Do-it-yourself electrics in apartments and houses. Rules for power supply of a residential building Power supply of a 5-storey building

In order to properly understand the various residential power supply diagrams, you need to know about the three categories of ensuring the reliability of power supply to electrical installations. The simplest category is the third. It provides power to a residential building from a transformer substation via a single electrical cable. Moreover, in the event of an emergency, the interruption in the power supply to the house should be less than 1 day.

With the second category of power supply reliability, a residential building is powered by two cables connected to different transformers. In this case, if one cable or transformer fails, the power supply to the house while the fault is being eliminated is carried out through one cable. An interruption in power supply is allowed for the time necessary for the electrical personnel on duty to connect the loads of the entire house to the operating cable.

There are two types of power supply at home from two different transformers. Either the loads of the house are evenly distributed across both transformers, and in emergency mode they are connected to one, or in operating mode one cable is used, and the second is a backup. But in any case, the cables are connected to different transformers. If in electrical panel at home If two cables are laid, one of which is a backup, but it is possible to connect these cables to only one substation transformer, then we have only the third category of reliability.

With the first category of power supply reliability, a residential building is powered by two cables, just as with the second category. But if a cable or transformer fails, the loads of the entire house are connected to the working cable using the device automatic switching on reserve (AVR).

There is a special group of electrical receivers (smoke removal systems in case of fire, evacuation lighting and some others), which must always be powered according to the first reliability category. For this purpose, backup power sources are used - rechargeable batteries and small local power plants.

According to existing standards for the third category of reliability, electricity is supplied to houses with gas stoves no more than 5 floors high, houses with electric stoves with the number of apartments in the house less than 9 and houses of gardening associations.

Electricity supply in the second reliability category applies to houses with gas stoves with a height of more than 5 floors and houses with electric stoves with more than 8 apartments.

According to the first category of reliability in mandatory They supply electricity to heating points in apartment buildings, and in some buildings they also supply elevators. It should be noted that the first category mainly supplies electricity to some public buildings: these are buildings with more than 2000 employees, operating rooms and maternity wards of hospitals, etc.

The figure shows a power supply diagram for four entrance houses, powered according to the second reliability category with a backup cable.

The supply cables are switched using a reversing switch having positions “1”, “0” and “2”. In position "0" both cables are disconnected. The circuit breakers QF1...QF4 feed the lines that run along the access vertical risers, from which power is supplied to the apartments. General house loads: lighting of staircases, basements, lamps above the entrance doors to the entrances are powered by a separate group containing its own electricity meter.

Rice. 1. Electrical supply diagram for an apartment building

If the school had a subject: “Basics of power supply to our home,” then accidents caused by the failure of various power switches and disconnectors on power lines and in transformer substations would happen much less often. Since childhood, we are taught to wash our hands before eating and are told how to cross the road correctly. But no one teaches us that if the lights go out in the apartment, then we should immediately unplug all powerful electrical appliances: irons, heaters and electric stoves.

For example, if a power outage occurred as a result of a blown fuse in the electrical panel of a house, then to restore power supply, electricians will need to turn off the breaker, replace the fuse, and turn the breaker back on. The “lifetime” of all switching devices very much depends on the size of the switched load.

If all residents of the house disconnected their electrical appliances from the network during a power outage, then such switching on would occur at significantly lower currents and the circuit breakers would last much longer.

In our example, when the electricians turn off the switch, a bright flash can be observed in the two-phase circuit with unburned fuses at the moment the contacts are disconnected - an arc will flash for a split second, from which the contacts will gradually burn out.

Since electric current poses a huge danger to life, the design and construction of multi-storey buildings and industrial facilities must comply with all requirements for electrical installation. Since all electrical wiring of industrial and commercial buildings is laid with high-quality cables, it can only be carried out by a qualified specialist. The quality with which the design and execution are carried out determines not only the safety of electrical appliances, of which any apartment building has a large number, lighting, but also the lives of many people.

Requirements for electrical wiring installation

There are certain requirements that must be observed when designing and electrical installation takes place in a new building. They must be followed:

  • During installation of power cables.
  • For the purpose of lighting and other circuits that have a voltage not exceeding 1 kW of direct and alternating current and are laid inside and outside objects in an installation wire in which all sections are insulated, as well as cables that do not have armor, have plastic and rubber insulation up to 16 mm2 .

Laying unarmored cables, wires with and without protection through non-flammable walls and ceilings. Through walls and ceilings exposed to fire, installation must be carried out in steel pipe. Openings in walls and openings in ceilings in apartment building must have a frame that will prevent them from being destroyed during use. At points where cables and wires pass through walls, ceilings, or go outside, there should be no holes between cables, wires, boxes, openings and other structures. The gaps are easily sealed with a mixture that has fireproof properties and can be easily removed if necessary. Gaps must be sealed on both sides of pipes, ducts, etc.

When laying metal pipes in an open manner, the passages through fire barriers should be sealed with fireproof material after the electrical wiring in the new building has been completed.

When exposed installation cables with a diameter of no more than 4 mm2 are installed, they can be secured to wall cladding or plaster on rollers. Brackets and hooks should only be attached to the base material of the walls. When the rollers are attached to wood grouse, washers made of metal and elastic material should be placed under the heads of the wood grouse; if the rollers are attached to metal, the washers should be elastic.

To ensure reliable electrical installation and a long and safe service life of the electrical wiring, during installation you should take into account the following:

  • Open electrical wiring is laid along the wall under the ceiling, directly on the ceiling, using trusses.
  • Open electrical wiring of unprotected cables on building foundations is laid on rollers and insulators, at a height of not less than 2.5 m. The distance can be reduced to 2 m in places where there is no increased danger, and when the voltage is 42 V - in any room.
  • In the production area, the supply to switches, starting devices, and plug sockets is protected from physical damage to a height of 1 meter from the floor or service area. For the domestic sector, residential, public buildings and electrical premises of organizations that have a commercial focus, the electrician does not protect all descents from physical impact.
  • When placing wiring in other ways, such as: in a pipe, box, cable, protected by wire, there are no standards for the height of the installation. The organization of their protection is carried out only where there is a high probability of mechanical damage, in particular, these are passageways.
  • The wires are laid openly in such a way that they are not very noticeable in the living area against the rest of the background. To do this, if it is an apartment building, the wires are laid at the level of the eaves, along the slope of the doors and windows.
  • When crossing industrially protected and unprotected wires with a water or heating pipeline, a distance of at least 5 cm should be maintained if the installation is hidden. When flammable compounds pass through the pipeline - 10 cm or more. When it is not possible to maintain the required indentation, it is necessary to provide additional protection for the wiring from physical damage.
  • When laying cables parallel to pipelines, it is required to maintain a distance of no less than 10 cm, and from a pipeline with a flammable composition - 400 cm or more.
  • The joints of the wires and their branches should be connected by welding, soldering, crimping in sleeves or using clamps in branch boxes.

Competent design already includes all these requirements.

Requirements for electrical installation in a production area

Since industrial electrical installation may include autonomous power devices, generators, laying a high-voltage line, assembling a transformer substation, etc., certain installation rules must be followed:

  • In such buildings, in order for the electrical installation of industrial facilities to be carried out according to all the rules, there must be an electrical panel that is equipped with a central switch.
  • Power supply for lighting each room must be separate.
  • Each electrical appliance should have its own circuit breaker to increase the overall safety of the production line.
  • A prerequisite is that the cable must be installed in metal pipe and special trays.
  • In any workshop, the installation of a grounding bus is required, and all machines must be grounded with a rigid wire that is connected to the bus.
  • The operation and maintenance of all electrical appliances must comply with all PUE standards, rules for protection against static electricity and other things, including a lightning rod. This must be taken into account when designing.

Video about installation in a new building

Residential power supply schemes can be divided into three categories to ensure the reliability of power supply. The first reliability category is characterized by the presence of two power cables connected to two different transformers. If one of the network elements (cable or transformer) fails, the load is connected to the operating power supply element using an automatic transfer switch (ATS). In this case, the time before turning on the backup power source should be minimal. Batteries or local power plants can be used as backup power sources. Electricity supply in the first category is provided for hospitals, hazardous production facilities, and a number of public buildings.

The power supply diagram for an apartment building of the second reliability category also provides for the presence of two power cables and two transformers. The backup source is switched on by the staff on duty. Used in residential buildings with more than 5 floors (gas stoves).

Most simple option is the third category - one power cable for powering a residential building, extending from the transformer substation. In the event of an emergency, the interruption in power supply should not exceed one day. This type of power supply is used in 5-story (gas stoves) and 9-story (electric stoves).

Consider the power supply diagram of an apartment building. The power supply circuit is presented in the form of the second reliability category. Zero position of the switch - both cables are disconnected; “1” position – the main cable is connected; “2” position – the backup cable is connected. Connection of electrical receivers is carried out through automatic switches (QF1...QF4 - power supply to apartments, QF5 and QF6 - power supply to entrance lighting circuits).

All electrical receivers are connected through various electrical protection and control devices located in electrical cabinets. Usually, electrical equipment divided into functional groups. Each functional group is assigned its own control cabinet. The following groups are distinguished:

1. Input devices and electricity metering units.

2. Reversing switch with current protection elements.

3. Automatic switches for outgoing lines.

It is not difficult to notice that control cabinets contain a fairly large number of various switching equipment and protection devices. Each device is, first of all, a mechanism that has a certain mechanical and electrical wear resistance. Therefore, each of these devices is not durable and its use in non-rated operating modes leads to premature failure. In this case, both an individual power receiver (apartment, entrance) and a group of power receivers may suffer.

Among all existing types of energy that are actively used in the modern world in developed countries of our planet, electricity is one of the most popular. Electricity plays a particularly important role in our modern apartment buildings, where hundreds, and in some of them thousands, of people live.

In this article you will learn:

  • What regulations regulate the power supply of an apartment building?
  • What is the pattern of power supply?
  • What are the advantages of a circular scheme?
  • How to connect a house to electrical networks.
  • Who should enter into an energy supply agreement with a resource supply organization.
  • How to repair old electrical wiring in an apartment building.

Even a short-term loss of electricity can cause significant and serious consequences. That is why the power supply of apartment buildings must be reliable and of high quality, capable of ensuring a non-stop supply of energy to each subscriber. This issue is worked out at the time of building design and is an integral part of the electrical installation process.

What regulations regulate electricity supply in apartment buildings?

The legislation regulating the electricity supply system in MKD is systematically adjusted and is quite extensive. Let's get acquainted with some documentation that is directly related to the issue of power supply.

Market retail regulated by electrical energy Federal law dated March 26, 2003 N 35-FZ “On Electric Power Industry”. Conditions for providing utilities for electricity supply in apartment buildings have been adopted by the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners of residential premises and tenants of space in apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354. In accordance with Regulation No. 1 of these Rules, a permissible stop in the provision of utility services and permissible non-conformities quality of these public services normative GOST 32144-2013, conditions and process for adjusting the amount of payment for utility services provided of poor quality and/or with interruptions that exceed the permissible time established by law.

For example, the possible duration of a service interruption power supply of apartment buildings, belonging to the second category of reliability (in the presence of two independent transformers), is equal to 120 minutes, and for MKD, which belong to the third category of reliability (there is only one transformer) - one day. For each hour that goes beyond the boundaries of the norm established at the legislative level, the amount of payment for utility services for the estimated time is reduced by 0.15% of the amount established for the given settlement period in accordance with Appendix No. 2, taking into account the paragraphs of the ninth section.

Typically, the power supply to MKD occurs through the main distribution board (MSB) or input Switchgear(VRU). In this case, all subscribers are powered from a 220/380 V network with a solidly grounded neutral (TN-C-S system). The main switchboard includes a circuit breaker and control devices that allow you to separately disconnect power consumers. In the main switchboard, power supply voltage is distributed among group consumers (lighting landings, basements, attics, elevator equipment, fire and emergency alarms, living quarters, etc.).

Electricity supply to residential premises is carried out through risers, through an RCD. Floor distribution panels are connected to the supply risers, forming a power supply network for the apartments. Floor electrical panels usually include electricity meters, circuit breakers and RCDs. Circuit breakers are grouped for each power supply circuit (lighting, sockets, electric stove, washing machine, etc.). For uniform load on the power distribution network different apartments connected to different phase conductors.

3 power supply diagrams for an apartment building

In order to understand different schemes power supply of an apartment building and a multi-story building, you should know that the power supply process can be established different ways, which differ significantly from each other in terms of reliability.

If any transformer or cable is in a faulty condition, the ATS (automatic transfer switch) device will instantly redirect the entire load of the electrical network to a functioning cable. In this regard, problems in the power supply will only be observed for a few seconds. After the electricians arrive at the scene of the accident, electricity will be supplied as normal.

The first category is used for power supply to heating points and elevators in apartment buildings. Typically, this category applies when more than 2,000 people work simultaneously in the same building, as well as in maternity hospitals and intensive care units in hospitals.

Second The reliability category has a number of similarities with the first. When using it, the building is also powered by two cables that have their own transformer. But, if an emergency occurs and technical equipment fails, the entire load will be redistributed to a working cable manually. The specialists on duty are responsible for this. Due to this feature, power outages can last for several minutes.

In addition, this category also includes those houses that consist of nine or more apartments in which electric stoves are installed.

All buildings that belong to this reliability category can be divided into two groups. Each building belonging to this reliability group has two transformers and two power cables. But only in one case, in standard mode, the load is distributed equally between the two cables, that is, evenly.

In the event of an emergency, all electricity network subscribers are redirected to one working transformer until workers fix the faulty one. In another situation, in standard mode, electricity is supplied only through one transformer. And if an emergency occurs, the voltage is immediately switched to the backup (second) transformer.

The simplest category of reliability is third category. In it, the MKD is connected to the transformer using only one cable. The backup cable and transformer simply do not exist. It is for this reason that at the time of an accident a building can be left without electricity for 24 hours. In this regard, it is advisable to have a backup option for autonomous power supply in an apartment building.

Established standards assume that this reliability category includes those buildings whose height is less than five floors, and whose residential premises are equipped with gas stoves. In addition, this also includes buildings with only eight apartments or even fewer if they are equipped electric stoves. Also included in this reliability category are the houses of gardening associations.

Ring diagram of power supply for an apartment building

Ring power supply diagram for an apartment building - a plan for installing and connecting electrical receivers, according to which power supply to an apartment building is possible via two cable lines forming a ring.

This ring circuit as follows:

The first and last electrical receivers are connected from the main power source, and so-called jumpers are created between all remaining electrical receivers.

To create such a ring plan, two changeover switches should be provided in the ASU for each apartment building.

Operating mode diagram

In normal mode, the power is evenly divided between the two inputs.

In order to understand why this circuit requires exactly two switches, we let you consider a number of possible emergency situations:

  • Failure of one of the supply cable lines

In such a situation, the power supply to all multi-apartment residential buildings comes from one cable line. Specialists from the management company install the switches in the required position.

  • Jumper failure

Workers are required to isolate from the power supply circuit the area where the accident occurred (for example, there was an accident on the line short circuit). One part of the houses is powered by one cable line, and the second part of the residential buildings is powered by another.

Instead of two changeover switches, you can use three regular ones.

Z Why do you need a power supply project for an apartment building?

Regardless of the moment which reliability category was chosen for the power supply system in an apartment building, its installation can begin only after the power supply project has been formed and signed. Some ordinary citizens cannot understand why this power supply project in an apartment building is needed. After all, as a rule, several weeks are spent on the formation of this project, and the service of its preparation costs a lot of money. But you can’t start installation without such a project.

1. Exactly a well-formed project contributes to the rapid completion of the work process without stopping to find out any information, find the resources necessary for the process and organize complex calculations.

Seeing a well-designed power supply project, installation workers will be able to quickly understand the entire scheme and carry out their immediate tasks. job responsibilities without being distracted by extraneous issues. Thanks to the project, the system installation process takes place in a minimum period of time.

2. If subsequently it becomes necessary to carry out repair work on the electrical wiring (this procedure, on the advice of specialists, should be carried out once every 20-25 years), detailed plan power supply in an apartment building will allow you to easily and a short time carry out all repair work.

Workers, having reviewed the project on paper, can easily navigate the apartment building, causing minimal damage to the walls of the house during the cable replacement procedure.

This will not only allow you to cope with repairs in a short time, but also save money. 3. If a serious emergency occurs related to damage to electrical wiring in an apartment building, the electrician will only need to familiarize himself with the project in order to understand where the key nodes , from which it is necessary to begin checking the entire power supply system. In this regard, it will be spent on repair work minimal amount

time. But the price of an electrical supply project in an apartment building is quite high. And most customers of construction work seriously think about whether there is an urgent need to spend extra financial resources when ordering an electrical supply project? After all, on the Internet there are a sufficient number of sites where you can download projects of all kinds of buildings: from four-story houses to large high-rise buildings with hundreds of classrooms and offices. Application finished project

electricity supply in an apartment building would help save several weeks of work and tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

But nevertheless, this cannot be done. The approach to construction work and installation of the power supply system must be the most serious and thorough, and it is simply impossible to save money here. After all, structures may differ not only in height, but also in the number of residential premises or offices.

In addition, the volume of energy consumption is affected by geographical location, quality heating system and insulation of the house, whether additional electric heaters are used in the cold season or not.

Naturally, when developing a power supply system in an apartment building, not only the volume of electricity consumption in standard mode is taken into account, but also at times of maximum load on the system. The level of system load depends not only on the time of year, but also on the time of day.

Incorrect calculations can lead to the fact that the power supply system simply cannot withstand the voltage. Quite often this leads to reboots and fires.

Another extreme also has its drawbacks - if, when choosing materials, an error occurs on the large side and the power supply system in an apartment building has excessively high power, then when purchasing required quantity for electrical cables, you will have to overpay quite a significant amount of money.

Only true experts in their field will be able to calculate the standard and maximum load on the power supply network in an apartment building, select the appropriate technical equipment and materials in order to develop just such a power supply system that will meet the needs of people in an apartment building.

How to connect an apartment building to electrical networks

The process of connecting an apartment building to the city power supply network can also be accompanied by some difficulties. In order to avoid encountering “pitfalls” in this process, it would be useful to learn about the procedure for connecting the MKD to the power grid. The whole process consists of several stages:

  1. Submit an application to the organization that connects to the electrical networks and also performs further maintenance. At this stage, you will create technical conditions for connecting the building to electricity.
  2. These technical licensing conditions should be submitted to the organization that handles utility projects in your area. locality. The employees of this company will be able to create a power supply project that will fully meet your needs and technical specifications. This project must be formalized in accordance with the existing rules established at the legislative level in our state.
  3. Next, with this electricity supply project, it is necessary to go to the regulatory authorities and, together with representatives of these authorities, agree on this project.
  4. Based on the approved power supply project, working documents are generated that describe in detail the points contained in this project.
  5. Then working documentation is developed, which will describe in detail the principles laid down in this project.
  6. Next, the working draft, together with the developed documents, is agreed upon with state regulatory organizations.

And only after going through all the above points, the project itself and the documents on it can be used for the electrification of apartment buildings. In order for light to appear in the MKD, a fairly large number of actions must be performed. But the work process for powering the building does not end there.

Who enters into an energy supply contract for an apartment building?

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement on the electricity supply of an apartment building is one of the types of purchase and sale agreements. This agreement specifies all aspects of the relationship between the management company and the organization that supplies energy resources, heat and gas to the apartment building. In order to agree on cooperation management company and the resource supplier, a separate agreement is drawn up for each type of resource.

If we specifically discuss an energy supply agreement, then at the time of its formation all aspects of the supply of a specific resource - energy - are discussed. The agreement implies the presence of certain conditions, taking into account the specifics of the supply of electricity through the connected network.

An electricity supply agreement in an apartment building establishes the relationship for supplying consumers with electricity through the connected network. This agreement concerns only electricity; nothing is said in this agreement about the supply of other resources (clause 1 of Article 539 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Examining the energy supply agreement, we can notice that at its core it consists of information about the parties to the legal relationship and their obligations to each other. This agreement necessarily stipulates the presence of a subject consuming this type resource, that is, we are talking about a specific owner of a residential premises, to whose address the electricity supply organization will supply this resource (clause 1 of Article 539 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

It is also necessary to say that, in addition to this agreement, which the supplying company signs with the electricity consumer, there are other agreements, that is, agreements that are drawn up between energy systems and companies involved in the production of this resource (electricity).

These agreements do not relate to the specific supply of electricity to the owner of a residential premises, but establish at the legal level the relationship between energy systems and block stations for the organization of a continuous flow of electricity.

If the agreement drawn up between the organization-supplier and the consumer of electricity specifies the obligations of the organization-supplier to supply the owner of the residential premises (subscriber) with electricity through the connected network and the obligations of the consumer to systematically pay for the consumed resource, then this agreement can be considered valid.

In addition to all of the above, the agreement also stipulates the consumer’s obligations to comply with the resource consumption regime, guarantees safe use energy networks and control over the serviceability of electricity metering devices (Article 539 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

According to the law, the electricity supply agreement is considered mutual, compensated and bears public character. This legally executed document must be concluded between the two parties (Article 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The main provisions covered in the electricity supply agreement are:

  • In what volume will this resource be supplied? What should its quality be?
  • What is the time period for delivery? What are its time limits?
  • What is the value of this resource?
  • Requirements for the safe operation of energy networks, technical equipment and electrical appliances are discussed.

Each utility resource that is supplied to the owners of residential premises has certain, unique features. If we talk about electricity, then this type of resource has quite specific characteristics, thanks to which energy can take part in the production useful work. It provides the possibility of technological operations, and also helps to develop almost all types of activities, including business.

The physical properties of energy also require specific obligations in the electricity supply contract between the supply company and the consumer. We are talking about the following points:

  • detection of a given resource (availability of energy) in its consumption;
  • Finding out whether energy is present in power systems is possible only with the help of specific technical equipment;
  • performance necessary conditions on the safe supply and consumption of this resource.

In the modern world, due to progress in the field of technical equipment for the production, transmission and consumption of electricity, the opportunity has arisen to become involved in the process of circulation of this resource.

Energy by its nature is a resource that is difficult to accumulate in one specific place. Even such rapid technological progress of our time could not solve this problem.

At the time of supplying electricity to its direct consumer, the supplying company must seriously respond to changes in the volume of resource consumed by subscribers over a certain time interval. In no case should we ignore the dependence of the volume and quality of the supplied resource on the actions of some subscribers in relation to others.

Among the key features of an electricity supply agreement, there is no consideration of the special characteristics of the product. And since energy is a resource that itself has a number of specific characteristics, an agreement for its supply can only be a purchase and sale agreement.

This electricity supply agreement in an apartment building is concluded between two parties, that is, its preparation requires two companies or their representatives, which on the one hand are consumers/subscribers of this resource.

The second party to the agreement is the company organizing the supply of electricity to the consumer. As a rule, the supplier is a commercial company that either independently produces this resource or purchases electricity and delivers it to the end consumer. Consumers can be both individuals and legal entities.

The supplying company may agree to transfer the supplied electricity to another consumer. This situation is necessarily discussed when signing an energy saving agreement, that is, in the supplier-consumer chain, another party appears - a sub-subscriber (Article 545 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

A sub-subscriber is a consumer of a resource who, by agreement of the parties, is connected to the power grid of a subscriber who receives electricity from the company that supplies this resource.

When studying relationships of this type, it should be noted that they are confirmed by two agreements. First agreement: energy supply agreement, which is signed between the consumer and the resource supplier company; second agreement: an agreement for the use of electricity, which is signed between the consumer and the sub-subscriber. As can be seen from the description, this scheme is quite complex.

Despite the fact that a sub-subscriber appears in the chain, all obligations to the supplying company are assumed by the subscriber who appears in the energy saving agreement.

For a sub-subscriber, the company supplying the resource is the subscriber. In a situation where the mode of delivery of a resource, the level of its quality or volume is violated, then the consumer is responsible to the subsubscriber. But if the parties who enter into an agreement on the supply of a resource come to a common opinion, then they have the right to adjust the agreement and make changes to it regarding obligations to each other.

Both individuals and legal entities can consume this resource. In a situation where a resource supplier company enters into an agreement with an individual, the company can significantly simplify the procedure for concluding this agreement. To recognize the agreement as valid, it is necessary to organize the first connection of the subscriber to an existing connected network (clause 1 of Article 540 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with Article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an adhesion agreement is considered to be an agreement drawn up between a company that supplies energy resources and an individual. When the parties sign this agreement, they do not discuss the period of its validity.

In a situation where an agreement is drawn up between a resource supplier company and another legal entity, it is necessary to confirm that the legal entity has an energy receiving device that meets all technical standards. The legal entity also confirms the possibility of organizing metering of consumed energy (clause 2 of Article 539 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

All of the above requirements necessary for drawing up a contract are called technical prerequisites.

An agreement between the resource supplier company and the subscriber cannot be signed in a situation where the subscriber does not have a power plant or if it is in poor technical condition.

It is also impossible to sign an agreement in a situation where the consumer does not have an electricity consumption meter. At the same time, the company providing the resource must necessarily consider all requests received by it regarding the conclusion of an agreement with it (Article 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The management company must enter into agreements with resource supplier companies. If this action is ignored, then the management company is obliged to independently provide public services required by consumers (subparagraph “c” of paragraph 49 of the Rules for the provision of public services to citizens).

According to the legislation of our country and the Rules for the provision of public services to citizens, associations of owners of residential premises, housing cooperatives and others consumer cooperatives, as well as management companies, are the main users of services and goods provided by utility companies. They are the ones who buy electricity to transmit it to subscribers living in these apartment buildings and residential buildings. Electricity can also be purchased by premises owners themselves who have chosen direct management of apartment buildings.

An energy saving agreement is a paid legal document. The management company assumes obligations to provide utility services to the owners living in the apartment building, and it also bears obligations to the supplier company for timely payment of consumed resources.

The management company is the provider of public services, so it independently charges for consumed resources. It also accepts payment for consumed resources from the owners of residential premises.

Expert opinion

Termination or refusal of the contract

S. A. Kirakosyan,

Ph.D. legal Sciences, Associate Professor, independent expert at the Ministry of Justice of Russia on anti-corruption examination of legal acts, partner of the Estok-Consulting company

In the process of preparing the text of the contract, maximum attention must be paid to the conditions for the fulfillment of obligations and liability for non-compliance. At the same time, the process of terminating a contract or refusing it is recorded quite rarely. But no company can be insured against early termination of relations. This process Parting with counterparties can result in serious financial expenses and damage the company’s reputation.

Often in such contracts one can find confusion in terms, confusion between termination and refusal of the contract. For example, lawyers use formulations that differ from those specified in Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Phrases included:

  • the right to terminate the contract unilaterally;
  • the right to unilaterally withdraw from the contract;
  • If there is an unconditional right to withdraw from the contract, the counterparty is sent a notice of termination of the contract.

The confusion in these terms can be argued by the fact that the legislation does not quite successfully reflect two concepts (termination and refusal). Example: under the terms of the supply agreement, “the buyer (recipient) has the right to refuse to pay for goods of inadequate quality... until the defects are eliminated” (clause 2 of Article 520 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In this situation, the concept of “refuse” does not mean termination of the contract, but implies suspension of obligations. In paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 546 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the legislator designates the right of a subscriber (individual) using energy for domestic consumption to terminate the contract unilaterally. In this situation, the concept of “termination” means “refusal of the contract.”

We can also trace the untimely use of concepts in explanatory letters from state authorized bodies.

For example, explaining the right of subscribers to refuse a management agreement, the FAS RF explained that the owners of premises in an apartment building have the right to unilaterally terminate the management agreement for apartment buildings (Letter No. ATs/51348/1 dated December 18, 2013).

The same opinion can be traced in the letter of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2015 No. 12258-АЧ/04 in relation to the situation “when management organization unilaterally, without objective reasons and without advance notice, terminates the management agreement for an apartment building (that’s right - refuses to fulfill the agreement) or actually ceases to perform its duties in relation to such an apartment building.”

It can be concluded that the authorized bodies equate refusal of the contract to termination, using language on unilateral termination of the agreement that does not comply with the law.

The essence of the differences between termination and refusal of the agreement is as follows.

Termination of an agreement it will be possible:

  • by agreement of the parties (in the absence of violation of the contract);
  • at the request of one of the parties in court (in case of a significant violation of the contract or a significant change in circumstances, as well as in other cases provided for by the Civil Code, other laws or the contract).

For example, Article 619 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation contains a specific list of violations of the contract by the tenant, in the presence of which the landlord has the right to demand its termination in court. The parties may also establish in the agreement other grounds for early termination of the lease agreement (paragraph 2 of Article 619 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The right to unilateral refusal can be established both by law and provided for by contract, if this does not contradict the law and obligations.

Cancellation of the contract- this is a unilateral expression of will, a unilateral withdrawal from the agreement. Such a decision may not be related to a breach of contract and may not depend on the parties. The right to unilateral refusal can be established both by law and provided for by contract, if this does not contradict the law and obligations. The right to unilaterally withdraw from a contract can be exercised without going to court. However, this does not deprive the other party of the right, if necessary (for example, to resolve property consequences), to go to court.

Standards for electricity consumption in residential apartment buildings

Federal Law No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency...” dated November 23, 2009 states that every owner of an apartment building is obliged to install metering devices for services resource supply organization. At the same time, electricity consumption by apartment owners can be accounted for either at one or several tariffs, depending on the time of day.

If the single-tariff electricity metering system is simple and understandable to everyone, then the multi-tariff system consists in the fact that the day is divided into time intervals, which are called tariff periods. Each such period of electricity consumption has a different final cost for the consumer. During the period of maximum system load, the price of one kW/h is the highest, and at low load it is minimal. This economic method motivates the consumption of electricity during periods when the network load is minimal to ensure uniform electricity consumption throughout the day.

Example: by order of the Office for Regulation of Tariff Plans of the Voronezh Region dated December 21, 2015 No. 63/1, tariffs for different time periods in one day were adopted for owners of residential premises of apartment buildings:

The intervals of time periods of the day are prescribed in Order of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2013 No. 1473-e:

Accounting for two zones(two-tariff electricity metering, day/night):

  • “Day” (maximum load zone) - from 7.00 to 23.00;
  • “Night” (minimum occupancy zone) - from 23.00 to 7.00.

Accounting for three zones(three-tariff electricity metering):

  • day zone “Peak” (maximum load zone) - from 7.00 to 10.00 and from 17.00 to 21.00;
  • day zone “Half-peak” (medium load zone) - from 10.00 to 17.00, from 21.00 to 23.00;
  • day zone “Night” (minimum load zone) - from 23.00 to 7.00.

In order for the owner of an apartment in an apartment building to understand whether it makes sense for him to switch to multi-tariff metering of electricity consumption, he needs to draw up a monthly schedule of electricity consumption, recording data from the electrical meter at 7.00 and 23.00 for the two-tariff option and at 7.00, 10.00, 17.00, 21.00 and 23.00 - for a three-tariff scheme. Based on the recorded information, it will be possible to calculate electricity consumption for all time periods and understand whether there is a need to switch to multi-tariff electricity metering.

You can also resort to a less labor-intensive method. For example, the average bill for electricity consumption is 800 rubles per month at a single-rate tariff, the cost of one kWh = 3.23 rubles. From these data you can calculate the number of kW/h consumed per month: 800/3.23 = 248 kW/h. In order to calculate the costs for two-tariff metering, assume that half of the electricity consumption occurs in daytime day, and the remaining half - at night. In this situation, the costs will be:

124 × 3.71 + 124 × 2.10 = 720.44 rubles per month, that is, the savings will be equal to 79.56 rubles (800 rubles − 720.44 rubles = 79.56 rubles)

However, let’s return to the metering devices that are responsible for accurately recording electricity consumption in apartment buildings. Today, enterprises produce a large number of different modifications of meters. Their key difference is that they have different purposes: for a single-phase or three-phase network. Meters for single-phase networks are used in typical linear networks with a voltage of 220 V, and meters for three-phase networks are designed for networks with a voltage of 380 V.

In addition to the rated voltage, metering devices, according to GOST 31818.11-2012, have other important technical features:

  • base current: the value of the current level, which is the initial value for establishing the requirements for an electricity metering device with direct connection;
  • rated current: the value of the current level, which is the initial value for establishing the requirements for an metering device operating from a transformer;
  • maximum current: the maximum current level at which the metering device meets the accuracy requirements specified in the standard;
  • rated frequency: frequency value, which is the initial value when determining the requirements for the metering device;
  • accuracy class: a value equal to the limit of the main permissible error, which is expressed in the form of a relative error as a percentage.

The accuracy class of an electricity meter must be at least 2.0 (for residential premises in apartment buildings and groups equivalent to them, for example, for garage-building cooperatives). In apartment buildings connected to power grid facilities after 2012, it is necessary to install house-wide (collective) electricity meters that meet accuracy class 1.0 and higher. For commercial areas(shopping centers, offices, retail outlets, etc.) the conditions regarding the laws are stricter - an electricity meter with an accuracy class of at least 1.0 must be installed.

They produce electricity consumption meters with the following accuracy classes: 2S, 0.5S, 1.0 and 2.0. In the modern world, retail stores offer a huge list of electricity meters, both single-tariff and multi-tariff, from leading manufacturers: Energomera, Incotex, Taipit, Legrand, Schneider Electri, etc. The types of meters from these manufacturers are approved by the authority executive power on technical regulation and metrology and are included in the state database of measuring instruments.

Expert opinion

Technological losses are inevitable

V. D. Shcherban,

Chairman of the HOA “Moskovskaya 117”, Kaluga

From time to time, among the owners of apartments in apartment buildings, there are dishonest people who deliberately underestimate electricity consumption figures. Not all owners replace metering devices whose service life has long passed, which leads to serious distortions in energy consumption data.

Each metering device operates independently from electricity and consumes energy. Plus, it has a sensitivity threshold; due to this point, the device simply does not recognize current passing through it below this limit. It should also be said that the older the electricity meter, the rougher its data. I believe that the total monthly measurement error can reach 1.5-3 kW for each metering device, and on older models of metering devices this figure will be even higher. Now try multiplying these values ​​by the number of meters located in one building!

Also, the quality of the electrical cable can affect technical losses. In a multi-storey residential building with major renovations and modern communications, the level of technical losses is much lower. Modern builders use copper cable, and the internal wiring of old (Soviet) houses still remains aluminum. Connections of cables, especially cables made of different materials, have electrical resistance, which implies certain losses. But no one performs this kind of calculation, especially since the apartment owners know nothing about it. But such losses are taken into account by the general building meter.

These subtleties of power supply in an apartment building increase general house expenses, and payment falls on the shoulders of law-abiding residents of such a building and tenants. For example, in an apartment building (60 apartments), almost all electricity meters in the apartments were updated to devices with anti-magnetic stickers. General house energy costs include: intercom, lighting on stairs, provider equipment, video surveillance systems, automatic gates. For each system in the field common use Your own electricity meter is installed. To save energy on lighting entrances, they use LED bulbs, and motion sensors are installed on the ground floor of the house. Data from each installed in public place electricity meters are removed systematically.

In 2015, the electricity consumption in our home looked like this. The monthly standard for electricity consumption for general household needs, adopted according to the Rules for the provision of public services No. 306, is 350 kW per hour. The actual consumed volume for all general house systems during the same time was approximately 220 kW per hour, which is significantly lower than the established standard. The average monthly difference between the level of electricity supply in an apartment building and the level of general house consumption by residents inside residential premises is 660 kW per hour. This figure is almost twice the established standard and three times the actual consumption of general house systems.

50 kW/h were spent on technological losses, and 180 kW/h on losses of apartment metering devices. The result was 450 kW per hour. But where did 210 kW per hour disappear? Experts have not been able to find an answer to this question.

Repair of the electrical supply system of an apartment building

The condition of many apartment buildings is far from up to standard, since most of them were built back in the 50s of the last century. Many of them require major repairs, which include:

  • repair of the roof (roof) of the house;
  • major renovation electrical wiring;
  • installation of electricity, water and heat meters;
  • installation of a heating system;
  • installation of hot and cold water supply systems;
  • repair work, insulation of building facades;
  • repair of elevators, etc.

It’s great if your apartment building has a fund that annually collects certain cash to conduct repair work the building itself and the entrances. This seriously reduces the time required for these procedures.

Electrical wiring in MKD is replaced in several stages. At the very beginning, the building is de-energized, after which the keys to basement given to electricians. Electricians visit each apartment and ask the property owners if they need any additional outlets, or if existing outlets may need to be moved to another location. After this, specialists design a plan for each living space. This is important for the whole process in order to avoid large quantity problems later. After the building is de-energized and all the data for forming a plan diagram has been collected, the electricians begin to act. First, they dismantle the old electrical wiring system, then install a new one.

Usually experienced electricians begin installing a new cable from the ground floor. But first, the lights are installed in the entrances and on the street, and only then the electricians begin work in residential premises. The benefits come from electrical panels installed separately for each apartment. It’s also good that they are located in the entrances.

These electrical panels contain electric meters with three switches. Devices pass through electrical cable. This process allows you to track the flow of electrical energy and its size for specific time periods.

Electrical network diagrams for residential buildings are carried out based on the following:

Power supply to apartments and power electrical receivers, including elevators, should, as a rule, be supplied from the common sections of the ASU. Their separate power supply is carried out only in cases where the magnitude of the voltage changes at the lamp terminals in apartments when the elevators are turned on is higher than those regulated by GOST 13109-98;

Distribution power lines for smoke removal and air supply fans installed in one section must be independent for each fan or cabinet from which several fans are powered, starting from the ASU fire protection device panel.

The lighting of stairs, floor corridors, lobbies, building entrances, license plates and fire hydrant signs, light fencing lights and intercoms is powered by lines from the ASU. In this case, the power lines for intercoms and light fencing lights must be independent. Television signal amplifiers are powered from group lighting lines of attics, and in non-attic buildings - by independent lines from ASUs.

To power electrical receivers of residential buildings with a height of 9-16 floors, both radial and main circuits are used. In Fig. 1.5. A main circuit diagram with two switches at the inputs is given. In this case, one of the supply lines is used to connect apartment electrical receivers and general lighting of common areas; the other is for connecting elevators, fire-fighting devices, evacuation and emergency lighting, etc. Each line is designed taking into account permissible overloads in emergency mode. The power break under this scheme does not exceed 1 hour, which is enough for the electrician to make the necessary switches to the ASU.

Metering of electricity consumed by common household consumers is carried out using three-phase meters, which are installed on branches and connected to the corresponding bus sections.

Rice. 1.5. Schematic diagram power supply for residential buildings

9-16 floors high with two switches on the inputs:

1, 2 – transformers; 3 – fuses; 4 – switches;

5, 6 – ASU; 7, 8 – supply lines

In apartment-type residential buildings, one single-phase meter is installed for each apartment. Installation of one three-phase meter is allowed. It is recommended to place residential meters together with protection devices (fuses, circuit breakers) and switches (for meters) on common apartment panels. To safely replace the meter, a switch or a two-pole switch must be installed in front of it, located on the apartment panel.

The group apartment network is designed to power lighting and household electrical receivers.

Group lines are made single-phase and, under significant loads, three-phase four-wire, but there must be reliable insulation of conductors and devices, as well as an automatic protective shutdown device.

Three-phase lines in residential buildings must have a cross-section of neutral conductors equal to the cross-section of phase conductors, if the phase conductors have a cross-section of up to 25 mm 2, and for large cross-sections - at least 50% of the cross-section of phase conductors. The cross-sections of zero working and zero protective conductors in three-wire lines must be no less than the cross-section of phase ones.

Rice. 1.6. Schematic diagrams of risers,

The standards regulate the number of plug sockets installed in apartments. IN living room apartments and dormitories must be installed with at least one socket for a current of 10 (16) A for every full and incomplete 4 m of the perimeter of the room, in apartment corridors - at least one socket for every full and incomplete 10 m 2 of corridor area.

In apartment kitchens, at least four sockets for a current of 10 (16) A should be provided.

A double socket installed in a living room is considered one socket. A double socket installed in a kitchen is considered two sockets.

If there is an outlet in the bathroom, provision must be made for installing an RCD for a current of up to 30 mA.

In Fig. Figure 1.7 shows a diagram of a group apartment network with an electric stove. For safety reasons, the housing of a stationary electric stove and household appliances is grounded, for which a separate conductor is laid from the floor panel. The cross section of the latter is equal to the cross section of the phase conductor.

Rice. 1.7. Schematic diagram of a group apartment network:

1 – switch; 2 – electricity meter; 3 – automatic switch; 4 – general lighting; 5 – 6 A socket;

6 – 10 A socket; 7 – electric stove; 8 – floor panel

        Electrical networks of public buildings

Electrical supply circuits and electrical equipment of public buildings have a number of features:

Significant share of power electrical receivers;

Specific operating modes of these electrical receivers;

Other lighting requirements for a number of rooms;

Possibility of integrating TP into some of the public buildings.

Public buildings vary widely, so this manual only covers the electrical supply of some of the most common public buildings.

Calculations and operating experience have shown that with a power consumption of more than 400 kVA∙A, it is advisable to use built-in substations, including complete substations (KTP). This has the following advantages:

Saving non-ferrous metals;

Elimination of laying external cable lines up to 1 kV;

There is no need to install separate ASUs in the building, since the ASU can be combined with a switchgear (switchgear) of a 0.4 kV substation.

Substations are usually located on the ground or technical floors. It is allowed to locate transformer substations with dry transformers in basements, as well as on the middle and upper floors of buildings, if freight elevators are provided for their transportation.

On built-in transformers it is allowed to install both dry and oil transformers. In this case, there should be no more than two oil transformers with a power of each up to 1000 kVA. The number and power of dry transformers and transformers with non-flammable filling are not limited. Water should not get into the TP locations.

For consumers of the 1st reliability category, as a rule, two-transformer transformer transformers are used, but it is also possible to use single-transformer transformer transformers, subject to redundancy (jumpers and low voltage automatic transfer switches).

For consumers of categories II and III in terms of reliability of power supply, single-transformer transformer substations are installed.

Electricity distribution in public buildings is carried out according to radial or main circuits.

To power high-power electrical receivers (large refrigeration machines, electric pump motors, large ventilation chambers, etc.), radial circuits are used. When low-power electrical receivers are evenly distributed throughout the building, backbone circuits are used.

In public buildings, it is recommended that the supply lines of power and lighting networks be installed separately. As in residential buildings, ASUs with protection, control, electricity metering devices, and in large buildings with measuring instruments are installed at the inputs of power supply networks into the building. At the inputs of isolated consumers (trading enterprises, post offices, etc.), additional separate control devices are installed. Where appropriate due to operating conditions, circuit breakers are used that combine protection and control functions.

Evacuation and emergency lighting luminaires are connected to a network independent of the working lighting network, starting from the transformer switchboard or from the ASU. With a two-transformer transformer substations, working and evacuation lighting are connected to different transformers.

Electrical receivers that are small, but equal or close in value to the installed power, are connected in a “chain”, which ensures savings in wires and cables, as well as a reduction in the number of protection devices at distribution points.

Group distribution panels of the lighting network, according to architectural conditions, are located on staircases and in corridors. Group lines extending from the shields can be:

Single-phase (phase + zero);

Two-phase (two phases + zero);

Three-phase (three phases + zero).

Preference should be given to three-phase four-wire group lines, which provide three times the load and six times less voltage loss compared to single-phase group lines.

There are standards for the design of group lighting networks. As in residential buildings, it is allowed to connect up to 60 fluorescent or incandescent lamps with a power of up to 65 W inclusive per phase. This applies to group lighting lines for stairs, floor corridors, halls, technical undergrounds, basements and attics. The distribution of loads between the phases of the lighting network should be as uniform as possible.

In Fig. 1.8. A simplified diagram of the power supply of a public building for power receivers of category III in terms of reliability is given.

Rice. 1.8. Schematic diagram

power supply of a public building

from a single-transformer substation:

1 – supply line to the ASU; 2 – feeding

lines to RP; 3 – RP of power electrical receivers; 4, 6 – lines; 5 – group shields

working lighting; 7 – evacuation lighting panel

The building is powered by a single-transformer transformer substation, from which the 0.4 kV switchboard leads to supply line 1 to the building's ASU. From the ASU, supply lines 2 go to the distribution points of power electrical receivers 3, lines 4 - to the group panels of working lighting 5 and lines 6 - to the panel of evacuation lighting 7.

To power critical consumers in large cities, two-transformer transformer substations with an ATS device on the low-voltage side are widely used. Schemes of such a TP are shown in Fig. 1.9 (with ATS on contactors) and in Fig. 1.10 (with ATS on the circuit breaker).

The distribution of electricity to power distribution boards, points and group panels of the electric lighting network is carried out according to main circuits.

Fig.1.9. Schematic diagram of the electrical supply of a public building

from a two-transformer substation with ATS on contactors:

1 – contactor stations; 2, 3 – outgoing lines to building inputs

Radial circuits are used to connect powerful electric motors, groups of electrical receivers for general technological purposes (built-in catering units, computer center premises, etc.), electrical receivers of the 1st category of power supply reliability.

Rice. 1.10. Schematic diagram of public power supply

buildings with a built-in TP and a subscriber panel with an ATS on a sectional circuit breaker:

1 – automatic switch; 2 – sectional circuit breaker; 3 – line to the power supply distribution point, evacuation and emergency lighting panels; 4 – line to group panels of working lighting

It is recommended to power the working lighting of rooms where 600 or more people can stay for a long time (conference rooms, assembly halls, etc.) from different inputs. In this case, 50% of the luminaires must be connected to each input.