The main cathedral on Red Square. Intercession Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral)

Freeing Red Square from buildings that “interfered” with large-scale festive events (parades and demonstrations), Lazar Kaganovich proposed completely dismantling St. Basil’s Cathedral. And in order to convince Stalin that he was right, for clarity, he made a model of the square from which the church could be removed. But everything did not go as he planned: when he took the cathedral from the model, the leader did not appreciate these actions and said a phrase that would go down in the history of the temple forever: “Lazarus, put it in its place!”

St. Basil's Cathedral is located in the capital of Russia, Moscow, not far from the Kremlin, in the southern part of Red Square. On geographical map it can be found at the following coordinates: 55° 45′ 9.25″ N. latitude, 37° 37′ 23.27″ e. d.
A huge stone temple appeared here after Tsar Ivan the Terrible promised God that if the Kazan campaign was successful, he would build a cathedral.

In the meantime, while hostilities lasted, after each serious victory on Red Square, temporary churches were erected around the Trinity Church, dedicated to the saints on whose day the battle was won. When the war ended in victory, the tsar ordered on the site of these churches (there were eight buildings in total) to build one, a stone one, which would stand for centuries, and in honor of the fact that the final victory came on the Intercession, in October 1552, to name the temple the Intercession Cathedral.

The new church was built very quickly, in six years. The construction of the Moscow temple began in 1555 and ended in 1561. Researchers have still not come to a consensus about who exactly was its architect. The official version says that the architects Plotnik Yakovlev and Barma were responsible for the construction work, but recently many historians agree that the architect of the temple was only one master - Ivan Yakovlevich Barma, popularly known as Plotnik.

Some historians put forward another unconfirmed hypothesis that the architect of the building is an Italian master (this is evidenced by original style buildings, combining both elements of Russian architecture and European architecture of the Renaissance).

After the construction was completed, a legend arose that the king ordered the architects to be blinded so that they could not build a temple of such beauty. Recently, historians agree that this is just a myth, since there are documents confirming the architectural activities of Plotnik, who was involved in the construction of the Kazan Kremlin and other buildings.

Temple names

Even before the start construction work, Moscow Tsar Ivan the Terrible named the temple erected not far from the Kremlin the Intercession Cathedral. For a long time, Muscovites called the cathedral the Trinity Church (the previously located shrine was dedicated to the Holy Trinity). And some time after the completion of construction, people nicknamed the temple St. Basil's Cathedral - in honor of the local holy fool, who constantly, regardless of the season, walked around with chains on his naked body. St. Basil the Blessed had clairvoyance and was able to predict the fire that almost destroyed Moscow in 1547.

He died in 1557 and was buried near the walls of the unfinished shrine, and thirty years later a chapel, an extension, was erected over his grave, in which an altar with a throne for worship was installed. Naturally, the chapel received the name of the blessed one, who was canonized at the same time: more than one miraculous healing was recorded over the place of his burial.

After the extension was completed, services in the Moscow cathedral began to be held every day: previously the temple was not heated, and therefore services in it took place only in warm time year (the new extension was more spacious and warm).


The architects built the cathedral from brick - a rather new and unusual material at that time (usually, when building churches, architects used white hewn stone). In the western part of the temple, the craftsmen were even able to lay a ceiling of bricks, making round holes in them, inserting a metal clip and securely fastening them together.

Already at the initial stage, the architect faced the first problem: the building had to be built on sandy, loose and wet soil (the proximity of the Moscow River flowing nearby affected it), which made it impossible to make a deep foundation (the foundation of the temple is several meters deep). To resolve the situation, the architects used a very interesting move: it relies massive construction the temple onto a basement consisting of several rooms - the lower floor, the height of which is six and the width of the walls is three meters, while the basement has very powerful vaults and ceilings.

As building material For the lower floor, it was decided to use white limestone: its ability to absorb moisture well made it possible to minimize the risk of flooding in the event of a flood. After the basements were installed, octagonal foundations were placed on them, on which it was planned to build future temples (thus, the foundation of the building externally resembled a honeycomb and was characterized by increased strength).

It is interesting that experts, speaking about the secrets of St. Basil's Cathedral, often mention hiding places that were built in special niches on the lower floor (until the end of the 16th century, the royal treasury was even hidden here, and rich townspeople hid their property).

It was not easy to get here - only a few people knew about the stairs leading from the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God, and subsequently this narrow passage was walled up. The passage was discovered only in 1930, when restoration work was carried out; now the icons of the cathedral are stored in the basement rooms.

The architects used an interesting method when creating acoustics inside the cathedral (a method not uncommon in the construction of ancient Russian churches): in order to create good sound, the architects mounted clay pots and voice boxes into the walls of the temple, pointing their necks to the side internal space building. This method made it possible to relieve pressure on the load-bearing parts of the temple.

Description of the temple

Giving a description of the Moscow temple, experts focus on the fact that it lacks a clearly defined main facade: all its sides look basic. The height of the structure reaches 65 meters, so for a long time the temple was considered the most tall building cities.

Nowadays, looking at the temple, it is difficult to believe that initially the cathedral was not so colorful: judging by the descriptions, the walls of the church were white. They began to repaint it some time later, and they did this by radically changing the appearance of the cathedral - historians discovered drawings on its walls depicting false windows, kokoshniks, and memorial inscriptions. Polychrome and floral painting on a red background appeared only at the end of the 17th century.

Judging by the descriptions that have survived, in former times the Intercession Cathedral was more beautiful and elegant: it had more complex paintings, and the main dome was surrounded by smaller ones.

The appearance of the building was quite changed a hundred years after construction was completed: two porches were added, the external gallery was covered with vaults, and the walls were painted inside the cathedral. Therefore, in the temple you can see a combination of rare monuments of ancient Russian icon painting with frescoes of the sixteenth century, paintings of the seventeenth, and oil paintings of the eighteenth.

The temple was built taking into account the cardinal directions: focusing on them, they built four churches, and the same number were built diagonally. The Intercession Cathedral has nine churches: in the center is the main Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God, surrounded by four large (from 20 to 30 m) and four small churches (about 15 m), near which there was a bell tower and St. Basil's chapel. All these churches are located on the same foundation, have a common bypass gallery and are connected by internal corridors.

Domes of the Intercession Cathedral

At first, twenty-five domes were installed on the Intercession Cathedral, symbolizing the Lord and the elders located near his throne. Subsequently, only ten of them remained: one is located above the bell tower, the other rises above the chapel of St. Basil's, the rest - each above its own temple. At the same time, they are all different from each other: not only the design of the large domes is unique, but also the finishing of each drum.

Scientists suggest that initially the domes had a helmet-shaped shape, but were quickly replaced by a bulbous shape; the current colors appeared only in the middle of the 19th century, and until the 17th century. the temple had golden domes.

Temple today

Judging by the descriptions, throughout history, St. Basil's Cathedral was rebuilt and changed its appearance more than once (which contributed to the need for frequent repair work caused by frequent fires, which were not uncommon in the city).

For the first time, St. Basil's Cathedral was on the verge of extinction in 1812, when the French, leaving the capital of Russia, mined it (though for some reason they could not blow it up, but they plundered the church).

When the war ended, the Intercession Cathedral was not only restored, but also on the river side its wall was decorated with a cast-iron fence.

The temple experienced the saddest times in the 20th century. In 1918, the Bolsheviks shot the rector of the church, Ivan Vostorgov, for “anti-Semitic propaganda.” Three years later, all valuables were removed from the cathedral, and the building was transferred to the Historical Museum. For some time it remained an active church, until in 1929 services were banned by removing all the bells (services in the cathedral were resumed only in 1991).

The second time the temple was on the verge of extinction was in 1936, when restorer Pyotr Baranovsky was asked to measure the temple in order to subsequently demolish it. In response to this, the architect categorically stated that this idea was insane and criminal, and threatened to commit suicide if it was carried out. Immediately after this, an arrest followed, but the church was not touched: it had too many defenders. Therefore, when he was released six months later, the temple stood in the same place. For the whole world the most famous " business cards

» Russia are the Kremlin, and St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. The latter also has other names, the most popular of which is the Intercession Cathedral on the Moat.

General information

The cathedral celebrated its 450th anniversary on July 2, 2011. This unique structure was erected on Red Square. The temple, amazing in its beauty, is a whole complex of churches united by a common foundation. Even those who know nothing about Russian architecture will immediately recognize St. Basil's Church. The cathedral has a unique feature - all its colorful domes are different from each other. In the main (Pokrovskaya) church there is an iconostasis, which was moved from the Kremlin Church of the Chernigov Wonderworkers, destroyed in 1770. In the basement of the Church of the Intercession of Our Lady there are the most valuable ones, the oldest of which is the icon of St. Basil (16th century), painted specifically for this temple. They are also exhibited here icons XVII c.: Our Lady of the Sign and Intercession Holy Mother of God

. The first copies the image located on the eastern side of the church facade.

St. Basil's Cathedral, the history of whose construction is surrounded by a number of myths and legends, was built by order of the first Tsar of Rus', Ivan the Terrible. It was dedicated to a significant event, namely the victory over the Kazan Khanate. Much to the regret of historians, the names of the architects who created this incomparable masterpiece have not survived to this day. There are many versions as to who worked on the construction of the temple, but it has not been reliably established who created St. Basil's Cathedral. Moscow was the main city of Rus', so the tsar collected in the capital the best masters. According to one legend, the main architect was Postnik Yakovlev from Pskov, nicknamed Barma. Another version completely contradicts this. Many believe that Barma and Postnik are different masters. Even more confusion arises from the third version, which states that St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow was built according to the design of an Italian architect. But the most popular legend about this temple is the one that talks about the blinding of the architects who created this masterpiece, so that they could not repeat their creation.

origin of name

Amazingly, despite the fact that the main church of this temple was dedicated to the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is known throughout the world as St. Basil's Cathedral. There have always been many holy fools (blessed “God’s people”) in Moscow, but the name of one of them is forever etched in the history of Rus'. Mad Vasily lived on the street and even in winter walked half naked. At the same time, his whole body was entwined with chains, which were iron chains with large crosses. This man was highly respected in Moscow. Even the king himself treated him with unusual reverence. St. Basil the Blessed was revered by the townspeople as a miracle worker. He died in 1552, and in 1588 a church was erected over his grave. It was this building that gave the generally accepted name to this temple.

Almost everyone who visits Moscow knows that the main symbol of Russia is Red Square. St. Basil's Cathedral occupies one of the most honorable places in the whole complex of buildings and monuments located on it. The temple is crowned with 10 magnificent domes. Around the main (main) church, called the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, 8 others are symmetrically located. They are built in the shape of an eight-pointed star. All these churches symbolize the religious holidays that fall on the days of the capture of the Kazan Khanate.

Domes of St. Basil's Cathedral and bell tower

Eight churches are crowned with 8 onion domes. The main (central) building is completed with a “tent”, above which a small “head” rises. The tenth dome was built over the church bell tower. The amazing thing is that they are all completely different from each other in their texture and color.

The modern bell tower of the temple was erected on the site of the old belfry, which completely fell into disrepair in the 17th century. It was erected in 1680. At the base of the bell tower there is a tall, massive quadrangle on which an octagon is erected. It has an open area fenced with 8 pillars. All of them are connected to each other by arched spans. The top of the site is crowned with a high octagonal tent, the ribs of which are decorated with tiles different color(white, blue, yellow, brown). Its edges are covered with green figured tiles. At the top of the tent there is a bulbous dome topped with an octagonal cross. Inside the site on wooden beams hanging bells that were cast back in the 17th-19th centuries.

Architectural features

The nine churches of St. Basil's Cathedral are connected to each other by a common base and a bypass gallery. Its peculiarity is the whimsical painting, the main motif of which is floral ornaments. Unique style The temple combines the traditions of both European and Russian architecture of the Renaissance. Distinctive feature the cathedral are and the height of the temple (according to the highest dome) is 65 m. The names of the churches of the Cathedral: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Trinity, Martyrs Adrian and Natalia, Entrance to Jerusalem, Varlaam Khutynsky, Alexander Svirsky, Gregory of Armenia, Intercession Mother of God.

Another feature of the temple is that it does not have a basement. It has extremely strong basement walls (they reach a thickness of 3 m). The height of each room is approximately 6.5 m. The entire structure of the northern part of the temple is unique, since the long box vault of the basement does not have any supporting pillars. The walls of the building are “cut through” by so-called “vents”, which are narrow openings. They provide a special microclimate in the church. For many years, the basement premises were not accessible to parishioners. Hiding niches were used as storage and were closed with doors, the presence of which is now evidenced only by hinges preserved on the walls. It is believed that until the end of the 16th century. The royal treasury was kept in them.

Gradual transformation of the Cathedral

Only at the end of the 16th century. Figured domes appeared above the temple, replacing the original ceiling, which burned down in another fire. This Orthodox cathedral was built until the 17th century. was called Trinity, since the very first wooden church that was located on this site was built in honor of the Holy Trinity. Initially, this structure had a more austere and restrained appearance, since it was built of stone and brick. Only in the 17th century. all domes were decorated with ceramic tiles. At the same time, asymmetrical buildings were added to the temple. Then tents appeared over the porches and intricate paintings on the walls and ceiling. During the same period, elegant paintings appeared on the walls and ceiling. In 1931, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected in front of the temple. Today, St. Basil's Cathedral is jointly managed by the Russian Orthodox Church and the Historical Museum. The structure is a cultural heritage of Russia. The beauty and uniqueness of this temple was appreciated and throughout St. Basil's in Moscow is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The significance of the Intercession Cathedral in the USSR

Despite the persecution of the Soviet regime in relation to religion and the destruction of a huge number of churches, St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow was taken under state protection back in 1918 as a cultural monument of world significance. It was at this time that all efforts of the authorities were aimed at creating a museum in it. The first caretaker of the temple was Archpriest John Kuznetsov. It was he who practically independently took care of the renovation of the building, although its condition was simply terrible. In 1923, the historical and architectural museum “Pokrovsky Cathedral” was located in the Cathedral. Already in 1928 it became one of the branches of the State Historical Museum. In 1929, all the bells were removed from it, and worship services were prohibited. Despite the fact that the temple has been constantly being restored for almost a hundred years, its exhibition was closed only once - during the Great Patriotic War.

Intercession Cathedral in 1991-2014.

After the collapse Soviet Union St. Basil's Cathedral passed into joint use by the Russian Orthodox Church and the State Historical Museum. From August 15, 1997, holiday and Sunday services were resumed in the church. Since 2011, previously inaccessible aisles have been open to the public and housed new exhibitions.

Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - Orthodox church in front mint on the corner of Red Square and Nikolskaya Street in Moscow. This is the first of the Moscow churches completely lost during Soviet times, which was recreated in its original forms.

For the first time, the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on Red Square was mentioned in the chronicle for 1625. Prince Pozharsky donated funds for the wooden temple. The icon of the Kazan Mother of God, in whose honor the Cathedral was consecrated, was the most revered at that time.

According to legend, a 9-year-old girl saw the Mother of God three times in a dream, gesturing to her at the ruins of a house. The priest Ermolai, to whom the dream was told, found an icon in the ruins. This happened in Kazan in 1579.

The wooden Cathedral soon burned down in a fire. A stone temple was erected in its place in 1635. The funds were provided by the Tsar himself, Mikhail Fedorovich. The new building of the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was made in three colors, each of which had its own meaning.

Gold symbolized the religious purpose of the building, red meant the blood of Christ, as well as fire, which punishes and renews, white - the color of holiness and purity. According to the Byzantine tradition, this color scheme means that the Council was created, first of all, as a military one.

In the Kazan Cathedral, the icon of the Mother of God on Red Square in Moscow was periodically carried out religious processions, in which the Russian tsars also participated.

Archpriests Avvakum and Neronov, who did not accept Nikon’s church reform, once served in the church. The temple servants who disagreed with Nikon’s innovations were sent into captivity.

The revolution of 1917 became a turning point in the life of the temple. Architect Baranovsky managed to take measurements of the building, which at that time was not only difficult, but also unsafe.

In 1930, the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square was closed, and a canteen appeared within its walls. After 6 years, the shrine was completely dismantled.

On the site of the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, a pavilion of the Third International is opened, and for its visitors - a public toilet, which existed on the site of the holy altars until 1990.

Only during this period work began on the restoration of the temple. Baranovsky’s measurements came in handy. The Kazan Cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God on Red Square ended up in its original place. Finally, the shrine was returned to its purpose. Today it is one of the most famous and most revered temples in the capital.

Fais se que dois adviegne que peut. memory

about the victory over Kazan

two skilled craftsmen

The king ordered the construction of a temple.

And these people erected

Unprecedented in the whole world, a motley, fabulous cathedral,

What is it worth so far...

N. Konchalovskaya

Everyone who comes to Moscow for the first time definitely goes to Red Square.

Red Square, Kremlin, Cathedral St. Basil's is the main attractions of Moscow that you need to see first.

Intercession Cathedral ( Cathedral St. Basil's) is an Orthodox church. Its official name Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the Moat. Its colloquial name is St. Basil's Cathedral. The famous St. Basil's Cathedral was erected under Ivan the Terrible in 1555 -1561.

Intercession Cathedral is a magnificent ensemble of amazing harmony and great strength. Cathedral St. Basil's is a symbol of Moscow and Russian art.

The temple is considered one of best works ancient Russian architecture. It is also unusual as a work of engineering and construction art. It is a monument of world significance and is included in the List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia. Currently, the Intercession Cathedral is a branch

The construction of churches in Russia has always marked significant events.

For what occasion was the Intercession Cathedral built?

On September 1, 1552, Russian troops took Kazan by storm and annexed it to Russian territory. By order of Ivan the Terrible, a temple was erected in memory of the capture of Kazan and the victory over the Kazan Khanate. The original structure was wooden. The temple stood for no more than six months. In 1555, construction began on a stone cathedral, which has survived to this day. The architects of such a great structure were Postnik and Barma.

Initially the temple was called the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat. Why Pokrova?

The temple was built in honor of the Kazan victory. The decisive attack on the Kazan Kremlin took place on the day of the church Orthodox holiday The Protection of the Virgin Mary, symbolizing protection. According to legend, the Mother of God once saved Constantinople by covering it with her veil.

Why on the Moat?

The cathedral was erected near the Kremlin moat.

Why does the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat have a different name - St. Basil's Cathedral?

According to folk legends, a beggar wanderer named Vasily lived in Moscow. On the streets and squares the holy fool begged for alms. He had a sharp tongue and spoke the truth to everyone, even the king. Among the people, Vasily was revered as Blessed, that is, a saint, a saint of God, a predictor. He died in 1588 and was buried in the northeastern part of the Intercession Cathedral. Six years after his death, the elder was canonized. His grave was very revered by Muscovites. Later, a chapel was built above it - a small church of St. Basil. From then to this day, this entire magnificent structure began to be called St. Basil's Cathedral. Folk legends contained stories about miraculous healings that occurred with the help of his relics, which were kept in the Vasilievsky chapel.

The cathedral is intended for contemplation from the outside; inside it is stern and laconic.

Bright, colorful domes are pleasing to the eye. There are nine of them in total and they are all different.

Medieval art has always been symbolic. The temple ensemble consists of eight churches, which are grouped around the ninth pillar-shaped church in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God. Each of the churches is dedicated to a saint, the day of whose celebration coincided with the most stubborn eight days of the assault on Kazan.

St. Basil's Cathedral (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address and website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Extraordinary beautiful temple St. Basil's, or the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the Moat, flaunting on Red Square, is one of the most famous architectural monuments of Moscow. At the sight of a multi-colored temple, the tops of which are one more beautiful than the other, foreigners gasp in admiration and grab their cameras, while compatriots proudly declare: yes, that’s what it is - majestic, elegant, standing even in the difficult Soviet times for all churches.

There is even a historical story regarding the last fact. Allegedly, when presenting a project for the reconstruction of Red Square to Stalin, Kaganovich swept away the model of the temple from the diagram, making way for demonstrations of workers, to which the Secretary General sternly replied: “Lazarus, put it in its place.” Whether it was so or not, the temple was one of the few that survived and was constantly restored throughout the second half of the 20th century.

History and modernity

The Intercession Cathedral was built in 1565-1561. by decree of Ivan the Terrible, who vowed to build a church in memory of this event in the event of the successful capture of Kazan. The temple consists of nine churches on one foundation and a bell tower. At first glance, it can be difficult to understand the structure of the temple, but once you imagine that you are looking at it from above (or actually look at the temple from this angle on our live map), everything immediately becomes clear. The main pillar-shaped church in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God with a tent topped with a small dome is surrounded on four sides by axial churches, between which four more smaller ones are built. The tented bell tower was built later, in the 1670s.

Today the cathedral is both a temple and a branch of the Historical Museum at the same time. In 1990, services were resumed. Architecture, external decorative decoration, monumental painting, frescoes, rare monuments of Russian icon painting - all this makes the cathedral unique in its beauty and significance as a temple in Russia. In 2011, the cathedral turned 450 years old, anniversary events were held throughout the summer, chapels that were previously inaccessible to visitors were opened for the memorable date, and a new exhibition was arranged.

St. Basil's Cathedral


Address: Red Square, 2.

Opening hours: excursions are held daily from 11:00 - 16:00.

Entrance: 250 RUB. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

The central church of the Cathedral is not accessible for inspection due to restoration work.