Have to, had to - modal verb. Application, examples and special cases. Modal verb Have to

We continue to study modal constructions, and today our task is to understand why the combination have to is a modal verb, and not the usual expression of possession, as many might think. The fact is that the English have carries many contexts, for which both meanings and grammatical rules differ. We will try to clearly delineate the scope of use and grammatical norms for each case. First, let's repeat the basic meaning of have, and then move on to mastering the modal construction: consider its functions, methods of formation and example sentences. Let's get started!

The main use of this verb is to denote belonging, possession, possession, translated into Russian by the phrase “ he has sth.», « havesmb." With its help, they indicate appearance features, capabilities, the presence of certain objects and properties. Such combinations have been practiced since the very first English lessons. Gradually, students learn that the verb to have in English language has for the present tense 2 forms have/has (3rd person singular), and for the past and future one each: had and will have.

  • They have got abigfruitgarden– They have a large orchard.
  • She hasgot three apartments in Manchester –UherThere isthreeapartmentsVManchester.
  • I have a new waterproof watch –I have a new waterproof watch.
  • He had a good umbrella, but he lost it –Uhimwasgoodumbrella,ButHelosthis.
  • I had darkhairbutIdyedit- I had dark hair, but I repainted them.
  • We will have anothercar! – We will have another car!
  • She will have anewjobnextmonth- She will have new job next month.

Verb have and combination havegot carry the same semantic load, and differ only in the established tradition of use. The British prefer to build phrases with havegot, and Americans with simple have. However, the combination with got is unique to the present tense. In other cases it has the usual forms had And willhave.

Discrepancies also arise when constructing questions and negatives. Havegot can create them independently, and have only with the help of an auxiliary do.

  • Has she got fair hair? –Uherlighthair?
  • Does he have my phone number? –UhimThere ismynumberphone?
  • Do you have a red pen? –UyouThere isredpen?
  • Have they got this book? –UthemThere isthisbook?

The future and past tenses will be the same for both types of verbs.

  • Will she have a new motorcycle? –Uherwillnewmotorbike?
  • Did we have abigyour ownlibrary? – Did you have a large private library?

The same rules apply to negatives.

  • He doesn't 't have hisownhouse– He doesn’t have his own home.
  • You haven't got such wonderful flowers! –UyouNosuchwonderfulcolors!
  • I didn't 't have somuchmoney– I didn’t have that much money.
  • She didn't 't have areddress– She didn’t have a red dress.
  • We won 't have anewflat– We will not have a new apartment.
  • I won 't have timeforthat- I won't have time for this.

In addition, the verb have is included in many set expressions, denoting a certain action in them.

  • We will have a dinner at 6 o’clock –Wewe willhave supper at 6hours.
  • I had a headache yesterday- Yesterday I headache.
  • Waiter, I will have a glass of wineWaiter,Iwill drink cup guilt.
  • She has a talk withherfriends- She talking with your friends.

Denoting an action (but not a state!), have is also used in the form of continuum.

  • I am having lunch now –INowI'm having lunch.
  • She was having a shower at that moment –INThatmomentshetook shower.
  • He will be having a walk in the city at this time tomorrow –TomorrowVThistimeHewill walk around Bycity.

Note also that have is an auxiliary verb to form all aspects of the perfect group. More details on this point can be found in the relevant articles.

Have to modal verb

The use of the verb to have to as a modal construction can be immediately distinguished by the presence of the particle to.

In the combination have to, the modal verb denotes necessity, duty, forced measures. It is an analogue of must, and even replaces it with its past tense form of had. However, there is some difference in semantic meanings: must is something that needs to be done by an independent decision, and have to is something that is done under the pressure of circumstances.

Types of predicates

Constructions with this modal word can be used in all forms of tense: past, future and present.

As in the semantic meaning, the present tense is formed by two types of predicate: has to for the third person singular. nouns and pronouns, and have to for other persons. After the modal auxiliary the infinitive of the main verb is placed. The generalized scheme will look like this:

Mybrother (1) hasto (2) clean (3) hisroom (4) – My brother will have to clean his room.

  • Children have to go totheirgranny'sbirthdayparty– The children need to go to their grandmother’s birthday party.
  • I have to finish thisreportbyThursday– I need to finish this report by Thursday.
  • She has to read theDeadSoulsbythe nextlesson- She must read " Dead Souls"to the next lesson.

In statements that have past or future tense, the predicates will be the same for all forms.

  • We had to write himtheletter“We had to write him a letter.
  • She had towash the windows –Sheforcedwaswashwindow.
  • Probably,you will have to go toKenyathisweekend– You may have to go to Kenya this weekend.
  • Hesaythathe will have to meet hisrelativesfromMoscowtomorrow– He says that he will need to meet relatives from Moscow tomorrow.

Creating questions and negatives for the verb have to requires the participation of auxiliary verbs. Let's consider their formation and application using a table.

Interrogative sentences
The present Past Future
Do/does (3l.) …have to….?

Do you have to learn the universe?

Do you need to memorize this verse?

Does he have to answer all these questions?

Does he need to answer all these questions?

Did...have to...?

Did they have to pay for all things?


Did she have to live with her husband’s parents?

Was she forced to live with her husband's parents?

Will...have to...?

Will we have to make the report next month?

Will we need to do a report next month?

Will he have to pick up the children from school tomorrow?

Does he need to pick up the kids from school tomorrow?

Negative sentences
Present Past Future
…. don’t/doesn’t have to…

I don't have to go to the office.

I don't have to go to the office.

She doesn't have to cook supper for guests. We will go to a restaurant.

She doesn't have to cook dinner for guests. We'll go to the restaurant.

…didn’t have to…

We didn't have to do that exercise.

We didn't have to do this exercise.

He didn't have to wash the car.

He didn't have to wash the car.


We won't have to go to the gym. There will be a room with gym equipment in our new house.

We won't have to go to the gym. Our new house will have a room with exercise equipment.

She won't have to buy potatoes tomorrow.

She won't have to buy potatoes tomorrow.

Please note that negative sentences, unlike must, are not a prohibition, but an indication that there is no need to perform these actions.

Cases of use

According to grammatical norms, the modal verb have to is used in English in several contexts.

1) To denote forced necessity, i.e. the person was obliged, forced or forced to perform the specified actions. This is the main purpose of this design.

  • We have to watch thisboringfilm – We are forced to watch this boring film.
  • On the last camping trip, he had tocall his parents every two hours –INlasttrip, he was required to call his parents every two hours.
  • I will have to sign the agreementnextWednesday – I will have to sign the agreement next Wednesday.

2) In a certain situation this design assumptions and inferences may have meaning. True, in most cases the British prefer to use must for these purposes.

  • It has to be Pamela's jacket. Itsmellsofherperfume - This must be Pamela's jacket. She smells like her perfume.
  • They are so elegantly dressed. They have to have been at the theater –TheySoelegantlydressed!They must have been at the theater.

3) In addition, this combination allows you to give advice or recommendations, try to convince your interlocutor to perform specified actions or take part in events.

  • They have to listen a new album of the Offspring. Theywilllikeit! – They should listen to the new Offspring album. ThemI'll like it!
  • You have to go to the Dream! There are so wonderful desserts at this café! –YoumustgoV "A dream."This cafe has such wonderful desserts!
  • Your husband hasto take part in the competition. Hewilldefinitely definitelywinit! – Your husband should take part in this competition. He will definitely win it!

This is such a polysemantic and varied verb have in English! We hope you have learned all its meanings, and now you will never confuse the semantic, auxiliary and modal have. See you in new classes!

It has a very wide application both independently and in conjunction with other words. In addition, there are many overlapping areas with other similar verbs.

Need to vs. have to

In order to talk about the need to do something, you can use the verb need to.

You might need to see a doctor/ You might need to see a doctor.

A number of questions need to be asked/ A certain number of questions must be asked.

And in contrast, to express the lack of need to do something, don’t have, don’t need to, haven’t got to or needn’t are used.

Many women don’t have to work/ Many women don’t have to work.

You don’t have to learn any new typing skills/ You don’t have to learn any new typing skills.

You don’t need to buy anything/ You don’t have to buy anything.

I haven’t got to go to work / I don’t have to go to work.

I can pick John up. You needn't bother / I can give John a lift. You don't need to bother yourself.

To express permission for someone not to do something, needn’t is used.

You needn’t say anything if you don’t want to / You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to.

You needn’t stay any longer tonight/ You don’t have to stay any longer tonight.

To explain that someone did something that was not at all necessary to do, need not have or needn't have is used and Often this construction refers to cases where, at the time of the action, the performer himself did not suspect that there was no need in committing such.

I needn’t have waited until the game began/ I didn’t have to wait until the game began.

Nell needn’t have worked/ Nell didn’t have to work.

They needn't have worried about Reagan/ They didn't have to worry about Reagan.

If the performer at the time of performing the action knew that there was no need for the action, then it would be more appropriate to say didn’t need to. This clarification is explained by the fact that in the present tense we mean a hypothetical necessity in general, and in the past tense we mean a specific action performed without necessity.

They didn't need to talk about it/ They shouldn't have talked about it.

I didn’t need to worry/ I didn’t need to worry.

Also, with the difference that with didn’t need to the speaker is not sure whether the incident actually took place until he receives additional information, for this you can use didn’t and the modal verb have to. Examples:

He didn’t have to speak/ He didn’t need to speak.

Bill and I didn’t have to pay/ Bill and I didn’t have to pay.

Must vs. have to

Must, have to are sometimes interchangeable. Thus, the verb have comes to the aid of must in the past tense if you need to emphasize something that should not have happened in the past. You can replace must with It was necessary, It was important not to, had to make sure, had to make certain and the like had to, the modal verb in conjunction with them means “it was important/necessary”, or “it was important/necessary” make sure".

It was necessary that no one was aware of being watched/ It was absolutely necessary that no one suspected that he was being watched.

You had to make sure that you didn’t spend too much/ You should have made sure that you didn’t spend too much.

We had to do our best to make certain that it wasn’t out of date/ We had to do everything in our power to make sure that it was not out of date.

It was important not to take the game too seriously/ It was important not to take the game too seriously.

Should and ought vs. have to

Should and ought can be used to talk about moderate necessity, that is, the feeling of necessity is not as strong as if we used must.

Should and ought are very common in spoken English. Should, being a true modal verb, requires the use of the subsequent verb in its base form. And ought requires a to-infinitive after itself. Negation with these verbs looks like should not, shouldn't, ought not, oughtn't and means that there is a moderate need not to do something.

There are three cases in which should, ought is used:

1) When it comes to performing any positive or correct action.

We should send her a postcard. / We should send her a postcard.

2) When you want to advise someone to do or not do something.

You should claim your pension 3-4 months before you retire. / You must apply for pension 3-4 months before leaving.

3) When you express your point of view or ask someone else's opinion. At the same time, in order to start a sentence, they often use: I think, I don’t think, or Do you think.

I think that we should be paid more. / I think we should pay more.

Try to distinguish between cases in which should, ought and the modal verb have to are used. The exercises below contain blanks, fill them in:

We _______ spend all the money. / We don't have to spend all the money.

He ______ come more often. / He should come more often.

You ______ see him again. / You shouldn't see him again.

You ______ use a detergent. / You shouldn't use detergent.

You ______ get a new TV. / You need a new TV.

You ______ marry him. You shouldn't marry him.

I don’t think we ______ grumble. / I don't think we should complain.

Do you think he ______ go? / Do you think he shouldn't go?

What do you think we ______ do? / What do you think we should do?

To say that there was a moderate need to do something in the past, but the action was not performed, use should have or ought to have with the past participle. For example, if it says I should have given him the money yesterday, it means that yesterday there was a moderate need to transfer money, but the money was not transferred.

I should have finished my drink and gone home. / I should have finished my drink and gone home.

You should have realized that he was joking. / You should have realized he was joking.

We ought to have stayed in tonight. / We should have stayed that night.

They ought to have taken a taxi. / They should have called a taxi.

If you want to say that it was important not to do something in the past, but, nevertheless, it was done, should not have, ought not to have are used. For example, if it is said: I should not have left the door open, it is implied that it was important that someone did not leave the door open, but the door nevertheless remained open.

I shouldn't have said that. / I shouldn't have said that.

You should not have given him the money. / I shouldn't have given him the money.

They ought not to have told him. / They shouldn't have told him.

She oughtn’t to have sold the ring. / She shouldn't have sold the ring.

Had better

To indicate a moderate need to do something in specific situation, use had to. Modal verb at the same time, to is lost and better is added, forming had better, accompanied by a verb in the base form. Had better can also be used to give advice or to express your point of view on any issue. Although usually placed immediately after had to, the modal verb and not in this case are separated better. The negative form looks like had better not.

I think I had better show this to you now. / I think it's better to show it to you now.

You'd better go tomorrow. / You better go tomorrow.

Although had better resembles in form it is never used for moderate necessity in the past. Moreover, the correct form is always had better (it is not said have better).

I'd better not look at this. / It’s better for me not to look at it.

Thus, in the range have values there are many separate semantic units that do not always behave according to general logic. For example, had to (modal verb have to in form II) does not always indicate the past tense.

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The English verb system is significantly different from Russian. You can often hear: “English is so difficult! And modal verbs are something from the realm of science fiction.” In fact, there is nothing complicated about them: you need to take a close look at them.

In this article we will deal with one such verb - “have to”.

Tense forms of the verb have to

The modal verb have to can be used in the present, past and future tenses. The table shows education in detail different forms verb.

Present Simple

Examples of using the modal verb have to in the Past Simple

Alan had to wait for a long time.

Alan had to wait a long time.

Our class didn't have to plant trees. Did you have to wear uniform at school? Did you have to wear uniform at school?

Examples of using the modal verb have to in the Future Simple

They will have to prepare a project.

They need to prepare a project.

It has to be Michael's car. I saw photos of his car.

This is probably Michael's car. I saw photos of his car.

That has to have been Sara. They said she was slim and tall.

Most likely it was Sarah. They said she was slim and tall.

Negative form

Examples of using the negative form of the modal verb have to

You don't have to read that book.

You don't have to read that book.

John doesn't have to take chemistry exam.

John didn't have to take the chemistry exam.

They won't have to pay for dinner.

They won't have to pay for lunch.


if a negative adverb or pronoun is used in a sentence, for example never, then the particle not is not used. With one verb there can be only one negation:

Allan never has to think about job.

I must go to doctor tomorrow. - I have to go to the doctor tomorrow. (This refers to the consideration of ensuring life and health. If I don’t go to the doctor tomorrow, I will die or get sick.)

I have to go to the doctor tomorrow. – I need to go to the doctor tomorrow. (Here we are considering the case when you need to go to the doctor tomorrow in order to adhere to the planned schedule. That is, you can go in a week, but such actions will let the doctor down, since he has allocated time for an appointment for tomorrow.)

Along with the modal verb have to, the grammar uses the form have got to. There is no significant difference between them. However, if the first form is used formally and colloquial speech, then the second one is more colloquial. Some philologists and linguists who thoroughly study the English language say that have got is used to describe one-time circumstances, but have to is used when talking about permanent responsibilities.

I don’t have to write it every day, but tomorrow I have got to write it. – I don’t have to write this every day, but tomorrow I will be obliged to write it.

By the way, you should immediately note the grammatical difference between these forms. In questions and negatives with the have to construction, an auxiliary verb is additionally used, but with the have got to form it is not needed.

Have you got to read it? – Do you need to read this?

I haven't got to clean. – I shouldn’t/need/necessarily clean this.

Do you have to make it? – Do you need to make this?

I don't have to clean it. – I don’t have to/need/necessarily clean this.

In colloquial speech, the form have got to is contracted into I’ve gotta do, and sometimes the verb have is even dropped, and people can say I gotta do. In general, the modal verb have to and the form have got to are used to express forced action, necessity and certainty. Of course, you can use shortened forms in conversation, but they are not yet applicable in formal documents.

Consider the modal verb have to / have got to in English, its usage and tense forms with examples and translation.

Modal verb Have to and its meaning

People who are not native speakers have a difficult situation with this branch of grammar; in fact, modal verbs sometimes mean the same thing.

For example,

Have to or Must?

Must(should) is based on personal requests, and the modal verb have to(obliged) due to circumstances from outside and represents the lack of an alternative when asked. Let's look at an example:

🔊 You must go on a budget. - You must go to the budget.
(your family, in principle, will be able to afford your paid education, but they would like to protect themselves from such expenses, you should have a choice)

🔊 You have to go on a budget. - You must go to the budget.
(you have no choice, your family will not be able to pay for your education, so you have to (obliged) to try)

Important Features Have to

Important! Distinctive features modal verbs have to And have got to are: the self-sufficiency of these verbs (they can express the category of person and number) and, unlike other modal English verbs, a particle is used before the main verb after them to.

To have and have to should not be confused

Verb to have is translated “to have / own”, and the modal verb have to- “obliged / must”. Below are examples of sentences.

🔊I have a phone. - I have a phone.

🔊I have to go.- I have to go.

Absolutely different meanings, is not it?

Have to forms

Comment! Interrogative and negative forms of the modal verb have to formed together with an auxiliary verb to do(See example sentences below the summary table).

Present tensePast tenseFuture
Ihave todon't have tohad todid not have towill have towon't have to
He/she/ithas todoesn't have to
approved neg. approved neg. approved neg.

Present Simple:
a) Statement
🔊 She has to come to the office at the right time. - She must come to the office at the right time.
b) Denial
🔊 I graduated from school and I don't have to do my homework anymore. - I graduated from school and I'm more is not obliged to to do homework.
c) Question
🔊 Does she have to do this project? Should will she do this project?

Past Simple:
a) Statement
🔊I had to write to him. - I should have write him.
b) Denial
🔊I didn't have to ask her about her age. - I shouldn't have ask her about her age.
c) Question
🔊 Did I have to help you? - I should have can I help you?

Future Simple:
a) Statement
🔊 Jane will have to go at 7 PM. — Jane have to go at 7 pm.
b) Denial
🔊 Isabella won't have to write this work. — Isabella you won't have to write this work.
c) Question
🔊 Will I have to do this exercise? - To me have to do this exercise?

What is the difference between Have got to and Have to?

In addition to tense forms, the modal verb have to there is a form have got to(she met above). The difference between these forms is practically not noticeable. So, have got to used in British English mainly only in the present tense and indicates a specific, non-repeating action.

The modal verb Have to is used:

  • when we are forced (not obliged) to do something due to external circumstances (not of our own free will);