Faux fur versus natural fur. Tips on how to distinguish real fur from artificial fur. Difference between natural and artificial fur.

The answer to this question seems simple only until you come face to face with the problem itself. Some products have no doubt about the origin of the fur, but there are others that need to be purchased with extreme caution, otherwise you risk becoming a victim of dishonest sellers.

How to distinguish real fur from fake?

If you buy a fur item in a well-known brand store, where the chances of “running into” a fake are small, then the label will help you figure out the quality of the material. A good manufacturer will remember to mark on it what kind of fur he used.

But even if you are used to buying clothes in other stores, then, having the knowledge of how to distinguish natural fur from artificial fur, you can protect yourself from fakes.

The main differences between natural fur and artificial fur

  1. The basis of natural fur is wrinkled, rather tough leather; the lining of faux fur is made of dense fabric with a fabric base. If the fur on the product does not move well, then use a needle for the test - just stick it into the product. If it comes out easily, then you have a woven base, but if it hits an obstacle, then most likely it is leather, which means natural fur.
  2. An “extreme” test method is to tear out a few hairs from a product or sample and set it on fire - natural fur burns quickly and smells like burnt hair, artificial fur has the smell of burnt plastic and takes much longer to melt.
  3. The price is not a 100% indicator of naturalness; too large a discount should make you think that you are being deceived.

How to distinguish between natural and artificial mink fur?

Elite mink fur is very often counterfeited. For this purpose, they use completely non-elite skins of rabbits or marmots. Recognizing deception can sometimes be difficult. Only after a couple of years, when the fur begins to shine, fall out, and dry out, can you suspect something is wrong. To prevent such disappointment from befalling you, do not rush into the purchase, but carefully inspect the fur and pay attention to the following points:

  • rabbit fur is too soft, and marmot fur, on the contrary, is too hard, so focus on the golden mean - the mink is moderately soft and hard to the touch, and may be a little prickly;
  • The length of the mink fur hairs is the same throughout the entire product;

All manufacturers tend to want to reduce the cost of producing their products as much as possible in order to obtain maximum profits. This desire has not bypassed the global fur industry. Increasingly, fur factories are trying to pass off artificial material as its natural counterpart, and with the development of technology, the substitution is becoming more and more difficult to determine. Natural fur retains heat much better than all other materials, and the replacement will make itself felt already at the first good frost. However, how to recognize it at the stage of product selection? Only a few fur hat stores are guaranteed to use only natural fur, which has excellent heat-saving properties. For all other retail outlets, you should take on board a few simple tips from fur specialists that will allow you to accurately recognize an artificial fur substitute.

Sign one

First of all, you should pay attention to the product tag, because most often natural fur is bought in the form of clothing, headwear or accessories, and all of them must have a label with comprehensive information about the composition of the material, its origin and the manufacturer. In addition, manufacturers often provide information about product care and cleaning tips. However, the sewn label is not always true, so if the question is? - then it’s better to immediately turn to professionals, such as the Fair of Caps factory. On its official website you can easily find the most fashionable and pleasant new thing, both for yourself and for your loved ones.

Sign two

Another sign of natural fur is the weight of the product; it will always be a little more than that of a similar model made of artificial material. Real skins of fur-bearing animals cannot be cheap, so pay attention to the price, if it is not too high compared to products of this class - you should take a closer look at it. Tactile sensations will help in identifying a fake: the natural material is soft, smooth to the touch, lies beautifully and plays in the sun, it feels like you are stroking a soft, fluffy animal. At the same time, the synthetic substitute is a little rougher, tougher, and feels like a soft synthetic children's toy.

Main tests

Experienced specialists in the field of fur products recommend carrying out three simple tests that will accurately determine what kind of material you have:

  1. Fire test. All you need to do is tear out a small piece of wool from the fur base and set it on fire with a lighter. The natural base will quickly burn, releasing the corresponding smell of burning wool, which is quite unpleasant. Synthetics, on the other hand, will practically not burn - it will only melt a little, turning into a dense droplet. At the same time, the smell will be different: burnt rubber.
  2. Pin test. The natural base of the skin is usually very dense. Therefore, it will be quite difficult to pierce it with a pin or needle, whereas they will enter into synthetic fabric easily and unhindered.
  3. Basics test. All you need to do is look under the lining or push the dense pile firmly apart with your hands. In an artificial substitute, a dense synthetic, stretchy base will be visible; in a natural analogue, leather will be visible.

It should be remembered that recently products made from natural materials are becoming increasingly rare, because they are expensive and require more careful care. But artificial fur is becoming more and more perfect, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish it from the natural skins of fur-bearing animals. Therefore, when purchasing natural fur, you should be as careful as possible and use the above recommendations.

The fair sex goes crazy over beautiful fur coats, probably from the time when they lost their own, natural “fur coats”. And since then, a particularly wealthy and prominent man is considered to be the one who can hang the luxurious skin of some animal on the shoulders of his woman.

Of course, progress has already had its say everywhere, but in this respect he changed little. Now we prefer fur coats not made from whole skin, but from a large number of smaller and softer skins of the so-called “fur-bearing” animals. Foxes, scribes, beavers, doodles, rabbits, minks and many other types of animals cursed the day when man noticed their beautiful, warm and silky, shiny skins. Since then, there has been no salvation for them anywhere; clever hunters are overtaking them everywhere in order to harvest them for fur for their women.

The only thing left unchanged- this is such a high price. Until now, only the wealthiest ladies can flaunt a beautiful fluffy skin, and only rich men can pamper their beauties with such a “cool” gift.

But also technologies don't stand still. The production of artificial fur and clothing made from it has long been launched on an industrial scale. The fibers of this fur are made from coal, hydrocarbons and limestone. Its production costs much less than the production of natural fur (hunting and raising fur-bearing animals), and in the process of making clothes it behaves much more pliable, which reduces tailoring costs.

Fur coats and sheepskin coats made of faux fur are available not only to the rich, but to any family with an average income. Besides the price, such fur coats have other advantages. So, for example, since the moth’s diet does not include either coal or limestone, it does not “see” or touch a synthetic fur coat, so you don’t have to worry about the fact that a whole fur coat placed in the closet will be removed after the summer in the form of just one stub.

Moreover, unlike from natural fur, artificial tolerates the painting procedure very well. Manufacturers are actively taking advantage of this, offering many spectacular wardrobe items made of faux fur, which can be an excellent embodiment of the most daring look.

But, of course, also shortcomings Chemically produced fur also has plenty. First of all, they do not protect from bad weather the way real fur does. After all, the skins of fur-bearing animals are developed by nature itself precisely in order to provide them with ideal heat exchange. Sable fur coats, for example, were worn by ladies several centuries ago almost in the summer, because even at not too low temperatures they are not hot, they breathe well. But, if it’s frosty outside, then this same sable fur coat reliably protects its owner from the inhospitable cold of the environment.

Fur doesn't let through moisture, because otherwise the wet animal would freeze. The drops simply flow down the hairs of the skin onto the ground. This is also very convenient in the case when snow fell on the fur coat in winter, and when it got into the room, it began to actively melt. You don't have to worry about your fur coat - water will drain from it like water from a goose.

Fur coat provides excellent protection and from the wind. It is warm and calm inside, even the strongest impulses will not be missed by a thick layer of natural protection. Fur is pleasant to the touch, does not emit any unpleasant odors, and is absolutely environmentally friendly.

Which, of course, is not you say with all confidence about artificial fur, which, as mentioned above, is not a very natural combination of chemical components. It can often cause allergic reactions and similar unpleasant consequences.

Faux fur wears out much faster than natural. The latter can be worn for decades, and age will not leave its mark on it. Some fur coats are passed down from generation to generation without losing their shine. Faux fur coats lose this shine very quickly, and usually wear out within five, maximum ten years.

Plus it's very hard to find really good fur coat made of synthetic material. Since everyone who is not too lazy has rushed to produce them, the quality of most of these goods on the market, to put it mildly, is not so great. With a few exceptions, faux fur clothing generally looks like some kind of plush toy, and you will look exactly the same in it.

And yet, no matter how paradoxically It may sound like this, but natural fur coats are a funny relic of bygone centuries in our century. Yes, they perfectly protect from the wind, from the cold, from any bad weather, and this quality cannot be compared with faux fur coats. But why be so obsessed with fur coats? We have invented so many different environmentally friendly materials that have long surpassed even the best fur coat in all respects.

In front of everyone advantages of a fur coat made of artificial fur, which seems to have a relatively low price and is unattractive to moths, a high-quality modern jacket is also not harmful to health, does not leak, protects more reliably than even natural fur in any bad weather, does not require any special care, is easy to wash and dry , is stored. Isn't it more profitable to buy a modern technology product? Why are “natural” fur coats still so popular?

Because of beauty? Status and image? But what kind of beauty is this, for the sake of which you have to get into someone else’s skin? Does it seem like stupid and capricious self-indulgence - throwing away enough wardrobe items to buy half an inexpensive car?

Doesn't it look like stupid Papuanism to dress up like that? things when they no longer carry their usual functional load for a long time? And besides, perhaps every lady who dreams of proudly parading through the streets in an elegant new thing should watch at least one or two videos on the Internet describing the “manufacturing process” of fur. The gnawed bodies of small unfortunate animals dumped up the mountain, stunned by blows to the ground and skinned alive (so as not to spoil the precious fur) will not discourage, perhaps, only the most cruel people from sponsoring such production with money from their own pockets.

The debate between those who will not wear anything leather or fur at any price, and between those who will not refuse to have another coat made of very beautiful fur in their wardrobe, will probably never end. Which one is right? It is worth understanding this issue in detail.

In the distant past, when primitive people existed on earth, they had to kill animals in order to survive using their skins. Then it was more than justified, because in such a harsh climate they would simply die. However, in the modern world, the use of fur causes great negativity from the outside, and in some ways they are even right. Indeed, due to the huge demand for natural fur, some species of animals are on the endangered lists, which, you see, is not good. This is why faux fur is becoming more and more popular nowadays.

Due to the huge demand for natural fur, some species of animals are on the endangered lists, which, you see, is not good.

An alternative to natural fur appeared in 1929, but it gained great popularity only after the 50s of the last century. A lady who put on an artificial fur coat could then look no less elegant than the rest, without feeling remorse towards the poor animals.

Synthetic fur is a processed and dried fiber that is made from coal, limestone and hydrocarbons. This fiber is placed on a cotton or wool base, after which the pile is cut to the required length and dyed in the required color. Technologies that make it possible to create fur that is inferior to natural fur not only in quality, but also in appearance, have pushed many to abandon fur products and have joined the ranks of human rights activists in the world of flora and fauna.

So what are the pros and cons of faux fur?


  • If you wear faux fur, you don't feel guilty about killing animals. And even if you have a lot of different fur products in your wardrobe, your conscience is completely clear.
  • Another advantage of such fur is an important feature in our time - price. The use of synthetic fibers allows you to spend less on production - therefore, the price of such products is much lower than for fur coats made from natural fur.
  • The production of artificial fur nowadays is at a very high level, so its quality is not inferior to natural fur. The products do not require special storage or special care, they are easy to clean, they cannot be damaged by moths, and they can remain shiny and beautiful for a long time.
  • Artificial pile can be of any length and color, and even the most daring color schemes look quite authentic, while natural fur does not tolerate experimentation; its coloring significantly reduces the quality of the product and negatively affects its appearance.


  • Faux fur is less environmentally friendly. For its production, acrylic and polyacrylic polymers are used, which contain water, coal, limestone and petroleum products. The pile of such products is much stronger than natural, which means that it biodecomposes much longer.
  • Another disadvantage may be the reduced frost resistance of artificial fur. Therefore, it is not suitable for extreme weather conditions. However, scientists and designers are working to improve its qualities.
  • The external differences between artificial and natural fur are practically invisible, but to the touch natural fur is much softer and more delicate than any artificial fur.

Of course, if you are a lover of natural fur, no one will sprinkle flour or paint on you on the streets - this is the privilege of the stars. However, when buying a fur coat made of natural pile, you should not choose the “Ussuri tiger” or other rare animals, let them live a little longer on our planet. Well, the more people use artificial fur, the more its quality will increase. So who knows which material will be more popular in the future?

Buying a fur coat- a great joy for any girl. An elegant fur coat makes the look elegant and feminine, gives grace to the figure, and perfectly warms in the cold. The luxurious fur surface looks impressive, the silky shine of the material instantly attracts the attention of others.

Products made from natural fur remain in fashion for many years, so buying them is a good investment.

However, the choice of model should be approached with all seriousness so as not to be deceived. Modern production technologies make it possible to create realistic artificial fur products that are difficult to distinguish from natural analogues.

How to distinguish natural fur from synthetics?

First of all, you should carefully choose the place where you buy a fur coat. It is better to choose trusted stores that have existed in the fur products market for a long time and have a good reputation. Eg, Diana Furs- a reliable online store that sells fur coats made from natural fur of the highest quality.

The price of natural fur is undoubtedly higher than its artificial counterpart. If you see a discount that is too big, you shouldn’t rush into making a purchase. The likelihood of a craft is very high.

The difference between faux fur and natural fur can be determined externally. At the same time, there should be good lighting in the room.

Features of natural fur coats:

  • Fur coats made from real fur are lighter. When wearing such a fur coat, you will practically not feel its weight. Leather and fur weigh little, unlike their non-natural counterparts.
  • The fur surface is smooth and silky to the touch. Natural fur passes softly between the fingers and lies in even waves.
  • In bright light, you can see that a natural fur coat shines very beautifully. It shimmers softly with a delicate gloss. The degree of gloss varies depending on the brightness of the light. Artificial fibers are more matte. Their shade does not change under different lighting conditions.
  • Natural fur has a leather base. Many manufacturers of branded products do not stitch the lining tightly, so the buyer can see the reverse side of the fur trim. If you see textiles or a synthetic base, it means the fur coat is made of artificial fur.

Methods for identifying natural fur

  1. The most convenient and simplest is to evaluate a fur product by touch. Softness and smoothness will depend on the type of fur. However, the artificial analogue will almost always be tougher. It usually has a uniform texture, regardless of the thickness and height of the hairs. Natural fur is more heterogeneous, which becomes noticeable after a thorough examination.
  2. Another reliable test is the pin or needle test. When piercing the base expensive fur products you will feel resistance, because the skin has a rather dense structure. If the needle passes easily and freely, you are most likely faced with a fake.
  3. The most “extreme” test is setting fire to real fur. When burned, artificial fibers emit an unpleasant plastic smell. In this case, the fur begins to melt or roll into small balls. Natural analogues behave differently. When burned, the fur emits a characteristic smell of burnt hair.
  4. Take a close look at the base. To do this, you don’t have to use a needle; you can simply gently push the fur apart and carefully inspect the surface. You can also make a small incision in a small area.

Now you know how to identify real fur. As you can see, it is quite easy to distinguish a quality product from a fake. The main thing is not to miss the details and be careful about your choice. No matter how high-quality faux fur is, it can always be distinguished from the real thing.

The main differences between faux fur products:

    • Weighs more compared to a fur coat made from natural fur.
    • It has a characteristic matte tint that is difficult to disguise with regular paint.
    • It feels rougher and more unnatural to the touch.
    • Attached to a fabric base.
    • It does not have the down characteristic of natural fur.
    • Fur coat with artificial fur is much cheaper.

For maximum confidence, you should ask the seller to provide a quality certificate or other documents confirming the authenticity of the natural fur coat. All products from the Diana Furs factory are of consistently high quality.