Transplanting thuja from a pot into the ground. How to transplant an adult thuja to another place? Features of this process are discussed below.

Thuja is one of the favorite plants of landscape designers and gardeners. It pleases us with its excellent color in winter and summer, spring and autumn. It fits perfectly into the interior of any yard, unpretentious in growth, perfectly takes root even in such "difficult" regions as Udmurtia or Siberia.

However, sooner or later, a transplant of a young or adult plant to a new place will be required, but here certain nuances must already be taken into account. Thuja is a very specific bush, but without knowing its features, it is impossible to move it to a new place. Today we’ll talk about how to properly transplant it on the site in the fall, watch a video and analyze the nuances of planting breeds such as Smaragd and Danica.

What to consider when transplanting

Thuja is an unpretentious plant, but it must be transplanted carefully. There are few subtleties in this process, but still they are. Let's pay attention to some of them:

  1. Bushes should not be planted in late autumn, especially when it comes to young plants. The optimal time for work will be September and partly October (until the end of the first decade). In cold regions, it is better to do this a little earlier. A young thuja does not like cold weather, so before they come, she needs to get stronger.
  2. Around the landing site, it is worth scattering fallen needles, which will give additional warmth to the roots. This will prevent the thuja from freezing when the first frosts come in the fall.
  3. Young bushes can break under excessive weight. Therefore, at the time of snowfall, they must be cleaned.
  4. When choosing a place to move, try to focus on the sunny part of the yard. The more sun, the thicker and more beautiful your thuja will be when it gets stronger and grows. The bush normally tolerates shade, but in such conditions it can thin out.
  5. Try to select a site in such a way that it is well protected from blowing winds. The plant, especially the weak one, does not like them very much.

An obvious advantage of thuja is its ability to grow on any type of soil. But there are also your own preferences here, so try to provide the plant with:

  • turf;
  • sand;
  • loam.

In such soils, it will grow best. But how to transplant thuja correctly so as not to damage it? More on this later.

Working process

First you need to dig a hole, its dimensions in length and width should be 100 × 100 cm, and the recommended depth should be at the level of 50 cm. A mixture of sand, soddy soil and peat should be poured onto the lower part, which will serve as bedding.

Thuja must be dug as carefully as possible so as not to break its fragile roots. The recommended distance from the trunk of the bush is 30-50 cm. After the procedure is completed, the soil is not shaken off, and the plant is planted in a new place with it. The same principle applies in cases where the roots are wrapped in burlap. It also needs to be buried along with the roots. It will fall apart in a couple of years. But the root system of the thuja will be reliably protected from the cold, which is especially important for cold regions.

Before planting, the pit for the plant should be well watered and covered with bedding. As we have already said, it includes peat, soil and sand, the approximate ratio is 2: 1: 1. You can also add fallen needles and a little compost there, this certainly will not hurt a young plant. The roots of the bush during transplantation should not sit too deep, but too high a position is also not good. Everything is good in moderation. After transplanting, it is recommended to fill the near-stem area with chips or compost. The barrel itself should not touch these materials.

Immediately after planting, the thuja needs constant watering. This should be done at least once every 7 days, but regularly and steadily. This will allow the root system to grow better. Do not forget to constantly irrigate the crown, this is important for its future beauty and splendor. Before heavy snowfalls, it is recommended to cover the plant with a cloth, and tie up the crown itself. Immediately after transplantation, the thuja can be very fragile, so it must be reliably protected from excess snow.

Thuja has always been popular and occupied one of the leading places among the conifers in the garden landscape. This evergreen plant, belonging to the cypress family, is equally loved by both professionals and amateur gardeners. For landscaping gardens, parks, squares and personal garden plots, thuja is simply irreplaceable: it can serve as a living fence or hedge, perfectly decorate buildings and decorate the entrance area.

Today we will talk about how and when you can transplant this plant with minimal harm to it. When is the best time to do this and what is required for this.

Thuja is considered an unpretentious plant that feels great in an urban environment. It can grow on any soil, responds well to pruning and is used as a material for creating real masterpieces of living sculpture.

Many gardeners ask if it is possible to transplant an adult plant? When is the best time of the year to do this, and how. In order not to harm the plant during transplantation, it is necessary to know its features.

Thuja is a drought-resistant and frost-resistant shrub that can withstand even the most severe frosts. The only thing that can harm the plant is strong and cold winds, so try not to plant thuja in open windy spaces.

Among the main types of thuja, undersized and tall varieties are distinguished. In terms of their physical characteristics, both of them are similar to all plants of the Cypress family:

  • the shape of the crown is elongated and narrow, this is especially noticeable in tall varieties;
  • the leaves of the plant are numerous scales and are arranged in pairs;
  • at the very tips of the shoots are oval-shaped cones.

Thuja feels great in a covered space, when either buildings or trees are located around it. They serve as its reliable protection from piercing winds. Sometimes you can see how young seedlings have damaged leaves - scales, they seem to be covered with rust.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon often occurs from exposure to direct sunlight during early spring. To avoid burns, during the period of sun activity, gardeners try to cover seedlings with non-woven material. The cause of rusty leaves can also be a disease of conifers, but we will talk about this a little later.

In what period should thuja be transplanted

The optimal time for transplanting a plant is: March and April in the spring, September - October in the autumn. Why is this time defined as the most favorable?

Early autumn is the time when there are no frosts yet, so the root system of the plant in a new place will calmly take root and prepare the plant for wintering. If you start transplanting later, the likelihood that the roots will not have time to grab the ground increases several times. Of course, in the southern regions, thuja can be transplanted later, but for the Moscow region and central Russia it is the most suitable.

There is a difference between planting a young and an adult bush: for young plants, transplantation will be less problematic, and there will be less worries for the gardener. The landing hole, in this case, is made according to the size of the roots, when the seedling is removed from its former place, the soil around it is bayoneted and the plant is taken along with a clod of earth. Such manipulation is practically not noticeable for the plant.

It is more difficult with adult thujas, since the pit should be prepared in advance, and it is necessary to bayonet the ground around the tree 10-12 months before the transplant. This is how you prepare the roots and program their transplantation.

It’s easier when the tree is already growing in a container, then for planting you only need to dig a hole of the required parameters and put all the necessary elements into it: a drainage layer and fertilizers.

Tui transplant rules

Choosing a location for a plant is where to start. So, we know that thuja does not like strong winds and drafts, so it is better not to choose the north side. It is also known that in the open sun it can get burns, which are fraught with dehydration of the plant. It is especially dangerous when the thuja is in open space under the scorching rays of the sun at noon.

Based on this, it becomes clear that it is better to transplant thuja to a shady place, it is possible next to buildings from any side, except for the north.

Despite the fact that according to time periods, transplantation can be carried out both in spring and autumn, preference is given to the spring period, since the plant has a whole summer ahead of it to adapt.

If you intend to buy a thuja seedling, then the hole must be dug two weeks before the plant is planted in it. And in the case of moving the thuja within the site, a landing pit can be dug and prepared immediately before the event itself. The depth of the pit should correspond to 1 meter.

The soil must be prepared in advance, it is prepared from peat, river sand, rotted grass, ash, humus, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. These ingredients are well mixed and laid in the planting hole.

But before that, a drainage layer is laid on the bottom, it can be pebbles, broken bricks, small pebbles. So that the roots do not touch the fertilizer, pour a small layer of ordinary earth before planting.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting thuja

By performing all the phased work in the right sequence, you guarantee that the adaptation of the thuja in a new place will go quickly and painlessly.

  • Digging up a plant must be carried out together with the root system and the clod of earth in which it is located. Therefore, we dig the plant in a circle, making a trench with a diameter of at least 30 cm.
  • If the roots of the thuja are too long, and this often happens in adult plants, they can be carefully chopped off.
  • After the new seat is prepared, the hole is dug and filled, the transplant begins.
  • Thuja with a clod of earth should be moved to a new place, fill the pit with the remnants of the soil and compact the soil well. The root neck should remain above ground level, it cannot be deepened, but it should not be left too high, it should not be, 3-4 cm from the ground will be the optimal height.
  • Then water abundantly, pouring at least two buckets of water under the plant. If the soil has sagged, top up the soil to the required level.
  • After that, it is imperative to mulch the near-stem space, but so that the mulch does not touch the stem of the plant. Peat, humus, chopped bark or grass is suitable as mulch.
  • The first two weeks you need to water the plant regularly, at least twice a week.

In the spring, it is better to transplant the plant before the start of the growing season, since during the vegetative period, when it grows, adaptation will be long and painful. As soon as the snow comes off the site, and the earth warms up a little, you can begin the planned event. At this time, there is a lot of water in the soil, and the thuja itself has not yet fully woken up after a winter sleep, so it will not even have time to come to its senses when it finds itself in a new place of residence.

If your goal is to transport the bush to a remote location, then the preparatory phase will require other actions. After the bush is dug out of the ground, its roots, together with an earthen clod, are wrapped in burlap and tied tightly. When the plant is delivered to the end point, the planting is carried out along with burlap. The roots will find a way to break through it, it will begin to decompose soon after it hits the soil, as it is a natural material.

Thuja will grow safely if she is provided with proper care.

  • Despite its unpretentiousness, the plant needs weekly watering, which, on especially hot days, should be increased.
  • Weeding and loosening the soil around the bushes will ensure the penetration of air to the roots. It is worth noting that the root system of the conifer is not deep, but at the very surface of the earth, so it is not necessary to loosen deeply, as the surface roots can be damaged.
  • Thuja loves very much when she is watered from a hose by sprinkling. The needles after such a water procedure are saturated with moisture and become bright and more alive. Dust, dirt and pathogenic fungi and insect larvae are washed off with water, so such an event is extremely useful.
  • In summer, when all plants, including conifers, become a target for insects and diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments with insecticides and fungicides. In total, at least three such treatments should be done.
  • Thuja should be fed with mineral complex fertilizers, but it also reacts positively to organic matter. Therefore, by combining these two types of fertilizers, your plants will look healthy and beautiful.
  • Before winter, young thujas are covered with non-woven material, and tied, slightly pressing the branches to the trunk. Before shelter, damaged and diseased branches are removed, sanitary pruning is done.
  • A thick layer of mulch is placed under the plant, while covering the root collar.
  • Before a long winter period, several buckets of water are poured under each bush.


  • Thuja is an unpretentious coniferous plant with unique properties, it exudes a pleasant coniferous aroma and purifies the air in the area.
  • Tui transplantation is best done in the spring, then the plant will have several months of summer in stock and it will successfully take root.
  • To transport the thuja to a remote place, burlap is used, which is not removed from the horses when landing on a new site.
  • Thuja is loved for its complaisant nature, for the beauty of the crown and the ability to grow in one place for many years.

Thuja is a coniferous evergreen tree or shrub that belongs to the cypress family. It can reach a height of ten meters. Refers to perennials. Thuja is very often used for landscaping and decorating household plots, as well as in landscape design.

This is an unpretentious plant that is great for beginners. The shrub also feels good in urban environments. It is unpretentious in care, and it can be grown in any soil. Particular attention should be paid to pruning and crown formation, as well as transplanting. Many gardeners are interested in the question of when it is better to transplant thuja. Tui transplantation can be carried out both in spring and autumn.

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    Plant characteristic

    The shrub belongs to unpretentious, drought-resistant and frost-resistant plants. He is able to endure even very severe frosts. You can grow a bush on any soil. The only thing to consider is that the tree cannot be planted in open windy areas.

    There are two main types: tall and short varieties. The physical characteristics of the tree are similar to any other member of the cypress family. The crown is rather narrow, especially in tall representatives. The leaves of adult bushes are scaly, arranged in pairs on a branch, small oval cones are located at the end of the shoots.

    When is the best time to transplant thuja?

    The most optimal time for transplantation is considered to be early spring and autumn. Spring is March or April. Autumn - September or October.

    But when transplanting in the fall, there is a high probability that the bush will not have time to take root before the onset of the first frost, so it is better to give preference to a spring transplant.

    However, among many gardeners there is an opinion that it is better to plant a tree in the fall. For the rest of the autumn period, the root system will have time to grow young roots and survive the winter period well.

    Planting a young and adult thuja has a number of small differences. If a young bush is transplanted, then the soil around it is bayoneted with a shovel in a circle, then the tree is dug up and, together with the soil, it is transplanted to a new place. The procedure for transplanting an adult specimen is the same, but you need to bayonet the soil ten to twelve months before transplanting. Transplanting young specimens is easier than adults.

    Transplant rules

    So, how to transplant a shrub? Before transplanting thuja, you need to choose the right place.

    Despite the fact that the tree loves the sun, it is impossible to transplant it to open areas under direct sunlight, the needles can get burned, as well as thisleads to dehydration. It is especially undesirable if the tree will be in the sun at noon.

    Another important condition is that thuja cannot be transplanted to open areas where there are drafts and cold winds, so you should not choose areas on the north side. It is unpretentious to the soil, but it is better to give preference to fertile soils.

    As already mentioned, the transplant procedure can be carried out both in the spring and in the autumn period of time. It is desirable to give preference to spring.

    For transplanting, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance. For this you need to take:

    • Peat;
    • river sand;
    • Rotten coniferous flooring brought from any forest;
    • Any wood ash;
    • Humus;
    • Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (can be added so that the tree takes root faster in a new place).

    It is recommended to dig a hole 15-20 days before planting. In the event that it is necessary to transplant thuja within one garden plot, then a hole can be dug directly on the very day of transplantation. Dig a hole to a depth of one meter

    All components must be thoroughly mixed. Then pour into the bottom of the dug hole. Stones or crushed bricks can be used as drainage. It is recommended to replant the shrub so that the root system does not touch fertilizers.

    Preparing for a transplant

    Preparing a plant for planting in a new place takes place in several successive stages:

    • First, the plant must be dug up.
    • Since the rhizome grows almost on the surface, it is recommended to dig out along with the soil.
    • To do this, it is necessary to dig a trench around the trunk with a diameter of 25-30 cm.
    • If there are too long roots, then they need to be cut off.
    • Dig a hole and pour the pre-prepared mixture on the bottom.
    • Then the rhizome must be placed in a hole and buried with earth, tamping the soil at the same time.
    • Water abundantly
    • It is advisable to mulch the soil around the trunk so that the mulch does not touch the trunk.
    • When transplanting, the plant should not be dug in or the root neck should be raised too much above the ground.
    • Before rooting, the shrub needs constant watering. It needs to be watered at least twice a week.

    In the spring, landing in a new place is carried out before the startperiodvegetation.

    During the growing season, the tree is very weak, and if it is transplanted during this period, it will take root in a new place for a very long time. Therefore, as soon as the last snow came down, the thuja must be urgently transplanted and not delayed with this.

    If the tree sits outside the garden plot and needs to be led to a new plot, then this must be done very carefully. After it has been dug out, the excess soil must be carefully shaken off the roots. After that, burlap must be put on the root system. When the tree was delivered to the landing site, it is recommended to plant it without removing the burlap from the roots.

    Despite the fact that the tree does not require special care, certain rules should still be known and followed. Particular attention should be paid to watering. Watering should be done once a week. In the event that the weather is hot and dry, the amount of watering should be increased. A few days after watering, the soil around the trunk must be weeded. But it is desirable to do this shallowly, since the root system is very close to the surface.

Thuja is an evergreen coniferous plant. Today it can be seen both in group and in individual plantings in summer cottages or in parks. The plant is quite unpretentious and frost-resistant. In addition, it is possible to transplant thuja to a new place in the fall, and in some cases this procedure is even necessary.

Thuja is a perennial tree from the cypress family, reaching 10-30 m in height and having a narrow crown. The leaves of the plant are scaly and arranged in pairs. At the ends of the branches there are small oval-shaped cones.

The tree is of two types:

  • undersized;
  • tall.

Thuja is able to withstand severe frosts and droughts, it is quite unpretentious in its care. The plant tolerates forming cuttings, transplants well and is able to grow in almost any soil. It looks very nice. Apparently, therefore, thujas began to be used in decorative plantings and grown at home.

Transplant Features

Tui are transplanted for several reasons, the main of which is moving a young plant from a temporary to a permanent place. Often, seedlings are planted in a temporary area not far from each other, and when they reach the age of five, they are planted in new permanent places.

Another reason is the transfer of a tree to a new place from its natural habitat or from another site. In addition, a forced transplant should sometimes be carried out if the original place was not suitable for the growth and development of the thuja.

time and place

You can transplant a tree in autumn or spring (in March, April). Gardeners do not have a common opinion about when it is better to transplant thuja, in spring or autumn, since each season has its own advantages and disadvantages. When transplanting thuja in the fall, there is a risk of early frosts, and during the procedure in the spring, heat may begin. When deciding when it is better to transplant thuja - in spring or autumn, one should take into account the climatic features of the region. In the northern regions, it is better to transplant in the spring, and in the southern regions - in the fall.

When you can transplant thuja in the fall depends on the natural conditions and the weather forecast. In the northern and western latitudes, it is better to do this in the first half of September; in the southern latitudes, you can postpone the procedure until the second half of September. In any case, it should be noted that the transplanted tree should have time to get stronger and take root before the onset of winter. When choosing a place for thuja There are several determining factors to consider:

  1. Illumination of the site. The place must be open. In the shade and partial shade, the tree may lose its decorative qualities. At the same time, it is desirable that direct sunlight does not fall on the plant during the hottest time of the day, as this can lead to its dehydration and yellowing of the foliage.
  2. Tui do not like drafts, so this factor should be taken into account when choosing a site. It is also desirable that the tree be closed from the northern winds.


Thuja is able to grow on clay and sandy soil. If possible, then it is better for the plant to choose a place with soddy soil rich in trace elements. The close occurrence of groundwater on the site is not a problem for growing a crop, and in some cases it will even be beneficial.

Carrying out the procedure

Before you start planting a thuja in a new place, you need to complete 2 preparatory steps - dig a tree from the old site and prepare a planting hole.

The pit should be prepared 15-20 days before transplanting, its dimensions are determined by the volume of the plant's root system, usually a diameter of about 0.7-1 m and the same depth is sufficient. If the site has dense heavy soil, it is advisable to put a drainage layer at the bottom of the pit. In addition, part of the prepared mixture, consisting of ordinary garden soil, potassium-phosphorus mineral fertilizers, a small amount of peat, river sand, humus and crushed wood ash, must be added to the well.

If an adult tree is being prepared for transplantation, then piercing should be completed in 10-12 months. Thanks to this, the plant will have time to start up new root shoots in the area allotted for it, and even a large thuja will be able to be removed along with the earth clod. It is better to get the plant with garden pitchforks, and for transportation you can use a wheelbarrow or cart. If you are going to move over a long distance, it is recommended to wrap the roots together with an earthen ball with a cloth and tie with a rope. Thanks to this transfer, it will not be damaged or crumble.

When the plant and the pit are ready, the thuja should be carefully placed in the hole, being careful not to disturb the natural position of the roots. After that, the pit must be filled to the brim with soil, which should then be compacted. Next, water the transplanted plant abundantly. The required volume of water is determined visually - watering must be stopped when moisture ceases to be absorbed into the soil. You can also additionally spray the tree with a spray bottle.

Care and preparation for winter

In the first 2 years after the transplant, the thuja needs more careful care. She needs regular watering, especially on hot days. Before rooting, the tree should be watered at least twice a week. It is best to use rainwater for this purpose. If not, then ordinary settled tap water will do. In addition to watering, to prevent drying out and cracking of the soil, experts advise loosening and mulching the trunk circle with coconut substrate or sawdust.

If the weather is hot and clear after transplantation, thuja (especially young ones) should be shaded from the south side for 2-3 days. In the first 2 weeks, it is recommended to add drugs during irrigation that stimulate the growth of root shoots. From next spring, you need to start feeding. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied in March, and potassium fertilizers in June and July.

The main pest of the crop is the thuja aphid, which can cause significant harm. To protect the plant from it, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments in November, March, June and August. To prevent the appearance of thuja aphids and other insects, Karbofos is suitable.

The main pruning of the plant should be carried out in the spring. It is necessary to remove all damaged and dry branches. Decorative pruning of too long shoots can be done throughout the year. The most important point is the preparation for the winter of the transplanted thuja.