How to choose the grout color for tiles?

During the renovation process, we inevitably face a lot of problems, both serious and minor. The beauty and convenience of our home will depend on how seriously we take each task. The choice of color for grouting tile joints is not a matter of primary importance, but it is better to think about it in advance.

What to choose: the color of the tiles or contrast?

Usually, buyers, without hesitation, choose grout as close as possible in color to the tile. However, this is not the only possible option. Recently, contrasting color combinations have become increasingly popular. For example, dark grout is selected for light tiles and vice versa. It is important to be thoughtful when choosing colors, otherwise a random combination of colors will only cause confusion.

If dramatic color combinations based on contrast aren't your thing, you can go the more traditional route. Choose grout to match the tone of the tile, but focus not on the main color, but on the color of the pattern.

Spectacular contrasting combinations

Now they are producing collections of tiles, for which grout options that match the color have already been offered. The color combinations invented by the designers look truly unusual and interesting. So, for black tiles it is recommended to choose pearl-white grout, for beige - cocoa or milk chocolate-colored grout, for olive - graphite, for gray - mahogany-colored grout.

Previously, preference was given to grouting neutral, calm shades, but today designers have turned to bright, rich tones. Increasingly, red, orange, green, turquoise, blue, purple and black grout are being chosen to decorate a bathroom.

If you have chosen white ceramic tiles to decorate the walls or floor of your bathroom, then it will be difficult to make a mistake when choosing the color of the grout. After all, absolutely all colors go with white. Some combination will be more successful, some less, but there will not be a complete failure. When working on creating a color pair, remember that it should be in harmony with the colors that are used in the bathroom interior. Therefore, try to choose a grout that matches the color of the furniture, doors, ceiling, etc.

It will be more difficult to choose a partner color for colored ceramic tiles. We advise you to use a special fan palette, which no designer can do without. Experiment with different color combinations, and perhaps you will be able to find a truly beautiful and original solution.

Is colorless grout universal?

Many people believe that a white grout mixture is called colorless. This is not entirely true. White grout is, indeed, considered universal and is suitable for tiles of any color. True, with dark shades it forms a contrasting combination, which will certainly not appeal to connoisseurs of traditional solutions.

Relatively recently, grout for tile joints has appeared on the building materials market, which actually has no color. The new material is made on the basis of epoxy and contains glass. Due to its light-absorbing properties, the effect of “invisibility” of the grout is ensured. This grout mixture is also called a “chameleon”, as it adapts to the color of the ceramic tile.

Colorless grout is a rather expensive product, but it is worth the money. Created using modern technologies, it has excellent characteristics: easy to apply and easy to clean, not subject to mechanical damage, does not interact with aggressive chemicals, and resists the appearance of fungus and mold.

Colorless grout is most often used for working with glass mosaics and for creating decorative tile panels.

It is better to purchase grout at the same time as purchasing tiles. This way you can go through all the possible options on the spot and settle on the most successful combination. The choice of grout color depends, among other things, on the type of ceramic tile chosen.

  • Multicolored tiles. Consider all the color tiles in the picture. Determine which one is the darkest and which one is the lightest. Then everything is decided by the size of the bathroom. If the room is small, choose the lightest shade, and if the bathroom is spacious enough, you can choose the darkest color.
  • Plain tiles. If all the walls in the room are decorated in the same color, then the shade of the grout should be chosen based on the importance you attach to the decor of the bathroom. If you want to draw attention to furniture and plumbing, then buy grout to match the tiles. And if there is a wall or floor covering in the center of the interior, it is better to choose a contrasting color for the grout.
  • Mosaic. Traditionally, a mosaic is chosen either in a shade that contrasts with its main tone, or in a neutral color, such as beige or gray. You can also use colorless grout to decorate the mosaic: it contains transparent components that absorb color and mask the tile joints.

The following recommendations will help you choose the color of grout for ceramic tiles:

  • Go to the largest hardware store for grout. This is exactly the case when a variety of choices benefits the result. The more tile + grout combinations you try, the more likely you are to find the perfect color match.
  • Some stores have test samples of grout that you can apply to the tiles and evaluate the result right on the spot. This opportunity must be taken advantage of. Be sure to wait until the composition dries, as wet and dry grout differ significantly in color.
  • For panels made of ceramic tiles, it is better to choose grout that matches the background or dominant shade - this way the pieces of the picture will be combined into a single whole. But for small mosaics, contrasting grout colors are welcome.
  • If the entire room, including furniture, fixtures and accessories, is decorated in the same color scheme, try to “refresh” the interior using grout in a contrasting color.

Colors: what to do if the desired color is not on sale

Unfortunately, even in the largest construction stores, the selection of colored grout for tiles does not cover the entire existing color palette. If you have chosen a color for grout that is not produced by any manufacturer of grout mixtures, do not rush to change your decision. Grout colors can come to your aid.

Here you have several options: buy a special coloring paste, buy a regular water-soluble colorant, or use gouache or watercolor as a colorant. Using any of these components you can color white grout, or make the shade of colored grout more saturated.

If you decide to paint the grout using a color scheme, remember two important points:

  • Try to do the entire amount of work in one day. Otherwise, the grout will dry out, and you most likely will not be able to repeat the resulting shade the next day.
  • After some time, the grout usually becomes lighter, so you should use a color one or two shades darker than intended.