Anti-inflammatory and pain relievers for your dog. Types of painkillers for dogs: which drug to choose Types of anti-inflammatory drugs for dogs

Thus, analgesics will help relieve acute pain symptoms from injuries, bruises, diseases of the joints, bones, and damage to internal organs. Painkillers may be prescribed to your pet during the postoperative period. Of course, before giving your dog or cat any medication, be sure to consult with your veterinarian. In each specific case, a special medicine may be prescribed.

Types of painkillers for animals

Pain not only provokes severe discomfort, but also disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses to tissues, muscle structures, and internal organs. Pain syndrome can cause impaired motor skills, coordination of movements, and affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

It is possible that severe pain will cause painful shock and lead to loss of consciousness. Pain sensitivity is embedded in special receptors that are located throughout the body, both under the epidermis and on the surface of internal organs. Pain is nothing more than a signal indicating that some disturbances, functional failures, or physical disturbances are occurring in the body in a certain place. From sensitive receptors, pain sensations are transmitted to the centers of the brain.

It is immediately worth noting that quite a few specially developed analgesic (painkillers) pharmacological agents for dogs and other animals have been developed. The exception is special homeopathic compositions, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, with the help of which spastic pain can be relieved for a short time. Therefore, on the recommendation of a veterinarian, human painkillers can be used for pets.

Depending on the biochemical composition, analgesic drugs are classified:

  1. Narcotic analgesics, which in turn are divided into phenanthrene derivatives (codeine, morphine, tramadol, promedol, tecodin) and isoquinoline derivatives (papaverine hydrochloride, narcotine). Application is limited. You can purchase drugs only with a prescription.
  2. Non-narcotic drugs, which include analgesics-antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Sold in pharmacies without restrictions.

Narcotic painkillers

The action of narcotic analgesics is aimed at pain centers in the brain. Painkillers based on opium alkaloids or synthetic narcotic substances. They are among the most effective painkillers for suppressing pain sensitivity.

Phenanthrene derivatives have a pronounced hypnotic effect. sedative effect. They quickly relieve pain and temporarily dull severe pain. They provoke addiction in animals, including dogs. Therefore, such drugs can only be used under the strict supervision of the treating veterinarian.

Isoquinoline derivatives have an antispasmodic effect, promote relaxation of smooth muscles, and affect the central nervous system. Prescribed to dogs to relieve severe painful spasms in the intestines, bile-urinary tract, visceral pain, and other internal organs, the walls of which are covered with smooth muscles.

Most often, veterinarians prescribe Tramadol, Gabapentin, Amantadine for animals with cancer, severe arthritis, and spinal diseases.

Non-narcotic pain relievers for dogs

This category of drugs does not affect the main pain centers. Their action is directed to the thalamic zone. The drugs disrupt the transmission of pain impulses to pain centers. Such medications are not addictive and can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Painkillers-antipyretics have a mild antispasmodic and antipyretic effect. Nonsteroidal drugs (NSAIDs), in addition to painkillers and antipyretics, relieve inflammation.

All painkillers in this group can be used for animals on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Non-narcotic painkillers for dogs have: antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antipyretic, antibacterial effects.

What painkillers can dogs take?

Nutraceuticals are used for dogs - preparations that are made from various vegetable, natural fats. Contains amino acids, organic compounds, extracts of medicinal herbs, minerals, antioxidants. They are considered the safest painkillers for animals. In veterinary medicine, it is prescribed to dogs for the treatment of joint pain due to arthritis, arthrosis, and in the postoperative period. The medicine not only relieves pain, but also acts on the root cause.

Pain relievers for dogs can be in the form of tablets or injectable solutions. Injectable drugs relieve pain symptoms faster. There are special ointments, creams, and gels for local anesthesia.

Nutraceuticals for animals:

  1. Ibuprofen.
  2. Aspirin.
  3. Naproxen.

Steroids for pain may be prescribed for pain relief, as anti-inflammatory drugs, but only for a short period of time. At the same time, they should be given to dogs with caution, in the dosage exactly specified by the veterinarian.

Important! Uncontrolled use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can provoke side symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, depression, apathy, drowsiness, and strange behavior. Therefore, strictly adhere to the recommendations of your doctor. It is also worth noting that human analogues are contraindicated for dogs. They are prescribed only in extreme cases in certain dosages.

Dogs are also prescribed the following to relieve pain:

  1. Meloxicam.
  2. Deracoxib.
  3. Vetalgin.
  4. Analgin (tablets, injections).
  5. Rimadyl/Carprofen (1 tablet per 5 kg of weight).
  6. Xylanite (injection solution).
  7. Traumatin.
  8. Pentalgin (half a tablet for 20-30 kg of weight).
  9. Ketanov (injections, tablets)
  10. Travmel.
  11. Carprofen (tablets, injections).
  12. Baralgin injection (3 cubes per 40 kg of dog weight)..
  13. Gel-Vidaprofen.

Important! Most human medications are contraindicated in small puppies. To relieve pain in young dogs and representatives of miniature breeds, Travmatin is most often used. The drug is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly at a dose of 2-4 ml for large dogs and 0.5-2 mg for miniature pets and puppies.

Ketanov can be called a fairly strong pain reliever for dogs. Available in the form of tablets and injection solution. The effect is comparable to morphine. Prescribed for dogs with cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. One ampoule is designed for 40 kg of dog body weight. Use only in emergency cases.

Analgin for dogs is best used by injection at a rate of 0.1 ml per kilogram of weight. The analgesic is administered intramuscularly. If you give Analgin in pills – one tablet per 25 kg of dog’s body weight.

For local anesthesia, animals are prescribed special “freezing” ointments, gels, creams: Ketonal cream, Ledocaine spray.

Side symptoms, contraindications

When using drugs for humans, it is very important to calculate the dosage correctly. Otherwise, serious complications and side symptoms may develop:

  • diarrhea, nausea, brown foamy vomit;
  • drowsiness, apathy, depression;
  • muscle spasms, cramps;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • profuse salivation;
  • disruption of digestive processes.

Rimadyl is not given to dogs that are hypersensitive to caprofen. In addition, it is not recommended for use by pregnant, lactating bitches, or animals with chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, or liver without prior consultation with a veterinarian.

Ibuprofen-based medications are dangerous for toy and miniature breed dogs.

In case of overdose in dogs, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems are noted. Allergic manifestations and short-term loss of consciousness are possible. For example, long-term use of aspirin can cause stomach bleeding.

If you notice such symptoms, you should stop giving the drug to your pet. Activated charcoal or Vicaine will help alleviate the dog’s condition (2-3 tablets for small dogs, 5-7 for large breeds). If uncharacteristic symptoms appear, immediately contact your veterinarian for help.

  • Diclofenac;
  • Diclonate;
  • Phentamine;
  • Morphine;
  • Voltaren;
  • Ortofen;
  • Ketrolac;
  • Ketorol;
  • Salpaflex;
  • Indomethacin (metindole);
  • Naproxen.

The use of these medications can not only cause side symptoms, addiction, provoke severe intoxication of the body, but also cause the death of a pet. They are prescribed only in extreme cases, with sharp, unbearable pain.

The dog owner's concern for his pet certainly includes the desire to relieve him of suffering: to relieve the pain that arose as a result of injury or illness. It is dangerous to use painkillers intended for humans for this purpose. Some physiological processes in animals proceed differently, and if, when taking a drug, the human liver is able to successfully neutralize the products of its metabolism, the dog’s liver is not provided with substances that inactivate these breakdown products, and they, accumulating in the body, can become poison for the animal.

It is best to choose the most effective pain reliever for your pet together with your veterinarian. However, a dog’s first aid kit should always contain “standby” medications that can quickly relieve pain at home. And the dog owner must know what painkiller and in what dose can be given to the dog in a given case.

Veterinarians prescribe painkillers to dogs to alleviate the animal’s condition, relieve stress on its nervous system and avoid the development of stress due to pain. The dosage of each drug is calculated individually, taking into account the weight of the animal, its age, general condition, as well as the characteristics of clinical symptoms.

Important to know! Pain is a signal about the development of some pathological process in the body. Suppression of the pain reaction serves only as a symptomatic method of treatment; for the most part, analgesics do not affect the cause of its development.

Based on the degree of locality, analgesics are divided into local and systemic. Local drugs are used directly in the pain area, systemic analgesics have a general effect, suppressing pain throughout the body. Based on the type of action, painkillers are divided into several types. Let's look at each of them.

Narcotic analgesics

These drugs act directly on the centers of the brain, partially or completely blocking the transmission of pain impulses to them. Substances of various structures, natural or synthetic drugs, have great analgesic activity. By acting on the opiate receptors of the central nervous system, narcotic drugs produce a number of unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side effects: they cause drowsiness, respiratory depression, and nausea.

With prolonged use of drugs, animals, like humans, develop mental dependence. Therefore, narcotic painkillers are prescribed in short courses and only in exceptional cases: for cancer or severe forms of arthritis accompanied by severe pain, as well as in the postoperative period.

Narcotic painkillers used in veterinary medicine include:

  • Opioid analgesic Tramadol. It is sometimes prescribed to older dogs experiencing constant arthritic pain, as well as during the rehabilitation period after sterilization surgery.
  • Neuropathic analgesic Gabapentin. Prescribed to relieve pain due to damaged nerves.
  • Amantadine. Used in the complex treatment of diseases of the joints and spine, as well as for cancer.

Non-narcotic analgesics

This is a fairly large group of painkillers, divided into several groups depending on the mechanism of action.


Their analgesic effect is combined with an antipyretic effect. For dogs, such drugs are prescribed for diseases accompanied by fever and pain. The most popular representatives of this group are Analgin, Amidopyrine, Antipyrine.

Acetylsalicylic acid has a similar effect. Aspirin is a budget medicine, it is always available, but is considered a one-time drug because it has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. Dogs are given acetylsalicylic acid 2 times a day after meals. The dosage is determined at the rate of 5-10 mg/kg of animal weight. Animals with inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines are not prescribed aspirin.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), in addition to analgesic and antipyretic, have a well-pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Such drugs are considered the safest painkillers, as they are well tolerated by all breeds of dogs at any age. Medicines of the NSAID group simultaneously reduce body temperature, relieve pain, inflammation and swelling of tissues. This is the only group of painkillers that not only relieves symptoms, but also eliminates the cause of the disease.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in orthopedic and dental surgery, in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system in dogs: arthritis, arthrosis, spondylitis, synovitis. These drugs are also effective for relieving chronic pain or inflammatory syndrome of various origins. Most often used:

  • Butadione (Phenylbutazone);
  • Rimadyl;
  • Deracoxib;
  • Meloxicam.

Attention! Some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are strictly prohibited for dogs, this list is quite extensive and includes: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Ortofen, Diclofenac, Naproxen, Voltaren, Ketrolac, Ketorol, Methindol, Indomethacin. These drugs can cause kidney failure or damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, including the development of internal bleeding.

The homeopathic veterinary analgesic Travmatin is also considered popular in veterinary medicine. It is used to relieve pain during injuries and obstetrics. This pain reliever does not have side effects and has no contraindications, so it can also be used for puppies.

You can now see the current price of painkillers for dogs and buy them right here:

Local (external) analgesics

Such painkillers are used for joint pain, in the treatment of wounds and trophic ulcers, to relieve pain in a dog after an injury. Veterinarians speak well of the following products: Lidocaine spray, Traumatin gel, Butadione (ointment), Hip Joint Cooling Relief gel (ESPREE, Hong Kong).

To alleviate the condition of dogs, painkillers are used for injuries to the limbs and skeleton, internal organs, and in cases of chronic diseases accompanied by unbearable pain. The best pain reliever for dogs is a special veterinary drug. In some cases, the use of drugs from the list of human medicines is allowed, but this requires calculating the correct dosage.

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    Types of pain medications

    The owner should be concerned if the dog’s usual behavior has changed, and all signs indicate severe internal pain:

    • the dog sits still for a long time;
    • when trying to stand up, falls to one side;
    • refuses to eat his usual food.

    Especially such manifestations can occur after surgery, with injuries. Special drugs are used for pain relief.


    The preparations are made from animal organic substances and plant sources of various origins. Medicines contain:

    • fatty acids;
    • amino acids;
    • vitamins;
    • antioxidants;
    • herbs.

    The dosage form of nutraceuticals is a biologically active dietary supplement. There are groups of drugs from this series depending on their targeted effect on the body.

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

    Effectively relieve pain.

    When treating at home, you must remember that you cannot give your animal several new medications at the same time. This will make it easier to track any side effects that may arise and stop the drug in time.

    The simultaneous use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with corticosteroids in treatment enhances the effect of the former and can lead to undesirable consequences.


    A drug from a series of propionic acid derivatives reduces pain and reduces fever in arthritis of rheumatoid origin. For dogs, it is recommended to use it at the beginning of the disease, when there are no sudden changes in the joints. Easier to tolerate than Ortofen and Indomethacin, but weaker in effect.

    Ibuprofen is used for:

    • articular and non-articular rheumatism;
    • pain due to osteoarthritis of a deforming nature;
    • spondylitis;
    • some inflammations of the peripheral lower endings.

    Side effects include vomiting in puppies, increased release of gases from the intestines, and skin allergies.

    Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)

    The medicine is used to relieve pain in joint lesions. Give your pet tablets strictly after eating to protect the gastric mucosa. Aspirin is used to treat animals at a dose of 5–10 mg per kilogram of weight no more than 2 times a day. Used in cases:

    • arthrosis and arthritis to relieve inflammation;
    • bruises, joint injuries, as a pain reliever;
    • for pain relief from limb thrombosis in dogs.

    Even if Aspirin is prescribed by a veterinarian, you should seek advice about replacing it when the opportunity arises, since the medicine has an impressive list of contraindications:

    • liver and kidney diseases;
    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • pathological development and functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
    • recovery period after surgery;
    • dog pregnancy and feeding after birth.


    Used to relieve pain in pets due to disorders of the musculoskeletal system, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis. When used in the treatment of dogs, there are certain contraindications:

    • increased reaction to the constituent components;
    • erosion of the intestines and stomach;
    • violation of bone marrow circulation;
    • liver failure and impaired renal function;
    • pregnancy and the period of feeding puppies.

    Use with caution if the animal has been diagnosed with heart problems. Naproxen should not be used simultaneously with Prednisolone or other glucocorticosteroids.


    The active ingredient is ketoprofen, of all categories of NSAIDs intended for humans, it is best tolerated by dogs. The analgesic effect occurs quickly, the medicine is convenient to use, as it is sold in tablets and in solution for injection.

    Ketonal in dogs is used in a dose of 1 mg per kilogram of body weight, this rate is applied once a day in one dose or injection. If the pain is severe, then for the first injection the dose can be increased by 1.5-2 times. The medicine, despite being well tolerated by animals, is not used for more than 10 days.

    Steroid hormones

    These painkillers are based on substances of plant or animal origin, which are characterized by great biological activity. Steroids participate in the metabolic processes of the animal body and regulate various physiological functions. Painkillers contain cholesterol and bile acids.

    Medicines of this series are prescribed as painkillers for animals and to stop inflammatory processes.

    Although effective in relieving pain, steroid hormones are not recommended for use in dogs due to severe side effects and are used only in emergency cases. It is contraindicated to prescribe steroid hormones to your pet on your own.

    Narcotic and opioid drugs

    These drugs include substances that can react at the level of opioid receptors in the canine body, which are located in the stomach and central nervous system. The drugs have a sedative and analgesic effect on the animal’s body and inhibit the cough and respiratory centers. These agents are used as potent analgesics in the therapeutic treatment of severe cases of arthritis or cancer in dogs.

    The ability to induce a euphoric feeling leads to addiction in animals with long-term treatment. Pets are in a state of stupor, experience drowsiness, and body numbness. Constant use of narcotic drugs leads to:

    • poisoning;
    • development of intoxication;
    • disruption of the nervous system;
    • ulcerative lesions of the intestines and stomach.

    Specialized drugs for pain relief

    Experts have developed painkillers that are intended specifically for dogs.

    They are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, when used correctly, greatly reduce side effects.


    The second name of the drug is Quadrisol, the medicine is produced by Dutch manufacturers in the form of a gel for internal use. The drug is much safer than other analgesic medications for animals and has a pronounced pain relief effect. For convenient use, the medicine is sold in the form of a syringe with a dispenser for internal use; the recommended dosage is 0.5 mg per kilogram of body weight, given to the pet once daily.

    It is recommended to use no more than 28 days. Effectively relieves pain in joint diseases or after surgery. In rare cases, the medicine causes gastritis of the stomach. The disadvantages of the drug include the high price and one form of release for use.


    It is an anti-inflammatory agent that further lowers body temperature. Suitable for pets for recovery after surgery, for arthritis, arthrosis, bone and tendon injuries. The tablets are produced with a pleasant aroma and taste for dogs. There are two forms of tablets on sale - for small and large animals.

    Previcox, which contains 57 mg of the active ingredient firocoxib per tablet, is suitable for small pets, and capsules with 227 mg of the active ingredient are used for large dogs. The tablets smell like smoked meat, and pets take it with pleasure. The analgesic effect appears after 15–20 minutes, as the substance quickly enters the bloodstream and acts on nerve endings.

    The maximum concentration is detected after 1.5 hours, and a connection with blood proteins is observed. The medicine is metabolized in the liver, and the residues leave the pet’s body along with bile. The drug acts for about a day, long-term use leads to positive dynamics.


    Maloxicam (Loxicam) is marketed in the form of a suspension for oral use. Effectively relieves pain, reduces body temperature and reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes. The drug is intended for dogs and cats with chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system, soft tissue injuries, and in the postoperative period.

    Maloxicam should not be used in the treatment of:

    • if your pet is diagnosed with gastrointestinal ulcers;
    • if the dog has symptoms of liver and kidney failure;
    • in case of bearing offspring or feeding puppies;
    • if the pet is no more than six months old.

    The drug is used once every day during feeding. On the first day, the norm is calculated based on 0.2 mg per kilogram of body; the following days, 0.1 mg of the drug is taken into account.

    Carprofen (Rimadyl)

    Use at the rate of one capsule per 5 kg of body weight. The medicine has a pronounced analgesic effect, reduces inflammation and reduces fever. It is given to animals for diseases of the joints, bones and ligaments, and is used after surgery. The norm used per day is 40 mg per kilogram of the animal’s body weight, but it is divided into two times.

    After using the drug for 14 days, the owner takes the pet to the doctor for examination. In practice, side effects are rarely observed; sometimes vomiting or redness of the mucous layer of the mouth and eyes occurs. Some dogs may have acute intolerance to the active substance.


    The medication is a veterinary drug and is suitable for treating puppies, as it is designed for the weight of an adult animal and small breeds. The instructions for use recommend using 2-4 ml injections for medium and large pets; small breeds require a dose reduction to 0.5-2 ml. The medicine was developed by domestic specialists and is a homeopathic medicine with a high degree of effectiveness. Used for healing and pain relief of injuries to soft tissues and muscles of the animal.

    The medication is sold in the form of a colorless liquid for injection or in tablet form. The product contains medicinal herbs in combination with the active biological component ASD-2 and other active excipients. Considered completely safe for pets.

    Other analgesics

    Painkillers relieve pain and tension, reduce temperature in the problem area and the whole body, but only a veterinarian in the clinic can find out the cause of the disease. If your pet often experiences pain without an identified etiology, then examination becomes mandatory.

    In addition to drugs with a pronounced effect for dogs, pain can be relieved by using tablets from the list of human medications:

    • Pentalgin It is calculated as half a tablet per 20 kg of body weight; for this, the capsule is hidden in a piece of food or placed in the dog’s plate.
    • Ketanov It is better to use it in the form of injections, with one ampoule of medicine taken per 45 kg of animal weight. The analgesic effect will begin after half an hour. This is a potent analgesic and the dosage must be calculated accurately so as not to harm the animal. An overdose will disrupt the functioning of the intestines and stomach.
    • Baralgin administered by intramuscular injection, the norm is calculated at 3 cubes per 40 kg of body.
    • Lidocaine in the form of a spray is used to relieve painful tension in one area, the substance envelops the problem area, and the pain is not felt for some time.
    • Analgin used if there are no other painkillers. It is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 20 kg of body weight.

Sometimes our pets need help. They can also get sick, get a fracture, dislocate a joint, and so on. We are not always in a hurry to alleviate the suffering of our friend, thinking that the illness will go away on its own. But in some cases, pain relief for a dog is simply necessary. In this article we will figure out what you can give to your pet, and what is strictly prohibited.

How to understand that pain medication is needed

The most important rule for handling medications for animals is to never decide on your own the issue of their use. The fact is that many drugs intended for people can be real poison for dogs. Moreover, often after their adoption there is not even time left to save the animal. Therefore, before using painkillers on your dog, consult a specialist. There are hospitals in cities and many of them are 24-hour. In addition, there are special services for calling a veterinarian to your home - a kind of ambulance for animals.

Painkillers for a dog should be prescribed by a doctor based on the pet’s health condition, the degree of pain and injuries sustained. If you are concerned that your dog is feeling unwell, is not eating or drinking well, is not moving much, is whining or hiding, feel free to contact your veterinarian.

Types of painkillers

Painkillers for dogs come in different types and modes of action. Each type is designed for a specific symptom and source of pain. The following types of drugs are distinguished:

  • Nutraceuticals are pain relievers for dogs made from natural ingredients. The composition includes various fats of plant or animal origin, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. This type is considered the safest and most harmless for animals. Such drugs have virtually no side effects, and they are prescribed mainly for joint pain.
  • means. Reviews from dog owners say that these are more effective drugs. They relieve pain much faster than nutraceuticals. These include Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Neproxen. However, if the dosage is incorrect, it can cause diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite.

  • Steroid medications are also prescribed to dogs to relieve pain. However, they have an even longer list of possible complications, and their independent use is strongly discouraged.
  • Narcotics and opioids are used in the most extreme situations. Such painkillers for dogs are indicated, for example, during urgent surgical interventions.

Specialized products for dogs

There are not many specialized pain medications for dogs on the market. Veterinary pharmacies are limited to a list of four items. These are Novox, Rimadyl, Deracoxib, Meloxicam. All of them are non-steroidal drugs. Dog breeders note that such medications practically do not cause side effects when used correctly. However, in special cases they can cause digestive problems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, peptic ulcers, and so on.

It is up to the veterinarian to decide what pain reliever can be given to the dog. The following names can be found in veterinary pharmacies for steroid drugs for four-legged animals: Amantadine, Gabapentin and Tramadol.


It has an analgesic effect, relieves inflammation and fever. Prescribed to animals with acute diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis). It is often used in the period after surgery to prevent inflammation and relieve swelling. The daily dose for an adult animal is 40 mg per kilogram of body weight. The dose is divided into two doses, a week after the start of the course it is halved. Two weeks after the start of the course, the dog must be examined by a doctor. Owners of four-legged animals claim that there are practically no side effects from the drug, but occasionally irritation of the mucous membranes and vomiting may occur. The dog may have an individual intolerance to the main active ingredient.

Do not give the drug to pregnant bitches and puppies. Prescribe with caution if the animal has liver, kidney or heart disease. The cost of a bottle with thirty tablets ranges around 800-900 rubles. Reviews of the drug note that after taking it, the animal may experience diarrhea. In this case, the medicine should be discontinued.


The drug is available in the form of a suspension for oral use. Trade name: Loxicam. It has a pronounced analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Painkillers are prescribed for dogs of all breeds and cats for chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, dislocations, fractures), for damage to soft tissues, and in the postoperative period. Contraindicated for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, individual intolerance, severe renal and liver failure and hemorrhagic syndrome.

Not for use in pregnant or lactating females, puppies and kittens under six weeks of age, or in cases of dehydration. The drug is given to animals once a day during feeding. On the first day, give 0.2 mg per kilogram of animal weight, on subsequent days - 0.1 mg.

Steroid drugs for dogs

What can be given to the dog is determined by the veterinarian. Steroid medications are prescribed quite rarely, since they are often unnecessary or the side effects are so undesirable that the use of the drug is impossible. These include the following pain relievers for dogs:

  • "Amantadine" - helps block pain. For dogs, it is prescribed as a treatment for arthritis, various spinal diseases and cancer. Diarrhea is often observed with its use.
  • "Gabapentin." It is used for pain resulting from damaged nerve endings. Causes drowsiness in the first few days of use, then the dog gets used to this effect. It is usually prescribed as part of a combination of medications.

  • Tramadol is a mild pain reliever. This drug is prescribed to older dogs that experience chronic illness due to age.

Action in emergency situations

If local use of analgesics is required, Ledocaine is used. The preferred dosage form is in the form of a spray. In an emergency situation (for example, a fracture), when there is not a single veterinary pharmacy nearby, the dog can be given a regular Analgin tablet. The calculation is made based on the ratio of one tablet per twenty kilograms of weight. Under no circumstances should dogs be given the following types of medications: Diclofenac, Ketorolac, Indomethacin. For dogs, they are a deadly poison, cause severe damage to the liver and digestive system, and affect the nervous system.

in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Very often I am asked a question about the use of NSAID drugs (Rimadyl, Movalis, Previcox, etc.) in the treatment of problems with the musculoskeletal system, so I decided to cover this topic in more detail.

Sometimes, the use of Rimadyl and other NSAID drugs is necessary and the harm from them is not as great as is commonly believed, especially in Russia. There are often cases when we need strong pain relief and a strong anti-inflammatory effect, and in this case, of course, the drug Rimadyl is irreplaceable. I want to clarify, although NSAID drugs are very similar in their action, I personally prefer Rimadyl and its bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract is greatly exaggerated.
I personally know many dogs who, according to indications, have been drinking Rimadyl for years and have no side effects, and this is also confirmed by tests.

Rimadyl is successfully used in many cases, this is both the problem of the musculoskeletal system, and simply strong pain relief both in oncology and in postoperative pain relief, as well as in inflammatory processes of unknown etiologies.

But....there are several very important but....
Let's figure out what exactly NSAID drugs do?
They have 2 actions - one of them is a strong analgesic, the other is a strong anti-inflammatory.
Very often, we really need these 2 actions, but sometimes, pain relief leads to very big problems.
For example, a dog with musculoskeletal problems should not receive pain relief. Why?
Because, in case of problems of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to give rest to the limb in which there is a problem. If we give a dog a painkiller, it is natural that he does not feel pain and begins to use his paw to its fullest, thereby overloading it, which leads to huge problems and unnecessary stress, which in turn only worsens the problem.
At the same time, indeed, for most problems with the musculoskeletal system, we need an anti-inflammatory effect, because with any problems of the musculoskeletal system, arthrosis develops, and arthrosis is inflammation and must be relieved. So what to do, you ask, if you need an anti-inflammatory drug, but pain relief is prohibited?
There is only one way out: if we are dealing with an injury, then of course we give Rimadyl initially to anesthetize the problem, but not more than 1 week, and then we use only natural anti-inflammatory drugs, and do not use any pain relief, in order to provide the necessary rest for a sore paw.

For non-traumatic problems, we do not use Rimadyl at all, but use only natural anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is very important to understand that in order to get rid of the symptoms of musculoskeletal problems, you cannot use painkillers for a long time. To solve these problems, rest is necessary, and a dog will ONLY give rest to a sore paw if it feels some kind of pain or discomfort.
By giving NSAID drugs, we simply remove the pain and the dog uses the limb to the fullest.

Therefore, it is very important to understand 3 things:
1. Rimadyl does not have the full spectrum of side effects that people imagine. Rimadyl and other NSAID drugs are sometimes necessary and they are not nearly as scary as they are said to be and they can be used for any problems for years without any side effects.
2. If you have problems with the musculoskeletal system, you should not anesthetize your dog for more than 1 week, because otherwise, the dog will use the limb at full strength, will overload the limb, and this will only worsen the problem.

3. for any problems of the musculoskeletal system, an anti-inflammatory drug is needed in combination with a chondroprotector, but since we should not anesthetize the dog, we should use natural anti-inflammatory drugs, without pain relief.