Write a sample description of an employee of the organization. Legal consequences for neighbors who characterize a person. Structural elements characteristics

Production characteristics from the place of work - sample filling. Characteristics from the place of work: basic requirements, types and rules of writing. Sample production characteristics for several types government agencies.

Why do you need a job description: basic requirements. Often settling in new organization, the applicant may be faced with the need to provide a recommendation from his previous place of work. A more common name for this letter is a reference from a previous place of work. In addition, an employee profile is needed not only when changing jobs, but, for example, for the police, court and other institutions. This article will look at what needs to be written in such a document and sample characteristics for several types of government bodies.

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The initial concept in the field of various characterizing documents is production characteristics. Depending on the data that needs to be provided to a particular organization, a sample of filling out a production characteristic for an employee can be of several types:

When applying for a job, do not forget that it should not exceed 40 hours.

Sample production specification (general form)

Drawing up characteristics for an employee, samples for various cases

The characteristics of the employee are drawn up without any mandatory sample, but when writing a document, managers traditionally try to reflect the following information:

  1. Personal information of the employee: full name, date of birth, etc.
  2. Information about the employee's length of service. Here the manager indicates information about when the employee joined the organization, the date of dismissal, if it occurred, or the employee’s promotion or demotion. You can report receipt additional education and advanced training, incentives and penalties.
  3. Personal characteristics of the employee. The most extensive and important part of the document. If a person holds a leadership position, it is worth noting his organizational abilities, responsibility for himself and his subordinates, and the ability to make difficult decisions. When an employee is a performer, you need to describe his readiness to carry out management tasks, initiative, and desire to achieve high results. In addition, in this part you can report on relationships with colleagues, whether the team has respect for this person or whether he has a complex character and is not able to properly build his relationships.

There are a number of requirements for the characteristics of an employee from the place of work:

  1. The characteristics of the employee from the place of work, a sample of which can be seen below, are written manually or on a computer, on a sheet of A4 paper.
  2. Having indicated basic information about the employee, it is worth adding to which organization and why the document is being sent.
  3. To give the document legal value, it is dated and signed by the head of the enterprise, as well as an employee of the human resources department. It is necessary to certify the document with the seal of the organization.

Characteristics have no statute of limitations. The issued document can be presented as necessary, after any period of time. If an employee has lost the reference given to him, he has every right to contact former leader for re-issuance of the document.


The characteristic has such a feature as a formal approach to its compilation. Often, managers use the same template to characterize their employees. What is the basis for distrust of the information specified in the document.

Example of a job description

This document was issued to Anatoly Petrovich Ivanov, born May 7, 1966. working at VTB Bank. Address: Irkutsk st. Lenina 40 (bank details) from January 24, 2014 to the present day.

Marital status: Married. Ivanova’s wife Olga Pavlovna, born July 24, 1971.

Ivanov A.P. Graduated from the Irkutsk Financial Institute with a degree in Accounting. This is a specialist - a professional in his field, punctual and responsible. Maintains favorable relationships with management and subordinates, is restrained, patient and delicate. In situations where there are conflict situations with clients, correct. Capable of solving any problem through peaceful means. Enjoys participating in life labor collective, attends advanced training courses.

The document was provided to social security authorities.

Head of the economic department of VTB Bank Roman Viktorovich Petrenko.

Sample characteristics for a driver from the place of work

A driver's reference from the place of work is issued in the following cases:

  • driver requests;
  • requests from various organizations.

The document can be:

  1. Interior. Compiled according to the requirements of the internal regulations of the organization. For example, to transfer a driver to another department or to another position.
  2. External. Issued at the request of the driver or at the request of institutions not associated with the organization in which the employee works. For example, court, prosecutor's office, banks, etc.

Sample characteristics for a driver from the place of work:

Date of preparation.

Heading (“Characteristic”).

Driver's personal information. Full name and position held. You can specify the employee's date of birth and education information.

Professional information. Employment date. Achievements. Rewards and punishments.

Features related to driving a car (careful, follows traffic rules, helps other road users)

Manager's signature.

Sample characteristics for an employee in court

Any citizen can become a member judicial trial. In order for the court to find out the qualities of this person, a reference from the place of work is requested to the court. In the workplace, everyone shows themselves with the best side and the employer, unlike relatives, is a disinterested person.

There are cases when an employer refuses to issue this document to an employee. In this situation, the law cannot force the employer. If an employee turns to a judge to make an official request, then in this case the employer will not refuse, therefore refusal to a judge’s request may be punished.

Sample description from the place of work to the court:


to Petrov Fedor Sergeevich

Fedor Sergeevich Petrov has been working at Luch LLC as a tractor driver since April 1, 2015. Currently holds the same position.

Throughout his work, Fyodor Sergeevich performed his duties decently. job descriptions, with a high degree of responsibility and maintained the tractor in proper condition, periodically passing technical inspection. He is a disciplined and organized employee.

He communicates tactfully with colleagues and does not conflict.

There are no disciplinary penalties. While driving a tractor, he never violated traffic rules.

Date of:



Sample characteristics from a place of work in the police

The police may need such a document to form an opinion about the identity of the suspect or witness. It may also be required for a person who gets a job in the police. Accordingly, the content of the document may be completely different, but the approximate structure is still the same.

Sample description from a place of work in the police:

Date of.

Title (“Characteristic”).

Personal data of the employee.

Information about the person who compiled the document.

Information about job responsibilities employee and his success at work.

Personal qualities of the employee.

Family status.

Signature of the originator of the document.


Bottom line

A characterization is a story about an employee that is not limited by strict boundaries. The volume of the document depends on the person’s achievements in the work field and on the manager’s desire to list the employee’s achievements and qualities. Despite the lack of a strict document template, managers still write it, adhering to certain standards.

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Hello! In this article we will talk about the characteristics of the employee.

Today you will learn:

  1. When a characteristic is needed;
  2. What are the characteristics?
  3. What design rules apply to characteristics.

What is an employee characteristic

A character reference is a document that contains an assessment of an employee’s qualities (both personal and professional), and may also contain information about social activities person.

The compilation of characteristics is carried out either at the request of the employee or at the request of any external organizations.

Requirements to this document are not regulated at the legislative level; there are only general rules for drafting specified in GOST R 6.30-2003.

Why do you need a characteristic?

In many ways, its content depends on where the characteristic is intended. If it is provided at the request of a banking organization or the police, an assessment will be quite sufficient moral qualities employee.

If it is drawn up in order to provide it at a new place of work, then such qualities of the person must also be revealed that will indicate that he is an excellent, highly qualified specialist.

What are the characteristics

All characteristics are generally divided into 2 large groups: external and internal. Internal ones are usually used only in the company in which they were issued. They are compiled if you are transferred from one department to another, promoted, and so on.

External type characteristics are more common. They are provided to third-party organizations, banking institutions, law enforcement agencies, and so on.

Regardless of what type the reference is, it must be certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the organization that issued it.

Who prepares and signs characteristics

The employee’s immediate supervisor is responsible for preparing the characteristics. If the organization is small and there is only one manager, then he is responsible for resolving issues with characteristics.

The document will be signed by the one who created the reference; if the organization has a personnel department employee, he will also sign the document.

How to write a description correctly

First of all, let's figure out what components should be contained in a typical characteristic.

So this is:

  1. Name. In our case, this is a “characteristic”.
  2. Last name and initials of the employee. Must be written in full.
  3. The position held by the employee. Also no abbreviations.
  4. Employee age. In principle, an optional item to indicate.
  5. When the employee started and when he finished working in the specified position.
  6. Achievements in the profession, awards (if any).
  7. Information about whether the employee passed or received additional training. education.
  8. Information about penalties (if any).
  9. Information about the employee’s job skills and abilities.
  10. Information about personal qualities (most often about mobility and stress resistance, level of conflict).

Characteristics from the place of work are either written by hand or printed on a computer. They are usually printed on an A4 sheet.

The points that we talked about earlier should be fully reflected in the document, and the writing of the employee characteristics should be completed by indicating where and for what purpose it will be provided.

Also, do not forget to indicate the date and year when the reference was compiled, and then do not forget to put the organization’s stamp.

The specification does not have an expiration date; it can be provided at the place of request at any time. But if suddenly it is lost, you can re-compile it at any time.

During the process of consideration of a case in the courts in which an employee of your organization is participating, his or her characterization from the place of work may be required.

Note that a characteristic of this type is one of the most complex species. There are situations when the characteristics will determine what decision the court will make against a person. In this regard, it is often not the employee who makes this description personnel service, and the leader himself.

The reference for the court is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead. Be sure to indicate Family status person, indicate the number of children and the age of each. Please also include information about your education and military service.

The description should also include data that characterizes the person’s personal qualities. Moreover, it is necessary to reflect both positive and negative ones. This is an important section; the participants in the process judge your employee by it.

In addition, the description must contain a note that it was drawn up for presentation to the judicial authorities. It is signed by the head and employee of the HR department.

Ultimately, the characteristic is recorded in the outgoing documentation log and assigned a number.

Production characteristics

It characterizes the skills, abilities and abilities of a person. Often, based on it, they decide whether to hire an applicant or not.

This characteristic is usually given by the head of the company in which the person worked. At the same time, if an employee has reprimands or penalties, these should also be reflected.

There are a number of requirements for writing this characteristic:

  • When compiling, be sure to indicate the date and serial number of the characteristics;
  • IN chronological order reflect the stages of an employee’s professional development;
  • Reflect the existence of penalties and awards to the employee;
  • Complete the document with your signature or the signature of your manager and affix the company seal.

You should also not ignore the negative characteristics of the employee. Unfortunately, in some cases it is necessary to draw up such documents.

In any case, even a negative characteristic must be objective. No matter what kind of employee you are, you don’t need to express your emotions towards him in your character reference.

As for the writing structure, it will be the same as that of a regular characteristic. Only each point is viewed from a negative perspective.

In practice, such a description is rarely given to an employee, even if he has committed an offense. It is clear that if you write such a characteristic on former employee, it’s unlikely that anyone will hire him.

Therefore, for the most part, employers try to simply part with a problem employee, but not provide negative influence for his future life.

Example. Accounting Specialist material assets I. has been working in our company for two years. Despite a number positive qualities generally characterized as an employee with low professional potential. Periodically violates deadlines for completing instructions and reporting deadlines. Repeatedly I. was subjected to disciplinary sanctions, received reprimands several times. Conflicts with colleagues and refuses to help new employees. Participate in public life The company categorically refuses.

Characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor

This document can be drawn up for both internal and external use. In the second case, such characteristics must be provided by those employees who in the future plan to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” and so on.

Such a characteristic reflects information that shows a person in the best light, reflects the most best qualities honorary employee. It is imperative to emphasize the fact that the person is fully qualified for the position held.

Also, if the characteristics will not be used within the company, then you can consult with the employee himself on how best to compose it. There is no violation in this.

Qualification characteristics

This is a kind of standard of specialist qualifications. This document formulates all the basic requirements for the qualifications of workers. This document is used mainly for government agencies and organizations.

This characteristic contains:

  • Description of the meaning of the profession;
  • Working conditions;
  • Psychological and physiological nuances of the profession;
  • Requirements for specialist training.

These characteristics are currently used in professional selection, as well as in employment in government agencies, in particular in the fields of education, culture and healthcare.

What is better not to do when preparing a specification

Although there is wide scope for creativity when writing characterizations, you still need to adhere to some simple writing rules:

  1. You should not use overly emotionally charged expressions, much less offensive ones. Whether you are happy with the employee or not, follow business etiquette.
  2. Information in the description must be truthful and reliable. It is unacceptable to reflect information about a person’s political and religious beliefs, as well as nationality.
  3. Control your literacy. If you find an error, rewrite the text again. It is important to remember that if the rules listed above are ignored, the employee will be able to appeal the document at any time.


Today we told you how to write an employee profile. The text of the characteristic can be either positive or negative. But in any case, the document must be as objective and unbiased as possible.

Recently, more and more often, resigning employees ask their former employer to write a testimonial about them. Such a document gives some privileges to the new place. There are other moments when you simply cannot do without a characteristic.

For example, when an employee is nominated for a reward or various incentives. The characteristics must contain a list of the basic personal qualities of a person that influence his professional activities. The document also includes a description of skills, knowledge and abilities, and indicates his merits.

An employee reference is usually required when applying for employment.

This document is signed by the head of the organization. His signature is evidence of the authenticity of the information presented. The description can be written by another person who better acquainted with a resigning employee.

This could be the head of a structural unit, someone from the human resources department. But the signature at the end must only be of the leader himself, without it it is invalid.

There are no clear standards for writing characteristics. However, there are several parts that are generally accepted, which mandatory must be present, otherwise the document will be incomplete. These are the following parts:

  1. The very word “Characteristic”.
  2. Full name of the employee for whom the reference is being drawn up.
  3. His date of birth.
  4. Complete information about education. When and what university you graduated from, in what city, what specialty and qualifications you received. If you have a diploma with honors, then it is advisable to say this additionally.
  5. The full name of the organization from which the employee is leaving or is currently working, that is, the organization in which the document is being drawn up. Next, all previous places of employment, time of employment, dismissals, and what duties were performed are listed.
  6. Positive personal qualities that contribute to his success in work, merits, achievements, experience in managing projects.
  7. Information about the professional retraining, the courses.
  8. For what purpose is the characteristic written, where will it be provided.

Characteristics are required in the following cases:

  • employment in a new place;
  • presentation for awards, incentives;
  • transfer to another department;
  • to authorized government agencies.

Any employee appointed by the manager can write a character reference. But only the manager must sign and confirm the authenticity of the data provided with a seal.

It is better if the reference is drawn up by a competent employee who knows well the person for whom this document is being drawn up. At the same time, it is necessary to give information about the person as objectively as possible, succinctly and accurately telling about all the important qualities.

Characteristics: external and internal

Feature: sample

Since the characteristics can be written for submission to other organizations and for certain purposes within the company, these documents are divided into external and internal. External characteristics are written for submission to other organizations, authorities, higher authorities. Internal ones are needed to conduct business within the company itself. These may be the following cases:

  1. an employee is promoted, transferred to another, to another department;
  2. a team member should be encouraged and nominated for a reward;
  3. during certification;
  4. when going on a long business trip;
  5. It was decided to give the employee new responsibilities.

These 2 types of documents are somewhat different from each other in structure and content. In internal characteristics it is necessary to describe in more detail the personal qualities of the person, indicate his professional skills. The location of the performance is not named, because it will be the same organization.

An external characteristic is written when it is requested by the employee himself or another institution. These may be the following cases:

  • admission to a university or college, where a reference from the place of work is needed;
  • the employee must take it from the bank where this document is needed;
  • characteristics requested by government agencies;
  • documents for awarding are being prepared or measures of influence (punishment) will be implemented.

The external characteristics are more detailed than the internal ones. Firstly, you must indicate where this document is being given. Secondly, the main emphasis is on professional abilities. Personal qualities are mentioned in passing.

If the document is drawn up at the request of a lawyer, then they describe those points that the lawyer indicates. The main points of the characteristics will depend on the offense that was committed by the person. If the lawyer himself does not tell you what you should pay attention to, then the personnel officer should ask about it himself. Otherwise, he may be asked to rework the characterization to suit law enforcement requests.

Characteristic structure

The employee profile must have a clear structure

Writing a characteristic is not regulated by any laws. However, there are certain rules that must be adhered to:

  1. the text is written in 3rd person;
  2. verbs can be put in the past tense or in the present “is”, “carried out duties”;
  3. write on A4 sheet.
  • Title – “Characteristics. Name of the organization, full name, position of the employee for whom the reference is written.
  • Personal information. They relate to date of birth, information about the university, specialty.
  • Story professional activity. Here they indicate how long the person has been in this place, then all places of work, positions and the time during which he worked in certain places are listed. The same paragraph records awards, merits, transfers, professional retraining, and obtaining a second education.
  • Personal qualities that are important in the professional sphere. Positive qualities are indicated here: mobility, non-conflict, ability to work in a team, friendliness, resistance to stress, ability to communicate with the team, with management, and adequately respond to criticism.
  • Describes the level of performance. It is important whether the employee can act as an organizer or only a performer; all his abilities are analyzed. Awards and merits are listed.
  • The document ends with an indication of where the characterization will be submitted. At the end there is a signature and seal.
  • You need to make 2 copies. One is given to the employee, the other is left in the organization.

Writing a characteristic is a very responsible task. It must be compiled competently and objectively. At the same time, we must try not to miss a single important point, so as not to distort the real picture. Both understatement and exaggeration of a person’s positive qualities can significantly affect his future professional activities.

Characteristics Features

The employee profile contains information about his work qualities

There are no rules regarding the design of the text of the characteristic. Sometimes it is written in continuous text, simply divided into paragraphs. Sometimes numbering is used. You should write in the title full name person, full name of the organization that issues this document.

Information about the organization requires address and bank details. The location where organizational data is recorded varies. This could be the top left corner or the text itself. The date when the document was written can be placed immediately after the information about the organization or at the very end of the text.

In the text itself, the beginning can be formatted as follows: “The reference was issued to Lyudmila Eduardovna Ivanova, born March 15, 1970, position – manager.” Then they write what educational institution the person studied at and when he graduated from it. For example, “Ivanova L.E. graduated from ... the university in 1992 with a degree in Management. Sometimes they indicate.

When describing work activity, they start with this company. “Ivanova L.E. has been working as a manager in the company since 2010. In 2014 I graduated from courses…” in the description of personal qualities there is no need to go into detail. It’s enough to just say: “Ivanova L.E. has proven itself well and has no penalties. Responsible, proactive. Easy to find mutual language with the team and clients. Stress-resistant, polite, punctual. Takes an active part in the life of the team. In 2013, she conducted a seminar on the topic... Ivanova L.E. takes a responsible approach to carrying out any assignments, can identify a problem and suggest ways to solve it.”

At the end, you must indicate the address: “given for presentation at …” the document ends with the name of the compiler and manager. For example, director: Kurbatov V.V. Head of HR Department: Smirnov A.A.

Expert lawyer's opinion:

Characteristics from the place of work and study are not a document in the classical sense. This is just an information resource about a person. He can be for various purposes. This article describes this in detail. But the content is protected by personal data legislation.

By definition, it is not always compiled positive characteristic. Its text depends entirely on who is composing it. And for what purposes is it compiled? After all, no one will deny that many variants of characteristics can be compiled for the same person. And all can be true, or all can be false. Or there may be both characteristics. Therefore, when compiling a characteristic, the content is many times more important than the form.

There are situations when it is necessary to present a negative characteristic (for the benefit of the case). For example, for drivers there are articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation that provide for deprivation of rights or administrative arrest for up to 15 days. Most drivers are ready to serve at least 15 days, just so as not to be deprived of their license. And the law interprets arrest as a more severe punishment than deprivation of rights. So they bring bad characteristics to court so that they are punished more severely. Absurd, but sometimes it works.

Since the employer or educational institution does not provide for the presentation of characteristics to third parties, they are issued exclusively with the consent of the person himself. This procedure is provided for by law. Consent to the distribution of personal data can be confirmed in writing by the employee on the description itself. This will prevent the employer from being held liable for breaking the law. And the employee will be protected from unauthorized dissemination of personal data. Rationale: the federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

Every citizen at least once in his life may need characteristics from place of residence. This sought-after document can be requested by educational institutions, courts, law enforcement agencies, and this is not the entire list of organizations for which you will have to provide a reference.

How to correctly draw up a household reference, why it is needed, whether it should be certified in some way - in this article you will get answers to all your questions.

Why do you need a household reference from your neighbors at your place of residence?

There are many life situations, when characteristic from neighbors is needed. Among them:

  1. Obtaining and hunting weapons.
  2. Participation in criminal proceedings. A reference from the place of residence can be requested both in relation to the accused person, but also in relation to the victim. Eg, household characteristics It is customary to collect on victims in the event of opening cases of personal injury.
  3. When applying for a job. In particular, when a citizen gets a job in private security structures or enlists in military and paramilitary organizations.
  4. During . For example, when cases of deprivation are considered parental rights(or restoration to them), or adoption. The document will be needed in cases of parole from MLS, etc.
  5. Upon admission to educational institution when it comes to educational institutions The Ministry of Defense, institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other similar departments.

How can someone write a reference from their place of residence?

Depending on the destination of the characteristics indicated above, the following persons have the right to compile it:

  • District police inspector.
  • Representatives of the population self-organization committee.
  • Housing office workers.

A reference from the place of residence is drawn up in the presence of the neighbors of the person in respect of whom the reference is being drawn up.

How to write a reference from your place of residence

There is no specific form for how to write a description from your neighbors, but there is main point– the document must contain basic information about the identity of the person in respect of whom the profile is being drawn up. When compiling a paper, it is recommended to use the following structure:


On the right top corner, according to generally accepted business rules, the addressee’s data is written. Therefore, the description from the place of residence must also contain certain information, such as the full name of the head and the full name of the institution.

Information about the citizen for whom the reference is being written

This section contains the data of the person being characterized: full name, date of birth, place of residence. Sometimes the person's age is indicated.

Information about the identity of the citizen being characterized

This section is the main one in the specification, since it contains the information for which this paper is requested. It needs to be done short description lifestyle of the citizen being characterized, character traits, marital status, behavioral characteristics. Important: in the descriptive part of the paper, emphasis is placed depending on the purpose of the document. For example, if the conversation is about adopting a child, then in the description it is recommended to write about whether the citizen knows how to find a common language with children, how he behaves with them, and so on.

Conclusion characteristics

This part of the paper indicates the full names of all neighbors, the number of the apartments in which they live. Neighbors must provide personal signatures. If a person lives in the private sector, then the house numbers of neighbors, the full name and, without fail, the signature of each neighbor are indicated. The full address may not be entered.

Sample characteristics from the place of residence of neighbors

To the head of police department No. 5
Regional Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Sevastopol
Police Lieutenant Colonel
N.M. Bergs

Household characteristics from the place of residence from neighbors. Sample

On Anatoly Dmitrievich Vasilenko, born on March 12, 1977, living at the address: Sevastopol st. Marshala Krylova, 15 apt. 5.
Vasilenko Anatoly Dmitrievich has lived at the specified address since 1990. During the period of residence, it proved itself to be a good one, no negative situations were noticed. Married, has a son, Peter, born in 2002.
Relationships with family are trusting and friendly. He is kind, friendly and polite with his neighbors. The attitude is courteous, attentive, respectful. He is not known to abuse alcoholic beverages and always has a neat appearance.

Palkin A.G. sq. 15 - Signature
Oleynikova O.L. sq. 16 – Signature
Yarygin V. N. apt. 7 – Signature.

We would like to point out that the sample characteristics from neighbors discussed above contain sections that are most often used in practice. It is recommended that the paper describe those characteristics of a person’s behavior and character traits that actually exist. For example: “never refuses help, is always responsive and friendly, takes an active part in community cleanups.”

So, if you need a sample reference from your place of residence, then the example above can be used as an approximate (but not the only) sample.

Characteristics from place of residence - sample for court

When documents are collected for the court, the description of the place of residence must be drawn up with special attention because the court's decision often depends on its content. Practice shows that the defendant’s fate can be mitigated positive reviews from neighbors and leave a positive review.

Let's figure out what the text of the characterization for the court should be in addition to the description of the person. The description must contain information that is directly related to the case under consideration. For example, if a case of deprivation of parental rights is being considered, then the paper should indicate how the citizen being characterized relates to to your own child, what educational methods he uses, and so on.

It is clear that such information about the person being characterized will not be appropriate if the court is considering a case of deprivation of a driver’s license for driving a vehicle in a state of disrepair. alcohol intoxication. In this case, it would be appropriate to write in the characterization about the citizen’s tendency to use alcohol and drugs.

Criminal trial

Vasilenko A.G. was not known to use drugs or abuse alcohol. He communicates with neighbors and enters their apartments - after the visits, no missing items were discovered.

The process of depriving parental rights

Vasilenko A.G drives a GAZ-2410 car, license plate A785AA89 RUS. While driving the vehicle, he was not observed to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Vasilenko A.G also does not violate parking rules.

Child adoption process

Vasilenko A.G. is legally married and has two minor children. He is always attentive, calm, and caring with children. In everyday life it is characterized on the positive side.

Important point: when you send a reference from your neighbors to the courts or other official institutions, it must be certified accordingly. This can be done by a representative of the homeowners association or an employee management company. The characteristics are sealed with the seal of the organization.