Calculation of lumber cubic capacity. Preliminary calculation of materials for building a house made of timber Houses made of timber calculation

B rus is a fairly popular material for building a bathhouse in a country house, due to its relative cheapness and manufacturability. You can build a bathhouse from or from laminated timber without having any special knowledge or special experience. You can spend one day in a team that is building a bathhouse and you can assemble the walls from timber yourself. Of course, a lot depends on the quality of the original building material and general construction skills.

Methods for calculating the amount of timber

In order to correctly calculate the required quantity of timber required for the construction of bathhouse walls, several methods can be used, each of which, unfortunately, will only give an approximate result that cannot take into account the quality of the lumber.

If a batch contains poor quality timber, it will either have to be replaced or used for other household needs. The calculations do not take into account openings, both doors and windows. After the calculation, you should add the volume of timber that will go to the floor and ceiling beams, to the racks or frame on the veranda.

If the walls inside the bathhouse have the same thickness, then they are counted together with the exterior ones; if timber of a smaller cross-section goes to the partitions, then it is counted separately. After the final calculation, we add another 10 - 15% to the final amount - this will be a more accurate figure that will reflect the real need for timber.

We count and get cubes

We find the total length of the timber wall, multiply it by the height of the wall and multiply the resulting figure by the thickness of the wall. For example, the length of the load-bearing wall according to the design of a bathhouse made of timber is 6x6 m with warm veranda is 34 m. The height of the wall is 3 m, we will build the bathhouse from 150 mm (0.15) timber. Multiply, we get 15.3 cubic meters

We count and get things

As in the first option, we find the length load-bearing walls- 34 meters and divide it by the length of the beam, which is always 6 meters. We get a figure indicating the number of pieces of timber that goes into laying 1 crown of a bathhouse 34 /6 = 5.67 pieces. The height of the walls is 3 meters, which means there are 20 crowns of 150x150 timber. 20x5.67=113.4 pcs. timber.

Checking the correctness of the received calculations

We check our calculations in a simple way. This will give us complete confidence in their correctness. There are 7.4 pcs in one cubic meter. timber 150x150. Let’s take and compare our previously obtained data: 15.3x7.4=113.22 pcs. timber.

The result is rounded up to 114 pcs. and add 10% - we get the amount of timber for the construction of a bathhouse from 6x6 timber for this project. Don't forget about the floor and ceiling beams.

Data required for the calculation

  • Length of load-bearing timber wall;
  • The height of the wall being constructed;
  • Wall thickness.

The length of the wall can be found by simply adding up all the load-bearing walls. If the bathhouse has a complex configuration, then its plan can be drawn on a sheet of paper in a box to scale and the walls can be measured with a ruler.

Wall thickness is the size of the width of the timber that will be used during construction.

It is better to choose an average height of 3 meters. Taking into account the shrinkage of the bathhouse by 15 cm, the arrangement of the ceiling and floor, the ceiling height will be only 2.3 meters and this is provided that the floor beams are at the level of the first beam and the rafters lie on the walls. The height will decrease when finishing ceiling by 10 cm with plasterboard and by 5-8 cm on the floor when finishing.

Wall thickness is the size of the width of the timber that will be used during construction.

An example of calculating the amount of timber for a bathhouse measuring 6 by 9 meters

Let’s calculate for example how much timber is required for a bathhouse 6 m by 9 m, with two internal partitions made of the same timber. We assume the thickness of the wall is 0.15 meters. Estimated height of the building: 3 meters.

  • Total length of the timber wall in the bathhouse: 6 x 4 + 2 x 9 = 42 meters
  • We multiply the length by the height and thickness of the wall: 42 x 3 x 0.15 = 18.9 cubic meters of timber 150 by 150
  • The construction length of the beam is 6 meters. There are 7.4 pcs in 1 cubic meter. such timber. Multiply 18.9 x 7.4 = 140 pcs. timber 150x150 6 meters long.

If the floor and ceiling beams are made of boards, then this amount of timber will be sufficient. If not, then you should take into account the timber on the beams, which are placed every meter and for such a bathhouse you may need 14 more pieces, which will amount to 2 additional cubes of timber.

And a brief “reminder” of the number of cubes in a coniferous timber (board) of various ratios of width and thickness for products 10 meters long. It will help you check the calculations made and prevent mistakes.

Table for calculating the amount of timber in cubes with various parameters, volume in 10 linear meters

The beam is really good modern choice for the construction of a bathhouse in the country or suburban area. High-quality, properly prepared and processed material will last for many years, and careful attitude to it and periodic processing special compounds will make your bathhouse almost “eternal”.

Construction own home associated with solving many issues and problems. One of the key questions is how much will your future home cost? It is impossible to calculate without accurate analysis required material. It’s one thing if you decide to order construction finished house Full construction. The company will take care of the calculations. It’s another matter if it’s decided to build housing on our own. How to calculate the foundation? How much does it cost to build walls and roofs? How to provide your home with communications? Let's consider just one of the important components of the upcoming expenses - the calculation of timber for a house. There are many calculators on the Internet for online calculations of the amount of timber. But since we decided to build a house with our own hands, we need to understand this important issue.

Where to start calculating timber for a house?

Before you start calculating the timber for your house, you need to make several important decisions:

  • determine the purpose of the future home,
  • choose the material from which the house will be made,
  • select a material supplier.

Let's look at each of the points. We did not mention the size of the house and its number of floors. To calculate materials, you must have a project with exact dimensions your object. You can make preliminary calculations so as not to make a mistake in choosing the size of the building that will be affordable for you.

Why is it important to know the purpose of your future home? The thickness of the walls you will lay will depend on this. For a spring-summer stay in country house a wall with a thickness of 90-100 mm is suitable, but for permanent residence a wall thickness of at least 150 mm will be required. Choice in favor of more thin wall will result in costs for insulation or heating of the house. Of course, you should also not forget about the dimensions of the building; the choice of beam cross-section will also depend on this.

The choice of material is simple. The calculation of walls made of edged, profiled or laminated timber has a number of features. The edged timber has the height and width that will actually be used for the wall. The profiled beam has a general size (it is according to these dimensions that you will have to pay the cubic mass to the supplier) and a working size (which is actually used to build the wall). The working size differs from the general tenon size, which can range from 5 to 20 mm. It might seem like a small amount, but when calculated for the whole house it amounts to a significant amount.

The choice of supplier before making calculations is due to the fact that there is no strict standard for the production of profiled or laminated timber. May vary dimensions material, tenon size. Probably everyone is also concerned about not only calculating the volume of timber per house, but also calculating total cost material. Don't rush into choosing the cheapest option. Low price usually a consequence of poor quality. But even a high price is not a guarantee of quality. It is better to choose a supplier with extensive manufacturing experience and recommendations from buyers or developers in your region.

If you do not take into account the dimensions of the house, then you need to start the calculation by choosing the dimensions of the beam, which can affect the project as a whole: a thin beam will not allow the construction of complex projects, and a more massive one will require a recalculation of the weight of the building and its load on the foundation. You may need to recalculate the quantity screw piles or tape depth.

Calculation for a house made of edged timber

Houses made from ordinary sawn timber are different simple projects, and calculating the amount of timber for such a house is a simple task.

First of all, it is necessary to calculate the number of rows of timber required to achieve the design height of the walls. To do this we use the formula:

The use of inter-crown seals will lead to a slight excess of the design height of the frame, but shrinkage will bring everything to the designated parameters.

Next, the total perimeter of the walls and partitions, which will also be made of timber, is calculated. Often thinner timber is used for partitions. For example, for walls a material with a cross-section of 150x150 mm is used, and for partitions - 100x150 mm. The height of the beam is always constant, so the number of rows for load-bearing walls and partitions will be the same. In this case, we calculate the total length of the load-bearing walls and separately calculate the length of the partitions. Now it remains to calculate the volume of the timber:

We separately calculate the volume for partitions and walls. Now all that remains is to sum up these volumes and multiply the result by the cost of one cubic meter. Now we know the cost and volume of a timber wall kit for our house.

Calculation of a house made of glued or profiled timber

Almost every manufacturer will offer you a free calculation of the volume of timber for your home. But what if you decide to compare two manufacturers who produce material of different dimensions, then it is better to do the calculation yourself, since the volume calculation made by the manufacturer may be subject to bargaining. When self-calculation you will already be able to operate with final numbers. Of course, they will be approximate, without deduction of window and doorways. And in the case of purchasing profiled timber by molding (without bowls and design), which is the cheapest material, there is no way to do without calculating the volume.

As in the case of edged timber, we calculate the number of rows for a given wall height:

The key difference is that the calculation is performed based on the working height of the beam.

Now let's calculate the volume:

Here we already take into account the total height of the profiled timber.

To make it clearer for you, let’s calculate a very simple project:

A one-story log house with five walls measuring 6x6 meters. The height of the walls is 3 meters.

We will make calculations using profiled or laminated timber with a cross-section of 145x145mm.

Number of rows: 3000/130 (working height) = 23 rows.

Total length of walls: 6*4 (perimeter)+6 (partition) = 30 meters.

Timber volume: 23 rows * 30 meters * 0.145 * 0.145 = 14.50 cubic meters

On such a small log house the difference is 1.5 cubic meters. Now you have an idea of ​​the difference between the working and total height of the beam.

Using school knowledge and basic information about the features of construction from timber, you can quite accurately calculate the volume and cost of this material for your future home.

Before purchasing any building material, it is necessary to determine the required quantity as accurately as possible, otherwise you may lose some amount due to remaining surpluses or the need for additional purchases, as well as the unaccounted for possibility of deception on the part of unscrupulous sellers. Timber, logs, boards and similar wood products, as you know, are sold in cubic meters, which means you need to know in every detail the calculations for determining the volume of these materials, as well as converting the required number of pieces into cubes and back. And in the case of purchasing timber for building a house, when calculating the required amount of this building material, it is also necessary to take into account the design and features of the future building.

Basic calculations - determining volume and converting from pieces to cubes and back

It is very simple to calculate the cubic capacity of timber, boards and similar lumber. To do this, you need to know the thickness, width (height) and length of the product. And, as you know from a school textbook on geometry, you need to multiply these dimensions:

V = T ∙ H ∙ L, where

V – volume of timber, m3;

T – thickness;

H – width;

L – length.

Dimensions before calculation should be given in one unit of measurement: mm, cm or m. It is better in meters, so as not to have to convert from mm 3 or cm 3 to m 3 later.

Timber size table

For example, let’s calculate the cubic capacity of a beam of 150x200. These dimensions, as you know, are indicated in mm. That is, the thickness of the product is 0.15 m and the width is 0.2 m. The standard length of timber and boards is 6 m (sometimes also indicated in mm - 6000). Or maybe another. But for example, let’s take exactly 6 m. Then the volume of this lumber is:

0.15 ∙ 0.2 ∙ 6 = 0.18 m 3.

Now you can convert the required quantity (in pieces) of this product into cubes. Let's say 49 pieces are required:

0.18 ∙ 49 = 8.82 m3.

Knowing the volume of one product, you can also calculate the cube of timber, that is, determine how many units (pieces) there are in 1 m3. To do this, you need to divide 1 cube by the cubic capacity of one product, already calculated or taken from reference tables (in the example under consideration - 0.18 m3):

1 / 0.18 = 5.55555... pcs.

The amount of this type of timber is calculated in the same way for any volume.

Nuances of calculations - how not to make mistakes and not be deceived

As follows from the above methods and calculation examples, it is very easy to calculate the required volume of timber in pieces or cubic meters. However, one must always remember that 1 cubic meter does not contain a whole number of these products. For the example given with dimensions 150x200, length 6 m - 5.55555... pcs. Unscrupulous, most often timber retailers, cleverly take advantage of this.

For example, you need 1 cube of this material from the example. The seller, of course, sells 5 products, but charges the amount for a whole cubic meter. The overpayment will be the cost of half a beam.

Let’s say that to build a house you need the same 49 beams from the example. And if the seller believes according to following diagram, then you will have to significantly overpay for the timber received:

  • 1 cube – 5 products 150x200, 6 m long;
  • 49/5 = 9.8 cubic meters payable.

This is a scam pure water for 5 units of timber. They are superfluous and unnecessary, but will be paid for but not received. In the calculation examples above, the data of 49 products has already been converted into cubes - this is 8.82 m 3. That is, a “particularly enterprising” seller will deceive an inattentive buyer by:

9.8 – 8.82 = 0.98 m 3 timber,

which is 0.98/0.18 = 5.44444... pcs. of this lumber (0.18 – the volume of one product calculated above).

Therefore, the most correct thing would be to calculate in advance exactly the number of units (pieces) of material, and only then, using this data and the dimensions of the timber or board, calculate their actual cubic capacity.

That is, in the case of purchasing one cubic meter in the example above, you must first decide how many beams you really need to take - 5 or 6. And then we calculate their cubic capacity:

0.15 ∙ 0.2 ∙ 6 ∙ 5 (or 6 pcs.) = 0.9 (or 1.08) m 3.

And for 49 units of this timber:

0.15 ∙ 0.2 ∙ 6 ∙ 49 = 8.82 m 3.

Then you will have to pay exactly for these 0.9 (1.08) or 8.82 cubes, receiving exactly 5 (6) or 49 products. Moreover, both the quantity in pieces and the volume in m3 must be indicated in the invoice for the timber sold by the seller.

Other features of calculating lumber cubic capacity

Another one important feature, which you should know for correct calculation cubic capacity of timber or boards when purchasing them. The actual length of lumber is usually always slightly longer than the standard or declared by the manufacturer of this product. So, instead of 6 m, the average length of the timber in question is, as a rule, 6.05 m. This is due to the fact that the ends of the lumber are not processed after cutting, which is why they may turn out to be uneven, go at angles, and be different, or simply be dirty. Of course, you don’t have to pay for these 5 cm. But some cunning sellers, although quite rarely, still try to take even this into account when calculating cubic meters, which is pure deception.

And regarding calculations for tongue and groove and profiled timber. The presence of tenons, grooves, and other protruding or chiseled places should not be confusing. Calculating the cubic capacity of such materials is no different from determining the volume of ordinary products that are even on all sides. For tongue-and-groove and profiled lumber, the rule is that only the main part (working width) of the product is measured and taken into account, and all structurally necessary and/or decorative elements are not taken into account in calculations. This provision applies to absolutely all types of timber.

Purchase of large volumes of materials - calculation of folded and dense cubic meters

When to purchase a large number of timber, their cubic capacity is calculated somewhat differently than discussed above. For example, timber and boards are needed to build an impressive, spacious house, as well as various other outbuildings near it. At the same time, the necessary lumber will certainly be available different sizes V cross section and length. Measuring and calculating each type of required material for such purchase volumes is an activity that can take more than one day.

For such cases, there is a specific calculation method. It is based on two important concepts:

  1. 1. Dense cubic meter of wood. This is the name given to a volume occupied only by wood and without voids or gaps in it. It is determined by measuring individual timber pieces individually, and then subsequently calculating their total cubic capacity.
  2. 2. Folded cubic meter. This is the name given to the volume occupied by lumber stacked as densely as possible and having voids, as well as gaps between individual wood products. It is determined by measuring the stack and then multiplying the dimensions of the latter. Moreover, in such a package the main amount of material should have approximately the same length, and the remaining products can be shorter, but not longer. It is allowed to have short lumber in the stacks, which should be stacked tightly one after another.

In order to quickly calculate the large volume of required purchased lumber, which has already been prepared and stored in the form of a stack, the latter is first measured and then its cubic capacity is calculated. This will calculate the fold cubic capacity. Then its value must be multiplied by a special conversion factor. The result will be a volume of only wood (a dense cubic meter), that is, exactly those materials that are purchased and will be paid for.

The value of the conversion factor is regulated by a number of standards for lumber: GOST 6782.2-75, 6782.1-75, 6564-84, OST 13-24-86 and others. For timber and boards, depending on their moisture content and the type of wood from which they are made, the value is in the range of 0.74–0.82.

We calculate the required cubic capacity of timber for building a house

  • Height external walls, measured from the foundation level. Let's denote it as H.
  • The height of the internal partition walls, if they exist and should be made of timber.
  • The length of the outer and interior walls.
  • The number and length of beams used in the rafter system, as floor beams and floor beams, as well as in its other structures - if provided for by the project.

Then we select the thickness of the material for each of the above structural elements. For external and internal load-bearing walls, depending on the purpose of the house being built and the region where it is being built. For not load-bearing partitions- at your own discretion. The base (lowest) crown of external walls is usually slightly thicker than the rest of the timber for them. For other structural elements, the thickness of the material is selected based on its operating conditions, as well as the required strength of the structures in which it is used. In a well-drafted project, by the way, the thickness of the timber used for the walls, plinth crown, and other structures of the building should already be indicated.

Now all that remains is pure arithmetic. First, we calculate the perimeter of the house - add up the length of all its external wall structures. For a simple rectangular or square structure, you just need to add its width and length, and multiply the resulting value by 2. Then we calculate the cubic capacity of the base crown:

V C = T C ∙ Z C ∙ I, where

V C – total cubic capacity of basement lumber, m 3;

T Ts – thickness of the base product, m;

Z T – its width (height), m;

I – perimeter of external walls, m.

We calculate the remaining height of the external walls, m:

h = H – Z Ts, where

H – total height, m.

We calculate the area of ​​external wall structures without a plinth, m2:

If the thickness of the material of the base crown is the same as that of the entire wall, then the area of ​​the latter, m 2:

We calculate the area of ​​the internal walls, the thickness of the lumber of which is the same as that of the external ones, m2:

S B1 = H B ∙ L B1, where

H В – height of internal walls, m;

L B1 – total (total) length of internal walls, the material thickness of which is the same as the external ones, m.

We calculate the area of ​​the internal walls, the thickness of which is different, m2:

S B2 = H B ∙ L B2, where

L B2 - total length of internal walls, the thickness of the material is different, m.

We calculate the cubic capacity of the main lumber - for external walls and internal partitions from the same timber, m 3:

V S = (S H + S B1) ∙ Z S, where

Z S – selected product thickness, m.

We determine the volume of material for internal partitions from other timber, m3:

V B = S B2 ∙ Z V, where

Z B is the selected material thickness for these partitions, m.

We divide the results obtained (V C, V S and V B) by the length of the purchased lumber and its selected width (height). You will get the amount of material in pieces. We round this value to a whole value, and then recalculate V C, V S and V B, as described in the second chapter.

To save on lumber, you should calculate the total areas of window, door and other openings for the corresponding walls. Then their values ​​must be subtracted from S H, S B1 and S B2, respectively. After this, we calculate V S and V B using the same formulas. Then we increase the obtained values ​​by 10–20% - so that there is a reserve just in case.

The cubic capacity of the timber for the remaining elements of the house in which it is used is calculated even easier. Its total length is calculated and multiplied by the thickness and width selected for the material.

The use of timber as a building material for a home has a lot of positive points. This product is environmentally friendly, affordable and, accordingly, the most popular. It’s just worth considering that construction wooden house requires preliminary preparation and a carefully calculated estimate. After all, a well-thought-out plan will allow you to distribute expenses evenly and avoid unnecessary expenses.


When choosing timber as a building material, you need to remember that it has several types, each of which has its own distinctive properties. The most acceptable wood is 140x140 mm. And also the timber can be natural humidity, profiled and glued. The first option is the most common, since its cost is much lower than the others. It is quite durable and has a beautiful appearance, which does not require additional finishing work.

The profiled type of timber is more airtight. A house made of such material does not need additional insulation, since during installation it is fixed quite tightly. Shrinkage is approximately 5%. Its reduction can be achieved by horizontal internal cutting of the timber. The final fastening of the beams to each other is ensured by the tongue-and-groove connection system.

Many owners wooden houses understand how important this parameter is. The amount of shrinkage depends on many indicators: time of cutting the wood, climate, construction time and laying technology. For planed and faced logs, shrinkage is more than 10%. Therefore, timber in this case has its positive sides.

The glued type is quite expensive, which is explained by the fact that there is practically no shrinkage. This advantage allows you to begin operating the building immediately after completion. construction work.

When a log house is being completed, you should let it stand for some time. You should not immediately cut down openings for future windows and doors. You need to wait for shrinkage. Only after the box has stood can you cut openings through the crown. For uniform shrinkage, the walls are assembled on wooden dowels, which do not allow horizontal twisting of the beam. And also “winter” wood is more suitable for building a house, since it is drier. Consequently, the shrinkage is influenced by the time factor when the tree was cut down.

As stated earlier, glued and dry planed timber does not need to “rest” after construction. The percentage of shrinkage for such types is either insignificant or completely absent. Only the cost of such timber is 20–60% higher than the profiled version. If, however, cracks appear in the walls between the joints, then these places need to be caulked, for example, with moss or jute felt.

Just don't worry. The appearance of cracks is a normal and natural process that must be taken into account when building a house and choosing a certain type of timber for it.

Cubic capacity per 100 square meters or 120 sq. m can be calculated independently, if you take into account the recommendations of specialists. It is necessary to have a formula for calculating cubes, to know the weight of the material and how much timber is needed to build a house, for example, with a cross-section of 200x200 mm.


Drawing up a project for a future home will allow you to know exactly what the house will be like, what material will be used and where, and most importantly, how the cost estimate will be drawn up. Preliminary preparation will significantly save not only the budget, but also the time spent on construction. The project should take into account the size of the house, the number of rooms and their area, the number of floors, the presence of additional buildings adjacent to the main residence. It is also necessary to indicate the location of window and door openings.

To calculate the dimensions, remember that the length of the beam is 6 meters. If the wall of the house exceeds this number, then the beams will have to be joined.

All these difficulties can stop the entire construction process. That's why, If you are not sure that you can completely cope with all the work yourself, you should contact a specialist.

In this case, although you will need to overpay, the costs will be justified.

Before building the foundation, you need to dig a trench 70 cm deep, and the width will depend on the number of floors. Standard values ​​are 40–50 cm. Next, you need to make a mixture of crushed stone and sand, which is placed in the trenches. After completing all these points, 1 meter formwork is installed. Only then can concrete be poured, the proportions of the components will be determined by personal preference.

A thinner mass is only suitable if there are no cracks in the formwork. The construction of walls involves laying beams in rows.

All crowns are tightened every 1.5 m with special nails measuring 6x200 mm, or also called dowels, to prevent horizontal twisting of the beams when the wood dries. This can reduce wall shrinkage. The dowels should be arranged in a checkerboard pattern and a vertical notch should be cut out at the corners.

The roof usually consists of load-bearing structure and metal roofing. Lathing is used for strengthening. When building a roof, the first step is to tie the top crown using a beam with a section of 5x15 cm. Then you can install rafter legs from boards 100x40 mm with a gap between them of about one meter. For the fronts, boards with a cross-section of 25x150 mm are used, then comes the stage of installing the sheathing.

If the roof is made of soft material, then you need to cover it in two layers to better protect the house from moisture. If the project includes an attic that will be used as a living space, then you will need to purchase thermal insulation and install it before the final installation of the roof.

A house made of beams has its own distinctive features. This applies to the type of tree itself, taking into account its size and characteristics. Therefore, you need to approach the preparation and writing of the project after familiarizing yourself with all the nuances, so that no difficulties arise at the initial stages of construction. Frame, two-storey house with an attic can be 8x8, 9x9, 9x7, 10x10, 6x9 or 9 by 10 m in size.

How to calculate?

Building a house is a rather complicated process, but it is worth it. After all, the result will be your own country house, which can be located next to a forest or lake. This will allow you to live on the fresh air or even move permanently. This actually sounds great to get inspired to build your home. But many people make the same mistake when building housing, which can lead to the freezing of the entire process.

Incorrect calculations are the main enemy in construction. Any extra figure in project drawings or estimates can lead to serious consequences. Therefore it is worth paying special attention correct calculation all sizes and required quantity building materials. All measurements are generally dependent on the following factors:

  • type of timber used;
  • number of bars;
  • number of beams in 1 cubic meter;
  • what kind of house design is used.

To calculate the amount of timber in 1 cubic meter, the simplest method of calculation is used. To do this, calculate the perimeter of the house multiplied by the height. The result obtained is then multiplied by the thickness of the material. The total represents the quantity that needs to be purchased. It’s just worth considering that cutting down door and window openings will significantly reduce the amount of timber. Therefore, you need to add 20% to the total. This allows you to get the final result. For internal walls, the calculation method will be similar.

The first crown is much thicker than the others. For it, calculations are performed separately.

Having received data on the amount of timber required per 1 cubic meter, you can find out exactly how many pieces you need to buy. There is no need to calculate the volume of the product right in the store with a tape measure. The thickness and height of each beam may vary, so you should decide in advance what size you need. The thickness can vary within a given range, namely:

  • 100x100 mm;
  • 100x150 mm;
  • 150x150 mm;
  • 150x200 mm;
  • 200x200 mm.

The height depends on the inter-crown seams. The fewer there are, the faster construction work takes place. As for width, this indicator is more important. Especially when building a house for permanent residence, for which 200 mm thick timber is suitable. Products different thicknesses and widths differ from each other, and purchasing beams of unequal sizes is extremely thoughtless. It is extremely important to study all the nuances. This way you can save money and avoid becoming a victim of a dishonest lumber seller.

All calculations must be made at the project development stage. By studying the prepared drawings, you will know how much and what material is needed. If you feel incompetent in this matter, then you should contact construction companies or read information on specialized websites. You can also find on the Internet ready-made projects with all sizes and quantities of necessary materials.

Everyone strives to do something with their own hands. This kind of work brings more pleasure. And building a house yourself is a truly great achievement and the result of a huge amount of work done. Timber is a very good building material. It is healthy and absolutely safe. Wood, unlike other materials, does not contain harmful impurities and has positive influence on a person's well-being. For example, it can maintain optimal humidity in the room.

To make timber, take a whole tree and cut out rectangular beams.

Best fit conifers as the strongest and most durable material. In addition, the resin prevents the product from rotting very well.

Still, even with such high-quality and natural material has its drawbacks. It requires constant impregnation to protect the wood from rotting. The next disadvantage is the high cost, especially for laminated veneer lumber. If the material is not dried correctly, its quality will deteriorate significantly.