Elena Sidorenko: Emotional intelligence in business. Emotional Intelligence: Managing Emotions to Get Things Done

1. Emotional resources of the organization

Emotions and emotional relationships in a company have energetic, value-based, informational and motivating significance, so they can be considered as resources. In order for these resources to work, they must be managed.

2. Energy resource of emotions

Emotions and emotional relationships provide energy, and the characteristics of this energy are different, depending on the nature of the emotions. For example, joy gives energy, but not necessarily the energy of action. Recent studies have shown that joy primarily gives the energy of communication. Anxiety and fear in some cases provide energy (perhaps the energy of flight), and in other cases they take it away. The energy of some emotions can be used by the organization, the energy of others must be neutralized or transformed.

During the training, various emotions are analyzed in terms of their energy value for organizing and developing technologies for managing the energy of emotions.

3. Value resource of emotions

Emotions and emotional relationships have a certain value for people; they have valence. People value some of their emotions, and some they would like to get rid of. The paradox is that people value an organization not only for positive, but also for certain negative emotions.

The training will analyze how an organization can increase its own value by managing positive and negative emotions.

4. Information resource of emotions

Emotions carry certain information. For example, anxiety and uncertainty indicate a lack of communication, while resentment and humiliation indicate mistakes in distributed leadership. Mutual hostility may be a sign of improper organization of interaction or exchange of information, etc.

During the training, each participant will be able to determine what the informational value of various emotions is in his company, and how this information can be used in management.

5. Motivational resource of emotions

Emotion and motive are terms that have a common origin. Both words come from the Latin "motere", which means "to move". Emotions give direction and are the most important motives for activity or inaction. The motivational resource of emotions must also be regulated and used by the organization. Management can regulate and harness the energy, value, information content, and motivating potential of emotions to improve organizational performance and improve job security. This is called emotional management.

The training is aimed at understanding the emotional resources of the organization and learning to manage them.

Purpose of the training: Increasing the efficiency of business interaction through the rational use of emotional resources

The target audience: Top managers, managers and freelancers.

Teaching methods: Lectures-seminars, team and individual work with tasks and cases, role-playing games, presentations, psychological simulators, psycho-gymnastic exercises.

Tutorials: Booklets including:
a) presentation of the main training materials;
b) dictionary of terms and techniques;
c) list of references;
d) texts and exercises for self-development.

Planned result for participants: Practical development of technologies for managing emotional resources.

Planned result for the organization: Increasing the motivation and coherence of employees.

Duration of training: One day, from 10-00 to 18-00.

Main topics of the practical training seminar “EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN BUSINESS”

Part 1: Managing Other People's Emotions

1.Structure of emotional intelligence

Emotional intellect as a general ability to understand the emotional aspects of life and solve emotional problems.

Emotional intelligence is considered to account for 80% of business success.

The four components of emotional intelligence are:
1) understanding one’s own emotions;
2) understanding the emotions of other people;
3) managing your own emotions;
4) managing the emotions and attitudes of other people.

What comes first - understanding emotions or managing them?

Our answer is: management comes first.

2. Management is primary

Managing emotions is primary, not understanding them. People want to be introduced to a certain emotional condition. This desire is much stronger than the desire to be understood.

Employees of organizations would subscribe to the slogan: “Leader! Make me feel good! This is more important than figuring out why I feel bad.”

Let's consider what happens in the theater. Theatergoers do not expect anyone to understand their emotional state before the performance begins. They came not to be understood, but to be brought into a certain emotional state - joy, tenderness, inspiration, etc.

Likewise, employees, partners, and shareholders need much less to have their emotions understood and much more to have their emotions managed constructively, especially in times of crisis.

Management is the component of emotional intelligence that appears first in every person’s life. Management is primary not only because others need it more than understanding. It is also primary in the animal world. This is a natural resource of emotional intelligence that you just need to revive in yourself.

3.Rational style of managing emotions

Methods for clarifying emotionally traumatic situations. Methods of argumentation and counter-argumentation. Training in the use of Socratic methods, two-way argumentation, splitting a partner's arguments and finding the weak link in a partner's argument. Methods of information and mini-planning to overcome crisis situations.

4. Emotionally supportive style of managing emotions

Methods of emotional connection to a partner, agreement and emphasizing the importance of the partner. The Geisha effect is the transformation of negative states into positive ones. Workshop on using the “turn to the future” technique. Training in methods of psychological contagion with positive emotional states.

5. Emotionally stimulating style of managing emotions

Methods of encouraging influence in the “sharp drive” (Funky) mode. Training in the use of techniques to increase excitement and involvement. Developing the ability to respond humorously.

Part 2: Managing your own emotions

1.Principles of managing emotions

Emotions include neurophysiological, bodily-motor and subjective components. Two of these components are subject to voluntary regulation. A curvilinear relationship has been established between the strength of emotion and the effectiveness of human activity. This means that each emotion can cause increased performance, but only up to a certain level. Optimal management of emotions is necessary, in which the energy of each emotion will be used with maximum efficiency.

2.Anger management

Techniques for recognizing the sources of anger. Mechanisms of anger formation: projection, transference, envy. Techniques for transforming anger into the energy of constructive action. Techniques for developing tolerance towards other people and unfavorable life events.

3. Managing despondency

Awareness of the sources of low mood and apathy. Possibilities for managing despondency through the neurophysiological, bodily-motor and subjective components of despondency.

4.Management of fear

Awareness of the sources of fear, anxiety and worry. Three fundamentally different possibilities for managing fear: avoidance, gradual habituation (systematic desentitization by D. Volpe) and an open encounter with fear (method of paradoxical intention by V. Frankl). Training in the use of methods to combat fears. Training in technologies for using the energy of fear to achieve better performance results.

5.Managing joy and interest

Identifying sources of joy and interest. Training in creating conditions that increase interest in the task being performed. Training in establishing your direct and indirect interests for optimal regulation of your own activities. Training in the method of positive response to life events. Training in planning joy.

Twenty years ago, psychologist Daniel Goleman called this ability emotional intelligence. Today his books and the books of his followers are becoming bestsellers in Russia*. What is the phenomenon of emotional intelligence and what does its development give us? - says coach Elena Sidorenko.

Elena Sidorenko, social psychologist, coach, visiting lecturer at the Stockholm School of Economics in Russia.

Psychologies: The topic of emotional intelligence is very popular in Russia. What is the reason for this interest?

E.S.: First of all, this is a desire to improve your skills and productivity through some new internal resources. It is often said that rational intelligence (IQ) determines only 20% of success, while emotional intelligence (EQ) determines 80%. And if so, then it needs to be used. The second reason is no longer related to efficiency, but to pleasure. We are tired of being only efficient. We want to be happy. Maybe emotional intelligence will help us achieve inner harmony? Finally, curiosity. Usually emotions interfere with sober rational reason. Here we have a contradictory combination: emotions and intellect for some reason go together. We want to figure it out, understand how this is possible and what it will give us.

How does emotional intelligence differ from rational intelligence? What is its specificity?

There are several layers to emotional intelligence. Base layer responsible for the release of adrenaline, rage, fear. These reactions are necessary for the survival of the organism. Children's crying and screaming are all manifestations of basic emotional intelligence. Gradually, as we grow older, the next layer is formed: we begin to consciously relate to emotions. We understand that this is an important resource. Highest level– the ability to both understand and manage emotions. Our instinctive reactions answer the question “why”: “Why am I hurt, scared, happy?” The highest level presupposes the emergence of a goal: I will not always be impulsive and harsh when my soul so desires. I will stop and think: should I show anger to achieve a goal, or will this lead to retaliatory aggression and I will not achieve results? Where emotions cannot be controlled, you can at least use their energy in a more effective way.

For what areas and professions is it important to have developed emotional intelligence?

E.S.: Strictly speaking, everyone needs this skill. But, let’s say, some are more comfortable working alone, with machines, information, while others are more comfortable working with people. For the former, understanding their own emotions is important, and then they need to delve deeper into themselves. For the latter, it is an understanding of the emotions of others, and then, on the contrary, they need to rise above their own experiences and selfish interests. Depending on this, intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence can be distinguished. Even if you are on desert island, you need to understand yourself, manage yourself. It’s not just about not getting irritated, not getting angry, not giving in to aimless impulses. If you wake up in apathy and you have to work, you need to understand why this happened. Analyze the cause, not the symptoms. When communicating with others, it is important to understand their state and work with their emotions.

Is the ability to manage other people's emotions not the same as the ability to manipulate them?

E.S.: When we say “manipulation,” we usually mean only part of a larger phenomenon. In our everyday communication, manipulation is constantly present to one degree or another. When we use emotional intelligence, we influence the emotions of others. This impact may also be hidden. Rules of politeness are also manipulation. But the fact is that people themselves want emotional impacts. They want excitement, they want to feel a sense of pride, a feeling self-importance. While we are achieving overall result, we are talking about manipulation by agreement. “We are very glad to see you”, “thank you for the question” - we unspokenly agreed that we would not say anything unpleasant.

Malicious manipulation is a special case. A malicious manipulator seeks a one-sided gain. Of course, the line between acceptable and malicious manipulation is blurred. The decision about whether your manipulation is justified, or whether it is malicious and you are only seeking benefit, is up to you.

* For example: S. Shabanov, O. Aleshina “Emotional intelligence. Russian practice" (Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014).


Emotional intellect(EQ) is a concept that characterizes a person's ability to recognize, achieve, and generate emotions in a way that promotes thinking, understanding emotions and what they mean, and accordingly managing them in a way that promotes one's emotional and intellectual growth.

Elena Sidorenko on the importance of EQ in business:

“Henry Ford once said: “When I need a pair of hands, I somehow get a whole worker in addition.” Where there is a person, there are always emotions and relationships, and not just ideas, skills and abilities.

Modern leadership is not only rational, but above all emotional leadership; it is the art of managing people based on emotional intelligence. This does not mean that leaders should become emotional, like the graduates of the Smolny Institute. This means that their leadership must use the resource of emotions, channel emotions in the right direction, and effectively manage the energy of emotions.

Recently, it has been increasingly said that emotional intelligence is twice as important for success in management as general intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive other people's and one's emotions as valuable signals, manage emotional flows and your own motivation in order to improve individual and organizational effectiveness.

Emotional intelligence allows you to make decisions and manage effectively based on rational use of irrational, apparently disordered signals emotional environment.

Emotional resources of the organization
Emotions and emotional relationships in a company have energetic, value-based, informational and motivating significance, so they can be considered as resources. In order for these resources to work, they must be managed.

Energy resource emotions
Emotions and emotional relationships give energy, and the characteristics of this energy are different, depending on the nature of the emotions. For example, joy gives energy, but not necessarily the energy of action. Recent studies have shown that joy primarily gives the energy of communication. Anxiety and fear in some cases provide energy (perhaps the energy of flight), and in other cases they take it away. The energy of some emotions can be used by the organization, the energy of others must be neutralized or transformed.

At the training seminar, various emotions are analyzed from the point of view of their energetic significance for the organization and technologies for managing the energy of emotions are developed.

Value resource of emotions
Emotions and emotional relationships represent a certain value, they have valence. People value some of their emotions, and some they would like to get rid of. The paradox is that people value an organization not only for positive, but also for certain negative emotions.

The training seminar will analyze how an organization can increase its own value by managing positive and negative emotions.

Information resource of emotions
Emotions carry a certain information. For example, anxiety and uncertainty indicate a lack of communication, while resentment and humiliation indicate mistakes in distributed leadership. Mutual hostility may be a sign of improper organization of interaction or exchange of information, etc.

At the training seminar, each participant will be able to determine what the informative value of various emotions is in his company, and how this information can be used in management.

Motivational resource of emotions
Emotion and motive are terms that have a common origin. Both words come from the Latin "motere", which means "to move". Emotions give direction and are the most important motives activity or inaction. The motivational resource of emotions must also be regulated and used by the organization.

Management can regulate and harness the energy, value, information content, and motivating potential of emotions to improve organizational performance and improve job security. This is called emotional management.

The training seminar is aimed at understanding the emotional resources of the organization and learning to manage them.

Emotional management is more effective the more developed the manager’s emotional intelligence is.

At the training seminar, a study of one’s own emotional mind as an ability for emotional management is carried out, technologies of tactical management of emotions are mastered and strategic management emotional mode of the organization."


(Saint Petersburg).

Representative of the first wave of the most experienced psychological trainers in the country with excellent systemic education, academic knowledge and fantastic professional and personal experience. During her teaching and coaching career, she has trained thousands of specialists, executives and managers.

Key coaching competencies: emotional intelligence (EQ), team interaction methods, staff motivation, strategies for building business communication systems, methods of psychological influence and countering manipulation.

In our country on the market vocational training training staff there is simply no more honored and respected Teacher, psychologist-mentor and business coach than Elena Vasilyevna Sidorenko!

Our most famous federal speakers are proud of having completed their coaching professional training with Elena Vasilievna.

"Russian Aluminum" (Moscow), GC "Terem" (Moscow), "Diasoft" (Moscow), "Yukos", "Organon", "Wrigley", "Coca-Cola", NKK, "Ilimpalp", SUEK, " Transmark", "Petrosoyuz", "Tele2", Telekomstroy, "Motorola ZAO", Information Office of the Council of Ministers Nordic countries(St. Petersburg), O'KEY hypermarket chain, SZNK CJSC, Lukoil-PNOS LLC (Perm), New Reality (Irkutsk), Tera Group of Companies (Kharkov), Ambassador House Group of Companies (Tula), “Metro” (Kiev) and others.

Creativity and internal potential are the things that many company leaders and business owners remember in difficult times. And now all these words sounded new.

At the beginning of October, "" organizes two seminars in Irkutsk by one of the most eminent business trainers in the country: " Emotional Intelligence in Business" And " Creativity in business" On the eve of her visit, Elena answered several questions especially for ITG.

ITG: As a rule, at seminars about business and management they talk more about planning, delegation, time management and leadership. Does your seminar talk about emotional intelligence? But should a leader have emotions?

Elena Sidorenko: Emotional intelligence allows you to use your own emotions. Emotions are very important! This is a signal: “What happens matters!” If you ignore your own emotions, there will be no intuitions or new solutions.

ITG: From the abstracts of the upcoming seminar: “What comes first – understanding emotions or managing them? Our answer is: management comes first.” Why?

E.S.: Firstly, because the development of emotional intelligence begins with managing other people's emotions. Even before being born, the fetus in the mother’s womb controls her emotional state, and indirectly, through the mother’s state, also the state of the future father and other family members. At the same time, the child does not understand either himself or others, and cannot even control his own movements. But he can already control other people's emotions.

Management is also primary because it is more important. People want to be put into a certain emotional state. This desire is much stronger than the desire to be understood. Employees of organizations would subscribe to the slogan: “Leader! Make me feel good! This is more important than figuring out how bad I feel.”

ITG: Managing emotional intelligence – this has nothing to do with zombies, NLP and so on?

E.S.: No, everything is completely within the limits of reality and ethical standards.

ITG: Is managing emotional intelligence any different from manipulation?

E.S.: How is an act different from a crime? A person is responsible for how he uses his emotional intelligence. Of course, it can also be used to deceive. But I proceed from the fact that a civilized person strives for mutual benefit and benefit.

ITG: In order to become a guru in such management, is it enough to attend a seminar once or will you need long and hard training?

E.S.: In order to become a guru in any field, you need to improve for a long time. However, in order to improve the technology of your interaction with people, training is enough - subject to active participation in the exercises.

ITG: Regarding anger and fear management, what techniques do you use for yourself personally?

E.S.: Silence. Immersion in yourself. Analysis of causes. Calculation of options. Step towards danger.

ITG: How important is it for a leader today to be creative?

E.S.: The one who finds new ones wins, interesting solutions, new and attractive products - goods and services. Creativity is important in negotiations, in organizing daily work, in interacting with people, in promoting company products, and in finding new ways to make a profit.

ITG: What meaning do you attach to the concept of “creativity”? Many people don’t like this word and look for Russian-language synonyms.

E.S.: Creativity is the creative principle in a person, the ability to create something new, something that has not existed before, often thanks to an unexpected combination of “old”, well-known elements.

ITG: What happens at such trainings: this more game or a serious lecture?

E.S.: Both theory and practice. Theory – 30%, practical exercises – 70%. You can say “Halva!” a hundred times (and in a very serious tone). But it won't make your mouth any sweeter. You need to try and train in using different methods of creativity.

ITG: How can you try to develop creativity in yourself if your work involves it in minimal quantities (business related to metal rolling, for example, or car services)?

E.S.: There are special techniques that awaken creativity. There are no boring businesses and professions in which there is no room for new discoveries. And if you are bored, you should also use creativity to create drive.

ITG: What books or articles on the topic would you recommend reading?

E.S.: De Bono E. Lateral thinking. – Minsk: Potpourri, 2012.

Tolshin A.V. Improvisation in actor training: Tutorial. – 3rd ed., erased. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Lan”; Publishing house "Planet of Music", 2014.

ITG: Who do you think is more creative, men or women? Or is there no such obvious division?

E.S.: One of my Swedish colleagues, Christer Knorr, often said that the most creative entrepreneurs are women who can make soup from an axe.

On the other hand, a man is considered an “experiment of nature.” According to V. Geodakyan’s theory, a man should essentially discover new things, and a woman should preserve valuable old things. And among the great inventors more men. But in general, this issue needs additional research...

ITG: From the announcement of the master class: “Improvisation and finding creative solutions - are such skills needed in business?" Are they really necessary?

E.S.: When the world around you is filled with surprises, improvisation is simply necessary! Improvisation is a fresh response to new situations.