The grammatical meaning of the word. What is a zero ending in Russian?

Termination or inflection(lat. flixio- bending) is a significant part of the word that changes and is formative. The ending serves to connect words in a sentence or phrase and indicates the relationship between words, expressing grammatical meaning.

The grammatical meaning of the endings of different parts of speech.

  1. Noun . Noun endings

    river - rivers - rivers

  2. Adjective . Endings of adjectives indicate their number, case and gender:

    beautiful - beautiful - beautiful

  3. Numeral . Endings of numerals indicate their case and number:

    second - second - second

  4. Verb . Verb endings Present and future tenses indicate person and number:

    read - reads

    The endings of past tense verbs indicate their number, person and gender:

    Looked - looked - looked - looked

  5. Pronoun. Pronoun endings indicate first of all the case, then the number and gender, if any:

    he - his
    yours - yours - yours - yours

  6. Participle . Participle endings indicate number, gender and case:

    read - read - read

The ending is exceptional formative morpheme, which does not give the word any additional meaning.

The endings can be materially expressed or zero.

Zero ending- this is the ending of modified words, which is not expressed by sounds during pronunciation and letters in writing, but at the same time conveys a certain grammatical meaning. The zero ending can be an indicator of a certain gender or case, for example:

  • Nominative and accusative case of nouns. 3 declensions singular: daughter, oven, mother, rye;
  • Nominative case of nouns m.r. 2 declination singular (for inanimate - nominative and accusative case): friend, chair, reeds;
  • Genitive case of nouns different kinds plural: countries, soldiers, windows;
  • Short forms singular m.r. adjectives and participles: cheerful, readable, kind.
  • Nominative case of possessive adjectives m.r. units: brothers, mother, fox;
  • Imperative mood of verbs in singular: watch, teach, watch;
  • Indicative and subjunctive mood of singular verbs. m.r.: wrote - would write; looked - would have looked; walked - would walk.

There are unchangeable words and forms of words that do not have endings and a system of grammatical properties. These words and forms include:

Indeclinable nouns, usually of foreign origin: taxi, coat

Possessive pronouns that denote belonging to a third party: her, him, them

Indeclinable adjectives: burgundy, khaki


Such words have connections with other words through semantic relationships, and null ending is not indicated in any way in the letter.

Note. In this answer, the null ending is indicated by " Ο » in the absence of the technical ability to designate it, as is customary in linguistics, with a square sign: tableΟ , kind Ο , read Ο .

1. End is a morpheme that usually comes at the end of a word and which indicates the connection of this word with other words. The ending expresses the meaning of gender, number, case, person. For example, in the noun table A ending -A expresses masculine meaning singular genitive case, in verb chita no ending -et expresses the meaning of the 3rd person singular.

Note. The ending is not always at the end of the word:

  • in that case, the word has a postfix, then the ending is placed before it: bathed A s, to Wow something, h his-or th O-That,eid eat those;
  • in complex cardinal numbers the ending is not only at the end, but also in the middle of the word (after each base): 5ABOUT ten ABOUT , dv e st And . It is important not to confuse these numerals with ordinal numbers and complex adjectives formed from them, between the stems of which there is a connecting morpheme, and the ending is exclusively at the end of the word: fifty th, two hundred th, twenty And heels And thousand th, nine-story th, triangle th,two levels th .
  • 2. The ending is often called the variable part of the word: books A -books And -booksat. This means that changing the ending does not change the lexical meaning of the word.

    3. Endings do not participate in word formation. These are always formative morphemes. Endings are used when forming forms of the 1st and the same word.

    4. The endings express grammatical meanings:

    gender, number, case - y nouns (books A - ending - A adjectives (great and I book- ending - and I indicates feminine gender, singular, nominative case), participles (written and I book- ending - and I pronouns (mo I book- ending - I indicates feminine gender, singular, nominative case), some numerals (one A book- ending - A indicates feminine gender, singular, nominative case);

    case - for some pronouns(No To Wow - ending -Wow indicates the genitive case) and numerals (no heels And - ending -And indicates the genitive case);

    persons and numbers - y verbs in real and future time ( breathe at - ending -y points to 1st person, singular);

    gender and number - y verbs in the past time ( read A - ending -A indicates feminine gender, singular).

    5. The ending can be expressed by one or more sounds: no knife A, cut with a knife ohm .

    6. The ending may be zero: tableΟ (cf. table A ), kind Ο (cf. kind s ), read Ο (cf. read And ). The zero ending is not expressed by sound and is not indicated by a letter in writing, but the absence of such a materially expressed ending has a certain grammatical meaning: knifeΟ - zero ending indicates masculine, singular, nominative case of a noun.

    There are zero endings in the following forms of words:

    1) at nouns in the nominative case, singular, masculine (2nd declension) and feminine (3rd declension) : table Ο , daughter Ο ;

    2) part nouns in the form of the genitive case, plural:no forcesΟ , no businessΟ , no fighterΟ .

    Note. Final sounds (and letters) in the genitive plural form of the 1st declension and 2nd declension of nouns are not endings: arm th , foothills th , dishes ec . This is part of the base, and the ending here is zero. To check, it is possible to compare these forms with the forms of the nominative singular. Analysis of examples:

  • noun army [armyj- A] has the ending -a, and the sound [j] goes into the base. In order to prove this, it is possible to inflect the word: in the army,army[j- uh] th etc. In all these forms [j] is preserved. This means [j] is part of the base, since the ending is a differentiable part of the word. Exclusively in the form of the genitive case, this sound is graphically expressed using the letter th ( armies Ο ), and in other forms it does not receive a special designation;
  • in class forms foothills, saucer We are seeing a similar phenomenon. Only here there is also vowel fluency ( i, e): foothills - foothills Ο ; saucer- e - saucerΟ ;
  • 3) at short adjectives in singular, masculine form: Vif Ο , happy Ο ;

    4) at possessive adjectives with suffix -th: foxΟ , wolf Ο (-й is a suffix, because it is preserved during declension. Exclusively in other forms, the suffix is ​​presented in a truncated form - [j], and in writing it is not graphically expressed. The presence of this suffix is ​​indicated by the dividing ь: wolfishΟ -wolf[j- uh ]th , foxΟ -lis[j- uh ]th );

    5) at verbs in the past tense, singular, masculine: read Ο , sangΟ .

    7. There are words thatThere are no endings at all. Such words are called immutable. See: What words are considered immutable?

    It is necessary to distinguish between words without endings and words with zero endings. Analysis of examples:

  • In a sentence His gaze was directed into the distance word into the distance is an adverb. The adverb does not change and therefore has no ending. In the title of Tvardovsky’s poem “Beyond the Distance - Distance” distance- noun, it changes according to cases and numbers, form distance stands alongside other forms: far, far, far etc. As follows, this word has a zero ending: dal Ο .
  • In sentences: She it's a shame looked at us And Her face was very it's a shame - two homonymous words. In the first case the word it's a shame is an adverb: looked(How?) it's a shame. Adverbs have no endings. Morpheme -O here is a suffix with the help of which an adverb is formed from an adjective. In the 2nd sentence the word it's a shame - short adjective: face(what?) it's a shame. Short adjectives change by number and in the singular by gender: girls are sad s -girl is sad A -the story is sad Ο . Properly, -O here's the ending.
  • Exercises for the topic “R”distinguishing between words without endings and words with zero endings»

    1. alleys, knives, fields, roles, sleighs, dictionaries, steppes, poplars. Which one doesn't have the same ending as the others?

    Answer: alleys. This word has a zero ending, others have an -ey ending.

    2. The nouns are given in the genitive plural form: widows, thieves, cattle, socks, foundations, horseshoes, dreams, tables. Distribute them into two groups: those with a zero ending and those with an -ov ending.

    Answer: null ending: widows, cattle, foundations, horseshoes; -s ending: thieves, socks, dreams, tables.

    3. Which of the following words does not have an ending: hero, evil, foliage, vying with each other, hang up, bag, yours?

    Answer: vying with each other. This is an adverb, so it has no ending. Hero And lights out- masculine nouns in the nominative singular form, they have a zero ending. In feminine nouns foliage And bag, also in adjective wicked and pronouns is yours ending -oh.

    4. Words given: take, took, taking, taken, down, bottom, side, side, house, back, above, not bad, henceforth. Distribute them into two groups: with a zero ending and without an ending.

    Answer: null ending: took, taken, bottom, side, house, not bad; no ending: take, taking, down, sideways, reverse, over, henceforth.

    Source of material Internet site

  • Article by E.V. Muravenko “Morphemics” on the website
  • Chapter “Base and Ending” in the manual by L.V. Balashova, V.V. Dementieva “Russian language course”
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  • The grammatical meaning is contrasted with the lexical meaning, which is devoid of regular (standard) expression and does not necessarily have an abstract character. The grammatical meaning accompanies the lexical meaning and is superimposed on it; sometimes the grammatical meaning is limited in its manifestation to certain lexical groups of words.

    Lexical meanings are expressed by significant words, formative bases, root morphemes.

    Grammatical meanings are expressed affix morphemes, function words, meaningful alternations and other means.

    Means of expressing civil rights:

    1) Ending: * meaning of gender, number, case IS, IP, participles, pronouns. (blue sky (w.r., singular, ip.), flying bird) * meaning of the number case (two, two, two) * meaning of person, number, gender of the verb (sitting, sitting, sitting )

    2) suffix: * value of past time. verb (-l-) * meaning of the verb type (find out - recognize, write down - record) * meaning compare. and excellent degrees IP (whiter, rarest) * plural meaning. IS (husband – husband-j-a)

    3) Prefix: * meaning superior. degrees IP (highest) * value perfect. type of verb (did – did)

    4) Prepositions: * case expression. graduated IS, numeral, pronoun. Usually + ending (at home - R.p.) * case. values ​​unchanged IP prepositions are expressed independently, without ending (cafe: in the cafe - P.p., at the cafe - R.p.)

    5) Auxiliary. words: do not have their own language, serve grammatical. needs of full-meaning words: * particles (would - conditional mood of the verb, let - command.) * auxiliary. verbs (I will sing) * compare. and excellent degrees of adverbs and individual names (more, less, himself, most, all)

    6) Emphasis: * together with affixes (create – create) * independently (deeds (plural) – deeds (R.p. singular)

    7) Alternation of sounds: * together with affixes (illuminate - illuminate)

    8) Intonation: the transfer of shades will command. incl. (Stand up. Be silent!)

    9) Context: if we are talking about two-aspect verbs (marry a) i.e. already done b) i.e. still commit)

    Ways to express GZ:

    1) Synthetic - using means found in the word itself (endings, suffixes, prefixes, stress, alternation).

    2) Analytical - using means outside the word (prepositions, auxiliary words).

    Usually consists of 2 components: LZ carrier + GZ carrier (in (GZ) school (LZ))

    3) Somebody. words express individual GPs in a suppletive way - when there are different stems (bad - worse).

    In the paradigm of one word are combined various shapes(and synthetic, and analytical, and suppletive).

    You can also find the information you are interested in in the scientific search engine Otvety.Online. Use the search form:

    More on the topic: The grammatical meaning of a word. Ways and means of expressing grammatical meanings. Grammatical form. Grammatical paradigm of the word. Grammatical category. Typology of grammatical categories:

    2. 21. Grammatical form, grammatical meaning of the word, morphological para-digma, morphological category. Principles of classification of morphological categories.

    1. End of a word

    To understand this topic, it is important to remember that the word has:


    Grammatical meaning.

    ABOUT lexical meaning words tells us stem of the word, and about grammatical - ending.

    In words like look, faces, blue The endings tell us about the grammatical meaning of a word.

    Ending -hey in the verb look tells us that this is a 2nd person singular verb;

    Ending -A in a noun faces about the form of the nominative or accusative plural;

    Ending -his in an adjective blue speaks of the masculine gender, the genitive singular form.

    The ending is a significant part of a word that expresses the grammatical meaning of the word.

    Let’s inflect and conjugate the words and observe what changes in the word:

    dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear;

    vase, vases, vase, vase, vase, vase;

    apply, apply, apply, apply, apply, apply.

    We notice that only the endings have changed. We come to the conclusion:

    When we inflect or conjugate words, the lexical meaning remains the same, only the endings change. This means that the grammatical meaning of the word changes.

    The endings express the following grammatical meanings:

    Nouns have number and case;

    Adjectives have gender, number, case;

    Verbs of the present and future tense have person and number;

    Past tense verbs have gender and number.

    In order to determine the grammatical meaning of a word, you need to:

    Change a word (decline or conjugate) → highlight the ending →

    draw conclusions at the end

    About such words it is necessary to say that “ the word ends with...».

    For example:

    "Word Today, ends with I»

    We are talking about mutable words "has an ending."

    When we change words, we notice that in some forms the ending is missing, but it is found in other forms.

    Zero ending also has grammatical meaning:

    In a word briefcase- indicates the nominative or accusative singular form

    In a word decided- into the masculine gender, singular form.

    One more thing important role graduation. If we take individual words, for example: long, tourists, hike, from, return, will the meaning be clear to us? Of course not. It's just a bunch of words. Let's try to compose a sentence and observe what helped us connect words into phrases and into a sentence.


    return from a hike A, from a long time Wow hike.


    Tourists returning from a long hike.

    The forms have changed three words. From a set of words, phrases and a sentence were obtained. We come to the conclusion that the ending serves to connect words in phrases and sentences.

    Endings are like lighthouses on an unfamiliar shore; they illuminate a lot for us. You can also imagine that these are telephone operators who work at a telephone exchange.

    For example:

    The pronoun I calls the station and asks: “Please connect me with the word travel.” And the morpheme-telephone operator connects using the required ending: I’m traveling...

    The ending is a significant part of a word that expresses the grammatical meaning of the word and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences, as well as to form different forms the same word

    2. Word stem

    By inflecting or conjugating words, we notice that only the grammatical meaning of the word changes, the lexical meaning remains the same. If we cut off the ending from a word, then a part of the word remains, called the stem.

    A funny poem helps you remember:

    A and B were sitting on the pipe...

    The ending separated and went for a walk.

    What's left? The basis! You should know it.

    If the root contains the general lexical meaning of words with the same root, then the basis is the lexical meaning of the word with all those shades of meaning that it acquired in the process of word formation.

    So in the word cloudless the basis cloudless- it contains the meaning of a sign, for example, a day: without a single cloud, completely clear (day).

    The basis stands out like this:

    There are no words that do not have a basis

    For unchangeable words, the entire word is the base and consists only of it (for example, in the word tomorrow).

    The basis may consist of:

    From only one morpheme (root), for example, in the word cloud, winds

    From two morphemes: mushroom-ok, dawn-light

    Of three morphemes: cloudless, roadside.

    At the base of a word, significant parts of the word can be identified: prefix, root, suffix.

    In the Russian language there are words where the sound is hidden in the endings. This happens in cases where the letters e, e, yu, i designate not one sound, but two: lju, knowledge, poetry, sing.

    In order to correctly draw the line between the stem and the ending, you need to change the word, make a phonetic notation of the iotized letters, and then highlight the morphemes.

    For example:

    In a word I pour(phonetic notation ):

    . - ending.

    In a word sing (eat)

    . eat- ending.

    Sound refers to the base of the word, sounds [o], [a], [u], [e] - to the ending.

    If we imagine that all the morpheme residents decided to build a house, then the basic words will lay a solid foundation... Important be able to find the basis, because it an important part of word-formation analysis.

    A new word is formed precisely from the base with the help of various morphemes (after the foundation - further construction of the word house) For example:

    word natural formed from a noun nature, by attaching the suffix natures to the stem -n-: nature - natural.

    The stem is the part of the word that contains its lexical meaning. It is important to highlight the stem in a word in order to understand from what and with what help it was formed.

    The ending is a significant part of a word that expresses the grammatical meaning of the word and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences, as well as to form different forms of the same word.