person's strengths and weaknesses are closely intertwined with each other. No one can boast that he is perfect and has no weaknesses. A self-sufficient person always admits that he has shortcomings. There is nothing wrong. After all, a person’s shortcomings are traits that, with volitional influence, make it possible to develop further and not stand still. If you engage in self-development, then over time a person can turn all weaknesses into strengths.

It is not always easy to identify a person’s strengths and weaknesses. Their people are not inclined to hide, they know very well what they can do best. However, sometimes people overestimate themselves and do not always correctly assess their capabilities.

If with positive features character is more or less clear, but with shortcomings everything is more complicated. Few people are able to honestly admit to themselves that they are excessively lazy, are constantly late, or cannot bring the work they have started to its logical conclusion.

What are human weaknesses? In most cases, people are characterized by laziness, excessive gentleness of character, shyness, problems with maintaining a daily routine, and lack of discipline.

Many human shortcomings can be easily corrected on their own, but others cannot be dealt with without the help of a psychologist. Some human flaws cannot be removed. According to them, experts advise adjusting your own lifestyle so that they do not cause inconvenience.

Objective assessment

My strengths, what are they? On the one hand, the question is not difficult, but many cannot accurately describe themselves. Assessing your capabilities is an important point. If self-improvement is important to you, you should not neglect it.

By making a list of your strengths, you can understand what you lack for career growth, which means starting the journey to eliminate gaps in knowledge and capabilities.

Strengths: list

Totality strengths gives a strong-willed character. There are qualities by which one can judge the strength of a human personality.

To succeed in your career and life you must have:

  • Communication skills;
  • Confidence;
  • Professionalism;
  • Purposefulness;
  • Analytical thinking;
  • Patience;
  • Learning ability;
  • Hard work;
  • Responsibility.

Developing your strengths

  • Professionalism

One of the strengths of a person is the ability to improve in a chosen field. Experts recommend reading at least one book in your specialty every month.

  • Analytical thinking, learning ability

These personality strengths are entirely dependent on the level of intelligence. It, in turn, is determined by genetic data and the training that has been received.

  • Discipline

To increase your level of discipline, you need to learn how to motivate yourself.

  • Hard work

Few people can boast that they have this quality from birth. A person starts work not because he is tired of idleness, but only because there is such a thing as “necessary”. Each completed action brings a feeling of satisfaction, which works as an excellent motivator.

  • Patience

You can't get everything you want right away. Achieving a goal takes time. The ability to wait is a valuable character trait.

  • Confidence, determination

These strengths come with acquired experience and skills. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to follow your chosen path.

These human strengths can be supplemented by the following:

  • Courage;
  • Honesty;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Reliability;

People who have all these qualities can control their actions and desires and manage their lives.

Exercises to determine your personal capabilities

  1. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses. To do this, you need to remember which actions cause you the most positive emotions. Write them down in a notebook, starting from the most significant to those that are least pleasant.
  2. The next step will be a reassessment of values. Rethink your life beliefs to understand which ones are strengths and which are disadvantages.
  3. Remember the people whose opinions are valuable to you. Why do you respect them? What traits do they have? Do you have these virtues?
  4. Remember when you were in last time were you happy? What was happening at that moment? Why were you happy?
  5. After studying your answers, try to find similarities in them. Those features that will be repeated in most answers are your ideals, what you strive for.
  6. Determine if your beliefs match your real life.
  7. Study what is an advantage and what is a disadvantage in the area in which you live and work.
  8. Determine whether environment optimal for the development of your personality.
  9. Conduct a survey in which you ask people who know you what characteristics you have.
  10. Having received answers from loved ones, you should find all the common points in them. Make a list of character traits that most people find in you.
  11. Make a self-portrait. You will end up with a deep characterization of personal qualities.
  12. Make a list of things you need to do to improve your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

Self improvement

Human shortcomings can only be overcome through constant development. Not only shortcomings, but also character strengths and talents cannot be ignored. They require improvement, because even the most outstanding abilities without daily training weaken over time.

Every person knows what he can do best. Therefore, only rare individuals do not pay attention to them and do not engage in self-development.

There are usually rarely problems with advantages. After all, there are a huge number of methods of self-development. And if desired, everyone can improve their abilities, make them brighter and more outstanding.

The situation is different with disadvantages. Everyone tends to downplay them in themselves. If you don’t see the problem, you can get along with it perfectly, but life will lose something important from this. You can stubbornly ignore your weaknesses and accept them, but developing as an individual and as a professional requires hard work.

17 Jan 2018 Recruiters often ask candidates to list their weaknesses. The purpose of this question is for the HR specialist to understand how self-critical the potential employee is, whether he evaluates himself correctly and whether he is able to perceive criticism. The applicant can independently indicate his negative sides in your resume, however, do not forget to emphasize your skills and abilities. In this article we will tell you how to correctly present your negative qualities in your resume and give illustrative examples, But first things first. First, consider the basic rules for filling out the section on shortcomings.
If an employer sends you an email or asks you to fill out a resume form from the company before a meeting, then most likely there will be a question about your weaknesses. Under no circumstances should you put a dash. If this section is present in the application form, then the employer is definitely interested in this item. A dash in this case will be regarded as an inability to soberly evaluate oneself and inflated self-esteem. Also, do not get too carried away when filling out this section. Remember that disadvantages can become your advantages. For example, being unsociable for an accountant is undoubtedly a plus. But for a sales manager it is obviously a minus. Remember that your adequacy, self-criticism and truthfulness are being assessed, and not how many shortcomings you have. Examples of undesirable personal qualities in a resume - shortcomings that are definitely not worth mentioning I am often late;I am fond of gambling;Availability bad habits(alcohol, smoking, etc.); I am often distracted; I work only for the sake of a salary; I like to have office romances; I am lazy; I am greedy; I am hot-tempered; I am passive; I am envious; I am careless; I often feel indifference to what is happening around me, I like to live in my own world. Disadvantages that may not work in your favor: Pedantry; Individualism; Self-criticism; Self-esteem; Hyper-reactivity; Modesty; Mistrust; Conceit; Straightforwardness; Vanity; Self-confidence; Excessive exactingness; Painstaking. Before pointing out certain shortcomings, read the requirements in the vacancy and draw up an approximate portrait of an ideal employee. After that, highlight character traits that will not hinder you or will help you in your future work. Good weaknesses for a resume: Inability to respond to rudeness with rudeness; Increased demands on others; Tendency to make decisions based on one’s own opinion; Reluctance to act to please others; I can’t always accurately express my thoughts; Prone to reflection; I trust people, sometimes too much; I spend a lot of time assessing of my actions and actions; I can get carried away with work and forget about a break; I let all situations pass through me; I don’t know how to swear; I don’t know how to lie. Neutral qualities: Fear of insects, snakes, mice and other living creatures; Fear of airplanes; Lack of work experience (for those starting a career or changing field of activity); Age (for people over 40 years old); Love of shopping. List negative qualities a person’s resume should not contradict your type of activity or call into question your professionalism. So, for example, to get a job as a sales consultant, you can indicate: reliability (is a plus when working with clients); excessive scrupulousness (will be a plus when working with money); overpriced a sense of responsibility (as a rule, sellers are financially responsible for the product, and this “flaw” is simply necessary for a good salesperson; excessive love of communication ( important point in working with clients, which is also a positive “disadvantage” for retail.) Negative qualities for an accountant can be the following: Distrust of people and love of facts (or rather, numbers); Discharge from disorder (everything should be in its place and only so);Slowness (when working with large sums There’s definitely no point in rushing); Excessive attention to detail or pedantry.

It so happens that some employers, when surveying, and sometimes in the job description, ask you to indicate your shortcomings and weaknesses in your resume. Thus, they want to simplify the selection of personnel, weed out unnecessary candidates, etc. In a word, HR managers solve their problems in a way that suits them.

Let's get to the point

Enough long time I help people write resumes and look for jobs, and I want to say that the topic of shortcomings in resumes rarely comes up. But if it comes up, I tell everyone the same thing.

Weaknesses do not need to be listed on your resume.. Not necessary at all. Under no circumstances. Even if a vacancy or a special questionnaire asks you to describe your shortcomings, it’s still not. No no and one more time no. Never write bad things about yourself!

There are several reasons for this.

  • Indicating character weaknesses in a resume increases the likelihood that your resume will be thrown into the trash. Someone will definitely understand your words “wrong” and decide that such a candidate is not needed. Let them first invite you to an interview, and there you will answer the employer’s questions and tell about yourself in all details.
  • Second point - don't judge yourself. You may be biased and most likely you will. Many people are demanding of themselves and self-critical, they make mountains out of molehills and scold themselves out of the blue. Let others evaluate you. Let the employer look at you, talk to you and draw his own conclusions. For him, your disadvantages can be advantages (and vice versa).

    For example, shyness may be rated very highly. She may be seen as having a calm disposition and easy-going personality. Likewise, an active and energetic person may be called an upstart and a troublemaker.

  • If you indicate weaknesses and shortcomings in your resume, this will show your low self-esteem. Low self-esteem = low salary. Therefore, there is no need to be completely honest in your resume, show yourself from your advantage.

What if you still need to write something?

If you have a questionnaire or a form on a website where there is a special column “your shortcomings,” write a neutral phrase.

Examples of indicating weaknesses in a resume:

— “I am ready to answer your questions in personal communication”
- “I prefer to talk about it in person”
- Just put a dash

No disadvantages - only advantages

I want to say a few words about reverse side medals. If you don’t need to indicate your weaknesses in your resume, then your strengths should. This is really important. Focus on your strengths, strengths and skills. This will help the employer make the “right” choice.

How to please your future boss if his profile contains an insidious item - character weaknesses? In a resume, unlike a regular conversation, every word has weight, so it’s better to prepare in advance for awkward questions, and weak qualities must be presented as very useful for the business.

  1. You can simply not indicate your weaknesses professional quality in your resume. Focus on your skills, experience, education, and personal qualities can be discussed at the interview. However, it is impossible to refuse this point if you fill out your resume electronically. Read also:
  2. A dash instead of information is another mistake of future employees. If the boss decided to leave this column, it means that he is really interested in this information. And it’s not even about it, but about checking an adequate perception of oneself, the ability to learn and understand the leader. Emptiness can indicate excessively high self-esteem or, on the contrary, lack of self-confidence. Read also:
  3. Of course, you shouldn’t list all the shortcomings in too much detail or engage in self-flagellation. It’s enough to remember that any weaknesses in your resume have a downside for the employer. And what may be a problem for one may be an advantage for another. For example, if you are an accountant, your lack of sociability will be useful in your work. And if you are a manager, then this is a serious omission.
  4. When filling out strengths and weaknesses in your resume, try to build on the position you want to occupy. For example, choose weaknesses that are not related to your activities. Restlessness is the norm for a sales manager, but a minus for an accountant.
  5. "Turn weaknesses into strengths" - old approach. It works if you can think creatively. Otherwise, your efforts will be too primitive and you will be found out. So the trick “with an increased sense of responsibility, workaholism and perfectionism” may be unsuccessful.
  6. Remember that some bosses aren't looking for flaws in you at all. , but only evaluate adequacy, truthfulness and self-criticism.
  7. It is better to describe your weaknesses in your resume, which can be improved. This must also be stated in the text of the questionnaire. There are some bosses who want to train workers for themselves. In this case, your frankness and willingness to work on yourself will be appreciated.
  8. Indicate not only individual characteristics, but also your qualities in teamwork .
  9. Do not use flowery phrases like “my shortcomings are extensions of my strengths.” This will not surprise you, but will only show your reluctance to engage in dialogue with your employer.
  10. The optimal number of flaws is 2 or 3 . Don't get carried away!

Weaknesses in a resume - examples:

  • Selfishness, pride, scrupulousness, inflexibility in labor matters, the habit of telling the truth directly, inability to establish contact with strangers, increased demands.
  • Tendency to formalism, overweight, unpunctuality, slowness, restlessness, fear of airplanes, impulsiveness.
  • Reliability, high anxiety, hyperactivity, distrust, straightforwardness, need for external motivation.
  • Hot temper, isolation, self-confidence, stubbornness.
  • Another weakness you can indicate in your resume is that you You don’t always express your thoughts perfectly or are prone to reflection . And if you are asked why this interferes, answer that you would like to spend less time analyzing the problem.

“I moved on with my life and made as many Strong Choices as I could. But I was tormented by the inner conviction that I could do much more. After all, I am sure that you very often feel potential within yourself that simply does not have the opportunity to manifest itself in your current reality. And therefore, a person endowed with many talents may seem mediocre, because... he simply does not have the ability or understanding of how to realize his potential! Most likely, everything would have remained at the level of internal sensations and regrets if, while studying at the Academy of Imperial Feng Shui, I had not come close to understanding the “Core of Personality.” Core Personalitythis is a set of fundamental programs of a person’s personality that determine his motivation, values, abilities and way of achieving goals. It became a discovery for me that the Core of my Personality is the Yin Fire Ding. The image of this fire is the flame of a candle or fire from smoldering coals. It is not as strong as the Yang Bing fire and is not capable of illuminating everything and everyone, but it provides a steady warmth and light to those around it without burning or scorching. Each Core Personality has its own Strengths and Weaknesses. I started studying them, going deeper and experimenting with them in my work. And as it turns out, my gut feeling was correct. My job as a manager foreign economic activity I just didn’t give the opportunity to fully express all my strengths...

From my memories

Chapter 5: Strengths and weaknesses of a person.

“My philosophy is to

feel responsible not only for your own

life in general, but also for the fact that in every

specific moment to do the best way

what you do. This setting will change

and your life for the better in the near future."

Oprah Winfrey,

host of a famous talk show.

The concept of Strong and Weak choices raises questions - how can we learn to make these very Strong choices?

My life experience suggests that regularly making strong choices helps to develop and strengthen a person’s Strengths while simultaneously working on his Weaknesses.

What are Strengths and Weaknesses and where do they come from in a person?

The concept of “Life as a Journey” helps explain this best, in my opinion. Imagine that you are going on a trip to the mountains. Usually any trip is preceded by a period of preparation and collection.

The traveler collects the equipment he will need on the hike. So if he goes to the mountains, he takes with him all the things that he will need in the mountains. And he doesn’t take with him what he needs, for example, at sea and may not be needed in mountainous conditions.

The same goes for strengths and weaknesses. The soul goes into its incarnation on Earth with a clear understanding of the goals and objectives that it is going to realize in the material world.

And for these purposes, she chooses character traits that suit her, future parents, country, city, gender, etc. The Soul also outlines the main events of life, its lessons, the people it will meet and communicate with in its next incarnation.

And of course, she chooses in advance the abilities that she will have in this life. After all, it is her abilities that will give her in this incarnation the opportunity to go through and receive certain life lessons for the sake of which she plans her journey.

This is why it is very important to know your Strengths and Weaknesses. After all, it is working with them, developing strengths and working through weaknesses that ultimately lead us to understanding the purpose of our journey!

And then we come to understand our purpose in the current incarnation. And then it’s easy and simple for us to make the most difficult Strong Choices. After all, they are naturally and most organically woven into our Path.

Human Strengths

Scientists, having conducted a lot of experiments and experiments, have proven that people who use their strengths in their activities:

  1. Get an extra boost of energy feeling healthier, more satisfied and more confident.
  2. React less to stressful situations and make more adequate decisions in complex external conditions, positive thinking is easy for them.
  3. Move faster and more successfully career ladder , more in demand on the labor market and their wage much higher.
  4. More variable, flexible and creative, acquire knowledge faster and develop in their professional activity, easily adapt to changing external circumstances.
  5. Are much more deeply involved in their activities and get real pleasure from it, connecting it with their purpose in life.
  6. Happier and more satisfied with your life, they are less likely to experience depression and mood swings.
  7. Completely satisfied with your life, are happier in marriage, their children grow up beautiful, smart and capable.

On my own behalf, I can also add that I experienced all the most vivid, emotionally intense experiences and maximum satisfaction in life precisely when I used my strengths.

From theory, let's move on to practice. We will talk about methods by which you can independently determine your strengths and weaknesses in the next chapter 6: “Three techniques for identifying a person’s strengths.”

In the meantime, let's look at what our society generally calls strengths.

Among them may be:

analytical thinking;

learning ability;




hard work;



self confidence;

communication skills;

ability to speak in public;

get to the bottom of the issue;

ability to make quick decisions;

and many others…

Weaknesses of a person.

Each of us has, of course, weaknesses. This is what we struggle with all our lives, what we want to change, work through, what we are ashamed of or afraid of.

  1. Fix it yourself.

Weaknesses are not something you should work on all your life, investing enormous effort and tons of time.

It has been proven that it is much more effective to invest time, effort and money in developing strengths than overcoming weaknesses.

However, it is always possible to get a decent effect with little effort.

So, whenever you start learning some new knowledge or practice, you immediately get 20 to 30% progress. After all, if you had zero, then adding even a small amount of something to it gives a quick increase in quantity.

Therefore, always strengthen your weak areas until with little effort they improve significantly.

And when growth progress stops, just record the result and move on.

  1. Contact the professionals.

If a weakness causes you inconvenience and constantly interferes with your life, and trying to develop it on your own has not helped, then I recommend that you contact a professional.

You shouldn’t puff, puff up, and puff out your cheeks like a beginning weightlifter who thinks that this will help him “take” more weight.

It is much more effective in terms of investing money and time to turn to a professional for help.

They will either help you themselves or give you effective recommendations to eliminate the consequences of your weakness.

  1. Admit it to yourself and adapt.

If neither the first nor the second option gave any strong improvements, then take a close look at your life.

How serious is the impact of your weakness on your quality of life?

If the influence is not serious, then just admit to yourself that this quality is in you. Then consider this factor in your life.

So, for example, if you are constantly late, then simply leave for important meetings or the airport in advance. Ask people from your environment to give you a “kick” at your request in serious moments so that they can help you cope.

What to do if a weakness has a serious impact on your life, for example, it is important for your professional activities?

In this case, you need to take this into account in a special way and replace it strong point your team member or employee.

So, for example, if you soft man, but you manage people who recognize rigidity and determination, then you definitely need a deputy who will strictly and decisively execute and implement your decisions.

"Light" and "dark" sides

The conversation about strengths and weaknesses will be incomplete if I remain silent about one of the important Cosmic laws.

This is the law of Duality or Duality of our existence.

Chinese metaphysics tells us that everything in our world is dual. Everything can be divided into yin and yang. This principle is expressed by the well-known Yin-Yang symbol.

This principle of Tazi or the Great Limit tells us that everything has its own “light” and its own “dark” side. And strengthening any side to the maximum leads to its transformation into its opposite.

Anything, even the most good quality, if it is strengthened too much, it will turn into its opposite.

Fig.2 The Great Principle of Taiji or the Yin-Yang Circle.

Strengths always have a “light” and a “dark” side. So, for example, organization is a good strength, but it dark side– this is excessive inflexibility, adherence to the “letter” and not the spirit of the law, pedantry - no one would call these qualities strong. Moreover, they are more likely to be considered weak and annoy others.

What can this teach us to apply in our lives?

Firstly, try to look carefully at your weaknesses. It is possible that most of them are an exaggerated strength. And you can quite easily transform it and make it your strength.

Or think about the fact that in some special conditions your weaknesses can be considered strengths.

What could these conditions be?

Secondly, remember that strengthening of strengths should occur not so much in quantitative terms, how much is at the qualitative level. Otherwise, you can easily deform your strong side and become the owner of a weak side.

P.S. “The result of working with my strengths gave its amazing effect a few months after the start of the experiments. As two of my strengths, I began to develop emotional leadership and skill public speaking, speaking up and expressing my opinions wherever it was appropriate in my job. And they noticed me! Moreover, my future mentor, the head of a completely different direction in the company, noticed me. Noticing my abilities, he took the liberty and convinced the general director to transfer a competent employee from the foreign economic activity department to the development department as his assistant. The art of the Destiny Code and learning the strengths of my Core Personality simply opened up a new vision for myself! As a result, I quickly made a decision (although before understanding my personality and its characteristics I would have had strong and long doubts and could have missed the opportunity) and within a month we were traveling all over Russia, communicating with new interesting people, changing their understanding of the fashion business women's clothing and negotiating the opening of franchise dealer stores. Within six months, my income doubled and, including travel allowances and bonuses, became over $1,200! This exceeded my salary as a foreign trade manager by more than 2 times and gave me the opportunity to become a bright, respected and well-known specialist in my company.

Practical task:

1. Now, in order not to be just theorists, write in the comments below a list of your strengths and weaknesses as you see them right now.

2. For the advanced - try to find echoes of strengths in some of your weaknesses. Or come up with conditions in which your weaknesses may be in demand and needed.