What are the most effective herbs for weight loss? Fat-burning herbs for weight loss: which ones to choose and how to use

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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Which plant did you recognize in the picture and why? Maybe you have memories from school about collecting a herbarium, or you are making infusions to calm down nervous system, or bathe your baby in thyme and chamomile?

Such beautiful and sometimes unknown herbs have so many beneficial properties.

But these are natural healers who help the body fight many diseases. Today another benefit from them has become known - it is fast and effective weight loss.

There are 5 groups of effects of herbal remedies on the body:

  1. Herbs that during a diet for weight loss. The principle of their work is that they envelop the walls of the stomach, swell and give a feeling of fullness for several hours. Such plants include marshmallow root, flax seeds, angelica, spirulina. They allow a person to eat less, not take short snacks, and accordingly lose weight.
  2. herbs that remove toxins, waste and excess fluid from the body, preventing food debris from turning into fat cells. But those who have problems with the kidneys and liver should be careful with such herbs. These are burdock, bear's ears, horsetail and lingonberry leaf.
  3. Laxatives and choleretic plants are aimed at producing bile in the body and improving the functioning of the digestive tract. These are dandelion, barberry, milkweed and corn silk.
  4. To increase energy in the body. Such plants burn calories quickly. Such herbs include rosemary, turmeric and ginger.
  5. Tonic herbs. Stimulate metabolism, remove fat reserves from the body. These are lemongrass, ginseng, eleutherococcus.

Before you decide to lose weight using herbs, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the technique of preparing them.

  1. Take one stalk at a time different plants, crush them and mix. Pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 3, keep in a thermos for 15 minutes and here is your finished herbal tea. Pour into a container with a lid and leave for several hours.
  2. We take 100 ml of food during the day, preferably half an hour before eating food, for 2-3 months.
  3. The result is slow but effective.
  4. Before starting to use infusions, it is advisable to consult a doctor, because the wrong herbs can harm your health.
  5. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use these weight loss methods.

Also, do not forget that sudden weight loss is a serious stress for the body. In particular, it can be expressed in the unsatisfactory condition of the skin and the formation of stretch marks. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, dermatologists recommend using modeling cream during the diet. For example, products of a leader in production natural cosmetics- Mulsan Cosmetic company.

This product does not contain animal fats, mineral oils and, especially, synthetic paraben preservatives. They can accumulate in the body and lead to serious health problems. Mulsan Cosmetic modeling cream consists only of natural ingredients and performed well, which satisfied consumers did not fail to write about on the website mulsan.ru.

Traditional recipes for weight loss

  • Mix one part each of chicory and dandelion roots, and three parts of burdock root. Pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for several hours, then strain and drink before meals for a month.
  • . Pour boiling water over the leaves of birch, plantain, and oregano, and when the water cools down a little, we lie down in the bath for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the body well, without using shampoos and gels. Let's go to bed. This is a wonderful remedy for cleansing the sebaceous glands and pores, as well as for healing wounds.
  • Complex rubbing with a decoction of calendula flowers and coltsfoot will help stop inflammatory processes and relieve fatigue, especially if you apply foot lotions after a hard day at work.
  • If you mix three parts of buckthorn bark, add the same amount of nettle leaves, one part of yarrow, you can get excellent tea for intestinal lavage.
  • Diuretic tea made from the leaves of horsetail, knotweed and strawberries will give the body freshness and vigor. Improves metabolism and speeds up the metabolic process.
  • An infusion of juniper fruits, cornflower flowers and angelica root will improve your complexion and give your nails and hair natural shine and elasticity.

Carefully read the instructions for the herbs; an overdose can cause side effects, including dizziness, weakness, fever, burning in the stomach, increased acidity, drowsiness.

I offer a list of plant herbs that promote weight loss, burn fat, remove toxins from the body, remove excess cholesterol, stimulate metabolic processes.

  1. Black elderberry flowers, fennel fruits, chamomile flowers, linden blossom, mint. Pour boiling water over all this in proportions of 20 g and leave for 15 minutes. Drink one glass 3 times a day, preferably 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Buckthorn bark about 40 g, dandelion root, parsley fruits, fennel, mint 15 g each. 2 tbsp. Pour spoons of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water over blackberry, birch and coltsfoot leaves and take before lunch.
  4. Infusion of corn silk, 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day before meals to reduce appetite.
  5. Take 15 g of dandelion root, parsley, fennel and mint. The infusion dulls the feeling of hunger and has a laxative effect. We drink on an empty stomach before meals.
  6. 50 g of licorice root, anise fruit, 100 g of cystoseira, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. We drink one cup three times a day.

There is a slight laxative effect, stimulation of digestion, improvement of metabolic processes.

A folk remedy that is familiar to humanity thanks to the cleansing and healing processes in the body, but in order not to cause harm, you need to know the rules for its use.

  • Do not take others with him medications and plants.
  • Strictly monitor the dosage and time of taking the infusion.
  • Do not use during pregnancy, intestinal problems, tumors or ulcers.
  1. Pour 50 mg of powder with boiled water room temperature and leave overnight. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning, without sediment. The dose can be increased to 250 mg.
  2. Take the same infusion after meals for laxative purposes. You can use up to 300 mg of herbal tea at a time.

Cleanse the body with honey and herbs

To carry out the full course, you need to prepare a mixture of: 100 g each of chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds, chop and mix, put in one jar with a lid. In the evening, pour 200 ml of boiling water into a tablespoon, leave for 20 minutes and strain. Add a spoonful of honey and drink it at night, after which you can no longer eat.

In the morning, exactly 20 minutes before breakfast. After several doses, the body will feel lighter, weight will decrease, and vision and memory will improve. The rejuvenation mechanism is launched.

The note. All herbal courses should be carried out no more than 2-3 weeks every six months; it is better to buy herbs for weight loss and infusions at the pharmacy and carefully read the instructions.

Natalia Zemnaya, the head of the “healthy herbs” project recommends:

  1. Do not self-medicate, carefully study the dosage and do not use unknown herbs.
  2. You cannot combine incompatible herbs; you need to consult a herbal doctor or simply drink infusions with only one or two plants.
  3. If your health worsens, it is better not to hesitate and go to the clinic; only professionals will be able to determine what went wrong and why.
  4. Losing weight with herbs is very effective; you can lose 3-4 kg per week if you combine dietary food with physical exercise.
  5. Herbal infusions can improve performance internal organs, digestive system, relieve spasms, reduce inflammation, calm nerve cells.
  6. When bathing your baby, you need to add a few tablespoons of chamomile, thyme, and sage to the water - the baby will sleep peacefully and colic will torment him less.
  7. You can use decoctions to rinse your hair, make face masks, steam your feet, and nails.
  8. Herbal infusions have effective medicinal properties.

Eating herbs that promote weight loss is a simple but effective way to get your figure in order. Herbal medicine is the oldest method of getting rid of many diseases, including excess weight. The result will be better if you approach the problem of losing weight comprehensively, namely: eat moderately and include physical activity. Those who have chronic diseases should agree on a herbal regimen with their doctor.

Effective herbs for weight loss

To determine which herb for weight loss is suitable in a particular case, we classify plants according to their effect on the body.

  1. Herbs that give a feeling of fullness, thereby suppressing appetite
  2. Choleretic and diuretic herbs for weight loss.
  3. Herbs that regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Herbs for weight loss that burn fat.
  5. Herbs with laxative effect.
  6. Herbs that improve metabolism.

Herbal infusions for weight loss: recipes

Herbs can be taken separately, depending on their availability in the pharmacy, tolerance and taste preferences, and in the form of herbal teas for weight loss. Reviews from people who have improved their figure in this way indicate that greatest effect gives a combination of plants from different groups.

To obtain a healing drink, take a tablespoon of the mixture per 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then filter and consume.

Examples of herbal recipes for weight loss:

  • 20 g each of dandelion root, fennel fruit, parsley fruit, 60 g of buckthorn root. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • 40 g each of yarrow and St. John's wort, 20 g of cystosira bearda. Take half a glass after meals.
  • 10 g each of coltsfoot and senna leaves, 20 g each of birch leaves and corn silk, 60 g of blackberry leaves. Drink half a glass before breakfast and lunch.
  • Create an individual collection of herbs for weight loss: take one herb from the listed groups in equal parts. Drink on an empty stomach.

Popular infusions for weight loss

It may be difficult for someone who is using herbal medicine for the first time to figure out which herb is more effective for weight loss. To begin with, it’s easier to use common recipes for weight loss infusions, reviews of which are available in numerous sources.

Ginger infusion for weight loss

This fanciful shaped root is both an active fat burner and an excellent helper in strengthening the immune system. Sold in almost any supermarket or market.

The easiest way to add ginger is to green or black tea. To do this, finely chop or grate the root. The smaller the pieces, the spicier the drink will be, so just a few “chips” are enough for one serving. Place ginger and tea leaves in a teapot, add boiling water in the required volume, let it brew for 20 minutes. It is more effective to take this drink a few minutes before meals or even replace a snack with it.

A drink made from ginger, lemon and honey has an even stronger effect on the body. Place two tablespoons in a container. spoons of grated ginger root, add juice from one citrus, pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover. Leave for about an hour, by which time the drink will have cooled to room temperature. Add a tablespoon of honey, wait until the honey dissolves. Drink 100 ml half an hour before meals. Course – 1 month.

When excess weight is too much, try this recipe. Finely chop 4 cm of ginger root and 3 cloves of garlic, place in a glass container, pour in 2 liters of boiling water, close with a lid. After 2 hours, filter. Drink one glass half an hour before meals. Course – 1 month.

Ginger is also popular alcohol tincture. Unlike previous recipes, this drink has long term storage and minimum consumption. Grate 400 g of root, place in a glass container, fill with a liter of vodka and close tightly. Place the container in a dark place and shake periodically. After two weeks, filter. Take the resulting tincture before meals, twice a day, a teaspoon, or dilute with a small amount of water.

Herb hellebore for weight loss

A plant that helps in the fight against many ailments. Hellebore gets rid of extra pounds thanks to its strong laxative effect. An infusion of it gently and delicately cleanses the intestines of feces, normalizes metabolism and water-salt balance, reduces swelling, and removes toxins. Hellebore has both diuretic and choleretic properties. Normalizes blood pressure and reduces sugar levels. All this contributes to smooth weight loss, without starvation and stress.

Hellebore – poisonous plant, especially its root, but it is precisely this that is used in medicinal purposes, therefore a strict dosage is necessary. If you purchase crushed plant root at a pharmacy, then adhere to the dosage indicated on the package.

Prepare the hellebore infusion in the evening. Place the required volume of extract in glassware and pour in some water at room temperature, for example half a glass or a glass. Take in the morning, 2 hours before meals - both infusion and sediment.

During the day, try to move more, then the effect of the herb on the body will be more complete. This is why taking the infusion at night will not give results.

The intake of hellebore begins with a very low concentration - 50 mg of dry herb per day for 10 days. Then, provided you feel well, take 100 mg for the next 10 days. Then 10 days - 150 mg. Next 5 months 200 mg. Take a break for at least a month. In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the dosage cannot be increased until the condition improves.

The plant has contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, childhood, heart and liver diseases, kidney and gallstones. Be sure to consult your doctor about taking this herb.

An overdose of the plant is dangerous, as it can lead to severe poisoning, including cardiac arrest.

Senna herb for weight loss

This herb is also known to have a laxative effect, and quite a strong one. Before taking it, you must get your doctor's approval. And the course itself should be carried out no more than a week with strict adherence to the dosage.

Contraindications to the use of senna infusions or tablets: pregnancy, lactation, constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, intestinal diseases.

Senna herb enhances intestinal motility, prevents the absorption of fats by the intestinal walls, and promotes the removal of old feces and waste. Thanks to this, smooth weight loss occurs.

The leaves of this herb are mainly used not in pure form, but as part of collections or added to teas.

  • Pour a tablespoon of crushed plant leaves into a glass of water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Then leave for 20 minutes, filter. Drink the broth at night, 2 hours after dinner, and do not eat anything that day. The course of admission is 1 week. Start with a third of a glass. If there is a strong laxative effect or abdominal pain, reduce the amount of decoction you take. At feeling good gradually increase the dosage, bringing it to a whole glass by day 7. Store in a cool place for no more than a day.
  • Make a collection: 20 g each of senna, stinging nettle, dandelion, parsley (fresh), 10 g of fragrant dill and peppermint. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, cover the container, leave for 3 hours, then filter. Take the drink after meals. Course – 1 month. During the first half of the month, gradually increase the volume of infusion you drink to two glasses, and in the second half of the month, gradually reduce it to one glass.
  • Make a mixture: 50 g of senna, 100 g of dried apricots and raisins, 200 g of figs, 400 g of prunes, 100 g of rosehip syrup. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon morning and evening.

Bardakosh herb for weight loss

Another name for this plant known to us is marjoram, used as a seasoning for various dishes. The spice contains pectin and tannins, which help cleanse the intestines, resulting in weight loss. Bardakosh also has a diuretic effect, which also leads to getting rid of extra pounds. Antioxidants carotene, rutin, vitamin C in the plant improve blood circulation and nutrition of body tissues. A essential oils in a drink made from bardakosh, they dull the appetite.

For weight loss purposes, the spice is consumed before meals. Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of herb and leave for 20 minutes. Another option is to simmer for 20 minutes in a water bath. Strain and take in portions half an hour before meals, no more than 1 glass per day.

Like other folk or medicinal remedies, it is advisable to take marjoram after consulting with a specialist. Spices are excluded from the diet for gastritis, colitis, and ulcers. In addition, bardakosh should not be taken together with other diuretics or laxatives, as this can lead to severe diarrhea, dehydration, and upset stomach and intestines. Also, do not combine this spice with other products containing essential oils.

Diuretic herb for weight loss

The action of diuretic herbs is based on the removal of intercellular fluid, which leads to weight loss. Therefore, for the purpose of losing weight, they can be used only when there is water retention in the body, to prevent edema.

You should not get carried away with this method of losing weight, because abuse of diuretics leads to dehydration and metabolic disorders. It is advisable that both the collection and the intake schedule be prescribed by the attending physician or nutritionist, especially if there are chronic diseases. Uncontrolled use of diuretic herbs can cause various problems in the body: abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, fatigue, weakness, hypokalemia, dysbiosis, melanosis of the large intestine.

To avoid dehydration, drink more water when taking diuretic herbs.

Do not take herbal drinks in an unlimited, haphazard manner. Always strictly adhere to the prescribed schedule and dosage.

Don't take herbal drinks long time. Losing weight with herbs should be carried out in courses, usually 1-2 months, then a break.

Be prepared for the fact that losing weight with the help of herbal medicine occurs slowly, depending on the body’s reaction - no more than 1 kilogram per week. In this case, the result is more stable and long-lasting.

For weight loss, decoctions or infusions of several medicinal herbs. There are special herbal teas containing appetite-reducing herbs, diuretic herbs, laxatives and promoting herbs.

Types of herbs and how they promote weight loss

In the process of losing weight, herbs help, which, first of all, reduce appetite, then diuretic herbs. The next group of medicinal herbs stimulates the liver and gallbladder and herbs that accelerate metabolism. After all, eliminating fat is solved in the following way: cleansing the body of slagging, removing fluid and normalizing metabolism. The first group includes bran, marshmallow, flax seeds, angelica,.

Improves the functioning of the diuretic system – horsetail, lingonberries, plantain, burdock, bear ears. The activities of systems that accelerate metabolic processes help and at the same time stimulate the liver - barberry, dandelion, immortelle, milk thistle, and milkweed. And herbs with a laxative effect - mint, sea buckthorn, licorice, anise, caraway, buckthorn, dill, senna and rhubarb. By using medicinal herbs for weight loss in combination, you can significantly lose weight up to 5 kilograms per month.

To reduce appetite and lose weight quickly

There are several types of herbs that reduce appetite and thus help in weight loss. These are herbs that cause a feeling of fullness, through the secretion of mucus, in the human stomach. There are herbs that, by swelling the stomach, significantly reduce its volume, which stimulates the body to use its own fat deposits. Since calorie intake decreases during eating, the body has to replenish.

If you need to take medicinal herbs for weight loss, consult your doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. Herbal teas for weight loss must be taken according to the suggested regimen of a specialist, but one must not forget about the need to balance the diet. Most often, herbal tea is infused in a certain proportion, which is indicated on the package, after bringing to a boil. required time, usually no more than half an hour. You need to take one glass before meals.


Most often, diuretic mixtures contain herbs: chamomile, bearberry, lingonberry, birch buds and chicory. It is these herbs that stimulate the diuretic system. To prepare the collection you need to take: dried lingonberry leaves, bearberry, chamomile flowers, chicory and birch buds. Brew all the ingredients and take half a glass of medicinal herbs three times a day.

In order not to cause addiction to the body, it is recommended to take the herbal collection in courses. Since constant use of herbal diuretic tea can significantly affect the microflora and cause a malfunction of the diuretic system. It is not recommended to take tea after 17.00, so as not to disturb your sleep pattern. Therefore, it is recommended to take medicinal herbs strictly under the supervision of a treating specialist.

Laxatives to cleanse the body

By using laxatives to cleanse the body, you can significantly lose weight. As the digestive system begins to function normally, bowel movements improve and food does not stay in the intestines for long. There is a cleansing of impurities and toxins. The following herbs are most often used in laxative preparations: senna grass, wormwood, dandelion, flax seeds, trefoil, yarrow, plantain, horsetail, buckthorn, chamomile, calendula.

Medicinal mixtures from these herbs stimulate the intestines well, cleanse the body of fermentation and toxins. They are taken both as decoctions and as enemas, which relieve inflammatory processes directly at the site of inflammation.

To improve metabolism

It is necessary to use herbs that stimulate metabolism in herbal teas for weight loss because in the process of losing weight, metabolic processes are launched, as the body is cleansed. The acid-base balance is normalized and liver function is stimulated.

Herbs help him with this: string, birch leaves, licorice root, borage, lemon balm, dandelion, Walnut, wheatgrass, chicory, yarrow, and many others.

In what proportions should I use herbs and how should I take them?

Almost every package of medicinal raw materials always gives recommendations on the use and portion size of herbal tea. Please note that in each recipe there are various herbs, therefore, there is a universal recipe for preparing a herbal mixture for weight loss - finely chopped raw materials are poured with boiled water and infused for 20 to 30 minutes.

Then it is necessary to strain to avoid small particles of herbs getting into the drink. Use two maximum three times a day, half an hour before meals. The minimum serving is half a glass, but generally one glass of infusion

List of the most effective herbs and herbs that burn fat

Herbs that have a laxative effect burn fat well, as they stimulate the digestive tract, improve bowel cleansing, and eliminate harmful substances, toxins and waste. Digested fat cells are eliminated from the body faster when correct use laxatives for weight loss, the effect will be in a week, within a month you can lose from 7 to 12 kilograms.

Altai herb senna for excess weight

The medicinal herb senna is an effective laxative that helps quick cleansing intestines. IN folk medicine It is used as a remedy for constipation, chronic colitis, for weight loss, dysbacteriosis and irritable bowel syndrome. It has a strong laxative effect and improves intestinal motor function.

Senna herb helps remove excess fluid from the body during the process of losing weight, improves metabolic processes in the body. By cleansing the intestines of toxins and slagging, it effectively helps with weight loss and significantly rejuvenates the body. The laxative effect occurs 3-4 hours after taking the herbal infusion.


By using it, you can not only effectively get rid of excess weight in a short time, but also significantly improve the health of your body. The main rule in taking medicinal herbs is to strictly follow the dosage and doctor’s recommendations. Long-term consumption of hellebore removes harmful substances from the body and helps normalize the functioning of the gallbladder by removing bile.

Herbal decoctions of hellebore act as a prophylactic against viral diseases and strengthen the immune system. Accelerates regenerative processes in tissues, renewing cellular composition, removes salts from the body. It has a mild laxative effect, helps eliminate congestion in the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates the process of losing weight in the fight against excess weight.


Mistletoe began to be used for weight loss relatively recently. Most often used with linden decoction. The use of mistletoe is possible only strictly according to a certain scheme. Taking a decoction of mistletoe with linden is recommended when you feel thirsty; it is not recommended to add other ingredients to the decoction.

For effective weight loss, you need to finely chop 2 teaspoons of mistletoe, brew it with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The infusion is taken before breakfast; simultaneously with the use of mistletoe, it must be kept low calorie diet. In traditional medicine, mistletoe is used as an analgesic and antispasmodic.

Common winterweed

Wintergreen is an excellent dietary supplement because it contains vitamins, minerals and tannins. It is used to increase tone and energy, which helps improve immunity and improves metabolism. Tincture of wintergreen helps relieve swelling, improves the functioning of the diuretic system, relieves gout, gastritis and helps in the treatment of diabetes.

Thus, normalizing work vitally important systems the human body, helps to get rid of excess weight and stabilize it for a long time. You can take decoctions and tinctures of wintergreen for quite a long time, since it removes toxins and harmful substances, cleansing the digestive system of their negative effects. Unique properties This medicinal plant effectively helps normalize metabolism and lose weight.

Monastic fee

The herbal collection is monastic and consists of natural medicinal herbs. The collection significantly enriches the body with vitamins and minerals, helps in improving the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. Significantly improves immunity, lowers sugar and cholesterol levels, stimulates metabolism. Thus, by strengthening the body and increasing its performance, the monastic collection, based on 7 medicinal plants, promotes significant weight loss.

Since the body is completely cleansed and gets rid of harmful toxins, its improvement leads to weight loss. Herbs stimulate metabolism, preventing fat deposits, and appetite decreases. Together with excess fluid and broken down fats, as well as toxins, effective weight loss occurs. The collection should be consumed strictly according to the dosage indicated on the packaging.

Recipe for brewing herbal teas for weight loss

The recipes for preparing a medicinal mixture for weight loss are almost identical, with minor exceptions. The packaging usually indicates how to brew herbs correctly. This is basically done like this: The required dose of the medicinal potion is poured with boiled water that has cooled to 70 degrees.

It is not recommended to use boiling water because it destroys beneficial features herbs Only filtered water should be taken; mineral water is not recommended. It is better to drink the brewed potion during the day, since a fresh decoction is more effective. If necessary, can be stored for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

Harm and contraindications to the use of herbal teas

When choosing herbal tea you need to mandatory become familiar with the composition of medicinal herbs contained in it. An allergic reaction can occur to any medicinal herb, subject to individual intolerance. Therefore, it is recommended to leave a sufficiently long interval after the first dose of tea to be able to monitor the allergic reaction.

Abuse of medicinal herbs can provoke:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cause dehydration
  • hypertensive crisis, heart rhythm disturbances, disrupt blood circulation
  • cause a miscarriage
  • provoke diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract

People with chronic diseases should definitely consult with their doctor in order to exclude negative impact medicinal herbs on the body.

Medicinal plants have long been used by medicine in the treatment of various ailments, including obesity. Herbs for weight loss have a beneficial effect on the body’s self-cleansing processes, normalize the functioning of the digestive system, and also improve overall well-being.

  1. Plants that help restore metabolism - elderberry flowers, coltsfoot, birch leaves, nettles, etc.
  2. Herbs with laxative properties - senna, dill, buckthorn, yarrow, laxative joster, anise, trefoil, chamomile, etc.
  3. Herbs that cleanse the intestines and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - buckthorn bark, fennel, parsley, anise, hellebore, dill, laxative joster, etc.
  4. Herbs with a diuretic and choleretic effect - wintergreen, cinquefoil, barberry, dandelion, horsetail, tansy, bear's ear, strawberry leaves, milk thistle, knotweed, immortelle, corn silk, etc.
  5. Plants that affect appetite - marshmallow root, flax seeds, angelica officinalis, algae (spirulina, bladderwrack), etc. suppress hunger.
  6. Herbs that speed up metabolism and increase calorie burning - mainly the spices turmeric, rosemary, ginger, green tea, red and cayenne pepper, dandelion, plantain, etc.

Any of these herbs can be used individually, or you can use herbs (mixtures thereof) taking into account the expected effect.

Video: herbs that help you lose weight.

The nuances of losing weight with herbs

The use of herbal infusions for weight loss should be carried out in courses and strictly according to the instructions. Their unsystematic and excessively long use is dangerous for the development of undesirable side effects in the form of allergies or digestive system disorders.

Usually, to eliminate excess weight, a 1.5-2 month course of using herbal remedies is recommended. After such a therapeutic course, a break of 8 months is required. Then the course can be repeated. Such courses can be conducted no more than 1-2 times a year.

Weight loss when taking herbal decoctions will occur much more slowly (approximately 500-800 g per week) than with any diet, but the end result lasts for a longer time.

Herbs for weight loss, harm

The use of herbal infusions and decoctions is, of course, a more gentle method of weight loss for the body, but, like any method, it can cause harm to the body. Any plant has its contraindications and side effects, which can lead to serious disruptions in the body. It should also be taken into account that many plants are contraindicated for long-term use. Therefore, before using herbal remedies, it is important to consult with a specialist for any contraindications to them.

Contraindications to the use of herbal teas for weight loss

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys in chronic form.
  3. Highly active hepatitis.
  4. Pregnancy period (fraught with miscarriage).
  5. Diarrhea.
  6. Having a tendency to allergic reactions(it is recommended to start taking small dosages, gradually increasing them, while simultaneously observing the body’s reactions).
  7. Pancreatitis.

The main points of losing weight with herbal infusions

Losing weight when taking infusions and decoctions of herbs can be achieved not only by losing fat reserves, but also by cleansing the body, removing stagnant fluid, normalizing metabolism, and reducing appetite. That is why it is recommended to use not one, but several herbs (multicomponent mixtures) with different properties to affect the body in all directions - cleansing, weight loss, general strengthening.

When the ideal collection for you is ready, you can proceed directly to its use. The infusion must be taken fresh, preferably in the first half of the day forty minutes before or after a meal (the intake can be divided into two times in the morning and at lunch, 100 ml each). That is, in the morning you brew it, infuse it and drink it, the next day you prepare a new portion of the infusion. And so on for 1.5-2 months. For greater effectiveness, taking herbal infusions can be combined with diets, physical activity, wraps, baths (with infusions of birch leaves, coltsfoot, oregano). The latter perfectly cleanse the skin, stimulate the removal of toxins and excess fluid, thereby improving the condition of the skin, smoothing it and reducing cellulite.

In pharmacy chains you can buy so-called herbal teas for weight loss, these are the same collections of medicinal herbs. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and become familiar with the contraindications.

Video: Herbs for weight loss in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

Herbs for weight loss, effective recipes

Collection No. 1.

Coltsfoot – 50 g.
Yarrow – 50 g.
Buckthorn bark – 50 g.
Immortelle – 50 g.
Marshmallow root – 50 g.

2 tablespoons of herbal mixture are brewed with 250 ml of boiling water, placed on water bath for 15 minutes, then infuse for another 40-60 minutes under a lid and a towel. Next, the infusion is filtered and brought to the original volume (250 ml) with warm boiled water. The infusion should be drunk warm. After taking the infusion, you should not eat anything for two hours. Take the weight loss infusion twice a day 40 minutes before or after meals.

Collection No. 2.

Birch buds – 50 g.
Strawberry leaves – 50 g.
Chamomile flowers – 50 g.
St. John's wort – 50 g.
Immortelle – 50 g.

Brew 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture with 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 15 minutes, remove and leave for another 40-60 minutes under a lid and a towel. Then filter the prepared infusion, bring the liquid to the initial volume (250 ml) with cooled boiled water. It is important to drink the infusion warm. After taking it, you should not eat anything for 2 hours. Drink twice a day 40 minutes before or after meals.

Collection No. 3.

Chopped dandelion root – 20 g.
Fennel fruits – 20 g.
Buckthorn root – 60 g.
Chopped parsley root – 20 g.

Take 4 tbsp. l. collection, brew 1 liter of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 15 minutes, remove and leave for 40 minutes, wrapping it well. Next, filter the infusion and add boiled water to the initial volume. Drink 250 ml 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Collection No. 4.

Blackberry leaves - 60 g.
Birch leaves – 20 g.
Coltsfoot – 10 g.
Corn silk – 20 g.
Sena – 10 g.

Mix the herbs, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, remove and leave for 40 minutes. Then filter the prepared infusion for weight loss and take 100 ml 15 minutes before breakfast and lunch.

Collection No. 5.

Buckthorn bark - 40 g.
Chamomile flowers – 20 g.
Ground flax seeds – 10 g.
Dill seeds – 10 g.

Mix all ingredients, take 4 tablespoons of the mixture and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 2 hours under a lid and a towel. Strain and squeeze the finished infusion. Drink 200 ml 5 times a day half an hour before meals.

Recipes for herbal drinks for weight loss

Calendula with milk.

Marigold flowers (calendula) – 1 tsp.
Boiling water – 125 ml.
Milk – 125 ml.

Pour the herb into a tea cup and fill it halfway with boiling water, let it stand for 20 minutes and top up the liquid with milk. The drink is ready! Take 4-5 cups during the day. Prepare a fresh drink every time.

Green tea with ginger and cinnamon.

Boiling water – 250 ml.
Green tea – 1 tsp.
Ginger powder – 1 tsp.
Cinnamon – 1 pinch.

Mix all ingredients in a cup and add boiling water. Wait 10 minutes and the drink is ready! During the day you should drink 4-5 cups.

Chamomile with honey for weight loss.

Chamomile – 2 tsp.
Cool boiling water – 250 ml.
Liquid honey – 1 tsp.

Brew chamomile with boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and mix with honey. Take 4-5 cups of drink per day.

St. John's wort tea for weight loss.

St. John's wort herb – 1 tsp.
Boiling water – 250 ml.

Brew the herb like tea and drink 5-6 cups per day.

Rosehip tea for weight loss.

Rose hips – 4 pcs.
Boiling water – 250 ml.

Brew rose hips in a cup and leave for 15 minutes. Take 4-5 cups throughout the day.

It is advisable to drink any of the herbal drinks 30 minutes before or after a meal.

Fees can be compiled according to your own preferences, do not be afraid to experiment. Just before you start, get examined for the presence of hidden diseases and contraindications to taking certain herbs. Be healthy and good luck!

According to statistics, about 40% of the adult population is overweight. Moreover, about half of them suffer various forms obesity. Therefore, the search for harmless to health, but effective ways The fight against extra pounds is ongoing.

For many centuries, medicinal plants and herbs have been used to solve this problem. Moreover, their list is constantly expanding, as modern research is discovering more and more new qualities even in plants and fruits that are well known to us. Let's try to figure out which herbs are the most effective for weight loss and how to choose the ones that are best for you.

Medicinal plants have very different properties. To choose the right herbs that promote weight loss, you must first determine the reasons why you might have excess weight. This cannot always be done on your own, so it is better to seek advice from a nutritionist or your family doctor.

Among the most common causes of obesity, doctors name the following:

  • systematic overeating;
  • incorrectly composed diet;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excess fluid in the body;
  • consequences of taking medications;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • stress factors.

And when correct selection each of these causes can be influenced with the help of medicinal plants, thus accelerating the process of losing weight. Let's look a little more closely.

Binge eating

Many of those who are losing weight complain of a “brutal appetite” that arises as soon as they cut back their daily diet even a little. This is quite normal - if you are used to huge portions, then your stomach (which normally has a volume of 250-350 ml!) becomes distended. This means that in order for it to be filled with food, and for you to receive a signal of saturation, you need to eat a lot.

Herbs to reduce appetite discourage the desire to “eat heavily.” You simply won’t be able to handle the usual portion, and gradually the volume of your stomach will begin to shrink.

If you replace foods with foods that are lower in calories, the weight loss process will go even faster. Within a month you will notice that you have become slimmer and cannot eat as much as before.


It is difficult for herbs to cope with this problem - there are no plants that provoke an aversion to fast food, fatty and fried foods. But they can change something here too! For example, fight sugar cravings. We are talking about completely giving up sugar and sweets and replacing it with natural sweeteners. Stevia or its extract works great for this.

Refusal of salt and increasing the proportion of fresh fruits and vegetables in the daily diet also contribute to weight loss.

Plants can also make salt-free dishes tasty: chopped kelp, basil, mint and a little lemon juice or natural apple cider vinegar will preserve your figure and improve the taste of cooked dishes.


Often diets for fast weight loss prohibit the consumption of coffee. In fact, green coffee beans, in addition to caffeine, which helps speed up metabolism, contain chlorogenic and linoleic organic acids, which help the body burn fat three times faster. So this drink, if not abused and in the absence of contraindications, is very useful for combating excess weight.

There are other plants that stimulate physical activity. These are extracts or teas with the addition of ginseng, eleutherococcus, and echinacea.

Such drinks do not wash away calcium from the body, like coffee consumed in large quantities, but they have no less invigorating effect and create a great mood even for those who do not like to wake up in the morning.

Fluid removal

Excess fluid in the body is an additional burden on the heart, kidneys and joints. It is especially noticeable by the appearance of swelling on the face, legs or fingers in the morning or at the end of the day. Swelling can be caused by diseases of the internal organs or systematic abuse of salt, which causes fluid retention in the body.

You can get rid of the problem, and at the same time from extra pounds, by consuming herbs with a diuretic effect. They will also carry out excellent detoxification of the body, since everything unnecessary in dissolved form is removed from the body along with urine.

But before using such plants, make sure that you do not have kidney stones and acute diseases genitourinary system.

After medications

If excess weight appeared after taking potent drugs medicines, only a doctor should select the necessary herbs for losing weight and cleansing the body of drug breakdown products. He knows what specifically influenced the increase in body weight in your case, and what organs and systems need to be affected in order for everything to return to normal.

Doing a cleanse and detox on your own after a serious illness can be hazardous to your health.

So, if you have just treated your liver or kidneys and start taking plants that actively stimulate the functioning of these organs, you can provoke an exacerbation.

There are also herbs for metabolism that can significantly speed it up. But before taking them regularly and in large quantities, you should definitely consult your doctor. A slow metabolism can signal serious diseases such as diabetes and hypothyroidism. And in this case, complex treatment is necessary, and not simply stimulating metabolic processes with herbs. Although they can be used as part of a therapeutic course.

Drinking herbs that help speed up metabolism is useful for those who are losing weight at home using low-calorie diets.

With a constant calorie deficit, the body begins to save energy, slowing down metabolic processes. And very quickly a moment comes when you seem to be eating little, but your weight stays the same. The right herbs will help get it off the ground.

Gastrointestinal diseases

In the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, herbal decoctions and mixtures have been used for a long time and very successfully. But even here it is very important that the treatment is prescribed by a specialist. Incorrect impact on diseased digestive organs can give the exact opposite of the desired effect.

Moreover, in this case, complex herbal preparations that can be bought at the pharmacy work better. They must be taken in strictly dosed doses, like medicine, and not drunk instead of regular tea.

This treatment helps reduce the load on the digestive organs and increase the digestibility of food. The person will begin to eat less, and the weight will gradually decrease.


Stress is one of the main causes of obesity. Many people “eat up” their own problems without even realizing it. Most often this happens in the evening, when a person begins to analyze the events of the past day.

If it's overflowing negative emotions, he tries to compensate them at least partially with something tasty. The legs themselves carry it to the refrigerator, and what was eaten overnight is deposited on the sides.

In this case, herbal tea with a calming effect will help you lose weight. It will help you cope better with stress and fall asleep faster, protecting you from unconscious overeating.

But herbs alone are not enough; other measures must be taken to support and strengthen the nervous system.

List of herbs

The list of medicinal plants with different effects on the human body below is, of course, far from complete. It includes only the most common and affordable herbs, which can be purchased at any pharmacy:

Moreover, each of these plants has not only the properties indicated in the list. Therefore, before using any of them, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.

Extracts or preparations

There is often debate about which burns more efficiently. overweight: herbal extracts or herbal mixtures. There is no clear answer to this question. Herbal extracts are more concentrated preparations, usually with a narrowly targeted effect. If the product is chosen correctly, it gives very good results. But you need to strictly monitor compliance with the recommended dosage.

For those who have certain health problems, it is better to drink herbal infusions for weight loss, which in themselves are already a medicine, since they have a complex effect on the body.

But it’s better not to experiment with compiling them yourself if you do not have sufficient knowledge. In combination with each other, plants can both enhance and weaken their properties.

It is not recommended to buy herbal infusions in markets or simply from hand. Herbs sold in pharmacies undergo strict environmental and radiation control and are absolutely safe for humans. In addition, you can be absolutely sure that the box contains exactly what is indicated on the packaging. How can you check what is included in the market collection if you don’t know what the plants you need look like?

How to use

Apply medicinal plants it needs to be very reasonable. Yes, they act weaker and slower than pharmaceutical drugs, but if you overdose or use it for too long, you can get extremely undesirable side effects.

Therefore, when using herbs and herbs, adhere to the following rules:

And remember, even if you know which herbs reduce appetite, use them correctly, but are not psychologically motivated enough, the herbs will not keep you from overeating.

Excess weight appears in your head when you allow yourself to eat another tasty morsel, realizing that it will not benefit your body. The formula “I drink grass, which means I can eat whatever I want” does not work!