Art Deco style in the interior: description and photo

An interior style such as art deco has now begun to be actively used again for creating interiors. Despite the fact that this style appeared about a hundred years ago in France, it has again become relevant. What is the secret of the popularity of such an interior style as art deco?

Decorative art in the interior and photo

Translated from French, the concept of art deco is translated as decorative arts. Many social and cultural changes of the first half of the last century were reflected in the Art Deco style. Photos of that time can be found on the Internet.

Interiors are gradually moving away from their former asceticism, and people, wanting to forget about difficult times, are trying to realize their dreams of luxury and beautiful furniture with the help of this style.

In the 20s of the previous century, new technologies were rapidly mastered, and activity was observed in all cultural spheres. The cultural heritage was not forgotten, but tried to be rethought. That is why this style is unique and, at the same time, has classic notes.

Art Deco: photos of interiors and key features

In the old days, the Art Deco style replaced the then popular Art Nouveau and Art Nouveau in interior design. The emergence of art deco in the last century was influenced by such cultural phenomena as:

It is worth noting that art deco as a style is characteristic not only of the interior, but also of jewelry design, watches, clothing, dishes, sculpture and painting. You can find photos on the Internet of using this style in various fields.

Key characteristics of the art deco style and photos of some examples:

  • Zigzag shapes in the form of an ornament or tile laying.
  • The effect of the presence of sunlight in the interior (manifests itself in striped decor, stripes on furniture or striped wall decoration).
  • Stepping is the effect of divergence according to the principle of ancient architecture.
  • Trapezium as a form of decorative items, furniture and other interior elements.
  • Curved lines.
  • Black and white stripes alternating with each other.
  • Contours and framing that emphasize the geometric nature of the figures.

In designs embodied in the Art Deco style, materials such as:

  • glass;
  • tree;
  • leather;
  • stainless steel;
  • aluminum;
  • varnished surfaces;
  • ceramic and stone glossy tiles.

In interiors created in the Art Deco style, the center of the composition of the entire room should be highlighted. For example, key areas of the apartment, such as the living room and office, should be especially emphasized by planning and decoration.

Interior options in art deco style

As for the color design of rooms in the Art Deco style, they are mainly used neutral shades, such as:

  • white;
  • black;
  • silver;
  • grey;
  • beige;
  • brown;
  • metallic

Other, brighter shades like green, red or blue are also possible in such an interior solution, but they must be subdued and not stand out against a background of primary colors.

So, for example, a bedroom or living room made in the art deco style should be rich in terms of color content, and the shades can be complex, but not too expressive and bright. The main thing is in color - this is elegance.

The most common color schemes for interiors designed in the art deco style are:

  1. Brown color and its shades. Any shade is allowed, from strictly chestnut to birch shade. This color makes the interior of any room as cozy as possible, despite its apparent pomp.
  2. Shades of white. Both classic white and all its possible shades are allowed, thanks to which you can play with the palette of shapes of decorative items and furniture in any way you like. Choose elegant and not very conspicuous shades such as creamy, powdery, ivory or baked milk.
  3. Metallic. This color and its shades indicate wealth and prosperity; it can be used to emphasize the discreet luxury of the interior. This color should not be very noticeable, but at the same time be reflected brilliantly in the mirror and with the help of specially tuned lighting. Shades such as gold, brass and bronze are allowed.

Features of forms characteristic of art deco

We have already said earlier that the Art Deco style can be unmistakably recognized by stripes, trapezoids, broken and curved lines and gradation. Forms in it so diverse, which amazes with its quantity.

The peculiarity of Art Deco forms is that they were the product of a huge number of borrowings from different styles and eras. Thus, the severity of lines and sharp edges came to art deco from cubism, and arcs, arches and broken lines are the heritage of such a style as modernism.

The same can be said about combining solutions from cultures of different countries and eras. Within one art deco interior able to combine Mexican Mayan ornaments and patterns characteristic of the Aztec culture. And this is far from the limit. Find photos of examples of interiors in the Art Deco style, and you will see what other objects can be combined within one space.

How to choose furniture for an art deco room

Despite the fact that the art deco style is characterized by a craving for decorative interior items, most of them should have functional characteristics. In particular, furniture should have a strict shape and at the same time have a streamlined silhouette.

Furniture items are often carefully processed, since the Art Deco style is characterized by rough and natural surfaces. This style is also characterized by thick layers of varnish covering the furniture.

Some pieces of furniture used in an art deco interior do not need to be further decorated, since they are on their own have an unusual shape and are made from several materials at once. But others should be further decorated with things such as:

  • metal overlays;
  • inlay;
  • mirrors;
  • stained glass.

For an interior in the Art Deco style, you should select furniture made of metal or wood with tapered edges. Other pieces of furniture, such as a wardrobe, shelving unit or bedside table, should be chosen based on how much they contrast in color with the walls. So, if the wall is dark, then it is better to choose light furniture and vice versa.

Also, in such an interior there must be at least one piece of furniture, oddly shaped. It could be a table, ottoman or chair, or something else.

Mirrors are extremely important, they visually make the room larger, because art deco requires a large amount of space and light. A mirror is especially important in the bedroom, thanks to it it will be brighter. Therefore, there may be several of them in the bedrooms:

  • on wardrobe doors;
  • mirror in the bedside area;
  • a large mirror next to the dressing table.

The use of accessories in an art deco interior

The art deco style is characterized by mandatory use of accessories for interior decoration. Various decorative items occupy an entire niche, but they should not focus attention on certain larger interior items, and be entirely independent components of it.

Sometimes an Art Deco room can easily be compared to a collector's home, since the decorative items collected in it are always different and noticeable. However, when decorating a room, you also cannot overdo it; it is very important not to saturate the interior, but also not to allow it to be visually “poverty”.

For decoration in the Art Deco style, the following items are used as accessories:

  • figurines of different sizes;
  • caskets;
  • watches of different types;
  • vases;
  • sculptures in the form of dancers, gymnasts, ancient heroes, as well as birds and wild animals.

Due to the fact that diverse objects made from different materials, belonging to different cultures and eras, it is necessary intelligently combine in a single interior, it is very difficult to create it.

Therefore, it is better to entrust this work professional designer, of course, it won’t be cheap, as will purchasing everything you need, but believe me, it will be worth it.