Cross-country skiing Olympic champions Larisa Lazutina. Golden Queen of the Moscow Region. — How can you make their fate easier?

L Azutina (née Ptitsyna) Larisa Evgenievna – outstanding Russian athlete (cross-country skiing), five-time champion Olympic Games, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Major.

Born on June 1, 1965 in the city of Kondopoga (now the Republic of Karelia) in a family of workers. Russian. I have been involved in skiing since the fifth grade. While still in school, she began performing at republican competitions, a member of the USSR junior team.

After graduating from school, she entered the Khabarovsk Institute of Physical Culture, from which she graduated in 1986 with a degree in coaching and teaching. She played for the Rosneft sports club. She was a member of the cross-country skiing team at the age of nineteen. In May 1988, she moved to the city of Odintsovo, Moscow region, and entered service in Armed forces USSR: athlete, sports technician, since February 1998 - sports coach of the 127th sports club Strategic Missile Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

She received her first Olympic gold medal in the relay race at the 1992 Olympic Games in Albertville (France), and two years later she repeated her success at the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer (Norway) in 1994. In 1995, at the World Championships in the Canadian city of Thunder, she managed to do something that no one had managed to do before her - within the framework of one championship, become a four-time winner - three times in individual races and in the relay.

At the XVIII Olympic Games in Nagano (Japan) in 1998, she became the leader of the Russian team. She won medals in all five races - three gold, one silver and one bronze medal.

U Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 206 dated February 27, 1998 for outstanding achievements in sports, courage and heroism shown at the XVIII Winter Olympic Games of 1998, Lazutina Larisa Evgenievna awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the presentation of a badge special distinction- Gold Star medals.

The last Olympics in her sports career took place in Salt Lake City (USA) in 2002. She won two silver medals, but the gold medal for the 30 km race was stripped from the champion based on the results of a doping test. June 29, 2003 at a meeting of the International Olympic Committee in Prague (Czech Republic), a very controversial decision was made to cancel all the results of L.E. Lazutina in international competitions after December 2001.

During her sports career, L.E. Lazutina became a five-time Olympic champion (1992, 1994, 1998 - three times), silver (1998) and bronze (1998) Olympic medalist, eight-time world champion (1987, 1993 - twice, 1995 - four times , 1997, 1999 - twice, 2001), winner of two silver (1989, 1993) and two bronze medals (1987, 2001) world championships, two-time winner of the World Cup (1990 and 1999-2000), 21 times winner of the World Cup stages , multiple champion of the USSR and Russia.

In 2002 she completed her sports career. In 2007 she graduated from the Academy with honors civil service under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence. Member of the Council for physical culture and sports under the President of the Russian Federation.

Deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma of the 3rd (2003-2007), 4th (2007-2011), 5th (2011-2016) and 6th (since 2016) convocations. Since 2016 - First Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma.

Lives in the city of Odintsovo, Moscow region.

Major (2002), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1987), Candidate of Economic Sciences. She was awarded the Order of Honor (02/3/2015), Friendship of Peoples (04/22/1994), medals, as well as the insignia “For Services to the Moscow Region” (12/15/2008), the honorary badge “For Merit in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports” (1997 ).

Honorary citizen of the city of Odintsovo and the Republic of Karelia (1999).

A bust in her honor was installed on the Alley of Honorary Citizens of the city of Odintsovo.

29.09.11, 11:16

“I will never look distantly at the problems that concern people”

Larisa Lazutina is a deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma, chairman of the committee on education, culture, sports, youth affairs and tourism. Hero of Russia, five-time Olympic champion in cross-country skiing, member of the Council for Physical Culture and Sports under the Governor of the Moscow Region.

We met with Larisa Lazutina in the building of the Moscow Regional Duma on Mira Avenue. Before we started talking, she gave me some delicious coffee. I have never drank anything like this in official institutions, of which I have seen many. And over this wonderful coffee, we talked with Larisa Lazutina not only about her parliamentary activities, but also about how to learn to combine career and family, how to be able to manage everything in our race of life.

About your favorite skis

— Larisa Evgenievna, where are your winning skis stored?

— Skis are in the garage. (Laughs - author). I gave some away; I gave the rollerballs to the children of my close friends. Sometimes coaches and athletes give me skis. I train on them.

— Where do you keep your numerous medals, cups, awards?

- At home, in a special display case. I made it to order, and finally there was a place for them.

—Are you starting to ski now?

- Well, every winter. I’m a skier, and there are no former skiers.

“Go out yourself and bring all the Odintsovo people onto the ski track.” In Odintsovo, even the highway is named after you? I heard there were some problems with this route?

— Odintsovo is a special category of land and forests. The highway you are talking about is currently a fire road. I asked various bosses that the area occupied by this roller ski track be transferred to the urban settlement of Odintsovo. People love this track, families come to ride. Kids ride there and professional athletes train there. For many people it is important. But in order to take care of the track - and we even special car bought for this - we need legal grounds. People are asking for a quick solution to the issue, so that the road in winter is prepared and well-groomed, so that there are no fallen trees lying there. This issue is beginning to be resolved, but, as they say, we’ll wait and see.

Sports and politics

— How did you go from Olympic champion to deputy?

“It was not easy for me to make the decision to become a deputy. High performance sport is a special regime, work for high results, naturally, extreme overload. I ended my sports career quite late. She gave birth to a second child, a son. And, of course, I kept thinking about what to do next in life.

— Have you thought about coaching?

- No. I don't think I could be a good coach.

- That's it! But what about this - a five-time Olympic champion, invaluable sports experience...

— Not everyone, even a successful athlete, can become a good coach. Although I have a higher education sports education with a degree in trainer-teacher. The path in sports, even if it is stellar, is always very individual. Experience, of course, must be shared, but every athlete, especially a child, needs a special approach. No, I wouldn't risk it. It is impossible to automatically transfer your difficult experience onto the shoulders of your wards. After all, we are most often talking about human health, his future fate. Perhaps this understanding came to me with motherhood.

I was babysitting my son, and at that moment in the Odintsovo district there were by-elections to the Moscow Regional Duma. And I decided to take a risk by nominating myself. In Odintsovo, people knew me well; I often attended city events and schools. They voted for me. So in 2003 I became a deputy for the first time.

— But being a deputy was a completely unfamiliar job for you?

“Of course, I faced enormous difficulties. As an athlete, I knew what to do in every minute of my life; wake me up at night - I’ll write a training plan for the year. And here it was necessary to become a legislator, which means obtaining the appropriate knowledge. Although there were professional, experienced lawyers on the committee, I understood that I needed special education, and I entered the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

— How old was your son then?

- Five months. I studied and worked in the regional Duma. I am grateful to its Chairman Valery Evgenievich Aksakov, the head of the Odintsovo municipal district Alexander Georgievich Gladyshev, and our deputies, who then greatly supported me. They helped me believe in myself, taught me not to be afraid of difficult topics, and were gentle, patient, and understanding.

I graduated from the Academy, then began working on my dissertation and defended it. And then next elections has already become the head of a committee whose work profile was education, culture, sports, youth policy, tourism

— Sometimes people are critical of the fact that athletes and artists become deputies...

- There is no need to generalize. In addition, if a person is famous, then the authorities listen to him, and sometimes people’s problems are easier to solve.

We just managed to help children with cerebral palsy. We bought them special equipment for studying at home and at school, which is located in Golitsino. It would be difficult for the families of these children to acquire all this. And now these kids will be able to learn like all their peers. And in December we will introduce a water purification station in the eighth microdistrict - people really asked for it. We managed to find the funds and do it...

A lot has been done, it’s inconvenient to list and boast. But actually famous person it is much easier to reach the bosses.

“People come to the deputy not with joy, but with troubles.” It’s probably sometimes not easy to console everyone and help everyone.

- Yes, that’s right, but, you know, although I have considerable parliamentary experience, experience working with people, as some psychologists advise, I have never learned to step back, to look at people’s troubles from the outside. I don’t know how to do this and will never learn. And I don’t want to learn this.

— Does your sports experience help you combine the responsibilities of a mother, wife, study and deputy?

- Of course very. In big sports you learn to live strictly according to a schedule, according to the clock. And you sweep away everything unnecessary and empty. Even now, I sometimes find myself glancing at my watch often. Bad habit. But I'm still very stubborn. I owe a lot to my stubbornness. You set a goal and achieve results.

— Do you keep a diary?

“It’s time to lead so as not to lose sight of anything.” And at work I have very good assistants. We try to schedule not only work events, but also birthdays and dates, so that we can always congratulate people who appreciate my attention. After all, our life consists not only of big things, but of little things, details that are very important.

— Do you do exercises in the morning?

“I’ll be honest, I haven’t run for two months now and here’s the result: I’ve gained several unnecessary kilograms. But I will definitely resume jogging.

-Where do you run?

- Yes, along the same route that we talked about. I also ride a bike with my son.

— Do you have help at home and raising your son? He's still small.

— We are helped by a nanny and, of course, our eldest daughter.

—Who cooks in your family?

— I always cook for my family myself. Everything - first, second, and third. I try to always have home-cooked food, order and comfort at home. On weekdays I wake up at 5.15. On weekends I allow myself to sleep longer. Every day I have many meetings on parliamentary affairs. I always prefer to delve into the situation myself, talk to people, rather than write parliamentary requests.

— Do you drive a car?

— I drive and travel a lot. You manage to do a lot of things when you drive a car, I advise all women. After finishing my sports career, I immediately went to driving school. I studied for three months. Now my daughter also went to driving school. My husband and I closely monitor her studies; the car is serious.

There are no other people's children

— I know that in your parliamentary work you devote great attention orphans near Moscow. Why aren't there fewer of them?

— By and large, there are very few orphans who have no parents at all, but there are really a lot of those whom their parents abandoned or those who were forced to be taken away from their parents.

Unfortunately, women who come to Moscow and the Moscow region to earn money, and their earnings various kinds, often abandon unwanted newborn children. There are many parents who are prevented from being such by their addiction to alcohol and unwillingness to work and take care of their children. Alas, this is very sad. But in the Moscow region there are actually a lot of abandoned children.

- How can you make their fate easier?

— In the Moscow region, legislation on supporting orphans and children left without parental care is one of the best in the country. People from other regions come to us for experience.

First of all, we try to ensure that the child grows up not in an orphanage, but in a family. That's why we are successfully developing different shapes family arrangement of children whom fate deprived of the care of their mother and father. Adopted children, children raised in foster families, families of guardians and trustees receive invaluable social experience, acquire the skills they need for independent living.

This is very important so that the chain of orphanhood is broken and orphans who become adults do not abandon their children.

Huge amounts of money are spent in the Moscow region to provide housing for children for whom housing is not assigned; all provisions are provided the necessary conditions Even pocket money is provided for the life of children left without parental care, their development, education, recreation, treatment. They must learn to handle money.

It was children from the Moscow region who first became the heroes of the popular TV show “While Everyone is Home,” thanks to which many people who were ready to take orphans into their families decided to take this difficult step.

Do you know what a wonderful holiday we came up with together with the regional Ministry of Education! We introduced 70 families to each other (they are now commonly called substitute families), where adopted and ward children are being raised. The families became friends, told each other about their lives, and shared experiences. There was a wonderful sports festival - large families competed to see who could put up a tent and light a fire the fastest. It was very funny, touching, and kind. And after each meeting participant was given a valuable gift. We have foster families, children left without parental care, on a special account with Governor Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov. He strictly and strictly controls their support programs. Orphans have benefits for admission to educational institutions in the region. And they get really effective and timely help.

Just two orphan girls Good work they arranged it in Odintsovo. They will work and arrange their lives.

Recently, the head of the Odintsovo district and I handed over the keys to new apartments to 18-year-old orphans who had graduated from school. Completely renovated, furnished, household appliances and bed linen, the apartments turned out to be even larger in size than provided legislative norm. You should have seen the happy eyes of these girls!

It's moments like these that make life worth living...

Interviewed by Larisa Viktorova

Lazutina Larisa Evgenievna is a great skier. She is one of the most titled athletes in the history of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

The future legend was born in the summer of 1965 in Kondopoga. She was an ordinary child and was no different from the others. At the age of seven, the girl went to first grade. As a little girl, she loved active games and never sat still. At the age of twelve he began training in the skiing section. Initially, it was an ordinary childhood hobby, but later it grew into something more. After school he decides to enter higher education educational institution. It didn't take long to choose. Larisa Lazutina goes to study at the Institute of Physical Education. At the same time, she is engaged in skiing and plans to connect her life with it. It is worth noting that the athlete has two higher education. She also studied at the Pedagogical Institute.

During his student years, he began to compete in various skiing competitions. In 1985, she was the best among juniors in the three by five relay. A year later he becomes Master of Sports of the Soviet Union.

Professional career

At twenty-two years old, she became the world champion at a distance of 4 to 5 kilometers, and also won bronze for third place in the twenty-kilometer race. The competition took place in Germany. Already in 1989, Lazutina Larisa received a call to the national team. For some time he participates in small tournaments, but does not achieve serious success.

Disintegrates Soviet Union, and now the skier represents Russian Federation. In 1993, he went to the World Championships in Sweden and won two and one silver there. Two years later, the competition took place in the United States of America, and there the Russian woman performed unusually successfully. She won four golds in different disciplines. In 1997, he again took part in the world tournament and this time was content with one medal - for the 4 x 5 kilometer relay race. Despite winning gold, she stated that she planned to do better. In 1999, she was partially rehabilitated and became the best at two distances. 2001 gave the athlete the last gold award in her career. The championship was held in Finland, and at the same time Larisa Lazutina managed to win bronze.

It is worth noting that, in addition to performing at world championships, the woman became the winner of the Russian championships many times.

Performances at the Olympic Games

The skier participated in four international competitions. The first time this happened was in 1992 in Albertville. Larisa Lazutina managed to bring home one gold. In 1994 she went to Lillehammer and again won a medal of the highest standard. Four years later, the tournament took place in Nagano, and here she showed why she was one of the best skiers of the late twentieth century. The girl took home three first places, one second and one third. It was then that the whole world learned that Russian athletes were capable of competing for the highest awards.

She had a sad experience at the Olympics in 2002. She was disqualified for doping. As a result, I lost two and one gold. In 2003, this case was discussed at high level, and it was decided that all results that were recorded after 2001 should be annulled. Officials believed that even then Larisa Lazutina began using illegal drugs.

Life outside of sports

After finishing her sports career, the seven-time Olympic champion leads a fairly active lifestyle. She was a deputy of the regional Duma of two convocations. He is an active politician and strongly promotes sports and a healthy lifestyle.

The former athlete has a family. The husband's name is Gennady Nikolaevich, and the children are Daniil and Alisa. Despite the fact that the woman spends a lot of time at work, she tries to devote every free minute to her family.

Awards and more

Larisa is a fourteen-time world champion, winner of a huge number of state-level awards. Of all, the main one is the title of Hero of Russia, which she received for her incredible performance at the Olympics in 1998. In addition, the collection contains several insignia.

To immortalize the athlete in history, such an object as the Larisa Lazutina Track was opened in Odintsovo. Naturally, the former skier could not hold back her tears when she found out about this. She has repeatedly noted that this is the most significant achievement for her. In various interviews, the woman proudly recalls this event and thanks everyone who contributed to this in one way or another.

It is worth noting that in 2015 the Larisa Lazutina Park was also opened. From the same year, the route became part of the park.

Lazutina is a great champion who gave Russian fans a huge amount of positive emotions. She deserves to have a monument erected to her during her lifetime.